Chapter 14: Well, This Is Interesting!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 14: Well, This Is Interesting!

Day 77: Too Much Info! Part 2

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

Thinking about it for a while now I got another skill in mind that should help me deal with future impossible enemies.


You have accessed the [Nasuverse of Knowledge] for the fourth time and import the skill: [Mystic Eye of Death Perception]


You have gained a new skill through importing it from the [Nasuverse of Knowledge].

[Mystic Eye of Death Perception] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: None

Description: Allows the user to "perceive death," the conceptual "Death of an Existence," as visual signals in the form of [Lines of Death] and [Points of Death]. Death emerges to the surface of an existence as lines, and cutting along them will result in "Death", regardless of the constitution or properties of the object. The lines of a living organism will keep changing position as long as it is alive. Points of Death are from where all lines seem to flow, resembling blood vessels. Striking the point makes the entity completely cease to function.

1st Effect: Being able to see the [Lines of Death]

1st Effect's 1st Requirement: Require the user to physically touch the [Lines of Death] to work.

1st Effect's 2nd Requirement: Require user's HP be at 1% or less to activate.

2nd Effect: Locked (Require level 50)

Other Effects: Locked (Require 2nd Effect unlock)

Honestly, thanks to [Elemental Sight] to connect me with the [Information Dimension]. Gaining the [Mystic Eye of Death Perception] wasn't so bad than I thought. But, my vision did go black for a few seconds, though. Kind of like when I got [Elemental Sight].

But, that 2nd restriction is going to be a pain in the ass if I ever want to use the skill.

"Oh, that's really bad." Esdeath winces a little at reading her husband's next skill and while it's amazing and all, but the 2nd restriction was very dangerous for her husband as he is right now.

"You're telling me" I grim at the [Mystic Eye of Death Perception], but accept it nonetheless, as it will be a great game change in a big fight.


You have accessed [The God of Highschool Universe of Knowledge] for the fourth time and import the skill: [Wisdom of The Sage]


You have gained a new skill through importing it from [The God of Highschool Universe of Knowledge].

[Wisdom of The Sage] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: Varies (- 10% HP per use due to not possessing the [Jade Emperor's Physical Power. This will disappear one user gain it.)

Description: The [Wisdom of The Sage] other times referred to as [The King's Wisdom] or [Sage's Eye], where the user's left eye holds the Jade Emperor's various abilities. However, without the [Jade Emperor's Physical Power], this skill will shorten the user's lifespan.

1st Effect: Gain access to [Creation] - the success rate is (level)% + LUCK/10

1st Effect's Restriction: Require user know the materials and the design of what to create.

2nd Effect: Gain access to [Vital Energy Manipulation]

2nd Effect's Restriction: The user can't create, but only manipulate and require physical contact to work.

3rd Effect: Increase INT and WIS x (level)

4th Effect: Locked (Require [Fundamental Force Manipulation])

Other Effects: Locked (Require 4th Effect unlock)

"That's new. Never got a skill that requires another one to unlock one of its effects." I thought out loud, causing Esdeath to carefully read the information of the [Wisdom of The Sage].

"Uh, maybe you should have picked another skill from this [Universe of Knowledge], because having 1% only to create something is very low and depend on your...right your LUCK stat. That's still only 10% right there, even if we don't include the debuff taking effect." Esdeath rolls her eyes near the end once she realizes what she just said and feel a little foolish.

"Yup, but still going to suck later on and I hope the way to earn the EXP wouldn't be too harsh." I really hope that the way to gain EXP for this skill wouldn't be too hard like some of my other skills.

"Still haven't got any ideas for the Medaka Box and Negima yet?" Esdeath notices how her husband still hasn't picked any skills from those two universes yet, and he can pick two skills from each right now. But, he still didn't.

"I still haven't found the right skills I want from them, so I just leave it alone for now and focus on the other universes." I shrug my shoulders as these two universes have some abilities to turn into skill are there for me to take, but I don't know which one I really need at the moment. And so, I decided to wait on it again, even if it's a waste.

"Then, how about the last one? Fairy Tail, was it? What are you going to get next from it?" Esdeath asks in a curious voice, wondering what her husband going to pick from this [Universe of Knowledge].

"Let me import it and you shall see." I quickly input the search keyword onto my [Archive]'s interface while picking up the [Fairy Tail Universe of Knowledge] up next.


You have accessed the [Fairy Tail Universe of Knowledge] for the fourth time and import the skill: [Storm God Slayer Magic]


You have gained a new skill through importing it from the [Fairy Tail Universe of Knowledge].


Due to [Storm God Slayer Magic] being a [Magic] of three fused together. You have lost the ability to import [Lightnign God Slayer Magic], [Wind God Slayer Magic], and [Water God Slayer Magic].

[Storm God Slayer Magic] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: Varies

Description: This is a form of an [Ancien Magic] in which the user is able to attain the abilities of a "God," using a specific element as their type. The certain element types of [God Slayer Magic] can be conjured from the user's body and be used for various purposes, mainly in combat. The color of each [God Slayer Magic]'s element has a black tint, regardless of what it may be. Like other [Slayers], the user is able to consume external sources of [Storm] only, even ones formed nothing, in order to replenish their strength and enhance their power, as well as having a tremendous resistance to the element of [Storm].

1st Effect: Grant immunity to all [Storm] related element

2nd Effect: Gain access to [Divine Storm Creation Magic]

2nd Effect's Restriction: [Divine Lightning Creation Magic], [Divine Wind Creation Magic], and [Divine Water Creation Magic] used separately will increase the cost by 30%.

3rd Effect: Recover HP and MP x (level/4%) per second

4th Effect: Locked (Require level 50)

Other Effects: Locked (Require 4th Effect unlock)

"Okay, I'm seeing a pattern here." I thought out loud, causing Esdeath to look at me, then I started explaining where the 3rd Effect: Recover HP and MP x (level/4%) per second. Well, the first [Slayer Magic] was the [Fire Devil Slayer Magic], which was (level/2%) while the second one being [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic]'s (level/3%) per seconds. So my guess is that with each new [Slayer Magic]. The 3rd Effect would lower the rate of the amount of what I could recover with that said element.

"Oh, yeah. Aren't you a little mad at losing those three [God Slayer Magic]?" Esdeath was wondering if her husband feels mad about this or not.

"Nope. I still got the [Devil Slayer Magic] and [Dragon Slayer Magic] to get those elements." I smile at my wife since she kind of forgot about those.

"Now, that you picked all the skills you wanted to get. Ready to resume our travel, but if you find another Noah that about to awaken. Please let me handle it, dear. We don't want to end up getting chased by an army of Akuma again." Esdeath pats my left cheek with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, I will make sure to remember that if I find another human is about to awaken their [Noah Gene]. We'll head out tomorrow. I rather we rest for today before heading out again. Who knows if there's a nearby Akuma just waiting for us to ambush again under one of the Noah's orders." I rather not face an army of Akuma again if I could help it. Who knows if there may involve a level 3 Akuma in them this time.

"Alright. Now, go back to my character sheet. I'm not done reading it yet." Esdeath order me to go back to her character sheet, which I did for Esdeath to read for the rest of the day while I try to get used to using [Elemental Sight], but gave up for a few seconds when it starts showing up on the interface until I create a separate interface for Esdeath while I use another one for the [Elemental Sight].

At the end of the day; [Elemental Sight] level up 3 times just being activating it for a while to get used to the feeling. While [Archive] level up 10 times thanks to connecting [Elemental Sight] with it.

The next day*

Day 78: Nice To Know

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

Shockingly enough; I didn't carry Esdeath and run to a nearby town like we did before an angry army of Akuma chasing after us. Instead, we just did the same thing before the day we enter that mystery disappearing town by walking.

Of course, I could use these times to get used to my new skills, but one of them is just almost impossible to use all the time. So I'll leave [Mystic Eye of Death Perception] alone for now. At least with some other skills required using one or both my eyes. I can use them right away, even if there some restrictions placed on them. But, I can still work around them if I think about it through.

As for [Storm God Slayer Magic]; I was a little surprised to see how powerful it was compared to the other two [Slayer Magic]. Now, I have gained a [God Slayer Magic]. With just a short testing out with it. The difference between these three [Slayer Magic]. Is that [God Slayer Magic] equal to all about power, but hard to fine tune if the way it took me a few tries to stop destroying things around me.

[Devil Slayer Magic] is just plain violence, but easier to control than the [God Slayer Magic] if I use it the right way. As for [Dragon Slayer Magic], I have an easier time controlling it compare the other two.

If I was to put it in a category, then [God Slayer Magic] equal to throwing all power into every single attack. [Dragon Slayer Magic] would be a variation of the different amount of [Mana] put into the attacks. [Devil Slayer Magic] is pretty much just a bomb waiting to blow up for a brief moment before disappearing afterward.

This is what I got after gaining the [Storm Dragon Slayer Magic] and just using it for a few times to get used to the feeling of activating it.

Esdeath didn't like it when one of the attacks stray off of its course and almost landed next to her while she was nearby reading one of her books.

Like I said, [God Slayer Magic] is all about power and almost non-existing control.

For now, I'm leaving [Storm God Slayer Magic] out for now and focus on my other skills before using it. On a hindsight, I should have waited a bit longer before picking [Storm God Slayer Magic], but too late now and I just have to deal with it for now. At least, the restriction for the [Storm God Slayer Magic] is reasonable compared to some of my other skills.

"So did you develop your other prime's two trump cards?" I ask my wife if she recreated her prime version's other two trump cards.

[Ice Cavalry], the second trump card of the [Demon's Extract] which create an army of ice centaur soldiers. No clue how she managed to create that one.

[Ice Storm Commander-in-Chief], the third and final trump card, which create a "Russian winter" and is capable of covering a large portion of the Empire itself in ice and snow.

"I thought about it and I'm discarding those two and will create my own or make a subtype version of my first one instead. After thinking about the cost of those two trump cards. It's a lot better for me to specialize more with my first trump instead. Why should I create an army of soldiers that I have to make sure they move and continue pouring more energy to keep them stabilized. So yeah, dropping them after seeing how an army won't be much help in long-term battles. In fact, my first trump is more effective instead." Esdeath explains to me, that she won't spend any more times trying to create her prime version's other two trump cards as it no longer suits for her.

Who can blame Esdeath? After learning about her prime version defeat and still had those two trump cards used in the war and still end up losing. Yeah, she can see her first trump card will lead to her a better chance at winning her future battles.

"That's good to know. Did you manage to use those ideas of yours yet? Also, I'm glad you are focusing more on your first trump. Even decreasing the amount of time you could use it. Where your prime version can only be used once a day while you can use it more than 5 in a row, and even then, you just need to rest for a while to use it again, within a single day." I praise my wife, as we walk through a snowy forest, causing Esdeath to blush at my compliments, even feeling happy about this.

Esdeath coughs in her left hand before she speaks, "Kind of. I managed to increase the duration of my first trump from a few seconds to half a minute now. But, at the cost of decrease the amount of time I could use it in a row. Meaning, if I use 30 seconds first, then depend on how much energy I got leftover. I can maybe use it once more, or twice at maximum."

"Again, better, but you didn't answer my question." I smirk at my wife, who scowls at me for interrupting and smack my right shoulder, to show she didn't like it when I cut into her speech.

"I was getting there. Now, as I was saying; after I increased the duration of my first trump card once more. I figure, why not use my trump card in other ways than deploying a barrier around me to freeze space and time, which should be used against an army instead of just a single opponent. What was I thinking, no, what was my prime thinking? The first trump has so many ways to use that I could imagine." Esdeath for once didn't like her prime version methods of using their first trump card.

"I haven't come up with a name for the first subtype version of my trump card, but I manage to cover myself with the effect of my trump card, where anything I touch will be under the effect of [Mahapadma]. Meaning, anything I touch will be frozen, not in ice, but frozen in space and time, whereas long I have my trump card covering my body and having physical contact, then the target won't be able to break free until then. Sadly, I still haven't got a good grasp of activating this and not use [Mahapadma] in the normal way. However, the duration of this is 5 minutes, longer than I could do with the normal method of using it." Esdeath explains to me one of her ideas she has managed to create already and explain to me what she could do with it, along with her limit of using it.

"Do you mean anywhere on your body, even on your clothes or skin only? How about using your rapier?" I knew this unnamed subtype of [Mahapadma] is more suited in a close range fight, that could easily defeat or outright kill anyone as long Esdeath could touch them and have the ability to kill them as well.

And holy crap, this Esdeath of mine could maybe kill her prime version too, if Esdeath is given enough time to develop her [Mahapadma]'s subtype moves even more, because having the ability to freeze spacetime is already considered overpowered in some universe already.

In fact, the current universe we're in is a good example, where Esdeath can literally kill anyone here as long she got the energy and power to do so.

"Mostly anywhere on my body, including clothes. Like I said, I cover my body with [Mahapadma], but I tried with my weapon and it broke. Sadly. So, I will mostly just fight unarmed for a while until I figure out a way to overcome this restriction. I already got another subtype move I want to create for long distance attack." Esdeath grin at me, showing she can't wait to finish developing these subtype moves where she could use them without any problem.

Of course, we have made sure to do our 3 hours of training first thing in the morning before resuming back to our journey.

So, an hour for [Touki], but only double the regular amounts and an hour for [Meditation].

2 levels for [Shundo], 10 levels for [Eagle Vision], 1 level for [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic], 1 level for [Renewal Taekwondo], 2 levels for [Gate of Babylon], 10 levels for [Elemental Sight], 5 levels for [Wisdom of The Sage].

Who knew that using [Eagle Vision], [Elemental Sight], and [Wisdom of The Sage] together would work so well. With [Eagle Vision] locating faster than [Elemental Sight], which would support [Eagle Vision] by providing information of the area. Almost similar to the [Ultimate Eye]. And the [Wisdom of The Sage] would help me temporarily increase both my INT and WIS stats enough to handle the massive information coming from those two skills.

Furthermore, [Wisdom of The Sage]'s 3rd Effect: Increase INT and WIS x (level) don't require lots of [Mana] at all! Only taking 1 MP per second. So the other two effects I won't be needed for a while. Just the 3rd Effect of the [Wisdom of The Sage] alone is enough for me to use both [Eagle Vision] and [Elemental Sight] together in a fight without any problem.

No need to use [Archive] either to support these two skills from afar, this skill alone pretty much helps me a lot. Didn't try it out with [Ultimate Eye] yet, though, but I will try it out tomorrow.

The next day*

Day 79: A Deal With The Maker

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

Currently, we're underground and find ourselves wondering if we should just kill everything in our path and leave nothing but destruction and a mountain of corpses behind us.

The reason we're underground is due to a rumor we overheard in a town we visit this morning to restock up a few more materials just in case we wanted to improve the log house, along with any crafting books we may find. My LUCK stat struck again when we found the place, but turn out the rumor about the place was destroyed already.

However, we did find a squadron of level 2 Akuma and pretty much all of them are in the form of lions, pretty much any type of wild cat family animals. Not that it stops us.

Short story; I fulfill the Tier 3 requirement for [Dark Matter] after Esdeath freezes them in place. As I devour each one by one until I reached [DM Tier 3]. 97 level 2 Akuma, with the last 3 I ate after gaining [DM Tier 3]. Sadly, once I checked the Tier 4 requirement. Let's just say I have to change my approach in doing this.

Because the Tier 4 requirement is 1,000,000 level 1 Akuma, 1,000 level 2 Akuma, 100 level 3 Akuma, or 1 level 4 Akuma. Yeah, I'm going to forget about going for level 1 Akuma.

Afterward, we found a cave further away when we found the squadron of level 2 Akuma. Being curious and sensing something through the [Cleave Sword Intent]. I figure someone was trying to call for us and I knew right away who it was.

Before us is Road, the only member of the Noah Family other than the Earl to survive Nea's attack 35 years before canon. 25 years to be the exact due to canon start 10 years from now.

Right now, Road is a bit scared of me just a little, but not completely. She even appears before me; well, more like I made her come here after Esdeath and I killed off those groups of level 2 Akuma near here.

Either way, Road appears before us and introduced herself as a Noah, along with asking us why I killed one of them.

"Would you believe me that it was an accident?" I said to Road, interrupting her speech, causing her to frown at me and look ready to stab me or something. Not that I would be surprised she would actually try to stab. Look at Allen, he got a candle to the left eye.

"And I believe you because?" Road floats around us and look at me with a scowl, showing she didn't really like me at all. The only reason she didn't outright attack on sight was the curious side of her wanting to know, why? Why did some random stranger kill one of her soon to be a family member?

"I'm not attacking you right now, am I?" I look at Road with my left eye while using [Elemental Sight] to see if the connection is good enough for me to create a path to her dream dimension with the amount of [Sword Qi] I have right now.

"How about you? Got anything to say?" Road ignores my response and looks at Esdeath, who was quiet this whole time and let the Road and me do the talking. Since she doesn't have any reason to speak to a Noah, unless there a fight coming up.

"It's true." Esdeath back up her husband, who wouldn't? And she knows her husband tends to do stupid things and accidentally killing a Noah before they could awaken their memory; well, Esdeath blames her husband's LUCK stat. No need to deny this and the only guess she could think about why that only time her husband would work on his [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] out in the open.

"Say I believe you." Road moves around until she in front of me, "What kind of reason would stop me from throwing an army of Akuma at you two?" Road's smile filled with joy turned twisted and filled with sadist glee now.

"Then, you would be helping me a little for doing this." Now, that I have [Elemental Sight] and [Wisdom of The Sage]. I should be able to last long enough to take on an army of Akuma by devouring them one by one while I use [Hundred Gauntlets] to counter the Akuma's attacks.

Of course, [Fire Devil Slayer Magic], [Storm God Slayer Magic], or even [Decomposition] would do the trick.

Road lost her sadist smile and had a dumbfounded expression now at my comment. Like taking on an army of Akuma was easy for some people.

"What my husband is saying. He eats them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Literally." Esdeath helps Road out by answering Road's unspoken question. This was enough to cause Road to break out of her trace of confusion, then float even closer to my face to get a real good look of me.

"Are you even human?" Road ask the weird being in front of her, wondering if these two were even human in the first place and something else. Because there no way someone would dare eat an Akuma. Oh, sure, Akuma would eat each other, but that's normal. But, something else that not an Akuma? Never heard of it until now. Oh, wait!

"Ah! Now, I remember! You must that weird crazy person hunting down Akuma and eat them!" Road shouts as if she solve a big mystery, causing Esdeath to snort and burst into a laughing fit.

"I'm weird?" I raise my left eyebrow and look at Esdeath, who pause in her laughing fit and look at me for a few seconds, then nodded at me once and went back to laughing at me.

"Man, you're one weird person. Only caring about if you were weird or not, but the crazy part you accepted?" Road float around the area and wonder who are these two, and why she has only seen and hear about them now. Oh, she was shocked this guy managed to make a pathway to her pocket dimension and thought it must been an [Innocence] that caused this, but dropped that idea right away when she didn't sense anything related to an [Innocence] like she usually does with one.

"Everybody is crazy. No one's sane." I said dryly, making Road nod her head in a serious fashion while ignoring Esdeath trying to catch her breath after laughing so hard for a lame joke.

"Sooooooooo true~!" Road completely agreed with me as she continues to float around while circling around Esdeath and me. "So, I'm just going to ask ya something, you won't mind answering right?" Road grins at me and looks like she didn't care if I would answer her question or not. But, why not? So I nod at Road.

"Why do you eat an Akuma? What kind of reason for this?" Road was curious about this and just wonder what's the reasons for doing all this in the first place.

"Evolving my [Dark Matter] to the next tier." I gave her the honest truth, which both Esdeath and Road to look at for two different reasons.

Esdeath wonders why her husband would reveal the fact he possesses [Dark Matter], then remember this girl floating around us is a Noah and one that could control Akuma. So, she connected the dots already and figure her husband wanted to use this Noah to speed up the time to evolve his [Dark Matter] to the next tier as soon as possible.

"Prove it." Road said in a completely serious voice, no longer her playful act was there and only someone who went through a series of life and death battles.

It would be a lie if I didn't really try to figure out how to access my [Dark Matter] ever since I got it. Well, the good news is that it works similar to [Mana]. Similar, but really like [Mana]. Because only [Devil Slayer Magic] could actually use it and have good and bad side effects from doing so.

Casting [Fire Devil's Devastate Fist] and a pitch black that devours the light around it coating my right fist. Instead of the same color as using [Fire Devil Slayer Magic]. It turns black instead whenever I use [Dark Matter] as a fuel for the skill instead of [Mana].

Furthermore, instead of burning quickly upon hitting something. The flames actually start eating everything around it until I had to put it out with using [Dark Matter] again.

Road appears before my right fist, which I held up before my face, for Road to see and watch her study it very carefully.

It has been a few minutes already and I'm starting to use up all the [Dark Matter] I have right now after consuming so many Akuma half an hour ago. Yeah, I may have upgraded my [Dark Matter], but I still can't generate my own yet.

"Are you a Noah or some kind of experimented Akuma? Because this is [Dark Matter] for sure, but look too dark compared to the normal one. In fact, this is the first time I'm seeing one in this form and look almost alive. Furthermore, I can tell you can't even generate your own [Dark Matter]. So I could understand why you need to eat an Akuma. As that's the only one you could regain back more [Dark Matter], am I right?" Road said to me after she watches the [Fire Devil's Devastate Fist] disappear due to the [Dark Matter] ran out to fuel it.

"No to the Noah part. Yes to the last part about the need to eat an Akuma to regain some [Dark Matter]." I replied to Road, who is lost in her thoughts for a few minutes.

Esdeath narrow her eyes, but kept her mouth shut for now as this is very important and she can't let this chance go. So she will keep her mouth shut, for now.

"How about we make a deal? I provide the Akuma and you do stuff for me? What do you say?" Road knew this is a great opportunity to gain allies, that could solve many problems for her and the rest of the Noah Family. If she plays her cards right, that is.

"Depend on what those stuff are. And just letting you know, if you're planning to give me, Akuma, then you better have an equal value. So more quantity of level 1 Akuma to match a level 2 Akuma. Same for level 3 Akuma." I didn't bother to try to see if they had tried creating a level 4 Akuma yet or not. But, I'm not planning to reveal the facts I know about those Akuma's existences just yet.

"I'll have to speak to Lord Millennium about this. After all, he's the one that makes the Akuma. Not me. Wait here, I'll go get him." Road disappears before I could say anything as she went to get the Earl of Millennium. The primary antagonist of this universe and the patriarch of the Noah Family, and the current incarnation of Adam. Also, the creator of Akuma known as The Maker.

Half an hour later*

The sound of footsteps came behind us and thanks to a quick use of [Eagle Vision], [Elemental Sight], and [Wisdom of The Sage] to find out it was the Earl himself walking towards with that enormous grin that remains fixed on his, even when he is speaking and eating.

"Well, well, well. Look like you were right." The Earl said to Road, causing her to repeatedly saying the word: Right thrice at the Earl, who just chuckle at her. "I can easily feel that [Dark Matter] within you. Hungry to grow and so dark~! Ha! I'm curious who you are, young man, you're very interesting."

I didn't like the Earl one bit, but kept that to myself. Esdeath didn't seem to hate the Earl or find herself looking down at the Earl. So this meant that Esdeath could tell the Earl is very strong and wouldn't dare treat the guy as a weakling.

"Now, what you told to Road is true? You need to eat Akuma in order to evolve your [Dark Matter]?" The Earl questions me while I feel the urge to attack, but kept myself from moving to attacking him.

I nod at the Earl, who let out a chuckle once more before snapping his fingers, causing a level 1 Akuma to appear through a portal the Earl summon. Then, made a hand gesture to the Akuma, where it floated towards me.

I didn't need to be told what to do next as the Earl already asked me and wanted proof of my words.

I had to use [Elemental Sight] on the level 1 Akuma as each one may seem the same, but have a small part of them that made them different from each other.

Applying [Decomposition] onto my right hand as I stab through the skin layer of the Akuma before taking a bite of the level 1 Akuma and use [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] to absorb the Akuma in front of everyone's eyes.

"Oooh~!" Road claps her hands at this display before her eyes, even the Earl finds this interesting and wonder if he could use this.

" about we speak about this deal of ours, huh?" The Earl's giant grin seems to grow even more somehow, but I didn't complain. I let Esdeath do the talking since she has more experience talking with higher class people.

5 years later*

The next day*

Year 5: Day 79: Finally!

(Unknown: Noah's Ark)


You have reached [Dark Matter Tier 10] after eating an [Innocene] that reached the Critical Point in synchronization limit. All previous debuff is now removed.

Finally, after all these years being in this universe, I have reached the maximum limit for [Dark Matter] and could regenerate my own from this point on. Thanks to the Earl and the Noah Family's help. Bringing up my status window to check my stats.

Status List:

Character Name: Ragna D. Mercer

Alignment: Neutral - Chaotic - Evil

Lvl: 31 - EXP: 8,000/214,748,364,800

1st Profession: The Gamer

2nd Profession: [Contractor Lvl.6] - EXP: 0/3200 [2:1 Exchange Rate]

Title: [Husband of Esdeath D. Mercer] - Have the ability to teleport to your wife location instantly per 24 hours. Title effect will still be in effect even if it's not equipped.

HP: 185080/185080 - Regen: 1 HP per hour

MP: 229240/229240 - Regen: 20.1 MP per minute

DM Tier 10: 100%/100% - Regen: 10% per minute

Sword Qi: 41200/0 - Regen: 0 per minute

[100 HP + 100 MP = 1 Sword Qi]

STR: 18499

END: 18508

AGI: 18492

INT: 130

WIS: 201

MAG: 22924

LUCK: 130 (Contractor: +60) = 190

RES: [Dark Matter]: Tier 10: 100% (Can't add points into this stat)

Point: 8744

Money: 0

Age: 24

Even after 5 years. I didn't even go past level 31 at all and had to focus on the rest of my skills instead. Not to mention the stat points I gained by spending with Esdeath changed after the first year. Where now, the Gamer's ability only gives me 10-40 stat points per week. Depending on how much I spend with Esdeath in a romantic setting.

Still a good amount of stat points without having to level up to gain them. But, the amount building up is nice to look at over 5 years now.

Of course, I continue doing 3 hours training every single day while the rest of those days would either doing tasks the Earl assigned to me and Esdeath.

Just 3 hours per day was enough for the past 5 years to make my stats go beyond my current level. Sadly, both INT and WIS stats are stuck, even after reading all the books in this universe has to offer. Hell, I even tried doing puzzles to see if it would do any better. Well, it did and stopped working after a few months later.

Due to the Noah and Akuma watching both Esdeath and me at all time. I couldn't use my other skills like [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] and [Storm God Slayer Magic] since I rather not reveal it. So I mainly used [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] instead most of the time or other skills that not element based skills.

However, that didn't stop me from using the other abilities come with [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic]. After all, there are countless weapons I have created over the 5 years, with the help of [Elemental Sight] and [Wisdom of The Sage]. Thanks to that, I've reached level 100 for [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] as well.

Sadly, [The End - Gamer's Version] is still stuck at level 1 after all these years. Not because I wasn't trying to put a hold of it. Nope, it's because I never got a target worth using it on or never got the chance to. Yeah, this is a little sad to have an overpowered skill like [The End], but with those restrictions made it so nerfed and almost impossible to use. So no chance of leveling that up any time soon until I enter into a different universe.

[Meditation] took 5 years to reach level 20, then again, I set it to an hour per day use only. So, I'm not that surprised, but the MAG stat I'm getting from it alone is worth it over the years of using it without skipping any day for it.

Same with [Touki], but only to level 18 and I rather not put extra hours into it and limited myself to an hour only to it. Still didn't change the result at the end with my physical stats being so high already.

[Mystic Eye of Death Perception]'s restriction is just too much for me to use with the Noah breathing down my neck, and so, I decided not to use it at all until I leave this universe.

[Hundred Gauntlets] gotten harder to level and stuck at 99% EXP at level 99 and I still haven't managed to get that last 1% EXP to make it a level 100 [Hundred Gauntlets]. I just can't seem to figure out why this one stops at this for years now. So I gave up on it for now and get back to it later in the future.

For the other skills, pretty much all of them are at 100 levels. Yup, almost all my skills are at level 100 already. And boy did it take some time to grind them all. [Wisdom of The Sage] and [Elemental Sight] were very tricky to level at first until I accidentally discovered how to level them up so fast. And that's by reading books with them, checking ancient ruins around the planet, and even studying other living and non-living things by just looking at them while the [Information Dimension] slowly send them into my brain.

[Sha Naqba Imuru] and [Eagle VIsion] was actually used together with [Wisdom of The Sage] and [Elemental Sight]. So getting to level 100 for these two skills together with [Wisdom of The Sage] and [Elemental Sight] at the same time. Well, same day.

Maybe this was why my INT and WIS stats got stuck and wouldn't increase afterward.

The [Ultimate Eye] was pretty much almost used every single day once I unlocked the 3rd Effect: The ability to hide the mark within the right eye and make it normal looking. Yup, I don't have to wear the eyepatch if I wanted to, but still, do under the unknown reason why I keep on releasing killing intent for no reason. So even after gaining this new effect, I still have to wear the eyepatch, not like I wasn't going to stop.

Since the Noah Family would find this a little weird in some events where I'm not wearing the eyepatch during some fights. It was only after gaining the ability to hide the [Ultimate Eye] would I use take off my eyepatch in most the fight.

[Decomposition] wasn't that hard to level thanks to [Wisdom of The Sage] and [Elemental Sight] backing it up. It's pretty much almost like [Mystic Eye of Death Perception] too, with a few upsides and downsides to it.

[Archive] and [Gate of Babylon] were similar to [Wisdom of The Sage] and [Elemental Sight]. Instead of studying, I had to create more and complex programs for [Archive] while [Gate of Babylon]. I just had to toss things in it and it would gain EXP. Talk about easy EXP for the skill. Actually, [Gate of Babylon] was a lot easier to level up compared to other skills. But, I had to find valuable things to put into the [Gate of Babylon]. Most of them are crafting types of equipment and materials. Lots of them until I pretty much have almost all this universe has to offer.

[Renewal Taekwondo] reached level 100 by the first years while I was taking down members of the Black Order and the Noah Family for training purposes. And against Esdeath, who clearly got very strong over the years as well. Making so many subtypes for her trump card and made them last long as a week. In fact, Esdeath even has beaten the Earl and a few Noah helping him out in a sparring match once.

[Pumba] is similar to [Renewal Taekwondo], but mostly after I created more [Sword Intent] from the [Basic Movements of Sword Skills]. So I got 13 different [Sword Intent] now. [Cleave Sword Intent], the very 1st one. [Stab Sword Intent], the 2nd. [Flick Sword Intent], the 3rd. [Wave Sword Intent], the 4th. [Hack Sword Intent], the 5th. [Poke Sword Intent], the 6th. [Jab Sword Intent], the 7th. [Parry Sword Intent], the 8th. [Curve Sword Intent], the 9th. [Sweep Sword Intent], the 10th. [Raise Sword Intent], the 11th. [Intercept Sword Intent], the 12th. And the last and 13th, [Shave Sword Intent].

Each one has different effects and ways to use them. Hell, I don't even have to use a sword for most of them at all. Took 5 years to get all of these and try to think about what ways I could use them before making them into a [Sword Intent]. One of them took me a whole year to think of before making it into a [Sword Intent] and that was the [Shave Sword Intent].

But, I won't go into detail for that one for now. Not like I would use it most of the time since it's not meant to kill in the first place. Also, what got my [Pumba] to level 100. Lucky me.

Furthermore, after a while, I found out that I enter the [Sword Intent: Growth Stage]. Yup, this what I named it, because the first stage was how to use it and I did that already. Once I finished making all the [Sword Intent], then I have finished the [Sword Intent: Growth Stage].

The next stage, which I call the [Sword Intent: Stabilize Stage], where I should get used to all of my [Sword Intent] and come up with more [Sword Techniques] for them instead of just a one or two [Sword Techniques] for them.

I have already thought of other stages for my version of [Sword Intent] already. Furthermore, the 1% of [Sword Intent] knowledge went to 20% after I got this idea of mine for the [Sword Intent: Stabilize Stage].

But, I stop working on my [Sword Intent] after reaching 20% of the locked knowledge and focus on my other skills. Since [Pumba] already reached level 100 thanks to [Sword Intent].

[Nabong Needle Ryu] took me 5 years to reach level 100, and I just got it yesterday too. In fact, this skill was what helped me pick the right effect for the [Shave Sword Intent]. Where I used it on people to help them out while they're suffering.

Mostly this was used on victims before the Earl offers them the chance to revive their loved one before getting killed by them.

Yup, using [Nabong Needle Ryu] on some victims that couldn't even talk to the Earl, which the guy would sometimes ignore them for other victims that could still move and talk.

Yeah, one of my tasks for gaining the help from the Earl and Noah Family was to increase the number of victims to be turned into an Akuma. By healing them through [Nabong Needle Ryu], which is godly already, thanks to the 3rd Effect: Gain access to [Acupuncture Creation Technique] skill. Furthermore, unlock the 4th, and the last, 5th Effects for the skill.

Where the 4th Effect would give me the ability to detect hidden pressure points, even when the target was to wear outer layers that cover those pressure points. While the 5th Effect would give me the ability to destroy or repair pressure points. Yeah, no clue how this one came to be, but it works for me.

[Fire Devil Slayer Magic], [Time Alter], [Shundo], and other skills I would use pretty much all my fights. Sometimes together with my [Sword Intent] if I feel like it. So it wasn't that shocking to get these three skills at level 100 within a year. After going through countless life and death battles.

Most of them are attacking the Akuma and members of the Black Order, [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] for exorcists mostly.

Closing the status list and the skills list. I look up at my wife, who I have been married for 5 years now and we're happy to find out that Esdeath hasn't aged one bit. She still the same appearance when we got married.

Hell, I didn't even change either. Both Esdeath and my appearance and outfits didn't change over the 5 years now. Still the same thing. Not even bother about it, thanks to [Archive] and the [Gate of Babylon] cleaning and fixing them easily in a matter of seconds.

Well, unless Esdeath age at a very slow rate, but we didn't care. Now, that I'm 24 years old and with Esdeath being 26. We got so used to each other that we could easily tell what each other are thinking by body movements alone.

Which help out a lot when Esdeath and I team up against someone. Making us more dangerous than ever.

"Done monologuing? Because I want to leave this place already." Esdeath said to me as she continues running her hand through my hair. "Too bad, little Lenalee won't come with us and my pet grey wolf is long dead."

Yeah, Lenalee decides to stick with her older brother, but was grateful enough for Esdeath's training that she promises to never attack Esdeath at all. I, on the hand, she would gladly attack without a care. I still don't know why she hates me all these years.

As for Esdeath's pet grey wolf; well, we met up with her back in the snowy forest last month. But, she was just too old and covered with old injuries. Of course, I healed her right back up, but it wasn't enough and she was just too tired.

We decided to spend time with the old girl until it's her time to leave for the afterlife. Both Esdeath and I had to threaten the Earl and the Noah Family to give us these time to spend times with Raubtier until she died.

For as long I know Esdeath, she actually cries a little for Raubtier's death and made an ice statue of Raubtier to be placed in our bedroom in the [Ark]. We got ourselves a place to stay in the [Ark]. Lucky us, thank you LUCK stat for this. Or else, we wouldn't have a way to stay in the [Ark] and may have missed Raubtier before it was too late.

"I am now. And Raubiter is in a better place now. Who knows, she may be better off in the afterlife after we're done taking control over the [Ark] and leaving this universe." I said to my wife. Looking to my right, where an interface is showing us that I can gain complete control over the [Ark] at any moment now.

And only Esdeath and I would know about this. Took me 4 years to create a program for the [Archive] to hack into the [Ark] without letting anyone know and without having to know the special methods to control the [Ark] in the first place.

So without a moment to lose, I hit the enter key, where it took a few seconds before I have full control over the [Ark].


You have gained complete control over the Noah's [Ark] before even Allen Walker, the chosen one of this dimension, causing multiple unknown effects to this dimension.


You have the option to leave this universe for another.

Do you wish to take your wife and use the [Ark] to leave this world?


I hit yes, and everything started shaking. Where outside this little house of ours in the [Ark], there are screams before it went silent. Showing that even the hidden Noah and Akuma watching us either die or kicked out of the [Ark] before we switched to a new universe. As we leave this universe, where we pretty much destroyed 75% of the places for the Earl.


Welcome back to the Multiverse!


Good luck in your next adventure player! Be sure to take your time and the [Ark] is made invisible towards those within the universe you have entered. You may reveal the [Ark] to that universe whenever you feel like it. Until then, it will remain invisible and will be in your [Gate of Babylon] when not in used and floating in the sky.



Welcome to Tower of God Universe! In order to leave this universe to another one, the player must get the chosen one (Main character: Baam) to the 20th Floor of the Tower alive or the player can reach the 135th Floor instead.


Due to the unique element of the Tower of God. You and Esdeath have adapted to [Shinsoo], which is essential for living in the Tower, as it allows for breathing and provides moisture for the inhabitants. This will affect some of your skills, but not all. Good luck, player.

(Tower: 1st Floor)

A bright light flashes before Esdeath and I until it dies out and discovers were in a dark place. Where I notice there a few people in front of us.

There is a 1 female, 2 male, and a thing; well, the thing looks kind of like a white rabbit with that long ears attached to its head.

"Well, now. This is very interesting. 2 more irregulars. We have 3 irregulars together at once. Very interesting indeed. It's been such a long time for more than one irregulars coming together in this very 1st Floor at the same time." The rabbit thing said to everyone. "I welcome you to the Tower. My name is Headon. Guardian of the lowest Floor of the Tower. What is your guys' name?"

"I'm Ragna." I introduce myself, but kept my middle and last name out of it while ignoring the girl speaking to a short man? Boy? Carrying a large mountain backpack in an excited tone.

"Esdeath." Esdeath said her name, but wonder why her husband didn't want to use his full name, then a quick check of her new memories and find out why. So, she follows along.

"Well, nice to meet you. Mr. Ragna and Ms. Esdeath. How did you two end up here?" Headon asks us, with his left hand touching his chin? Mouth? In a curious pose, maybe?

Both Esdeath and I look at each other before looking back at Headon and the others. With the other male being a young boy with dark brown borderline black and amber/gold eyes. Wearing a brown long sleeved shirt, a red vest, and beige pants.

As for the only girl beside Esdeath, she wearing a white long-sleeved jacket, black shirt, red tie, red skirt and black leggings. She has piercing red eyes and long flowing dark hair that tied into a ponytail with a red stylized fascinator on the left side of her head.

"Hey! How did you two manage to enter this place?" The girl asks us while walking towards us. Then pause in her step before looking back at Headon. "Hey, Headon. Before I forget. Why didn't you give these [Pockets]?" The girl seems annoyed at this, maybe even mad.

"Oh!" Headon slaps his forehead in embarrassment, "I forgot again! How about Ms. Yuri provide these two [Pockets] as well? After all, I don't think these two are like Mr. Baam here." Headon look at the girl, who name is Yuri. As the guy opens his mouth? Open to look like a grin or smirk. It's hard to tell.

Yuri looks at Headon with narrowed eyes, then look at the guy with the giant backpack. "Hey, Evan! Mind giving these two a [Pocket]? Since it looks like we're giving out free [A-Rank Pocket] today." Yuri orders the short guy, who name is Evan.

"What's a [Pocket]?" I ask Yuri, as my memory of the Tower of God is buried deep among the other memories of mine and would take a few minutes to recall them.

Yuri and Evan look at me with a surprised look on their faces."You can understand me?" Yuri point at her face, as she blinks at me a few times.

"Yeah? Shouldn't I be?" I walk towards the small group, with Esdeath following along while checking the place we're in.

"Oh~! This is very rare. Hey, Evan! Hurry up with the [Pockets]. I rather not forget about those, unlike a certain guy." Yuri said to Evan and still annoyed about Headon for some reasons, maybe it related to the [Pocket] they about to give us.

I can briefly remember its not a pant's pocket, but something else that names [Pocket].

Evan takes two marbles wrapped in written papers on it and hand it over to Esdeath and me.

Esdeath didn't bother to see if this is a trap or not and touch the marble first, then a second later, the marble lost all the papers wrapped it around and scatter over the place. Before the marble becomes black with unknown symbols rotating inside the now black marble.

I follow Esdeath's example and touch the one in Evan's left hand, causing it to be the exact as Esdeath and a floating black marble appear on my left, same as Esdeath's.

"Hope you two like those [Pockets]. As they are ranked way too high for you newcomers." Yuri explains to us what these marbles are and called as [Pocket].

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Evan Edroch, an [A-Rank Guide] and a [Ranker] of the Tower. That lady over there is Lady Yuri, also a [Ranker] of the Tower. What I gave you two are what's called a [Pocket]. It is essential when going up the Tower. There are a lot of functions, but first of all, it translates every language of the Tower. And one more thing, say 'invisible mode' to the [Pocket] will make it invisible. While saying 'visible mode' to make it appear again." Evan explains to both Esdeath and me about the features of the [Pocket] and what they are used for.

Baam from a distance listen onto Evan's explaining things, just in case for the future use of it.

Esdeath has already dismissed the [Pocket] by turning it invisible and continue to look area. After she gave her thanks to Evan for the [Pocket], which I did the same. Making Evan smile at us.

Checking the information on the [Pocket] to see what it got. Since I can't remember all the details on these [Pockets].

[Pocket: Basic Form: Round Type] - Rank: A - Durability: 1000/1000 - ATK: N/A

Description: [Pockets] are devices that provide a variety of functions that aid Regulars and Rankers in the Tower. Also, this device is made from high purity [Suspendium] so they are capable of floating in areas of high [Shinsoo] density,

1st Effect: Enables one to meet with a [Guardian] to attempt to make a contract

2nd Effect: [Points (Money)] - based financial transaction

3rd Effect: Invisible/Visible modes

4th Effect: Light source

5th Effect: Phone function

6th Effect: Private communication mode where only certain people are able to listen in or communicate with one another without anyone else hearing

7th Effect: Timer function

8th Effect: Tracking function

9th Effect: Translating languages

10th Effect: Transmitting messages

11th Effect: User's identification

12th Effect: Storing objects

'Neat.' I thought to myself, then turn it invisible. Before paying attention to the others talking.

"Hey, Headon. Are you going to make these two do the same test as the kid? Also, are you trying to kill the kid? The test suits Floors above 20!" Yuri shouts at Headon, but didn't seem like she cared about Esdeath and me taking the test that kills the kid, who I told Esdeath via [Archive] that he's the one we need to protect in order to get out of this universe.

"Princess Yuri, have you forgotten that he's an irregular? And yes, those two as well. The irregulars who have entered the Tower all had extraordinary powers. This is an appropriate test for an irregular, because they are special." Headon carefully explains to Yuri, who happens to be a princess, which I'm starting to remember who she is now.

"Um...sorry to interrupt..." Baam finally spoke up, getting everyone's attention. "You keep saying that I'm an irregular along with those two. What is that?"

Instead of Headon answering, it was Yuri that replied to Baam's question.

"The name for those who open the gate and enter the Tower on their own. Irregulars aren't chosen to enter the Tower. This Tower is meant only for the chosen, but on rare occasions, irregulars like you and those two who weren't chosen, find their way in. Since ancient times, the irregulars have brought chaos and change. Because they have extraordinary strength, they are feared by others." Yuri calmly explains to Baam, Esdeath, and me. Until she pointed at Baam.

"But, look! This one is different from the other irregulars!" Yuri ignores Baam's shocked face and continues, "His body is small, he got no special abilities what so ever; well, he looks like he'll get handsome in the future, but-never mind about that! Even Evan our [A-Rank Guide] here, admitted he's just an ordinary boy! He's like a baby next to the other irregulars! Even with these two look more capable compared to this guy!" Yuri pointed out, these facts before getting close to Headon and nudge him in the stomach, chest area, whatever.

"So what I mean is, Mr. Headon. Wouldn't it be fair to lower the test's level for the kid?" Yuri tries to persuade Headon from getting Baam killed by the difficulty of the test.

"Princess. You really want him to go up the Tower, don't you?" Headon question the princess, which he got silence in response, causing him to turn his back on her. "Hmm. Very well. Then, I'll change the rules slightly..."

This was enough to get Yuri excited, causing her to follow after Headon. "Oh! Really?!" Yuri wanted to be sure this was true and not a prank played on her.

"How about this? I'll allow those two irregulars to take the test together with him. If you lend him one of the weapons that you own." Headon even gives a chance for Esdeath and me to attend the test together with Baam, which may or may not be a good thing.

"Lend weapon?" Now, Yuri was feeling something is wrong about this whole thing.

"Yes. Your weapons are only for [High Rankers]. If you lend him one, it will be a huge advantage for him. In fact, just letting those two irregulars alone are enough advantage already." Headon replied to the princess, then stop in his small walk.

"By the way...don't you have the [Black March] bestowed by the King?" Headon, along with the rest of us ignored Evan's mumble the name of [Black March] in a shocked tone.

"Black...[Black March] is too..." Yuri seems troubled, like this, could cause lots of problems for her in the future if she decides to lend this [Black March] to Baam.

"Actually, lending weapons is against the rules and allowing late newcomers join in a test of another before it's their turn. But, if you'll lend him the [Black March]. I will allow it. Do you think it's too much?" Headon said to Yuri, with his back still turned to her and was looking right at Esdeath and me this entire time without looking away.