Chapter 31: Changes For The Better

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 31: Changes For The Better

The next day*

Year 12: Day 242: I Need To Change

(Mercer's Dojo: Training Area)

Well, I honestly don't know how I should feel, but the [4th Quest] is complete today after having all the Wild's highschool students go through my tests. With today's tests being able to hunt down anything to eat on this mountain, without any help from the outside. Furthermore, this is a requirement for them to do while under my teaching.

All my students will always have to find a way to provide themselves of their own daily needs.

Of course, I made sure to hint that they only need to hunt for their food only during the test and afterward, they can just head down the mountain to get what they need from whoever they called to deliver to them.

I think I may have caused almost all my students to be happy upon hearing this from me.

Either way, I may have gotten overboard because I technically just took in the entire students, graduate or those that still in school as my students. Yikes.

Luckily, I have my wives with me now.

The looks on my students' faces upon finding out I'm married, but to make things less difficult. The wives and I made it so that Esdeath is my wife since she the first one and the one with me the longest. Also, not to mention I made sure to mention how Esdeath's unstable mental state was another key factor why I wanted to make her the wife in public, much to the rest of my wives' frustration, but understand the reason why.

"Hey, teacher." I heard one of my students calling for me, breaking me out of my inner thoughts.

Looking at who calling for my attention and with a quick scan to find her name is Moon Young Lee. Almost causing me to twitch at the name, making the translation program seem to give me a weird name and so, it changes back to the original name, but wording it in the English instead of giving the complete original name.

"Does the [Renewal Taekwondo] include using one's fists or it's mainly kicks with just a few fist moves?" Moon Young Lee ask me, where there a few fellow students behind her wondering the same thing.

"It's mostly kicking, but I won't stop you from trying to modify the [Renewal Taekwondo] to suit your style. Just be warned that you should ask me before trying to, because the [Renewal Taekwondo] was done through countless researches to create it. And only those that master the [Renewal Taekwondo] to a degree that can modify most of the [Techniques] to a workable form until refining it to be somewhat decent." I didn't bother to restriction my students from trying to modify the [Renewal Taekwondo].

Since I've already done so many times now and have already started working on using the [Chain Combo Magic] to merge [Renewal Taekwondo] with other of my [Skills] to bring its power even higher. Mostly aiming merging [Sword Intent] with all my [Skills].

"Do you mind showing us a [Fist Technique] or something for us to see?" Moon Young Lee ask me, as she tries her best to look relaxed and not nervous at all. Seeing how Esdeath is looking in her direction with cold eyes, that send a chill down her body.

"Sure." I walk over to the side, where no building is in front of me, then check the surrounding with [Elemental Sight] just to be on the safe side.

I throw a [Renewal Taekwondo: Mach Punch] in front of me and a tree falls down a few feet away from me.

Moon Young Lee and her friends look at me, with disbelief on their faces like what I have done shouldn't be possible.

"The [Renewal Taekwondo: Mach Punch] is a punch delivered so fast it sends air pressure to attack the enemy." I explained to everyone that listening about what I just did and how it performs. I even mention how strong my body is already and can use the [Mach Punch] multiple times without tiring out.

"Also, there another one [Fist Technique] that's pretty slow, but have lots of power behind it. In fact, you could even use the training you went through in order to learn the [Renewal Taekwondo] to strengthen your own fighting style you have been using up to now." I made sure to include this, even though I'm trying to teach someone the [Renewal Taekwondo] doesn't mean I would stop them from using their previous fighting style over mine.

"Anyway, since everyone here has become my students. I think I'll start everyone with training before teaching you any moves above the basics."

And so, I started running all my students through the training methods came with the [Renewal Taekwondo] for those that don't have the Gamer ability to help them use the [Renewal Taekwondo] like they have already finished the basic training to use it.

A few hours later*

"Alright. Our schedule for training will be 7 in the morning to 7 at night, with breaks in between. Pretty much 12 hours of training. Maybe less for those that can't keep up, but I won't feel disappointed at all. Not everyone will show any result at the beginning." I explain to all my students how much training they have to do daily, much to some of the few disappointment upon finding out that this training will take up the entire day.

"Oh right, for those that are still going to school. You only need to come whenever you're done with school and come back here. Also, I'm forbidding everyone from using any transportations to come here. Got to keep that endurance training even when you're not here. But, if you have some kind important businesses need to be taken care of. Let me know and I will allow you to leave." I started explaining the rules what my students need to know while under my teaching.

One: For those that are still in school. Can't stay here at the Dojo during school days. But, on the weekend they can if they want.

Two: Those that are still in school must come to the mountain on foot, but if they were coming somewhere else other than school at the time. They can use transportation.

Three: All students must come to the Dojo every single day unless something important they must skip that day, then they can tell me it personally.

Four: For those that are no longer attending school as a student, may stay at the Dojo without paying anything. As they need to take their own daily needs by themselves.

Five: Same as four, but needs permission if they want to leave the mountain for some unknown reasons.

Six: Everyone isn't allowed to bring a family, friends, or anyone to the Dojo without permission.

Seven: All students may request personal training once a year and schedule it with me. If the year is full, then the next year they can get twice the personal training in that year, but can't abuse this by waiting a couple of years to stack them up. After the third year of waiting, it resets to once per year.

Eight: All students are allowed to leave the mountain for the holidays if they wish, to spend time with their loved ones.

Nine: All students are allowed to ask my wives for any training, only if my wives decided if they wish to, if not, then nothing can be done.

After revealing all nine rules. I let all my students rest while I spend some time with wives and Daughters.

"Teacher. May I ask you something?" Another student of mine walks up to me before I could even take a few steps.

Another quick check and I just found another [Fate Souls], where Moon Young Lee is one of them and this just happen to be another one.

Ingui Yoon, also known as Queen, and the current champion of Wilds League and a love interest to the main character if I didn't replace the guy.

"Yes?" I give Ingui Yoon my attention. Curious about what she wants from me.

"Is it possible I may have a spar with you, teacher?" Ingui Yoon looks at me with a blank expression, revealing nothing for me to see. Sadly, for Ingui Yoon. I have [Sha Naqba Imuru] to reveal what current emotions she feeling right now.

If I didn't have the [Sha Naqba Imuru]. I wouldn't have expected that the girl before me is feeling shy right now and worry that I would reject her request for a spar.

Furthermore, Ingui Yoon even feels embarrassed she asked this in public while there are other students nearby and a bit of excitement to face me.

"Hmm. Maybe later, but if you wish to see the [Renewal Taekwondo] in action, then I can do that." I may as well take this chance to face Esdeath again, but this time, neither Esdeath or I would use anything besides using our own body to fight without using any special abilities.

Ingui Yoon look excited at first, but look disappointed the next second after I finished speaking to her.

"Hey, Esdeath!" I call out to my wife, who was chatting with the other wives about something. "Wanna spar?!"

Esdeath blinks her eyes at me, then said something to Yuri before passing Kaori over to Yuri before heading toward me.

"So we're showing what the [Renewal Taekwondo] can do by showing them? I mean, sure, Lee Na over there didn't even last even a second. No offense." Esdeath looks at Lee Na, who frown, but knew it was the truth.

Yup, Lee Na is one of my countless students and easily passed the tests I set. Not that it wasn't hard for those that have supernatural abilities with a few physical abilities to help them out.

But, for these girls, who have this universe's laws on their side. The girls from Wild's highschool can be a bit closer to the supernatural levels. Physically that is.

"Alright. Everyone, please move away a bit." I head to the middle of the area to be where the spar would begin.

Once everyone moved away; Esdeath didn't bother to wait a second longer and rush at me with a powerful roundhouse kick, that even cause the wind to pick up from the sheer power of Esdeath's kick alone.

I dodge this with a [Renewal Taekwondo: Bo-Bup] and appear behind Esdeath, who reacted instantly with a left elbow thrust behind her without even looking, where I duck and attack Esdeath's back left knee with a [Renewal Taekwondo: Fist Strike].

Esdeath spin on her right leg, to move her body to the right side while at the same time swinging down a karate chop towards my head with her right hand.

I counter with a [Renewal Taekwondo: Arang]. An elbow smash, that also sends a shockwave toward the target.

Esdeath faced this moves many times that knew the right away to move away or block it with her ice, but seeing how this is meant to be without any special abilities. She gave up her counterattack and move away, to dodge the shockwave, which destroyed a nearby tree near the students, causing those near the destroyed tree to distance themselves further away, with the others following their example. Not wanting to get hit by the shockwave.

Honestly, with my physical stats. Esdeath isn't even a match for me in close combat without her Teigu helping. Furthermore, even if she uses a Sword to help her, it wouldn't do much for her if I just literally break it with pure raw strength.

But, both Esdeath and I knew that we needed to put up a show or else risk these students leaving, or worse, figuring out they belong to the supernatural world.

A few minutes later*

(Mercer's Dojo: Mercer Household)

As Esdeath and I continue to exchanges blows. Sometimes we even add a bit of extra strength to affect the surroundings before we end the sparring match at the 20-minute mark.

Afterward, I send all the students away because I figure out that I have been distracting myself too much with the Gamer's ability and almost lost my path in using the sword.

Even if I added in elemental into my sword style. I still feel like it's out of place for some reasons, even if I have those [Skills] at max level. In fact, thanks to these [Skills]. I didn't realize how much I look down on many people who don't have some sort of supernatural abilities.

So when it was almost night time. I lead my family to the main building for us to stay when not in the [Ark].

I explained to my wives that I'm going to pass over some of my [Skills] over to them with the help of [Bypass Restrictions].

"Are you sure about this, Ragna? I mean I don't mind having an extra power boost. But, wouldn't you become weaker at the result?" Raven look like she couldn't believe someone would willing to give up their source of powers to another, even if that person is family.

As the saying goes, even family will turn on each other depending on what causes their greed showing up.

"Yup. After having the Gamer's ability for years now. I expected to have my [Sword Skills] to be higher by now, but I find myself wondering if these [Skills] been holding me back of gaining the [Sword Dao] of my own. Also, I rather not get rid of them, and instead, pass it over someone that could use it better than me." I explained my reasons why I'm doing this, but I will keep some [Skills] as it helps me in fights and support my [Sword Skills].

"So let me list down the [Skills] I'm going to give up and you girls should pick which one to take. But, make sure it suits you and not get greedy." I said to my wives while ignoring how my Daughters should be able to understand what I'm saying.

A few hours later*

So far, the wives picked the one they wanted after talking to each other why they need it and some I have pointed out which one they should get, since it kind of suit them.

Esdeath: [Ice Devil Slayer Magic] and [The End - Gamer's Version]

Yuri: [Storm God Slayer Magic] and [Nabong Needle Ryu]

Ryun: [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] and [Lagena Signatoria]

Alice: [Fonic Hyms]

Raven: [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] and [Eagle Vision]

Honestly, I expected to give up more [Skills] until I realize the other [Skills] actual support my [Sword Skills] somewhat. While these don't really help that much but could be used to create a [Sword Intent] if I wanted to.

However, with the [Volition Sword Intent]. Those [Skills] are no longer needed. To make thing more interesting. Thanks to [Volition Sword Intent]. I can literally include any elements into it by just willing it.

Also, there are some [Skills] I can't even pass over without risking it killing one of my wives if they don't have the [Gamer's Mind] and [Gamer's Body] to protect them from the side-effects of having these [Skills].

After using the [Bypass Restrictions] to pass these [Skills] over to my wives. Also, make sure these [Skills] stay at level 100 and adapt to my wives without causing any problem for them for having something not natural for them to use.

I would even pass over a [Profession] as well if I didn't need it still.

On another note; who knew that Alice love singing? Because I may have skipped over it when I was just doing a quick scan over Alice's character sheet without going too much into it.

Either way, Alice even proved she could sing when Yuri questioned this, and boy, Alice sang like an angel; well, I think it's like an angel singing to me.

And I got myself one new [Skill] that I should have got in the first place.

[Moon Light Sword Style] - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100%

Description: This is a sword-based martial art that emphasizes using [Skills] and [Technqiues] according to the situation, using brute force when it is available or flexibility when called for.

1st Effect: Gain access to [Moon Light Sword Style's Skills and Techniques].

2nd Effect: Create your own moves.

3rd Effect: The user can use [Sword Skills/Techniques] unarmed.

4th Effect: Adapt enemies' attacks and find the solution to counter it.

5th Effect: Allows one to find the best combat solutions for any situations that could be solved with combat.

I really should have got the [Moon Light Sword Style] instead of [Renewal Taekwondo] first. If I were to guess why? I was too excited and lost focus on what I really need.

So, I gave up 9 [Skills] and gained another. Bringing me up to a total of 30 [Skills] if I don't include [Gamer's Mind], [Gamer's Body] and my other [Professions' Skills]. This kind of shock me to have these many [Skills].

But then again, this is good because I have the [Chain Combo Magic] that require many [Skills] to use the [Chain Combo Magic] to the fullest.

"So, anything wrong, I should be concerned about?" I ask my wives, as they test out their new [Skills] I transferred over to them.

"Well, the [Ice Devil Slayer Magic] won't even eat my own ice made from the [Demon's Extract]. Along with all the knowledge I gained from the level 100 [Ice Devil Slayer Magic]. I would have to say this give me more options in using ice beside using the concept of time freezing." Esdeath said to me, as she creates two ice blocks above her hands with her Teigu and [Ice Devil Slayer Magic]. One is the regular color of ice, almost glowing, and one that is the color of purple, but seems to absorb the light around it.

"For me, nothing much changes besides the [God Force] and [God Transformation]. Well, I could include the storm elements into my fighting style to increase the power." Yuri didn't seem that much bothered about having the [Storm God Slayer Magic].

"I will have to get back onto that with you, my god, on a later date. Rather burn this place down. And seeing how I zero experience in manipulating the element of fire, then it's worse if I were to try to manipulate the [Demonic Fire]." Ryun knew when to do something and when to stop or risk an awful result of her action.

"I would help you, but I don't have many memories belong to the [Skills] I just transferred over." I rub my head a little of the phantom pain when I transferred my [Skills] over my wives.

Who knew that upon losing those [Skills]. That includes my own memories on how to use them. So yeah, got a massive headache for a few seconds.

"Don't worry, my god, thanks to the memory you passed on to us. We can learn from your knowledge." Ryun gives me a kiss on the cheek, which made Esdeath's eye twitch, but stop herself from rushing over to give a kiss of her own.

"I'm happy to have something that like a [Semblance] related to sound and use it with my singing." Alice looks very happy she could use her hobby of singing to help out in battles from a distance.

"I, on the other hand, will have a bit harder compared to others. Because I will have to figure out how to use it along with my [Transformation Semblance]." Raven knew out of the others, she would only get half the help of the memory extracted from her husband and transfer the [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] over to her. Since her [Transformation Semblance] include having wings and she uses them in a fight as well. Otherwise, she would be the same as everyone else.

"Practice makes perfect?" I give Raven a helpless shrug. Since I all my [Transformation Skills] doesn't really give me an animal-related form. Even if I did, I've already given them to all my wives. So I lost them now unless I wanted to get them back by grabbing a different element [Slayer Magic].

"Oh, right, everyone should take some kind of method to control their negative emotions. And I mean that to the both of you two, Esdeath and Ryun. Unlike the other [Slayer Magic]. The [Devil Slayer Magic] would cause the users to be more in tune with their negative emotions." I made sure to warn them the side-effects of using the [Devil Slayer Magic].

If I didn't have [Gamer's Mind]; well, a working function of the [Gamer's Mind] with my screw up brain after overloading it with [Sword Qi] too many for me to count. I would have fallen into the side-effects of the [Devil Slayer Magic] years ago by now.

"Mkay." Esdeath didn't seem to be bothered about being more in tune with her negative emotions.

"Yes, my god." Ryun gives me a lovely smile and is willing to do as I said right away.

"Welp. If this just it. I'm going to head to bed." Raven didn't show it, but everyone could tell Raven is excited to have something as a trump card; well, she may have many that she could consider as a trump card, but the [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] is actually a trump card in her possession now.

A few minutes later*

I watch my wives head to bed, taking our Daughters with them to sleep; well, Esdeath and Ryun stayed behind to keep an eye on me in case I may do something stupid.

"So, what do you need to do tonight instead of heading off to bed with us?" Esdeath ask me, as she continues to play around with her [Ice Devil Slayer Magic] by creating multiple shapes made out of ice, then dismissing them afterward before recreating another one not a second after dismissing the previous one.

"Modifying my [Void Weapon]. Since I wasn't in the right mind, not I ever will be." I mumble the last part and pull out the [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword]. "Now, I just hope this work."

Modifying an already formed [Void Weapons] shouldn't be possible at all once they are formed. The only method was to merge other [Void Weapons] together to form a new [Void Weapon]. But, since I have it at max level and gained the 4th Effect, with the 3rd Effect being able to merge [Void Weapons] into a single [Void Weapon] temporarily, where the 4th Effect give me the ability to remodel an existing [Void Weapon].

Closing my eyes, then activate the [Power of The Void Kings]' 4th Effect.

20 minutes later*


The [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] has been modified.

[King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] - Rank: N/A - Durability: User's HP - ATK: User's STR + AGI + MAG / 3

Description: In a form of a longsword, which can be controlled with one's mind to attack from a distance without even holding the weapon and can levitate midair, giving it the ability to soar to the sky and attack anything within sight. Also, can even act on its own when the user is unable to defend themselves. Along with containing a [Sword Dao] within its deepest core.

1st Effect: [Intrinsic] - Will grow along with the user and will also become weaker if the user becomes weak as well. As a result, if the user's HP lower, then the weapon will lower its durability to match. This also applies to the attack stat of this weapon as well.

2nd Effect: [Flying Sword] - Allow the sword to move on its own without having to wield it physically.

3rd Effect: [Volition Sword Dao] - This is a weapon that contains its own [Sword Dao] while generating its own [Sword Qi] that match it. Furthermore, this weapon enters the [Dao of Volition and Sword]. Survival of the fittest, with the ability to continue to evolve and improve limitless with an end. Adding the user when needed.

Opening my eyes and stare at the [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] floating in front of me, releasing a small black mist surrounding it. I can even feel myself gaining insight on the [Sword Dao] if I were to study my [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword], but I feel something stopping me from forming my own [Sword Dao].

So my idea was to make my [Void Weapon] contain the [Sword Dao] for me. Plus, it still links to me. This way I have access to the [Sword Dao] without having to raise my [Sword Intent] to enter the [Sword Dao].

I look over to Esdeath and Ryun to let them know I'm finished when I notice Esdeath created a thick wall of ice in front of her, with the ice wall being mixed with her Teigu and [Ice Devil Slayer Magic].

Ryun even has her [Bone Loops] out in front of her, but was hiding behind Esdeath's ice wall as well, with the [Bone Loops] acting as an outer layer for the ice wall.

I open my mouth to say something when I notice something out of place.

Everything around me is covered in scratches, but looking a bit closer I found out everything that looks like it's covered in scratches is Sword marks!

Glancing back at my new [Void Weapon] that I just noticed that it's releasing invisible [Sword Qi] everywhere.

Putting it away, where I feel the [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] settling down once it returns back inside me. Like it finally found its home and can finally rest until it's time to be unsheathed for a battle.

Upon putting away the [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword]. The [Bone Loops] shrunk down and return to Ryun after the ice wall disappears on Esdeath's command.

"So, I'm guessing my [Void Weapon] attacked you two?" I ask both my wives, who look at me like they are torn in between laughing or crying.

"More like the presence of your changed [Void Weapon] was enough to affect everything around it. But, you, on the other hand, wasn't affected because you are linked to it and its master." Esdeath replied and sighing in relief once her husband's [Void Weapon] disappeared.

"Furthermore, I feel like some kind of monster was being locked away for who knows how long and finally saw the light for the first time and reacted crazy, wanting to break free, but the moment you, my god, open your eyes. The feeling disappears, but I could still feel the presence of the monster just calming down and waiting for its time to release its wrath onto the world." Ryun gives her own input on what she felt the moment the [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] was changed.

"I see." I nod my head if I were to guess. The [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] upon gaining the [Voltion Sword Dao], made it more than just a simple [Void Weapon] and formed its own ego, not a full ego, but start forming one.

"Well, I'm done. We can sleep now. We have a busy day tomorrow." I start blowing out the lit candles, which is the main use for the light source on this mountain. And I rather not get questions about how I got electrically running up in the mountain. So yeah, mostly candles as our light source, along with other things used.

Afterward, I would create a fire with [Fire Devil Slayer Magic], but since I gave it to Ryun. I couldn't use that method to create light. However, that didn't mean I don't have a way.

Well, I can just use [Wisdom of The Sage]'s [Creation] to make a small candle to light our pathway, then just will it away after done using it.

So for the rest of the night; there was no sex as Raven hasn't even got started in using the [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic], let alone stopping the sound from travel outside the bedroom's walls, and I would have done it with [Ninjutsu] or using [Heartforce], but shockingly, Esdeath requested tonight we just sleep.

Plus, the kids are with us and none of would like to leave the babies in another room during the night.

Of course, we could have got Repellista to watch over the kids, but I got the feeling she would stay up all night with the babies and by morning. The babies would be dead tired and would need to sleep badly afterward.

So for a long time; I get to sleep, not that I need it in the first place, and with my wives as well in the same bed, with clothes on.