Using Charcoal To Burn Through The Mortise. That's Right! Muez Couldn't help But Smile Smugly To himself. Moreover, Muez was also planning to Create Fire to grill the Fish That Haribon Caught for him Earlier So by Creating a Fire, Muez would be Killing two birds with one Stone.

With A goal In his mind, Muez Stood up and Began to gather the Necessary materials Needed to Make Fire. A dry Piece of wood, Dry grass, And The Broken Chisel that He Used earlier. Muez Looked around and Found a Dry piece of wood Not That far to his Right. Grabbing the Dry piece of wood, Muez Used his Stone Axe And Split The Wood in half. He then used the Broken half of the chisel to drill a Hole in the middle of the Dry Wood. After Being successful in doing so, Muez Then Carved A Notch so that the Hot Wood powder Or Punk - Like how some people call it - Can Fall out into the Dry Grass that Muez Shredded Into Tiny Pieces.

After He was done Making a Notch in the Wood, Muez Then Grabbed the Shredded Dry grass And Placed the wood on top of it. With a wooden stick serving as the Spindle Placed In the Hole that Muez Made in the Wood, he began to spin the Spindle with great speeds. Careful enough to not Use too much force To avoid Blisters.

Sweat formed in Muez's Forehead as he continued In Spinning the spindle. Not long after, Smoke Began to Rise from the Shredded dry grass underneath the Place, Almost making Muez Jump with joy. Restraining The rising Excitement in his chest, Muez Quickly yet carefully Picked the Dry grass up and started blowing at it gently.

Blows after blows, Muez Watched as The fire that started with a Spark Grew in Size. A tiny Flame Transforming Into a Raging one.

Placing the Burning grass Down, Muez Grabbed a couple of twigs and placed them on top of it. He watched In anticipation as the fire From the grass started to spread to the twigs, Slowly Growing in size and intensity.

"Yeah, Baby! Hey. Hey. Haribon, Come look at this! Your Buddy Has made Fire. F-I-R-E. Fireeeeee", Muez Couldn't help but Boast Loudly towards his Pokémon Who was staring at the Growing fire with curiosity.

Haribon Was no Stranger to fire. In this World Full of Pokémon, Fire was a Very common Thing to Appear when two Pokémons Fought each other. Some Merely Vanished after the Fight while some Burned down Forests In Matter of Seconds.

However, In Haribon's Entire Life, This was the First time That she Witnessed a Human create A Fire Without the aid Of His Pokémon or Equipments. As expected Of Her Partner.

Ratata, On the Other hand, Was enjoying the Warmth Brought by the Fire. Even though It was Just slightly Past noon, Given how Thick the leaves was in this forest, It was somewhat hard for The sunlight to penetrate the canopy of the trees And Touch the ground. Thus giving the forest a Shady, Gloomy and Cold Atmosphere. Something which Most Bug type Pokémons Here Enjoys Very much.

Now That A fire is Now Burning In front of him, Muez Thought of his Plans Of grilling the Fish Given to him by Haribon And stood up to fetch it. Piercing A Small branch to it's Tail that came out to it's Mouth, Muez Placed The Fish Over the fire.

Muez Sat down In front of the Bon fire And Spread his hands Near it. Now that he thought of it, Muez Felt Slightly cold. He didn'tt know if it's Because of the Cool breeze That blows through the forest or Because He and haribon took a bath In the stream earlier.

After a Few minutes of Waiting While enjoying the heat made by the Bon fire, Muez Grabbed the Fish he was Roasting Over the fire by the branch and pinched a Small chunk of Fish Meat From it.

Muez Then brought it to his miuth and tasted it. Yummm. Yep, It's Cooked. Licking his Lips, Muez Began to indulge Himself With eating. Muez Ravaged the Food as if he Hasn't eaten In days but was carefully enough To Remove The Fish Bones To avoid Injuring his mouth and Throat.

After Finishing the Whole fish, Muez Smacked his Lips In satisfaction before Going back to his previous work. Muez Grabbed Another dried wood lying in his Feet and split it in half using his Stone Axe But not completely. Muez Stopped his axe when it reached the middle of the Dry wood before replacing it with another Piece of wood. Voila, A Makeshift Chopsticks Is now In front of him.

Using the wooden Makeshift chopstick, Muez Took Small charcoals One after another and placed them inside the mortise Of the Handle. After that, Muez Then Started Blowing at the Charcoal, Making it Glow Slightly As the Intense heat produced by the Charcoal Began to Burn Everything around it.

After a Minute Or so of blowing, Muez Used his wooden chopsticks to remove the burning charcoals inside and Placed them back into the bon fire. Examining the Mortise, Muez Saw that everything inside is now completely Black. Nodding To himself, Muez Grabbed The Broken Chisel that he set aside earlier and started Puncturing a hole At the other side of the mortise. After a Few swings, A hole Appeared. Making Muez More Determined to Finish his work quickly.

Not long after, A Hole the size of his Stone Axe Head Was Present In the handle. Muez Elatedly Placed the Axe head In the handle Before giving it a Few swings as A test. He couldn't Help But tear up At his work. I'm Such a Genius.

However, Just as Muez Was about to Do a Celebratory dance for his Success, He suddenly heard Haribon's Cries. Turning Towards his back, Muez Saw Haribong Flying above the ground, Both Claws gripping At the Half-Eaten Magikarp Furiously. At the other end of the dead pokémon, Muez Saw Another Flying type That He Saw When he just woke up earlier.

The avian Pokémon has rough, brown plumage on its head. Narrow, dark brown eyes with white pupils and a short, hooked beak that is light pink. The feathers covering its wings are pinkish-red with lighter tips, and it has a beige underside with two thin, horizontal stripes. Its light pink feet have two toes in front and one in the back. Black feathers cover its back while three brown tail feathers Act as it's Tail.

Muez Recognized The pokémon and Immediately Understood The Problems That the Tiny pokémon Brought with it's Arrivak here. As A spearow, It was Naturally Unsurprising for It to Cry And Call It's Blasted Flock When defeated. Muez Was slightly Confident That He And Haribon Can Defeat One Spearow But a Whole Flock? Abosolutely not.

Muez Was about to Tell Haribon to let the Haf-eaten Magikarp Go For the spearow to take in order To avoid Unnecessary trouble When She Started Sending Blades after blades made out of Air Towards Spearow. Caught off guard by the Sudden Change In it's Opponents Actions, Spearow Took all Aircutters Without Any Resistance. Making it Let it's Grip in the Dead Magikarp go Before falling Towards the ground head first.

A Muffled thud Was heard as Spearow's Body Met the ground. Muez Can only stare as haribon Hovered In the Air, Head Raised Highly In pride and victory.

Spearow Itself Began To Recover ans when it looked up, It saw the smug Look In it's Opponent and couldn't Help but Grit it's teeth ( Beak? ) In anger. For a Moment, Muez Thought that the spearow will Call it's Friends but was met with a Surprise when it Cawed Towards haribon Aas a Challenge.

"Well, Would you look at that. A Prideful Spearow in the flesh. One that will Honor A One against one Kind of battle. . .You have my respect, Little one. You have my respect", Muez Muttered to himself As He found it shocking that there's Actually a Spearow That Respects The 1v1. In the Anime, It was repeatedly portrayed that Spearows themselves Resorted to Using Numbers When they can't Defeat their Own opponents.

Haribon, Who was Hovering midair, Saw and heard the Challenge that Spearow Sent towards her. Eyes Narrowing At the Spearow below, Haribon Let out a Shrill Cry. Signaling her acceptance Towards Spearow's Challenge.

[ Insert - OST Cover - Galar Dynamax Gym Battle ]

"Alright. Are you Ready for this, Haribon?", Muez Asked as he Stretched his body for the Incoming battle. Haribon Cawed In Affirmation and Dropped the magikarp that she was Holding the entire time.

Spearow Grinned to itself In Excitement Before Taking off into the Air for the Challenging battle that will come.

The ratata that was Watching the entire ordeal the Whole time Decided that It was It's Time to Shine brightly. Grabbing A Piece of wood, It made it's Way In the middle of the Fight Below them And let out a Squeak.

Muez Saw it's Actions And sent a thumbs up in it's Direction with a Grin.

Seeing The human Agree, The ratata's Eyes Burned With excitement. Eyeing Thw two combatants above, Ratata Let out another Squeak before throwing the Stick in it's Mouth into the air.

Multiple Pairs of eyes Watched as the Wood Made an arc in the air before The Gravity of the planet started to pull it Back towards the ground. Once the Twig Struck the ground, A battle that will forever Engrave itself To Everyone's Memory Started.