31 - Social Visits and Preparations (Annoying Mao and Rin)

After having breakfast, I took the keys to my motorcycle illegally imported into Japan by the Agency, Mao threw a little tantrum and ended up taking it to Homurahara on it. The sight of a young Dandy and a cute high school girl riding up the hill on a Harley Motorcycle spread like wildfire all over the campus, the girls looking at Mao with envy, while the boys looking at me with hatred. Sorry it's not my fault I'm good-looking and have a good vehicle.

When I was about to turn around and leave the gaze of all the students , a red and black beauty entered my gaze , it was obviously my pretty Ojou-sama, who was now the spitting image that was seen on the screen, unable to resist the urge to play a prank on her, I sped up and drove straight towards her.

Bringing all the attention with me and leading to the honor student.

--Hello ~ Rin ~

Get off the motorcycle and quickly hug Rin. Rin has never been good with surprise attacks as I did not know I have a motorcycle my motorized assault was a success, the screams and murmurs soon filled all the way, Rin for his part was on the brink between tears of shame and anger.

--Ku-kurama- Kun , what -what are you doing?

--hugging is not obvious ~ ?

I smiled and tightened my grip on the young lady with thanks to our height difference, I was able to easily control her outbursts and kiss her forehead, making her blush in front of everyone.

-- Wow, he's Tohsaka's boyfriend ~ !!

--Sugoiiii ~ !!!

The voices of excited schoolgirls were music to my ears , but a death march to the Rhine, as I knew what would happen if carrying more than this, the release of my embrace and escape quickly , but not before give a final blow .

I took out a modest bouquet of flowers that I bought on the way to school and handed it to the still stunned Ojou- sama, then escaped like the devil's soul. Forgetting about the highway cut my way going directly through the trees, traffic laws? Erase only the memory of the police and follow my way.

That day in Homurahara the two first-year students Tohsaka Rin and Akatsuki Mao were the center of attention .

After my little act at school, I drove straight to the church of Fuyuki, to my surprise the false priest Kotomine Kirei, it was quietly sweeping the entrance of the temple.

--Good ~ Kirei ...

--Oh ~ Shounen? What brings you here ?

--Only comes to visit art and talk about some things Does your majesty is in?

--No, after you left Gilgamehs has been enjoying his reincarnation a little more, he must be traveling all over Japan & South Korea right now.

--You went on vacation, then?

-- Basically , but Shounen, how have you been in the last few years?

-- Well, hunting and purging Heretics and Bloodsuckers is quite satisfying.

--It's good to hear.

We both share a dry laugh, Kirei enjoy the suffering of others, while I am simpler, and I just like looting.

--Father Kotomine ... How is preparations for the 5th?

--Oh ... I see that you are informed.

--Just a little bit, there are some rumors in the higher ups, so I was sent with a particular mission, Dr. Heartless, some Dead Apostols and other vermin can drag themselves to war, as 10th Burial Agency Seat me conferred the hunting authority in this region of Japan, trusted in their collaboration Father Kotomine.

I spoke in a serious tone while showing my badge with the number ten marked on it. Kirei widened his eyes, obviously not expecting it to be an agency seat.

--I see you've accomplished a lot more than I expected.

--It was just luck and effort, nothing of another world, can I count on your help Supervisor?

--Of course Shounen , I will cooperate with everything I can.

Kirei smiled as he spread his arms as if giving a blessing or a prayer. I laughed a little as it is obviously a lie.

--Well, that would be it for now, Kirei ... let me know when the Clock Tower Masters arrive in Japan I would like to ' Talk ' to them too .

-- The Masters? Understood, you are a young man with talent, power and knowledge, I want to see what kind of war will unfold this time.

--I hope this war ends with fireworks and not with a fire.

I gave a wild smile to Kirei who shrugged. I left the church and sailed around the city, had lunch at the Chinese restaurant and picked up Mao from school, she was accompanied by a very upset Tohsaka Rin.

--Kurama- Kun will be better off explain now.

--Onii -chan explain .

Flanked by the two girls, I could only surrender.

-- Initially I was just going to bring Mao to school, but ... I saw you and couldn't resist the urge to hug you ~ also I didn't think that young people were so innocent as to be so scandalized .

-- Onii -chan I know that you were five years abroad and you related with many beautiful girls, but now you are in Japan , have a bit of decorum.

--Decoro ~ Says the little Koala who didn't let go of me for three days ?

Mao blushed and bit my shoulder. Rin just looked at me with cold eyes . Why do I feel like a cheating husband?

-- So many girls ... huh? How many and who ?

I raised my hands in surrender and confessed indifferently .

--Edelfelt, El- Melloi , a girl from London and a sister from the Church ...

Because Mao does not know that I am a magician, I cannot confess everything but only named a few surnames and some implications Rin was able to get an overview of my relationships.

-- I see… that you were busy, it is not so ? Two or three daughters of high society and Sister, I see you have good taste, it not is so ~?

Rin spoke coldly to me, I just smiled .

--But I returned is not so ~ also Rin always be my first ...

I skipped the last part but R in got the message and blushed, going from being angry to being infinitely shy , I smiled . Mao next to me looked at me like I was nothing more than a womanizing trash.

--Well , I see that Onii -san has things to talk about with Tohsaka- senpai . Tohsaka- senpai I apologize for my cousin, Onii -san comes back for dinner.

Mao left us quickly . Rin who was looking at me suspiciously, smiled and hugged me, jumping onto the back of the motorcycle, I ordered.

--Well, you made me a hard time at school, I want one compensation , give me a ride, is this bike yours is magical right ? I want a ride!

I started the motorcycle and headed towards the bay .

--Rin, you're not upset about what Mao said ... Imouto-chan? she's a good girl but isn't she too bro-con ... ?

--Yes, that's one of the reasons why I ran abroad, then certain things happened and I met a certain "Sister" at the Agency, although I like you, I can only see you as a friend, I'm sorry Rin.

Rin squeezed me tightly, she can feel her clenching her teeth, I felt a little bad in my heart but for me Ciel-senpai is first.

--Moooooo! Kurama- Kun cheater, first you hug me in front of the whole school and then you friend me so calmly. Where is my cute Kurama- Kun who sneaks into my mansion through the windows?

--That guy, he died about four years ago ~ Rin I know you have someone you care about, we are good friends and I want to keep our friendship after the war, I will return to Europe, possibly I will leave the Agency and join the tower.

I talked incessantly with Rin, while driving the sunset in the bay was an orange and gold color, arriving at a lonely beach we both went down and walked towards the sea.

--Kurama- Kun thank you ~

--No wonder, Ojou-sama ...

--Kurama- Kun , you will continue to be my friend ...

--Sep, I still have things to do.

-- You will help me in the war.

-- For something I went to train abroad , 10th seat of the Burial Agency "CLOUD" at your service.

--10th seat! I see you weren't flirting the last few years.

-- I'll kill some people, save others, try to correct some mistakes. But Rin, you have to be careful.

--Care, why are you speaking to me with such tenderness if I am not your girlfriend?

--But're my best friend, a person very , very important to me . There are things I want to tell you but it is not the time yet.

--Your visions of the future right?

--More than the future is the past but it is still very early.

--Let's forget the complicated things, we still have a year.

-- If there's still a year left.

We both nod and enjoyed the sunset in silence.