Muez McLaren, A young man working As A Chef In An eatery Back on Earth. Yes, Back on earth. Muez McLaren Died During His Usual Work days When a Huge 10 Wheeler Truck Came crashing to the Small Eatery He was working at.
Thinking that It was all over for him, Muez Was suprised To see Huge, Towering grasses and trees, Especially the Unique and terrifying Ccreatures That He'd Learned The Natives call Pokémons. Or Pocket monsters, In a Much formal Way.
Stuck in the middle of An unknown forest, Muez was forced to fend for himself And Learn to survive in this harsh, Yet beautiful World Of Pokémons.
👍 . ........................,..................
a really good job so far i'm not disappointed and bored keep up the good work i have high expectations with this story i wish you luck with this story