08 - Trading with Kotomine (Taking control of the money) 

Guided or more right, pulled by Kotomine and cheerful Gilgamehs they took me to the garden inside the church.

The midday sun was hot but in this gloomy church the weather was cold and spooky.

--Shounen, attacks me with the little magic you can use.

--Come on kozo; make it entertaining, a good show.

Kotomine opened his cassock and only called out to me with his palm, while Gilgamehs just sat on one of the garden chairs and continued drinking his wine.

--Good! ... I won't hold back.

Kiritsugu taught me the basics of anti-mage fighting, but from practicing against a dying old man to fighting one of the best active Enforcers in the church is crazy, but I can still do something.

--... (Physical Activation [Full Armor])

I murmured in my mind and activated all the circuits of my body, focusing on improving my physical strength and endurance, I have not trained any martial arts, I am a complete amateur and self-taught in what can be called fighting styles or combat techniques.

I just have my instincts.


Kotomine raised an eyebrow as he smiled.

And or just jump by clenching my right fist in a simple and wild face, needless to say, I missed, blocked by a palm and deflected, nevertheless I turned and landed a spinning kick to my back, which was blocked by the immovable arm of the false priest. Using that as a point of contact I jumped and rolled in the air looking to kick his head or hit his neck, sadly they caught my ankle and threw me to the side, covering my head I landed and rolled on the ground mitigating the impact.

Without weapons I will not get very far, Kiritsugu taught me some alchemy and transmutation very similar to that of a certain type with mechanical prostheses. I joined my hands in prayer and hit my palms against the ground, transmuting.

A short and heavy thick sword made of stone, simple and crude but still functional. Look straight into my objectified and exhale.

--... (Transmutation [Stone Gladios])

Gripping the handle of the stone sword I assaulted Kotomine who was smiling with pleasure. I 'm not looking but I'm pretty sure Gilgamehs must be grinning widely as I'm beaten.

--...Interesting, Shounen ... attack! (¿Strengthening physical at the intermediate level and Transmutation advanced functional? ... a talented youth.)


I roared or better roar like a beast as he charged Kotomine, he simply stopped the blow with his fist and... I came out fired against one of the walls of the church. the taste of iron filled my mouth, I spat ... leaving are stain on the floor, wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, threw the remains of the gladios to Kotomine , while my mind burned to think of something to do , the intense pain in my back, the incessant burning in my stomach and the trembling of my limbs was incessant , a single hit of his Magic Bajiquan was all it took to leave me in this state, it goes without saying that he is obviously holding back a lot but even so it is Strong! ...

While I was thinking my vision became narrow, my legs faltered, I fell to my knees, I put my hands in front so as not to fall face down to the ground, I endured the pain ... in semi unconsciousness I heard a voice, a squeaky, sarcastic and cloying voice , simply annoying and captivating.

--... Nee, boy you want power ... since you're funny I'll give you power.

My mind became clear, the pain in my body disappeared and was filled with strength, the mana filled and overflowed from my circuits, no, it was not leaving, it was entering, the mana in the air was absorbed by my body, I devoured everything and made it mine . I smiled.

Kiritsugu said that my origin, my element were "Vortex" or "Predator", he couldn't understand it and neither could I, so we forgot about it, I guess this is destiny saving my ass. I laughed.

--Hahahaha ... ironic although I am not the protagonist ~ the world gives me a good Power-UP ~

I muttered as i sent all the absorbed mana into my arm, one last attack a simple hit.

I looked around, Kotomine and Gilgamehs were somewhat shocked, Kotomine raised his guard, the half smiled on your face had disappeared, Gilgamehs by his side was serious and was staring at me.

--... A last attempt, Father Kotomine ... this all that I can do so far.

--Go ahead, if you can hurt me I'll teach you everything you want ~

Kotomine Kirei may be a sociopathic maniac but he is strangely a man of his word.

I gritted my teeth and ran toward him, a simple boxing punch, a direct line.

Among the din I could feel my bones thunder, but at least they did not break , Kotomine by side, her shirt sleeve had a beautiful burned hole , and part of her skin was bruised and somewhat burned, effectively a wound.


The laughter of Gilgamehs thunderous burst in the air, the great king of Uruk to us and started patting my back with a big smile.

--Kirei, you see this kid is interesting.

--Indeed ... a talented survivor.

--Yes! ...now Kozo, the Great Me (Ore-sama) will give you a reward, the children must be children but they still have to work hard. Gilgamehs produced a small bracelet from his treasury.

--This is a small trinket, a mark that you are one of my disciples, become strong and live.

--Yes you're Majesty!

I knelt towards Gilgamehs while putting on the bracelet.

This is a surprise Gilgamehs, I have never seen you so affectionate with someone.

Kirei spoke with his patented cynicism, while treating his injuries.

--I am a king, a king watches over the good development of his people, I am also bored and he is interesting.

--Either way, Shounen ... I'll treat your wounds, I'll teach you whatever you want but you 'll take care of the bills and paperwork, as soon as you're unable to perform your tasks I'll dismiss you.

--No problem I have confidence in my intellect, although I am young I already have a secondary school certificate, I only need high school.


--See Kirei is very entertaining ~

And so take control of the finances of these two old drones.