Chapter 30: Info

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 30: Info

Year 12: Day 240: I Did Not See This Coming Part 2

(Wild's Highschool: Battle Ring)

[Renewal Taekwondo: Front Kick], an upward kick with a lot of power behind it and its capabilities are enough to defeat six opponents at the same time.

However, the [Front Kick] was done by a peak human that mastered the [Renewal Taekwondo] in the God of High School.

So, with my physical stats. Defeating six opponents is plain easy for me, let alone a single opponent before me.

And so, I already send Lee Na flying, but made sure to control my strength and speed without dealing too much damage to my opponent.

After all, my stats are already beyond what an average Deity could possess, and I know, I checked before leaving Danmachi Universe. Well, different universe means different powerful beings.

Either way, I dig deep into the Gods and Goddesses in Danmachi to find their real stats and they're only in the 10k range in certain stats.

In a way, I made sure to hold back enough not to kill Lee Na, but enough to show her that I mean business. As I only used the air pressure alone to send her flying off the ring.

"Hey, ref. Call the match, it's over." I said to the referee, who happens to be another Wild's Guard, that act as a referee and also a staff member of the Wild's Highschool.

The referee was too shocked to hear me and stare at the unconscious form of Lee Na, who is known as a very powerful fighter among them.

I was about to say something when Lee Na let out a groan and slowly getting up, barely able to stop herself from falling back to the ground.

I blink at Lee Na, for actually getting back up and was only a few seconds unconscious after getting hit by a [Renewal Taekwondo: Front Kick], even if I just use the air pressure alone to attack.

"You should stop before you do any more damage to yourself." I kindly warn Lee Na from continuing this 'fight' and give up already before she ends up with a worse injury.

"T-This is nothing." Lee Na growls out, but more of a harsh whisper of pain, for both herself and at me.

"Well, okay then, but isn't this my win? I'm not the one out of the ring." I made sure to mention that Lee Na is outside the ring, where Lee Na and the referee remind me the rules, and one of them is that one of us is out of the ring, then the one still inside the ring is the victor.

"I'm sorry, Lee Na. But, Ragna Mercer is right. So, as the referee of this match. I announce that Ragna Mercer is the winner." The referee shout, causing some of the hidden students, all of them are girls, watched this whole thing from the background, let out a gasp of surprise and shock, causing the two Wild's Guards and me to look in their direction.

This made all the female students run away before getting caught. Too bad that was caught by the other Wild's Guards a few minutes later.

"So, any students or any staffs want to join my Dojo?" I ask the Wild's Guards. Not bother the way some of the girls are looking at me.

"One quick question before we agree." Lee Na was the one that spoke out for the rest of them.

"Sure, go ahead." I replied, really wanted to gain three students quick, so my family could come down from the [Ark] without having to use the [Bypass Restrictions] to forcibly finish the [4th Quest] and be kind of a waste.

"What kind of Martial Arts are going to teach to your future students?" Lee Na asks the person that easily took her out like nothing, curious about what type of Martial Arts that bring out such speed and power, that's beyond what the human body could do.

"I'm the master of the [Renewal Taekwondo] and the [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon]. The latter, I will only train to the one I deem fit to learn it. While the former, I won't teach just yet and have to have those that learning from me to go through training methods to develop the body to be able to use it without hurting oneself from using the [Renewal Taekwondo]." I explained to Lee Na and anyone else that's listening at the moment.

"What is the condition to learn under you?" The former referee asked me, wondering what the requirements that the students of the Wild's Highschool and maybe graduate students as well could attend the training.

"Just a few. One of them that I will only recruit those that attend or have attended and graduate the Wild's Highschool. Also, they must be above the average. Because for those that just average or below would mostly end badly injured to the point of having to give up their career as a fighter due to overwhelming themselves that cripple them from pushing themselves beyond what they could do." I replied and explain a few things that my future students must do in order to be an official student of mine.

"I know I shouldn't be asking you this, but you may demonstrate a move of this [Renewal Taekwondo] to us?" Lee Na wanted to see the type of Martial Arts that defeated in a single move.

"Sure." I made a hand gesture for those to move away from the ring before I demonstrate.

Once I see that everyone is out of the way. I use the [Renewal Taekwondo: Dragon Sign Hwechook]. Which pretty much destroyed the entire ring, along with the ground, replacing it with a large crater.

All done in a few seconds and made sure to hold back enough not to destroy the entire place. Which is technically small for me as I tried the same [Dragon Sign Hwechook] back in the Katekyo Hitman Reborn Universe.

Let just say, people, are still wondering how in the world, there is a giant hole in the middle of the North Pole.

"So, think anyone wants to learn from me?" I ask the Wild's Guards, along with the others that are secretly watching this whole time with disbelief on their faces.

"Also, sorry about the whole creating a crater. I tried my best to hold back enough not to cause too much damage." I lied through my teeth as I could have held back even more and not damage anything at all and just create a whirlwind instead as a flashy display of the [Renewal Taekwondo] without causing any damage.

"If that's what you call holding back. Then, I should consider myself lucky enough not to get killed by accident." Lee Na is the first one to spoke out while the rest are still out of it.

"Yeah, you really should." I said in a laid-back tone, not caring how much damage I have done to the area and the mental impact on everyone that saw what just happen with their own eyes.

I got the feeling I may have pissed off not just Lee Na, but everyone else nearby for mocking their idol/co-worker. I think? Hard to tell sometimes when I don't use the [Sha Naqba Imuru] to get a full read on everyone.

"Anyway, you got anyone wants to learn from me?" I repeated my question once, and this time some of the students and staff members remember why I'm here in the first place, causing almost everyone to whisper to another about the idea of learning from me.

Lee Na slowly walks towards me until she just a few feet away from me, staring directly me in the eyes with her own cold eyes. As everyone went silent, to find out what Lee Na is about to say.

"Would it cost me anything to learn under you?" Lee Na's question caused everyone to speak to each other, but this time in a loud voice than a whisper level.

"Nope. You just have to pass my tests, to be accepted as my official students." I may want to get this [4th Quest] over with, but I will be damned if I chose weak students and Esdeath's influence may have finally affected me now.

"And the test is? Also, how many will we have to try and do you have a limited of how many newcomers taking the test?" Someone among the crowd shouted the questions among everyone's mind.

"You will just have to find out. And don't worry, I won't stop those that fail to reveal what's the test to others. Not that it will be the same all the time." I replied the person's questions, then look back at Lee Na.

"Anyway, remember that I have already set the condition for those that are even allowed to take the test, then, and then only for those that passed the test will be accepted under my teaching. I will be back here tomorrow. So, I hope you have the candidates to take the test." I said to Lee Na and the crowd, then disappear from the area, with just pure speed while making sure not to go above a certain speed that would affect the area.

A few minutes later*

(Unknown Mountain)

"This looks like a good place to use." I mumble to myself, as I glance at the mountain that I picked as the location for me to create my Dojo and living quarters for my family when some of us feel like living outside the [Ark].

Since we will be staying in this universe for years until the kids grow up.

Thinking about what kind of building I should pick to make, then decided to go with one that's similar to those in wuxia. But, not much on a grand scale as there not enough room and would be too eye-catching, causing unwanted people coming here.

Thank goodness I have the [Wisdom of The Sage] and [Elemental Sight], with [Heartforce] to increase the effects to do everything so easy and so little time.

Just to be on the safe side, I even use [Ninjutsu] to place an illusion over the mountain, so no one should be able to locate it without my permission.

Rubbing my chin, thinking about if I should add anything else to make it so others will know how dangerous it is to invade this place.

I snap my fingers at an idea I just got and create another [Sword Intent], by combining [Sword Intent] with [Haki].

[Weapon Technique Creation]:

Weapon Focus: Sword

1st Core: [Sword Intent]

2nd Core: [The End - Gamer Version]

Skill Target: [Haki]

1st Core + 2nd Core: [Haki] = [Volition Sword Intent]

I tilt my head when I feel kind of surprise that the [Volition Sword Intent] isn't like my other [Sword Intents] as they steady grow while I experience many things.

But, the [Volition Sword Intent] is literally an endless path and based on the survival of the fittest. And the ability to evolve without an end.

Ironically enough, I can feel like I can channel my other [Skills] with [Volition Sword Intent]. But, it requires me using both [Sword Qi] and [Mana] together.

This surprises me a little, as most of the [Sword Intents] use [Sword Qi] only and [Mana] as separate.

But, the [Volition Sword Intent] use both together at the same time, then I blink again when I notice the [Heartforce] is being infused with the [Volition Sword Intent] as well.

I slowly shake my head as I just realize, that thanks to creating the [Volition Sword Intent].

I literally just found the answer to the next stage for my [Sword Intent]. But, for now, I need to get back to work and come back to this later.

So, quickly, I use my new [Sword Intent] to cover the mountain, giving it the presence of a giant [Sword], where anyone would feel like they're being pointed by a [Sword]. Ready to strike them down if they dare push them further into the mountain without my permission.

Glancing around the place, then decided to return back to the [Ark], then come back here tomorrow in the morning after picking up the candidates.

A few hours ago*

-Wives, Children, and Repellista's POV-

(Ark's City)

Chifuyu blinks her little eyes and unconsciously cried out in awe.

"Yeah, that happens all the time, little Chifuyu. Your Daddy needs to do a task or two, maybe more to allow the rest of us to exit the [Ark] and enter the new universe. As some restrictions have placed on us from leaving here unless your Daddy finished those tasks." Yuri said to her Daughter, who looked shocked at how Ragna just disappeared before their eyes.

"How long do you think it will take for hubby to finish this time?" Alice asks her fellow sisters.

Before anyone could say anything, all the wives of Ragna D. Mercer got a message from their husband. Along with Repellista, who is with them for a change via from her own [Lighthouse].

"Well, better tell our husband what kind of world we're in now. Since unlike him, we gain all the basic knowledge." Raven started explaining to her husband about what kind of world he is in at the moment. Along with a bit of information on the [Fate Soul], which is new.

As by [Fate Soul], Raven easily replaces that term with the main character and explained how the [Fate Soul] does things in this world. And seeing how her husband replaced the [Fate Soul].

This may make thing difficult, but still doable with their strengths.

"And done, I just finished explaining to Ragna about the world and what kind of position he should aim for. Unless you girls got other ideas for him to pick?" Raven look at her sisters, where all of them haven't even get the chance to say anything to Ragna.

"Aren't you a warrior? How in the world did you beat me in typing speed?" Repellista asks in disbelief, as she would be the one that out type others.

"Raven would always do things fast and get it done with, so she can do what she wants in her free time. Most of the time she would sleep." Alice was the one that answered Repellista's question.

"A good thing to do, when you're in a position that takes lots of time and effort to do with little rest." Esdeath nods her head in agreement, as before she became a General. She was still a low ranked soldier and had to deal with lots of things, even if it in little time in her career as a soldier.

Nonetheless, Esdeath rather not go back to those boring time if she was given a similar position. She will reject it right away.

"Now, that's done. What should we do now while waiting for Ragna to finish the task?" Raven ask everyone, seeing how none of them got anything else to do besides maybe training in their own [Skills] and spar each other to see any flaws to work on.

"Play with the kids?" Repellista offers something to do for the time being.

"Do you mean really play with them or do you play them while we're actually training them in a safe manner?" Ryun looks at Repellista while hugging little Erza, who is hugging her [Pillow Sword] like the other two.

"I say the former than the latter for now. We don't know when Ragna will send us a message out of nowhere while we're focused on the kids." Raven rejected the idea of all of them are training the kids while there is a chance of Ragna messaging them in an important part of the training and end up with an accident.

"Or we can start teaching our kids what to be expected if they wish to really become the next leader of our own families." Esdeath gives her own offer of what we can do.

"Also, we may want to teach them about what needs to be done if there is a time where one of them started a conflict with another." Esdeath made sure to point this out, as this happened many times in the past before she met the love of her life.

"Do you want us to do together or separate?" Ryun ask Esdeath, seeing how some of the things they may teach to their Daughters are not meant to be shared so openly.

"I don't care either way for me. My family isn't that big on secret besides certain things. Which isn't many, but I'm willing to teach them in exchange for the same equal value of [Secret Techniques]." Esdeath replied as she rubs her cheek with her baby's cheek.

"How about we tried separately first, then together on another day?" Yuri offers everyone we could both options, just not on the same day.

"Why not?" Esdeath didn't mind, then head out for a different building to be used for her little teaching to her baby girl.

With the others doing the same, with only leaving behind Alice, Raven, and Repellista behind.

"I'm going to take a nap. Call me when Ragna comes back or something interesting happens." Raven let out a yawn before going to her personal house, that she had her husband made for her and it just mostly a giant room, filled with large comfy pillows and a giant bed.

"I think I'll do the same." Alice follows Raven to the house of resting.

Leaving Repellsita behind alone.

Repellista blinks her eyes, then look around the empty room with just her alone.

"I wonder if I could hack into the network in this universe." Repellista skips to her [Lighthouse] to do exactly what she just said.

-Kaori's POV-

"First thing, first. I will give you a small summary of what our Clan is about. Hmm. Maybe I should write this down since you may not remember everything." My Mother said to me before she starts looking for something to write on, then to my shock.

Mother reaches into space and her hand disappeared, then reappeared with a small journal, along with a writing tool that looks like a fountain pen.

'Okay, maybe my own Mother possesses other kinds of [Magic] beside [Ice Magic].' I thought to myself. Since I literally just saw my own Mother rip in space to reach to grab whatever the journal came from and that high-level [Space Magic].

Mother coughs a little, then started writing down a few things before she looks back at me.

"Now, where was I? Right!" Mother snaps her fingers, "The Partas Clan is known for being a great Hunter. Our motto is the strong survive and the weak deserve to die. But, I guess I can change that motto somewhat later on. Seeing how we're literally the last two members of the Partas Clan."

"Either way. We're known for being a great Hunter. Specialized in killing Danger Beasts. I will tell you about them later if we ever go back to my universe. We're always in a constant struggle for survival, threatened by both the harsh weather conditions and the Danger Beasts we hunted. But, sadly, the rest of our clan members were killed off, leaving me behind as the sole survivor." Mother started explaining to me about our clan and its destruction.

Then, Mother started explaining the [Basic Skills] I will have to learn when I reach at the age to learn.

-Chifuyu's POV-

"Okay, the first thing you need to learn about the Ha Family. We have the best body strengthening abilities. Meaning, we have powerful physical abilities and a sturdy body. However, this doesn't mean we're weak in a long-distance fight. We got that covered. But, I can't teach you those until you earn the right to become the true Heiress of the Ha Family. Otherwise, I can only teach you the basics." Mother started giving a summary of what so special about our family.

And I must say, I think by the time I reach my prime. I would be stronger than my previous life's body.

-Erza's POV-

"Now, listen carefully my little gift." Mom held me in her arms as she looks down at me with a smile. "Our race is called the [Red Witch] and all of us will always have our hair and eyes' color being red or some shade of red."

I blink my eyes and wonder if this is why I was born from this lady, which is my new Mom unlike with my other half-sisters.

And I find myself happy to continue to have my scarlet hair. Something to remind me of my past.

"Now, you must know that the [Red Witch] also has a royal family. And we happen to belong to the [Red Witch Royal Family]. Making you a princess, my little gift. Since technically I'm the Queen of the [Red Witch]." Mom gives me a small kiss on my forehead, causing me to close my eyes for a second.

"You must know that all members of the [Red Witch Royal Family] will have special abilities related to sight. Meaning, that one could even see the future, either a long-distance one that could be changed at any time or short-distance, which is just a couple of seconds. Great for fast battles." Mom paused for a moment as she remembered about something in the past.

"Nonetheless, there are few that have a rare moment, that could change their special abilities to a different effect. So be warned, my little gift. You'll gain a special sight ability and it may not be the same in the future, but that just a small chance." Mom continues to explain before she stares off into space as she started humming a song I don't know, but it calms me down.

'I do hope Mom doesn't stop in the middle of explaining something important too often in the future.' I thought to myself while enjoying my Mom's humming song.

A few hours later*

Back to the present*

-Ragna's POV-

Looking around the room and notice only Repellista is here, but she in her [Ligththouse] doing something.

I activate [Chain Combo Magic: Elemental Sight + Eagle Vision] to give me both the effects from both [Skills] and in perfect sync. And I found all my wives and kids instantly.

I blink in shock that the power of the [Chain Combo Magic] is so powerful and this was just the 1st and 2nd Effects used. While the 3rd Effect: [Chain Effect Creation Magic] hasn't even been used yet.

Much to amusement; I'm 'watching' my wives teaching our kids about their side of the family and what they do. Well, Esdeath and Yuri are while Ryun is humming a song to Erza, but I could see her writing down what she's going to teach Erza at the same time by control her [Aura] to manipulate the book and the pen, to hold the book in midair and the pen as well, where Ryun is using the pen to write down something without need to touch either of the two.

So, I waited until everyone finishes doing what they're doing while I start thinking up a good way to train my future students in the [Renewal Taekwondo]. Since I got the [Skill] at max level. I know the in and out of the [Renewal Taekwondo] and how to improve it further on the spot instead of waiting for the best moment to gain some sort of enlightenment to improve it.

The next day*

Year 12: Day 241: Training? Maybe

(Mercer's Dojo: Entrance)

After picking up the candidates from the Wild's Highschool, then we head to the mountain I picked for my Dojo on foot. Since I don't have any car or a bus to take all these girls to the mountain and renting one would be a waste of money and can just use this as an endurance training exercise.

Afterward, we took a break at the bottom of the mountain, where I'm a bit impressed these girls didn't drop to the ground dead tired. In fact, some of them are just casual speaking to each other like they just finished their warm and ready for the real training.

Then, I explained to everyone about how we're going to head up to the mountain, where the Dojo is. And the pre-test they just went, which was the girls to follow me to the mountain without complaining.

I know, bullshit, but I had to think of some kind of excuses to explain myself not renting a bus or something to take them to the mountain.

Anyway, after going up the mountain, again I'm shocked at how these girls not complaining about this. I expected a couple to complain about this.

"How everyone doing so far?!" I ask the girls following me, with some of the girls having a bit trouble running up the mountain.

"I'm good!"

"No problem here!"

"I can still go on!"

"Are we close?!"

Almost all the girls have replied, showing this is nothing to them and for those that stay silent. Well, they are the one that has a bit hard time running up the mountain without ending up falling and injuring themselves.

"We're almost there!" I shouted back, then pick up the pace, which in return, the girls increase their pace to catch up to me as we reached the stairway and heading up to the Dogo soon.

A few minutes later*

"Okay, everyone up to now has passed the first test." I gave these girls a nod in congratulation.

The girls didn't cheer at all, like I would expect from normal girls. Then again, these girls are from the Wild's Highschool, that became the top of the top.

"Now, for the second test, which will be done tomorrow. All of you can pick any buildings to stay temporarily, because some of you may not stay here tomorrow from failing the test, but if you pass. Then, those buildings you picked as your new home, will be yours until the end of the teaching or you're expelled from my Dojo." I explained to everyone.

"If you girls have any other questions. Then, stay here and wait for a few minutes while that don't. Can go search for which buildings to sleep in tonight." I finished and wait for a few minutes to see who leave and who stayed behind to ask questions.