Chapter 47: Shocker! Maybe Not

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 47: Shocker! Maybe Not

Days?: Failure Is Not An Options! Part 6

(Vale: Vale City: Nearby Yukiko Amagi's Mansion: Unknown Rooftop)

"I must say. Your acting is getting better, but you shouldn't have mentioned about all the stuff I have done over the years or the knowledge about the other Maidens' locations like nothing. Plus, another factor in your failure is that you offer a second option in the deal, which is the first time I'm hearing about." I said to Raven, then throw my first [Sword] straight at Raven with tremendous force. Much faster than manipulating the vector around it to increase its speed while flying itself in midair at the same time.

After all, manipulating the vector around a target tend to take a few seconds before the results show itself.

Raven narrows her eyes as she tries to change the trajectory of the thrown [Sword]; however, Raven failed to change the trajectory of my first [Sword] due to the amount of force behind it and the result of Raven having to abandon this approach, where she spins around while guiding it with her [Odachi] by applying just a bit of pressure on the flat surface of the flying [Sword] to the side.

Which lead the attack a miss; nonetheless, Raven grimaced at how she could barely change the trajectory with brute force and did a quick flip to the side, to dodge the second [Sword], which I manipulated the vector around it once more to launch itself at Raven, who dodge it the last second. Cutting a few strands of Raven's hair in the process of dodging.

While Raven continues her side flip; she uses the momentum of her spin to kick the handle of my second [Sword] straight back at me.

I turn my entire body to the side until my left side facing Raven, where I moved away from the path of my second [Sword] flying through. As I grab the handle of my second [Sword] before it could continue its flight and spin to my right, with a burst of aura enhance to increase the speed of my spin.

Which I block Raven's counterattack of swinging her [Odachi] towards my neck. Then, Raven quickly back off the next second her counterattack failed. Following up with the next attack of mine; by deploying another [Sword] in front of me as I grab it with my free hand and throw it straight at Raven with aura enhance this time.

As Raven end up getting the air knocked out of her, where instead of the tip of the blade penetrating Raven's stomach. I made sure the blade was pointing the opposite direction as the handle slammed into her stomach. Along with the force behind it had sent Raven a few feet further away from me.

Which Raven took advantage of and kick the third [Sword] right back at me, with a kick to the bottom handle. With half the force of the previous thrown right back at me. As I grab it from midair like nothing as I increase the air resistance on my third [Sword], decreasing the force behind it even further.

Next, I rush at Raven and throw a front kick, to her stomach, sending her further away and towards my first [Sword] just floating behind Raven, waiting just for her.

Of course, Raven isn't going to wait for her to get implants through the back when she could do something about it. And stab her [Odachi] into the ground to slow herself down enough for her to move her body away from getting stabbed by a floating [Sword].

I didn't wait for Raven and throw both [Swords] in my hands towards Raven at the same time, with another burst of aura enhance my physical strength. As my second and third [Swords] soar through the air, where both of them are already approaching their target in a matter of seconds.

Raven's quick reflex saved her by using her [Scabbard] to hit the back side of the two [Swords], causing them flip and stab into the ground, with the handle facing towards the sky.

Sadly for Raven, I was already in front of her and at the exact time, the two [Swords] implanted themselves to the ground. I used them as a temporary platform to give me the height advantage over Raven.

In complete shock and surprise; Raven did something I would never think would happen in the first place. Her eyes surrounded by a fiery glow; similar to a Maidens whenever they use their powers.

Which lead me to move on instinct alone; quickly get away from Raven by manipulating the vector around me to further distance myself from the enemy. But, Raven wasn't going to allow this to happen, even though she should be grateful for the extra breathing space. Nonetheless, Raven still charged me with an overhead slash of her [Odachi], which begin to cover in electrical current.

Closing my eyes while activating [Eagle Pulse], then throw a [Flashbang] that I kept in my [Inventory] whenever I need it. Like the current situation, I'm going through right now, which Raven has her eyes open wide and this led to her downfall.

Raven let out a cry of shock and rage, as her eyesight is temporarily lost and she had to rely on her other senses, which she barely trained enough for her sense of hearing, to help her in time of needs. And is the only thing that helped the very last second as she heard something behind her, where she rolled away to her right.

Sadly, much to Raven's dismay as she felt a hand cover her eyes after she finishes rolling away, and before she even does something, she feels a cold steel against her neck, causing her to body to freeze. And she not dumb enough to think her aura shield would protect her, because currently, her aura shield is useless the very moment she felt the cold steel against her very skin. Also, it's obvious that the cold steel belongs to an [Anti-Aura Weapon].

"Now, that our little game is over. How about you explain to me the reason for this act of yours?" I whisper my question near Raven's right ear while making my [Anti-Aura Combat Knife]'s reach is barely touching Raven's skin and it only takes me a small effort to slice Raven's neck open.

As well as activating [Evil Voice] to put the [Fear] in Raven, which was very easy thanks to [Evil Voice]'s effect and what stopped Raven from thinking up another way to get out of this due to the [Fear] effect placed on her.

'Thank goodness! I swear to capture people alive is seriously much harder than killing them. And capturing someone like Raven was mostly based on luck. After all, Raven's semblance will allow her to escape if she has given the chance to and once she escapes via her semblance, then not many people can find her unless you have something she cares for, to stop her from escaping.' I mentally sighed in relief, that it didn't take too long to capture Raven alive, healthy, not injure, and conscious. And that's without having to use up 75% of my aura reserve like usual when I face Raven in combat.

"I've already explained my reasons for seeking you. And all I got in return is getting attacked by the like of you!" Raven snarl at me; and if it wasn't for [Evil Voice] still in effect, she would have attacked me, even the current position she in.

"Sure, but you didn't explain to me why you picked now of all time, to contact me and in person as well. Since you could have called me on my scroll the very moment you arrived in Vale Kingdom, which again, I've to tell you every single time to do so, instead of looking for me in person." I said to Raven while showing a bit of annoyance that she kept on 'meeting' me in person all the time instead of contacting via scroll upon arriving in Vale.

Furthermore, those 'meeting' are more of a fight or a kidnap attempt. If I didn't know about the stuff Raven could do. She would have successfully captured me in one go at any moment; well, technically she did manage to capture a few times, but with a high cost of getting an injury in the process. Which led to me being able to escape from her grasp with ease.

Raven kept her mouth shut once she got some decent control over herself to stop her mouth from spilling unwanted facts when she still under the [Fear] debuff effect. Nonetheless, Raven knew she wouldn't be killed in the first place and won't be torture either, thanks to many reasons, that if it wasn't them. She would have been tortured by countless things the Manipulator would use on her.

"Welp, I guess I can just take a short trip to your tribe to get some answers; maybe the reason why you became the Spring Maiden somehow. Unless the previous Spring Maiden is dead or you discover another method to transfer the Maiden's power over to yourself without having the previous host dead from the loss of the Maiden's power used to rest in their body." I casually said to Raven, who went stiff at the mention of visiting her tribe by the same person, who destroyed the tribe's Campsite more than once due to some problems and grimaced from accidentally revealed she the Spring Maiden. Plus, [Evil Voice] still activated, which made it worse for Raven's state of mind.

"Or..." I draw out as I deactivated [Evil Voice] in order to give Raven some time to think carefully and not act on [Fear], which lead to many outcomes that wouldn't make either side a good thing. Mostly towards Raven than me; after all, I could still find out another method of finding out how she discovers Salem's movements and gaining the Spring Maiden's power as well.

In fact, look at my little sister: Pyrrha, the new Fall Maiden, even if she half of one and the second type of Maiden, with Cinder Fall being the very first half Fall Maiden in history unless there some buried records of this happen before that is.

"Forget it." I let out a tired sigh as I release Raven and put away all my weapons I have taken out my [Inventory] during the whole thing, which literally just happen in less than half an hour and pulled out my scroll, where I notice Pyrrha tried to contact me more than once during the whole fight was going on.

"You know Raven. If you keep this up, then no one will help you later. So before you regret it in the future. You may as well confess." I said to Raven, as I put away my scroll once I read and replied to Pyrrha on what's going on, not including Raven, but later on, I'll inform Pyrrha about it.

"Alright. I'll tell you my real reason." Raven finally speaks to me, but in a tired tone and look weak as well. "Honestly, I'm worried about my daughter, Yang. I would have taken her with me to the tribe, but who am I kidding? Even my own Mother abandons Qrow and me, and only thanks to the tribe we survive up to now. But, you know what the real reason I didn't take Yang with me to the tribe?" Raven stare straight into my eyes filled with dread.

"Go on." I'm starting to think maybe Yang had a better life when Raven decided not to take her with her.

"Because at the time. I wasn't even the leader of the tribe and the previous one was very cruel and wouldn't dare to use Yang against me if they wanted to. It took me years to finally kill the bastard. By then, Yang has already grown up." Raven lower her gaze as she stares at her own two hands, with other thoughts running through her mind.

"Why not meet up with Yang now? Instead of causing all this kind of problems to me? In the first place, why attack me? I've been telling you all these times, that my plans don't involve Yang Xiao-Long at all. If anything, she the one forcing herself into the wrong place and the wrong time, where my plans take place." I stare at Raven, with narrow eyes, then rub my forehead in frustration.

'After helping Yukiko with her problem. I did not expect Neo, then Raven afterward. And it looks like my guess on Raven working together with the enemy's side to capture me was the wrong thing to guess. If anything, I jump to the conclusion too early.' I thought to myself and wonder if I should look into getting a [Persona] related to solving things like a Detective. If there is one that is and the chance of getting one is close to zero also.

"Do you know how awkward it would be if I just appear before my own daughter and said, 'Hey, daughter of mine. I've come back for you after abandoning you for mostly your whole life now, and we could finally start being a happy family.' Like that could happen. If I'm lucky enough. I would get a punch in the face or stomach by Yang." Raven said dryly, as she actually made a joke to me, which I find very disturbing coming from someone like Raven.

"Okay, then. How about I get Weiss to talk with Yang and see how it goes." I pause for a moment to think over my words, "Forget Weiss. If I asked her, she would have put you in a bad position instead after you kidnapped her before." I begin to think that maybe helping Raven's situation isn't possible for me unless their other methods I could think of. After all, I rather have Raven a temporary ally than ally herself with the enemy.

"This is why I kept on telling you I wanted to hire your people. I wanted my tribe to be safe. This way I can have spare time watching over Yang and the others while I don't have to keep on worrying about my tribe." Raven said to me, then stand up while picking up her [Odachi] off the ground and replaced it back into its [Scabbard].

"And like I said before. I'm not going to send my people to their death just for bandits." I repeated myself to Raven, who scowls at me for rejecting her request to provide reinforcement for her tribe of bandits.

"Then how am I going to get my tribe to a safe place without having to resort to side with the enemy temporarily until I can find a safe place without having the enemy discover it. And do you have any idea how awkward for my tribe if they were to stay in a safe place without having any targets to plunder to release their build-up urge to steal after their whole lives are about stealing from others. Not including the facts that the place have to be good enough to cultivate animals, vegetables, and other types of food products to survive on." Ravne fired off her own counterarguments and wanted to see how I would solve this for her besides requesting the Arcana to provide some troops to defend a tribe of bandits to escape, which is very weird to do so.

'Hmm. I guess I could leave Pyrrha, Shigure, and Izaya to help out with Weiss' problem.' I thought to myself while ignoring Raven's staring at me and waiting for my answers. 'But, Pyrrha will be very angry with me for doing something without her like now. Even if Pyrrha doesn't show it outside, but I can just tell she angry and sad that I left for Yukiko's place without her, even though her desires to help the others at Beacon Academy; however, she places her time with me above others if it weren't for countless reasons stopping her.'

"Alright. Here's the deal." I begin, where Raven focuses her attention on what I say and making sure she doesn't miss a single word.

"I'll come with you to your tribe." I raise my left hand at Raven, to stop her from speaking when she opened her mouth the second after I mention that it was me, who would be the one going to her tribe to help. "And maybe another person, to help defend your tribe while traveling to another safe place, where it maybe turn into a base instead of a temporary Campsite you usually do."

'Definitely bringing Pyrrha, with me. Maybe Shigure as well if she not needed with helping Weiss out...actually, they may need Shigure after all, if they are heading back to the Atlas Kingdom, which is regarded as the world's strongest military power among the Four Kingdoms.' I didn't dare think about what kind of problems my friends would run into during their mission to regain back Weiss' inheritance.

"Is it too late for me to switch side with the enemy?" Raven ask me in a dull joking manner, but I could tell she rather not have me of all people come near her tribe's Campsite. Not like I blame her since technically, I'm the person who destroyed multiple of her tribe's Campsite alone and Raven's tribe developed a case of extreme apprehension every time there is the sight of me near their Campsite.

"Sure, if you want to get backstabbed the very moment you let your guard down due to your status as the Spring Maiden. Then, sure go ahead. Just make sure you sleep with both eyes open, because you will have to worry about my side coming after you later. After all, I'm not stupid to allow the enemy to gain another Maiden, the full power of a Maiden instead of a half the Maiden's power." I said to Raven in an equally dull joking manner, but with a hint of seriousness.

After all, Cinder is under [A-Class] under the Arcana's rank system with just half of the Fall Maiden's power. So, having a full version would be at least a [Low-Tier: S-Class] may be higher if Cinder begins to gather more of the Maidens' powers for herself.

Raven is a [Mid-Tier: S-Class] already; now, though, after discovering her status as the Spring Maiden. I've to push her to [Peak-Tier: S-Class] or above the [S-Class] category. But, hard to tell when I could take down Raven as soon as possible thanks to my [Master Sword Mastery]. And I'm still in the [A-Class] without having to resort to using [Edea Florence] to make me a [S-Class].

Then again, I just ranked up my [Sword Mastery] to [Master Rank], so there could be a few changes once I put on my [Arcana Uniform].

"Well, that block that path." Raven mumble to herself, and she really doesn't want to face the organization known as Arcana, where all members are trained killer. Also, known for being the best people to look for hiring bodyguards, assassination, and trainer, with the last one being very expensive and have harsh conditions that have to follow if anyone wishes to hire a trainer from the Arcana.

"Yup. So either you accept me along with another person of my choice or you can test your luck with the enemy." I smirk at Raven, who didn't like the way I smirk at her the way she glares at me. "Plus, if I were to put some effort into hiding myself." I remind Raven about the choices she could pick and one of them is a warning to her if she picks the wrong one.

Raven frown deeply since she knew that if I were to use my [Shadowless Evasion Art]. Then, only people trained in tracking and is a master of this [Skill], which are a very little amount of people trained in this type of [Skill]. Making me hard to find if I were to go into hiding.

"Now, do you require my assistance at this very moment or can we wait?" I ask Raven, who begin to think if she requires my help this instant and wonders if so, then we pretty much wasted so much time with the kinds of stuff occurred less than 30 minutes ago after Shigure and Neo left for Shigure's personal testing for Neo to take.

"Not now if you're busy, which it looks like you are. But, I still need your help sooner by tomorrow at least. I rather not find out that I was too late and my whole tribe is destroyed. I'll be back at this exact spot tomorrow around noon." Raven said to me, then use her semblance to return wherever she was before coming to meet with me.

'Well, that was done. I can check off my mental of a list for testing out my [Master Sword Mastery], which was a success against someone like Raven.' I thought to myself, then went back to watch over Yukiko's place for the rest of the day and wonder if the students, staffs, and maybe some of the barely alive Olympians members are doing at Beacon Academy.

next day*

Days?: Now This Is Interesting!

(Vale: Vale City: Nearby Yukiko Amagi's Mansion: Same Previous Unknown Rooftop Yesterday)

After watching Yukiko's place almost to the whole day and night. I called it a day after Shigure returned with Neo, who looks very shaken and would flinch whenever Shigure so much as glance at her. As Neo developed an unhealthy six sense of detecting Shigure's presence near her and whenever Shigure's eyes lay on Neo's body and she would know right away.

Too bad, I wasn't curious enough to find out what methods Shigure did as a personal test for Neo, but for my mental health. I drop it instantly when I laid my eyes on the shaken Neo upon returning around near midnight.

However, I did question Shigure if she found anything interesting while testing Neo and found out that Neo is already trained in many fields, which are too many that I don't want to listen for the rest of the night. But, I was a bit of surprised that Shigure wanted to take Neo in as one of her personal partners in the Arcana, which are very little, for inside and outside missions of Mistral Kingdom.

Afterward, Neo became very obedient to Shigure from the looks of it whenever Shigure look like she requires something and Neo quickly asked what she required and she would gladly get it for her. Increasing my confusion, even further with the way Neo acted around Shigure. If anything, I feel like if Shigure asked Neo to dress in a [Maid Outfit] and she would gladly do it in a heartbeat.

So after that was done; both Shigure and I would have returned back to Beacon Academy, but Pyrrha warned us not to do so due to the staffs and students at Beacon Academy are looking for us, mostly me than Shigure. So we decided on staying at Yukiko's place for the time being and with Neo helping out Narberal as well as a bonus for Yukiko and Narberal, for staying at their place without any notices.

Also, to make Neo more welcome into the organization known as the Arcana. I decided to give some pointers in her hand to hand combat, but much to my disappointment. Neo instantly rejected this grateful offer and pale in fright, then quickly begin apologizing to me once she realized she just rejected a higher rank member's offer.

Of course, I made sure to let her know that it's alright to reject my help, then swiftly escape the same room I was in, much to the others' amusement at this sight. Mostly for Narberal than both Shigure and Yukiko.

Later that night, I had to place down a few [Defensive Talismans] around the Bedrooms Shigure and I took for us to sleep in for the night. Honestly, last night we have been a great chance to have sex with Shigure, but seeing how we're staying in someone else place. I rather not due to a gut feeling of mine that stop this trace of thoughts and decided Shigure and I should take a separate Bedroom for just tonight.

Last Night's Dinner was very awkward since Yukiko not used to having many people at her place for Dinner since her own family's Dinners. Which was a few years after leaving her family at Mistral to be independent in Vale. Who knew she would meet with her cousin: Momoyo so soon and joined a dangerous criminal organization as well.

As for the people at Beacon Academy. Izaya couldn't find out why the Olympians attacked Beacon Academy, but was very surprised that Shigure and I shared the little information, that the Olympians allied themselves with a powerful entity, where the members of the Olympians literally turned into [Shadow] and would soar to the sky and head to the nearest [Dark Hour], which happened to be at Yukiko's place.

Of course, I made sure to contact Momoyo too, and did a screen share between Izaya and Momoyo. But, Momoyo was notified about this way before Izaya, who looks annoyed at this late information being sent to him, but let it go after finally discovering why the Olympians members at Beacom Academy melted into [Shadow] and disappear to the sky. And managed to finally see the result of a [Shadow] forming; well, at least tried to without the [Dark Hour] to suppose its existence.

So during almost the whole night was Izaya, Momoyo, and me talking among each other, with Shigure sometime gave her own input, but most of the time Shigure would just listen quietly without speaking much. Then afterward, everyone went to bed.

Not after I said my good night to Pyrrha and tell her the detail on what happened with me and Raven, then asked her if she would like to come with me to Raven's tribe, which she gladly agreed to. After all, she hasn't spent more than a few weeks with me during my visit coming here at Vale Kingdom.

Once the night past by and morning came, then everyone had their Breakfasts and afterward. Shigure and Neo decided on staying with Yukiko and Narberal for the time being, with Shigure training Yukiko as to repay for providing us a place to stay during our stay in Vale Kingdom. Also, both Yukiko and Narberal can't handle all the people out the Mansion by themselves. Since there are only two of them while outside there hundreds of people. Be it civilians or Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Izaya and Weiss decided to stay at Beacon Academy; well, more like Izaya will hide by using his semblance to blend with the background while following Weiss without getting spotted unless they go into a building that detects unknown aura that doesn't belong to either a staff or a student.

Pyrrha had to make a few excuses for her own team before she heads off to the Vale City, to meet up with me. Which took her around 2 hours to get to the same Rooftop I'm on, where we would meet with Raven. Who still hasn't shown up for the past 1 hour now.

"So Pyr. How did the others react to my little 'help' against the Olympians?" I ask my little sister, who look a bit sad from remembering the aftermath yesterday and disappointed that most of her friends that are Huntsmen and Huntresses don't know that not all criminals are evil; well, not the incarnation of evil and hatred. As there is always a reason why some became a criminal in the first place.

"Around 99% everybody at Beacon Academy are on the hunt for you. And if I wasn't well known. Then, General Ironwood would have taken me captive to be questioned, but was stopped by many people and pointed many facts if he does so." Pyrrha replied to me in a dry tone. "If you haven't realized it yet. Weiss was the one that spoke out for me, with Izaya in the background whispering anything Weiss have a hard time remembering or other facts she could use against others that tried to support General Ironwood to question me for answers, along with your locations to be captured for slaughtering innocent lives."

"Well, I guess we can put most of the people at Beacon Academy down the list of natives like the others we encountered in the past." I responded in the equally dryly tone as Pyrrha.

"I thought people were different at Beacon Academy, then again, there were many foreign students and teachers from other kingdoms coming here for the festival. Also, there are many racist people among the students as well. Huh, maybe I place my hope too heavily on Beacon Academy than I thought." Pyrrha carefully reviews her memories of the past few months staying here in Vale Kingdom and at Beacon Academy.

"Now, we wait for Raven and see how this goes. But, remember, don't hold back against any hostile enemy. Because I don't know if you have gone soft due to staying here at Vale Kingdom." I said to my little sister, who looks at me with a frown on her face, for thinking she got weaker by attending somewhere less dangerous than Mistral.

The Vacuo Kingdom is also another place that very dangerous. Almost above the Mistral Kingdom if the environments weren't so bad, then it would have been the most dangerous place to stay out of the Four Kingdoms.

"I still don't trust her." Pyrrha said to me, as she very wary of Raven and I don't blame her since Raven was raised by a tribe of bandits. So not much there to trust in Raven, besides very little reasons to.

"Seeing how you can't face Raven at your current state and don't deny it." I stop Pyrrha before she could make an argument. "You still haven't got full control over your newly acquire Maiden's power. Even if it's just half of it."

Pyrrha pout at me, then let out a tired sigh before she grins a little. As she jumps on my back, which is just a little bit of surprise for me and decided to let this happen. Since I rather not have a moody Pyrrha during our stay at Raven's tribe. Now, we just have to wait for Raven while having our guards up until then.

Omake: Shigure's Personal Tests

Test 1: Stamina

"How is this a test?! All we are doing is climbing up a mountain!" Neo shouted to Shigure, who is currently forcing her to take a dangerous test to see if she has the right to join the Arcana. Even though from the rumor she heard back in Mistral Kingdom. The organization known as the Arcana would rarely open a slot for others to join after going through some screening and testing. She never thought it was true and she is going through one belong to a high ranking member of the Arcana.

Shigure appears right next to Neo's right side, causing poor Neo to almost lose her grip and fall who know how high she currently at. But, at least she knows it enough to kill her if she falls and not even her aura would protect her from the impact. So Neo letting out a frighten shriek wasn't too surprising.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" Neo shout at Shigure, as she glares at Shigure with so much hatred within her eyes that it could burn through multiple layers of metals if she possessed the ability to turn her glare into a laser vision.

"Faster." Shigure said simply, and completely ignoring Neo's comments and feel the pace they're going are slow compared to the rate she usually goes.

Test 2: Endurance

"Come on! I'm dying here! Ah! IT HURT SO BAD!" Neo shriek in pain, as she rolls on the ground in the hope this would lessen her pain after being forcibly injected with a nonlethal [Poison] that won't outright kill the target, but cause extreme pain to them whenever their skins are being touched. This includes their own very cloths itself, which is one of the reasons why Neo couldn't figure out why she having so much pain besides thinking it the [Poison]'s effect, which is technically true and false if she was to go naked.

However, how can she do that when she still outside, where people could come from the painful shouts she making and she does not want to be seen naked by random strangers.

So here she is, rolling on the ground, which made it worse for her due to her own clothes and the dirt touching her skins countless time. Making her feel in pain, even more than usual. And the only way to stop this was to go naked, which she would never do even if she knew this was one of the methods to stop the pain or take the [Antiode] that Shigure have to cure this [Poison] she was forcibly taken against her will.

Test 3: Awareness

"I hate this test!" Neo cried out, as she continues running through the forest with her own two legs and weaves around the trees. Then, out of nowhere, a [Water Balloon] smacked in the right side of her head, causing her to lose her balance and fall to the ground, which leads to a dozen of [Water Balloon] to hit her while she was down.

This third test happens to be testing Neo on her awareness while she tries to run from start of point A to the end of point B, without having a single [Water Balloon] hitting her once. If so, she has to repeat this course, which is a nearby forest and known for being free of grimm. So people can come here for sightseeing.

This happens to be her 10th time now and she completely soaks. If these [Water Balloon] happen to be some dangerous stuff like filled with [Poison], then she would die painfully or was being shot at instead. In Neo's opinions, if she lucky, she would gladly take a [Bullet] instead of [Poison] after she what went through the previous test.

"Okay...I test later." Shigure appears next to the fallen soaked Neo and tell her that they will progress to the next testing phase, much to Neo's dismay and quietly cry out in sorrow, as she wonder if she made the right choice in joining the Arcana.