03 - Getting a Master

--I have no intention of letting that repeat itself.

I made my intentions clear and showed my magic circuits on my arm, lines of blue-green light ran from my fist to my elbow, tracing a pattern close to an electrical circuit.

Kiritsugu widened his eyes and laughed in a good way.

--Hahahaha and to think that you already have a basic control over the circuits, you are already one step ahead of Shirou, and he has no talent...

--But he makes up for it with effort, doesn't he?

--Hahahaha, you're right. He is stubborn as a mule but that is his biggest advantage.

--Mr. Kiritsugu I want you to teach me Magecraf, I do not ask you to teach me the teachings of the Emiya family, I just want you to help me build a solid foundation.

Those were my pure and unadulterated thoughts, I don't want the time altering magic "Time Axel" that thing is for suicides, only a madman or an immortal would use it, an example is this old Kiritsugu.

--Magecraf? Can't you use magic?

Faced with a confused Kiritsugu, I just shrugged.

--I have knowledge of past and future events, but I do not know how to use magic, I managed to activate the circuits only by imitating the magicians within my memories, I do not have any kind of theoretical preparation as such. I am just a self-taught.

Nodding at my words, old man Kiritsugu sighs and stares at me.

--What do you want that power for?

--To protect my family, my cousin may be involved in collateral damage in the next war.

--Protect your family, huh?

--Yes, neither more nor less, that is my main motivation as far as I am concerned that "That thing" does not come out of the grail and my family is safe, the "Masters and Servants" can go crazy and do what want.

--You are not looking for a greater plane, but you only keep yourself around. Superimposing the micro to the macro. You are an interesting boy.

--So you're going to teach me?

This time it was Kiritsugu's turn to shrug.

--I can, but do not get many illusions incompetent magician who uses technology; I can only teach you what you give magecraf, and some other things.

At his words of acceptance, I did a perfect dogeza and showed my gratitude deeply.

--Thank you very much Kiritsugu -Sensei!

--Get up Kurama- Kun, you are an interesting boy. Call your uncles and tell them to stay, I'll talk to them tomorrow, if your words are true there is little time to prepare them.

--Wait a minute sensei ... I don't think it's a good idea to turn around Shiro's training, he will reach the standard regardless of what he does, besides you must have already realized it ... you have little time left.

--I see what you mean, you were very careful with your words but I already imagined it, Shirou became a master after my death, correct?

--More than after his death, about 5 years later. Engaging in a suicidal training he will end up developing his body in a magical circuit specialized in Projection Magic, in reality, the entity known as EMIYA Shirou will eventually but already exist and will become a "Servant" . No more specifically a "Counter Guardian" system of self - preservation of the world.

Kiritsugu gave a bitter smile, upon learning of his son's bleak future.

--There is some way to avoid it, to avoid the 5th war.

--Not that I know. Shirou or at least the concept of EMIYA Shirou is already a Heroic Spirit inside the Throne; the only thing we can do is make sure that this Shirou does not become one. In addition, the 5th War is already unstoppable, Illyasviel has already been contacted by Angra Maiyu and the grail has been transferred, the grail of the Makiri is in gestation and I do not know if the remains of Assassin Hassan still exist, there are many things I'm not sure of yet.

--I see there is a heavy load you are carrying.

--Not to mention it, although mentally I am an adult, this body is still that of a child.

--The world is truly cruel.

--You have every right to say it if you teach, this world took everything away from you but I can give you some relief, there is a You who figuratively managed to save both the world and his family, that you lives quietly with Irisviel, Illya, Shirou and two homunculi in a Fuyuki city without wars or masters.

Kiritsugu stared into space as a few tears welled up from his empty eyes.

--So at least one I, I make it...?

--Yes, at least one made it.

--Illya and Shirou are happy in that world...

--Everyone is happy, it is a peaceful world, and there is no grail or other things, a peaceful world, although Shirou is constantly sexually harassed by a pseudo-harem of full loli girls and Illya. Truth be told, Kiritsugu- sensei's son has extraordinary luck with the ladies.

--HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ~ good to hear.

--I can tell you more if you want...

Seeing a melancholic and cheerful Kiritsugu, I felt the need to tell him all about the Kaleido dimension and the other variants of the nasuverse, but he just shook his head.

--No, leave it like that, just knowing that at least one of them succeeded is enough for me. You took a great weight off my shoulders. Thanks.

--No problem.

We both laughed, as Shiro arrived with a tray with two cups of hot tea.

--Shirou, from today Kurama-Kun will learn Magecraf with us, so get along.

--Really Jii-san? Do you see that I beg you for two months to teach me?

--Kurama- Kun shows him.

Following my master's orders, I activated the circuits in my arm. The pseudo-electronic lines lit up my arm, Shiro froze as he stared at the lines on my arm.

--Magecraf ... did you do it?" How?

--Physical and mental training every day until I passed out, 24/7 for the last 365 days. Sleeping is synonymous with fainting.


The father and son duo looked at me with scared eyes, as if they saw an incomprehensible beast, which felt great. "First Fear, then Respect"

--Kurama- Kun, the first thing you will do is lower the level of physical and mental training to about two hours a day, nothing more, the rest of the day you can read some magic books that we have here.

--Yes Sensei.

Time passed quickly and while Shirou showed me the Emiya residence, a young woman with brown hair in the uniform of the Homurahara Academy, with semi-long hair and light brown eyes, the young woman gave an air of joy and happiness, a cheerful beauty , that young woman was obviously "Tiger (Taiga)" Fujimura Taiga.

--Kiritsugu, Shirou, I'm here ... huh! Shiro you brought a friend ~