Chapter 16: Found You!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 16: Found You!

Year 5: Day 79: Finally! Part 3

(Tower: 2nd Floor: Evankhell's Mothership)

As other regulars tried to come up with a plan to pierce through the veil, not that there was a weak spot in the first place, even if there was one, none of them could find it.

Yuri sits next to Baam, who just sitting near the platform and look nervous when Yuri looks at him with narrow eyes.

Esdeath and I just stick to standing and watch the other regulars trying to pass through the [Shinsoo Barrier].

"You guys look bored. How about chatting with me?" Lero-Ro gives all four of us a smile, with his eyes closed. Then, he walks over and sits next to Baam on his left while Yuri is sitting on Baam's right.

"While we're waiting, do you guys wanna play a game?" Lero-Ro asks all of us, but for some reason, Lero-Ro feel like he has to put his guard up the moment he got near to the one with the eyepatch. As if there was something very dark within him.

All, but Baam, saw how Lero-Ro reacted to my presence once he got near me. But, made it look like nothing out of the ordinary.

Yuri looks at her future husband once more and guessed the low [Ranker] felt something different from Ragna. After all, if someone just came to the Tower and killed a [Steel Eel] with a kick without any [Shinsoo] behind it. It's no wonder some people with high detection skills would find her future husband very dangerous.

Honestly, Yuri really wonders if whatever energy besides [Shinsoo] she would gain later in the future once she leaves this Tower would be any better or worst. It's too late to regret now, but she accepts her choice and just hopes it be something good. She rather not be weak again like she was before entering the Tower.

None of us wanted to play the game with Lero-Ro, who sweatdrop at this and only Baam played with him of a game of who would pass through the [Shinsoo Barrier] first, where the winner would get to answer a question from the other.

The result was a tie between Baam and Lero-Ro, but Baam was given the reward as Lero-Ro explain how he's a [Ranker] and decide to help out this interesting regular before him. Either way, the other three wouldn't even talk to him. So he may as well get along with one of them and see how it goes.

And of course, Baam would ask about the girl that ditched him to climb the Tower to see the stars or something, which Baam only knew besides me, of course, as this is another thing I recalled after digging through my memories for a while now.

Next, Baam asked what an irregular is and Lero-Ro begin explaining what irregulars are and even provide an example while explaining other things like the Tower.

Yuri let out a snort the moment Baam to act like he knew exactly what the Tower is, but really didn't. Lero-Ro didn't seem to care for some reason, causing Yuri to wonder if Lero-Ro met a few irregulars himself.

I look at Esdeath to say something, when one of the big regulars started shouting about how he's strong enough without the usage of [Shinsoo] and that he's the strongest of the regulars here, even mocking Lero-Ro, along with the rest of us, more towards Baam and the girls.

Then, Lero-Ro walks over to teach a lesson to the big regular, who turns out to be very weak and is all bark and no bite.

Going further into his lesson, Lero-Ro sneers at the weak regular before him and talk down on the regular, before the big guy started shouting about his sob life before crying, without a care for others to see this shameful display of his.

Lero-Ro didn't care and just walk back to us like he used to seeing countless of regulars trying to get pity out of the [Rankers] to pass them to the next Floor.

Afterward, he started explaining an example of why there are certain people who are limited and is fated to stop at one point in their journey before they can no longer continue on.

Baam looked worried and asked Lero-Ro if he had the right to climb the Tower, which the [Ranker] didn't know and wished for Baam to find what he is looking for by climbing the Tower.

"Hey~! Baam~!" I look and saw one of the regulars that were with Baam before Lero-Ro begins his pre-test, waving at Baam, after he and a very large alligator-like humanoid with grey skin. Quick scan, and found it's Rak Wraithraiser is the guy name and it's male. The guy head is similar to that of an alligator, except for the spikes on the back. Talk about being big, the guy is 5 meters in height and carrying a huge red spear.

Baam looks excited at this and said his goodbyes to the rest of us, then rush over to Rak, and another quick scan to find the guy's name and it's Koon Aguero Agnis.

Lero-Ro already warned Baam about how it would be dangerous being near Koon due to belonging to a dangerous family. He did look at Esdeath once and wonder if Esdeath was from the same family as Koon, but couldn't tell due to not getting the information needed on Esdeath yet.

1 hour later*

(Tower: 2nd Floor: Evankhell's Mothership)

All the regulars that managed to come to the other side while the rest are forced to go back where they came from, much to their regrets and shame. As Lero-Ro congrats us on passing the pre-test before leading to us the next test's area.

The next examination is conducted team by team, where each team would enter the room and wait for that team to either pass or fail. Before the next team may enter.

So far, the first team ended up screaming in horror and pain, causing some of us to be afraid that this test would be dangerous like the first one, where it's required to kill each other to half the number.

After the second team went and over 5 minutes went by and another scream follows by.

"We're next." Yuri said to Esdeath and me, as our team is next to go, where we enter the testing room and find ourselves in a dark room, save for the 12 red doors, and the person sitting before them.

A quick scan with [Elemental Sight] and [Sha Naqba Imuru] to find out just a bit of the person. If I didn't have these two skills, then I would have honestly thought the person before us was really a female instead of a male, that feminine appearance, and the kimono the guy wearing.

"Nice to meet you regulars. My name is Yu Han Sung, your next Test Administrator." Yu Han Sung introduces himself with a bow, where Esdeath and Yuri wonder if the person in front of them really a fellow female or not.

"Shall we start the test?" Yu Han Sung gives all of us a smile on his face, "Usually I'm just a Test Supervisor on the Evankhell's Floor, but this time, I will be directly be in charge of this test. This time, the test is simple."

"Simple my good looking ass." Yuri mumble under her breath, where Yu Han Sung heard her or not, as he continues on.

"Do you see these doors behind me? Within 10 minutes, find the real door and open it." Yu Han Sung explains to us what our test going to be and why there are doors behind him. "Here are 12 doors in total. Among them, find the 'real door' that will take you outside. If you find the real door and open it, you'll pass this test. Simple, right?"

Esdeath looks like she very bored and look at me, telling me to pick since this test pretty much relies on luck, and with my LUCK stat. I should be the one to pick, which is why Esdeath is already holding Yuri back from opening the wrong door.

"However, if you don't find the door in 10 minutes and give up, you'll fail. And if you open a wrong door within the 10 minutes. You will die. Well, then, the test begins now" Yu Han Sung watch these three regulars and wonder how they will pass this test. Much to his surprise, when one of them is already moving towards one of the doors without even bother to use sometimes to think about a way to find the right door.

Yuri looks at me, with a confused and surprised at my action, where Esdeath whispers into her ear and found out what's going on and wonder if what she hearing is true. Nonetheless, she and Esdeath follow along.

As I open the door, where a bright light came from the other side, causing me to narrow my left eye at how bright it is.

Yu Han Sung started clapping before he stands up and looks at us, "Congratulations. You all passed the test. I'm surprised to see someone picking one of the doors right away without thinking much. Most would waste at least a minute or so before picking one."

"To pass this test, you just had to open any door within 5 minutes. And you did that. You opened a door within 5 minutes, so all of you guys passed. The test is over now. Goodbye, and I hope you guys climb up to the top." Yu Han Sung bow to us as he watches us go through the door I opened.

Esdeath narrow her eyes at Yu Han Sung, but didn't say anything and follow her husband through the door with Yuri.

(Tower: 2nd Floor: Evankhell's Mothership)

Right now we're in a large room with benches on the sides of the room. And currently, it's just us three alone here. So we'll have to wait for others to arrive before the next test begins.

"You may want to take out any weapons you may need before we start the next tests. At the moment you decide to take it out, would be enough time for an enemy to take the risk of attacking you." Yuri said to Esdeath and me, but didn't show any sign of taking any weapons out for her to use.

"I'm good. I can just punch and kick the enemy." I shrug at Yuri, who look at me with a wry smile.

"I forgot about that kick of yours. In fact, I'm a little scared to see what you could do at full power in that kick of yours. By the way, what type of martial art are you using? It must be based on kicking right?" Yuri is a little curious about what I used to fight with.

So I started explaining what [Renewal Taekwondo] and how it was created, along with other things is included in this martial art. So it was a bit confusing at first for Yuri until I explain a few things further about it, after tweaking a few words to make it more believable.

Of course, Yuri could use this against me later in the future, but she has to have the power and speed to use them. Including my other skills, it would lower Yuri's chance of beating me further.

Less than 2 hours later*

Almost everyone that I could remember, which wasn't much, are here, even Baam's team is here, along with Yuri's fellow Princess' daughter is here as well.

I watched Koon heading to the bathroom, where this part should be the moment he released the others inside his briefcase. Yeah, was a big shocker to me once I got this memory, but didn't let it show on my face.

I could use [Elemental Sight] to gain the design of the briefcase, but I didn't find any used for it, then think about the future and a quick scan to get the design was stored in my [Archive].

As we were waiting, I tried to see if I could eat [Shinsoo] to recover my [Mana]. But, end up feeling a bit ill and found out I didn't get anything but just feeling sick for a few seconds.

So yeah, with my current [Mana] reserve. It would take days, even months, to regain back all of it. So, I will have to stick with [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] or any other skills that don't use [Mana] too much in order to use it. As the reason why I can still use [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] is due to my [Dark Matter Tier 10].

Upon gaining [Dark Matter Tier 10]; I can regenerate my own [Dark Matter] and use it as a replacement of [Mana] to use my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic]. As [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] is kind of the only skill for me to use with [Dark Matter].

So for the time being; [Sword Qi] and [Mana] would be used as a last resort beside using [Mana] to scan people and things. Until I leave this Tower or just enter the [Ark] to recover. Thanks to my insight into future problems. I got one of the Noah to build a big house, with only a single giant room, in the [Ark] that pretty much creates air in the room. This way, I can use that house/room as a training place without having to worry about finding somewhere else to eat the air to recover.

As Esdeath, Yuri, and I wait for the next test; when Lero-Ro came into the room, with the attendant of the previous test we just took was explaining how the test's going to work.

"Did you have enough rest, regulars?" Lero-Ro asks everyone, with his smile still on his face. "I came here with very good news." Lero-Ro announces to all of us in the room.

"Ho~?" Esdeath wonder what's this good news is and look at Yuri, who just shrugged her shoulders.

"I've talked with the top supervisor before I came here, where they told us to hold a bonus game." Lero-Ro reveals the good news to everyone, causing some of us to groan at this.

One of the regulars next to Baam, who isn't on his team standing up and raise his right hand. "Sorry, but it's not good for us to have more tests than necessary if possible."

"I'm sorry to hear that. The bonus game has nothing to do with the tests. It's up to each team to choose whether to play the bonus game. There is no penalty if you don't participate. But, the winner of this bonus game, gets to pass the final test of this Floor. They get the right to go straight to the next Floor." Lero-Ro didn't care if some of them didn't want to take this chance to participate this bonus game until he reveals what the winner would get, causing others to be shocked at this reward.

"The right to go to the next Floor?! Then, what about the remaining tests?" Koon was the one to ask this question for the rest of us.

Esdeath looks at Yuri, who was surprised about this as well, then pout at how lucky these newcomers get the chance to skip the tests on the 2nd Floor and go to the 3rd Floor. Talk about how unfair that is when it was during her time, they had to do all the tests.

Esdeath notices this and elbow Yuri on the arm, then whisper a few things like how the winning team may lose the chance to learn free knowledge to prepare themselves for the next Floor and so on. This made Yuri relax a bit and find this a bit fair.

"They don't have to take them." Lero-Ro replied to Koon and everyone's question about this.

The other regulars talk among themselves and find this amazing, and couldn't wait to start the bonus game. As Lero-Ro started explaining what the bonus game is and will explain further as we move to a different place to run the bonus game.

"Shall we go?" I ask Esdeath and Yuri, both nod their heads at me. As we follow the other regulars and the [Ranker] to the bonus game is taking place. Before Lero-Ro uses some device to teleport everyone to a big arena, with each team in a room leading to a big center room, where there a large throne in the middle of it. A golden crown is on one of the armrests of the throne.

"Now that you've all been transmitted to this spot. I'll explain the rules of this Crown Game to everyone." Lero-Ro leans on the armrest, with the golden crown on it.

"The Crown Game is in short, a crown-stealing game. The team that holds this crown at the last moment, wins the game." Lero-Ro explains to everyone, as he held up the golden crown with his right hand, then continue before some people think it's so simple.

"It looks simple, but the rules are a bit complicated. First is the time limit. A game consists of 5 rounds and each round is 10 minutes long. Only 5 teams can participate in each round, and the team that possesses the crown at the end of each round becomes the winning team to proceed the next round. In the next round, 4 new teams and the winning team from the previous round will compete for the crown." Lero-Rostartst off explaining the duration of the game and how many teams could participate.

"The true winner will be the team that has the crown at the end of the 5th round." Lero-Ro reveals how the winning team is decided for this bonus game at the end. "So you know, if you want to participate in the game, press the red buzzer at the entrance of each of your rooms. Only 5 teams can participate and it will be done on a first-come-first-served basis. If several teams press the buzzer simultaneously, the team that participated the most will get the chance."

Lero-Ro made sure to include the last part, as there could be a case of multiple fights between teams to fight over who gets to participate.

"Also, there is a way to finish the game early." Lero-Ro mentions, causing the others' interest to pick up.

"And to do that is to sit on the throne while one of you are wearing the crown in 5 minutes or less. The moment someone sits on the throne, the round automatically ends. And the sitting team becomes the winner of the round." Lero-Ro explains to everyone the method to end the game quickly.

"You're sitting and wearing the crown." Esdeath whisper to Yuri, who rolls her eyes at Esdeath since she's a princess, then she should be the one to wear it. But, she accepted her role of being the one to wear the crown.

"However, some movement will be restricted. If there was a winning team at the end of a previous round, that team may keep the crown. But, at least one team member must stay seated on the throne, wearing the crown. If the crown wearer comes off the throne or loses the crown, that team will be eliminated from the test, and if another team takes the crown and sits on the throne, that team wins the round. Easy, right?" Lero-Ro smile at everyone as he explains the rules further.

"Correct! The winner of the previous round carries a big risk in the next round!" Lero-Ro response to someone, who may have complained and note about some disadvantage and heard them.

"Talk about having a great sense of hearing." Esdeath said to me, causing Yuri to snort at this. I just shrug my shoulders since I can hear from afar too, thanks to [Eagle Vision].

"But, if you postpone participating because of the won't be able to get into the game at the end!" Lero-Ro said in a cheerful tone, as he put on the crown.

"Well, although there are a lot of rules and limitations, the point is that the team with the crown at the end of the final round is the winner, don't think too much. You just have to steal the crown." Lero-Ro tries to help everyone out before they think too much that end with their failure.

"Oh, and one more thing. Another team from another test spot will be participating. It's a long story. Well! Check the details in the instruction book next to the buzzer. Now let's start the game!" Lero-Ro takes the crown off his head and places it back where he took it from. As Lero-Ro teleported away from the arena, where a floating cube appears above us in the sky, that is used as a speaker.

Out of habit over the 5 years I developed, I did a quick scan of the yellow floating cube, which happens to be a [Lighthouse], with multiple features and could be used with my [Archive]. So, I got something I want to take from this universe now.

"NOW! THE CROWN GAME BEGINS!" Lero-Ro voice came from the floating yellow cube as he starts the countdown to begin the game. "I will count to 5! So the teams that want to participate. Must press the buzzer during the count! Starting now! I will count for the first round participants!"

Esdeath already next to the red buzzer, with Yuri and me standing in front of the gate, ready to run towards the throne.

Upon finishing counting; two other teams besides us, pressed the red buzzers to participate in the first round. The other two teams are Hatsu's team and Shopin's team. Which could be the name of the leader of the team, can't remember at first, but just remember this now, thanks to a quick scan of all of them once for a quick reminder.

"Ho~!" Esdeath finds this amusing, but didn't care and all of us appear next to the throne, much to the other teams' shock and surprise at our speed.

"Sorry~! But, if you wish to win this round. You got to take the crown from us." Esdeath grin at the other two teams. As she stands in front of the throne while Yuri is just sitting on the throne, but didn't pick up the crown just yet.

This got the others mad at Esdeath's comment and start attacking us. With the one that's a green-skinned, slightly lizard-like girl, with medium length brown hair and brown eyes, start off with an attack by using her green hook.

Which Yuri whisper to me, that's the [Green April], one of the 13 Month Series back in the room before we were teleported to this arena. If possible, Yuri is planning to take the [Green April] after she takes the [Black March] back from Baam.

Sadly, for the lizard girl, Esdeath dodge her attacks with ease before kick the girl in the stomach and send her crashing into the wall before falling to the ground as Esdeath attack the others.

In just under a minute; Esdeath took down both teams by herself without using her long rapier at all, showing the others that didn't join in this round that Esdeath can easily take them down without having to use her weapon at all.

I appear next to the lizard girl, who tried to get up, but failed to how hard Esdeath kicked her. Without thinking about it much, I steal the [Green April] from her, where all the other teams were shocked that I would steal someone's weapon from them.

"G-Give t-that back...!" The lizard girl, who I use [Elemental Sight] and [Sha Naqba Imuru] on and gained the information on her, with the first being her name. Anak Zahard Jr, the daughter of the real Anak Zahard who was impregnated by her lover and ran into hiding. Then, afterward, this Anak decide to climb up the Tower for revenge.

"You can take it from me when you're strong enough to do so." I said to Anak, who growls at me and small tears started to come out of her eyes as she watches me walk back to my team.

I toss the [Green April] to Yuri, who was surprised at my action first before she happy to gain one of the other 13 Month Series so easily. Now, she just needs to get [Black March] back and she would be first Princesses to own two 13 Month Series Ignition Weapons over the years since the first one did the same.

Maybe this is a good thing, after all, being arranged to marry an irregular, talk about lucky events. All this happens in a single day and she already gained another 13 Month Series: [Green April], and from the 2nd Floor. Yuri had this urge to kiss Ragna, a little bit for Esdeath too, much to her dismay.

"You can wear the crown now." I said to Yuri, who did as she told and wore the crown and wait for the next round as she lay on the giant throne. She gets a good look of the [Green April] while thinking of a way to use it with her usual fighting style.

The two teams were forced to return their rooms while Anak glared at my team and wanted no more than to rush over to take back the [Green April], even if it meant risking her life on the line to retrieve her weapon back.

But, she was stopped by her fellow teammates and bring back into their room to rest and wait for the next round.

"Now that the 1st round is over, a reminder for you guys! The one who sat on the King's chair with the crown, can't get up from the chair until all rounds are over!" Lero-Ro announces to everyone from his [Lighthouse]. "Well! Should we start the 2nd round of the Crown Game? Because there was a winning team in the previous round, only four teams can joint his time! I'll start counting now! Teams that want to join should press the buzzer before the count is over!"

5 seconds later, another set of two teams came out, multiple quick scans to find who they are, to speed up the memory recall and found out these two teams are the same from canon. The First Emperor's team and Laure's team participate in the 2nd round.

"Ragna. You can handle these two teams. I'll face the next one." Esdeath said to me, as she sits next to Yuri, causing the others to look at this with multiple feelings. Some were mad at how this team would only send out a single member of their team to face everyone else.

I nod at Esdeath, then walk towards these two teams that started taunting me and even bad mouth me about how I'm a fool to face them alone.

I bury my right foot into the ground to prepare [Renewal Taekwondo: Dragon Sign Hewchook]. Even after getting used to the pressure of [Shinsoo] and it affects me. I long adapted it long enough to use with [Renewal Taekwondo] after a few minutes coming to this Tower.

As I crush ground as I continue to charge the power onto my right foot, causing other to notice something was wrong, rushing towards me to stop whatever I was about to do.

"[Renewal Taekwondo: Dragon Sign Hewchook]." I whisper as I release all the power I charged to the tip of my right foot. A twister formed in front of me, sending all the enemies crashing against the wall, where even the teams watching were forced to move back into their rooms as their gates are destroyed, along with part of the wall attached to those gates.

"Huh, no one dies. That's good. I thought I didn't hold back enough." I said my thoughts out loud, causing pretty much everyone into a panic and horror, to find out even this single attack of mine was me holding back still.

No one could blame them, as a good chunk of the wall is missing, and those two teams' bodies are covered in their own blood and out cold from their injuries.

"I still find myself how he can be so strong without [Shinsoo]." Yuri mumbles to herself, as Esdeath pat her on the shoulder, to cheer her up.

Even Esdeath herself find this [Renewal Taekwondo] to be something beyond what a human should be able to do. Then again, her husband gained this skill from an entirely different universe, that's bound by different laws.

"Huh, well this made thing difficult. We're going to take a few minutes of break to fix things." Lero-Ro's shocked voice could be heard from the [Lighthouse] and is dumbfounded at this display before him. Now, he realizes that bad gut feeling he had when he got close this regular wasn't a false alarm. He's truly a monster.

32 minutes later*

Surprisingly, it didn't take that long to fix the wall and heal the people I used [Dragon Sigh Hewchook] on. But, they are scared of me more than ever now. Even the other teams are thinking of giving this up and let this monster of a team win this bonus game so they don't have to deal with them in the next tests on this Floor before going to the 3rd Floor.

As the third and fourth rounds, different teams tried to group to take us on, but were taken out easily by Esdeath and me. Yuri didn't even need to do anything besides just watching this.

Of course, Esdeath decides to mess around by giving everyone false hopes that she was slowing down because she used almost all her energy, which was enough to drive the others to madly attack Esdeath. Until Esdeath stops joking around and beat all of them with pure physical strength and speed.

No use of her Teigu, but she did draw out her long rapier to take them all down in a matter of seconds instead, not that it matters if she uses her weapon or not in the first place.

During the fourth round; there was only one team brave/fool enough to face us, but gave up right away when they realize it was just their team alone. I gave them a chance to return back to their room, but one of them was just a bit stupid and rush right at me.

One kick, to send the guy back and we waited for the 5 minutes to be over. To end the fourth round, where my team continues to have the crown from the first to the fifth round now.

"Ragna. I think you overdid it." Esdeath said to me, as she watches four teams again coming out, but this time Esdeath stick with Yuri. As she announced to everyone she won't lift a finger, and even promise that I won't move from my spot while facing everyone.

"I wasn't the one that made silly promises." I said to my wife, while Yuri giggles to herself at how much a handicap Esdeath placed on me. This way, it would give the others a chance to get the crown since Esdeath won't lift a finger to protect her.

Not like Yuri need any protection against these weak regulars, who just started their journey to climb the Tower.

"Come on, you guys! We can just skip this bastard and head for the crown. This is our chance!" One of the stupid regulars rushes towards the throne while doing their best to not be near me.

Instead of making any comments to these guys. I just stand there quietly, but kept my guard up, even with these weak people. It only takes one chance to kill someone, no matter how strong you are. And I won't give anyone that chance.

At the moment, all of these guys ignored me and run around me and charge at Esdeath and Yuri, who are still sitting on the throne. Yuri still had a bored expression on her face, even with four teams are getting closer to her.

Not to mention, Esdeath is just lying on the left armrest without a care, with her hat closing her eyes. But, Yuri could see the cold eyes under Esdeath's hat. Daring anyone to attack her.

I stare at these people coming close to Yuri, then I activate [Hundred Gauntlets] at the last moment.

[Hundred Gauntlets]:

Target: Everyone (Exclude: [Esdeath D. Mercer], [Ha Yuri Zahard], [Ragna D. Mercer]) - 11 MP

Cause: Running towards [Ha Yuri Zahard] - 5 MP

Effect: Coming very close to [Ha Yuri Zahard] - 7 MP

Range: 50 meters radius - 51 MP

Time: 1 minute - 60 MP

Cost: 134 MP

With just a single thought; all those that just about to launch their attack on Yuri and discover they were back where they started. Standing right in front of me like they never took a step towards Yuri.

"THE HELL?!" One of the regulars shouted in surprise that they were just one moment away from attacking Yuri, then find themselves back where they were before all of them charge straight towards Yuri while trying their best from coming near me.

Even Yuri is shocked by this, and she was close to starting her counterattack by using the [Green April] to push them back away from her while waiting for the time of the round to be over.

"Wanna try again? I'm sure you guys will be able to touch the throne at least." I mock these four teams, wanting them to waste more time while my mind return back to the subject of why I'm short 1% and wonder maybe it's to evolve the [Hundred Gauntlets] into something else.

Since the guy who had [Hundred Gauntlets] literally turned it into [All Fiction] due to their mindset. Maybe, I should do the same somehow, to make the [Hundred Gauntlets] level up.

"What kind of bullshit is this?! Did you literally just teleport us back here or something?!" The same regulars that shouted before question me, if I had just teleported them to these very spots they were at a minute ago.

"Nope." Technically, I wasn't really lying, but I did not teleport them somewhat. I love how [Hundred Gauntlets] could affect the space and time. Even with [Shinsoo] in place, but look like it didn't look like it affects [Hundred Gauntlets].

"Bullshit! Then, how-GAK!" The mad regular was about to start off a rant, when I launch a [Renewal Taekwondo: Sonic Punch] to their face, then fire off multiple [Sonic Punches] to stop them from coming near Yuri. While I keep the promise Esdeath made to everyone and stay in one spot. So, I can't use my legs to attack and only my fist.

It was close to the time limit before Yuri took the crown off her head, then throw it to the sky as she jumps off the throne, with Esdeath doing the same and both walk away from the throne until they're next to me.

This stopped me from attacking as the fifth and last round is almost over in just a few seconds. From these actions made by my team alone, causing the others to be once more shocked at this, where we literally gave up the last seconds.

"BAAM! GRAB THE CROWN!" Koon, one of the members of the four teams came in the last round, shouted to Baam to grab the crown before anyone else can.

I let out a yawn, as I walk back to our team's room, with Esdeath and Yuri walking along with me. As the others decide to take this as a small blessing and ignore us completely, as they fight each other for the crown.

It's pretty much similar to canon, but only one team was missing and it was the one with Red Bull, Dahdi, and Green Phil, as they were too late to participate.

However, Baam never managed to sit on the throne with the crown and still end up getting a head injury, and Baam somehow use [Shinsoo] to attack a girl in a leotard, wielding a staff, causing a crack in the girl's helm to break and reveal her long red hair, where her right eye is destroyed by Baam accidentally. One quick scan, revealing the girl name is Hwa Ryun.

Sadly, the only team left in the game is Rachel's team, the same girl Baam is searching for. But, they choose not to steal the crown. Thus, the Crown Game ends with no winners.

"Very interesting. I'll have to speak with Baam later." Yuri thought out loud, as she held the [Black March] in her right hand, with the [Green April] in her left hand. Yup, her future husband somehow grabs the [Black March] under everyone's eyes before anyone could discover it's missing.

The next day*

Year 5: Day 80: Hello!

(Tower: 2nd Floor: Evankhell's Mothership)

After the Crown Game was over, three days break was given to all the exhausted regulars; well, my team wasn't that tired one bit. We were still fine and could continue if we wanted to.

Everyone that is injured was sent to the hospital while the rest of us would be assigned to a room, with the team being disbanded from this point on.

Of course, there were a few regulars trying to meet with one of us, Yuri, but one cold glare from Esdeath sent them running away before we resume our walks to find our rooms, which happens to be next to each other. Not like we were going to use all three rooms. As one room was enough for all three of us.

Yeah, Yuri didn't manage to sleep that much last night and others could tell how Yuri was limping a little while we were grabbing something to eat around here.

Koon did come to us and ask us a few questions, most of them happen to be a way to return the [Black March] to Baam until we revealed a few little secrets about how Baam got the [Black March] in the first place.

In fact, we promise to speak with Baam about this in person on why we took it from him in the first place.

Seeing how Koon got some answers and accepted this, but didn't leave and started asking Esdeath if she was a relative of his. No one can blame him for thinking of those thoughts, with the way Esdeath and Koon have similar features of appearance.

After a few facts, answers, and other things to convince Koon that Esdeath is not a relative to him or his family.

"Hey, Ha." I said to Yuri while using her family's name instead of her name to prevent others from knowing she Ha Yuri Zahard. "Is [Green April] any good for you? I know how you told me that the [Black March] wouldn't ignite for you. So how about the [Green April]?"

"Eh." Yuri shrugs her shoulder, "At least with the [Green April]. I can ignite her." Yuri finds herself wondering if the King gave her the [Black March] due to the spirit inside it being stubborn for all the wielders. Then again, the [Black March] was the only [Needle] weapon among the 13 Month Series. And she mostly used [Needle] weapons.

"How about that Anak girl? Still trying to take back the [Green April], along with the [Black March]?" Esdeath asks Yuri since there is a time where all three us wouldn't be together in one spot and would be doing something else.

"Tried, and fail, more than once." Yuri said in an amusing tone, but wonder she should do about the status of Anak being the daughter of the Senior Anak.

"Well, I'm going to leave you two girls alone to talk with each others. I need to start thinking about something." I said to both Esdeath and Yuri before taking my tray and head off to my room and think how to get that last 1% EXP for [Hundred Gauntlets].

As I walk around the place while ignoring almost all the regulars are avoiding me due to the bonus game. Plus, after seeing how Esdeath and I took on multiple enemies at once by ourselves and defeat them without any effort. It would be a surprise if not all of them would try their best to avoid us at all time unless it can't be helped.

20 minutes later*


You have leveled up [Hundred Gauntlets] to 100 and unlock the 2nd Effect: Evolution, where the [Hundred Gauntlets] develop to match the player's mindset.


The [Hundred Gauntlets] evolve to [Rejection]! Because this is something belongs to the player, there is no level for it!

[Rejection] - Active - MP cost: Varies

Description: This is a skill that evolved from the skill: [Hundred Gauntlets], where instead of becoming [All Fiction] that deny the aspect of reality; to make anything "nothing". As a result, this skill instead of making the target into "nothing", would "reject" the cause that led to the effect. Making the "cause" useless and the "effect" void.

1st Effect: Rejecting the causality

2nd Effect: Gain access to [Technique Creation] based on this skill

3rd Effect: Gain access to [Causality Detection]

4th Effect: Allow one to reverse the effect of this skill by rejecting the [Rejection]

Well, this just made things easier for me. But, I had the feeling the MP cost for using this new skill of mine would be massive. So, for now, I won't try to use it until I go back to the [Ark] or leave this universe by then.

Nonetheless, this [Rejection] is kind of like [All Fiction], but not the same, as the effects of affecting the space and time are still part of the skill like the [Hundred Gauntlets].

This is one of the reasons why I didn't want [Hundred Gauntlets] turn into [All Fiction], because then I would lose one of my skills that literally have space-time effect to it.

Letting out a sigh of relief, that the new version of [Hundred Gauntlets] didn't turn up bad.

"After 5 long years. I finally manage to develop [Hundred Gauntlets] into something as mine than the [All Fiction]." I spoke out my thought softly and feel one of the shackle binding me broken, thanks to gaining this [Rejection].

Getting off the bed, then head out to the training facility to train before the Position Test. Lucky for me, and maybe for Esdeath too, these [Pockets] of ours have a map of this place, so we won't get lost.

A few minutes later*

On the way to the training facility; I activate [Archive] and connect it with my [Pocket], then use that as the anchor to connect with whoever tried to spy on me.

On the interface, show a girl with long purple, a small portion of it set in a ponytail, burying her face in a pillow and I could see the shock on her face when I sent her a message on why she spying on me.

At first, the girl on my interface didn't say anything and continue to look at me in shock, frozen and couldn't do anything until I message her if she doesn't reply now I will come to where she is right now. And dare her to think my warning was a bluff.

This was enough to break the girl's shock and madly start typing message after message with multiple questions to me. One of them is how in the world did I discover her watching me right away when she not even on this Floor.

There are even a few questions about where did I take Yuri to and why couldn't she see us, being Esdeath, Yuri, and me, inside the Tower when we were outside the Tower and in the [Ark].

While this girl continues to messages me; I did a quick scan to find out who she is since I got nothing that triggers a memory of who she is and what role she plays in the Tower of God.

One small message on asking why is a Zahard's Princess from the Jaina Family staying in a dark room and not climbing the Tower?

This stopped Repellista, which is her name, from messaging for a while at this shocking revelation of her identity before rapidly send more messages to me.

Letting a tired sigh; I walk around until I return back to my room before taking out [Skiajati] and use [Cleave Sword Intent: Space Cut] to open a pathway into Repellista's room, causing the girl to let out a cry of surprise and fall off her bed.

(Tower: Unknown Floor: Repellista's Room)

I step through the pathway before creating an [Ark's Gate Number 1] in my room, so I can return there right away. As I force my entry into this room.

"H-H-How." Repellista point at me with a shaking finger as she continues to stutter her words out and deeply afraid at this very moment.

I look around the place and it's a little dark, but not something I'm not used to when you've stayed in D. Gray-Man universe for 5 years. There are places that just damn creepy and a lot worse than being in a dark room with barely any light.

"Didn't you watch me and my wife, along with Yuri on the 1st Floor, though? Don't deny it. I sensed you the moment I felt someone watching after a while." I said to Repellista, who flinch and look like she really wanted to get out of this very room.

"I'm not going to kill you or cause any harm to you. Pretty sure Yuri would try to kill me if I did." I let out a tired sigh as I walk over to Repellista, where I notice she was shaking badly and wouldn't move from her spot. Therefore, I just sat on the spot where Repellista was lying on before I came here.

"So, did you see what happened last night?" I ask Repellista, who stare at me without blinking, afraid if she did, then some horrible would happen to her. Upon hearing this question from me, made her blink unconsciously before her face turns completely red. Showing she did, in fact, saw Esdeath, Yuri, and I having sex with each other.

"I guess you did. Maybe, I should tell this to Yuri?" And I was tackled to the ground by this girl, who I had no idea she would this.

"DON'T YOU DARE!" Repellista snarl at me, completely opposite to the scared girl she was a moment ago, which she returned right away the moment she notices the blade under her neck without her realizing it.

"You were saying?" I said dully, not caring that I was tackled to the ground by a random girl. Not that it wasn't something I was used to when Road continue to do so to mess with me while I was training. Man, even for a Noah, that girl sure knows how to make people mad without any problem. It's a good thing I had [Gamer's Mind] removing my rage.

Showing that [Gamer's Mind] actually affects me, besides only those that are destined to be with me. This is the theory I go by for the 5 years being with Esdeath. Take Yuri for an example, after having sex with her. The [Gamer's Mind] still is in effect, but when Esdeath is involved, it's gone.

"Uh, please don't tell Yuri I was spying on her?" Repellista squeaks out her question, but more like a pleading instead of a question.

"Sure." I said to Repellista, who let a sigh of relief before paling at my next words, "Because you'll be the one telling Yuri about this."

Repellista pause for a moment, then look at the blade near her neck, then back at the man before her, with one eye covered with an eyepatch, but she could tell how dangerous this person is with just looking in his left eye alone.

"Do I have to?" Repellista looks like a child being forced to eat her vegetable when she ate everything, but it.

"Yes." I said without thinking too much of it. Then pull [Skiajati] away from Repellista's neck and push her off me, where I put the blade back in the sheath.

"So are you going to come with me or do I have to take you by force?" I look at Repellista, as she tried to comprehend all the things just happen in a matter of minutes, completely throwing her world into chaos. And now, she have to actually has to tell one of her fellow Princesses that she watched her going at it with two people when she wasn't supposed to in the first place.

"I would offer to bring her here." I glance around the room for a few seconds, "Wherever here is, besides it's your room of some sort. But, I rather not waste too much time outside the 2nd Floor if possible."

"Fine." Repellista knew she didn't have many choices, not to mention she knew that if a fight happens between the two, she would be the one losing. Badly.

13 minutes later*

(Tower: 2nd Floor: Evankhell's Mothership)

Using my [Pocket] to contact Esdeath and Yuri to come to our room, which didn't take that long for them to arrive. And the first thing they notice that was out of place was another person in the room beside me.

"You actually left that dark room of yours?!" Yuri is the first one to break the silence, then look at me with eyes widen in shock. "Why is she here and how did you find her?!" Yuri knew her future husband can bring others outside the Tower and place he been before in the Tower, so she wasn't that surprised that he can bring others here as well.

After all, there that marker on the ground for the [Ark's Gate] she was told about, which is a way to know it's one that leads to the [Ark].

"Found her spying on me." I said to Yurii, then start explaining to her about my [Cleave Sword Intent: Space Cut] and how it works. Even Repellista look at me with surprise on her face. Because [Space Manipulation] was very rare and almost impossible to do.

"I call bullshit on so many levels! What can't you do?!" Yuri is starting to think her future husband is an irregular among irregulars.

"Uh, lots of things." Sure, I have lots of skills, but those are mainly used for combat-related stuff. If not, it would be something useful for combat later on. Thinking about it at this point, besides fighting, killing, hunting, even making things, then I'm pretty much useless towards other things or just decent at least.

"I'm going to speak with my sister for a bit. If you two mind that is." Yuri looks at Esdeath and me, before pushing us out the room to have a private talk with Repellista.

30 minutes later*

Both Esdeath and decide to go to the training facility to spar, but holding back ourselves and see how well we can fight with multiple handicaps placed on us. Well, more for me than her. Since I can't recover my HP and MP during combat like I used to do, with the air replaced with [Shinsoo] and all.

Sure, I could use [Shinsoo] to activate the [Dual Element Dragon Mode], but the downside of using it wasn't worth it. Rather not get some unknown debuff on the 2nd Floor if I can help it.

Anyway, both Esdeath and already finished sparring with each other that only lasted a few minutes to warm ourselves up before returning back to our room and see how the talk went.

Once Esdeath and I messaged Yuri via [Pocket] about our return. The response we got was a little weird, but we've already reached our room.

Upon entering the room; we find Yuri on the bed with Repellista looking very annoyed and embarrassed. While Repllista tries her best not to look in Yuri's direction.

Closing the door behind us; no one said anything for a while and I guess I should be the one to break the silence.

"So, did she inform you about how she watched us going at it last night?" I ask Yuri, ignoring how Esdeath widens her eyes and look at Repellista with cold eyes, causing Yuri's sister to flinch.

"Yes." Yuri covers her face with her hands, trying her best to ignore the fact that a fellow Princess actually saw her breaking so many rules. Of course, Yuri wouldn't have to worry about Repellista not keeping this as a secret since she could do something in return.

However, thanks to her future husband finding Repellista and even bringing her here, made it so she could have a chance to find out if anyone else knows about this.

Luckily, Repellista never got the chance, much to Yuri's relief at this, but was furious with Repellista for spying in her private time. And Repellista defended herself by saying she didn't think it would happen in the first place.

"Ragna. Mind leaving the room for a bit? I need to speak with this girl here, along with Yuri." Esdeath said in a cold tone of voice, with a smile that made even Yuri scared and it wasn't even aimed at her.

Yuri gives a small prayer for her sister, who looks very pale at the moment and wonder why she let her curious side get the better of her. Look at where it ends her up with. An overpowered irregular that didn't even use [Shinsoo] at all and his wife, that literally could make ice out of nothing. That was a big shocker for her when she saw Esdeath created ice during her 1st Floor's Test.

"Alright." I ignore the way Repellista tried to plead silently for me to stay and not leave her behind with Esdeath. "Call me when it's time for me to come back." I said to Esdeath, then give a nod to Yuri, who still has her face covered with her hands.

Then left the room and go check on Baam, maybe I should help the kid out. After all, I do need him alive and get him to the 20th Floor if Esdeath and I, maybe Yuri too, to leave this universe.

Ignoring a few regulars walking by, where they tried their best to stick against the wall and made sure not to make any eye contacts. Even those that are giant body size tried to make themselves look smaller and curse their family for having a bloodline for gaining a big body as they grow or something.

Just as I take a turn on the corner of my left, I found Anak walking with a scowl on her face and it got worse when she saw me. And boy was she furious, after all, she lost the [Green April] to someone, not a Princess, but what is more annoying, is that there was the [Black March] taken as well and she didn't know it was on this Floor, to begin with.

Not bother to greet me or say anything; Anak pounce and throw a punch to my face, but end up failing when I just tap her left forearm, causing it to relax instantly.

[Nabong Needle Ryu] is such a bullshit skill at level 100. It just made things easier for me. But, I did wonder if the races in this universe would have pressure points in the first place.

Lucky for me, they happen to have them thanks Anak here being my test subject more than once yesterday.

"FIGHT ME!" Anak roar throws her right fist this time, but was a feint as she spins around to whip me with her tail.

Again, another hit to a pressure point and Anak is down for the count. Lying on the ground not being able to move for a few minutes after hitting certain pressure points to disable her.

"You really need to plan your approach. All that raw strength wouldn't do a thing if you can't even use them." I pick Anak up, causing her to shiver as her instinct scream at her to get away, but couldn't as her body wasn't responding to her.

"Now, let's bring you to someone you know to watch over you while the effect wears off." I said to Anak, who was trying to say something, but even her mouth wasn't working right.

A few minutes later*

I left Anak with that swordsman, Hatsu, to watch over Anak while she still under the effect of the pressure points I hit. Of course, not all effect would disappear after a while, but a few [Acupuncture Techniques] created over 5 years did the check. Just need a bit tweaking to work on other targets than humans.

On the bright, for me, I scared the other regulars again, to the point of running away the moment one of them see just a hair of mine and rush off warning others ahead of time to escape or figure a way to circle around me.

Now, I just have to waste some time walking around scaring people by just walking nearby until Esdeath call me back.