Miraculously, only Leon's tail movement was seen, the bedroom door opened without being touched by him.

When the door opened, Cenora saw the unusual atmosphere of the room, which was dominated by all black. Inside it was seen Ichigo was lying on a big bed which was covered with a black cloth as well. The only bright color on the bed was Ichigo's clean skin.

'He was sick from the poison that ran in my blood yesterday,' Cenora thought sadly.

"Yes, Miss. Master is very weak after returning this morning," Leon continued to Cenora's heart.

"This morning? Wasn't he already on your roof last evening? The big wind that people thought was a storm was his doing, right? What was he doing then?" Cenora seemed not enough to ask once.

"Master did the cleaning. Perhaps he was so angry that he exterminated the demons that harassed him within his territory. Who's fault dares to disturb Hybrid like him? That demon is too bold!" Leon also grumbled at the spider demon's troublesome behavior.

"After cleaning I don't know where Master went, and when he came back he fell asleep right away until now. I haven't even asked him anything yet, Miss!" continued Leon explaining.

'You are a lucky young girl! Lord Hybrid to the point of neglecting his safety just to save your life. Oh yes. I forgot to tell you, stupid girl!'

'My poison will be lethal to humans if the blood is mixed with my poison. But if my poison is inhaled by the demon race, it will work to arouse any male demon's desire for strength. So that's what I meant to you when I said I was going to give you a wedding present!'

'But if the demonic desire of the man who was hit by my poison is not properly channeled, then its power will be lost for twenty-four hours. And that would be very dangerous for an arrogant Hybrid like him,'

"He did that and got sick because of me, Leon. But I can't give him anything. But should I repay his kindness when I never chose to be a part of his life as a stealth bride!? I'm human, Leon!" Cenora spoke her heart again which Leon knew was the truth.

"Hmm..." Ichigo was disturbed from his sleep and seemed to move, "Leon, you are so noisy!" he continued grumbling even though his eyes were still closed.

A gasped Cenora immediately covered her mouth and backed away, hiding to the other side so Ichigo wouldn't notice her coming.

'Leon, is he awake?' Cenora tried to whisper to Leon from deep within her heart.

Leon who could hear the voice of Cenora's heart immediately turned around and walked over to Ichigo's still lying body. And while making sure Ichigo was still sleeping, Leon turned to face Cenora and signaled 'safe' to the mistress of his master's bride.

'Thank God… I don't want him to know I'm here to see!' Cenora muttered to herself again.

"But at least take a close look at my master, Miss. You will see how weak Master is from this pain!" Leon advised Cenora to go into the room and approach Ichigo.

Although doubtful, at least Cenora had to see Ichigo's condition properly. Ichigo is sick of helping her, isn't he?

"Why are you like this? I didn't make you sick for helping me, did I?" Cenora muttered under her breath as she looked at Ichigo's really pale face.

"For you, what wouldn't I do?" said Ichigo who suddenly answered.

Cenora gasped in surprise when she found out, Ichigo was already awake. The Hybrid's smile and gaze looked weak at her.

"How are you? You look different," Cenora asked calmly, "Is it because I'm so precious to your clan that you risk your life like that?" she continued.

"Even you are more valuable than this meaningless life of mine. I'll do whatever it takes to be with you forever and see you're fine, Cenora," Ichigo replied in a weak voice.

"I don't need to be this weak if my bride is willing to unite with me, but unfortunately my bride is an old-fashioned girl. What can I do?" Ichigo continued his speech without feeling guilty.

"What do you mean by ancient?" Cenora asked confused.

"Moreover, the right term for you, when there is a handsome man like me who keeps asking and approaching you to make love but you refuse me?" he answered casually.

"Gosh, I've already started to let my frustration down on you! You perverted demon!" Cenora grumbled under her breath because she didn't want to continue the pointless discussion.

"I heard you," Ichigo replied as he seemed to be closing his eyes and sleeping on his side facing Cenora.

"Ichigo, do I have to live my life around you? Do I have to be your prey? Who arranged this kind of life for me? Isn't this unfair to me?" Cenora said glumly as her eyes continued to stare at Ichigo's frail face.

"If it's about your life becoming a Moon Fairy reincarnation, I can't change it. I'm just a demon, not a God," Ichigo replied, still closing his eyes.

Cenora stared quietly. I felt like crying right then and there.

"But if the choice is to make you my bride, then it's entirely my decision. Because I won't hand you over to be the bride of another clan leader. You just have to be my bride. Mine, Cenora," this time Ichigo opened his sad eyes to see Cenora's face gloomy.

"I'll take care of you. I won't let you get eaten by another demon. I promised you a long time ago, didn't I? So why do you keep refusing and it's like I'm the one making your life uneasy?" Ichigo's words made Cenora feel a little guilty.

"Why would I lie and play with your life? What's the use of me making you sad? We've been together since childhood and we also promised to always be together, right? Don't say you forgot about it," Ichigo continued.

"But it's only because I am the bringer of glory to the demon clan, right? You did that because we were friends since childhood and now you take care of me because of our small promise. But, you can't just keep me as a display when all the demons know, I'm highly targeted at other nations like you."

"If you have a heart, then you will understand that my heart hurts a lot from all this," said Cenora wearily and started to get up from her seat.

"What if what you say isn't entirely true?" Ichigo immediately stopped Cenora's steps with his words.

"How about saying that I loved you since childhood? Would you believe it?" Ichigo asked again.

Cenora was silent looking at Ichigo's serious face.

"I do not know!" she answered immediately, "I'm going home, rest, and get well soon. I don't want my lessons to be disturbed because my homeroom teacher is not present to fill in the subject matter," she continued.

Cenora started walking, but stopped again and turned her body, "Thanks for helping me," she said and left Ichigo's room silently.

"How will you understand if even when I tell you how I feel you don't want to care?" Ichigo muttered with his eyes covered with the back of his hand.


Today is Ichigo's second day of illness. And the obvious coincidence, the ghosts, and weak demons overwhelmed Cenora. From morning until now, there is no peace at all.

The class bell ended without Cenora noticing. This whole day, Cenora had been through it hard. She notices the difference around here when Ichigo is not around. It must have been about the number of ghosts and demons that swarmed her.

"Cenora!" called a man behind her. But her vision was blocked by the small demon that kept nagging in front of Cenora's face.

However, upon hearing the voice of the man calling out to her, Cenora was sure she had never known whose voice it was.

The man ran and approached Cenora until his face was visible.

'Who's he?' thought Cenora, 'He's very handsome. Is he a demon too? Oh, God. I'm so tired of all this!' Cenora grumbled in her heart.

"I'm Ken, a transfer student at this school. Can we go home together?" the voice of the man in front of Cenora made her raise an eyebrow and frown.

Immediately Cenora looked around her and was a little relieved that she was around so many people.

"Sorry, I don't know you!" Cenora refused and immediately ran.

'This is crazy! Around me is still crowded with humans, the demon dares to approach me! I have to get home soon!' mumbled the panicked Cenora and continued to run without any care.

So careless and also out of fear, Cenora didn't realize to be more vigilant when crossing a fairly congested highway.

The screech of a car tire that was braked as hard as it could be heard so clearly.

Cenora's body fell not too far after being hit by a car that was traveling not too fast. Cenora was hit while carelessly crossing the street while the red light for pedestrians was still on.

"Cenora, are you all right?" The voice of the man who had called out to her earlier sounded faintly in Cenora's ears again. And when she opened her eyes, Cenora saw it was Ken who was carrying her while running.

'Isn't he a demon?' muttered Cenora to herself in half-consciousness.