Cenora was rushed to a nearby clinic to receive first aid. She passed out and only woke up after almost an hour of sleep. And when she opened her eyes, Ken's figure was beside her.

'He? Why is he here? Why not-, ah, why am I even thinking about him?' Cenora muttered as she saw Ken beside her but it was Ichigo's face that came to her mind.

'What am I thinking? Why is Ichigo's face I remember? I can't possibly miss him, right?" she continued muttering to herself.

"Are you fully awake?" the man's voice was heard again. Cenora opened her eyes to see Ken who smiled kindly.

"Hmm, I've come to my senses. Thanks for helping me," Cenora said to Ken.

"I should have brought you. You ran after I approached you and introduced myself. What I wonder is, why are you running so scared when you see me? Did I do you wrong?" Ken asked softly.

'That's because I thought you were a demon. But what are you really?' Cenora answered inwardly. But her smile remained a little etched.

"I'm in a hurry. Besides, I didn't know you before, so I think it's best to avoid you and go home soon. But I didn't even care," Cenora replied, diverting her real answer.

"I told you I'm a transfer student in the class next door. I've been watching you for a few days, and I see you're always alone. So I'm interested in getting to know you. Who knew you might need a friend?" Ken said with a simple excuse.

'Isn't that strange your answer? Why are so many transfer students suddenly at my school? It should be only natural that I feel your presence is an oddity!' Cenora thought as she continued to answer.

"Earlier the doctor examined you when you weren't awake. Thankfully, there weren't any very serious injuries. However, you did have a lot of bruises on your body from rubbing against the asphalt, so the doctor gave you lots of ointment to apply,"

"Come on, I'll take you home. It's late and your parents will be worried, why isn't the beautiful daughter home yet?"

Ken invites and will take Cenora home. Seeing Ken's attitude and expression that looked natural, made Cenora lower her guard about the possibility that Ken was a demon disguised as a human.

'He looks calm and normal even though my body is bleeding. His panic also seemed normal for a human. His attitude is very different from Stu who was possessed by a demon at that time,'

'Can I trust Ken's kindness? But I've only just met him, haven't I?'

Cenora looked dreamy looking at Ken's smiling face at her.

"Don't look at me suspiciously like that. I won't do you any harm. Or if you don't believe me, you can stay in the clinic one night and come back tomorrow morning, how about that?" Ken said something that made sense.

"Staying here? Tonight?" Cenora repeated Ken's words and looked around in all directions. But what was seen was that there were many ghosts and demons around her waiting for Cenora to respond to them.

'Here, please. We will accompany you!'

'Yes, you stay here!'

'Whose blood is this? Why does it smell so good?'

'Well, it turns out that there is a hybrid bride here. Then where is your Master Hybrid?'

'I heard he was sick, hihihi!'

And many more voices of those invisible creatures were heard, even Cenora could see they were laughing at her.

"No, no, no! I don't want to spend the night here. I want to go home now!" said Cenora instantly and immediately got up from her patient bed.

Finally, Cenora went home accompanied by Ken to the front of her house.

"So this is your house? You live alone in this house?" Ken asked as he glanced around Cenora's house.

"Hmm, yes. I live here alone. My parents died when I was little," answered Cenora with a sad smile.

"Thank you for taking me to the clinic and driving me home. Sorry, I didn't tell you to come in. I'm not used to having guests into my house," Cenora said reluctantly but she still had to be careful not to let anyone into her house.

"No problem, I understand. Fine, I'll go home. Don't go to school if your body still hurts! But if you don't come tomorrow, I'll stop by here after school tomorrow. But don't refuse me coming, okay! At least I can drink tea you made on your terrace, hahaha!" Ken pays attention to her.

Cenora smiled. A blush appeared on her face because of the joy and embarrassment of receiving a man's attention for the first time. Of course by humans and not stealth.

"My injuries aren't that serious, so I guess you shouldn't bother visiting me since I'm going to school tomorrow. Be careful on the way, I'm going inside!" said Cenora with an embarrassed expression before rushing into her house.

Cenora's heart was pounding with joy.

"Why am I so happy? What would it be like to have a girlfriend who would watch over me? Ahhhgg, it feels weird and drives me crazy!" Cenora muttered with pleasure as she stood at the window and watched Ken walk away from her house.

Cenora didn't know when her heart was filled with joy like that, there is a broken heart to see her hurt.

Yes, it was Ichigo who had been standing anxiously waiting for Cenora to come home from school.

Ichigo must be content to wait for Cenora from inside the fence of his house. Because that's only where he can get out.

Right now his powers are still not fully recovered and it would be very dangerous if he came out of the courtyard that had been protected by magical powers for a long time.

But his heart was very sad when she saw Cenora come home late with bruises on her hands and feet and a head that looked like it had been plastered on.

Especially when there is another man with his future bride, of course, Ichigo's heart grows sore. Dan when he saw Cenora's smile and shy face when dealing with Ken, it made Ichigo furious.

"You're only mine, Cenora. I won't let another man make you smile with false happiness. No man truly likes you but for me. So don't believe other men's sweet words!" Ichigo muttered as he saw Cenora smile and enter her house.

"Sir, don't be so angry with Miss. Please understand her happy feelings because she has never received much attention from a man in all this time,"

"I'm sure, if you were more gentle with Miss, she would understand how you feel, Master!"

Leon tries to persuade Ichigo who is burning with jealousy.

"You think what has I been up to all this time? I've always been nice but Cenora has always avoided me. So don't be so knowledgeable about feelings, Leon!"

"A small tiger demon like you knows what feelings are? You suck!"

Ichigo walked into his house grumbling at Leon who was more sensitive about Cenora's feelings for his master.

"Of course, I know that Miss has special feelings for you, but she just doesn't dare believe those feelings because you two are different, Master!" Leon explained confidently.

"You forgot that little tiger demons can hear human hearts? Can't believe it? Okay!"

Leon walked first into their house by replying to Ichigo's grunt at him.

'Is that true?' thought Ichigo asked.

"Hey, Leon! Don't leave until I tell you to go! You're going too far!" Ichigo protested Leon who continued to walk without a care for his stupid master.


Meaw Meaw

The sound of a cat's cry rang in the ears of Cenora who was just trying to sleep. And the cat's voice again made her eyes open.

Cenora got up from her bed when she felt the cat's voice very close. And Cenora was sure the sound was coming from outside her bedroom window.

Cenora opened the window curtains and found the black cat who was sleeping with her was waiting for her to open the window to enter.

'The black cat from yesterday? What is he doing outside my window?' Cenora spoke confusedly.

And when the window opened the black cat went straight into Cenora's room and immediately stroked his head on Cenora's body.

"Wow, what is this? Why are you so spoiled? Did you miss me, little cat?" said Cenora who was pleased to see the black cat's spoiled attitude.

"If you look closely, you look like Leon. But Leon is a little tiger and you are a cat. But you guys are really cute to me!" said Cenora happily again.

Of course, Cenora didn't get any response from the cat. Besides the cat being unable to talk, the little black animal also continued to push its body against Cenora spoil.

"You came to me because you wanted to be with me, didn't you? Alright, let's go to sleep. This wound on my body hurts a lot, so I want to sleep early so I won't be late for school tomorrow morning!"