42--Visiting the Emiya residence (Hello~ useless)

Emiya residence

Thanks to my motorcycle, I reached the Emiya Residence first, vases and broken glass were scattered all over the place as well as the marks of the fight and some broken tiles, apparently Rin did not take much time to deal with Shirou and just dragged him to where Kirei.

I repaired the glass and the rest of the stuff with some simple transmutation, as well as gave the barrier a little upkeep.

--For God's sake, Shirou doesn't maintain the barrier properly...

Additionally, I took the liberty of preparing tea and some snacks, about fifteen minutes later a group of three people and an astral entity entered the residence.




Shirou, Saber and Rin's reactions were quite hilarious, Shiro was shocked, Saber looked at me suspiciously and Rin almost fell face first on the ground, that clumsy side of her is so cute.

-- Yes, yes, I'm Akatsuki Kurama-san...Guys I have to talk to you, especially with Shirou.

I served five cups of tea and a small platter of sandwiches.

--Wait! Kurama-kun, what are you doing at Emiya-kun's house?

Rin jumps up and questions me while Shirou and Saber sit at the table dully.

--Rin-Ojou-sama, Shirou is my Master's son, it's normal for him to be here...by the way, tell the gray-haired guy to sit down, his tea is here.

--Souka~ Huh?

Rin nodded halfway before making a face of doubt and shock, for his part Archer materialized and sat down at the table with a sarcastic smile.

--Master should sit down, it seems that it will be a somewhat interesting conversation.

Archer smiles at me sending a text ("Don't say anything") I smile back ("Easy")

--Mooou~ It's fine.

Rin gave up her resistance and gave up.

After a few sips of tea everyone present calmed down a bit, seeing the faces of the listeners, I coughed and started my speech.

-- Okay, let's get to the point, first. Congratulations Shirou you have just entered the death march, old Kiritsugu was afraid that this day would come but hey, survive and I will give you the last message from Master...

"Kiritsugu... Did the old man Nii-san leave something with you?"

--Two letters, one for you and one for your sister.

--Sister?! x2

Shirou and Rin flinched at the mention of a sister.

"You shouldn't be so surprised, I don't know what you heard from the fake priest, but you must have already met your cute, psychotic, homicidal imouto."

--Kurama-kun won't you say that...

Rin quickly put the pieces together and looked at me anxiously, Shirou is still processing.

--Yep, the little albino Loli who almost killed them~ Illyasviel Von Einzberg, daughter of Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel Von Einzberg, the reason why the teacher traveled abroad was to try to rescue Illya, unfortunately the barrier of the main castle of The Einzberg is impenetrable and impregnable, by the way Illya has the Mystic Code to access the Heaven Fells grail.

At my revelation, Shirou is speechless, rather it seems that his soul left his body, Rin for her part is holding her head in denial, Saber is feigning calm while Archer, well this guy, is enjoying his tea with a smile.

--Continuing, Shirou, just like you, I am a survivor of the 4th War and I am going to intervene in it as I please, do I explain myself~?

I let out a strong bloodlust, Saber and Archer frown, while the two masters in front of me are frozen. I smiled and continued talking.

--First I'm going to erase the Matou Family~ then maybe I'll blow up a mountain or two... and second I'll make Ojou-sama win the war.

At the mention of the Matou, Rin, Shirou, and Archer tensed, though the latter continued to feign innocence.

"Kurama, are you serious?!" ...Are you going to exterminate them?

"Nii-chan are you going to kill them, are you going to commit murder?"

Rin interrogates me forcefully, she does not hide her anger and annoyance, while Shirou is processing everything very slowly, for God's sake this Prince.

--Yep, Rin I'm going to Kill each and every one of Makiri Zolgen's "descendants" that old man is no longer human, I'm a Burial Agent, as the 10th Seat is my job, If he has "blood" Makiri ( Matou) I'm going to kill him.


Rin understood my plan and reluctantly nodded. Shirou for his part exploded.


--Shut up Ally of Justice, I'm going to kill them and end period...

Shirou jumped on me and punched me, a punch right on the cheek, a good punch but no magic boost is a light caress for me. A small line of blood spurted out of my mouth, I wiped the blood away with the back of my hand and smiled.

--Nice hit~ but it's still missing, I heard Ally of Justice, your Nii-chan is a murderer just like old Kiritsugu, the Matou are a malignant Tumor in this city that must be extirpated, "Kill one to save ten" that was the creed of the old man, if you want to avoid the massacre you better hit me harder...

I kicked Shirou who was on top of me and slammed him into the kitchen counter, Saber jumped up and cut him off before he cracked his skull, oh! good catch.

--Akatsuki-dono I understand that he has a relationship with Kiritsugu and Shirou but I can't allow him to harm him for no reason, I understand but I don't think he should impose his point of view on others.

Saber gave a little self-righteous speech during which she almost threw up, I seriously hate this chick too many puritanical ideals, Machiavelli would laugh in this silly girl's face.

--Okay~ Saber-chan, but since "He" wants to give him the Ally of Justice, let's go Shirou, this Onii-san here will give you a chance, Defeat me and I won't massacre the Matou~ and I won't blow up the mountains with explosives.

I smiled and showed the electronic ignition device, a cute red button with a skull on it, this is a decoy the real one is in my apartment.

--Kurama-Kun that's serious, are you going to blow up the mountains?!

--Yep, Ojou-sama, to destroy the Grail I planted about 40 kilograms of good C4 Premium not counting the little magecraft arrangement to boost the explosion it will be like a small nuclear warhead only without the radiation.

"You're crazy, you know that.

--I've always been crazy, Ojou-sama, hadn't you noticed~?

--No, I thought you were just sarcastic... I see that I was wrong.

--No, no Ojou-sama only hit halfway.

"I see, you were a sarcastic nut from the beginning.

--Exactly, now Shirou-boy are we going to fight or will you let me work quietly?

I smiled like a certain French thief and slowly walked towards the inner courtyard.

--As if I let you!!!

--Good answer but still missing...

Shirou followed me oozing motivation and heroic madness, but from my perspective it's just a little kid's tantrum.