Chapter 3: Time Flys By So Quick

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 3: Time Flys By So Quick

Day 7: The Newcomers! Part 2

(The Empire: Central Region: The Captial)

On the way back to the Palace; Esdeath told me to go ahead of her as she needs to grab something before meeting up with the new group she requested for.

I took this chance to use my [Fiction Adaption] once more on the last manga I kept in my [Inventory] for days now.

Sadly, the skill I wanted to be imported was rejected. It seems like the [Fundamental Force Manipulation]'s requirements for gaining it. Is by having a level 100 skills in [Gravity Manipulation], [Electromagnetism Manipulation], [Strong Force Manipulation], and [Weak Force Manipulation] before I could gain the [Fundamental Force Manipulation], which is all four merged together and stronger than just possessing all four skills separate into their own skills.

Of course, I would have gone for [Electromagnetism Manipulation], but found out even that skill has a requirement as well. I'm just glad the requirement was for this skill was that I could only get this skill after my 10th import skill from [The God of Highschool Universe of Knowledge].

This included the other three skills in order to get the [Fundamental Force Manipulation]. Much to my disappointment, as I discovered that I couldn't get the [Charyeok] due to some restrictions that prevent me from accessing them.

This wouldn't have made me feel too bad, but my Gamer's ability didn't even tell me what the restrictions are and just mention about them, that some unknown forces are stopping me.

If I've to guess; it's those beings within The God of Highschool universe that are stopping me. Just like Truth from the Fullmetal Alchemist universe.

So, I decided to pick something else to suit my fighting style and I was happy with what I got.

[Nabong Needle Ryu] - Passive - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: None

Description: This is the type of martial arts that utilizes acupuncture to attack. It is emphasized in strong, fast attacks with fingers functioning like needles to puncture pressure points and vital points on the body.

1st Effect: Gain access to [Acupuncture] skill

2nd Effect: Give the user's fingers the ability to function like needles

3rd Effect: Locked (Require level 10)

Other Effects: Locked (Require 3rd Effect unlock)

At first, I would think this [Nabong Needle Ryu] would be useless for me when I already know some pressure points. But, after gaining this skill; all those knowledge on the [Acupuncture] are downloaded into my brain for my usage.

Furthermore, the [Nabong Needle Ryu]'s 2nd Effect: Giver the user's fingers the ability to function like needles was a big boon.

After all, there are some pressure points I can't use due to lack of needles to use those points and I could only use the ones that don't really need a needle to be used.

I do have to wonder what the 3rd Effect of the [Nabong Needle Ryu] would be since it's the first skill of mine to have the smallest level required to unlock the next effects out of the other skills.

Thinking about it for a moment and wonder if I need to level up 10 more times for [The God of Highschool Universe of Knowledge] before I could get my 2nd skill from this [Universe of Knowledge] while I get my 2nd skills from the other ones.

Because if this is true, then I'm starting to regret not using this manga upon arriving this world beforehand.

"HELLO SIR!" I heard a dreadful familiar shout behind, causing me to break out of my trance of thoughts and I almost lashed out at the person behind me.

Turning on my left and found Seryu, who is known for her strong and twisted sense of justice. With a major twisted sense of right and wrong to the point of viewing the Empire as absolutely right, and its enemies as pure evil.

"Are you lost?" Seryu asked me, then her face went stiff, "JUSTICE!" I flinch at the sudden shout right at me.

'Okay, I'm starting to think I'm not even close to the canon and into the comedy version known as parody or a mix of both.' I'm beginning to wish for the canon version, even with all the darkest parts that come along with it over this world I end up in.

"No." I didn't dare turn around with crazy here may end up stabbing me in the back if I so much as give a hint of being any other sides beside the Empire.

"Then, why are you in the middle of the hallway, Sir? If you're not lost?" Seryu looks at me with her normal and not crazy look. Before it went back to crazy as she shouted justice in a loud manner once more.

'This...this is my life now. Hanging out with crazy people.' I'm this close to just call it quits and kill everyone, then move as far away from this place and live in this universe for the rest of my life as a murderous wanderer.

"I'm-" I was about to answer Seryu's question when a chill went down my back as I move on pure instinct and appear a few feet away from my previous spot. Where there another person walking up to Seryu, who was confused by my action.

"Well, hello there big boy~!" Dr. Stylish wink at me, causing the shiver to spread through my whole body. The same man, who does countless experiments on countless creatures, this included humans and danger beasts.

"Nope." I am done, but since I promised Esdeath not to cause any trouble for her until she returns. I head to the same conference room, where the other future members of the Jaegers team formed under Esdeath's request.

Entering the room; I found Wave, Bols, and Kurome already in the room. But, I ignore all three and the two behind me as I stand in a corner near the door.

From what I could tell; Wave actually the same as his canon or his crazy side is well hidden and control to be shown in public. For Bols, he similar to Wave's case. As for Kurome, she the most disturbing one out of those three.

This world's Kurome acts like a spoiled princess and even talked in a third person view, where she talked about her favorite things to do and that with dolls. Her version of dolls, thanks to her Teigu.

After both Seryu and Dr. Stylish entered the room. The last member: Run enter, causing Wave to act similarly in canon upon Run's introducing himself to everyone in the room.

As a few minutes go by, where some talks to each other and a few times they glance in my direction, but kept their distance due to the heavy presence they felt from me.

As the second go by; I gained a little more information on these people and surprise only Seryu, Kurome, and maybe a bit of Dr. Stylish are different from their canon version.

This Seryu makes the canon Seryu like a novice when it compared with justice. The future countless headache I would have to experience just by being near her would have been bad for my health. Lucky for me, I won't have to worry about that due to [Gamer's Mind] making them disappear the instant they appear, much to my relief from finding this out.

Just as I was about to plan a way to secretly get rid of Seryu; Esdeath walked into the room with a mask on, but didn't change her General's outfit to make the whole disguise better.

Only to those that never met her would think she was just another random person and not the same person known for her sadist methods to deal with enemy forces.

"Who's that?" Wave asked for all of us, as Esdeath walk up the stage and dramatically point at all us.

"Who the hell are you, people?! What are all you people doing in this room?!" Esdeath didn't even give Wave the chance to speak up and kick right in the chest, sending the guy flying and created a small crack size of his head upon contact.

This action caused everyone to look at Esdeath with a surprised look on their faces. Some of them even go straight into offensive and attack Esdeath.

Pretty much similar to canon, with Kurome just changing her dialogue to something else. About how she will show Esdeath her place for acting so disrespectful.

Yeah, Esdeath broke Kurome's left arm for her comment and to add another injury; Esdeath steps on the back of Kurome's head to show how she thinks about how disrespectful she was to Kurome.

Too bad, this Kurome didn't manage to break Esdeath's mask and continue her assault.

The end result: All, but myself, are on the ground, groaning in pain with Esdeath looking very disappointed at what she got as her new team of Teigu users.

Without warning, Esdeath launches herself straight at me, not bother to explain herself to everyone the reason why she attacked us.

So without thinking; I grab the back of Wave's jacket and pull him in front of me, to be used as a meatshield. Esdeath found this amusing and continue her attacks.

In a matter of seconds; Wave looks like he needs to go to the hospital with the number of injuries he got now due to Esdeath's ruthless attacks.

"Really now, Ragna?" Esdeath asks me after she strikes with countless of non-lethal attacks and realizes I've been leading her to always attack Wave's non-fatal spots for a while now.

With [Time Alter], this wasn't that hard a task to do and Esdeath knew this and finally stop.

Everyone watch Esdeath takes off her mask, where her face is revealed to everyone, causing some of us to be surprised that the masked person was their leader this whole time and she was testing us.

"Anyone want to take Wave here to take him to the infirmary to be treated for his injuries?" I ask anyone that was willing to help the guy.

"OH~! I got him, big boy~!" Dr. Stylish rushed over to take Wave off my hands and almost reached to touch my face when Esdeath kicked him away. Much to some of the others' surprise at this action of Esdeath.

Sadly, instead of Dr. Stylish falling unconscious or badly injured. He took out a small box and shake it a little for a pellet to come out, which he pops it in his mouth and took only a few seconds before he back to perfect health.

"Can I still quit?" I ask my lover, whom I may as well accept her love with then face her as an enemy and may end up torture by her to gain my love rather its natural love or force love. Doesn't look like it matters to Esdeath.

"Nope." Esdeath smile at me, then narrow her eyes at Dr. Stylish, who shiver at the glare being sent in his direction. Quickly, Dr. Stylish throws a pellet into Wave's mouth and everyone could see Wave's injuries are beginning to disappear.

The next day*

Day 8: Bits of Advice

(The Empire: Central Region: The Captial)

After yesterday's creation of the newly formed Teigu users group known as Jaegers.

There were some problems at the time; everyone was shocked to find out that I wasn't really a member of the Jaegers due to lack of Teigu myself and is Esdeath's lover and future husband as well.

Later on after the first meeting; the Jaegers and myself meet up with the Emperor to introduce the team's members and where they came from. Much to my relief, Esdeath told me I wasn't allowed to attend due to my status of not being with the Jaegers just yet.

So I head to Esdeath's bedroom, because surprise, surprise, Esdeath made all the soldiers guarding the place to not allow me to leave the Palace.

I guess she was still salty that I didn't take her with me to the forest, to hunt down the danger beasts.

Also, I should have realized it by the first day upon arriving this world. I get no loot at all. Hell, I even checked the option in the Gamer's ability and still found no option like auto loot or anything related to loot.

If it wasn't for [Gamer's Mind], I would be very depressed at the time. Nonetheless, I rather not have Esdeath be more angry with me than she already is.

I waited for a while until Esdeath returns back from the meeting with the Emperor, where she literally undressed in front of me, much to my dismay and my little part's happy at this sight.

Well, it would have stayed as dismay if it weren't for Esdeath to jump me and look like she arouses or something, but control herself the last second and ran into the bathroom to take a cold shower.

Yeah, last night was pretty awkward to the point, where Esdeath would usually hug me while we sleep. This time, Esdeath was too embarrass, EMBARRASS, to even touch me, let alone hug me for some reason.

This was a side of Esdeath I would not have thought to see. But, after what looked like half an hour. Esdeath hug me again and look like she couldn't take it any longer from being able to hug me while sleeping and got too used to my presence next to her to ignore for the rest of the night.

If anything, this just made Esdeath feel even closer to me, where I'm still confused for the rest of the night about what's going on with Esdeath at the time.

What made last night's sleep very awkward was that Esdeath didn't even speak to me the whole time from coming back from the meeting and at the end, we slept.

I was too confused to speak and just go along with it. At the time, I didn't know if I should just take Esdeath there and then or not. But, I did know Esdeath's action last night prove to me that I would even stick it in crazy.

During the morning, Esdeath was still a bit quiet before she kisses me on the lip out of nowhere and continues to do so until one of us had to breathe. Not surprising, it was Esdeath who needs to breathe first.

Then finally explained what's going on last night and realize why it took Esdeath so long to return after the meeting. As there was a party for the newly formed Jaegers and celebrated it for a while until Esdeath excused herself.

But, that's what wasn't the reason why she was acting so out of control last night. What Esdeath told me was that for some reason her body started to get hot, which is weird when she mostly cold and I can prove that's a fact after sleeping with her the whole time.

Esdeath's body may be hot, but it's cold, not to the point of freezing me with a thin layer of frost. Just feel cold.

Either way, Esdeath made up a theory that she felt this way because I wasn't near her at the time and this happens to her once before during the time I left to hunt some danger beasts. And she had to deal with it, which is the reason why she asked me to leave the Palace.

Furthermore, Esdeath even said we must be meant for each other if this is how she acts around me and it hasn't even been over a week yet.

Once more, I feel like some unknown force is the causes of this, but after spending time with Esdeath personally. I've to say I don't mind about it anymore. Well, until the day of our wedding. I don't what would happen if I exit this world afterward.

Anyway, after the whole talk with Esdeath. I got another stat point from having this deep conversation with her. And I've already gotten used to this part of my Gamer's ability.

Esdeath took me to the Empire's Treasure Vault filled with Teigu, that the Empire still manages to keep for their usage.

"Well, Ragna. See if any of these Teigu could be used by you. If not, we can just find a way to recover the ones stolen by the Revolutionary Army." Esdeath said to me, as she glances around to see anything catch her interest.

On my left; I found something that made my instinct draw to it. Slowly, I walk over to search for it and find it's a sword. With the sheath is simple, violent and close to black and straight, adorned with a gold-plate inlay about midway down its length.

Picking up the sword and found it a bit light. I draw out the sword from its sheath and discover the blade itself was pitch black, almost like it absorbing the light itself surrounding it. I can't even see my own reflection with this blade. Furthermore, I realize it's a Chinese straight sword too.

"Oh. I would never expect you could fully draw it out from its sheath. Lots of people would dare to force themselves to draw it out, but end up getting killed by it instead of controlling it." Esdeath said to me, as she walks up to me and stares at the Teigu in my hand with a hint of excitement.


You have discovered a soul-bound weapon that's created by a dangerous beast beyond the power of this world.

Would you like to bind it?


'Well, that doesn't seem menacing at all.' I thought dryly, then hit the yes mentally.


You have bound the Teigu: [Life Stealer: Korosu] to your soul. Which give you the benefit of recalling this weapon back inside your [Inventory] with a single thought and sacrifice something in an exchange for this weapon return if the durability ever reaches zero or the weapon itself destroyed beyond repair.

I blankly stare that the blue screen window and disappear it after reading the whole thing.

"Do you know what this is?" I wanted to make sure the real name of this Teigu and not something my Gamer's ability made up on the spot. Plus, I've never seen a Teigu like this in the canon. So it could be a Teigu never been shown or just one of the many hidden things in this world.

"This is one of the top dangerous Teigu ever made. This included my own Teigu. This Teigu is called the [Life Stealer: Korosu], known for stealing away all life force from its victims. Rather, it is their wielder or enemy, even weird things like a tree would be drained of its life force and wither away." Esdeath replied to my question, as she made sure not to touch the blade while staring at it.

'I guess that confirms that this Teigu is a double-edged sword. I better use it often or else it would draw the life force out of me to fill it's hungry. Who knows if it's actual life force or my HP or MP.' I've already started planning a way to keep the bad side-effects of the Teigu from trying to drain my life force.

"So I have a literally life sucking weapon, that's bound to devour all life force around it. If that wasn't scary enough, I'm its new wielder and the closest to it for a good meal before a new target or wielder appears before it once more." I said dryly, not to mention how this thing is bound to my very soul.

And since this weapon is literally a living weapon at that, I have no clue what unknown effect this soul-bound would affect me.

"Pretty much, yeah. Just make sure you don't touch the blade with your bare skin. Oh, yeah! I just remember that this is Teigu is similar to three other Teigu. Out of the three, there two Teigu called the [Incursio] and [Grand Chariot]. With the [Incursio] being the prototype of [Grand Chariot]. The third Teigu is [Murasame] and the prototype for the [Korosu]." Esdeath reveals a shocking fact about the Teigu I have in my possession.

"However, unlike the [Grand Chariot] that fixed the unstable feature of the [Incursio]. The [Korosu] is considered a failure due to the First Emperor couldn't even use it for a few minutes before he almost killed by it. Making this Teigu the first one among the rest to be sealed within the Treasure Vault until the next wielder could control it appear." Esdeath finishes explaining the small history of my Teigu.

I didn't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. On one hand, I got the Teigu that's a finish version or an improved version of [Murasame], the deadly weapon known to kill its target with one cut. While on the other hand, this Teigu is still considered a failure and made the prototype one be a better one.

Like how it's in canon, where [Incursio] can beat [Grand Chariot] later on. But, seeing how the Gamer's ability isn't telling me about how my life force is being drained away or either my HP or MP are dropping at the moment. I think it's a good thing for now. At least, I have a weapon, a deadly double-edged weapon, for my usage now besides my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] and [Nabong Needle Ryu] for an offensive.

"Well, let's go. I have a tournament to run and luckily we got a Teigu for you before we start the thing." Esdeath drag me along after she watches me put the blade of [Korosu] back into its sheath before doing so.

2 hours later*

So far, the tournament is going almost the same as the canon version, but with me seating next to Esdeath, who was bored and using my left shoulder as a resting place for her head as she watches the fight going down below us.

Just now, Esdeath mention these fights was just boring to her and Run; well, the guy looks like he has his own [Gamer's Mind] or went through trainings to have really good control over his emotions. I'm leaning to the latter since his canon version was able to do so, even when he met the Wild Hunt in the future.

Soon, we watched the match between Tatsumi and his opponent, that have a bull for a head while the rest of their body is a man. Pretty much the minotaur of this world.

This would have been the moment Esdeath fall in love with Tatsumi upon the sight of his smile to the public.

Looking at Esdeath, all I saw was Esdeath's bored expression, even after seeing Tatsumi's smile.

"Think the kid is a good candidate for using the Teigu you guys recovered from the Revolutionary Army?" I ask Esdeath, who close to falling asleep and blink rapidly at my question.

Even Run looks at Esdeath, with a small smile on his face and wonder the same thing. Since he finds Tatsumi's performance to be good compared to the other fights in this tournament.

"He could be one, but we can't just give out any Teigu to random people that are not in the army. You, on the hand, are my lover and I've already applied you into the army and assigned to Jaegers the moment we got you a Teigu. So we don't need to worry about that. As for that kid, not so much, but we could test him out though." Esdeath informs a few things about handing out the Empire's leftover Teigu and was surprised there was such a thing.

"Should I bring him over to be questioned, General?" Run ask his leader for her command on what he should do next. So he could notify Wave to bring in the candidate somewhere private before giving them the open to join the Jaegers.

"Sure, why not. We can use more member. After all, we still don't know how many Teigu the Revolutionary Army possess right now." Esdeath gets off the couch and look at Tatsumi very carefully for some reason, then let out a sigh like she disappointed about something.

"Something wrong, Esdeath?" I ask her, as I stand up and wonder if Esdeath was trying to see if she would fall in love or have some sort of feeling for Tatsumi after seeing his smile.

After all, that's how the canon version of Esdeath fallen in love with Tatsumi at first sight. But, seeing how this Esdeath falls in love with me somehow, and the way she let out a sigh wasn't the sigh of love, but more of a disappointment if I guess it correctly.

"Well, don't be jealous, but I wanted to see if the list I used before meeting you would help me find someone to love. Look like I was thinking too hard on the list for a love candidate. Because after seeing that smile on that winner's face. My heart didn't raise like it did when I'm with you." Esdeath looks at me with a bright smile, that could send anyone's heart racing if they didn't know what type of woman Esdeath is.

All I did was give Esdeath a nod while giving Run some hand gesture behind my back for only him to see. As I try to silently message him something.

Sadly, before Run could decipher my hidden message. Esdeath narrow her eyes and notice how Run's eyes at looking behind me and I have both my hands behind me. This caused Esdeath to quickly figure out something going on here without her notice.

Seeing this, I quickly stop and Run knew when trouble shows itself and figure out what kind of trouble he may face if he doesn't explain what's going on to Esdeath. Since he's not her lover nor a higher rank than her, not like that would, his life is at state.

"Sorry, General. Ragna here was trying to message me on what we're going to have lunch today. Since you were still speaking General, Ragna found that it would be rude to talk over you and just send me a hidden message instead." Run said, then give everyone a smile as he gives me a thumb up for his quick thinking.

Sadly, this made me realize this Run isn't normal after all, since he just did a Nice Guy pose from Naruto, with his teeth sparkling for a second.

Esdeath and I sweatdrop at this, but didn't comment on this and just nod at the same time to Run, who nods at us, then walk off to meet up with Wave.

"There no normal one in the Jaegers is there?" I ask Esdeath, who let out a snort at my question like it's a joke or something.

"Depend on what your definition of the word: Normal is." Esdeath replied, as she pulls me along and walks away, to leave the work for giving Tatsumi his tournament's money and taking him away to ask a few questions just in case he was an enemy spy or something.

2 hours later*

"Well, Tatsumi rejected in our offer to join us. So, we just let him leave with his reward from the tournament." Run reported to Esdeath, along with the rest in the room to let them know they weren't getting a new addition into the Jaegers from the look of it.

'Huh, I guess when Esdeath isn't blindly in love with Tatsumi and trying to experience the whole thing love for herself with an unwilling person. Then, she more calculated in her movements. Not even bother to think if it's worth for Tatsumi to join by force or not.' I'm starting to wonder if I should just say screw the plot at this point and just help Esdeath get rid of the Night Raid, to speed up the wedding day.

Just as Run finished his report; a messenger rushes into the room and looks like someone forgot the close the door, since usually the soldier would knock first before announcing their presence and request for entry.

"General Esdeath-sama! As ordered, I've finished the report regarding the area around Gyogan Lake!" The messenger reported to everyone that they have located the hideout of a group of Bandits.

"This is great. The timing is just perfect, for our first big job." Esdeath said to the whole Jaegers members, including me.

3 hours later*

It took some time, but reached just a few miles away from the Gyogan Lake and started planning out how to take out the Bandits without giving the chance to escape their sudden attack.

Afterward, we arrived at the enemy's hideout front entrance. Instead of Esdeath watching how this play out from a few like in the canon. But, without Tatsumi's present. Esdeath decided to join us and wanted to get a good look at everyone's fighting abilities.

"We've already memorized the layout and enemy positions, so what kind of strategy should we use?" Run asks Esdeath, who is looking at me with the excitement of wanting to see the power of my Teigu.

"JUSTICE!" Seryu was the first one to speak up, causing some of the Bandits to hear us and a few shouts told us that they realized someone unknown are at their front door.

"I say we rush in and fight them head on!" Seryu looks ready to bolt right there and then. If it weren't for Wave to stop crazy from beginning her slaughter in the name of justice.

Before Seryu starts this raid off, I walk forward while ignoring the shouts coming from the Bandits as I carefully adjust the weight of [Korosu] as I start using the [Basic Movements of Sword Skills]. This is something I trained myself to the point of mastering each basic movement that put together to form a sword skill.

Also, the reason why I haven't even mastered the [Iaido] until later on after training my little sister.

Just within a few meters from the enemies before my eyes, as I use both the [Flick Sword Form] and [Wave Sword Form], and combine it with [Shundo].

Both skills; well, one skill and personal ones mixed together perfectly. As I slice almost all the enemies' throats with [Korosu] and notice all of them didn't even make any noise after getting their throats cut. Furthermore, the light in their eyes has already disappeared Showing that they're dead before they could tell how they die.

[Flick Sword Form] is the sudden, sharp movement of the sword that pure on speed. One of the basic movements for [Iaido] and fast sword strike. [Wave Sword Form] is where moving the sword with a swaying or undulating motion while remaining fixed to one point.

Putting these two basic movements sword forms would at least become [Iaido]. Of course, if it wasn't for using the [Korosu] and [Shundo]. I would have added the [Sweep Sword Form] for swift and smooth movement along with [Cleave Sword Form] to balance the speed and power to make this into the [Iaido].

Looking at the blade of [Korosu], and there wasn't even a drop of blood on it and ignore the others around me as I look up my status to check how much EXP I need to level up to 10. With EXP: 220/51200 after killing the Bandits.

Now, that I have a very sharp blade weapon instead of using a regular old sword in the hunt a few days back in the forest. I could use my [Basic Movements of Sword Skills]'s power higher than it already is by using it with my skills I gained from other universes and together with the blade-type Teigu.

I gained a glint in my left eye after seeing my EXP, then rushed into the hideout to kill all the Bandits before the other Jaegers could kill steal of those EXP I could gain.

25 minutes later*

Almost the whole raid was similar to the canon, but with Seryu being a bit more crazy in killing the Bandits. To the point of being the main one to destroy the hideout until the whole place goes down.

The amount of EXP I gained wasn't that much after the rest of the Jaegers joined in the attack. Leaving me with EXP: 2010/51200. Not even close to reaching level 10 anytime soon.

However, I did manage to level up [Shundo] twice into the fight after using it together with my Teigu and [Basic Movements of Sword Skills], which I still wish for my Gamer's ability to turn into an actual skill to appear on my skills list.

Along with [Shundo], I leveled up both [Innate Time Control: Time Alter] once and [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] two times as well. Due to using both [Fireball] and [Conflagration] more than once along with my Teigu.

Thanks to Bols at the time, for creating big flames for me to eat every few seconds. Much to some of the others' shock at the sight of me literally eating fire of all things.

Sadly, I didn't have enough time to train [Eagle Vision] to level up after almost all the enemies are already taken care of. This included the other skills I didn't have the chance to use at the time because I wanted to save some MP just in case.

Of course, eating Bols' Teigu's flames would have solved that problem if it weren't for me to eat so much flames so quickly to the point Bols had to stop once done his share of kills.

I would be happy to create more spells for my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] at a lower cost than even the [Fireball]. However, not everything would go as planned when my MP capacity wasn't high enough to create those fire spells I wanted.

Sure, I could create a high tier spells for my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic], but I still end up with less than the right amount of MP to make the spell creation a success.

On the way back to the Palace; the members of the Jaegers, besides Esdeath, are staring at me with weird looks. Wondering what type of Teigu I'm using to be able to eat flames and move at high speed.

Wave couldn't take it much longer and decided to be the one to ask in the place for everyone. "Hey, Ragna what Teigu are you using?"

I glance back at Wave and the others, with Esdeath looking very amused right now, but a bit of disappointment.

Esdeath thought the [Korosu] would be more flashy or something, but she did see how it kills faster than [Murasame] with a single cut. Still, she would think the infamous deadly Teigu above the [Murasame] would show more destruction.

"The [Life Stealer: Korosu]." I replied to Wave and everyone else question what Teigu I'm using. I raise the said Teigu in my left hand for them to see. To some of them, they never heard of it, but to those that do. Were shocked beyond belief and even slow down to create a distance between them and me. Afraid they may end up losing their life force just by being near the infamous Teigu.

"Hey, why you guys slowing down?" Wave notice Run, Dr. Stylish, and even Kurome slowed down their paces. Even the spoil princess Kurome look very afraid at the moment. Dr. Stylish look like he torn between wanting to study the deadly Teigu known for stealing others' life force and getting away as far as possible.

"If you must know pretty boy. That Teigu he has in his hand. Is a deadly Teigu known for killing its wielders more than once and anything around them upon drawing it out. Furthermore, the First Emperor was the only managed to use the darn thing for a while until he sealed it away due to almost dying from it. Afterward, the Teigu wasn't used for years as many candidates that managed to draw it out halfway before they die by the Teigu absorbing all their life force before they could stop it. Also, to took some special tools to put the blade back into its sheath before the Teigu run wild and draw in the life force of its surroundings when its have enough time do so." Dr. Stylish explain to Wave, and trying his best not to let his impulse get a hold of him and lead to his death by just wanting to study the [Korosu].

"Wait, then how come he's not dying right now?" Wave wasn't completely convinced about [Korosu] being a deadly Teigu.

"Who knows, maybe the peasant have some way to stop it." Kurome replied to Wave's question, who looks like convinced enough to think it's a very dangerous Teigu, to even its user.

"Do you know the [One-Cut Killer: Murasame]?" Run asks Wave before Dr. Stylish started ranting again.

"Yeah, it belongs to one of the Night Raid's members. What about it?" Wave still didn't think this was related to what they are talking about at the moment.

"It's the prototype of [Korosu]. But the [Korosu] is considered as a failure due to how uncontrollable it is." Run simple reveals this little fact just to give Wave the idea how dangerous the [Korosu] is.

"Wait, what?!" Wave was beyond shock now, because he clearly knows that there is some Teigu being the prototype for other Teigu, with his being a good example.

"Now, you have got a good idea how we're a bit cautious of being near it? Because if not, I'll be disappointed to have you as a fellow team member." Kurome sneers at Wave, who looks a little annoyed by Kurome's rude comment.

"You guys don't have to worry about the Teigu killing you guys." Esdeath looks very amused at some of their reactions on finding out what her lover's Teigu is. "After all, if Ragna here didn't die just from fully drawing it out from its sheath less than half an hour ago. Then, what would make you think it would go for you guys now of all time?"

This was just enough for them to relax a little, but they didn't want to take their chances. Who knows when the [Korosu] decides at any moment to devour the life force around it and they just happen to be nearby. That would be a sad way to die in their opinions.

"By the way, is there anyone among you guys married or have any lovers?" Esdeath figure she should seek some advice from someone already have experience in marriage.

Bols raised his left hand, causing all of us to stare at him with surprise or just look at him with a dull look. Even I thought in this parallel universe, this Bols wouldn't be the one married and it would be someone else.

"I can't believe it with the way you look." Dr. Stylish said to Bols, as he flips his hair for no reason.

'Like you could talk about looks.' I thought to myself, and wonder if I should wonder what Esdeath would do after taking Bols' advice in love or marriage.

"Neither could I." Bols place both hands on his cheeks and look like he blushing if it wasn't for his mask hiding his whole face. "I've married for six years now! I really don't deserve someone as wonderful as that though!"

"I see. So what do you usually do with your wife?" Esdeath quickly brings out a small notebook and a pencil to write down her notes while glancing at me once in a while.

"Let's see. Make sure both sides are happy with each other presence and try your best to see if you could help the other in whatever they're doing. This could be a good time be with your loved one while doing something together. It could be anything, to be honest, but most of the time it could be just anything simple to helping or doing something you guys like together instead." Bols started off with something at the top of his head and this what he would usually do with his wife when he free from work.

"Oh, indeed. I see this could be something I could do with Ragna. After all, this was something I could have done a few days ago. If someone didn't reject my offer to help out." Esdeath glared at me for a few seconds before looking back at Bols for further advice to note down on love.

"I apologized more than once already! What else do you want from me? I've already said you can come with me to hunt tomorrow." I roll my eyes at Esdeath, who narrowed her eyes at me before looking back at Bols, for further advice in love.

"Well, another good thing to do if there some problem in your marriage like for example with you two at the moment. Why not just do it. By taking Ragna's offer to hunt tomorrow. This way you won't have to waste time being stubborn on who gets to be right and who was wrong. So both of you two could spend together at least happy to do something together." Bols quickly figure out the next things to offer in love advice for a couple like Esdeath and her lover.

"I guess that's true." Esdeath nods in agreement, "Doesn't mean I won't punish you later Ragna. Even if you tried to apologize by offering a sparring match with me."

Esdeath smile in victory once she saw her lover shiver once he heard she still going to punish him later due to not allowing her to come with him a few days ago.

"I don't know about who the one cooking, but if it's you, General. Then, I would think it is best if you find out what Ragna's favorite food is and how often you should make it. This way, he should be happy to eat something he likes and by someone special to his heart. After all, this is how I win over my wife most of the time." Bols rub the back of his head while trying not to look at the people continue to look at him.

Esdeath looks at Bols with a dull look, then a smirk slowly appears on her face as she looks at the corner of her eyes at her lover.

"Don't think you could win me over by just food alone." I said to Esdeath, who looks like she wasn't going to give up on having some way of controlling me a little.

2 hours later*

"Okay, you win me over." I said to the smug looking Esdeath, with a light blue apron on, as I just finished eating a great steak made from some danger beasts Esdeath got from the cooking department she got her hands on.

"Now, about that hunting. I think I know a better place to hunt danger beasts. Just you and me." Esdeath said with a smile before she walks back into the kitchen to grab the next plates for desserts.

The next day*

Day 9: A Sad Time

(The Empire: Central Region: The Captial)

After last night's dinner and later a small sparring match between me against the rest of the Jaegers under Esdeath's orders. To show that even I, Esdeath's lover, can easily take on the whole Jaegers, by myself just to show who's the stronger one.

Well, I managed to defeat all of them less than a few minutes thanks to the [Nabong Needle Ryu] for me to easily bypass lots of requirements to use some pressure points. Furthermore, using [Shundo] to launch surprise attacks before they could react.

Wave went down first because I know I wouldn't be able to use the [Nabong Needle Ryu] on him once the [Grand Chariot] is activated, then he would be one of the troublesome opponents I've to fight with.

Run was the second to go down due to his Teigu giving him the ability of flight. And the only long-distance attacks I have on me was my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic]. Sadly, this would turn the sparring match into a death match if I use that.

So, I just throw Wave's paralysis body at Run, who caught him on reflex, which I took advantage of and use [Nabong Needle Ryu] to disable him as well.

After taking care of those that I would find too hard to fight with and not try to kill them would end up as a result of me losing.

Afterward, the rest was easy taking down with ease, but I did end up using up my whole MP and it's a good thing my original speed wasn't nerfed due to my Gamer's ability. Because I still find the stats not calculated correctly or I'm missing something.

Once the sparring match was over; Esdeath drags me back to her bedroom, where she cuddles me until both of us went to sleep.

Thanks to the sparring match, I leveled up [Nabong Needle Ryu] five times surprisingly and [Shundo] only once. I'm just short four levels in [Nabong Needle Ryu] before unlocking the 3rd Effect.

The next morning, both Esdeath and I spend our time together, and by that, I mean I had to help Esdeath torture a few prisoners much to my limited time of annoyance and force myself to help Esdeath. Since it looks like Esdeath actually doing those love advice Bols gave her last night.

Of course, I could have rejected this, but once I discovered what my 'punishment' was from Esdeath. I didn't do it again, and to my horror, the 'punishment' was worse than being tortured, which I was thinking she would do to me.

Sadly, she went for both physical and mental torture via forcing me to watch her eat the last night's steak in front of me while froze my entire body while leaving only my head free. Furthermore, she even far as wears an apron with no clothes underneath to give me the blue ball, literally after freezing me.

[Gamer's Body] and [Gamer's Mind] still doesn't work when it comes to Esdeath. Oh, sure, I heal in a matter of seconds with no injury to show up and only my HP went down. But, the sensation was still there before it disappears.

After Esdeath finishes eating the steak in front of me and even flat out told me I won't be having any breakfast as my 'punishment' after realizing how much I like eating.

Esdeath easily puts some clues together and figured out some of my weaknesses I never knew I had. Sure, I like eating, but that didn't make me feel defeated if someone uses it against me like what Esdeath just did. But, after gaining the Gamer's ability.

It looks like some hidden effects made me like this and I couldn't just eat when I know I don't really need to, but the taste was what got me. And this is how Esdeath is somewhat manipulating me.

But, I didn't find myself that much caring about it and I did find out that Dr. Stylish still went off his own last night and had one of his enhanced soldiers following Tatsumi back to Lubbock and Leone, then back to their base.

Even when there so many changes, there is still some part that can't be changed and Dr. Stylish following Tatsumi was one of them.

Sadly, this made Esdeath had to cancel the hunting today and order a search for Dr. Stylish whereabout.

Both Bols and Run reported on their finds in Dr. Stylish's Household and didn't find any pieces of evidence as to where he went off to. Pretty much same as canon, but with Seryu going further into the crazy justice land than she already is.

Almost the whole afternoon after we discovered that Dr. Stylish is likely to be killed in action, causing Seryu to be depressed for a while and did the same thing as her canon, including telling her own past while only saying the word justice at the end while laughing and crying at the same time.

However, what's the difference in this world and canon. Wave actually made it to Seryu to cheer her help instead of Esdeath, who was too busy planning a way to get revenge for Dr. Stylish's death and another trip to the Torture Chamber to release some stress.

'And once more, Esdeath forced me to come along to have a couple the dungeon. So much joy...' I thought with a hint of depression.

The next day*

Day 10: Some Secrets Can't Be Secret Forever

(The Empire: Central Region: The Captial)

From what I could recall, the next episode or chapter in the Akame Ga Kill is a month from now. This should give me a chance to train my skills and increase my stats by the time I face the Night Raid.

Which I clearly did, with Esdeath tagging along. It just happens that Esdeath decided today would be just us two alone and the rest of the Jaegers continue their duty of searching for the whereabouts of the Night Raid's activities and their next move.

On our walks inside the forest near the Captial. I was trying varies a way to create spells for my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic].

[Demonic Fire Creation Magic]:

Form: Explosion - MP Varies

Effect: Place a [Fire Mark] on target - 1 MP

2nd Effect: Cause [Fire Mark] to explode by a trigger - 1 MP

Trigger: User snap their fingers once - 1 MP

Target: Anywhere the user hit - 2 MP

Name: Critical Blast



Form: Explosive - MP Varies = x meter radius

Effect: Place a [Fire Emblem] on target - 1 MP = REJECTED

2nd Effect: Cause [Fire Emblem] to explode by a trigger - 1 MP = REJECTED

Trigger: User snap their fingers once - 1 MP = REJECTED DUE TO 2ND EFFECT

Name: Critical Blast


Failed in creating a spell for [Fire Devil Slayer Magic]!


Failure in creating spell cause the player to lose 30 MP (1st Effect [10 MP], 2nd Effect [10 MP], Trigger [10 MP] rejected)!

So far, creating a new spell without making it a failure wasn't doing so good and I end up losing MP as a result of those failures.

If my MP capacity wasn't so small. I could have made the [Fire Devil's Rage], which is the equivalent to the [Dragon Slayer's Roar] and [God Slayer's Bellow].

Pretty much my lack of high [Mana] reserve is what stopping me from bringing out the full potential of the [Fire Devil Slayer Magic]. If I didn't have this problem; I would have been able to create multiple spells for the [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] by now.

I'm very tempted to just throw all my stat points into the MAG stat to increase my MP capacity. But, I'm still trying to figure out a way to increase it naturally instead of using these stat points.

I've already tried to empty my whole [Mana] reserve and wait for it to recover naturally. But, it didn't increase by a single point at all. Much to my disappointment.

I'm guessing this was a restriction to stop me from increasing my MP to the point of not having to worry about spamming high-level spells like no tomorrow.

Even Esdeath tried to help me with this problem by seeing if her methods could work for me. But, that only helped me increase my STR, END, and AGI, instead of my MAG stat.

Not that I was complaining about those free stat points in STR for two points, END for four points, and AGI with a single point increase.

This was still a good thing, because now with END at 18, giving me HP: 180/180. Making me a bit tougher to kill. Just a bit, but still an improvement.

Esdeath wasn't complaining when she notices how my stamina increased in our hunts. But, was sad to find out that I couldn't increase my MP; well, more like I show her the proof by casting my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] often.

I still haven't finished deciding if I should tell Esdeath somewhat about Gamer's ability or not. At some point, I know for a fact that there still a chance Esdeath would tag along with me to travel the other universes.

If I keep my Gamer's ability hidden from Esdeath too long, then I may end up getting tortured as a punishment for not telling her this when she opened her own past for me and other secrets she wouldn't tell anyone else.

Furthermore, if I do tell her about my Gamer's ability, then she won't hold back until I only have 1 HP remaining and that's all she needs to find her stopping point before waiting a few hours to resume her punishment.

Thinking about it a few minutes while cutting down a few low-class danger beasts for those EXP, no matter how small it is. As long my [Korosu] got some life force to devour and EXP I could gather while stacking them up until I level up.

"Hey, Esdeath." I called for my lover's attention, who just finished implanting an icicle through a danger beast that looks like an ape's throat and out of their tailbone.

I pause for a moment to stare at Esdeath, who look very delighted at her work and return the stare back at me, waiting for me to say something after getting attention.

I put [Korosu] back in its sheath and hang it on my left hip, then close my left eye and took a deep breath before I open my left eye and stare at Esdeath.

"I have a secret to tell you." I said to Esdeath, who look at me with a blank look before she suddenly appears right in front of me and grabbed both of my hands before my reflex could react and attack.

Is what I would like to think, but after a few days, I suddenly discover much to my horror as my own developed over the years instinct against anything dangerous nearby to react and found out it's slowly disappearing when it comes to Esdeath.

"Yes, my love?" Esdeath ask in such a sweet tone of voice, that I would have been fooled if it wasn't the look in Esdeath's eyes telling me how madly she craved for anything related to me, and one of them happens to be my secrets had set her off. Esdeath even started crushing my hands a little at how excited she is.

Before I could continue off what I'm about to reveal. A group of Land Tigers slowly walks towards us at the corner of my eye and some of them even let out a threaten growl at us.

Sadly, for the Land Tigers, Esdeath did not like to be interrupted at all. Spikes of ice appear around us instantly and none of the Land Tigers are in sight. Showing how deadly Esdeath is when she not holding back from the start.

"Please, continue my love. What's this secret of yours that you're now deciding to tell me, your loving future wife." Esdeath whispers to me sweetly, as she releases my hands and wrap her arms around my neck and pull me closer to her until our foreheads touch each other.

Giving me a good view of her blue eyes, where she could clearly see my own left eye as well without any trouble.

"I may have-not spoken the full truth about my so-called powers of flames and the [Ultimare Eye], along with the whole pocket dimension to keep my things in." I started to explain some of my Gamer's ability to Esdeath while keeping the part where I have the [Gamer's Body] and just that my body continues to evolve each time I kill something.

This little fact was enough to drive Esdeath's happiness through the roof as she realized that I only require killing lots of strong opponents to get stronger without any limit that I could think of. Furthermore, I explain to her how I could learn some skills instantly depending on the books.

Because I know for sure there is a manga in this world due to Lubbock selling them in his bookstore. If I could remember correctly, that he claimed that he got many ideas on how to use his threads from the manga sold in a bookstore he owned.

As I continue explaining part of the Gamer's ability; Esdeath begins to become more excited by the minute. If she didn't have good self-control. I would think she would jump me by now. Like she did before two nights ago. But, managed to get herself in control by the last second.

Near the end, Esdeath looks close to fainting after finding out that her lover has the potential to surpass the limit of human beings without the usage of Teigu to help them out.

Then, I revealed that my [Gamer's Mind] is some kind of effect placed on me to help me evolve without having my mental state be destroyed in the process.

Afterward, I made it clear to Esdeath that I still am hiding some secrets about my Gamer's ability, which I made sure not to mention the word: Gamer. As some secret can't be revealed so early in their relationship and that I decided to tell her this now of all time, because the moment they get married, is the moment both of them may send to a different world.

Of course, Esdeath was suspect at first and wonder if I was messing with her until her own skills in detecting lies show I was being truthful. Which made her feel a bit troublesome because if what I said is true, then the moment they kiss at their wedding is where they leave this world for another.

"Are you sure the moment we're married. Is the time we leave this world together?" Esdeath wanted to be completely sure if this was true and felt a bit happy she didn't go through that list of hers. Once she got her questions answered about why at their wedding instead of something else.

Who wouldn't be happy to find out your lover is actually your destiny person to be together, but what Esdeath made her mad was there a chance of other girls in different worlds. So yeah, Esdeath was only happy for a while until the last part is revealed to her about the whole destiny girl thing.

Not that she wasn't happy, because now she got some clues on why her own feelings were so abnormal to her for days now. Besides the whole love thing, she is trying to experience with her lover.

"Pretty much, and I have no clue if we have an option to stay here afterward or just send straight to a different world." I shrugged at Esdeath, who clearly wasn't happy still about the chance of other girls she has to share with her lover.

Of course, the word: Chance made her come up with multiple plans to make sure those chance stay nonexistence because she does not like sharing what is hers at all.

"Let's head back. I want to speak in our bedroom, where no one could easily hear our conversation out here in the open. This is too important and I have no clue if there any hidden spies nearby listening to our conversation as we speak." Esdeath drag me back to the Palace and wanted this conversation to continue no matter what.