15 - Presenting the Loot (Heroic Validation)

The Boy, Akatsuki Kurama, that boy jumped into the water without hesitation as soon as I told him that he could preserve the treasures, that boy is very interesting , sometimes he acts mature for his age and other times he is too childish although everything in him is acted out, indifferently this King already approved as one of the mestizos who can n play in my garden , that boy has alleged visions of the past, he knows about the fourth war for the holy grail, and it is a victim of the desire to Kirei, the fact That Kirei teaches him and he is learning from him is too hilarious an irony , however that boy is quite daring, Ha-HAHAHAHAHA ~, if he had been born in my Kingdom, I would have made him one of my guards, Oh Enkidu my sworn brother , my good friend, you would have goten along well with this brat.

The Great King of Babylon ia, he stared at the waters while he remembered his old exploits , lost in his thoughts, he awaited the return of the young man.


45 minutes later.

--AH!!! Damn, I almost drowned ... Puah!!!

Spitting out the water and shaking my head I finished swimming and dragging my exhausted body and mind to shore. Where a smiling and somewhat surprised; Gilgamehs was waiting for me.

--Kozo, you did it!

Gilgamehs took me by the shoulders and shook my tired body; I could only answer him with a smile, while he secretly took some of his mana.

After drying off and putting on my clothes we could see the loot, three heroic treasures, no, Three Archetypes of Hogu, or Roots of myths were resting on the ground.

A wooden spear covered in brambles, a western single-edged sword, and a Hindu Vajra.

--Gilgamehs do you remember; what these treasures are?


Gilgamehs closed his eyes and pondered for a minute before answering.

--No, I don't remember but I think that thing.

Gilgamehs said while pointing to the Vajra.

--I think it has something to do with an elephant and a very pretentious guy.

Tilt your head and entered my head quickly in eruption.

--Vajra; Pretentious; Elephant; India?... INDRA!

Shout the name of the Hindu God of Destruction and leap to take the Vajra in my hands.

--If that guy, I think it had something to do with lightning and a shield?

--Vajra! thunder and diamond in Hindu, Indra's spear of rays, the unbreakable shield and the basic purification tool of Hindu- Buddhism.

--You do know your business boy ~

Gilgamehs gave me thumbs up as he laughed and pulled out the sword sheath and a rather large suitcase.

--Have that sword scabbard and a suitcase to store that spear and Vajra.

--Thanks Gilgamehs–sama.

I bow deeply in gratitude; I am earning three Hogus, 3 FUCKING HOGUS! Although I cannot activate them at the moment, they are still mine and I can spend the next five years training to use them.

--Ha ~ HAHAHAHAHAHA, boy I am Gilgamehs king of Babylonia, king of the world and king of heroes, I hereby declare that your Akatsuki Kurama is worthy to call you a warrior.

Gilgamehs drew a silver and gold sword from his armory, and gently and quickly struck my shoulders while still sitting on the ground. As the sword left my shoulders felt a great flow of energy from the three treasures and this energy is linked to spiraling fog in my stomach. I could feel the bond, the bond formed between the three treasures and me.

--Thank you, your majesty.

--Easy, I remembered many things while you were swimming; take it as the reward for your effort.

--I understand, anyway. Thank you, Your Majesty Gilgamehs.

--You are an entertaining boy; I remembered the spear ... Spear of the black rose.

-- don't know her and the sword, Your Majesty?

--It's just a good sword.

Well two Hogus and a good sword, it's more than I deserve, so we call it the luck of the day ~

--Humidly kozo? ... Your sarcasm is big as this bay ~

After leaving the bay and returning home, I played with Mao and made her a bracelet with the emerald that her majesty gave her, she was very happy, although my aunt was quite jealous, sorry uncle , but that's your problem, after A quick family dinner, I went to sleep.

That night I had a very strange dream.

A spear, not a hedge of black roses growing around a statue, creepers covering to the statue, the statue was the figure of a woman, was incredibly beautiful, still covered with thorns and black roses gave an air of holiness and haunting nobility. Subconsciously I tried to get closer.

One step, two steps, three steps, countless, the statue did not approach or move away I just could not reach it, tired I looked at my feet. They were covered by roses, innumerable vines and brambles were nailed in my legs preventing me from escaping, I felt something that should not in this "The World of Dreams", "Pain" a strong pain and the cold draining of the blood, little by little the black roses were stained red with my sacrifice.

I instinctively activated the absorbing mist, which Gilgamehs comically named "Dread Mist". I spread my mist all over the place and it began to absorb everything without exception, forcing my body and mind, absorbing, assimilating, taking and devouring everything, I dragged myself to the statue.

This time he could not escape, after God will know how long he will arrive at the feet of the statue, a beautiful woman with a neat dress holding a bouquet of flowers, you could see sadness on the statue's face.

I touched the statue and a female voice resounded throughout the area, a soft, small voice almost a murmur drowned out by crying.

I hate black, I hate roses, I don't like them, please rough these hideous flowers.

On one side of the statue, a dense cluster of black roses could be seen wrapped around a long, thin object embedded at the sad woman's feet.


Without much thought, I covered the statue with the mist and devoured the flowers, leaves, stems, a horrible taste of dry grass, earth and pus, filling my mouth and throat, as if eating something decomposed I could only resist nausea and continue to devour everything, the nauseating mana entered my stomach and little by little it became my own energy, after a while the energy overflowed, the strength and vigor filled my body and spirit, except for the nausea caused by the unpleasant taste Of all those plants, it was a good meal.

The statue's voice echoed again.

--Take it out, take it out, those horrible flowers will return, please I hate roses.

The woman pleaded vehemently and I just took the spear in my mist-covered hands and yanked it out. A black light shone following me, in the middle of the darkness the woman was laughing happily.

Thank you, thank you, thank you ~

The woman I thanked the black light disappeared , the statue disappeared , only we were both there , in the middle of a large field of colorful flowers in my hand the spear and facing me a woman, the same woman who represented the statue, she greeted me with a smile.

--Thank you ~

--No of what.

I tightened my grip on the spear and it trembled, withering and shrinking, twisting on itself, and wrapping itself around my wrist.

--But what?!

Before my outburst the woman touched my face and forced me to see her.

Thanks, I'm a Fairy flowers in gratitude withdraws the curse of the spear and give you my blessing, have already spent a few thousand it is years since I locked him in that awful thing, Thanks for setting me free.

The woman gave me a small kiss on the forehead and I felt how my body became heavy and I fell back into the world of dreams.