Chapter 4: Nearing To The End

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 4: Nearing To The End

Day 10: Some Secrets Can't Be Secret Forever Part 2

(The Empire: Central Region: The Captial)

"Isn't that just a bit too late now, though? We have literally been speaking on this topic for half an hour already. Who knows who's been listening to our conversation the whole time." I said to Esdeath while continue to let her drag me back to the Palace.

Sure, I could have used [Eagle Vision], but that's at level 3 and the 2nd Effect: Range = level x 5 meters radius. So yeah, even at level 3, that's 15 meters radius with me in the center.

Pretty sure there are some experts in listening skills, who could listen to others' conversation from a distance or some kind of Teigu similar to the [Spectator] towards the sense of hearing. If there a Teigu for multiple abilities related to sight, then there should be ones for the other senses. Maybe.

"Heh, you're funny to think that someone at the level of my skills wouldn't be able to detect anyone nearby. But, no. There wasn't anyone nearby luckily." Esdeath smile at me while continueing to drag me back to the Palace in a hurry.

I roll my eyes at Esdeath for her comment, but didn't find her wrong at all. Technically, [Eagle Vision] raised my detection skills on a large scale before having it. Since I would mostly try to sense anyone's presence through killing intent mostly.

With [Eagle Vision], I can 'see' who's spying on me from a distance and if I level it up high enough to unlock the other effects. Who knows, maybe I could even use it to find hidden goods, later on, since it looks like I can't do that yet.

54 minutes later*

We finally returned back to Esdeath's bedroom, with Esdeath ordering all her soldiers not to disturb us for the rest of the day unless it's very important and require her to do the task or the Emperor asked for her, if neither, then she would freeze the one alive and make sure to slowly take her time torturing the person for disturbing her.

"So...continue." Esdeath lay next to me, and hugging my left arm and made sure I won't escape from her if things went south.

"Well, after thinking about it for a while. I don't know if the whole kissing moment during the wedding would be the moment we leave this world. What I think is depending on what types of wedding we're going for. Because the moment we're legally married is that time we leave." I decided to tell her my thoughts before thinking too far ahead.

Esdeath moves a bit closer to lay her head on my left shoulder as she thinks about what I just said.

For a while; neither Esdeath or I said a single word until Esdeath let out a sigh. A sigh of what, I have no clue. It could be a tired sigh or an irritated sigh. It's hard to tell with Esdeath.

"How highly do you think some other girls would appear before you later on?" Esdeath decided to change the topic and would return to this later. After all, their wedding day wasn't even close yet. Hell, she just said next month and not the exact date, but seeing how it's just a matter of days before this month is over and entering the next one soon.

"No clue, but if we want to compare it with you. Then, pretty soon in my opinion. Since I just arrived here way before a week was over by the time we met. So who knows if another girl would appear before me from a day later or maybe years." I wasn't even considering how many destiny girls I have.

I just hope it won't past the single digits, because that would be too much in my opinions. Hell, I would gladly accept more than ten if I had some kind of skills to clone myself to give equal time for each girl.

Sadly, I don't and rather not test my luck. Because who knows if the clones would betray me, the original, or not.

"Hmm." Esdeath didn't look like she mad like she was before in the forest, but she could be just hiding it.

"Tell me, Ragna." Esdeath looks at me with eyes filled with multiple emotions, that I can't even tell the difference. "Is it just us two alone, that is going to a different world?"

I didn't say anything at first, because I don't know the answer to this question. At first, I would say yes, but thinking about it further. The Gamer's ability only said to find my destiny girl and marry her to give the option to leave this world.

It never said anything about it just being us two only, but I wouldn't put pass it, to place this little rule on who gets to leave and who don't.

"Being truthful. I don't know, but if I have to bet. It would likely be just us two alone. Unless another girl in this world is also my destiny girl beside you. Then, maybe not just us." I didn't dare take away the option that someone else in this universe would be another destiny girl like Esdeath.

I waited for Esdeath to say something, when I notice her Esdeath close her eyes and taking a few deep breaths before looking back at me, directly into my left eye with cold eyes.

"I do not like sharing what's mine." Esdeath simply said this to me, causing the room temperature to go down. "But...if what you're saying is true. Then, I rather share and have allies to help us later the future. After all, I experience how one can't take on an army alone without something to give in exchange."

"Please repeat that one more time. I don't think I heard you correctly." It was true, I can't believe someone like Esdeath would actually share in the first place with the kind of person she is.

"Don't push it. I have already made up multiple plans...for these sisters of mine." Near at the end, she feels like she ate something foul. "But, know this. Everything that between them and me. I'm always first. Always." Esdeath grab me by the face and give me a deep kiss.

Instead of just pressing our lips to each other as normal kisses. Esdeath decided to change it up a bit and go for the tongues. Making the feeling to be stronger than usual.

What felt like forever is actually just a few seconds of intense tongue kissing. Esdeath finally releases me, and give me a smirk after she licked her lip slowly.

"This is all you're getting." Esdeath knew what she just did and the effect she caused on her lover, which is the goal of her actions and if she remembers correctly from the books she read. This should make her lover be more in love with her and would make him think about her more often than the other girls.

"Tease." I said to Esdeath, as I took a deep breath before slowly releasing it. To show how [Gamer's Mind] and [Gamer's Body] still continue to fail in taking effects whenever it comes to Esdeath doing something like this.

"Like I said before. We'll have our first on our wedding day." Esdeath smile at me, then frowned a second later. "Well, that was my plan, but after this whole thing. Depending what world we enter and where we end up at. Then, maybe we could still go as planned. If not, then we just have to wait." Esdeath smirk near the end, since she knows how her lover and future husband look like he had a hard time controlling himself.

"This is why we in your bedroom instead of somewhere more private, isn't it?" I said in more of a statement than a question.

"My bedroom IS the best place for a private conversation between us alone." Esdeath look like she was offended by my comment, to think that her own bedroom wasn't the best place to have this talk.

"Okay. So what now? Do you want us to get married still next month?" I'm a little curious if she is planning to wait for a few more weeks. This way I can hunt down a few more danger beasts to level up and my skills. With one level away from getting my new skills soon. I'm very eager to go out and kill multiple danger beasts, even if some of them give small EXP. EXP is still EXP, even if it just 1 point to gain.

"I don't like having unfinished businesses left behind if I can help it. But, if there really another destiny girl in this world, then I rather marry you before they have the chance to. In fact, I'm thinking a week from now or so would be best." Esdeath gives me a sadist smile, sending a shiver down my back. "After all...if we leave this world before you meet those girls. The better chance I won't have to deal with them anytime soon and rather not find out the other girls is from the enemy side."

"Now, to make sure you always be thinking about me instead of those other girls. We'll be taking baths together from now on." Esdeath smirk at me, when she noticed how my lower half reacted to her words. "But, don't even think about putting your cock into my pussy. That's complete off limit."

"Let me get this straight, just to be sure. We can have sex, but I just can't put my own cock into your pussy, is that right?" I'm starting to like this more and more by the second. Maybe I don't have to wait for the wedding after all.

Esdeath rolls her eyes at me, "Of course, you would think about that instead of worry about what types of the world we're heading to next."

I give Esdeath a deadpan expression, "You just literally told me just now how you wanted me to always have you on my mind and plain outright said we will have sex pretty much every time we have bath or other times. But, leaving out the whole penis in vagina sex." I have no clue what which virginity definition Esdeath go with, But, I guess the penis in vagina sex is just off limit with her until the wedding is over.

"Is it working?" Esdeath completely ignored how it's her fault that I'm mostly thinking about sex now. And [Gamer's Mind] not doing its job like always with Esdeath.

"Well, your left hand can tell you that easily." I said dryly, which is true at the moment as Esdeath is rubbing my lower half with her left hand while continue staring directly into my left eye.

Esdeath smirk at me, then stop completely and act like she didn't just cause me to become so hard to the point of burst, then stop before we could get to the good part.

I'm really starting to think Esdeath found a way to be a sadist in our sexual course without the need to inflict any physical pain; well, somewhat physical pain.

"Remember this moment. Because this will be your punishment from now on." Esdeath said to me, knowing she has finally found the right method to manipulate me besides using food.

The next day*

Day 11: The Symbolize of Marriage

(The Empire: Central Region: The Captial)

After yesterday's talks between us; Esdeath had caused me the blue balls more than once. And with Esdeath always with me at the time. I couldn't even jerk off without having her distracted me or would attack if I so much as jerk off in her presence. Which I wasn't that desperate to the point of doing so.

Lucky for me, this only happened twice last night until Esdeath lost control herself and we end up having oral sex first, then anal sex until both of us are satisfied.

It's a good thing Esdeath's bathroom is sound proof for some reason, which ends up as the best place beside the bed to have sex.

This pretty much made me have Esdeath on my mind more than I should after she picks up her game once she realized there would be more girls later in the future. And she wanted to take the biggest portion in my heart, even if she was planning to take things slow at first like it says in some books she read.

I was a little surprised the both of us could continue until the time we sleep. If I would have to say anything about this. Esdeath has one strong sex drive and if it wasn't for [Gamer's Body]; I would think she would still continue on rather I willing to go along or not. Which I have no complaints at all.

Another bright to this whole thing; is that my Gamer's ability would give me stat points for this as well. But, only for the first time. So I got one for a hand job, blow job, oral sex, and anal sex. Giving me a total of 4 stat points. Afterward, I wouldn't get any more from doing the same thing. Not that I'm complaining in the first place.

"So, Ragna. Are you planning to get anything to symbolize your marriage with General Esdeath?" Wave ask me, as both us enjoy ourselves along with the other Jaegers in a good morning breakfast.

I blankly stare at Wave, then figure out that not everyone would pick rings to symbolize their status of marriage in this world.

Wave's question draws the attention of everyone on the tables, even Esdeath look in my direction to find out what I would pick.

'Okay, picking rings may not be the best idea with someone like Esdeath in mind. Now, what would Esdeath want to use to symbolize our marriage.' This would be the moment, where I start sweating due to being very nervous, but [Gamer's Body] made sure to not let that happen.

"I'm not sure what to pick since both Esdeath and I are new to this." Once more; I wasn't lying, technically.

Esdeath nods in agreement with me, "What do you guys think Ragna and I should get to symbolize our status of marriage?" She remembers a few things in the books she had read about using rings, but others use something else.

All the Jaegers look at one of another, as this one of those times where their choices could lead to a countless outcome.

Bols, who is the expert in love among us, decided to take pity on us. "How about just make it simple and pick rings? No need to overthink about this. Trust me, you would save lots of time doing so."

Esdeath rubs her chin, "Alright. We'll go with rings. Do you have any tips on what kind of rings?"

"Well, it could be made out of anything. The real meaning of having rings is to symbolize the status of your marriage and the sense of value towards you instead of appearance value. After all, you want something to remind you of your partner instead of the amount of money spent on it as a reminder." Bols replied with his own opinion on this subject.

"Hmm. I see. Okay, Ragna. We'll find ourselves some rings today." Esdeath announced what we're going to do today.

The next day*

Day 12: Found The Right Method

(The Empire: Central Region: The Captial)

Well, yesterday was tiring. Mentally that is, with Esdeath forcing me to tag along to almost everywhere in this Captial. To find the perfect rings that fit us and it was until near evening.

Esdeath got someone to make one for us after giving her own designs of what the rings should look like and send them to her right away once they are done.

This mostly just wasted a whole day of nothing, where I couldn't even level up some of my skills and I rather not use [Eagle Vision] in a large populated area. Since my INT stats aren't that high and would cause me a major head as a result.

Yup, look like even with some skills being overpowered in its own way. If my stats don't meet the hidden requirements. Then, I would just end up hurting myself instead or because my skills' level wasn't that high at the moment.

Almost a whole day wasted, but on the bright side. Esdeath show some pity to me and we had sex, still no penis in vagina sex, but still for other types of sex for almost the whole night.

In my honest opinion, I find myself not caring anymore about having Esdeath as a wife from this point on. Yes, sex was one of the big factors, but mostly because I rather not end up in Tatsumi's ending. Pretty sure the guy died a virgin too, unless, in the background, he went at it with Esdeath or Mine.

Currently, both Esdeath and I are back in the forest to grind some EXP. Mostly for me, Esdeath just tagging along and practice some torture techniques she just came up with by using her Teigu alone on the danger beasts, to see how it goes before practicing it on prisoners later today.

So far, I've managed to level up [Shundo] once, [Time Alter] three times, [Eagle Vision] once, [Nabong Needle Ryu] five times, and finally got both the [Hundred Gauntlets] and the [Ultimate Eye] to level 2 after a few days now.

However, I still haven't leveled up to 10 yet. Nonetheless, I just need to kill the right amount of danger beasts before I fill up the EXP and raise my level.

2 hours later*

I finally killed enough danger beasts to level up to 10 and it would have been sooner if there weren't many things happened to me in those days. Some of them I have no regret at all.

Esdeath may not have experience in love at all, but she is a natural in bed just by reading a few books about sex. First time for everything and Esdeath made it like she has tons of experience and I don't even think about if she has done this with anyone else in the past.

After she explained how most of her time up to now was mainly training and conquering territories for the Empire. Ever since her tribe was destroyed by the one of the Northern Tribes.

"So, why are we taking a break now, Ragna?" Esdeath sits down next to me on my left after she is done killing her own share of danger beasts.

"Remember how I told you, that I could check my progress and know when I would get stronger? Furthermore, about how I can get new abilities once I reached a certain level in the future?" I give Esdeath a few hints about my [Ficton Adaptor]'s effects and its restrictions.

Esdeath blankly stares at me before her eyes widen in excitement once she realizes my meaning. Quietly, Esdeath waits for me to do my work since I mention how I need to think without any distraction to pick the right ability/skill to receive from the great beyond. Is what I told Esdeath, which is technically true in some awkward point of view.

The first one I imported for a new skill is from the [Nasuverse of Knowledge].


You have accessed the [Nasuverse of Knowledge] for the second time and import the skill: [Sha Naqba Imuru].

[Sha Naqba Imuru] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: 20 MP per target

Description: Possessing tremendous efficiency, it can discern heavily concealed truths with a single glance, from that of the opponent's True Name and special ability. Upon speaking the name of this skill out loud, it will work as a form of "instruction" for the user to guide others with the most optimal tactics, simultaneously increasing the attack power and defense power of the user's team near their position.

1st Effect: Reveal all information of the target

2nd Effect: Display a status screen of all the information belong to the target

3rd Effect: (5 x level)% buff increase to all teammates within (level) meter radius for (level) per minute

At first, I was planning to pick [Structural Analysis] until I realized that I'm not Shirou Emiya and don't possess the years of usage of using the [Structural Analysis] like him.

I would clearly get the basic version of every other Magus in that world possess instead of Shirou's version or experience of reaching that level of skill.

As a result, [Sha Naqba Imuru] became my next choice due to my lack of [Observe] skill I was supposed to have the first thing to create as a skill upon gaining the Gamer's ability. But, with my nerfed version of the Gamer's ability.

This was the best one I could pick, and I have to say I wasn't disappointed. Once I realized I could 'browser' the selected [Universe of Knowledge] to find which skills I can get and read the description of said skill.

Next, is the [Fairy Tail Universe of Knowledge] and I already know which [Magic] to pick after picking the [Fire Devil Slayer Magic].


You have accessed the [Fairy Tail Universe of Knowledge] for the second time and import the skill: [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic].

[Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: Varies

Description: This [Dragon Slayer Magic] grants the user various characteristics belong to a [Sky Dragon], allowing them to incorporate the element of air into their body. However, unlike other types of [Dragon Slayer Magic], this version can also function in a supportive light, as opposed to simply relying on offense. This [Magic] utilizes the lost art of [Healing] and is capable of healing wounds inflicted by a [Dragon]. Sadly, the user can't heal and restore themselves by using this [Magic].

1st Effect: Grant immunity to all [Air]-based debuff

2nd Effect: Gain access to [Sky Dragon Creation Magic]

3rd Effect: Recover HP and MP x (level/3%) per second

4th Effect: Gain access to [The Art of Healing]

5th Effect: Gain access to [Enchantment Creation Magic]

6th Effect: Locked (Require level 30)

Other Effects: Locked (Require 6th Effect unlock)

I stare at the [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] for a few minutes to discover that maybe, just maybe, Wendy Marvell has the potential to become overpowered with enough time and the right training in a matter of years or so.

For me, the Gamer's ability literally give me the best potential to go overpower less than a year if I push myself to the limit for one of my skills. Because some of my skills are already hard to train itself.

But, shit. [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] maybe even better than [Fire Devil Slayer Magic], even with the maybe side-effect of turning into a dragon.

I quickly stop myself from getting into the [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] too deep and forget about the other four [Universe of Knowledge].


You have accessed the [Medaka Box Universe of Knowledge] for the second time and import the skill: [The End - Gamer's Version].

[The End - Gamer's Version] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: None

Description: This gives the user the capability to learn skills from others and completely mastering them, to the extent that the user can use them to one hundred and twenty percent of their capability, becoming more skilled with them than even their original owners.

1st Effect: The ability to learn skills based off of information or word-of-mouth and will fall under this skill instead of becoming an actual skill belong to the Gamer's ability

1st Effect's 1st Requirement: It must be something that can be used with the user's body.

1st Effect's 2nd Requirement: User can't learn from books or text and require watching or experience via the user's body.

1st Effect's 3rd Requirement: The user requires training in these learned skills that fall under [The End], but this requirement won't take in effect after learning for it the first time and using it afterward. [The End]'s skill training speed = (level)% x (User's Level)

1st Effect's Side Effect: All [The End]'s skills will degenerate over time if the user doesn't use them often. The user can still retrain the skills due to all skills learned via [The End] would be stored in this skill's library. [The End]'s skill rate of degenerating = 10% per day.

2nd Effect: Locked (Require level 50)

Other Effects: Locked (Require 2nd Effect unlock)

'Should have seen this coming.' I thought with a deadpan expression. Where I find the skill having restrictions placed on the skill. Of course, I wouldn't be able to see these 'requirement' upon 'seeing' the description of the skill before picking it.

Ignoring this nerfed skill for the moment and continue importing my next skills.


You have accessed [The God of Highschool Universe of Knowledge] for the second time and import the skill: [Pumba].

[Pumba] - Passive - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: None

Description: This style covered a variety of weapons, including but not limited to: Staffs and Swords, along with other types of weapons. As long it can be counted as a weapon.

1st Effect: Gain [Basic Mastery] of all weapons the user's hand touches

2nd Effect: Give the user the ability to bend the weapon in impossible ways

3rd Effect: Gain access to [Weapon Technique Creation]

4th Effect: Locked (Require level 40)

Other Effects: Locked (Require 4th Effect unlock)

'Okay, not bad, but I'll take what I can take.' I wasn't disappointed with this skill unlike with [The End - Gamer's Version]. Two more skills, to go.


You have accessed [Assassins Creed Universe of Knowledge] for the second time and import the skill: [Social Stealth].

[Social Stealth] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: None

Description: This skill kept track of how much attention of nearby targets towards the user and their actions. Depending on the targets, they would react differently, depending on the user actions around or towards them.

1st Effect: Gain access to the [Social Status Icon] and the [Witness Indicator]

2nd Effect: Range = level x 5 meters radius

3rd Effect: Locked (Require level 50)

At first, I would think this skill wouldn't be needed due to possessing the [Eagle Vision] until I realized it a mixed of detection and stealth skills. So, this is what I got from the [Assassins Creed Universe of Knowledge].

Now for the last skill from the [Negima Universe of Knowledge]. I've no clue which one I should get. [Magia Erebea] would be a good choice, but the part where it says the skill would feed on the user's body and soul kind of stop me from picking it.

But, after reading further about this skill. I was close to picking it due to my [Gamer's Mind] would be able to negate the disadvantages of the [Magia Erebea]. However, what stopped me was that the [Gamer's Mind] wasn't absolute. As it had failed me multiple times. Times that is related to Esdeath, but I'm not taking my chance on it.

For now, I decided to leave the [Negima Universe of Knowledge] alone and hope upon reaching level 20. I would be given the chance to import two skills from the [Negima Universe of Knowledge] instead of wasting my chances.

"Okay, I'm done." I said to Esdeath, who had been waiting for me to respond this whole time and let out a sigh of relief that it didn't take too long like she guessed.

"So, what did you get?" Esdeath looks eager to find out what kind of abilities I had picked from the great beyond for me to acquire.

"Hmm, I gained the ability to slayer dragon and a similar ability to my flames, but with air instead. So be alert if the air suddenly got lighter and gets harder to breathe. Since I would be literally sucking the air from the surrounding." I decided to tell Esdeath about my [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic]. Including the effects that came with the skill.

Esdeath pays with an absolute focus on my words, making sure not to miss a single word. As she finds herself curious about the [Enchantment] and [The Art of Healing], which would be a huge boon in her opinion.

Next, I started explaining [The End - Gamer's Version], which wasn't that much to explain when it just gives me the abnormal ability to learn things beyond the rate of some people. Even genius would fail behind before this skill. Well, depending on what types of genius that is.

This only took a few minutes to explain the requirements for [The End], which Esdeath find herself wondering if these disadvantages still decrease this ability's value. But, after a while, Esdeath decided it wasn't that much different and just happy for her lover to possess such an ability.

As a follow up with [The End]; I started explaining the [Pumba], which I still find the name of the fighting style to be silly when it doesn't even relate to the said fighting style.

This was something Esdeath find fascinating, because if what the ability actually does what I told her. Then, she could even learn the basics from her lover by getting him to use the selected weapon, then perform all the basic movements for it and see if she could learn from it.

Finally, the last skill: [Sha Naqba Imuru] is what caught Esdeath's attention the most. After all, she is a General of a military. This ability alone would bring major advantage for any small group of fighters. Sadly, she finds it a bit disappointing about the range of the ability once her lover informed about it near the end.

"Nonetheless, with all these new abilities. I think you can be considered just below the General rank of strength. If we include how long you can last in certain types of fight." Esdeath gives her honest opinion after going through the list of abilities her lover possess and how often he could use some of them.

"We really need to find a method to raise the limit of your, [Mana] was it, capacity up naturally if that's what require to use your abilities." Esdeath knew the big weakness her lover has and could be used against him in most long-term battles.

"Who knows." I shrugged my shoulders at Esdeath, and I made sure to inform her about the stat points, but in different terms, that could be used to give me a permanently increased boost in one the stats. Another term I used instead of stats is aspects. Similar but it works.

Both Esdeath and I knew these stat points could help me in the future when I really need an additional boost in one of the stats.

So far, these days only the physical-based stats would rise while the INT, WIS, and the important one: MAG stats hasn't raised a single point so far. Mostly MAG since the last time I put in 5 stat points into it.

Since then, I haven't found out a way to raise the MAG stat without the resort of using stat points.

If I don't find a way soon, then I would have to put in a few stat points in the MAG stat later on.

"I'll wait for a while until I have no choice to use one of the boosts to increase the aspect that represents how much [Mana] I can hold." I let out a tired sigh.

Esdeath looks a little annoyed at this, but knew the outcome for me to use a stat point on the MAG stat is drawing near if we don't discover a method to increase it naturally soon.

Hell, I would gladly waste a slot for one of the skills I could import to increase my MAG stat passively if needed.

I pause for a moment when I just got my answer and should have thought of it sooner than finding the manual way to increase my [Mana] capacity without stat points. Since this is technically a creation-based skill method.


You have accessed [Negima Universe of Knowledge] for the second time and import the skill: [Meditation - Negima's Version].

[Meditation - Negima's Version] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: 1 MP per second

Description: One way to increase [Mana] capacity is to reinforce willpower, which is said to govern [Mana]. It is believed that by mental growth, and training of the mind, the ability to hold [Mana] also increases.

1st Effect: Increase MAG stat at (level) per hour

1st Effect's Requirement: Require user to stay still the whole time.

2nd Effect: Locked (Require level 30)

Other Effects: Locked (Require 2nd Effect unlock)

A big smile appears on my face, which Esdeath caused to wonder what made me look so happy all of the sudden.

Quickly, I started explaining the last [Universe of Knowledge] I haven't picked a skill yet to be imported, but in different terms. And what the skill does and what is the cost of using it.

"If what you're saying correctly, then all we need to do is have you be in a big open place outside like this forest when you're using this new ability of yours. This way, you won't have to worry about using up your [Mana] from using the ability." Esdeath quickly understood why I was so happy and calculated multiple methods to counter the weakness of using this skill. And that happens to the [Mana] cost.

Lucky, Esdeath remembers the [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic], which would be perfect to go along with the [Meditation] skill. Of course, there the [Fire Devil Slayer Magic], but that would be very limited as she would have to continue making fire out of something for her lover to consume in order to recover his used [Mana] right away.

"Let me try it out right now before we head back to celebrate and to check on if our rings are finished." I said to Esdeath, who agreed with me and decided to guard me for an hour, to see if it work.

I took a deep breath before I sit on the ground instead of sitting on the log I was using for a few seconds ago, and instead, use it to support my back. Then, activate the [Meditation] skill.

Not a moment after I activated the skill; a digital timer screen appears before my eyes. Showing an hour clocking down while a few words of warning about how I can't move at all besides breathing and moving my eyes. On top of the digital timer is my MP bar, showing the rate of my MP disappearing at the same time the digital clock went down a second.

1 hour later*


You have successfully activated the 1st Effect of the [Meditation - Negima's Version] skill and gained 1 MAG stat.

Opening my left eye at the sound of a notification pop-up appears. Looking at the window screen and close the pop-up, where I stare at the digital clock entering the second hour. But, I rather not waste Esdeath's time by waiting for me to gain another point in the MAG stat.

Through the whole hour; I had to drain the air around me for 24 or so times, once my MP went down until only two points are left. It's a good thing I only need a single second to completely restore my MP back to full.

"Oh, it looks like it works from the look on your face." Esdeath looks at her lover. In the first place, she was a bit skeptical that it would take an hour long until she notices how the air around her got thinner as time goes on.

Lucky for Esdeath, being in the outdoors where the air is infinite around her and if it was indoors. Then, she would be very alert and would find ways to let the outside air to come inside or else she die from the lack of oxygen.

"Yup. I just need to do this often every day." I feel happy to finally got a way to increase the MAG stat without the need to spend stat points in it. Sure, I could be happy to increase the MP stat itself alone, but I got the feeling the MAG is there for a reason to help me know my limit of what I could hold or else I may end up hurting myself instead of gaining benefit.

"Well, this is good news. Come on, let's head back to celebrate and check on the metalsmith on our rings." Esdeath hug my left arm, pressing her breasts on me, which she clearly knew how I felt about this action of her and she completely ignore it as she leads me back to the Palace, where the Jaegers should all be there. Well, besides Dr. Stylish since he dead and all.

The next day*

Day 13: Decision

(The Empire: Central Region: The Captial)

Much to my surprise last night; the rings were actually done by the time we got back from the forest. At first, I would think the rings would take weeks or so. Not so soon like almost a day.

At the time, I asked how they made it so quickly when it should take longer with Esdeath's design on what the rings should look like.

What I got an answer back was that instead of a single metalsmith making it; multiple metalsmiths joined in once everyone realized it was on Esdeath's request for one to be made.

Furthermore, I discovered Esdeath even put a small reward for the first person or group to make it as soon as possible, without any mistakes on the rings would be rewarded with lots of money.

This drives some people crazy at this, as everyone knows that even though Esdeath is known for her cruel methods to deal with prisoners and other rumors. One true fact about Esdeath is that she would always keep her promises.

But, she tends to bend that promise by not being so detailed about it and multiple loopholes for her to use against those that dare to use her promise to take advantage of her.

Anyway, the rings happen to be without any gemstone attach and is engraved with cool looking curves around the rings, with our names inside.

The only way we could tell who's ring is who's. By seeing the order of who's names goes first. With Esdeath x Ragna would be Esdeath and the reverse is mine.

Esdeath was so excited last night and with the rings, adding to it. The Jaegers were treated with a large buffet made by herself, which shocked them with how much Esdeath made for everyone.

Afterward, Esdeath would throw herself at me once we entered her bedroom. We didn't sleep until it was four in the morning.

Thanks to my Gamer's ability. Lack of sleep wasn't a problem for me. Same with Esdeath due to her past training. In fact, Esdeath went for another round the moment she woke up from her few hours of sleep.

So anyone would be surprised to see their girl literally sucking them off the first thing they wake in the morning. Once more, I feel like this Esdeath compared to the canon is a lot easier to get aroused.

Or maybe due the canon version of Esdeath had more trouble with love than this Esdeath, who read about it and did her best to try to follow what's in the book.

Sadly, the so-called books I asked for. Esdeath just mentions she read it in some bookstore out of boredom until she read the whole thing, then left without a care since at the time she wasn't that eager to learn about love.

"Now, that we got our rings. Are you planning to have our wedding date changed to an early time?" I ask Esdeath, who currently using her free time to read the reports stack on the table.

While the other Jaegers are doing whatever to keep themselves busy. Since there wasn't any new assignment from Esdeath to give them at the moment and the others, they have already done or waiting for the other departments to send back a response. Making them wait in the conference room.

Some of them look over after hearing my question. As they and anyone else in the Captial are wondering the same thing. Since the news about Esdeath requesting for wedding rings has already been spread through the whole Empire.

Furthermore, the information on the date for the wedding is already leaked, not that Esdeath tried to hide it in the first place. So, some people are curious if she is planning to move the wedding date up a few days early upon receiving the rings less than the given time limit for it to be made. Which was just before the wedding day.

"Hmmm." Esdeath place down the papers, then think if she should or not. If she does, then the chance of the Revolutionary Army would launch a sudden raid during her wedding would decrease and would make the wedding a success.

And would be the same time, that she and her lover would leave this world. Too early for her to finish all the unfinished businesses she has to take care of before doing so.

Esdeath shook her head, "No. I'll keep the wedding day the same time I mention it. And that's six days from now. I want to get things done before it's too late to do so." This is mostly towards me than the others. Since both of us know the moment, both Esdeath and I are wed.

Then, we are sent to another world; well, more like I'm given the option to, but I'd take the chance to change world, because I have no clue if picking no would lead to a permanent stay here and won't get another chance to leave unless I find another destiny girl beside Esdeath.

"Well, I better go check on the guys below and see if any news about the Night Raids." Wave decided to be the one to check, since out of everyone here. He doesn't have anything much to keep him busy besides maybe looking at everyone on what they're doing. But, that started getting boring after a while.

"Bols. I need some advice." Esdeath started asking for some bits of advice on what to make the wedding feel more unique and what she should do to make it a 'wedding' event.

This subject throws Bols out of a loop and thought his leader was joking with, then throw that thought out the window once he remembers it Esdeath, that lack the concept of love for almost all her life.

So Bols and Esdeath begin discussing what can be in the wedding and what not. In order to make the wedding a happy event, which Esdeath find herself wondering if this was supposed to be true.

Then, why she couldn't bring some stuff like instead of dancing. There would be a fight to the death instead, to make it more fun. Of course, those that still in the room sweatdrop at Esdeath for wanting a fight event in a wedding event.

The next day*

Day 14: A Moment of Needs

(The Empire: Central Region: The Captial)

Yesterday wasn't much action and mostly Esdeath speaking with a few of the Jaegers and if there anything worth reporting. After that, Esdeath and Bols continue to speak about what can and can't be added to the wedding.

For me, this was a good time for me to raise my MAG stat at the time. Not wasting a moment of chance to use the [Meditation]. I managed to use it for two hours. After I made sure to open the windows and standing next to it before activating the [Meditation] skill.

I could have gone longer, but I couldn't stand the 'taste' of the air within the Captial. So the moment I finished the second hour. I called it quits due to the air was making me feel weak.

So I got the MAG stat to increase by two, leading to a total of 18 points. Much to my disappointment the EXP in [Meditation] only raised by 1% per one hour reached. This was another downside I guess. Stopping me from getting max level and gain 100 MAG stat per hour without having to put in stat points. This 100 MAG stat is literally 20 worth of levels if I solely put all the stat points into the MAG stat.

Afterward, Esdeath decided it's time for lunch and got Bols and Wave to make it. Since she wasn't in the mood to make everyone's lunch yesterday. Not that she plans to do it every day.

At most of the time, Esdeath would either take me with her out to eat with just us two alone or she would make something for us to eat. Of course, during those moments. I gain one stat point. Not much, but it would do.

The only time she would make something for the whole team would be something worth celebrating.

Which happen twice before; the day that the Jaegers formed and two days ago for our rings to arrive, along with finally found a way to increase my [Mana] capacity.

Today, the Jaegers started their first-time team bonding exercise instead of just hoping one of them would be nearby to help out. Technically, this would be usable for a while against low-tier enemies. But, later on, it would be useless and dangerous.

However, so far, it was a disaster. As none of us could work together in a team attack.

It was only Esdeath and I could work together successfully. Of course, this wasn't because of the whole destiny and make it like we have perfect teamwork. Nope, this was practiced, we have done together in the forest for days now.

We still need to tweak a few team formations between Esdeath and I. Since we're starting to get used to fighting within a forest by just us two alone.

So there were a few problems today's team bonding exercise. Even for both Esdeath and I.

Seryu doesn't count, since her Teigu is literally her partner and she has already been working as a team with it for a while now. Including those weapons, Dr. Stylish created for her. This just to show how a team attack is more of an advantage for someone like Seryu.

Surprisingly, Wave was the best one to work with as his Teigu is mainly used in close combat, and out of everyone, it's Run who syncs with Wave the best, but still have major problems following the flow of battle with someone with you.

After all, this whole team was meant to use everyone to fight along with each other instead of sending each member to do their own battles by themselves.

If it just Wave and Run together alone like Esdeath and I. They could technically fight together like a team without making too many mistakes. But, most of the time it would be either Wave getting in Run's way of attacking and the same in reverse.

Kurome is the only one out of the whole team, that just can't sync with anyone else and just does things by herself. Which I find myself not surprise thanks to her Teigu actually giving her own set of puppets to act as a team for her.

If anything, Kurome shows the best result in a team battle by herself with her Teigu. For a while, until she loses to the absolute might of Esdeath's Teigu or my [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic].

Thanks to this team bonding training; I managed to level up [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] three times.

I recreated the spell: [Sky Dragon's Crushing Fang] after trying out all the spells Wendy already learned. And out of all the spells she possesses for an offensive.

Turn out only [Sky Dragon's Crushing Fang] is has a lesser cost than the [Sky Dragon's Roar]. For the MP cost, it is only 20 MP per second. Yeah, that still a high cost at with my current MP.

But, this was easily covered by just taking in the air around me to recover those used MP. And at the same time, causing the enemies to feel dizzy due to the sudden air becoming thinner. Giving me the chance to take them down.

Sadly, this training with the Jaegers didn't raise any of my stats at all. Which was a big let down. Then again, increasing my stats natural is starting to get harder and giving me fewer points as well.

I would have thought it wouldn't reach this point so early at this point. When I only have my Gamer's ability for only over a week now.

So finding out that I won't be able to raise my stats natural much longer throw me off guards. Since I finally managed to find a way to raise my MAG stat without having to worry about using stat points for it.

Now, that I find out pretty much all my stats can't be raised without having to use stat points. Pretty much ruined my mood to go out hunting with Esdeath after the team bonding event was over with.

"What's wrong, Ragna? You seem a little out of it after we're done training with the rest of the Jaegers." Esdeath looks at her lover with a concerned look on her face once both of them return back to her bedroom instead of going out of the Palace and to the forest to hunt, which she finds herself enjoying so far.

I started explaining the best way as I can about how I can't even increase my stats without using my stat points by training them naturally.

"Then, that just means you have to train harder and longer than usual. You are just being silly right now, Ragna. No one can become strong in a matter of days." Esdeath pause in her speech once she notices the look I'm giving her.

Esdeath cough in her left hand in embarrassment. "Right, forgot that you have proven you can actually do that. What I mean is that you're already strong as it is. You just need to go at it much harder than before. After all, some training methods could only last you to some point until it becomes useless and just become a warm up for you."

Esdeath knew this personally as she went through this problem more than once in the past. So, she clearly knows that by doing repeated things for training would only show results after a while until it no longer useful besides doing them most of the time to keep in shape and to warm up before doing the real training.

"I guess you got a point there. So...what do you want to do now? I would say we can go to the forest like we did for the past few days, but I'm not in the mood to do it today." I look up at Esdeath's face, where I'm currently resting my head on Esdeath's lap.

As for the reason why we're in this position. It's because Esdeath wanted to try out the things Bols mention he does with his wife in his six years of marriage. And this just happens to be one of them. Of course, Bols and his wife did the whole lap thing in a different place.

Esdeath decided to do it in her bedroom instead, since she really doesn't feel like having her moment ruined by some people nearby and just do it somewhere she won't be disturbed unless it's very important.

And she finds herself liking this. As Esdeath run her left hand through her lover's hair and feel how smooth it is and secretly, she like how she could look down on her lover, but made sure not say this out loud due to how she knows how her lover hates being look down.

Esdeath didn't think her lover had much pride after spending time with him for the past week and find herself thinking she could do anything she wants with her lover. But, discovered how wrong she was when someone bad mouths about how her lover's swordsmanship just for the show due to only using the basics and the [Korosu] just useless in his hands.

Once someone pointed out how her lover didn't use the standard Empire's sword style and one of her soldiers took this a chance to cause some problem.

Well, she learned another reason she loved the man known as Ragna D. Mercer. When she watched him killing someone with the said the basic sword skills. And she knows those basics could be turned into their own killing movement by merging other abilities with it.

Furthermore, Esdeath found out that her lover started mixing his [Basic Movements of Sword Skills] with his newly acquired abilities. Esdeath was delighted at this and more than happy to be with someone like him.

"How about sex?" Esdeath offer and mostly to tease her lover, who knew teasing would be almost fun as torturing? She should have done this years ago with how much fun she having from teasing her lover. Then again, she didn't have a lover at the time and would rather kill herself than do this with someone unworthy of her attention.

"Because from the look of it. Your body looks ready for it." Esdeath looks at her lover's lower half, where something long and hard is displayed before her eyes when she just traces a finger on it just now.

"Are we actually going to do it or you are just going to leave me hanging?" I wanted to be sure, because she did things like this more than once before. Just because she could and look happy to see my reaction. Then, back off right away and leave me be. And what's worse was that she doesn't allow me to take care of it and sometimes she does this in the presence of others nearby.

I'm just glad Esdeath only did it secretly with someone nearby or in a meeting with the Jaegers.

I had the feeling this is something Esdeath find herself enjoy to do and to continue my punishment for keeping some secrets from her still.

Esdeath didn't say anything and continue to trace her lover's hard dick for a few seconds, then decided maybe she should cheer him up with sex. So, without a moment to waste. Esdeath undid the zipper of her lover's pants and started thing slow before going right into the intense phrase.

The next day*

Day 15: The Time Is Close

(The Empire: Central Region: The Captial)

Well, after yesterday of finding out how I had to increase the level of training. Esdeath cheer me up from my small moment of depression, that should have disappeared the moment it appears thanks to the effect of the [Gamer's Mind].

Sadly, with some theories, I find myself thinking the [Gamer's Mind] would shut down whenever it just Esdeath and I are ever alone or something related to love stuff between the two of us.

After having another night of long sessions of sex. Both Esdeath and I feel very happy for each other's presence and a moment of tiredness. Before we went at it once last time and finally sleep.

In the morning, the Jaegers couldn't look at us due to how loud we were last night and other nights. Pretty much the same morning routine.

With most of the Jaegers, members couldn't look at us without blushing until they calm themselves after a few hours later. Mostly, because some of the members' resting places are in different location and some are close to Esdeath's bedroom. So yeah, these poor members had to stay almost all night listening to the moaning coming from their General's bedroom.

After the morning went by and afternoon arrived. The Jaegers went off to do patrol the area and take care of anyone that looks like they belong to the Revolutionary Army. Which wasn't that much action due to how big the place is and there is a little number of us.

Suddenly, I found Tatsumi walking among the crowds. It was pretty funny how Tatsumi looks ready to bolt away at the sight of Esdeath and I among the crowds and very close to his position.

Another surprise was Lubbock next to him managed to clam Tatsumi before he could blow their cover.

So both sides walk pass each other like nothing and I even heard Tatsumi let out a sigh of relief.

"It's almost time for our wedding. Did you find out where you want it to happen?" I ask Esdeath, with Tatsumi and Lubbock slowing down to hear Esdeath's answer. As this could be important for their plans.

"Let's see. I was planning to go to the Northern Lands, but it may take more than a day to reach the borderland and some time to set things up after reaching the Northern Lands. But, there are some things Bols told me about that wouldn't work in the snow. So, I will just go with at the borderland, where there is some snow at least." Esdeath explained what her plan on how she wanted our wedding to be at.

"This way, we can reach the location and have everything ready before the time the wedding start." Esdeath finishes her reasons why she decided to change the location of the wedding event. After talking with Bols about how a wedding work, because she knows the way it has done in her tribe before it was destroyed is no longer possible due to some materials are required, along with a certain person in the tribe that act like a priest.

So Esdeath just wanted to use the same environment, at least to honor her family, even if they are weak to be killed off by another tribe. Nonetheless, she still wanted to honor her parents at least to do the same environment for her wedding.

As Esdeath and I continue on the subject. Both Lubbock and Tatsumi quickly went off to report this to their boss while not noticing I was paying attention to their actions.

The next day*

Day 16: Travel

(The Empire: Central Region: The Captial)

Today was the day the Jaegers and some important members of the Empire left the Capital. As we head to the Northern Lands while leaving the Empire protected by making the other Generals stay behind. Well, the Generals that still alive at this point.

One of the Generals I forgot about until I saw them and remember they only showed up in the manga version. General Nouken, who is still alive and haven't been killed by Akame yet until later in the future. Is one of the Generals staying behind to protect the Captial, with the other General being Budo.

Even the Prime Minister decided to tag along with as the Emperor already decided to go after promising Esdeath to attend her wedding.

With that said; literally, an army approach the Northern Lands once more, but twice the size of Esdeath's army due to the presence of the Emperor.