40--Final stretch and Let the Games begin (-00:00:00:09)

After being beaten and verbally harassed by Rin, I dropped out of Homurahara School and dedicated myself to my professional life, as a jeweler and a member of the burial agency, spending the last few weeks running from one place to another on the principal's orders like Caster is in the city I was able to go out and take care of some taboo apostles and magicians, the weather was getting colder and winter was beginning to enter.


--What's going on?

--You go to work~

--Nope, I just finished the order for the Edelfelts, five pearl necklaces and two sets of silver and aquamarine dolphin earrings. Should they sell for a few thousand dollars?

--Is that much money necessary, Master~?

--I'm going to buy you a beautiful island in the Mediterranean Sea.

I kissed Caster, who had her guard down. Who was the bastard son of a **** that betrayed this beautiful woman? We spent the rest of the day fooling around so let's leave this at that.


fuyuki church

--Shounen, the last Servants have already been summoned.

Kirei spoke with his characteristic flat and sarcastic tone, possibly he already knows that I fought with his Lancer and that I have Caster under my protection, but for now I will only feign ignorance.

--Which Servants have yet to show up, Father Kotomine?

--Archer, Rider and Saber.

--Those three?...I see (Rider must have already been summoned, Rin must be preparing to call Archer...and Shirou, well he's going to die)

I smiled and nodded at Kirei's words, after helping him with some accounting and church administration things, I returned to my motorcycle only I wouldn't be heading home.


Ryuudoji Temple outer forest.


After walking for an hour through the forest I found the entrance to the Great Grail cave, I had tried to enter before but the barrier over this place was too tight but now with the presence of 4-5 Servants the strength of the barrier has decreased.

Running down the slopes and diving into the darkness of the cave, I located the magic formation array. A complex magic circle the size of two Olympic swimming pools located in a rocky amount within the cave.

--More than a cave, this thing is a Geo-dome~

While talking to myself I prepared my backup plan. 80 kilograms of C4-type plastic explosive, linked with an electronic detonator, as old Kiritsugu used to say, if you can't get it out, blow it up~ Nothing beats some good fireworks.

I planted the charges along the perimeter, 40 small but powerful 2kg charges were distributed all over the place, for more security, I set a small ignition spell as a secondary trigger.

--Dismantle or destroy the Grail? Regardless, the result is the same, no one will fulfill your wish, well except for me~

As he rambled, a reddish-black mist crept out from within the circle accompanied by a screeching and shrill voice.


I recognized the physiologically infuriating voice.

--Avenger, I'm here you don't need to shout~

The mist steadied and formed a humanoid silhouette.

--What do we have here, you're the kid who eats crazy things, right?

--Yep, and you the evil god who is shitting on the ley lines~

--Ping-pong~ Right, but I don't voluntarily damage the ley lines it's just my nature, as it is for you to eat, sleep, fuck and shit, it is for me to destroy, curse and contaminate everything in my path, ¡¡ HAHAHAHA!!!

"And...you won't attack me~?"

--Why should I do it? I have no physical body and I can barely maintain my influence, besides you are like me, a being that feeds on the world while cursing it.

--Ummmm, it makes sense, well see you Avenger~

--bye bye~

Finish setting up the explosives and leave Avenger's conscience with a simple goodbye. I left the cave and returned home to my wife.


A letter in the mailbox, foreign mail, London revenue stamp.

--Miss Luvia again~?

Caster has gotten used to living in the modern world and thanks to spending a good amount of money on her, she developed a taste for wearing cute and adorable clothes at home, seeing a mature woman in a white frilly dress looking childish but seductive. it is truly invigorating.

--Yep, possibly she wants an enchanted accessory or kills someone for her, the Edelfelt are tomb raiders and scavengers, how are they going to work with prey alive and well?

I opened the envelope and as always a long letter full of traditional Luvia verbal diarrhea, followed by a request of no more than seven words "I want a new necklace with special effects", the two page long letter was summed up in a simple request. When I turned the papers over, a photo of Luvia in a bathing suit fell on the table.

Pristine white skin, blond curls down her back, the little bits of leopard print fabric barely covering the bare essentials.

--Master~, is that vulgar woman?

--Luvia, Luviagelita Edelfelt an investor, merchant, Magus of the clock tower...and a good friend?...she's trying her luck as a jewelry model, but...

Forcing a smile, I watched as Caster examined the pseudo-micro bikini picture of Luvia.

--He has certain intentions about master... Right~?

--Could it be said that if...?

--Master, cut off all relations with that vulgar woman~

Caster puffed out her cheeks as she compared her breasts to Luvia's.

--I'm sorry, but my accessories are sold in the Edelfelt jewelers and shops. Don't worry, I'll talk to Luvia and tell her that I already have an owner, she may be a bit silly but she's a good girl.

--Fine, if Master says so~

If I talk to her...

Caster acted strangely jealous against the mere sight of Luvia, although she barely blinked against Mao and Rin, could it be the breasts?... well let's forget this something tells me it will be troublesome.


A few days ago, I placed a good amount of explosives in the Grand Grail chamber as a backup plan, whether he destroyed the grail now or after Ataraxia doesn't matter, the risk of raising the "Grand Order" flag is very high, my plan it's simple to secure the secondary grail from the Matou, save Sakura and exterminate Zolgen, then I'll have to raid Kirei and Gilgamehs along with Shirou and Rin, then I can calmly deal with Illya and Berseker, though this is only if all goes according to plan to plan.

Since I left school I've had very little contact with Shirou and Sakura, but that girl is smart and she won't refuse if I give her a way out of that hell.

--Nothing more tempting than a spider thread to escape from the abyss.


--Master~, should I summon a Servant?

--Do what you want...if you need a catalyst use Ryuudoji temple and summon a guy named Sasaki Kojiro, the [Dread Cloud Furnace] can sustain one or two more Servants without weighing me down too much.

--Master~ is a charming villain~

Caster hugged me and we shared a light kiss, Caster is a loving woman and focused on housework and her hobbies (kitchen simulation games, dioramas, models, sewing, cosplay, etc.) her ability to make objects is " A+" if it weren't for the fact that I urged him to limit himself to the magic application during his games he would have a small army of fully functional flying Mecha figurines, although we did make a model of the city where we marked all the Servants although it is mainly to track down Gilgamesh and Berserker.

Two days later Caster came home dragging a handsome young man with long purplish-blue hair dressed in cheap jeans, sandals and a generic white shirt, the previous gatekeeper of the Ryuudoji temple, the Fake Assassin "Sasaki Kojiro" who was Summoned by Caster.

--Master~ this is our new pawn...

--Sasaki Kojiro~, I see that Boss is a talented man to catch such a woman.

--Caster, release the poor guy here we are all family, Sasaki replies Do you want a new life or the opportunity to fight against great foreign heroes?


--Perfect~ I'll prepare a good stage for you~

I drag Caster and Sasaki into the kitchen and we end up having a little welcome party.


Thanks to my beautiful wife, I marginally improve my magic ability and mana handling, my conversion to cloud is almost perfect as well as my cloud armor is even more resistant, to the point where I won't lose to Lancer again.

While quietly preparing dinner, one of the links in the chain of life was broken, more specifically the link linked to a certain Justice Freak "Emiya Shirou".

--HAHAHAHAHA~ Let the party begin!

Laughing loudly as he continued to chop the ingredients for dinner happily, a decade of waiting has come to an end, the time for revenge and madness has come, 7 Families, 7 Servants, 2 lesser grails and a "Greater Grail" ...The 5th War for the Holy Grail has entered the countdown, the last Servant "Saber, Arturia Pendragon the King of Knights" will arrive tonight.


Caster came out of his room with a small electric soldering iron and a piece of modeled aluminum in his hands looking at me with doubt, for his part Sasaki who was sleeping on the sofa woke up and looked at me dazed.

--Caster, after dinner let's go for a walk, Sasaki for the next few days you can wander around the city, if you see a guy with blue tights and a red spear you can try to kill him just don't let his spear touch you , one cut and it's game over, also if you see an albino Loli, a muscular giant or a blonde guy with red eyes quickly run away and hide in the Ryuudoji temple.

--Understood, Boss.

--Yes Master~

--Let's have dinner and enjoy this war~