Chapter 33: You Gotta Do What's Needed

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 33: You Gotta Do What's Needed

The next day*

Year 12: Day 244: You Learn Something New Each Day

(Mercer's Dojo: Mercer Household)


You gain the debuff: Inner Burning: -3000 HP per second, duration 1 minute.


You gain the debuff: Inner Freezing: -1000 HP per second, duration 1 minute.


Due to two opposite elements occurring at the same time, causing double the dame together. 8000 HP per second, duration 1 minute.

"I'm guessing we don't have enough control?" Esdeath ask me, after we try having sex to see if everyone with [Slayer Magic] have enough control to stop affecting everything around them, including myself.

"I'm currently losing 3000 HP while being burn from the inside every second for an entire minute while losing 1000 HP due to my inside being frozen as well, with the same duration. However, with both fire and ice happening at the same time inside me. I'm losing 8000 HP per second for 1 minute. Not to mention, the previous two still dealing separate damage while causing mixed damage as well. So, I'm losing 12,000 HP per second as we speak." I replied to my wives, who wasn't that tired since we only went for one round to see how things go.

"Did this happen while we were having sex or after?" Raven ask me, wondering if she should put herself more into training. After having a taste of sex with her husband; well, she be very stupid not to quickly get her [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] under control right away.

"Yup. But, no worry. I just use [Rejection] to remove them." I said casually, which was true as [Rejection] is broken as hell. One use and I removed the debuffs instantly. In fact, I could make the [Rejection] take on the effect with a special condition.

"I just placed a condition where all debuffs are removed during the entire sex and only stop taking in effect when we're done." I continue off, causing my wives to sigh in relief, because this means all of us can still have sex thanks to [Rejection].

"However, I think until the three of you get your [Slayer Magic] under control. I don't think it would be okay just yet to touch the kids. And Raven, if you're thinking about having a kid, then you better wait or risk hurting the unborn baby." I said to my wives, mostly at Esdeath, Yuri, Ryun, and Raven.

"I got it, no need to worry." Raven wave off her husband, as she closes her eyes to take this chance to sleep.

"So does that mean Repellista and I are going to watch over the kids then?" Alice ask with a smirk on her face, teasing the others that they couldn't even touch the children, much to their dismay and jealous of being able to hug their cute babies.

"Laugh it up, Alice, but when Ragna give you a [Slayer Magic] and when you have your own baby. You won't be acting like this afterward." Yuri rebuke Alice, who just stick her tongue at Yuri, which Yuri narrow her eyes at Alice.

That shut Alice up instantly, because she has seen and could easily tell how heartache it was for Esdeath, Yuri, and Ryun for not being able to touch their own babies.

"Sorry." Alice mumble, looking down at her hands, "I'm just a little jealous of how everyone has [Slayer Magic] when I don't." Alice reveals her true feeling how that everyone else, besides their husband, that have [Slayer Magic] while she alone doesn't, almost making her an outcast among the wives.

"Well, I could give you one tomorrow. Since that's when the cooldown phase of the [Bypass Restrictions Skill] would end and can be used again." I said to Alice, who look at me with a happy look on her face, but that was wiped instantly when Esdeath started playing with her bare naked breasts while whispering something into her ears.

At this point, I figure Esdeath develop some kind of silver tongue that influence others without the needs to torture them or some kind of harmful way, to get them to do what Esdeath wanted them to do.

I mean, seriously, she managed to get Yuri on the first meeting to have sex with me and Esdeath. And it has been years since then, so I wouldn't be shocked that Esdeath, even with her unstable mind, would easily persuade someone to kill themselves without even touching them the entire time.

The next day*

Year 12: Day 245: It's Harder Than It Look

-Children's POV-

(Mercer's Dojo: Mercer Household)

"Okay, as the leader of this group. We shall finally take our first step into walking." Kaori said to her fellow sisters with pride in her voice, but kind of ruin with their Auntie in the background recording them.

Chifuyu ignoring their Aunt, "Why do you get to be the leader? If anything, I should be the leader. After all, I have experience of being a leader." Which is technically true, since she trained many students and had been a leader during a fight back in her previous life.

"Because I want to test my luck in this life. I didn't mention this yet, but I have the ability to succeed in anything, no matter what I do. However, whenever something fortunate happens to me, something unfortunate happens to others in turn. And it has been months now since we were born. So, I'm going to take this chance to be the leader of our little group." Kaori explained how she wanted to experiment her luck and wonder how it is different compared to her previous life's luck.

"If anything, I should be the leader. Since I have experience leading many people in my previous life. In fact, I was a Guild Master at one point and command the others really well." Erza explains her proud moment where she rescues the previous Guild Master back in her previous life, where her Guild disbanded due to certain reasons.

"How about we just leave this subject alone for now. So why not just continue trying to see if we can walk? I really like walking on my own two legs. No matter how tiny they are at the moment." Chifuyu said to her fellow sisters.

"You know, when I think of my previous life and when I was a baby. I never knew it was so hard to walk on your first time." Erza complains a little, but continue to try her best to walk a couple of steps on her own. Sure, she got standing up on her own already, but walking is a lot harder than just standing.

"You're telling me. I watched many other babies trying to walk on their own and now I have a newfound respect for all babies trying to learn how to walk on their own." Chifuyu said to Erza as once more trying to take the steady way.

Where Chifuyu would try to keep her balance while taking each step. Until she gets used to it.

"I never expect to gain a second life." Kaori comment on how lucky they are to have a second chance in life, "Not to mention we regain back our memories on the day we were born. Pretty sure newborn babies' brain isn't developed enough to contain a lifetime of memories from a young age to old age."

"You know what I won't expect? Reborn into a family with a single Father, but with multiple Mothers and having half-sisters that are also [Reincarnators]." Erza still couldn't believe her luck; nevertheless, she is enjoying this new life of hers.

"You know, I have been wondering about something." Chifuyu got the other two attentions, "Well, we overheard, not that it was that hard, but do you think it is possible we may end entering a universe like our previous life's? I mean, it would be kind of weird to see, maybe a younger? Older? A version of myself, depending on what age we are by the time we leave this universe."

"Well, we could just ask our parents when we're able to speak outside this baby language, again, I still can't wrap my mind on how babies could speak to another in their own baby language until it becomes lost at some point." Kaori shook her head at the end, which causes her to lose her balance and drop on her butt.

Ignoring their Aunt in the background, making a squealing noise upon seeing Kaori, Chifuyu, and Erza trying to walk, but falling on their butts more than once already.

Getting up and standing; they have mastered these two by now, but walking more than a couple of steps is still beyond them.

"But, won't that bring unwanted questions about why we wanted to meet our parallel self? I have no idea how they will react to the idea their own kids have their past life's memory and mentally older than them. Kind of feel weird, if you think about it." Erza tries to take another step before losing balance and fall on her butt. "Why is it so hard to relearn how to walk?! If this is how hard it is to walk, then running would be worse!"

"Aww, little Erza. There. There." Their Aunt picks up Erza, as Erza started crying, leading to their Aunt Repellista trying to cheer Erza up. "You will get there. Just don't give up." Aunt Repellista said to Erza, who only sniffing now.

"Honestly, I feel like getting our emotions under control would be the hardest part for us. With our baby bodies influencing us more than we thought." Chifuyu said to Kaori, who nods in agreement as they too, had cried, even for something small.

So for the rest of the day, all three sisters continue on their best to learn how to walk with their tiny bodies. While their Aunt Repellista continues to record everything and would cheer one of the three sisters when they start crying every often due to failing to reach their goal of being able to walk in a couple of steps.

As their current limit is 1-5 steps before losing their balance or their legs too tired to keep them standing after walking a few steps.

The next day*

Year 12: Day 246: No Comment

-Ragna's POV-

(Mercer's Dojo: Mercer Household)

"So, what do we say?" I ask Alice, who is currently inside a [Kekkai] while in her [Transformation Semblance] and covered in thick of black smoke.

"Learn to be happy with what you have." Alice said in a sad voice, as she hugs herself and looking at me with puppy eyes.

"And?" I raise an eyebrow at Alice while the others are busy training themselves in control their [Slayer Magic].

"I should have picked the [Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic] instead of [Shadow God Slayer Magic]." Alice answered.

"Should have taken my advice. Now, until you have control over your [Shadow God Slayer Magic]. I can't let you outside that [Kekkai] or risk you affecting the area. So until you can get out of your [Transformation Semblance] and return back into your human form. You will have to stay inside that [Kekkai] for the time being." I said to Alice, who look down on the ground with tears going down her cheeks now.

"Can I ask to get a kiss?" Alice looks back at me with a hopeful look, causing my heart to skip a beat.

"Fine." It was just a kiss, so may as well, but to be on the safe side. I create another [Kekkai] around me and Alice before dropping the one holding Alice.

Not a second after I release Alice. She jumps onto me and gives me a deep kiss before it turns into a tongue kissing.

To my surprise, Alice returns back to her human form, but there's a bit of black smoke covering part of her body.

"And you did this how?" I ask Alice, knowing right away, she did something to get her [Shadow God Slayer Magic] under control, kind of.

"I did what?" Alice looked at me with a confused look, which means she didn't know what just happen or she pretending to not know. And with [Sha Naqba Imuru]. She is actually confused and not trying to act like she doesn't know that she returned back to her human form already.

"Alice. You're back in your human form, but you still need to have better control over your new [Shadow God Slayer Magic]." I said to Alice, who blinks a few times before noticing she back in her human form, which shocked her and the others, where they look in Alice's direction to see what's going on.

"Okay, I have no clue what just happen, but I think you should go with the rest to learn how to have better control over your [Slayer Magic]." I said to Alice, who was a bit sad to not get to kiss me again, but did as I said and walk over to the others once I created a passage between the [Kekkai] and the one containing Esdeath, Yuri, Ryun, and Raven.

'I got the feeling, that people needed more happy feeling while training in a shadow type [Slayer Magic] before they become in tune with the element of shadow.' I thought to myself, where this is just a rough guess and not 100% sure I'm right or not.

So with that done. I realize, that Repellista and I would be the only one to watch over the kids while the rest needs to continue working on their [Slayer Magic].

It's a good thing Repellista came along or I would have some problems going on. After all, I got students to teach and if I take a day off, then I would have to explain a few reasons why my wives can't watch over the kids while I teach.

Nonetheless, I still wonder why Alice picked shadow as her element instead of darkness itself, seeing how her [Transformation Semblance] is in tune with that element more.

Either way, I gave a level 100 [Shadow God Slayer Magic] to Alice and I guess my theory about how even with a level 100 [Skill] is transferred to my wives.

My wives won't get full mastery over that [Skill], and instead, my [Bypass Restrictions] turned it into an instinct/knowledge [Skill] for my wives to learn from. The instinct belongs to the [Skills], to allow my wives to figure out if what they are doing is right or not.

Because as each day pass by. The better my wives get control over their [Slayer Magic].

So for the time being. I leave it to my wives to do their own things. As I'm no help at all unless I figure a way to increase their mastery over the [Slayer Magic]. Which I could do with [Bypass Restrictions], but the effects would disappear after the [Skill]'s duration end.

1 month later*

Year 12: Day 276: Learning How To Walk

-Children's POV-

(Mercer's Dojo: Mercer Household)

"Finally!" Erza shouts in joy and victory, as she, Erza Hwa Mercer, formerly as Erza Scarlet, has finally learned how to walk and not fall after walking around 10 steps. Also, the first one out of her sister, to successfully relearn how to walk with this child body.

"Oh, that my little girl!" Erza squeal when her Father pick her up and started spinning her around, causing her joy to increase.

Seeing this, both Kaori and Chifuyu didn't want to be left behind and tried their best to walk more than 10 steps like Erza, while heading towards their own Mother.

And like that, all three Daughters of Ragna D. Mercer has learned how to walk on their own. Well, for just a bit. Around 10 steps are more than enough for these three little girls and for the family.

Their Fatlookslook at Aunt Repellista, who gave an okay hand gesture, "Don't worry, I recorded everything!"

"Alright, today we should celebrate!" Their Father shouts in happiness as he carries all three of them, with a big smile on his face.

1 year later*

Year 13: Day 276: Erza's First Word

-Children's POV-

(Mercer's Dojo: Mercer Household)

"Berry!" Erza cried out in joy the moment she saw the strawberry cake on the table, where Mother Esdeath just baked for everyone to eat.

"Look like Erza's first word is berry; well, short for strawberry I guess. If the way she looking at the strawberry cake." Mother Ryun said in a helpless voice at hearing her own Daughter's first being something else.

"At least, it wasn't a weapon." Mother Yuri said dryly, as she stares at Chifuyu, who is currently sitting between Erza on the left and Kaori on the right and too busy looking at the tasty strawberry cake in front of her.

Kaori, on the hand, was just looking at the strawberry cake with a confused look, like she never ate one before or never saw one in her previous life.

"Be glad it's a weapon and not a simple no." Mother Esdeath said in an annoyed voice, where she heard her own Daughter saying no, instead of calling her Mother or Mom, or anything related, but a simple no when she tried to get Kaori to wear a hat like her's.

Of course, Esdeath forced Kaori to wear one after she realizes how she spoils Kaori too much for her own good. Even if she technically one by now, but still look like a toddler.

Sure, Kaori is still a baby, but Esdeath isn't someone to be rejected, besides maybe her own husband that is.

Kaori upon hearing this, shiver at the way her Mother looks at her. Making her lower her head, but was a mistake when Esdeath narrows her eyes at her, causing Kaori to quickly lift her head.

Once Mother Esdeath saw this, then she nods her head in approval before passing a slice of strawberry cake over to Kaori first and rubs the top of her head, which Kaori is currently wearing a mini-version of Mother Esdeath's General hat.

'Man, Kaori's Mother is scary.' Erza thought to herself, and very glad she didn't receive that glare, which beat her own glare in the past.

'Note to self: Don't get on Kaori's Mother, bad side.' Chifuyu knew she would be eaten alive by Kaori's Mother, even if her own Mother tries to protect her. Chifuyu got the feeling her Mother would be too scared of Kaori's Mother to protect her outside of violence related things.

'Scary.' Kaori thought to herself, already scared of her own Mother at such a young age. In fact, Kaori would have thought she should be around 10 years old before she becomes scared of her own Mother or maybe her Father. But, at the age of one. Yup, Kaori can definitely say that in this family. That the words: Common Sense isn't even part of the family dictionary.

"Now, that Erza finally spoke her first word. That's a week late from Chifuyu's first word is a cord, but she meant sword and a month late from Kaori's first word as no." Aunt Repellista said to the adults.

"Hey, at least they can finally start to speak other than their baby talks from this point on." Father said to everyone as he gives everyone a smile while giving each of us a rub on the head.

5 years later*

Year 18: Day 276: Departing, Then Entering

-Ragna's POV-

(Mercer's Dojo: Training Area)

"Okay, everyone. I have a special announcement." I said to all my students, causing all of them, along with the new ones over the years, joining in, to gather around and getting into a row of lines.

With the front row being the first batch, then behind them is the next batch until it ends at the last batch.

"I've decided to retire and leave it to my first students to take over. And leading them are three people." I said to everyone, causing some to be shocked by this news while the older students would just keep a cool face, knowing the reason why their teacher is retiring, even when the Mercer's Dojo hasn't even been open for 10 years yet.

However, the moment my older students heard among them, three would become the leader, as in the Dogo's Masters, causing to be excited.

After all, over the years, the influence belongs to the Mercer's Dojo have gone global already. Even the Wild's Highschool has become a higher status due to the help of the Mercer's Dojo.

Creating countless connections, that would make many businessmen go green with envy at how everything around the Mountain of Mercer had advanced in technology due to the help of Repellista and Ryun, this also made the other countries try to invade to steal, but are blocked easily with the trained students, who take on guard duties as a mission for the Dojo.

Seeing how all students are now able to earn many things from the Dojo. Like if a student comes from a poor family, then it's possible to earn a fortune in a single mission, changing the status of that poor family into a wealthy one.

However, not everything is good and joy.

After the first three batches. Some of the students tried to sell off the [Renewal Taekwondo] to different places.

Sadly for them, the older students took it for themselves to get rid of these bad seeds before they could shame the Dojo's reputation.

This caused unwritten rules among the students to be given to newcomers upon arrival.

One: You steal from others, you'll lose things in return, with interests.

Two: You try to sell something that belongs to the Dojo? We take it back with interests and you would be ruined before you're given the mercy of death.

Three: You want to take advantage of using the name of the Dojo for small things and even worse things? You get a single warning before we cripple you and force you to leave the Dojo after a few 'promises' to make sure you keep your mouth shut.

Yeah, I didn't bother to care that my students created rules of their own. In fact, I would have stepped in if some of the older students tried to use their senior status against the juniors, but all of them know when to stop and when to do so.

Making me a bit helpless that my own students would make sure no trouble come towards the Dojo.

"Now, the first leader and the successor of the [Renewal Taekwondo]." I stare at all my students while waiting for everyone to quiet down. As being the successor of the [Renewal Taekwondo] mean they become the Dojo's head/master that would lead this Dojo from this point on.

"Lee Na. Come up." I call out for her to come before me, who look at me with a blank expression like this was a given, but I could see it in the her that she shocked and happy to be picked.

"On that day, when I came to Wild's High to gather my first students. You were the one that I faced first out of everyone here, even before becoming one of my students. You not only survived a [Renewal Taekwondo: Front Kick] from me. You got back up on your own with no help, just pure willpower. Heck, you were even able to speak while most would be too much in pain to stutter out a single word, let alone speak a few more words. And not to make it, even more, a shock for me. You walk. Walk towards me while in so much pain." I continue to recall everything in the past that related to Lee Na and how she has done so many things, that prove her worth and helped the Dojo. Furthermore, Lee Na meets the requirement of being the successor by fighting me an entire minute, with just only using pure [Skills] without any of them using any types of [Energies], but just [Stamina].

While I was recalling all the past events.

Lee Na lower head in embarrassment as her face turns red due to all her past being brought up, that some of the first batch students are relieved that they weren't picked, because even they have pride and seeing what's happening to Lee Na. Yeah, they are happy for Lee Na to be their leader, but at the same time not wanting to be in her position right now.

"Now, for the second one being Dal Dal Choi." I call out the next among the three to lead this Dojo.

Then, I did the same to Dal Dal Choi I did with Lee Na, causing some of the students to giggle at this once everyone realizes what I'm doing.

"Finally, we have our third leader and that's Moon Young Lee, who is among the first to modify the [Renewal Taekwondo] into her own fighting style." I called out the last of the three leaders. Also, do the same to her like the previous two.

Which she knew right away, because she tried to hide, but was forced out in the open thanks to the help of her fellow students pushing her out, much to her annoyance.

"These will be known as the Dojo Leaders, so you can go to them for training from this point on. Of course, I would still be here, but I won't do much and have to watch over my family. That doesn't mean you can't come over for a visit. I'm willing to give out some points, but that's it. Also, here all the paperwork and everything else, to give you the ownership, the license, and all those nonsense." I give everyone a nod, then run off, leaving behind the three leaders, who are too shocked that they now have the responsibility of the Mercer's Dojo and the stacks of paper next to them on a table, that others were confused why those are there until they realize what they are, causing the three new leaders to almost faint at the size of those stack of papers.

It was mostly Dal Dal Choi and Moon Young Lee that feel like fainting while Lee Na just twitches, but deal with paperwork before, but not the size of something like that.

(Mercer's Dojo: Mercer Household)

"Well, we can leave whenever we feel like it. I already got the notification that says I finished the condition to leave this universe." I said to my family.

"Did you give the three all the paperwork they need to sign and so on?" Esdeath ask me, as she holds Kaori, even though she 6 years old and could walk on her own. Doesn't mean Esdeath wanted to stop carrying her baby girl every so often while she still got the chance to.

"Yup." I replied as I put away all the things we take with us.

"Finish teaching Ingui Yoon the [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon]?" Esdeath follows up the next question.

"Yup." I answered as I make sure to toss the [Pillow Swords] in my [Inventory] for now before we return back to the [Ark], then I give it back to the kids when it's time for their bedtime.

"The only way I could make sure I cut the [Karma Threads] between us safetly was by giving her something that worth making her leave me alone." I continue off, seeing I was replaced the [Fate Soul]/main character of this universe. I had to think of a way to make the main heroine/love interest to leave me alone.

Not that hard seeing how I'm a teacher and Ingui Yoon is a student. Kind of makes things easier on me. If I had picked a student on the first day coming here. It would be a lot harder to get Ingui Yoon, that I'm not interested in her.

Plus, having 5 wives is already enough for me. I rather not deal with an army of wives. That would literally kill me in a single orgy. Not the best way to die, not that it wasn't, but I rather die in a major fight instead.

"Got those books you wanted to turn into [Universe of Knowledge]?" Esdeath ask me, seeing how this is the modern day world, no matter how the fighting in this world is above normal.

"Yup. Got countless of them. No need to worry about lacking any[Skills] to import for a while." I said to Esdeath.

"I left the notes here, so none of them try to find us." Raven said to everyone, as she places a few notes on the table in the middle of the living room.

"Alright, time to leave. Better hurry before anyone looking for us." I said to my family, as I've already set up the [Ark's Gate] for us to return back to the [Ark].

Not taking any chances; all of us step into the [Ark's Gate] and teleport back into the [Ark].

(Ark's City)

"Now, let's hope we enter a universe that like this one. Pretty sure the kids still not ready for a world filled with supernatural beings. Plus, we still haven't started their training yet." I said to my family the moment we return to the [Ark].