Chapter 32: Progress, But Not Enough

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 32: Progress, But Not Enough

The next day*

Year 12: Day 243: There's Always A Downside To Everything

(Mercer's Dojo: Training Area)

After another good day of training; I spend most of my students to do their thing while I started using my [Sword Intent] more than just attack. I even manage to develop a similar effect of [Observation Haki] by using [Elemental Sight], [Heartforce Cultivation], and [Pumba: Parry Sword Intent], all three linked together with [Combo Chain Magic] to increase the effect of [Parry Sword Intent: Sword's Orbit] and [Parry Sword Domain: Sword's Orbit].

With the former using either a regular sword, which only lasts for a few seconds or using my [Void Weapon]. While the latter, [Parry Sword Domain: Sword's Orbit] is an area of effect that same as the previous version, but without having to wield my [Void Weapon] physically and relying solely on [Sword Qi] and affecting the surrounding.

[Sword's Orbit] is something I've already created based on the [Sword Barrier Form], that takes on 5 different [Sword Forms] belong to the [Basic Movements of Sword Skills].

I didn't even need to merge the other [Sword Intents] to recreate the [Sword Barrier Form] into a [Sword Barrier Intent/Domain]. Well, not yet anyway.

Anyway, with the [Parry Sword Domain] is like an upgraded version of [Observation Haki], because it has an offensive now. Because I can switch defensive/default to offensive and attack with [Sword's Orbit] as well, making it a great [Sword Technique] in my opinion.

Finally, I realized last night that without having my [Slayer Magic], mostly the [Fire Devil Slayer Magic]. I end up getting debuffs just by having a physical contract with Esdeath and Ryun. Both having the [Ice Devil Slayer Magic] and [Fire Devil Slayer Magic].

Who knew that those two [Slayer Magic] protected from getting affected by my wives' passive debuffs towards almost everything.

Well, maybe upon gaining the [Slayer Magic]. These passive debuffs appeared or gotten stronger.

I know for a fact, that none of my wives feel any different at all until last night. With those with [Slayer Magic] having a bit harder time controlling their newfound elements, that require more control than they thought while they're asleep. Since they never have it in their entire life; well, Esdeath already had a head start thanks to her Teigu.

So it only took Esdeath an entire night to get her [Ice Devil Slayer Magic] under control before everything return back to normal. While Ryun had to take a big long with Esdeath help.

Because of this, neither of the girls was allowed to touch our babies. Without risking hurting them, or worse, killing them the moment they touch the babies.

So out of everyone, for now, only Alice, Repellista and I could hold the babies.

Even if Esdeath got her [Ice Devil Slayer Magic] under control last night, but no one wanted to take any chance. If I didn't have the Gamer ability popping a notification about getting multiple debuffs by my wives unconsciously. Then, who knows what would happen to the babies when my wives hold them.

And this made me feel a bit stupid, that there wouldn't be too many downsides upon giving up those [Slayer Magic]. Because it looks like I need to increase my resistance stat.

Currently, I just finished training my students like yesterday. Honestly, I thought things would be more difficult as the time goes by, but it looks like I was wrong or it because the students I picked knew not to complain or something.

"Excuse me, teacher." Ingui Yoon walks up to me after making sure I wasn't talking to anyone after we finished together as a group.

This caused some of the students to stop from leaving and glance in Ingui Yoon and my direction, wondering if there may be another sparring match, either with Ingui Yoon this time or with my wife, Esdeath, again.

"I was wondering if I could spar with you. I know I may not be able to beat you, but I just wish to face someone strong." Ingui Yoon bows her head a little, to show she honestly wants to do this.

And with [Sha Naqba Imuru], she wasn't lying, I think? With what I could tell from her emotions.

I stare at Ingui Yoon with a blank expression before nodding my head. "Fine, but I'll handicap myself, to prevent myself from hurting you too badly."

With that said, I move to the same area where Esdeath and I fought each other yesterday and didn't take a fighting stance at all.

Instead, I take on a laid-back position, with my hands in my pockets and stare at Ingui Yoon with a bored expression, but with a hint of steel that caused Ingui Yoon from walking towards me to face me in a mock battle.

It's a good thing I found out early last night that my [Volition Sword Dao] contain inside the [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] affected all my [Sword Intents] and my own presence or else people other than my family would have been killed by my presence alone if I didn't use [Ninjutsu] and [Heartforce] to suppress it inside my [Heartworld].

However, I made my [Ninjutsu] and [Heartforce] to release just a brief of my [Sword Intent] for a split second, but that was enough for everyone to feel it. Even my wives look in my direction felt it at that brief moment.

Luckily, my [Sword Intent] didn't affect the surrounding and my students, beside making them feel the presence of my [Sword Intent] and that it. Nothing more.

"Come at me when you're ready." I said to my student, and crushing the urges to say an addition line from a familiar one-eyed silver hair masked ninja when he trained his team of three students. Even though the [Renewal Taekwondo] is a Martial Art meant for killing. Doesn't mean I'm going to force all my students to become killers, not that they not on their way already with being in the Wild's highschool.

That broke Ingui Yoon out of her current state of mind. Not wanting to feel that dangerous presence again, which she will never forget, and rush at her teacher with a strong roundhouse kick to the head, to test the water.

I did say I would handicap, but it looks Ingui Yoon didn't have the courage, which I highly doubt, or she was too excited that I accepted and too eager to start the spar without asking what kind of handicap I would place on myself.

'One: Limit to three strikes. Two: Don't move the right leg. Three: Reduce speed to match the opponent's.' I thought to myself as I quickly adjust the handicaps onto myself and started using [Chain Combo Magic: Pumba: Lockdown Prison + Renewal Taekwondo].

With just a single glance; I found all the weak points on Ingui Yoon's fighting style and gently use an index finger to push Ingui Yoon's kicking leg's foot a little higher, causing her to miss my head by just a hair length.

"Against someone that's faster than you, stronger than you, and better reflex than you. Then, it's better for you not to rush in like this." I started teaching Ingui Yoon about her weak points and very happy that I could finally teach, kind of, others in a different way than the way I did with my little sister. With my [Skills] being at level 100, giving me the experience and knowledge of how to teach others about them as a hidden-effect. I think.

Well, that's for the [Skills] that possible to teach to other like [Renewal Taekwondo] and [Pumba]. But, for [Magic] like [Fire Devil Slayer Magic]. Not possible for many reasons, but at least I gave it to my wife to use without the needs for them to go through any dangerous methods to gain it.

I continue to give out advice to Ingui Yoon on how to improve herself, and I must say she a natural born genius because Ingui Yoon already fixing all her flaws in a matter of minutes.

This made me feel the difference between a natural born genius and a hard-working one compared to a false one. And those that just hard working, but lack talent.

I've already used two of the three strikes on Ingui Yoon and she still able to face me.

In fact, Ingui Yoon almost forced me to move my right leg from its spot. But, with the second strike, to stop her from doing so.

The length of this fight has already passed 20 minutes, which is very long because if I recall correctly. Usually, the fights are less than 10 minutes, maybe less than 5 minutes for those fast pace fight; well, fast pace for normal people. Where that would be breaks after the 5 minutes or so before resuming. While Ingui Yoon didn't even take a single break up to now.

So seeing Ingui Yoon still continuing, who just sweating and breathing a bit faster, show that either Ingui Yoon has lots of stamina or my few days of training from the training methods I used from the [Renewal Taekwondo] increased those trained in it to have better stamina.

'I really need to stop thinking about my previous universe's logic.' I sweatdrop that even after all these years. I continue to use the logic of the people outside my family back in the home universe before gaining the Gamer's ability.

Just as Ingui Yoon was about to launch another attack, she drops to her hands and knees and started breathing very heavily.

'Okay, I guess I was wrong and Ingui Yoon just better at hiding being exhausted.' I wasn't really disappointed, but at least I could see that Ingui Yoon will be a great fighter under my teaching.

"Hey, teach. Does this count as Ingui Yoon's 1-year personal training?" One of the other students ask in Ingui Yoon's place, who look like she about to pass out soon, but had enough strength to look at me, wondering the same thing.

"Technically, yes, but at the same time no. Because anyone could ask to spar with me within a good time. Not to mention, I'm teaching you, girls, how to improve yourself as well because not everyone could follow the exact training methods I'm putting everyone going through. Everyone has a different body build. And before anyone request a spar with me. Wait until I'm not busy, then I will." I started explaining to everyone how this whole 1-year personal training goes.

Since I really didn't go too much into detail about it on the first day. So, to learn from my mistake of expecting the students coming to me to ask about it. I decided to explain to everyone how the rules deeper.

"Okay, gather around. I'm going to explain the rules once more, but more detailed and you can ask question after I finish explaining a rule. So after the explaining one rule, I will see if you, girls, want to ask any question before I explain the next rule." I said to everyone.

"The First Rule: For those that are still in school. Can't stay here at the Dojo during school days. But, on the weekend they can if they want." I repeated the first rule to refresh all my students' memories what it is. No idea if they needed it at all, but may as well.

"What I want to point out is the words: School Day. This means, that anyone can come here to stay, even if this means there is a school day tomorrow. You can go down the mountain in the morning, so the day before school day you may sleep here. And if there no school on that day for some reasons, again, you can come here to stay." I explained to everyone. "Now, does anyone have a question about this rule? Speak now."

One of my students raised her hand, where I point at her to speak, "What happens if someone drops out of school for a personal reason, can we still come here or would we lose out status as your student because we no longer a student of Wild's highschool?"

"Doesn't matter to me. As long you a student of Wild's highschool before and accepted by me, then you will keep your status as the student of the Mercer Dojo. However, be warned, you can be expelled from this Dojo if you have done something wrong or broken a rule without any reason." I answered the student's question. "Anyone else has a question?"

I waited for a few more seconds before continuing with the next rule.

"The Second Rule: Those that are still in school must come to the mountain on foot, but if they were coming somewhere else other than school at the time. They can use transportation." I can some already have a few questions to ask about this, but held themselves back because I haven't given them permission to speak just yet.

"This means that for those that still in school, and if they have a job that is, will have to continue going through school, because I won't be teaching students that only rely on raw strength and not have the brain to think for themselves, this includes planning everything around them. So you need to go to school to continue your education and because I want those in school to go up the mountain on foot is your warm up, since those that are already here and not in school will have already finished their warm-up and daily training while for those that are in school at the time didn't get the chance to do the same morning training as the rest." I explained this rule, "Any question?"

I look and was a bit surprised when those that I notice had some questions didn't make any move or a sound to voice their questions. Thinking about it for a moment and I guess I answered their unspoken questions already with my explanation for the second rule.

Deciding to continue since no one asking any question right now, "The Third Rule: All students must come to the Dojo every single day unless something important they must skip that day, then they can tell me it personally. And by this, I really don't need to explain that much about this reason since anyone should be able to understand it completely. Any question?"

A few students raise their hands, picking a random one.

"Teacher, what happens if there is something important happen out of nowhere and we're in the middle of training. Can we still leave?" The student I picked asked, this caused some of the others to lower their hands when they heard this question and must be something similar to the exact question they wanted to ask themselves.

"Calmly move away from the rest to get my notices, then I will speak with you while leaving the rest continue their training while under the watch of my wife. So we can speak privately about what's going on. But, be warn. If this isn't something important, then you'll be punished by having to do the training double amount compared to the rest." I replied with a cold tone near the end, causing almost everyone to shiver of how cold my voice went.

I started answering the other questions besides this one before resuming to the next rules.

The fourth rule wasn't much to explain and I just answered other's questions like if the people delivering their daily needs could come up to the mountain, which I rejected, but I wasn't too cold-hearted and force everyone to call everything up the mountain, no matter how good this is a training for them, but it's too early. Which I mention to them that this benefit is only for this year and the next, they will have to carry their things up the mountain as part of their extra training outside the original 12 hours daily training.

Onto the fifth rule; it wasn't much, but I explained a bit more is that those who wanted to leave the mountain for personal reasons. They must make up for those lost time in that 12 hours of training by doing them either early in the morning or after 7 PM, where the group training end. And have to be done under the watch of my wives, mostly Esdeath than the rest of my wives.

The sixth rule was meant to the students' personal lives from affecting their training. Of course, if there some kind of emergency that requires them to be at the Dojo. Then, they are allowed to, but will be taken full responsibility of that student. So if anything goes wrong because of the person they brought. They will face punishment.

For the seventh rule; I only needed to explain the duration of the personal training which is around 3 hours, because there would be a chance of something stopping the personal training and requesting to spar against me wasn't personal training because I'm going to spar with every single student once throughout the year to see everyone's progress.

The eighth rule wasn't really needed any explaining, but I responded that the holiday is when training is canceled. So none of the students will have any training on that holiday.

For the last rule; well, I explained how my wives, not really saying they my wives and just close friends as a cover, that have [Skills] that I don't have or won't teach at all. So they are free to ask for training from them, if my wives wish to do so, as this is just an added bonus for all my students to use.

Afterward, I left while not trying to notice Ingui Yoon staring at me when I walking away. Of course, some people noticed this, but I kept on walking away and not deal with this. I'll leave this to future Ragna.

A few minutes later*

(Mercer's Dojo: Mercer Household)

I glance at my [Heartworld] while studying my [Void Weapon] just floating around the [Heartworld].

So far, my study of the [Volition Sword Dao] helped me create new moves for the other [Sword Intents] or help me speed up on recreating ones without the needs to create one by force with [Pumba]. On the bright side, with the [Volition Sword Dao] being contained in the [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword].

I don't really have to worry about the restrictions placed on me preventing me from using a [Sword Dao], with the [Void Weapon] doing it for me. Not to mention, if I have the [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword]. The [Sword Qi] generated by my [Void Weapon] help me solve the problem of having to create more [Sword Qi] when I lose [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic]. By absorbing the [Sword Qi] from my [Void Weapon] within the [Heartworld].

However, this made me have to work on limiting using my other [Skills] that use [Mana]. Seeing how I lost all my [Slayer Magic]. I also lost the ability to instantly recover my MP right away by just eating the elements itself.

Which is fine for me, because I was getting too used to using [Skills] or [Magic] with near limitless [Mana] and would have caused me to take countless years to work on my [Sword Dao].

As I continue to study the [Volition Sword Dao]. I thought about how if I should use it to see the future or not, but decided not to, who knows what countless of Karma I would form just by seeing the future.

Shaking my head, then glance out the window to my left, where I'm currently sitting on a chair next to an open window, where I could get a good view of the buildings around the main building.

I could see some of my students sparring with each other or just relaxing around, speaking to another, and some continue on doing some training as a group.

After a few minutes of watching my students, I glance to my right where Alice is watching the babies while Esdeath is helping the others controlling their [Slayer Magic].

And I don't have to worry about them damaging the surrounding when I created a barrier made out of [Dark Matter] by using [Yami Yami no Mi], to devour the elements that stray away from my wives' controls.

Of course, doing this, I can't fully focus on studying the [Sword Dao] inside my [Void Weapon].

Nonetheless, I don't mind because this would help my wives, for those that wanted to hold our children with their own hands. As this is very important for my wives with [Slayer Magic]. Well, Raven not much, but she wanted to get this over with instead of later. To save herself from future problems is what Raven goes by the saying.

I look at what Esdeath trying to teach the others and from the look of it. Esdeath is going with the basics again; well, basics for them than what others would consider as basics, where my wives are forming random shapes out of their elements or something.

With Esdeath easily doing it and with Ryun coming in second while Yuri and Raven having a hard time doing so with their elements.

Can't really blame them, with Yuri having three elements fused version that take a long a time to get a hang on, but at least this would help her gain some sort of control over her [Storm God Slayer Magic]. And later on, trying to separate the [Storm God Slayer Magic] into the other three elements made out of it.

Raven, on the hand, would have done better if she was outside instead of inside. But, that would have increased the power of destruction if Raven were to lose control. So there are upside and downside depending on what training people go through.

Honestly, the knowledge and memories came with the [Slayer Magic] I transfer over to them would have helped them train their elements easily, but it looks like some of the training I used would be either not suited to them or too advanced for them to do just yet.

So for the time being, I just have to use my [Yami Yami no Mi] and [Dark Matter], which I found out has the concept of devour after figuring it out now, not that I was trying that hard to find out what's so special is my [Dark Matter] is, and help my wives with their training without having to worry about causing any harm to the surroundings and others.

"Hey, Ragna. Mind helping me with the kids if you're not busy." Alice completely ignores the fact that I'm technically multitasking at the moment.

I look over Alice and the babies, where I notice the babies are trying to walk again and Alice is trying her best to catch them, even when she and the babies are on a mattress.

"Sure." I could tell by now, that Alice is a worrywart and a Mother Hen when it comes towards the babies at this point, with Alice coming in second with Repellista wanting to take care of the Kaori, Chifuyu, and Erza.

"What do you need help with?" I got up from my seat and walk over to the bed, where I lay my head in the middle of my Daughters, causing them to blink their little eyes at me, wondering why I lay here of all places.

Alice opens her mouth to say something when she saw something so cute, that she couldn't help and just stare speechlessly.

As Alice watches Kaori trying to climb onto her husband's stomach while Chifuyu just planted herself over his head, with Erza didn't know what to do and just stare as well.

'I don't know if this part of their personality or they are just trying to act like curious babies or their baby bodies are affecting them more mentally than they realize.' I thought to myself, with two of the three Daughters of mine doing something random with me. One trying to get on my stomach and another just covering my face with her tiny body.

I grab Chifuyu, who let out a small whine and set her next to Erza before I grab Kaori and place her next to them as well, then lay on my stomach, causing my Daughters to crawl onto my back now that I left it open for them.

Also, I learned that my Daughters love me and my wives, [Sha Naqba Imuru] really help me on that part, so no need to worry about them trying to do something that leads to my family's downfall in the future. Now, I just wish I could get my [Archive: Language Program] to include baby language to understand my kids.

Nonetheless, my Daughters seem to love climbing onto me for some reasons whenever I lay next to them.

I give my Daughters a smile, then instantly roll onto my back, causing all three to fall onto the bed with a frown on their cute little faces before it turns into happy smiles when I gather all of them into a group hug.

I look over to Alice, who is currently taking multiple pictures with her [Scroll] and trying to hold herself from hugging the kids as well.

"So, Alice, thinking about having kids of your own now?" I ask while thinking about if Alice, and maybe Raven, wanted a kid of this own by now after spending with Kaori, Chifuyu, and Erza so far. It has been over 3 months by now since the birth of the three [Reincarnators].

"Not yet. Maybe after the little ones grow up into their teenage years." Alice replied instantly, causing me to look at her with a surprised look on my face, which Alice saw.

"Oh come on now. You think I wouldn't want a kid of my own? I just think we have our hands full already with three at the moment. Better wait until they grow up enough to take care of their own daily needs before having a new addition into the family." Alice explained herself as she continues taking pictures of the kids giggling in my arms.

"Oh." I don't any other words to say about this. Now, I just have to wait until Kaori, Chifuyu, and Erza enter their teenage years, which would have been fine if they were normal babies. But, they aren't and never will be, even as [Reincarnators] since technically they are 3 months old, but look like they are 1 year old still.

For the rest of the night; I spent time playing around with Daughters, who are excited to play with me. Still wondering if they are just pretending or not, hard to tell sometime even with the help of [Sha Naqba Imuru].

'I wonder when the interesting will occur in this world?' I thought to myself, since there a school like Wild's highschool. There are bound to be action between the characters of this universe, so I wonder when it will happen.