Chapter 34: Uh Oh

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 34: Uh Oh

Year 18: Day 276: Departing, Then Entering Part 2

(Ark's City)

"Hey, Ragna. I got a question for you." Esdeath ask me, as she stops me from switching to another universe, causing the rest of us to look at Esdeath.

"What?" I responded.

"I've been wondering over the years. But, isn't there a few [Universe of Knowledge] you already have. Don't they have a [Skill] that allow you to create your own [Skills]?" Esdeath ask me, seeing how I got countless books: novel, manga, manhwa, etc. In my [Inventory] ready to import.

"Yup, but I rather not get them, because I've already used both [Bypass Restrictions] and [Rejection] to test it out and boy I did not want to keep that [Skill Creation]. Did you know, that if I have an unrestricted feature to create any [Skills]. This would include lots of random ones just by random movement. In fact, if I didn't have [Rejection] I would have hundreds, if not, thousands of [Skills] in a matter of seconds just by simply moving around and breathing." I started explaining to my entire family how I even created a [Skill] for just standing, that lead to creating the [Skill: Standing Position Mastery].

"I see. I guess there is something like a restriction of allowing you to create your own [Skill]." Esdeath frown at this. After all, it has been years since she gains the knowledge about her husband's Gamer's ability and countless of restrictions placed on it compared to the original version from what her husband told her and the rest.

"Meh, at least he gets to grab numerous overpowered [Skills] like nothing." Raven didn't think the ability to create one [Skills]; well, for her husband's Gamer's ability at least, along with others user with the same ability, with or without the restrictions, is a big thing later on. Unless some of the users can't do the same and grab things to import [Skills] from. Then, those people would be in a dire situation for a while.

"Actually, Raven, our dear husband can only grab a limited amount of [Skills] per [Universe of Knowledge] and at his current level. Plus, our husband even said he won't go past level 50 until he really wanted to. So, he is limit to 5 [Skills] at the moment." Alice said to Raven, who rolled her eyes.

"Sure, but remember, he has a lot of books, along with other things to use to gain new [Universe of Knowledge]. So adding them all up. If he got 10 new [Universe of Knowledge]. He get 50 [Skills]. 100 [Universe of Knowledge], that's 500 [Skills] to grab. Either way, even at level 50. He can get lots of [Skills]." Raven replied back with her own facts.

"That's true." Yuri nods her head in an agreement with Raven's comment. "Not to mention, unlike the rest of us, we don't have the Gamer's ability other than having access to a shared [Inventory]. Furthermore, if we don't train. We would lower our own fighting power while our husband here. Could just take a few days to return back to his original strength with ease."

"Well, he is my god. Of course, he could do something simple like that." Ryun had a proud look on her face, for Yuri's example of how her god/husband have such an unfair advantage compared to lots of people throughout the multiverse. With only those other Gamers having a chance of facing him in an all-out fight.

"I really wish I could figure out why you keep calling our husband as your god." Alice sighed, then notice Ryun staring at her, "It wasn't a question to answer! I was just thinking out loud randomly!"

Alice rather not end up getting her ears to be talked off by Ryun, who seem to be able to speak for days without rest.

"By the way, Ragna. Did you get any [Skills] to replace the [Slayer Magic] or did you grab another one? Because it's mostly the [Slayer Magic] that help you recover instantly." Esdeath ask with concern, which she now of all time asked, because this universe wasn't even dangerous to the point everyone has to use something other than their own [Physical Skills].

"Yup. Got it a few days ago." I replied, then bring up my [Skills List] and send the detail about it via [Archive], for my wives to see. Even Repellista, just because I know she curious.

[Heaven Extinction Spell] - Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100%

Description: The [Souls] of all beings, that the user killed are devoured, and their flesh and blood are absorbed to become nutrients for the user to recover.

1st Effect: Create a black fog that devours the killed target.

2nd Effect: (level/5)% recovery per kill.

2nd Effect's Restriction: Will only recover if the black fog flesh and blood are absorbed to work.

3rd Effect: Able to manipulate the form of the black fog.

"I feel like this is a bit weaker and more restricted compared to the [Slayer Magic]." Esdeath said to me, "Because this one requires you to kill and need the black fog to 'eat' the target's flesh and blood, to work. Furthermore, if I guess correctly. If the target doesn't have any blood, then it either won't work or lower the rate of recovery. By the way, where did you get this [Skill]? If it could be called one, since it should be a [Technique] instead."

"From Renegade Immortal novel. And yeah, I had to use the [Bypass Restrictions] to turn it into a [Skill] for me to use, otherwise, I won't be able to use it at all. And not to worry, because this [Heaven Extinction Spell] alone make up for the downside." I smirk at Esdeath and the rest.

After all, back in my original universe. There were madmen who managed to recreate some of the [Spells] and other [Techniques] from the Renegade Immortal novel. One of them is the [Celestial Slaughter Art], but completely different version, but still, have the same effect.

'Pretty sure, my little sister manages to learn it by now.' I thought to myself, wondering how my little sister is doing.

"Oh?" Raven raises an eyebrow and place a hand on her hip. "And what makes this [Heaven Extinction Spell] worth getting instead of grabbing another [Slayer Magic]?"

I was about to explain why when I was cut off.

"It's because this [Heaven Extinction Spell] recover everything. Isn't that right, Ragna?" Repellista looks at me with a grin, like she has already figured out the main reason why I got this [Skill] instead of getting another [Slayer Magic] to remove my weakness of having to limit myself in using my [Mana].

"What do you mean?" Yuri looks very confused and even if she smart, that doesn't mean she likes to put an effort into solving puzzles when she got others to do it for her while her job is to destroy things and watch the kids.

"Ah, I get it now." Esdeath said to everyone and look at me, with an approving look on her face.

"Oh, I see. I understand." Raven nodded her head once she reread the [Heaven Extinction Spell]'s detail once more upon hearing Repellista's comment.

"What? I don't get it." Alice seems lost and didn't figure out what's so great about the [Heaven Extinction Spell].

"Yeah, come on, tell the rest of us that don't get it." Yuri complains as she rather be in the loop than out of it when it related to her family.

"Just let Repellista or our husband to tell us." Ryun rolls her eyes at these two while adjusting her position to hold Erza easier.

"Alright. Go ahead Repellista. Tell everyone why I picked it and if I see there anything need to add." I smile at the way my wives are acting.

"Okay, read the part where it says the word: recovery." Repellista points this out to everyone, to look at it. "What does it mean by recovery? Does it mean Ragna's health? His [Mana]? His [Dark Matter]? It doesn't say it at all! Which means, this [Heaven Extinction Spell] recovery EVERYTHING!"

Once everyone heard the last part, those that didn't understand what's going on was shocked beyond disbelief. Because the ability to recover everything mean that person can regain back their [Energy] or [Energies] to use almost endlessly as long there is a target to kill and for the black fog to absorb.

Against a single target, this wouldn't do much, but when facing an entire army. This [Skill] alone would make one a one-man army, that could fight forever as lone one kill a target that possesses a [Soul], flesh, and blood.

In fact, this includes the recovery of fatigue, be it mental or physical. Along with being recovered in a similar way as sleeping, giving one the ability to continue on without sleep as long the [Heaven Extinction Spell] could be used.

"What a cruel [Skill]. I love it." Esdeath smirk at this, wondering how much she could have done if she had this back in her original universe. Ah, the battle she could have won and the battles she could have continued forever, but can't due to the needs of sleep.

"Yeah, you would love such a cruel thing." Alice said dryly, not that surprising when knowing Esdeath for years now.

"Oh hush you. Better be cruel to your enemy than allow them to sneak attack you, the least you expect it and get killed in the result of not being cruel enough to finish it. Plus, there is a high chance the enemy will go after your family just to hurt you emotionally. Be it physical or not, the enemy wouldn't care as long it hurt you." Esdeath replied in a casual tone, but everyone could tell she experienced something like this in the past and caused her to become who she is right now.

"Esdeath's right. Sometimes it's better to be cruel than being kind to others, we're allowed to be kind for some people, but otherwise, be neutral to new people and if enemies. Don't show any mercy. After all, depending on what universes we're in. That place could turn into a kill or be killed." Raven agreed with Esdeath, after all, being a Monster Lord require the person being cruel enough to stop others from questioning their status.

"In fact, look at us, Alice. We used to be the Two Monster Lords, but after entering the previous universe: One Piece. Our own clan ditches us, just because we joined a new family and once those people tasted of being pirates. They kicked us out." Raven made sure to remind her about this, with how Alice still not completely used to the cruel world and experience the hardship she, Raven, has faced in her life while making sure her lover, Alice, is protected somewhat.

"Anyway, before we head to another universe. Do any of you need to ask anything else?" I ask my wives, and Repellista, who is currently lying in a beanbag chair after tiring herself out from doing whatever she does in her free time.

"Nope." Esdeath said.

"I'm good." Yuri replied.

"Not that I could think of at the moment." Ryun shook her head.

"Same here got nothing." Alice said to me.

"No question from me, for now." Raven is the last one to speak.

Since it looks like Repellista is passed out and taking her nap now, which only last a few minutes or so.

Looking at my three Daughters, who continues to eardrop into the conversation, only Erza looks a bit pale while Kaori and Chifuyu seem fine.

"How about my little princesses? Got any question for your dear old man?" I smile down at my baby girls.

"Nope." All three said at the same time as if they practice speaking at the same time and the same word for a while.

I sweatdrop at this, but didn't let it get to me.

"Alright. Time for us to leave." I said to everyone, then bring up the [Archive] to send us to an entirely new universe or return to a previous one, maybe an alternative version even.


Welcome back to the Multiverse!


Good luck in your next adventure player! Be sure to take your time and the [Ark] is made invisible towards those within the universe you have entered.


Welcome to the Gantz's Universe!


Due to an unknown situation. You, the player, have been denied to enter the universe other than during inside the missions are going. Otherwise, the player will stay in the [Ark] until a mission start and afterward, return back to the [Ark] to wait for the next mission.


In order to leave this universe to another one, the player must either one: survive Phase 1 Missions or two: kill all the major characters once.

(Ark's City)

"Well, shit." I was shocked that I enter the Gantz's universe; well, kind of entering this universe. Since it looks like I'm only allowed to enter this universe during the time the characters enter the missions.

Also, I've read the manga Gantz before, and by that, I mean in the previous universe: Girl the Wild's. Actually, have the finished manga of Gantz for me to read over the years. Who knew that I would enter this universe next.

"Huh, this is weird. I didn't get any basic knowledge from this universe and how come you haven't disappeared on us, Ragna?" Esdeath looks at me with a surprised look on her face, like she was expecting me to disappear by now, which is the case for the previous universes, but for this one, I didn't.

At this point, I didn't know if I should worry about this or not, to find out my wives didn't gain the basic knowledge of the Gantz's universe like the previous ones.

"Well-" I was about to say something when a window screen pops up in front of me.


The Onion Alien Mission is about to start in 1 minute. Please get rid to be sent down and survive until the mission end, be it a success or failure, neither matter to you, the player, as your only goal is to survive the whole thing.

"Well, now." I could easily figure out why I got this message. Not waiting that long, I send a copy to everyone via [Archive].

"Hey, did you get your [Quest], Ragna?" Raven ask me right away.

"What [Quest]?" I look at Raven with a confused look, even some of us look confuse as well.

Raven let out a tired sigh, "I mean your next [Quest] to allow us to enter the universe. I know that you, as the player, Gamer, whatever. Can't enter the universe other than the mission, but what about the rest of us?"

This made the rest of us stop for a moment and let our brains comprehend Raven's words.

Sadly, it took too long and I was sent down into the Gantz's universe.


Looking around. I found myself in an area with houses and can't seem to remember where the Onion Alien Mission took place, but either way. All I have to do is survive, which wasn't that hard for me with my [Skills] and stats.

'Seriously, I think the only reason I was sent here was to either one: prevent this version of Earth from being destroyed before the main characters reach the second phase or two: killing all the main characters at least once to make them mature early on, to give make them a better chance to fight future enemies.' I thought to myself, wondering which one I should do.

With a strong leap. I jump onto one of the nearby houses' roofs, then started roof hopping while using [Ninjutsu] to hide from plain sight.

While looking around. I notice some people are still awake, but seeing how it isn't too dark at the moment. I can see why these people haven't slept yet.

Soon, I arrived at the part where the Kid Onion Alien tries to fight back against one of the characters by scratching their leg with his abnormally sharp fingernail effectively wounding the guy's left thigh, which just serves to make the guy, that was wounded to be angry.

I watch the group point their guns at the Kid Onion Alien and fired their weapons. Where a few seconds later, nothing happens at all.

I listen to one of the telling the rest the guns isn't a toy at all.

As I continue to watch and listen, but kept my eyes on the Kid Onion Alien, where almost 30 seconds passed by. Suddenly the alien's right arm gets blown off. Splatting all over the group of four's faces and clothes with the remains of it.

The Kid Onion Alien falls on the ground and held his onion with his remaining hand, saying he will give the group his onions repeatedly.

After which the Kid Onion Alien stretched out his only arm and legs also explode away from him after another 30 seconds or so later. Splattering the group even more, as the limbless alien falls down on the ground still alive.

Not too far away from the group and the limbless alien. One of the characters, Kato Masaru show up exhausted for chasing the group.

'Hmm. This could be my chance to kill Kato, but then, later on, it would be harder to find the other main characters to kill. So many choices and so many different results.' I thought myself as I watch Kato shouting at the group to stop, but started crying when he watched the Kid Onion Alien killed before his very eyes.

I let out a sigh and look at the sky in boredom. Wondering why I was sent to this universe in the first place when pretty much everything here is a one hit kill for me.

In fact, with my stats alone. Using the [Renewal Taekwondo] is enough by itself to eliminate lots of things in this universe.

Knowing that I don't need to do anything. I contact my wives via [Archive].

"About time you called." Raven scolds me, as she looks annoyed that I finally decided to call them. After all, none of my family has a way to contact me other than when Repellista is nearby them and in the same dimension, to use the [Pocket] to call each other.

Otherwise, only I could make the call and the others could only receive the call without the ability to make the call themselves. One of the many weaknesses we still haven't figured a way to solve.

Since there may be a situation, where one of my wives needs to call me for something serious that need my attention right away.

"Something wrong?" I ask with concern and notice all my wives have a serious look on their faces.

"Yeah, I think you need to use [Bypass Restrictions] to leave this Gantz's universe. I don't know what's going on. But, us not getting the basic knowledge seems like some otherworldly beings are trying to give us some trial of benefits. At first, all of us wonder why only us, your wives, gain basic knowledge while you don't. Now, after coming here. None of us got anything. Furthermore, the conditions for you to leave this universe is highly unusual. It's like something changed instantly. The rest of us have talked and it is better for you to use the [Bypass Restrictions] to get us out of that universe. We're safe in the [Ark], but for how long? Who knows if the beings in this universe could possibly drag us out of the [Ark]. So it's better if we leave now while we still can." Raven started explaining what everyone else is thinking about the situation.

I put a serious look on my face after understanding that I was too careless about heading to a new universe and would never expect that otherworldly, as in fellow universe travelers like me, would try to set up a trap for me and my family.

Not caring if I become a bit weaker. I use [Heartfoce Scan] on the entire planet and pale a little due to using a bit too much [Heartforce]. But, I regain back color on my face and quickly link what I got from the [Heartforce Scan] with my [Archive] after linking both the [Heartforce Cultivation] and [Archive] together with [Chain Combo Magic]. For my family to see for themselves on their side.

"Ragna! You need to get out of there now!" Repellista shout at me the moment I send her the details I got from the [Heartforce Scan].

Not taking a second to think and activate the [Bypass Restrictions] right away, along with [Rejection] to extend the duration of the [Bypass Restrictions] and preventing anything stopping me from activating the [Bypass Restrictions] and send myself back into the [Ark].

(Ark's City)


Player, return back to the Gantz's universe.


Player, return back to the Gantz's universe.


Player, return back to the Gantz's universe.

"Quickly, we don't have enough time. We have to use that plan we came up with!" Repellista shout at me when I appeared.

And what she means by that plan. She meant the plan for a way to remove whatever is controlling my Gamer's ability from the background, where I gained so many restrictions when the original Gamer's ability didn't have it.

Bringing up my [Archive] and another for Repellista to help me.

As we start launching countless programs while I keep the [Bypass Restrictions] and [Rejection] activated to remove the hidden dangers on us.

The first is to stop anything or anyone from affecting everyone in the [Ark].

Next, cut the connection of whoever has access to my Gamer's ability other than my family. Afterward, cutting the connection of what trying to hide the [Ark] for me. Which I hide it again by using [Ninjutsu] and with [Heartforce].

Once that's done. Repellista and I launch the next part of the plan, where we steal the entire Gamer's ability from wherever it's coming from and stopping whoever gave me the Gamer's ability from taking it away from me.

Quickly, not stopping for a moment. I use both [Bypass Restrictions] and [Rejection] to make a connection to the core of the multiverse or anything that would lead to the origin of what power the Gamer's ability.


P̴̢̯̝̬͙̺̹̤͙-̨̙̣͙̩̳͔̘͟͡P̶̨̡͉̪͉-͏̢͎͚͔̖͔̫̰͠l̙̻l̙͙̲̰͡-̬̼̪͞a̧̮̩̠̗͇̺͓͉-̞͖͈̤̤͕̖ͅý̝̲ͅy̨̰̟͕͉̲͞e̷͉̣̥̯̜͎̝̪e̛̳̼̼̤͞ͅẹ̳̳r̛̛͖̪̗͞!̸̛͙̺̘̘͙͕̤̤ ̣͇̗͇͔͕͡S̨̼̯̲̺͉̱̣̰o̷̧̳͖̼͚t͔̺͚p̫̗͈̟̕p̖̜͈ͅt̸̜͔͓͉͎̺͔̦̀͞ͅt̖̹̦̕͠p̰̘̤p͇ţ̜͙͡p̴͓͍ṱ̵̨͇̕p̸̸̯͍̘͚͇̬̗͞!̨̪̙͓ ̯̀͡͡ͅ

Seeing this pop-up. I launch the next program, making it disappear.

The entire [Ark] started shaking, causing almost everyone to panic. Well, the adults are fine while the kids are looking everywhere in a frighten look on their faces.

Esdeath, Yuri, and Ryun quickly calm their Daughters down while the shaking stopped not a few seconds later when Repellista used a program to stop the [Ark] from shaking, along with interfering whatever caused the shaking to happen in the first place.

A few hours later*


Ragna D. Mercer, you're now truly the owner of this Gamer's ability. You are no longer bound, but also no longer able to regain a few features that were meant to give to you in the future.


You are now the true ownership of the [Ark] and have been transformed into a moving mobile city that travels the multiverse. As a result, you have to find a universe on your own at this point on and no longer have access to instant universe travel until you figure a method of your own.


Gamer's ability has been updated and changed to suit the user.



Update finish.

"Look like it worked. Somewhat." I let out a tired sigh and look up at the sky; well, the ceiling of the [Ark], where it looks like we're in space.

"Hey, Ragna. Check your status and [Skills List]." Esdeath said to me as she too was staring at the ceiling of the [Ark] and see what's outside of the [Ark].

"Alright. Oh yeah, Repellista. I hope you know how to drive the [Ark], because we going to need to find a universe to enter. Pretty sure staying outside a universe while traveling in the multiverse would be very dangerous for us." I said to Repellista before bringing up my status list first before the [Skills List].

Status List:

Character Name:

Ragna D. Mercer



1st Profession:

[The Gamer {Lvl.50 - EXP: 5%/100%}]

2nd Profession:

[Contractor's First Contract: Legendary God Sun Wukong {Lvl.6 - EXP: 0%/100%}] - [2:1 Exchange Rate]

3rd Profession:

[Contractor's Second Contract: Nine-Tails Guardian {Lvl.1 - EXP: 0%/100%}] - [3:1 Exchange Rate]

4th Profession:

[Kekkaishi {Lvl.40 - EXP: 0%/100%}] - [4:1 Exchange Rate]

Equip Title:

[Husband of Esdeath D. Mercer (Formerly: Esdeath Partas) | Yuri Ha Mercer (Formerly: Yuri Ha Zahard) | Ryun Hwa Mercer (Formerly: Ryun Hwa) | Alipheese Fateburn Mercer (Formerly: Alipheese Fateburn XVI) | Raven B. Mercer (Formerly: Raven Branwen)] - Passive Effect: Able to locate your wives' location anywhere with 100% and at real time. (Require not to be equipped to have an effect.) Active Effect: The ability to teleport to one of your wives' location. (Require title to be equipped to have an effect.)

Unequip Titles:

[Father of Kaori Partas Mercer (Reincarnated of Kaori Kanzaki) | Chifuyu Ha Mercer (Reincarnated of Chifuyu Orimura) | Erza Hwa Mercer (Reincarnated of Erza Scarlet)] - Passive Effect: Able to locate your kids' location anywhere with 100% and at real time. (Require not to be equipped to have an effect.) Active Effect: The ability to teleport to one of your kids' location. (Require title to be equipped to have an effect.)

[Owner of the Ark] - Have full access to the [Ark] and able to summon it anywhere the owner's desire and return it back to wherever it came from before.

[The Broken Player] - Due to breaking free from the restrictions placed on the Gamer's ability and at the cost of losing some features.

[Monster in bed] - You bedded not just one, not two, not three, but five girls at once!

[The Jade Emperor] - Passive Effect: Gain access to [Jade Emperor's Armory]. (Require not to be equipped to have an effect.)

HP: 256,000/256,000 - Regen: 1 HP (+10 HP) per hour ([God Hand's 4th Passive Effect])

MP: 960/916,960 - Regen: 3291.3 MP per minute

DM Tier: 10 - 100%/100% - Regen: 10% per minute

Void Energy: 100%/100% - Regen: 10% per minute

Sword Qi: 5,642,410/0 - Regen: 0 | [100HP + 100 MP = 1 Sword QI] | Absorb Rate: 10000 Sword Qi per hour from [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword]

Heartforce Reserve: 30%/100% - Regen: 10% per minute

STR: Tier 0 - 18,499 [Tier 1's Requirement: Tier 0 - 100,000]

END: Tier 0 - 25,600 [Tier 1's Requirement: Tier 0 - 100,000]

AGI: Tier 0 - 18,492 [Tier 1's Requirement: Tier 0 - 100,000]

INT: Tier 0 - 32,902 (Kekkaishi: +80) = 32,982 [Tier 1's Requirement: Tier 0 - 100,000]

WIS: 32,913 [Tier 1's Requirement: Tier 0 - 100,000]

MAG: 91,696 [Tier 1's Requirement: Tier 0 - 100,000]

LUCK: 1,130 (Contractor's First Contract: +60) | (Contractor's Second Contract: +10) = 1,200 [Tier 1's Requirement: Tier 0 - 100,000]

RES: [Dark Matter] - Tier 10: 100% (Can't add points into this stat)

Stats Point: 10596

Age: 37

"Wow, that's big." I thought out loud as I share my new version of the status list.

"Pretty sure, your [Skills List] beg to differ." Esdeath said to me, reminding me I still haven't checked my [Skills List] and I'm kind of afraid what kind of changes had done to it.

[Gamer's Mind] - Passive -

[Expand to read info]

[Gamer's Body] - (Default) - Passive -

[Expand to read info]

[Fiction Adaption] - Passive -

[Expand to read info]

[Shundo] - Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% - MP cost: 1 MP per step

[Expand to read info]

[Innate Time Control: Time Alter] - Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% - MP cost: 1 MP per second

[Expand to read info]

[Rejection] - Active - MP cost: Varies

[Expand to read info]


[Search Current Skills: _] (Filter: Passive | Active | Mix | Level | Other

"Huh, it made the [Skills List] more bearable to read and check which one I want to see the information on that [Skill]." I'm actually happy about this change, because the reason why I don't check on my [Skills List] that much because it places the entire list of the [Skills] and the effects belong to it. Furthermore, I now have a search feature to find what type of [Skills] I want to check.

To check if my [Skills] are still the same or have been changed. I checked a couple just in case to be sure and it looks like nothing changes besides the way I can view them.

"I'm not going to ask how many [Skills] you got right now. Knowing over the years by now. I would expect you to have over at least the minimum of over 100 [Skills] right now." Yuri said dryly when she realizes compared to other. Her husband is someone that has numerous [Skills] and still learning new ones without stopping.

"Hehe." I chuckle quietly, then finally deactivate [Bypass Restrictions] and [Rejection]. Since I no longer need them activated at this point.

"So, where do you guys want us to go? Because I have no idea how to find a universe for us to enter, not to mention how to enter one in the first place." Repellista said to everyone. As she drives the [Ark] with the help of her [Lighthouse] connected with the [Archive], which is also connected with the [Ark]. Allowing her to drive the [Ark].

"No clue, but give me a moment to rest a little. You girls do whatever, I just need a moment or two." I said to my family as I sat down on the bean bag chair, which everyone is sitting in one, with the kids sitting on the lap of their Mothers.

"I got the feeling we're in deep trouble after that act." Alice mumble, but everyone heard her and knew she was correct. Who knows if we're being hunted down by now, thanks the action done a few hours ago.