1. Accidents Planned

Emily was sitting on a tree holding a long gun. The woman's eyes were aiming, at a sedan that was speeding down the street using her gun telescope.

As the car passed as expected, he immediately pulled the trigger and—

Dor! Dor! Dor!

He shot several times, causing the oncoming car to lose control, the driver suddenly stepped on the brakes, until the car finally rolled and overturned on the road.

Seeing his target right on target made him immediately jump from the top of a tree towards the overturned car. From inside the car, it looks like there is still a life, with a face full of blood from the broken car glass that injured him.

The sound of footsteps wearing boots could be heard approaching the overturned car. Emily heard a hoarse voice from inside the car asking for help.

"P-please. Help me." The voice was so hoarse that he was probably screaming.

Emily lowered her body half looking into the car, she saw a man was reaching out with his lips muttering but his voice was not heard.

Vana smiled. "It turns out you have many lives," he said, continuing to pay attention to the man who was in there.

Hearing a voice so close to him made the man try to open his eyes, he vaguely saw a face that saw him on the verge of death.

The hand reached out again, still trying to open the blood-filled eyes. "P-please, please save me."

"Why should I save you, after all, I was paid to kill. Wrong himself is not good at dodging and saving yourself," said Emily.

An unpleasant smell began to waft in Emily's nose, causing her to glance at the top of the car, where smoke could be seen coming out of the engine. It was certain that soon the car would catch fire and explode.

It was a few moments when Emily left from there, then the car exploded sending parts of the car flying and scattered everywhere.

The sound of ambulance sirens was heard gripping the entrance of a hospital, making several people so eager to welcome the patient. When the car was parked, everyone was so busy pulling out a man full of scars on his face.

The wheel of the hospital bed was following the footsteps of the nurses who were carrying an injured man into the operating room, blood was seen dripping on the floor making footprints on every road he walked.

About 12 hours of surgery were performed, making some of the man's family so anxious. It was already 9 in the morning when the doctor came out of the operating room with the news that shocked everyone.

The news about the man's accident was also trending number 1 on social media. Being the owner of a well-known company makes him a hot news topic that will surely be broadcast on all television stations and also become a topic of topic on social media.

'Chairman of Nev'tal Group—Aaron Shemar Brewster drunk driving'

'Nev'tal Group President Director's single accident'

All articles were published about the man who had an accident while drunk, the level of alcohol in his blood that caused the article to be published.

Three years passed…

A man is sitting awake in a chair of power, he is with his back to his desk looking outwards looking at so many buildings that are on the same level as his own, sunglasses are perched on his nose and his hands are holding a necklace tightly clenched.

"Since you're going to die soon, let me tell you a secret. Don't blame me for this, I only received orders to kill you and I got paid."

After speaking, the shooter immediately left from there.

"I'll make sure to meet you. I need to know who told you to kill me," he thought, clenching his fists.

"What are you thinking, Mr. Aaron?" A voice made the man turn over in his chair. "It's time to go back home."

Seeing Aaron who was standing made the man walk closer.

"I can do it myself, Robbin."

Robin stopped his footsteps, he continued to pay attention to Aaron who was looking for a stick on the left side, considering the man forbade him to help he didn't dare to help. Aaron had gotten used to the current state of affairs.

Since an accident three years ago Aaron had gotten used to, accepting his sight loss just as he officially became the heir to the Shemar Brewster family.

Aaron grabbed his black wand, then walked slowly toward the door, several times his assistant wanted to help him keep it off.

Aaron's face was indeed handsome, but it would turn to concern when they found out that the man was blind. Some oblique comments are often heard especially when all shareholders want him to step down from the position of President of the Company.

Not a few employees look down on him, many are gossiping that they have a handsome face but can't see.

Robbin opened the car door and helped Aaron to get into the car. The man was so loyal to Aaron that he even felt uncomfortable when an employee gave oblique comments to his superiors.


"How calm was your investigation?" asked Aaron cutting Robbin off.

Aaron seemed okay with what had happened to him, even though in the past three years there had been so much humiliation against him.

"The result is still the same, you have a single accident."

"I see," he mumbled softly as he leaned his body then massaged his head slowly.

"We're back at the Apartments, Robbin," he called.

The man driving was a secretary who had worked for five years—Robbin Vendor, his confidant.

On the other hand, Emily was sitting while shaking her glass of wine enjoying red wine with her eyes closed. A man with a battered face tied and a gagged mouth stared at Emily who was sitting on a chair.

The woman frowned at the face that didn't look frightened when she saw it. This made him get up from his seat and then approached the man in front of him.

The clothes he wears are black, identical to those of assassins, wearing boots and not forgetting a weapon and a knife on his right and left thighs. His gaze was so cold. "You know why I came, don't you?" asked Emily as she crouched down in front of the man.

Seeing no answer made him irritated and slapped the face of the man who was looking down. Her face was beautiful but behind the beauty was cruelty that would deceive everyone.

Suddenly, he grabbed the man's hair, causing him to look up. "Like you understand why I'm here," he called again. "Seeing your expression like that makes me very sure that you are the defector. No wonder if there is chaos in the organization, it turns out that the traitor is very close," said Emily while looking around the room.

"What information have you been leaking all along?" Emily asked while tugging at the man's hair making him wince in pain. "Answer."

There was no answer from the man, only a snort.

"Shit, I forgot you can't talk," Emily cursed as she released the glue in her prey's mouth. "Hurry up and tell them what you leaked to them," Emily ordered.

When the tape was opened the man immediately spat in Emily's face, it made the beautiful woman so emotional.

"Okay, if you don't want to say it. I'll find out myself," said Emily with his hands moving so swiftly to kill the man who had betrayed him.

Blood splattered instantly making her beautiful face covered with blood. The man suddenly fell to the floor with wide eyes.

"Damn it, I wasted 5 minutes," he cursed as he wiped the blood off his face.

After cleaning up the man, he then looked at his watch. In fifteen minutes he had to meet someone. Still in all black work clothes with traces of blood still on his face, he entered the room when he received the call moments ago.

"Someone wants you to take the file." Deborah—the assistant placed a brown envelope on the table.

"Don't we have people who can do it? Why me?" asked Emily, she refused to do this task because it was so easy for her to retrieve files.

"They don't want anyone else, he wants you. He's our VIP client."

Vana frowned, looking at her assistant. "VIPs?"

"Yes. He has been our client for several years."

"Hmm. Fine," answered Vana shortly. "Just taking files, right. That's easy for me," he added, picking up the file that was on the table and opening it.

To be continued…