48--Securing the secondary grail... (Baptism ritual)

A torrent of purple blue light penetrated the mansion, leaving a strong smell of ozone and ashes, hundreds of worms were incinerated just with its appearance, the appearance of a demon. Purple black horns and claws, a strange purple stole or shroud floated behind them emulating wings, a demon serving the church, an Angel in blasphemous form descended from the heavens with violent and thunderous force. That demon's face was serene but with strong annoyance, his voice was cold but his eyes showed a burning hatred for everything in his sight.

Shedding bolts, lightning, and thunder with every move, mercy didn't exist in this demon's mind? Makiri Zolgen better known as Matou Zouken patriarch of the Matou, was facing that incarnation of calamity, an envoy of the Church directly assaulted his residence, his workshop, his nest, which is a Magus with more than 500 years of experience, Not even in his wildest dreams or delusions did he imagine this would happen.

--Ne~ Zolgen~

The demon called by his old name. Zouken gritted his teeth as he sent more of his Familiars (Worms) searching to create an opening without much success, spitting out in frustration he spoke with a trembling voice.

--Which Enforcer?

--500 years of effort to complete the 3rd or 5th magic~ all for nothing~ isn't that hilarious~?

The demon sneered in a nonchalant tone as it incinerated the hordes of familiars with its lightning, slowly closing in on Zouken.

--Yes, young man, 500 years for nothing! The fifth great magic, the fifth miracle for humanity, the end of all wars, that is our wish!

Zouken screamed and inflated his body, absorbing hundreds of worms transforming his appearance into an even more grotesque one, if the young Enforcer gave off an air of graceful Malevolence, Zouken is simply a roaring, gruesome monster.

--The Heaven Fells failed but I can still reach eternal life!

Zouken roared and charged at the young demon.

--Sorry~ but time is up~

Coinciding with his words, a slight explosion sound resounded from inside the wormhole, the dark blue light born from complete combustion, accompanied by the stale and filthy of burning incest filled the large nest, quickly the gloom of the nest was replaced. Due to the incandescence of the fire, the total combustion, extreme flames enchanted with magic and alchemy, like trained hunting dogs, the flames hunted each and every one of the insects present, incinerating them on the spot.

--Makiri Zolgen, Unnatural Specter whose mere existence is a sin in God's name, I condemn you to death.

With a firm and powerful voice, the young demon launched a score of blades, Twenty-four Black Keys formed a perfect circumference whose epicenter was the burning body of the specter.

"Do you think these toys will stop me you cocky brat?" I'm immortal!

--Yes~ yes whatever you say... Rider, please.

Ignoring the roars of the old specter the demon called a strange name, seconds later an exuberant woman with long purple hair, Servant Rider appeared at his side accompanied by two unconscious young people, the last two descendants of the Magus Matou (Makiri) house, Sakura and Shinji.

"Will Sakura be safe?"

--Don't worry we're almost done, but first. Assassin Hassan-i-Sabbath Appears!

A shadow jumped out from the pit of fire and charged at the young demon, his body covered by a robe of black rags and hiding his face with a skull mask, a lost Servant, one of the multiple bodies of the True Assassin, he attacked with his knife.

The trill of metal clashing overcame the singing of the flames, the assassin's knife was blocked by a purplish blue Mandala in the hands of the demon, who only sighed and spoke listlessly.

--Archaic trash, a single Assassin is no problem...do the world a favor and disappear. Vajra Lightning!

With judgment, a thousand bolts of lightning tore at the Servant's body instantly, reducing it to mere particles of deferential light.

--With this we are ready, Zolgen do you think you are immortal?

Turning his attention back to the wraith docked in the cage, he asked arrogantly.

--I'm an immortal brat, my root of life is in another place, a place where neither you nor anyone else can ever find it!!!

Zouken roared and cursed as he tried to break through the bars of his confinement.

--Are you saying no one will find it~?

--You arrogant brat!

--Yes~ this arrogant brat already found it~ Time to finish this~ (Caster, can you come down?)

--(Yes, right away~)

At the end of the demon's words, a purple colored witch appeared floating in the air, a Servant, Caster took a position behind the demon.

--Your orders Master~?

pronounced the witch with a certain cheerful humor, while looking contemptuously at the caged specter.

--Take out the Root of Life from the heart and "It" from the girl, while I finish the arrangements on this side.

--Understood, but Miko-chan?

--Don't worry, I agree...I trust in your ability.

--Thank you~ Miko-chan.

Zouken who desperately tried to escape and recover his Root of Life from the hands of his opponents, was paralyzed when he saw the relations between his pawn "Rider" and his opponents, obviously he had been betrayed, not in the first place this was a losing battle, the lineage of magicians present in the Matou family was already extinct, his last descendant Matou Shinji was a complete failure as a Magus and as a person, the thick blood taken from the Tohsaka was only a palliative not a solution, given the ease with which that demon rampage unilaterally it was obvious that this was a premeditated act well in advance. Zouken could only stop and laugh.

--Hahahaha~HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~ Tell me Enforcer Brat, how long did it take you to prepare my fall?

Zouken returned to his human form and stood firm in the middle of his prison. The demon raised an eyebrow in confusion before nodding and replying nonchalantly.

--Between 9-10 years, you and Justav are a real pain in the ass, summoning Avenger, bringing in Nazis, forcing and developing a system as annoying as minor grails and also never realized that ley lines of Fuyuki are not fit to withstand any of the great magics. Only the Family of "Blue" and "Red" own sacred grounds with ley lines specially treated for generations to bear such burden, the old "Kaleidoscope" helping them was a mistake, Create the grail system, connect it to the source , summon heroic spirits and make them fight indifferently, did they think it would have no consequences? The ley lines are worn and tainted thanks to Avenger and the continual summoning of Servants! At worst they can wake up Grand Caster Solomon or a Beast, YOU IDIOTS. Save humanity, achieve magic, bring eternal happiness, end wars... Pure nonsense~

The demon sighed, but before continuing he took out a small vial of water, clearly it was holy water.

--Reaching the root of magic, Akasha... that's easy they just needed to call a Caster from the age of gods and ask~, you guys complicated things right Caster~?

--Right~ the grail is quite a convenient system if you just want to accumulate mana unscrupulously and without thinking about the consequences, opening the door to Akasha's records is simple with so much accumulated power~...

The witch nonchalantly commented as she gently wielded various sorceries on the unconscious young Sakura's chest.

--Well, Makiri Zolgen aka Matou Zouken... Time to ingratiate yourself with your creator.

After emptying the vial, on the ground the young demon made the sign of the cross and joined his palms in prayer, singing with a serene and calm voice, I proclaim to the heavens, the Magic of Forgiveness, the Rite of Baptism.

"I will kill.

I will let live.

I will hurt and I will heal.

None will escape from me.

None will escape my sight.

Be crushed.

I welcome those who have aged and those who have lost.

Dedicate yourself to me, learn from me, and obey me.

Rest. Don't forget the song, don't forget the prayer and don't forget me.

I am light and I free you from all your burdens.

Do not pretend.

Retribution for forgiveness, betrayal for trust, despair for hope, darkness for light, dark death for the living.

Relief is in my hands.

I will add oil to your sins and leave a mark.

Eternal life is given through death.

- Say sorry here.

I, the incarnation, will swear.

- Eleison."

Along with his song, a sacred aura flooded the nest of insects, all evil was exorcised, every sin was forgiven, every wound was healed, the warm and pleasant light swept all over the place, eliminating all darkness along with the beings that writhe, Matou Zouken was reduced to ashes in silence, the Root of Life that was extracted by the Servant Caster burst into flames as soon as it came into contact with the light of forgiveness. After a few seconds the light disappeared from the place and the gloomy atmosphere of the nest returned except that there was no longer any kind of spectrum or evil energy inside it.

--Well it was easier than I thought~

"Akatsuki-dono, are you a god?"

Rider asked the young demon, who only smiled and stretched out his arms heavily.

--I'm just a pretty careful Magus~ Rider, now Sakura is going to have a hard time and I want you to help her, but first. Caster, you pulled "That" too right?

--Yes~ Master "That" is assured~

Caster showed a toxic and corrupt looking black and red crystal with a smile.

The young man ignored the still expectant Rider and ran to kiss the witch's purple lips vehemently.

--I love you~!


--... (These two lovebirds)

Rider watched on the sidelines as his two "Companions" enjoyed a pink moment amidst the still gloomy and terrifying atmosphere.