Chapter 48: Too Many Variables!

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 48: Too Many Variables!

Days?: Now This Is Interesting! Part 2

(Vale: Vale City: Nearby Yukiko Amagi's Mansion: Same Previous Unknown Rooftop Yesterday)

"I'm bored." Pyrrha said to me, as she continues to cling on my back for the past few half an hour now. "When will she arrive? If I knew she would take this long, then I would have suggested us to go somewhere to eat or something before coming back here."

"Who knows with that woman. For all, we could know, she could appear here in the next few seconds." I said to Pyrrha, who pout at me for not knowing the exact time, besides Raven said at around noon is when she shows up. But, it's already 12:30 PM, which was past noon already and she still hasn't shown up.

"How about a little practice match? While we wait." I offer Pyrrha something we could do while waiting for Raven to show up, which should be anytime now and wonder if Raven having some problems going on inside her tribe at this very moment. It's just too bad I can't help her out without being there and I have no clue where she placed her temporary Campsite for her tribe currently.

Pyrrha blankly stares at me, then look at the surroundings and back at me. "Nope. I rather stay where I am. Thank you very much." Pyrrha rejected the option to spar with her older twin brother and rather keep on staying in her current position, which is a piggyback ride.

"Well, that's too bad I guess. Then what you want to do then while we wait for Raven?" I ask Pyrrha and don't feel that disappointed not having a sparring match with Pyrrha and didn't force it on her either. Plus, I don't feel much of a strain of giving Pyrrha a piggyback ride, even with her armor on.

"Hmm." Pyrrha hummed to herself, but didn't have enough time to think up of something when a red swirling portal appears in front of us, with Raven walking out of it and wearing her mask as well.

Both of us would have demanded an explanation on why she was late; however, we had to hold it back when Raven's appearance is covered in blood and her mask was only filled with cracks, then she fell to her knees and her mask scatter a second later.

Neither Pyrrha and I shouted in a panic, but instead rush over to check Raven. Pyrrha being the one who checks on Raven's conditions while I stand in front of the red swirling portal in case of the enemy Raven encounter follow her via the swirling red portal and come to the other end of the red portal, which is here.

I put my guard up; and already have [Eagle Pulse] ready to be deployed instantly and ready to launch the first strike if the enemy appears. I don't trust myself using my newly acquired [Master Sword Mastery] due to not being used to it just yet. Facing Raven was more of a testing phase than actual real combat to the death.

Luckily, I'm already used to having [Joukyuu Kunitoshi] equipped for days over the years and the first one to reach [Persona's Rank: 9] among my many [Persona]. Then again, facing so many experts in the Lower Section of the Mistral Kingdom tends to force me to use him more and more often compared to using my other [Persona] including my first [Persona].

Forcing me to advance [Joukyuu Kunitoshi]'s [Persona's Rank] further before I had created [Moonlight Step] to counter his [Limiter Seal]'s effect in order for me to fight longer without having too much resistance placed on me while borrowing [Joukyuu Kunitoshi]'s [Specialize Aikido Mixed Styles] to face all the strong enemies I faced.

Sadly, this caused me to develop a habit to switch to [Joukyuu Kunitoshi] almost on instinct whenever I face unknown threats instead of using other [Persona] to face against the threats.

The bright side is that I can use more advanced moves of the [Specialize Aikido Mixed Styles]. Which is a huge boon in my opinion, since I can practice all the fighting styles [Joukyuu Kunitoshi] learned in his life and find which is more useful to me in this current world I was reincarnated in.

"Pyrrha, make sure Raven doesn't die on us." I said to my younger twin and didn't look back if she heard me or not and not, because I can place my trust in Pyrrha to look after Raven while I deal with the threat, if there one coming, which there should be when the swirling red portal still there.

A shadow figure rushes out of the swirling red portal and heading straight towards Raven, who very weak, but still conscious.

It's a good thing I was prepared and activate [Eagle Pulse] the very moment I felt a presence coming from the swirling red portal Raven created through her semblance.

[Wind Step]: A [Movement Technique] belongs to the [Specialize Aikido Mixed Styles] and something I used more often way before [Moonlight Step] was created, to overcome my weakness in speed against experts, that have a large aura reserve to use aura enhance without worry compared to me in the past, who barely below the average in the aura reserve department.

So the shadow figure was very surprised to be attacked multiple times while unable to detect my movements. Once my [Eagle Pulse] locked onto the shadow figure. I no longer need to use it any further and use my [Advanced Detection Mastery] to read their movements with ease. At the same time I move in their blind spots, I continue to throw multiple punches, spear hands, palm strikes, and even throw them around whenever they get close to both Pyrrha and Raven.

Another [Technique] belong to the [Specialize Aikido Mixed Styles] is the one that curves my arm like a snake and allows me to get a grip onto the target, where I can throw them or change their momentum against them.

This unnamed [Technique] is what I usually use against enemies, and now that I used it at least a dozen times or so against this shadow figure, who either was tossed to the ground and being stepped on by me or disturbing their center of balance so many times. The shadow figure no longer is able to show their true strength against me, let alone get even close to both Pyrrha and Raven.

All this happens in a matter of seconds, less than a whole minute. But, the shadow figure and I exchange countless blows in those seconds and those untrained or inexperience will only see multiple blurs everywhere, with both Pyrrha and Raven in the center of a 10-meter radius while the rest of the Rooftop is covered of those blurring figures going in high speed and changing directions so quick, that only a few could see a blur only.

"How Raven's condition, Pyrrha?" I ask Pyrrha once I land on the borderline of the 10 meters radius of where Pyrrha and Raven still are, as I throw the shadow figure once more and realize something is blocking me from seeing the shadow figure's appearance or maybe it's their semblance that stops others from seeing their true appearance.

"She's fine, for now, due to her aura healing it, but it's at a slower rate though. Nonetheless, we need to get her some help before her aura run out and the medicine pills I have with me, aren't enough or the right types for Raven to take right now." Pyrrha reported the Raven's status while already having her weapons out and ready to defend Raven in case the shadow figure come even close before I could stop them.

Luckily, there only one shadow figure, pop out of Raven's semblance and it's close right after or else I have to resort to using my [Magic] instead of relying only on a small bit of aura and using [Specialize Aikido Mixed Styles]. Since I can't use any of my firearms or else others will be drawn to the noise I caused. Including using my [Magic], which would be easy to be spotted by others in plain sight.

Also, fighting on the Rooftop, with having to protect others tend to make the fight much harder for me and giving the enemy the advantage without having to worry about anyone they care about getting hurt by me.

While I continue to block the shadow figure's path to their goal, I got a better glimpse of what the enemy's weapon is and notice there is no weapon in sight at all, but was a gauntlet with their fingertips being pointy, making it look like a claw. This led to me to believe this shadow figure is a faunus, but which animal part they have. I don't have a slight clue.

'Once again. I'm trying to capture someone alive.' I thought dully before I narrow my eyes at this thought of mine. 'Wait, why am I trying to capture this person alive in the first place? Raven still alive and can explain what's going on.'

With those thoughts pop up in my mind, I change my approach from nonlethal to lethal. Where the shadow figure detected the change in me and switched from offensive to absolute defensive.

A quick draw for my [Combat Knives], where I held two in reverse grips and begin sending out attacks towards the shadow figure's vital points, even if their aura shield protect them. Sadly, that won't help them much when I'm wielding the [Anti-Aura Combat Knives] version instead of the regular version.

Slowly, the shadow figure begins to see that they're about to lose, so they prepare for a final attack to take down everyone with them, even if they die themselves! But, much to the annoyance of the shadow figure. They can't even do that! With having to dodge all the fatal attacks and they learned their lessons after realizing their aura shield didn't protect them at all. The first clue was getting their left forearm cut by one of the [Anti-Aura Combat Knives] and the second clue was the person they face in the first place.

With each cuts beginning to appear all over the shadow figure's body; their speed started to decelerate due having to waste even more aura to heal all the fatal injuries that could lead to their downfall.

Seeing how it has been already around 5 minutes at least; I pick up the pace by advancing [Wind Step] to [Thunder Step]. A more powerful version of [Wind Step] that makes my body look like [Lightning] instead of the [Wind]. But, this could only be used for a brief moment.

Which was enough for me to take the shadow figure down during the next few seconds as I punctured the shadow figure's left lung with one of my [Anti-Aura Combat Knives] and give a good twist to cause the fatal blow worse for the shadow figure. And the way the shadow figure cried out in pain was music to my ears.

Next, I activate [Moonlight Step] after I stop using [Thunder Step] before my joints dislocate soon. I did a quick spin to rip out the [Anti-Aura Combat Knife] I used to puncture the enemy's left lung while raising my right leg high, then slam it down against the shadow figure's right shoulder. Driving the shadow figure into the ground.

There should have been a delay during the spin, which the shadow figure could have taken advantage to either counterattack or getaway, but thanks to the boost from the [Moonlight Step]. The delay never came and shorten to a single second for me to bring down the shadow figure to the ground.

I didn't just stop there; I use the same leg to perform to stomp on the back of the shadow figure's head, forcing their head to further into the Rooftop. For the finishing blow, I use [Earth Magic] to cast [Earth Spikes] to pierce through all over the shadow figure's defenseless body until their aura no longer protects them and kill them the second their aura shield is down. And this only took just a matter of seconds.

"That was annoying." I said mostly to myself, then watch the shadow figure's appear to begin to reveal who the person was before I killed them. And like always, I don't know jack about this person and a little confused. Because the shadow figure reveals a male black snake faunus. Sure, I figure the guy was a faunus with the whole claw thing, but I don't see anything on them that relate them to any organizations I know of. Not even the White Fang's symbol anywhere in sight either.

Well, I didn't do a full body search; however, I rather not and instead I just use the [Corpse Decomposing Water] I have on me. A single drop was all I needed, for the corpse of the faunus to quickly rot away in a matter of seconds. I did notice a few twitch coming from the corpse, but the body disappears before anything could happen.

After that was done, I walk over to Pyrrha and see how Raven is doing, and wonder what's going on at Raven's end.

"Hey, Raven. Can you speak or what?" I look over Raven while standing up, just in case, and get a better look at Raven's appearance. Her mask was destroyed somehow, the left pair of her red gauntlets is missing and the right one is close to breaking, with all the cracks spread around it. Besides that, everything to her clothes is fine, with a few tears and scratches on them.

However, most of the blood coming from Raven is her left arm and right thigh. From what I could tell from the sight alone, something literally took a bite out of her. Either through her aura shield or she was already low on her aura reserve to supply her aura shield. I'm leaning to the first when she was able to use her semblance to come here of all places instead of somewhere safe while treating her injuries.

Raven sends me a look that says, "Are you stupid?" But, didn't say anything else. Not that she could either way, with how much pain she currently in at the moment.

"I take that as a no, then." I smirk at Raven, then pull out a [Refined Porcelain Bottle] from inside my left sleeve of the [Arcana Uniform], but really, I just take it out of my [Inventory]. Got to keep the secret a secret from Raven.

[Item Type]: [Container/Bottle]

[Name]: Refined Porcelain Bottle

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Uncommon

Value: 1000 System Point

Description: A [Porcelain Bottle] gone through being refined in order to hold medicine types [Item], but mostly with [Pill] and [Medicine Liquor].

Lost Freshness Time: -80%

Yeah, I rather not have wasteful [Item] if I could help it. And this [Refined Porcelain Bottle] just happens to contain a bunch of [Highly Refined Injury-Healing Pill]. Which holds 50 pills inside.

[Item Type]: [Medicine/Pill]

[Name]: Highly Refined Injury-Healing Pill

Durability: 100%/100% (Fresh)

Quality: Uncommon

Value: 5000 System Point

Description: A [Pill] that require being consumed and will heal the consumer's body back to health faster compare to the consumer's normal rate of healing. However, the taste is so bad that some would rather just wait for their natural healing system to finish healing them instead of taking this. Even if would take less than half the time to heal back to health.

Healing Time: -35%

And since I don't like Raven that much in the first place; well, this just one of the products I made the consumer not want to get hurt ever again or for those I don't like, but need them to get better quick.

Raven begins to panic at the sight of the [Highly Refined Injury-Healing Pill]. After all, she was fed this before in the past and vow to never take it ever again, and rather consume the low-quality version of [Healing Item] in quantity instead.

Watching Raven shakes her head, to show she didn't want to take the [Highly Refined Injury-Healing Pill] was very amusing to the Nikos twin. Also, the way she tries to struggle out of Pyrrha's grip was more amusing, but was too weak to break free.

Maybe it because of [The Fool's Curse] had influenced me more than it should already, then again, with [Joukyuu Kunitoshi]'s [Persona's Rank: 9]. [The Fool's Curse] pretty much up to 90% personality influence towards me and develop over time. So, even with him unequipped, I'm pretty much almost the same as his personality. Almost, not complete unless I get him to [Persona's Rank: 10], then it be complete.

I switched over to [Accelerator], where I manipulate the vector around Raven to force open her mouth against her will and drop a single pill, then force her to swallow it.

Then, Pyrrha and I watch Raven's face begin to pale further than her normal skin color. And if it weren't for Raven trying to break away the control I have over her via vector, then I wouldn't notice if the [Highly Refined Injury-Healing Pill] is working yet or not.

30 minutes later*

"I hate you, with all my hate." Raven growl at me, then sends a glare in Pyrrha's direction when she giggles again. Which, of course, Pyrrha had to quickly shut her mouth before she earns Raven's wrath. Even with all Pyrrha's training, she no close to the level of Raven. Unless Pyrrha begins her training in her Fall Maiden's power later, then she may have a slight chance.

"Now, that you can actually speak without having to resort to express what you're trying to say. How about letting us know why you're late and how in the world did you get so badly injured?" I look at Raven, who pretty much defenseless at the moment. Plus, she doesn't have her weapon with her, so that's another thing that made Raven look so unease right now and look like she ready to use her Spring Maiden's power if she needs to.

"I really don't like how you ask something that you already have the answer to, but if you must know. My tribe got attacked by Salem's lackeys. Then, out of nowhere, Olympians' people arrived next and tried to search for something." Raven shows a hatred expression at mentioning about the Olympians. "I was already facing off one of the enemies from Salem's faction, then end up getting shot at, but was lucky enough to react fast enough to not get hit in a vital spot. Which one of the nearby enemies took advantage to attack me while I was distracted. Finally, after I killed who knows how many and quickly created a portal to here, but end up getting shot once more."

I stop Raven there, who look very annoyed at this interruption. "Okay, I could understand your tribe filled with bandits, that are untrained compared to most people, but what I don't get is. If you already have a way to find out Salem's movement, then how come you can't find out Olympians?" That's what I got my attention during Raven's explanation.

"Furthermore, if you already know Salem's movement, how in the world did she get her people to appear at your tribe's Campsite today? When you told me yesterday that you had some time." I was very confused at how quickly Salem's launched an attack at Raven's tribe and wonder how outdated Raven's methods of finding out Salem's movements or was falsely informed.

Raven stared at me with an expression of annoyance, "Are you done? Okay, resume where I left off. I got shot in the back that time, where others wanted to take me out as soon as possible, but I jump into my portal and end up just a few meters away from my tribe's Campsite. Of course, I always kept a few emergencies [Talismans] I got from your organization for my usage. Got me enough aura for one more portal, which led me to here. Of course, from what you faced, Enma, was one of the enemies turned into whatever it was. Used to be an Olympians and discovered me right before I could close the portal."

Both Pyrrha and I blink, then share a look together and back at Raven. I mostly find myself wondering why I couldn't find any symbol on the faunus, because it's could be covered under the transformation or removed during the transformation.

Another thing was why I couldn't get a good look at the faunus earlier, and I was somewhat right, that someone or something was hiding the faunus, who happened to belong to the Olympians.

'So, what I faced was a faunus turned into some kind of [Shadow] or halfway into a [Shadow]. Maybe that's how they managed to survive without [Dark Hour]. But, I could be wrong and the faunus weren't turning into a [Shadow] due to not disappearing like how [Shadow] is killed. However, the faunus were covered in a shadow mist, so maybe I'm not wrong.' I begin to think up all the hypothesis, which is starting to cause me a bit of a headache in the process.

I rub my forehead while ignoring Pyrrha asking Raven a few of her own questions, where Raven responded in her best ability, I think.

Pulling out an [Odachi] from my [Inventory] when Raven wasn't looking, with it [Sheath] and whistle to the girls to get their attention, where I toss the ordinary none modified [Odachi] to Raven, who caught it with a little surprise.

"Don't think too much of it. You're missing a weapon and I got too many to spare, so there you go. Also, you owe me a debt for that." I grin at Raven and watch her eye twitch once due to the fact that she couldn't really give back the [Odachi] back to me since my policy to most people is: No Refund. Even if she desires to reject the idea of owning a debt to someone like me, she rather not does so after finding out what I did to others that did so.

"Now, what do you want to do now? Since it looks like your tribe is pretty much gone by now and you requested for help to relocate your tribe." I look at Raven, who draw out the [Odachi] I gave her and slide it back inside its [Sheath], then stare at me with eyes of killing intent.

"I want the Olympians destroyed and eliminate Salem as well." Raven said to me in a deadly cold tone, filled with the urge to rush back to her Campsite to slaughter her enemies.

"Wasn't that the goal on our side?" Pyrrha asks me, then pause for a moment as she blinks a few times and looks around the area. Much to Raven's confusion at this weird display before her.

"Pretty much anyone wants to get rid of the grimm in my opinion. The Olympians' destruction, on the hand, is our main goal, with Salem as a secondary." I truthfully answer my younger twin's question and Raven, but neither of them seems to be listening to me.

And I know for sure when Raven didn't look at me to say something, "Hey, Enma. What's wrong with your sister? Wait, are we under attack?" Raven quickly took her fighting stance and follow Pyrrha's example, in looking around the area to check for any hidden enemies waiting to attack us.

Just to satisfy my paranoia, I deployed the [Eagle Vision] in large scale to cover the whole building and a few meters away from the building itself. 'And there goes another wasteful [System Point].' I thought dryly with a bit of sadness.

However, that bit of sadness turned into a shock since I discover the people glowing in a gray color switched to red. Showing me that somehow all the neutral people turned into an enemy of mine.

I look at Pyrrha and wonder if she has an inborn [Skill] to detect any hostile enemy before they could take action. By the time I spent with Pyrrha from birth to now, Pyrrha mostly spaces out like me and look around like something there before her very eyes.

It's just too bad Pyrrha tends to black out during those moments and act like nothing happen in the first place. It got very annoying to some people, but I explained to Pyrrha carefully enough about this more than once. Nonetheless, I should have connected the dots about Pyrrha's inborn [Skill] to detect enemies years ago, or maybe it got an upgrade after gaining the Fall Maiden's power. Because I didn't find anyone turned hostile to us during those moments.

I'm beginning to rethink about how this goes and should have gone back to Raven's tribe with her yesterday. Then, maybe, just maybe I could see if the Olympians turned into a hybrid of a [Shadow], to overcome the resistance of staying outside of the [Dark Hour].

"Annoyance." I said in a cold voice, causing Raven to shiver at this and I didn't even activate [Evil Voice], but this doesn't stop Raven from feeling the killing intent from me. Even Pyrrha broke out her weird state and felt my killing intent.

"Can you use your semblance without your original weapon, Raven?" I ask Raven while continue watching the enemies walking towards the Rooftop via my mental map of the whole building. I say walking due to the enemies literally just walking and not rushing to the Rooftop for some reason.

Raven didn't say anything since this is one, could be her advantage or disadvantage of her semblance. She kept in secret and didn't want others to know, with only her brother: Qrow know about it after discovering it in the first place.

"Nevermind, if you could. You would have created one by now to rush back to your tribe once you're healed up and armed with a new weapon." I didn't bother to listen any of Raven's excuses and pay more attention to the new enemies coming to the Rooftop as we speak.

For some people in this current situation would either escape or wait for the enemies to come to them and face them off in an epic battle. For me: I slaughter them before they could even reach their destination.

Using [Earth Magic] with [Accelerator] and the mental map, to create multiple [Earth Spears] piercing through all the enemies inside the building, even if they are innocent and are acting on the orders of someone else. Doesn't matter to me, if you can follow your order and perform the task given to you instead of rejecting it. Then, you have given yourself the same option to be killed off by the enemies.

Honestly, I blame most of my [Persona]'s influence over my mindset about killing others like it doesn't mean a thing. Then again, I'm literally slowly turning into a [Demi-Fiend].

After thinking about this; I decided to change a bit and create multiple [Earth Hands] to grab the enemies, then merge them inside the building itself and harden the materials of the building to its limit while at the same time creating tiny size [Earth Spears], with a bit of a spin in them to increase the penetrating power. Also, in millions of those tiny [Earth Spinning Spears].

'There. No one should find them until a bit later. Days if I'm unlucky, months should be considered good in my book.' I didn't change my expression after killing pretty much everyone inside the building, leaving only Pyrrha, Raven, and I the only alive on top of this building's Roof.

"Did something happen, Em?" Pyrrha asks me in a concerned tone while keeping an eye on Raven, who looks ready for a fight.

"Nope." I said dully, "How about we change location and plan things out. Raven, I don't know how you want your revenge and all, but honestly, I rather not rush into a losing battle if I could help it." I look at Raven while thinking about Pyrrha's reaction to the enemy before they could act and wonder what her range limit and what's the requirement to cause this weird state of Pyrrha.

"It's not like I have a choice in this matter." Raven said to me while trying to act tough, to hide the shame and guilt she feeling after witnessing her own tribe destroyed by people she knew she couldn't beat on her own, including her own tribe to support her in battle.

Pyrrha and I share another glance before we head downstairs, to leave the Rooftop instead of just do roof jumping like most of the time, but seeing how people are on high alert in Vale. That path lay troubles and it doesn't look like Raven wants to use her semblance to help out.

"You black out again, Pyr." I whisper to Pyrrha while we leave the Rooftop, causing Pyrrha to frown before she wipes it away with a gentle smile to replace it, to show she not bother about it.

"I also found out another side-effect from you blacking out, and I don't if it's because of your Maiden's power or it's an inborn [Skill] still being developed." I quietly said to Pyrrha, as we walk downstairs, with Raven following behind us and not even paying attention at all from the look of it.

If anything, Raven a bit busy thinking about what routes she could take after failing her tribe as their leader while vowing to herself to become stronger than ever, to get vengence against Salem and the Olympians.