Chapter 15: Who Need Luck? I Do

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 15: Who Need Luck? I Do

Year 5: Day 79: Finally! Part 2

(Tower: 1st Floor)

For a few minutes, Yuri glare at Headon like he trying to cause a problem for her. All she wanted was to give the weak irregular a chance to climb up the Tower.

"Well, if you say it's too much for him. He will have to take the test with his bare hands." Headon said to Yuri in a regretful tone, which sounds pretty fake to everyone but Baam.

"Fine." Yuri grit her teeth before looking at Baam. "Hey, boy! What's your name?" Causing Baam to be surprised at the sudden attention.

"Huh?! I'm...Baam! The 25th Baam!" Baam introduces himself to Yuri.

"Alright, Baam! Wanna go up the Tower or give up?" Yuri asks Baam just to be sure if this kid wanted to do this.

This made Baam's confused expression to become serious, "I...I can't give up! I need to find someone!" This caused Yuri to smirk at Baam and pull him close to her by his neck.

"Find someone? Wow~! You little player! Already dating someone?" Yuri ignores the way Baam is stuttering his response. "You might die, you know, even with those two helping you out." Yuri leans close to Baam to whisper a warning to him.

"There's a high possibility that you'll die before you find what you seek. Still wanna go?" Yuri warns Baam again just to be on the safe side.

"Doesn't matter. I'll go, anyway." Baam said it without stuttering, but he is sweating a bit now.

Yuri let out a sigh and took her left arm away from Baam and take a few steps away from him. "Well, okay!" Yuri swings her right arm in front of her. "[Arm's Inventory], visible mode." Revealing what looks like a white tentacle of some aqua creature cut off and used to store multiple needle type weapons.

This [Arm's Inventory] seems to be like a [Pocket] as well since it has an invisible mode build into it somehow.

Yuri grabs one of the weapon's handle and pull it out, showing it to everyone, it's a thin-spiked weapon, that looks like it's more used to pierce and stab, then move it towards Baam in a reverse grip.

"Take this. This is the [Black March]." Yuri didn't care if Baam is confused about the weapon's appearance. "I'll lend it to you for a while."

Evan looks shocked at this, "Lady Yuri! You can't do that! How can you lend something like the [Black March]?! You mustn't! Never! You'll be killed if the King finds out!" From the way Evan shouted in a panic voice, just to show this [Black March] is very valuable.

"It.." Baam feel really uncomfortable now, thanks to Evan's reaction when this [Black March] is being lent out to him, telling him this weapon before his eyes could be something to kill for. "It's ok! You shouldn't lend me such a precious thing...for my sake..."

Yuri didn't care one bit, but she annoyed by Evan and mostly at Headon. "Take it. Didn't you want to go up no matter what? Then, take this." Yuri raises the [Black March] towards Baam, who slowly take the weapon from Yuri. Looking at the weapon in his hand in wonder.

"The name of the weapon is the [Black March]. It's a [Needle], the basic weapon used in the Tower. A [Needle] is used to stab and pierce. The [Black March] is the greatest of all [Needles]. It's one of the 13 Month Series that Ashul Edwaru Created. It's like a half-living thing, so once you ignite it, it shows the extreme power it possesses for the wielder. Of course, even if you take this [Needle], there is a little chance of you winning. Even a good weapon is dependant on its wielder for success." Yuri explains to Baam about the [Black March] and a warning not to rely on it completely for the test.

Then, Yuri turns her back on Baam and walk towards Esdeath and me while ignoring the shocked Evan.

"But, if you still want to take this test...I will lend it to you, so try it." Yuri said to Baam with her back turn to him.

"Lady! Not the [Black March], why did Headon had to pick this out of all your weapons?!" Evan cried out in horror, causing Yuri to be annoyed by Evan's terrified yell.

"Shut up! This is my will." Yuri shouts at Evan before she stands before me and looks me in the left eye. "Do you two wish to borrow a weapon from me? Since I already gave out [Pockets]. May as well lend my own weapon out too." Yuri really didn't feel like doing this, but she wanted to be fair.

Esdeath and I share a look before we look back at Yuri, who waiting on us, with Headon waiting as well before he starts the test.

Esdeath raises her left hand before her long rapier appears for her to grab, causing almost everyone to look at Esdeath with a shocked look on their faces.

"How?!" Evan cried out once more, like this shouldn't be possible without a sight of an [Arm's Inventory] to hold this weapon before his very eyes, even others are shocked that Esdeath managed to take out a weapon out of nowhere.

"Do you think that would be enough?" Yuri asks Esdeath, wanting to know if Esdeath and I possess something similar to her [Arm's Inventory]. Also, if this sword would be usable in the Tower as most of the weapons outside the Tower would work in the Tower.

"For now." Esdeath smile at Yuri, as she could feel how strong this person before and willing to speak in an equal rank. "There's no need for me to borrow one of your weapons. I'll do fine with my own. Thanks for offering, though." Esdeath lowers her left arm and finds Yuri someone interesting.

"How about you?" Yuri asks me, looking at me to see if I could make a weapon appear like Esdeath.

Looking at the [Pocket] given to me and Esdeath, I didn't like how I owed someone. And wanting to borrow a weapon from the same person on top of that. Yeah, no thanks.

"Nope. But, I have something for you in return for giving us these two [Pockets]." I said to Yuri, who look at me surprised and curious about what I would give her for the two [A-Rank Pockets] she gave away.

I use [Gate of Babylon] to bring me four [Black Keys]. Yup, the one from the Nasuverse and I created it through [Elemental Sight], [Wisdom of The Sage], and [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic]. Took me forever to make it like the one in the Nasuverse, with almost all the effects attached to them.

Grabbing all four [Black Keys] with one hand, then I move them towards Yuri for her to take.

"These are called the [Black Keys]. With multiple abilities. These focus less on physical attack, but this is covered due to the abilities attached to them. Where you only need to speak out their names once you use these to pierce something. They're the [Cremation Rite], causing the target to burst into flames upon being pierced. [Internment Rite], causing petrification upon the target being pierced by it, and the last one you don't need to speak the name of it. As it's a passive ability, where anything these [Black Keys] pierces a target's shadow, would immobilize them." I explain to Yuri about the abilities of the [Black Keys]. However, one of the abilities belongs to the [Black Key] isn't reveal to Yuri, in fact, I removed it due to it being useless in other universes. So it's better not to have it at all.

"Watch." I demonstrate it by throwing one of them at Yuri's shadow, piercing it in place without any trouble. Then, watch Yuri trying to move after having her shadow pierced by a [Black Key].

Much to Yuri's shock and delight, that what I said is true, then quickly realize how dangerous these [Black Keys] are. As with her strength, she should have easily broken through these binding effect.

Yup, I've improved the passive ability to stop beings stronger than a regular [Black Key] can handle. But, in exchange, I had to limit the effects of [Cremation Rite] and [Internment Rite] to increase the passive ability.

Pulling out the [Black Key] out of Yuri's shadow, allowing Yuri to move again. "Just letting you know, that you should never block any attacks with these [Black Keys]. They're fragile compared the average weapons. One good strike would destroy them and make their abilities lost upon destruction. These are mainly used to capture a target."

I hand over the four [Black Keys] over to Yuri, who gladly accept them and can't wait to use them on her future enemies.

"Thanks!" Yuri didn't think she would get something amazing like these [Black Keyes]. "This a first time an irregular gifted me something outside the Tower." Yuri place all four [Black Keys] into her [Arm's Inventory] and tried to fit them close in one section.

"Quick question. Are you single?" Yuri smiled at me, causing Esdeath to twitch a little. But, didn't say anything and just stare at Yuri, who saw this and wonder if Esdeath having a crush on me.

"She's my wife." I pointed at Esdeath, who give Yuri a forced smile. This fact alone caused multiple reacts around us.

"EH?!" Yuri looks at both Esdeath and me, with a shocked expression. "Man! Why do all the good looking ones are always taken?! When will I get someone?!"

Evan coughed in his right hand as he looks away to hide his red face. Headon didn't care about this information one bit and just continue to watch how things go.

Baam looks confused at this and wonders why some of us are shocked about this.

"How strong are you?" Esdeath asks Yuri, causing the poor Princess to stop her ranting and look at Esdeath with a curious look.

"Very strong. Since I'm a [High Ranker], who managed to make it up to the 134th Floor and could become a [Ruler] if I wanted to. Why you ask?" Yuri looks at Esdeath with a confused look, ignoring the fact that the test should have started already.

"I'm willing to share if you're willing to. I'm only accepting strong women to be together with my husband. And don't worry about other women, as it's just me right now." Esdeath replied with a calm tone of voice.

Yuri blinks a few times before blushing as her brain comprehend what Esdeath just said to her.

"Wow! This is the first time someone's wife is willing to share their husband with me. Most of the time I would get bad mouthed and told to never come near their husbands." Yuri said in a confused voice, but try to look like this wasn't something new to her, then quickly look at me to see if I had anything to say about this.

"Esdeath only care about the strong and hate the weak. But, not to the point of dismissing a weak person just like that. Esdeath understands a weak person can become strong with enough time and resource. As for why she asking you this. It's because of my family's history, where if there are less than 10 members alive, then the male or female need to search for stronger mates in order to expand the family's size back to a good amount with good genes for the next generation to stop us from becoming extinct and weak." I explain to Yuri in a calm voice while looking a little bored.

"Huh, nothing new about this. Lots of people have multiple wives and husbands in the Upper Floors of the Tower. Well, I'm willing to give this a chance if you pass this test. How about it? Want to date a Princess?" Yuri smirk at me, offering me a chance to date her, even when Esdeath's right eye is twitching a little.

"You've already gifted me precious weapons already, so prove to me, you're worthy to date me." Yuri knew someone like me that possesses these [Black Keys] wasn't someone weak. Also, ignoring the way Evan looking at us for her comments, as there are rules about dating when she's a Princess.

I roll my eyes at Yuri, then look at Esdeath. "Do you want to join the test or want to wait here? Because the two of us going together would be an overkill." I said to Esdeath, ignoring some of the people around us looking at us with suspicion about something. Even Headon didn't say anything about Esdeath staying behind when he said he would allow her and me to help Baam out.

"You go ahead. I need to talk with Yuri here about a few rules before I'll let her join into the family and about where we come from. Maybe, if I see how it goes." Esdeath said to me, causing Yuri to raise an eyebrow at Esdeath's comment, then look at me.

"Alright. Come on, kid, let's do this." I said to Baam as we move further away from the others, as the steel door fall down behind us. Locking us in the testing room, with a gigantic, snake-like creature.

Using [Elemental Sight] on the giant creature before to find out what the thing is before I attack. Where the thing, let out a roar at Baam and me the moment we step into its territory.


Target's Name: [White Steel Eel] or [White Sturgeon]

Info: This creature is one of the most common [Shinheuh] inside the Tower. Adult [Steel Eels] have a gigantic, snake-like body covered with heavy steel-like armor. [Steel Eels] typically live in highly dense [Shinsoo] environments, so dense that normal people find it is extremely difficult to move around freely. The [Steel Eels], however, can move through it at extremely high speeds. [Steel Eels] are usually quite passive creatures, but during the breeding season, they need food and also want to protect their young, so they will eat smaller harmless creatures. They typically breed in areas with a high density of [Shinsoo], so dense that even [Wolhaiksong Ranks] would have some trouble moving in it, except those with miraculous [Shinsoo Resistance].


More Information about this [Steel Eels] is locked due to an unknown higher being stopping the player from gaining too much information.

Didn't know about the higher being thing, but I got what I needed from the [Information Dimension] on this [Steel Eel] before me.

"Well, I was never informed of what test we're taking. But, I will take on this creature before us as my warm up. You go do what you need to do. I'll make sure this thing won't come near you." I said to Baam, who look at me if I was crazy for taking this thing along, but I didn't give him a chance to speak and ignore a distance shouts from Yuri to Headon.

As I use the [Renewal Recoilless Kick] at the get-go to kill the [Steel Eel] before me.

[Renewal Taekwondo: Recoilless Kick] is essentially a [Kick Technique] with a lot of power behind it. The technique requires the user to completely focus their energy into a single point, not wasting any movement. The kick itself doesn't require the user to balance their body with their hands. It is powerful enough to cut through a wide area of ground and split the sky, even if it stopped midway.

And I'm not going to hold back and launch the kick towards the [Steel Eel] without moving my spot, with my current physical stats alone was enough to make this [Recoilless Kick] more powerful than it should already. But, I made sure to hold back a little and only aim to kill the [Steel Eel] instead of destroying everything in my path.


"Whoopsie. I should have held back more." I spoke my thoughts out loud as I rub the back of my head. As the [Steel Eel]'s body is completely destroyed with a few pieces of it scatter against the wall, ceiling, and floor in front of me. A good chunk of it filled the cracks I created from my [Recoilless Kick].

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I heard Yuri shouts in shock behind me, then ignore Yuri asking multiple questions to Esdeath, even Headon and Evan are shocked at this.

I look at Baam, who didn't even take a single step from his spot on my right and just look at the destroyed [Steel Eel] in shock. I pat his back, causing him to almost fall to the ground and look at me.

"What are you waiting for? Go do your test. I did my part." I said to Baam, which was enough for him to regain focus on what needs to be done if he wanted to go to the next floor.

So without wasting any more time, Baam make his way to the ball and pop it. Unfortunately, the ball didn't pop; however, Baam can take his time since the [Steel Eel] is dead now and no danger in sight that could stop Baam.

"HEY! HEADON! WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT BALL?! WHY WON'T IT POP?!" I heard Yuri shouting at the rabbit creature thing.

'Man, that girl can shout.' I wanted to speak with Esdeath through [Archive], but didn't know if it would appear with others being able to see them unlike back in D. Gray-Man universe. The first time was just by accident and I quickly deactivate it before the others notice.

"REALLY WELL MADE?! ARE YOU JOKING?! SO YOU INTENDED TO MAKE THE KID FAIL THE TEST, DIDN'T YOU?! YOU DAMN RABBIT! STOP THE TEST NOW!" Yuri shouts at Headon, causing me to look back to see what's going on, even though I kind of knew the event taking place. As the memory of the Tower of God is close to coming back to me. Well, the one for the beginning of the Tower of God.

Esdeath just shrugged her shoulders at me, telling me she got no clue what's going on right now.

Then my mind click; I remember this in the early chapters of the Tower of God as Evan shout to Baam to talk with [Black March] to ignite. Even the same part where Yuri scolds Evan for telling this to Baam when the [Black March] don't even ignite for her.

Not a minute too soon, [Black March] light up and under the effect of my [Elemental Sight] I can see a female next to Baam hugging him while looking at Yuri with a smirk on her face. Which caused Yuri to be thrown into a rage as she started shouting at the girl, who I think should be the spirit of the [Black March].

Instead of the ball popping, it releases electrical current in the color of black and begins to cover Baam's body.

I narrow my eyes at this, then use [Renewal Taekwondo: Sonic Punch and Kick] at the ball, that's trying to absorb Baam for some reason.

[Renewal Taekwondo: Sonic Punch and Kick] is a technique developed by Jin Tae-Jin. It is a barrage of punches and kicks delivered so fast that it breaks the sound barrier, going supersonic. As it uses air pressure to attack the opponent, it can't be blocked.

Sadly, it didn't change anything after sending a dozen of [Sonic Punches and Kicks] at the ball, which completely absorbs Baam and disappears, with Baam gone.

Not taking this chance of having me disappearing as well. I use [Cleave Sword Intent: Short Cut] to appear beside Esdeath, shocking the others even more that I was able to teleport within the Tower.

"Well. This is very interesting." Headon thought out loud, looking at me like for the first time with something unknown going through his mind. "Anyway, as I was saying before Mr. Ragna here join us. Shouldn't you follow him, Princess Yuri? Mr. Baam took the [Black March] with him. I must give these two their tests before they could go up as well."

"Huh, did that mean I just made things easy for the kid?" I ask Headon, causing Yuri to narrow her eyes at Headon, then look at me with multiple feelings going through her.

"Yes. I must say, I did not think you would actually kill the [Steel Eel]. Stalling it long enough for Mr. Baam to pop the ball? Yes. Killing it? Never would I have such thoughts. As such, please tell me why you two enter the Tower?" Headon asks both Esdeath and me about the reasons why we enter the Tower in the first place. Like he did a 20 minutes ago, but neither Esdeath and I replied.

"Would you believe us that we came here by accident?" Neither Esdeath or I possess the ability to pick which universe to enter and it's pretty much random instead. Along with conditions of how to leave that universe for another universe.

Headon, Yuri, and Evan look at Esdeath and me with a deadpan expression as if this was the last answer they would expect from us.

"You're joking, right?" Yuri looks like she can't comprehend someone accidentally entering the Inner Tower and wonder how does one enter the Tower by accident.

"Nope. A complete accident. Hell, both Esdeath and I were enjoying ourselves, resting back in our house before a blinding flash of white light appear out of nowhere and we're here." I said to Yuri with complete truth; well, more than half the truth than the full truth.

"In fact, the wife and I were just planning to travel somewhere." I look around the place and it still dark, "I guess this place is interesting to visit. Until later on, we'll leave this Tower and go outside and resume on our travel." I said to Yuri, who has a look on her face like she just won the lottery or something. As Yuri grabs my left hand with both her hands.

"Did you say you'll go outside? As you already know a method to get out of this Tower?!" Yuri sound very excited and for good reasons too.

"Yeah, don't you guys possess methods to go outside this Tower?" I already knew that almost all of them don't know, but I can't let them know this as this was one of the memories about this fact, I could recall this very moment with ease. "Even now, I can leave this Tower as we wish, but coming back in here is another story since it was a complete accident; well, unless I use one of my methods to place a marker here to place a connection for me to come back here."

Yuri looks at Esdeath, who had a smirk on her face like she knew this was going to happen in the first place. And who knows, Esdeath may have planned this out while I was facing that [Steel Eel].

"Anyway, I could tag along beside marry the guy?" Yuri release my hand and point at my face with her right thumb as she asks my wife about any other way she could tag along with us beside marrying me.

"Well, you could, but we won't really provide you with all the things you need to survive outside the Tower. Like replacing your lost [Shinsoo] ability, which we could give you after we leave the Tower." Esdeath said to Yuri, trying to get her into a relationship with her husband. Did she like this? Nope. Did she like having a strong person as a fellow sisterhood and back her up? Yes. Did she ever have thoughts about trying out new things, but with a female? More than once and Yuri fit her tastes.

Yuri was about to say something else when Esdeath leans over to Yuri and whisper something in her left ear, causing Yuri to start becoming red and redder by the second. Until Yuri's face is completely red now.

"So, what's the test for Esdeath and me?" I ask Headon, ignoring my wife is trying to get me another wife instead of waiting for one to come to me after a while. As this looks a little forced to me, but then again, Esdeath's love came out of nowhere. So who knows about Yuri would fall in love with me or not, and not just marry for benefits.

Headon looks away from the girls and at me, "Well, I just prepare a test that is equivalent to the value of the newcomers' wishes when they come here to climb the Tower. But, you and your wife came here by accident. So you can leave now or climb, but the test will be something other than the one I gave to Mr. Baam. As his wish is something else."

1 hour later*

"Well, now. I did not think you would beat me that easy." Headon look at all the board games he plays against me as a test, with me having to beat all the board games he has around to use. Took an hour to play all of them and won them.

[Wisdom of The Sage] and other skills that increase my INT and WIS stats pretty much give me a major advantage against something like this.

Even Esdeath was tested while I was playing strategy games with Headon. While Esdeath had to kill multiple [Steel Eels] due to her wish of hunting down worthy preys. Well, she got her test and worthy preys, but it only lasted half an hour.

Which Esdeath was almost sent to the next Floor if Esdeath didn't use her trump card to get away and reunite with the rest of us, much to Headon's confusion on how this happens, but kept silent for now.

"So, Yuri. Is this a no or yes? We're going to head up to the 2nd Floor. Now is the time for you, to decide before it's too late. Just remember all the benefits if you marry Ragna. And you won't have to worry about if Ragna not loving you or not. Just see how things go and time will tell." Esdeath continues to persuade Yuri to accept her offers in marrying her husband, but with the role of being the 2nd wife and have some rules, she needs to follow if she accepts.

"Sorry, but I'm..." Yuri was about to reject this before Esdeath continues to whisper more things to her and making it harder and harder for her to reject the idea of marrying some random stranger at the first meeting. Hell, she should have the chance to date the guy first before talking about marriage.

"Even if I wish to agree with marrying the guy. How would it be possible? Since you guys would still be in the lower Floors while I'm a [High Ranker], but us [High Rankers] still have some restrictions stopping us from entering the Regulars' Districts or from associating with them. In fact, I'm one of the Zahard's Princesses, who have many rules apply to us. One: They must not have a relationship with a man. Two: They must not marry. Three: They may not have a child. Four: They must not help an enemy of the Empire. Five: They may not enter the Floor of Death. Now, if there was a way to overcome this restriction, then I'm willing to agree to marry the guy, not to mention how good looking he is." Yuri looks at me from up to down, then back to my face with a smirk on her face.

"Welcome to the family!" Esdeath pulls Yuri into a hug, confusing the poor girl, and wonder why Esdeath would say this after she just explains her reasons why she couldn't marry Esdeath's husband unless he becomes a [Ranker] as well.

"No way! You can't possibly have do this! Lady Yuri's life would be in danger!" Evan quickly pushes Esdeath away from Princess Yuri, who was baffled at this until she realizes what Evan just said and look at Esdeath with eyes widen in surprise, that maybe Esdeath and her husband do have a way to overcome these restrictions placed on her.

"Evan!" Yuri stops Evan from continuing on his rants before she let out a tired sigh. "Even if they didn't, my life is already considered in danger thanks to breaking one of the rules for accepting one of the 13 Month Series. Thanks to lending it out to the kid. May as well break another. Plus, I hated the rules about stopping me from being in a relationship with a male in the first place. So, what can you do to stop the King from killing me?" Yuri looks at both Esdeath and me, ignoring Evan pleading to her to stop this foolish act, and the damn rabbit, Headon, causing this whole thing, to begin with.

"One simple question." Esdeath raise one finger, "Does those restrictions apply to outside of this Tower?" Esdeath looks at Yuri as if she dares Yuri to deny this.

Yuri opens her mouth to make a counterargument before closing it and wonder about this until she figures it out. No. No, these restrictions, rules, any other that binds her from doing anything that could lead to her death would still be applied to her if she were to go outside the Tower.

"Lady Yuri! Please, don't think about this! We just need to go get back the [Black March] and just be quiet about this whole thing. There's no need to consider marrying some random strangers, who know if they being truthful or not." Evan tried his best to stop Princess Yuri from making a big mistake in her life if she agrees to marry a random newcomer that's a irregular.

"Hey, Headon. You won't mind if we leave for a few minutes, maybe a few hours, right? Thanks." Esdeath didn't care about what Headon has to say, even if she could feel a powerful aura from Headon and pull Yuri towards her before Esdeath held her husband's left arm. "You know what to do, Ragna." Esdeath said to her husband, who rolled his eyes at Esdeath and with a single thought.

Multiple layers of white glowing circles, with a number 1 in the center appear before our feet, then all three disappear in a flash of white light, leaving behind a horrified Evan and a curious Headon. As the newly created [Ark's Gate Number 1] become dim until the glowing white light is gone and the multiple white circles turn black.

(Tower: Outside: Ark: City)

"Uh, where are we and-WHAT HELL! Why can't I feel any [Shinsoo] around this place?! In fact, I can't sense any [Shinsoo] at all, not even the [Shinsoo] flowing inside me!" Yuri cried out in shock as the [Shinsoo] she always feels inside her and from the environments for her entire life is gone upon coming to this weird place.

Furthermore, she can't even use [Shinsoo] that's flowing with her. As if there no such in the first place. This scared her more than anything, but wasn't enough to keep her afraid much longer once she remembers how she came to this place.

Yuri looks at the two called: Esdeath and Ragna. These two irregulars actually possessed the ability to leave the Tower, even the Outer Tower. But, she can just feel this isn't completely outside the Tower, but something else.

"Where are we?" Yuri puts up her guards up, even without [Shinsoo], she still possesses incredible physical strength. As she begins to wonder why did she lower her guards against these irregulars. She shouldn't have done that with all the things she experiences throughout her life climbing up the Tower and become a [High Ranker].

Esdeath rolls her eyes at Yuri, and started explaining to her where we are and what the [Ark] is, then the benefits of living in this place if she decided to marry into the family.

"So, do we have a deal?" Esdeath smile to Yuri, which looks like Yuri is making a deal with the Devil, and that wasn't that far from the truth in some people's point of views.

"And how can I trust you two not to kill me off later after done using me until my usefulness is no longer needed?" Yuri became a believer after coming to this place, free of [Shinsoo] and that was something she didn't think was true from the rumors about how outside the Tower. There won't be any [Shinsoo] at all.

"Because you're strong. Betrayal would as a result of all the family to hunt down the betrayer, even if it means bringing the downfall of the family. Well, that is what my husband told me about his family does when it come to traitors of their own." Esdeath said to Yuri with a shrug of her shoulders.

Yuri looks at me with an eyebrow raise, wondering if this was true or not. If so, then wow, that some family.

"How do you think my family had that rule, where less than members need to find more mates to expand the numbers back to a decent size? It's because of this part of the family's method to deal with traitors and what made my family infamous for where I come from." I said to Yuri, who blush a little from remembering that.

"Okay, but that's just your words. How do I know if this is all true or not?" Yuri didn't throw her trust around like it worth nothing. If these two wanted her trust, they got to earn it.

2 hours later*

"Wow, you're very good at persuading people." A naked Yuri said to both Esdeath and her husband, with the latter, she lying on top of and Esdeath laying next to her husband on the left.

"I know right? Esdeath is really good at making other people doing things for her. Too many things sometime." I mumble the last part, causing Esdeath to giggle and kiss me on the lip.

After 5 years of marriage with Esdeath; I have learned one more major difference between Esdeath and her prime version. This Esdeath actually learned how to persuade other really well if it doesn't relate to love at the beginning, after 5 years, Esdeath had enough experience to persuade others easier than she originally can, even if it's included with love and any other strong emotions could be used.

So, I've pretty much given all the talks related to business or anything need to be persuaded to Esdeath since she better at it than me. And look at the result, Esdeath somehow got Yuri to have a threesome with Esdeath and me. All it took was 2 hours of talking. No fights involved.

"Well, I'm convinced and ready to marry you anytime, but we may need a few things to get the whole marriage thing legal." Yuri tried to move off her boyfriend? Fiance? But, end up causing her to gasp and moan a little as her future husband's dick is still inside her and she just came a few minutes ago. And moving just made her body feel like it she about to come again.

"Now, I know why the King forbid the Princess from having a relationship with a male." Yuri gave up moving away or else she may end up climaxing again. As this is the first time she had sex, oh she watches and read about it, but this is the first time she had sex, ever. Yup, over 500 years of being a virgin until now. She missed out big time.

"Well, all we may need is a contract made and we can just get someone to be a witness to the whole thing and you're good." Esdeath said to Yuri, causing the Princess to look at Esdeath with a tired expression.

"And you know this how?" Yuri asks Esdeath, as she wonders how in the world does a newcomer, even an irregular could possibly know almost all the laws and rules of the Tower before climbing up it.

So, Esdeath starts explaining a few things to Yuri and keeping a few secrets due to the requirements Esdeath placed, which is limited until we leave the Tower for good.

A few minutes later*

(Tower: 1st Floor)

"You got any five?" Evan asks Headon, as both of them have been waiting for the Princess and the two irregulars to return back wherever they went.

The black multiple circles with a number 1 in the center started to glow in a bright white color once more, and Yuri, Esdeath, and Ragna appear back inside the Tower.

"Huh, I guess you were right. Having this mark here would bring us back here without any problem. This makes traveling so much easier later." Yuri comment on the [Ark's Gate] feature. As she watches her future husband erasing the [Ark's Gate Number 1] from the ground.

"LADY YURI!" Evan cried out as he rushes over to Yuri and looks like he's about to cry any second now. Abandoning the card game he was playing with Headon to wait for Princess Yuri's return.

"Calm down, Evan. It's not like I will be gone forever after leaving with these two." Yuri said to her friend, but held back a wince as she had to keep it a secret that she bound to leave this Tower sooner or later in the future, forever. And making a lie about it kind of made her feel a bit guilty, but this is her only chance to get out of this Tower and see what's outside the Tower and what made it so different than the things inside the Tower.

"Anyway, Headon. Is the test for the 2nd Floor still going or did we miss it?" Yuri looks at the rabbit guardian of this 1st Floor.

"Huh? Oh! Yes, it's still going on as we speak. Right now they are close to finishing the eliminating round, to lower the numbers of regulars. Before the next test to check regulars' resistance to [Shinsoo]. But, I'm willing to...provide a way to skip the elimination round and straight to this test if you guys are willing to do something for me." Headon said to everyone.

"Esdeath." I call out to my wife, causing her to roll her eyes at me and walk over to Headon to speak to him about this deal of his.

"Lady Yuri, why do you continue breaking so many rules?!" Evan cried out and starting to wonder why he accepted his role as a [Guide] for someone like Yuri in the first place.

"Hey, rules are meant to be broken anyway. I just didn't feel breaking them up to now since I need to follow them in order to reach to the top." Yuri didn't really want to break these rules. It just happens and mostly because of her instinct told her to do it and she always follows what her instinct says to her most of the time. Most of the time as not completely due to some events made her instinct alone almost completely useless at the time.

"Ragna! Yuri! Come on! I got all three of to enter the next Floor." Esdeath calls out to us, causing Evan to look at Esdeath with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THREE?! LADY YURI ALREADY CLIMBED UP TO THE TOP OF THE TOWER ALREADY!" Evan yells at Esdeath with confusion and look like his entire world flip upside down and collapse on him. He is this close to just calling it quits and retire somewhere in the Tower and get away from all this crazy stuff.

"Oh, one of the conditions is to get Yuri to tag along with us as a team of 3. Due to the next few tests require three people in a team. Also, Headon is willing to provide Yuri a way to hide her identity from the other [Rankers] to make this work." Esdeath replied to Evan's question and toss Yuri a bracelet.

"You know what? I quit. Time for me to retire." Evan no longer cares anymore as this whole event is just too much for him and being under the presence of these two irregulars has already put him on the edge this entire time and only for it disappear until it returns after a few hours later with those two back with Princess Yuri. Now, that Princess Yuri accepts these two irregulars and breaking the rules of the Tower. Yup, he is out of here and retires somewhere for him to relax. It's time for him to enjoy his life.

"Oh, don't be like that, Evan." Yuri knew how her friend was already at his breaking point and rather not see him go crazy because of all the things just happen to them in a matter of hours.

"Lady Yuri. It has been a pleasure being with you. I hope you enjoy a good life. Contact me whenever you wish for a talk. I'll be going to the Upper Floors to retire as a [Guide]." Evan bow to Yuri, then glare at Esdeath, then bow to Headon before heading off to the Middle Tower to climb up pass multiple Floors.

Yuri wears the normal looking bracelet and found nothing change, making her look at Esdeath, who look back at Headon for a reason why the bracelet wasn't working.

"You three may not see anything different, but others, even [Rankers] will see Princess Yuri as someone else. Even her [Pocket] would have a different identity if someone tries to check on who she is." Headon said to us before we disappear from the 1st Floor as a bright light cover us.

(Tower: 2nd Floor: Evankhell's Mothership)

"Damn, rabbit. Sending us away before we could even ask any further questions. I didn't even agree to this and even Evan left before I could say anything else too." Yuri didn't really care if she has to re-climb up the Tower. But, seeing how she about to marry to one of the three irregulars she met today. She may as well stick with the two irregulars and get to know them. Not like she didn't get to know about them on a personal level.

Yuri started to blush from the memories of what she has done with these two irregulars, who knew there is a side of her that she never knew about.

Ignoring how Yuri is acting, both Esdeath and I look around to check on the individuals that may be stronger than the others. But, it's hard to tell with how weak these people are and my [Elemental Sight] is being affected by the Tower a little. But, still enough to find some information on these guys.

There is a fight about to break out between two regulars over events that happened in the first round near us, but the fight is instantly stopped by the arrival of someone, that should be an Examiner of the 2nd Floor.

"Did you not understand? No fighting during break time." A tall, human-looking individual with blonde hair and two black spots under his eyes. As for his choice of clothing, it's a white lab coat over black trousers and black gloves. Who has a smile on his face, with both his hands on his hips.

A quick scan and I find some interesting about this guy, who name is Lero-Ro. A [Ranker] like Yuri, but not a [Higher Ranker], though.

"You didn't take my words seriously, did you, regulars?" Lero-Ro asks the regulars that started this whole thing. More amused than annoyed about how these regulars are acting. He really the troublemakers wouldn't show up every batch of regulars.

"Who the hell are you, you locust looking jerk! You wanna try something?!" Someone shouted at the [Ranker] Lero-Ro, causing Yuri to snort at this as if she saw this event before her many times as a [High Ranker].

"Oi, idiot! You might want to think twice before attacking that [Ranker]. After all, we're all weaklings to these guys." Yuri had to stop herself from laughing at her last sentence, because she could easily take out this low rank [Ranker] with ease. Hell, she knew Esdeath and Ragna could too, if they wanted to. After she watched these two easily passed that damned rabbit's tests like nothing.

Upon Yuri's comments, it drew attention towards us, causing a few people to look at us with a shock and surprise, and other emotions.

"Indeed, I am a [Ranker]. My name is Lero-Ro and the Test Administrator." Lero-Ro introduces himself, taking the joy of the regular before his eyes started sweating from this sudden reveal.

"A real...[Ranker]?!" The same regular that caused this whole thing, who happens to be one armed as his right is missing like someone cut it off. "D-DAMN! I'll forgive you, for the [Ranker]! But, remember! I'll be the one to kill you later on!" The regular threaten another regular before getting away with their two teammates. Afraid he may be punished for trying to break the rules by fighting someone.

"MIC TEST! Regulars, over here, please focus on me!" Lero-Ro shouted to everyone, suddenly appearing on top of the platform along with the rest of us.

"I'll explain the next round." Lero-Ro starts off explaining the next test before moving to the next one, causing the other regulars to move closer to hear the explanation on our next test.

"Before that, to give some information about myself, I'm your Test Administrator, [Ranker] Lero-Ro, nice to meet chu!" Lero-Ro shout to everyone, with a bright smile on his face. As he raises both his arms wide open like he's about to hug someone.

"I really need to remember more about other [Rankers] after this." Yuri said mostly to herself, causing Esdeath to look at Yuri and wonder if this [Ranker] was someone weak by using Yuri as a standard for this universe.

Oh, sure, Esdeath can somewhat sense a dangerous aura coming from Lero-Ro, but compared to Yuri's aura, it's like comparing a newborn to an adult. Maybe it's due to the [Shinsoo] coming from them that made it so easy for her to sense their aura coming from their bodies.

"Now, I guess you've had enough rest. Let's go on the next test! But, before we do that, there will be a little pre-test!" Lero-Ro said to everyone, causing almost all the regulars to groan, some internally, some externally of doing another test before going up the next Floor.

"Oh, I remember this part. Good time." Yuri said to me, as she reveals that this pre-test is something done for all newcomers of regulars, even irregulars.

"FYI, those who don't pass this pre-test, cannot take the next test!" Lero-Ro caused almost everyone that listening to his words with full attention to be shocked at this news.

"Haha! Don't worry! It's a really simple pre-test! Relax~!" Lero-Ro tries to cheer up the regulars from hearing about this bad news. "Well, now. The pre-test begins..."

"Prepare yourselves. This may be simple, but it will keep the weakest of the weaks out of the Tower." Yuri whisper to Esdeath and me, causing us to put our guards up right away.

Lero-Ro extend his right arm towards everyone, "Like this~! Like that~! This way~! That way~ And HUP!" He blows everyone, except Baam, who's nearby on our right, along with Yuri, Esdeath and me, back with a [Shinsoo Barrier].

This alone caused almost everyone blown away and off their feet, some managed to land back on their feet, but some just fall on their back, side, even on their stomach due to Lero-Ro's [Shinsoo Barrier].

"Is this...[Shinsoo]?!" A male regular with tinted silver-blue hair, with a blue bandanna, tucked inside his hair, wearing a white shirt, with a black tie, and carrying a brown briefcase shouted out loud in wonder as he was pushed back along with the other regulars.

"Yup, I just threw a veil of [Shinsoo] at you guys." Lero-Ro explained what he just did and why everyone was blown away when he just raised his hand at them. "By instantly compacted the [Shinsoo]. I made a veil, and then, threw it to push you guys away from me."

"He makes it sound simple, but almost lots of regulars can't even do what this [Ranker] can do." Yuri informs this small fact to Esdeath and me in a whisper tone, not to draw others' attention to her.

"As you all know, [Shinsoo] is everywhere in the Tower, and it plays an important role because it allows us to breathe and provides water. However, [Shinsoo] sometimes can be a powerful murder weapon depending on how it's used." Lero-Ro start talking about what's [Shinsoo] to some of those that have no knowledge about it. As there always someone among each batch wouldn't know a single thing about [Shinsoo], even after choosing to climb the Tower.

"As such, highly concentrated [Shinsoo] can be used to break someone's arm like nothing. So all the contestants in the Tower use [Shinsoo] to fight. However, there are people who show adverse reactions to [Shinsoo]. In other words, those who can't deal well with [Shinsoo] are not appropriate candidates to be in the Tower. The people pass through this veil. At least, don't have adverse reactions to [Shinsoo]. The teams that pass through the veil pass the test as well, and those who don't, fail. Alright then, everyone. Please come through." Lero-Ro finish explaining and ask all those that wish to pass the pre-test. Is to pass through the [Shinsoo Barrier] in order to make it to the next test.

"Ah, this brings so much memory. I wonder how my former teammates are doing without me helping them out?" Yuri started to think about the ones she teams up with before she became a [Ranker], then a [High Ranker].

"Wait! Did you say, team?!" A different regular shouted in horror at this news, "What if one of your teammates can't pass through the veil?!" This question alone was among the other regulars' minds and wanted to know the answer to it.

"Isn't it obvious? That team fails." Lero-Ro finds himself always amused whenever one of the regulars asks this question, it makes thing so interesting to see the reactions of theirs.

"That's absurd! It doesn't make sense!" Another regular started to complain about this new rule, where if one member of the team failed to pass through the [Shinsoo Barrier], then the whole team fails.

Lero-Ro snorts and places his left hand over his mouth, trying his best not to outright laugh at this regular before him. "Absurd? What is?" He finds these moments his favorites.

Now, some of the other regulars started to complain as well about this and one even complained if this was a lottery or something related to luck.

"Hey~!" Lero-Ro shouts to everyone, catching all of our attention. Almost everyone, Esdeath seems just a little bored and same with Yuri, but was amused like Lero-Ro about how some of these weaklings are complaining about unfairness.

"Do you know what's the most important thing to go up the Tower?" Lero-Ro asks everyone, very amused by some of these regulars ranting about how unfair things are for them.

"It's luck. The luck to have a strong body. The luck to be smart, the luck to be rich. The luck to escape from death. The luck to save a teammate. The only reason you come so far is because you were lucky. And now you say it's absurd to test luck? Stop your jibbering and just take the test, you regulars." Lero-Ro sneers at these regulars, causing almost everyone to be angry with Lero-Ro, but held this in their hearts as this person is a [Ranker], who reached the top of the Tower already.

"So true. Luck plays an important role in life." I said to Esdeath and Yuri, but Esdeath knew how very important luck is. Look at her husband's LUCK stat he increased using his stat points and countless events to play in his favors. Yeah, Esdeath may not rely on luck completely, but she won't outright dismiss it.

"No kidding." Yuri knows how one's luck could get some people very far up the Tower. After all, there are lots of things she got her hands on thanks to her luck.

"Hey, isn't that the kid you lend your [Black March] to?" Esdeath point at Baam, who isn't that far from us and also outside the [Shinsoo Barrier] with the rest of us.

Yuri looks at Baam but was held back before she blows her covers by demanding back her [Black March]. As I held Yuri back and cover her mouth with my right. As I try my best from letting Yuri doing something that could lead to countless problems for us.

"Um...sorry. Mr. Lero-Ro." Baam called out to Lero-Ro, causing others to notice him, along with Esdeath, Yuri and me near him as well, and the fact that there four of us outside the [Shinsoo Barrier].

"Um...I-I don't know why, but I didn't have a problem." Baam stuttered, nervous about how everyone is looking at them, then look near him where he found others like him, and that two of them he met at the 1st Floor!

Baam shook his head, then look back at the [Ranker]. " take the test, should I go out and come back here again?" Baam didn't know if this was a requirement and started to worry as the [Ranker] continue to look at the four of us in silence.

A few seconds of nerve breaking of silence, Baam apologize and quickly run back to the other side, where everyone else is in the [Shinsoo Barrier].

"That won't be necessary, Mr. Baam. Along with you three, all four are in. I think I made a mistake, but this is also part of your guys' luck. You fours passed, Mr. Baam, Mr. Ragna, Ms. Esdeath, and Ms. Ha." Lero-Ro said to the four of us while Yuri's name was called out caused some of the regulars to react to this. Furthermore, it looks like Headon's device to hide Yuri's true identity work, but still show that she still part of the Ha Family.

Once Lero-Ro mentions the word: Luck again to the other regulars, it caused another complaint from a group of the same ones that complained the first time.

"I guess we're lucky to pass this pre-test so easily, huh?" Yuri said to Lero-Ro with a smirk on her face, showing how that the amount of [Shinsoo] Lero-Ro throw at her didn't affect her one piece.

Though, Yuri wonders how did someone like Baam didn't show a sign of being forced back by [Shinsoo] thrown by a [Ranker]. Did Evan make a mistake of deeming kid as weak? She's going to have a word with Evan later after this.

"You're correct, Ms. Ha." Lero-Ro agreed with Yuri's statement and wonder where did these monsters came from, and wonder why there four of them in this batch of regulars together. Something must be going on in the background and he will find out about this soon.