57-- Cloud vs. Angra Mainyu (Ban-kai "GODEATER")


--Yes, Rin-Ojou-sama?

--No, nothing... it's just that...


--Was I ever in your plan? I know marrying Caster was just a makeshift arrangement but, I...

--Stop~...Rin I like you but you're my best friend and I want to stay like that, I don't deserve you, I've never deserved you and you deserve better than me, so let's leave it like that~ Ok?

--As cruel as always right?

It's one of my flaws...

Shrugging my shoulders and ignoring the horrible pain in my heart, I evaded Rin's confession and prayed for the soon arrival of our Servants, but a sinister energy snapped me out of my thoughts.


"Rin did you make sure Kirei was 'well' dead?"

"I blew his head off. Isn't that enough?"

--Nope! Damn it Avenger!

As if my words were a trigger, the Servant's unmistakable laugh echoed throughout the church.

--Hahahahahaha~ Hai~ I'll borrow this body for a while~

Kotomine Kirei's corpse was dyed a matte black color engraved with multiple red tattoos emulating the appearance of Angra Maiyu "Avenger".

"Shit... Avenger, don't think I'll let you get away with it."

--Come on Eater Boy~


I recited the operation commands of my spell, the last way I have to face a god, I hoped I wouldn't have to use it as it literally burns my body, my humanity at a horrific rate, barely sustainable for more than 90 seconds.


My body changed again, my muscles and bones tensed and hardened, my hair extended to my knees, two more horns sprouted on my forehead, my fingers and toes became claws, the armor that covered my body became darker still, and the electric purple-blue lines shone even more brightly. If before I was a simple Rakshasa, a minor or intermediate demon in Hindu folklore, now I am closer to a Deva or an Asura.

Armed with my spear I charged Avenger.

--Go dead!


Crash, the spear hit the black skin barely grating it, Avenger turned his hand, hit me with a single fist to the face exploding the corpse's arm and sending me flying.

"Is that all you have demon child?"

--I still have more... Vajra: Black Thunder!

Channeling the full energy of Indra's divine lightning into the spear, I momentarily emulate the power of a god. Launching the five meter long big thunder like a laser towards Avenger.



The jet-black thunder struck Avenger squarely, destroying part of the church in its path, but a figure could still be seen writhing in the fire.

--That hurts boy! How can you handle holy energy with that appearance?

--Do not ask me! [I am praying for the Skyworth's, In Name of Vasava -Vajra Spear-]

I ran and slammed both my hands in front of Avenger's burned and deformed body and unleashed the God of Destruction's fury on him.



A few minutes before Avenger's awakening

--Assassin we have to return quickly?

--Anee-san relax Boss is Superman~

--Yes, Caster~ that guy won't die easily~

-Something bad is happening I sense it...

Archer and Assassin tried to call out to Caster, while Saber helped an injured Shirou out of some bushes.

--Anee-san, you already have "That" that Boss asked you, you should return to the base and put it under cover, right?

--You're right Assassin, if Master was in danger he would call me~ Assassin I'll take care of the rest and I'll go back to the base~


Caster disappeared in a soft purple mist and vanished into the forest air.

--Archer, what is "That" they were talking about?

Saber asked the Archer with a serious reluctance to cooperate with that man's schemes.

--You don't need to know, King of Knights~

--Yep~ Saber-dono should just be calm and wait her turn~

--Because I have the feeling that they are making fun of me?

--It's just your imagination~ Right Archer?

--Correct Assassin~

The two men laughed before turning serious at the appearance of an abysmal torrent of dark, tainted energy.

"Shit, we have to go."

Yes, this is getting ugly.

Archer and Assassin ran in the direction of the church, towards the source of the corrupted energy.

--Let's know~


Saber and her Master ran after the other two quickly.



I jumped out of the impact site, my arms were bleeding inside the armor, there were only a few tens of seconds left from the full release, if I go any further my body will literally break.


I spat out a large mouthful of blood. Inside the smoke a figure staggered, Avenger was still alive although if being a mass of disgusting black slime is considered alive, if he is alive.

--That hurts kid~ I was almost purified there~


--It's my turn now~

Avenger stretched out a black tentacle and hit me at subsonic speed. Being sent flying and crashing far away.



Rin screamed but she was smart enough not to attack Avenger, Assassin appeared and cut me off, along with the rest of the Servant team and Shirou.

--Assassin? Where is Caster?

--Anee-san went to guard "That" thing. But Boss, what is that thing?

Assassin pointed at the mud ball that is fighting against the pair of red Archer and Rin.

--That's Avenger or you can call it the contents of the grail.


--Yes, that is inside the grail, an Avenger-class Servant and technically an Evil god.

--I see~ Fiuu~ I thought Boss was a real devil but I'm glad to know that you're still human.

Assassin joked as she helped me up and walk.

--I'm 39.93% human at least~


--Good timing, Shirou. Arturia hit that thing with an Excalibur-whack, not an Air Hamer with enough holy energy to purify that thing~

--Akatsuki-dono just because he recovered the Avalon there doesn't mean he can use the Excalibur without rest.

--Damn it... you're useless you know?

"Say it again, demon...

Saber raised the Excalibur and aimed it at my neck.

--Thank you~ (This girl doesn't learn right? [Devour])

Take the edge of the Excalibur and devour its golden white mana with force, recharging and healing my wounds, in case you ask, does it have a strange chamomile flavor, or a very light and elegant herbal tea, very British.

Saber ended up walking away when she realized my actions.

I will not fall again.

--Very late~

--Nice trick Boss~


I nodded at Assassin's incessant breath.

--Shirou go hide somewhere and try not to die, Saber take care of Shirou, Assassin we are going to kill a god~

Boss, you're fine.

--Let me check... One, two... I'm missing three horns but I still have the hair~ 1 more Round?

--You rule~

--Let's go.

Leaving Saber and Shirou in the forest we ran to the fight.


--Rhine! What the fuck is this?

--I don't know Archer, Kurama said something about "Avenger"


Archer yelped and frowned even more than usual.

Rin runs away.

-- Archer?

--Shut up and run away, that thing is pure evil, humans shouldn't touch that thing.

--I understand, don't die Archer, it's an order.

--Copied, Master.

Rin left Archer and ran away.


-- Archer! Everything's fine?

--Good? What the hell is Avenger doing here?

--I don't know, the bastard descended on Kirei's corpse.

--They didn't kill him?

--Your Master shot him in the head but didn't tear out his heart.

"Shit, any plans?"

--Hit him and hit him hard...Assassin!

--Aye Aye Sir.

Assassin ran up and started cutting the black tentacles with her Katana at incredible speed.

--If you have something sacred in your arsenal, take it out now~

Leaving Archer with those words, I ran after Assassin turning into a ball of lightning.



Assassin and I launch two ultimate techniques, followed by a focused rain of arrows from Archer, Eradicating the Grail Mud, and the so-called Avenger.

--Is dead?

--I think so~

"Aniki...is it done?"

--Yep~ I don't feel any energy or corrupted mana in Kilometers, let's call it a day and go get a beer~ Are you coming Archer?

--I have to inform Rin.

--Ok~ the window will be open if you want~

--Thank you.

Archer disappeared, leaving Sasaki and I in the midst of all the destruction.

"Let's go back, Sasaki."


Before I could start walking I stumbled a bit and vomited up a lot of blood and part of my internal organs.



--Don't worry, I won't die... it's just that the Furnace is taking its toll on me... emulating a deity in this era is like playing Russian roulette.

--Nah~ Ane-san will take care of it, come on Boss~

Sasaki helped me up and dragged me back home.