Chapter 17: It's Time For Training

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 17: It's Time For Training

Year 5: Day 80: Hello! Part 2

(Tower: 2nd Floor: Evankhell's Mothership)

I felt something calling for me nearby, but ignore it completely as nothing in this universe should have any connection with me unless either I or Esdeath did something to make that connection. So, this should be something trying to use [Shinsoo] or an equipment that used [Shinsoo] to lure me away towards somewhere hidden.

One [Sword Qi] sent in that direction without looking and I heard a faint shriek of pain. Don't know who the person was, but let's hope this [Sword Qi] alone would stop them from trying that again.

Walking around the place; I feel someone trying to spy on me, but not the same as Repellista did. Nope, it's something way different. Almost like my [Eagle Vision] with [Elemental Sight]'s [Information Dimension] applied to it.

Following my instinct, I walk towards where I'm getting this feeling from. And it only took me a few minutes before I stand before someone's room. Knocking on the door, causing a few noises inside before the door is open.

Revealing Hwa Ryun, wearing a pink sweatshirt with a hood, a black skirt with red legging and has bandages wrapping her right eyes, to show the eye injury she got thanks to Baam's accident using of [Shinsoo].

"Can I help you?" Ryun asks me in a soft tone while wishing why I appear before and how I found her here, causing her to break in a cold sweat.

"May I come in?" I ask her, ignoring how this may cause some unwanted rumors among the other regulars, but thanks to my previous actions, there's no chance of anyone nearby at the moment.

Ryun looks like she wanted to so no to me, but decide to take the risk and allowed me to come inside her room. As she carefully walks over to her bed and sits on it as she waits for me to close the door before speaking.

"Baam is under my protection." I simply said this to her, as I walk closer to her, making Ryun shocked and afraid at the same time, more so with the news that the one she was already thinking ahead of using to accomplish her objectives.

"I didn't even mention a word about Baam." Ryun tries to look confused as possible and was madly trying to come up with a way to get her out of this mess. She really wishes the FUG haven't assigned this mission to her in the first place. Look where it got her, a missing eye and being stared at by a monster she never thought would appear in the 2nd Floor, close to the very bottom of the Tower.

"FUG." I simply said to Ryun, causing her to go stiff and started to sweat a lot now. As her mind tries to come up with a solution to save her skin, even if it means becoming a traitor to the FUG organization. Better to live than die right away for people she has no care for.

"How about we make a deal, huh?" I stand in front of Ryun, who currently too scared to even move a single muscle. "I'll even heal your right eye as well to show a sign of good faith."

I have more than one way to do this, either using my new skill: [Rejection] to remove the eye injury or use [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] to heal it instead. But, I rather not risk it with [Rejection] and just use one of my powerful healing spells for this.

When Ryun heard this, her left eye widened even more than it already and unconsciously touches her right eye, covered in bandages.

Ryun wanted to call on this lie, but could it be true? Was she really going to risk her life on the hand of a monster? She already tried to use her ability as a [Guide] to find the right path to help her accomplish her goals, but all she got was something very dark being noticed her the moment she used her power a few minutes ago and much to her regret. It just happens that very dark being is the same monster standing before her. Watching her like a prey.

"Before you think I'm stopping you from taking Baam to the FUG. You got it all wrong." I said to Ryun, causing her to confuse a lot more than she already is.

If you're not going to stop me, then why he under your protection for what? This is a question Ryun wants to ask so badly right now, but kept her mouth shut. She didn't even dare use her [Guide]'s ability to see the future, with this...thing here in front of her could actually sense her using her heritage as a Red Witch.

"I take your silence as a yes." I poke Ryun's right eye before she could say anything or react as I cast [Time Healing]. One of my strongest healing spells and something I rather not use on someone I have no connection within the first place. All I'm doing is based on instinct alone.

[The Art of Healing]:

1st Form: Area - MP Varies = 1 MP per meter in size

1st Effect: Rewind the target's injury and remove it - MP Varies = 1 MP per second

2nd Effect: Stable time flow and connect past to present - MP Varies = 1st Effect x 2 MP

Name: [Time Healing] - MP cost: Varies | Minimum: 2 MP per second

Before Ryun could understand what just happen, I have already removed my left index finger away from her now healed right eye.

"That's not [Shinsoo]. That's not [Shinsoo]." Ryun touches her right eye and she realizes that this isn't just an ordinary irregular before her, but someone outside the Tower. "Please take me with you!" Ryun cried out as she grabs the shirt of the monster, no...her god.

30 minutes later*

"Ragna." Esdeath said in a cold tone of voice, with a deadpan expression as she looks at the display before her eyes. Even Yuri and Repellista find this interesting and wonder what's going on.

Before their eyes, they watch Ragna enter the room, with a redhead girl holding onto his left arm, which is Esdeath's spot whenever she feels like hugging her husband's arm.

"Care to explain?" Esdeath already tolerance with Yuri and her sister since she knows her husband wouldn't just bring random girls into their rooms. No matter how many times she had to find a way to get of them. Her husband would always bring another girl afterward, because he pities them.

Esdeath curses her husband's heart for pitying other people, but at least she knows he isn't dumb like those justice characters who wouldn't kill at all even when others' lives are on the line. Yeah, she may love this good part of her husband, but she would gladly beat it out of him if needed. Can't have other manipulate her husband. After all, that's her job.

"I'm Hwa Ryun, born from the Red Witch and a [Guide]. Member of the FUG until my god decide I no longer need to be with those people. So for now, I'm still a member of the FUG to use their resources to help my god." Ryun introduces herself and gives everyone a nod of her head.

"Quick question. Who's your god?" Yuri quickly ask this question before Esdeath decide to kill the girl, who happens to belong to the Red Witch, which is a shocking news. Therefore, she needs to make sure this girl live to find out a few things she got on her mind.

Repellista's eyes gained a small glee at the sight of Ryun and didn't say anything as she waits how things go before she gives her own inputs.

"Why he's my god. After all, only he can possess such dark energy that's not [Shinsoo] at all." Ryun point at me, even mentions why she thinks I'm her god of some sort.

The only one that knew this dark energy is Esdeath and she finally figures out that maybe this girl just sensed the [Dark Matter] and thought her husband is a god or something. But, that didn't change the fact that she pissed off that some random girl is touching what is her's.

Esdeath blinks a few times before looking at Ryun, then at her husband with a confused look on her face, telling her husband she wanted to know why she brings this person in the first place.

"Ragna. Just go to the [Ark] for an hour and we'll come to you later. So, leave behind an [Ark's Gate] here for us to use." Esdeath tried not to destroy the entire room just to release her frustration.

"Okay." I shrug, as I ignore how Ryun look sad that I was leaving before she looks at me with a bright eye at the sight of me using the [Ark's Gate Number 1] to teleport myself to the [Ark].

The next day*

Year 5: Day 81: The Risks

(Tower: Outside: Ark: City: Training House)

Well, instead of an hour of waiting for the girls to arrive. I spent pretty much the whole day in the [Ark]. Of course, I didn't waste any time just waiting for them. I went to the training building to try out [Rejection] and it's almost the same as [Hundred Gauntlets], but much less restricted.

I don't have even have to think up the cause and the effect, instead the skill does it for me with what I'm aiming for. Nonetheless, I still use the same method I used [Hundred Gauntlets]. Much to my relief, it still works.

Also, I have discovered another thing that made the [Rejection] an actual upgrade of the [Hundred Gauntlets] is that I can target anything. Unlike some things, I couldn't affect with the skill. Sure, I could use it on most things, but not anything.

But, now I can with [Rejection]. In fact, I could even use it to reject a debuff too, when I tried to see if it possible now. By eating one of the weaker poisons I collected over the years back in the D. Gray-Man universe for future assassinations that would stop me from using most of my offensive skills.

On the hindsight, eating poison in the first place to just experiment with my new skill wasn't healthy and I knew this. Making me feel like the way my mind work is already considered insane in some people's point of views.

Nonetheless, as a self-claim mad researcher; I had to take the risk and gain all the results I can get my hands on. On the side note, I found out that I don't have to worry about the time limit of how far I can go of the target to reject something from it. But, it does come at the cost of increasing the amount of [Mana] I have to use in exchange.

Along with a few more experiments; I discovered I could see in the 'past' of the target by using [Rejection] together with [Elemental Sight], where the latter could only do that towards targets affected by [Magic] only.

5 years and I discover some limited the [Gamer's Mind] could affect me. One of them led me towards madness and took a while to get out of it. Thanks to the [Gamer's Mind]. From what Esdeath told me, I was a madman for a week until the [Gamer's Mind] kicked in and improve itself.

So yeah, even after going mad for a week and recover, there was some side-effects stick with me. One of them being self-aware of my actions sometimes fail me. More than once a day, which is why it wasn't that good to leave me alone for too long.

I managed to stop myself from doing something too insane, but as time goes by, the less successful I am at stopping myself from doing something crazy. Like taking poison, even if it's a weak one, but poison nonetheless.

At least, I can use [Rejection] to remove poison now. Sure, I won't die from even the most lethal poison if I was infected by it. One quick [Time Healing] would do the trick as long I have the [Mana] for it.

Now, with [Rejection], save me a butt load of [Mana] and give me the same result. Therefore, I would say the time I used to experiment with [Rejection] is a success.

"RAGNA!" I heard Esdeath's shouting from behind me and was tackled to the ground. "AGAIN?! REALLY?!" And Esdeath tears the thing I was holding out of my hands.

"What?" I blink and wonder what's going on, then notice I had one of my daggers dripped with highly dangerous lethal poison. And once realizing that doing an inner monologue made me forget what I was doing, but at least, I had the [Archive]'s interface to record everything I'm doing, this way I could go back and watch what happened.

It's a good thing I made a program that does 3D recording too, so I don't have to worry about missing something due to the 2D images hiding something in the angle I was recording.

Along with doing a 360-degree angle record too, took a whole year to create this program too. But, it saves me so much research material and time from having to repeat many experiments, because I wanted to see what went wrong.

Also, it's a good thing I made this program before my self-aware became a bit unstable event. Who knew this program would be one of the main things helping me up to the current present now.

"It happens again, didn't it?" I ask my wife, who let out a tired sigh before throwing the poison dagger back into the [Inventory]. Ignoring the shocked looks on the shocked looks on Repellista and Ryun's faces at how Esdeath made a dagger disappear in thin air by just throwing it.

"Yes. Can't believe I lost track of time and should have realized it sooner with the way my body was acting up again for a while." Esdeath sound frustrated with how much it took to speak with those three girls, one of them she had to persuade into marrying her husband due to the strength she felt from her. The other two girls, her husband brings out of nowhere until she was told where.

Repellista, Esdeath can let this one go, because the potential of having this girl on her team without having to get her to be with her husband thanks to the connection she has with Yuri and she could just threaten her after she gets her husband to place the curse the on her to prevent the future of her betraying them.

Ryun, Esdeath has mixed feeling for this one. On one hand, she really doesn't need to find out if this girl was lying to save her own skin with the way Ryun looked at her husband. Not to mention being a [Guide] may be something they need during their stay in this universe. Afterward, she may take her along, who knows what use she could be in another universe. At least with this girl, she can control her through her husband.

"Is there something going on we need to know?" Yuri is very confused and wonders why her future husband, who is so strong would try to harm himself. Before she got her answers when Esdeath starts to explain to everyone how Ragna's become very unstable when left alone in a room by himself for too long. As long there someone doesn't matter who, their presence is enough to keep him in check before she reunites with him.

"Is there any way I can help my god?" Ryun eagerly wants to offer any help for her god, who clearly wasn't right in his mind and need some help. Then, what better than offer herself to prove that she only wished for her god to take her with them when it's time to leave the Tower forever.

Esdeath was about to say no, then pause for a moment as she thought about it a few minutes before she had this weird glee in her eyes. "In fact, yes. There is something you can help with. Same with your Yuri." Esdeath smile at these two girls, while the latter shiver at the way Esdeath looked at her.

"How about me?" Repellista raises her right hand, she really wished that she could be back in her room right now and should keep her curiosity in check for the rest of the future.

"Well, if you're willing to have sex with my husband and not afraid of getting pregnant. Then, it would be best if you wait in one of the houses around this city. Don't bother asking why in the world we got something this big and have so many houses empty." Esdeath said to Repellista, causing all the girls to blush what they about to do.

"Sorry, he's not my type and I'll be waiting somewhere nearby. Just come get me when you're done." Repellista quickly rushes off to find an empty house for her to stay for a while.

"Now, that she's gone. I hope you are willing to help your so-called god. Because we're going at it for a while." Esdeath said to both Yuri and Ryun, as she begins to take her clothes off. Showing that she was being for real and wasn't joking.

"Take your clothes off unless you want to get them dirty." Esdeath notices how the two girls just stood there and watching her undress herself. "Also, don't worry about getting pregnant. I was joking about that a little. Thanks to a special ability of Ragna. He can make it so that he can't impregnate women." Esdeath decides to throw this little fact to them, so they don't have to worry.

Both Yuri and Ryun didn't really care if this was true or not, but feel like this was just too fast. Mostly for Ryun, since she just found her god and she going to have sex with him, which she never thought would happen in her life until further into the future, maybe.

"Fine. I rather not waste time having to argue with you about having sex here of all places would be weird. But, forget it. I'm game." Yuri's cheeks are still red, but she already had sex with these two irregulars and did it even in a public area, even though it was a room for all regulars to stay in, but there still a chance someone coming in on them while they were going at it.

"Um." Ryun didn't know if she really do this or not, then cover her face when she realizes Esdeath completely naked now, even her pink hard nipples are showing and her pussy dripping wet.

"Wow, are you that horny?" Yuri looks at how wet Esdeath and wonder this is what she meant when her body was acting without Ragna's presence nearby.

"Of course, and once you marry Ragna. You would end up the same. Maybe." Esdeath taps her chin with her right index finger while she was using her left hand to finger herself to get herself warm up. Not caring there two other girls watching her masturbating in front of them.

"Wait, really? So, if I marry Ragna here. I would get horny whenever I'm not with him for a long time? Talk about some weird thing, and I heard lots of weird and unusual things over my years as a [High Ranker]." Yuri don't know if this was a good thing or not.

"Maybe not, I just know it happens to me. For you and maybe Ryun here, it may be something different." Esdeath wasn't completely sure, but she just throws this out to them.

"Now, enough talk. Ryun. Undress or not doesn't matter. You wanted to help; well, you're." Esdeath raises her right wet hand and licks it. "Because it's too late to change your choice."

"Do I have a choice in this matter?" I ask after being quiet for a while now. But, that didn't stop me from looking at the way my wife was pleasuring herself.

"No." Esdeath smirk at me, then told Yuri will go second after her. Then, it would be Ryun's turn, which made the girl blushing even more and wonder how she should prepare herself for her turn.

The next day*

Year 5: Day 82: Best To Ignore

(Tower: 2nd Floor: Evankhell's Mothership)

"Are they okay?" Koon asks Esdeath and points at Yuri, who look she didn't get enough sleep and trying her best to stay awake. Same with Ryun, but she didn't have the stamina like Yuri and is using the lunch table as a replacement for her bed to sleep on right now. She didn't seem to care it would do to her back for sleeping on a table than a bed.

Both of them didn't last that much longer compared to Esdeath yesterday sex marathon. Neither of them thought it would be that long.

More with Yuri, who thought it be 2 hours like the previous times. But, it looks like she was wrong and wonder how those two keep going at it for so long. But, she won't complain about how amazing it was to her. For now, she wishes for an actual bed to sleep on right now.

"They're fine. They just have done a long endurance training." Esdeath said with a polite smile, that made Koon shiver, who looks like he just remembers something horribly.

"Right..." Koon looks like he didn't believe a single word Esdeath said to him, then notice something at the corner of his eyes. "Uh, what's your friend doing over there?"

Esdeath looks in the direction Koon's pointing at and see her husband assembling the parts for a weapon of some kind.

"He's my husband, and just ignore him." Esdeath's smile became a little forced, but years of practice made it so no one could tell and make it look natural.

Currently, I'm assembling a small explosive device out of sheer boredom while waiting for Esdeath to finish talking with Koon. Of course, she could have done this without my presence, along with Yuri and Ryun. But, Esdeath wasn't going to have that.

After yesterday, we had a few talks and a meal, before I sent Repellista back to her room via [Cleave Sword Intent: Space Cut] while being threatened by Esdeath that if she tried to run away or notify others about us. Then, she won't be alive much longer and won't be able to hide, thanks to me.

So after Esdeath finishes with her business, we would meet up with Repellista one more time before the 3 days break is over. As today the last day of the break before the next test begins.

As for the reason why Esdeath is speaking with Koon; well, the guy came to us this morning while we were heading to Ryun's room and get her stuff. So, we decide to go to the cafeteria to get something to eat while waiting.

Well, no one but Esdeath and Koon got something. Yuri trying to stay away while Ryun failed and sleep the moment her rest on the cool table. As for me, who doesn't need any sleep at all, which may be one of the reasons that led to me becoming a madman for a week.

So far, Koon is trying to recruit us in an alliance to work together in order to pass the next few tests instead of facing against each other. If both sides were equal, then sure, this alliance would benefit both sides, but see how my side didn't really need the alliance. Not because we're arrogance, but because we have the power to back it up.

Sadly, no matter how many offers Koon tried to offer in order to get us into the alliance of his. Esdeath reject them after she heard them as most of the offers are completely useless for her side.

It only took an hour until Yuri falls asleep as well, but with her resting her head on my left shoulder instead of using the table to use her arms as a pillow like Ryun is doing.

Finally, after I finish assembling my bomb. I notice both Esdeath and Koon are shaking each other hand in an agreement. One: I could ask what it is about. Two: I can just wait until Esdeath tells me later. Three: Completely ignore it unless it involves me.

I've picked three since I rather not waste any time talking with Esdeath about something that may not relate with me at all.

So once Esdeath told me we can leave, I pick Ryun up in a princess carry with Esdeath doing the same with Yuri. Which Esdeath said she would get Yuri instead of Ryun. I guess Esdeath was speaking the truth about Yuri suit her taste.

The next day*

Year 5: Day 83: 1st Day of the Position Test

(Tower: 2nd Floor: Evankhell's Mothership)

All the regulars and those that weren't badly injured had gathered back to the yellow room where they were told about the Crown Game. With the 3 days break being over, so now it was time for the next test.

Only a selected few among us knew what the next test going to be.

I wanted to laugh, but held it in as a good chunk of the other regulars are sitting very close to each other from across the room from us. Trying their best to distance themselves from my group. Which happen to be Esdeath, Yuri, and Ryun now, along with myself.

Furthermore, most of the guys on the other side are glaring at me with jealousy due to me being the only guy with a group of hot girls.

"Long time no see, regulars!" Lero-Ro greeted everyone in a cheerful tone, as he enters the room, only to get nothing but silence in return. He didn't really care if he gets a response or not and kept his cheerful smile on his face.

"Did everyone get enough rest? I know it wasn't that long, but I hope you spend it well." Lero-Ro said to everyone, as he looks at everyone and wonders why the Red Witch girl shiver for some reason. But, ignore it.

"Now, I will explain to the test that will begin now. The test you're taking this time is...'Positioning Test'!" Lero-Ro gives out the big news about what our next test going to be.

This caused some of those people who didn't know about the positions to be off guard and look around to see if anyone else knew what it is.

It was easy for some of us to tell that those that were looking around are those that have zero knowledge about this test.

"As some of you can tell by now. The fighting in the Tower is usually done in a team. The position is the role that you'll play during these battles. There are a lot of different positions, but basically, there is the [Fisherman], who disarms the enemy by using the [Reel Inventory]. Thus, they are always at the heart of the battle facing the enemy head-on, keeping the enemy occupied so that the [Fishermen]'s teammates can either complete the team's objective or provide back-up. They can also carry out individual activities." Lero-Ro started explaining what is the positions are and what they do. While using his [Lighthouse] to present the videos of what these positions look like and what they do.

"[Spear Bearer], who utilizes spears to target enemies from afar, picking off enemies who are either running from the battle or the ones who managed to avoid the [Fisherman]'s attacks." Lero-Ro switch to a different video, for those to see what these [Spear Bearer] would do.

"[Light Bearer], are those that work quite well with [Spear Bearer] and [Scout], where they collect information that helps the [Spear Bearer] locate the enemies for them to attack. Also, generally keeps the whole team informed of the surrounding area as well." Lero-Ro said with a hint of pride when he explained this position.

"[Scout], would be those that a reon the front lines almost the entire battle to assist the [Fishermen], but otherwise, they would gather information with their [Observer] and eyes, to send back to the [Light Bearer]." Lero-Ro's [Lighthouse] is now showing a video of a [Scout] running around the area.

"And finally, the [Wave Controller], who can use [Shinsoo] to either overwhelm their enemies or help their teammates. They are known to dominate the battlefield." Lero-Ro switched to the last video for everyone to watch a small clip.

"Of course, there are more positions beyond these five, such as a [Guide], but it doesn't have much to do with you at the moment. From now on, you will be assigned to one of these five positions, and you will be trained in that position for a month and only the regulars with the high results get the right to take the next test. Now, look here. This table shows your assigned positions according to the results of the previous tests." Lero-Ro said to everyone, as everyone come closer to see what position they got.


- Ragna: Best Seed

- Anak: Best Seed

- Androssi


[Spear Bearer]

- Akryung: Best Seed

- Rak

- Parakewl


[Light Bearer]

- Koon: Best Seed

- Michelle: Best Seed

- Hawk



- Esdeath: Best Seed

- Ship: Best Seed

- Ha


[Wave Controller]

- Ryun

- Grey

- Baam


Yuri looks a little disappointed she wasn't given the [Fishermen] position, which is her original position before this whole re-climbing thing happens; well, at least she gets to be with Esdeath. Once more, she has no regret, not after what is happening these days with her future hubby. And man, can Esdeath could make her climax with just her tongue alone made it worth staying.

Ryun didn't seem surprised at all; well, unless you can even get anything out of her right now. As she barely awake and is leaning on my right shoulder while blinking slowly.

Esdeath look like she wanted to argue with the position she was put in, but decided it for a minute and took it. Plus, with Yuri in the same position as her, made it bearable for her.

I honestly wasn't surprised I wasn't put in the [Wave Controller] position, but hey, I got Ryun in that position and can watch over Baam for me. Not like she wasn't going to before, with the FUG aiming for Baam.

Ignoring a few regulars around us, some asked about the best seed, and some were shocked that they got one attached to their name.

Of course, due to Baam still in a coma, Koon was concern about Baam's attendance scores until Lero-Ro explain how the [Wave Controller] class will start three days later. Making Koon feel happy for Baam, who would have a high chance of failing if he were to miss some classes.

Afterward, Lero-Ro told everyone to head to the location of their classes. As today will be our first class of the month to be trained in that position. And only those with high results get the rights to move to the next test.

7 hours later*

After the first class; it was just to make a contract with the [Guardian] in order to use [Shinsoo]. Too bad I had to hack the [Pocket] to make it look like I made a contract with the [Guardian] when actually, the 2nd Floor [Guardian] hid from me until [Gamer's Mind] kicked me out of that weird black space.

Once that's done, we were allowed to leave and I met up with Esdeath and the other girls. Much to my surprise, Esdeath didn't make a contract at all as well. Yuri didn't even need to with her current contract, which will be void later in the future once we leave the Tower.

Now, we're in our room, with Ryun is already waiting there for us, along with Repellista after I placed the [Ark's Gate Number 1] in our room with [Ark's Gate Number 2] in Repellista's room beforehand. As Repellista is doing her best to move all her things in the [Ark]'s countless houses.

Of course, at first, her [Lighthouse] didn't work at all, causing a few problems until I use the [Archive] to link the [Ark] to the Tower by using both Yuri and Repellista's contracts with the [Guardians].

With a level 100 [Archive], [Wisdom of The Sage], and [Elemental Sight] used together to make a temporary link between the [Ark] and the Tower is easy as a snap. Furthermore, I made sure I get all the benefit while the Tower get nothing in return.

In fact, I have already started downloading all the designs of the Tower of anything worth taking. Even the 13 Month Series, which I was surprised at first before quickly putting that away before Yuri or Repellista notice at the time.

"Hey, Ragna. What are you doing over there?" Yuri asks me, as she watches me type nothing in sight and just on air, but she knew there is something there. Similar to a [Lighthouse], but not used with [Shinsoo]. The only way she could see the [Archive]'s interface and gain access to the Gamer's [Inventory] is to marry him, from what the theory Esdeath told her.

"Making a few programs to launch into the Tower and make sure a few things are destroyed and steal the designs of project weapons for to be used a reference for me to create later on." I replied to Yuri as I continue coding my new program, then switch to another one to work before returning back to the previous one to check if these programs linked together would be fine.

"Oh." Yuri nods her head before it clicks and looks at her future hubby with a shocked look on face, which she started to find herself being shock and surprise by her future hubby and Esdeath for a long time until she becomes numb to all the crazy things she bound to see in the future.

Ryun appears next to me with a serious look on her face, "My god, is it possible to do me a favor?" If what her god doing right now is real, then this may be her chance to get revenge for her family.

"Sure. Just let me finish this real quick...and done. Okay, what ya need, Ryun?" I look at my servant? Slave? Lover? It's kind of hard to pick which is which when neither Ryun or Esdeath or even Yuri would tell me and just told me, that she part of the family and continue to have sex with her. No clue why, but I just go along with it.

Ryun smile at me before she explains to me what she wanted me to do since I literally have access to the Tower's database along with other regulars and irregulars' [Lighthouse], even [Pockets] of theirs.

A month later*

Year 5: Day 113: Last Day of the Position Test

(Tower: 2nd Floor: Evankhell's Mothership)

During the one month training for the regulars to get used to the positions they are assigned. I had to deal with lots of people thinking they were tough enough to face me during those sparring matches the [Ranker], as the teacher for the [Fishermen], assigned who to match with me, then end up getting beat without any problem. Which left me to my own training due to nothing else for the [Ranker] to teach me besides downloading a few instructions about being a [Fishermen] into my [Pocket] to do self-study.

This happened to both Esdeath and Yuri as well, after they finished the assignments given to them to do beforehand, which was easy to do.

During the entire month; I helped Ryun train in using [Shinsoo Manipulation] by going through a series of training methods I came up and used as a reference from shows/books/games, whichever back in my universe helped me during those 5 years to improve myself in using [Magic].

So, I applied those training methods onto Ryun to see if she could increase her control over her [Shinsoo] or give her the experience to stick after giving her a different source of power after losing [Shinsoo] later in the future.

Either way, these training methods gave Ryun a few ideas on how to use [Shinsoo] in her own ways, making her even more deadly than she already is.

On the side note, Ryun had to wear that mask that covers half her face same as the canon. Just to hide the fact that her right eye is completely healed by me.

Not to mention Esdeath decide to help her out as well by giving her the experience of facing a deadly foe early on, to gain fighting experience that you won't be able to get unless you go somewhere dangerous and put your life on the line.

Well, Esdeath, and sometimes Yuri, would face Ryun until she almost died, which is where I come in and save her by using [Time Healing] as I discovered side effects of using [Rejection] for healing. As it would undo all the work put into the body, this includes the muscle memory. So yeah, only [Time Healing] while we train in the [Ark].

There was one thing we found out after I had sex with Ryun. We found out Ryun no longer able to use her [Guide]'s ability to see the future of anyone else but selected ones from this point on. And that happens to be herself, Esdeath and me. Mostly me than Esdeath.

Nonetheless, losing part of her power as a [Guide] wasn't that helpful in the long run anyway, but that didn't mean her power as a [Guide] become completely useless. In fact, it became specialize in a few targets while increasing how much she is able to see, even a branch of the futures.

That would only work with Esdeath, though, as for me, Ryun told me that every time she tried to use her [Guide] ability to look at me in the future. She would always feel something dark coming from me and would find herself covered by it.

Yeah, 80% of the time this happens and those rare moments of 20% are where she sees something that would happen a few days from now or at least a week. Further than that; well, it never happens for her and it's completely random, unlike with Esdeath, but only when it doesn't involve with me in it.

On the hindsight, we did discover that Ryun actually gained the ability to see her own future by a few seconds, which is very useful in combats as long she could make sure her body could react to the time frame a few seconds head without any lag.

One thing I learned about Ryun during this entire month; she seems nice and eager to help me with anything, even offering to release my sexual frustration, and that's where Esdeath put her foot down until after she taught Ryun a few lessons to do something right. Then, I would find Ryun always in my bed along with the other girls.

Really wish the bed was bigger, but oh well, beggars can't be a chooser. Anyway, all four of us have already planned out a way to get Baam to the FUG to train, similar to the canon, and making sure he doesn't die while we keep an eye on him.

Mostly with Ryun than the rest of us, but we would be nearby just in case after making a few more preparing ourselves with other parties in the background trying to use Baam for their greeds.

But, outside our little circle, she pretty much the same girl before I met her that day. Being a quiet person who says little and has a gloomy and ominous aura, even being quite manipulative as she learning under Esdeath to manipulate others.

Currently, out of the four of us, not including Repellista who is in the [Ark] and using her [Opera] to gain more information within the Tower since I can't do it at the time.

Only Ryun is taking the joint position test known as the Hide-and-Seek, where it became two different teams doing the joint position test. But, there are more early qualified, with them being my group besides Ryun, and Rak and Akryung didn't have to do the joint position test.

In my honest opinion, I feel like they did this is to stop us from destroying everyone instead of doing it as a team.

Much to my disappointment, [The End] is still stuck on level 1 and doesn't work with these people. Since I don't possess the innate ability to manipulate [Shinsoo] or even bother to make a contract with the [Guardian]. Yeah, all that's good and all, but I rather not make a contract with a being without going through all the details on the contract.

As of right now, all of us are watching the joint position test going and it's going the same way as canon. I guess there something stopping my group from interfering with this test somehow.

And so, Team A failed, Team B passed like it went on the Tower of God. The lives of the regulars of climbing the Tower will never be easy. You have to give up something to even get a step further to the top.

"Ho~! This is very interesting." Esdeath watches the live display of how it all ended, thanks to Repellista's [Lighthouse] showed us what's happening. Of course, I could just use [Archive] to hack into one of the [Lighthouse] or anything that monitors the testing area to watch.

"Aww, poor kid. He had to watch one of his so-called friends killing himself." Yuri let out a sigh, closing her eyes as she gives a moment of silence for Baam, who had to go through all these crazy events so far. "Hey, hubby. Do you think you could heal that girl? The one that Baam looking for."

Yuri looks at her future hubby, then notice he's typing something again, she really wanted to see what he always does on those invisible interfaces of his.

"I would, but I won't. It's better if I let things go the way it is for the time being. We're very close to the part where we could interfere with how we like soon, though." I replied to Yuri, who is currently lying on her stomach on the bed while Esdeath is sitting on a chair watching what's going on with one of the [Lighthouse]'s cubes Repellista lending to Esdeath for the time being.

"Still wondering what these whole restrictions you guys going on about, but I guess I'll follow you guys for now until you tell me. I'm in no hurry." Yuri tries to play it cool before she launches herself off the bed and jump into my lap. "TELL ME! TELL ME!" Yuri started whining at me like a child.

I'm starting to wonder how much different is this Yuri from the canon version or maybe she just closes this part of herself off from the world. But then, I started remembering about one part, where she wanted to smash through a screen in order to get to Baam, who was being displayed on said screen. I'm thinking there wasn't much difference between the two.

"How about we spar instead?" I offer Yuri something else than reveal the facts about the whole multiverse thing and other stuff that would make others think I'm crazy or they become crazy for a bit, maybe longer, once they're told about it.

"Sure!" Yuri is itching to spar with her future hubby again, after all, she improves a lot faster when facing him than enemies in the Upper Floors by doing simple and less costly attacks to the maximum output of damage.

At least, she is gaining something facing Ragna, but with Esdeath she ends up losing no matter how many different ways to counter Esdeath and still end up losing. The reason for this? Pure bullshit. Yuri calls bullshit on so many levels with Esdeath, who could literally freeze space and time, even in a highly concentrated [Shinsoo] area.

The next day*

Year 5: Day 114: Bad or Good News?

(Tower: 2nd Floor: Evankhell's Mothership)

"Mic test! Mic test! One two three! Good morning, regulars! This is Lero-Ro!" I crack my neck the moment the [Ranker] starts announcing something first thing in the morning after I just took a bath with the girls.

"Did you all have breakfast? I know yesterday's test was exhausting, but don't just stay in bed and eat your meals. For your information, all the food is free now that the tests are over. For those of you who didn't eat much to conserve points, please help yourselves! Though, to be honest, the food here isn't very good." Lero-Ro tries to joke around with us near the end.

"He isn't wrong." Yuri said to everyone as she wipes her wet hair with a towel while ignoring the fact that she completely naked right now. "The food here isn't that great. I tasted better."

"Now, the main topic. All regulars please come to the auditorium by 6 to hear who is qualified for the final test! Alright, that's it! Bye!" Lero-Ro finished telling everyone what we're going to do now that the month joint position test is over now.

"Better to have something to eat than nothing." Ryun said to Yuri, who complained about the quality of the food this place is serving for all the regulars to eat.

"I would believe you if you didn't drool every time you eat one of Esdeath's cooked meals. I saw the way your face looked like the first time you tasted it." Yuri smirk at Ryun, who glare at Yuri for her comment and blush at how silly she was acting the moment she ate something that tastes out of this world.

"Thanks for the compliment, but I got nothing on Ragna. He can do better." Esdeath said to Yuri and Ryun, as she places her hat on her head and finishes putting on all her clothes.

Both Yuri and Ryun look at me with a surprised look on their faces like they didn't think I would be someone who cooks and more of someone that would make poison food instead. And they're not completely wrong since I tend to make anything poison related to use for future assassinations.

"I just follow the recipes and it takes a long time to cook. Trust me, it's better if Esdeath cook while I only do it once in a while since not everyone can wait that long." I try to persuade the others to eat Esdeath's cooked meals instead of mine when really, I use the [Gate of Babylon] to cook for me. Who knew that after throwing so many books inside the [Gate of Babylon] that could be used as a [Skill Book] and discover the [Gate of Babylon] ate them all.

So, after getting as much food ingredients I could get my hands on after finding how good the food the [Gate of Babylon] make. I spend most of my free time outside of training myself and leveling up my skills. I would be buying every food ingredient I could get.

It doesn't matter how bad the quality of the ingredients is thanks to the [Gate of Babylon]'s 1st Effect: Everything inside the [Inventory] will start recovery back to its peak condition [Passive Effect: (level)% per hour | Active Effect: 100 MP = 1%].

This included raw materials, even the tools too. Now, I find myself so happy about getting [Gate of Babylon] early on now. Because of this skill, I can technically cook for myself whenever Esdeath doesn't feel like to cook at the time. And the [Gate of Babylon] is known to contain treasure; well, the skill cooked meals that worth being call treasure. So yeah, eating like a King.

"Now, I'm curious about how good your food tastes like." Yuri said to me, of course, she not someone who would eat everything like a pig. Nope, she just loves the taste and quality of the food only. Call her spoil, picky, whatever, she has some standards and eating is one of them.

"Same, mind making something for us now, my god?" Ryun held my right hand with both her hands as she stares at me with sad eyes, without her right eye mask on.

Before I could say anything, Esdeath uses her limited access of [Inventory] to take out a plate with two plain bacon cheese sandwiches.

"Here girls, try this. And you will know how good his food is, even if it's just something simple." Esdeath said to both Yuri and Ryun, trying to bribe these two girls even more to stop any thoughts of any doubts about wanting to stay in this universe instead of tagging along with her and her husband.

Both Yuri and Ryun look at the plain sandwiches a little skeptic at first and decide to just take a bite and see how it taste.

10 seconds later, and both sandwiches are gone, eaten by both Yuri and Ryun like they were starving for days. Then, blush a little before wiping their mouths before looking at me with a serious expression on their faces.

"Forget about waiting to get marry. We're going to do it now." Yuri would be stupid if she waits any longer and ends up missing her chance. Not to mention the amazing sex she's getting. Never knew sex could be amazing with a male and a female. And now the foods? Yeah, if the only thing that could stop her is the marriage part, then she wants to get it over with.

"Let me marry you as well, my god. I know I'm a lowly person compare to your status. But, if you can grant me this wish of mine. I would be forever happy." Ryun follows Yuri's example and knew just eating that sandwich alone convince her to be her god even stronger than ever.

If Yuri and Ryun were to turn around to look at Esdeath, they would have seen how Esdeath is acting like she won something and she kind of did, somewhat.

Before I could say something to these two, I was interrupted again as the door was knocked by someone outside. This was enough to cause Yuri to run back into the bathroom to change with Ryun and Esdeath fine already. As they already put on their clothes.

"Excuse me, Mr. Ragna? I need to speak with you." All of us heard Baam from the other side of the door. Which made me wonder what is this all about.

Esdeath walks over to open the door, causing Baam to look a little surprised there are others in this room beside me.

"Ho~? What's this? Do you need something, kid?" Esdeath asks Baam in front of her while noticing there are two other next to him, one that could be a relative of her if she was born in this universe. "Whose kid is that?" Esdeath point at Rak in his smaller form.

Koon snort before laughing like a madman and the fun size Rak started yelling at Koon with the word: Turtle mostly in them.

"Anyway, why do three want to meet up with, Ragna?" Esdeath wanted to know why they looking for her husband in the first place. And it better be good, because she was trying to persuade (brainwash) the girls from ever thinking about leaving.

"Uh, we wished for Ragna, and you girls too, to make an alliance with us to help do the test with Rachel. Since she can't walk anymore. And I wish for everyone to help each other out to pass the next test, to rise to the next Floor." Baam explains his reasons, with Koon giving some of his inputs to help out, as they try to recruit us to help him and a team he's gathering go help Rachel pass the next test we're about to do.

"Sure, why not. I'm game. Not like we're losing anything from it." I said to Baam and his little group, ignoring the way Esdeath narrowing her eyes at me, but keep her mouth shut and wonder why I wanted to help someone out when clearly, they have it cover and don't really need my help in the first place.

Sure, Esdeath watched more than once her husband helps others, curse his good heart again, but he wouldn't go out of his way to help them the moment he saw them. Since he can find out how and why he should help them, not completely out of his good heart, much to her relief, but to see something interesting happen afterward.

"Really?!" Baam looks excited, because these people, besides the one that tried to crack his head open, are super strong and from what he was told. The three people, Ragna, Esdeath, and Ha are so strong they passed their training before the first week was over and was excused to do self-study.

"What's in for us, though?" Esdeath quickly gets back into the conversation before her husband accepts this alliance without anything in return. So what you want, but she never does anything for free. Look at Lenalee, she may haven't stuck with her, but all those times she wanted to get some information.

Lenalee was there for her and offer any resources, be it information, even equipment to help her out. Esdeath still got something out in return for teaching Lenalee for over a month. And she continues to help Lenalee out in the shadow while making sure those from the Black Order wouldn't dare do anything to Lenalee until it was time for her to leave that universe.

And that's by taking something from the Earl and the Noah Family, that would take a long time to recreate. The [Ark].

"I would like to turn in that favor I asked you before the position training courses started." Koon cut in before Baam trying to offer something too bizarre or something silly and decide this is his cue to speak with someone that isn't just a muscle head.

"Ho~? Alright then, but you know the cost of gaining a favor from me and my husband." Esdeath like this kid, Koon, and wish she had someone like him back in her universe. So many plans in her early career, wasted. Because of how stupid some people are. Now, if there were people like Koon, she would have conquered more place than ever. Oh, well, you can't have anything in life.

A few hours later*

Currently, all the regulars are in the auditorium, waiting for the results. Where we watch a few late regulars coming in before the [Rankers] came in.

Lero-Ro walks up to the stage and looks at everyone, "Good afternoon, regulars. This is Lero-Ro. Starting now, I'll announce the regulars who passed the final position test."

With that said, all the light went off before a big screen appears behind Lero-Ro that show the successful applicants on the final position test.

One of the regulars slam on the table and stand up, "What! What's this! WHY AM I OUT?! OUR TEAM BEAT THE TEST! HOW COME I'M NOT IN THERE!"

"Ugh, I wish all these shoutings would be done by now." Yuri mumbles to herself, wondering if there was a way to shut these people up without getting in trouble.

Now, everyone is watching one of the regulars protects about the result and is badly beaten to unconsciousness by Yu Han Sung; well, more like Koon made it worse for that regular. As Koon too, has a problem with the results and requested for Rachel to join the rest.

It's pretty much the same as canon. Koon asked to be tested by the [Guardian] itself, yet was blocked by a rule mention by Yu Han Sung. Telling Koon that this is impossible since only irregulars can participate in those tests.

Baam, foolishly, immediately says that he is an irregular, playing into Yu Han Sun's hands.

Both Esdeath and I had to stop Yuri from jumping out of her seat to give Yu Han Sung a beating for tricking her friend.

Yeah, over the month, Yuri became fast friend with Baam and made sure that Baam doesn't reveal about her true name and appearance. As she under disguise to help him out, much to his happiness at this. But, was confused at first about why she is doing this for him.

All he got a response from Yuri is that she is doing this to see how far he can climb up the Tower with just a bit of help from her. But, he did get scolded by her for losing her [Black March] so easily if it wasn't for her being there to take it back before someone else does.

After a few minutes, Yu Han Sung and the other [Rankers] left the room, after Yu Hang Sung informing everyone that if we help Baam, it will be a stigma they will carry for the rest of their lives. Then, took Baam to meet with the [Guardian] to take the test.

Now, we're sitting in a circle on the platform instead of the seats around us. As everyone is having mixed feeling of finding out Baam's identity as an irregular.

"I thought there was something odd about Baam. But, I never expected he was an irregular." Koon said in a depressed voice, causing others to look around each other.

A little girl, with a short blonde haircut and yellow eyes, who happen to be Sunwoo Nare from what I got from the scan, spoke up in a confused voice, ", what's an irregular? Why everyone so serious?"

Ship was the one to answer the question, "An irregular, is not chosen like us, they open the door by themselves without being chosen."

Yuri smirk at this, seeing how there are more irregulars among us, but kept silence and listen to everyone how it goes.

As Ship continues to inform Nare about what is an irregular is, then Nare end up getting worried from the way Yu Han Sung informed them of a warning before leaving with the other [Rankers].

Once it got to the point of everyone being against Koon for abandoning Baam by making an excuse that his family would kick him out. Then, others started getting mad at him.

Even Yuri would have acted like the others if she didn't know what's going on. Then, in a matter of seconds, everyone begins to leave the room to take the test with Baam until it just my group and Koon.

"Well, I guess it's time for us to do our job." I said to Koon, as I give the kid a nod before start walking off to join the other regulars to take the test with Baam.

"Don't worry, we'll watch over the kid until he reaches the 20th Floor. Then, it's your turn to reunite with the kid." Yuri said to Koon, who nodded in response. Then, Yuri walks off as well.

Yuri and Ryun are finally notified about the reason why both Esdeath and I kept an eye on Baam for, and why we need to, where we reveal the conditions of how to leave the Tower. One that could take us a minimum of 5 years to do if we go with the route of canon or 500 years to reach the top. After Baam and his team came by our room.

I decided now is the right time to inform them since we're very close to the part where it doesn't matter what we do and just need to get Baam to the 20th Floor. Either as the normal way for other regulars or a faster way to climb.

Of course, both Yuri and Ryun won't believe this at first until I mention a few key factors and not to mention how I know about something about the Tower that not many people would know.

So, the girls decide to accept the harsh truths and see how it plays out later in the future. Not that these two would care in the first place. Where one mostly does whatever she wanted while the other got used to knowing more things than other people thanks to being a [Guide].

Both Yuri and Ryun knew which one Esdeath and I picked as neither of us wants to stay in this universe longer than a few years. After all, there no reason for us want to stay here when we got all we needed from this Tower, even when it wasn't even our aim. As we got all the designs of within this Tower.

Now, we just have to be ready for the last test in 4 months from now. Which I didn't think there would be an exact day from the canon after going through my memory bank via [Archive] to check at the time it takes place. But, at least, I know now.