Chapter 36: New Info

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 36: New Info

5 months later*

Year 19: Day 61: Fun Challenge? Maybe or Maybe Not

(Ark's City)

5 long months, that's how long it took some of us to figure out a way to control or relearn how to see right from wrong. Or in Esdeath's case, the right way to kill and when. For the family, Esdeath changes the word kill to punish.

Esdeath adapted to the change quickly in a couple of days, but needed to practice whenever she gets excited or any extreme emotions. It mostly during the night when she loses control, which I can't blame her for.

Yuri actually didn't feel any different, other than she could be more focused onto things. Otherwise, she would be distracted sometime, not as bad as before. In a way, Yuri had a better time than everyone else, even Esdeath is a bit envious of Yuri for not having to deal with having to put more effort compared to the rest.

Ryun thought of a way, to make it easier on herself. However, her method kind of makes me feel a bit weird, because she using me, as a way to check herself, questioning herself if it's something I desire for her to do so.

This kind of tends to cause Ryun to continue asking me questions most of the time until I had to calm her down and only ask me something that's very important that related to herself, the family, and me.

Alice and Raven didn't have any problem at all, where Yuri does have to put somewhat effort. It's as if Alice and Raven had no changes at all, besides gaining the ability to enhance their focuses.

The theories we came up with why they not affected is because of their [Transformation Semblance] in the early stage, have already trained them similar to the situation the rest of us went through these past 5 months.

As for me; well, I got [Gamer's Mind] and if that wasn't enough, I got the [Heartforce Cultivation] that increases the effect of [Gamer's Mind]. So no worry for me, other than I have to triple check what I do next before doing it.

"Hey, guys! I think I found a universe for us to enter!" Repellista shouted to us via the [Lighthouses] nearby.

This caused everyone to head to the same area, which is used for the family meeting, which is a giant garden.

It only took some of us a few minutes and others a second or two.

As for the kids; well, with them sticking around their Mothers, learning their Clan's [Basic Skills] and other lessons, their Mothers would bring them along, allow the kids to be in the meeting without being late.

"So, what you found?" Raven ask Repellista as she lay in her bean bag chair, which is crimson in color, " I do hope you didn't find one with the main theme as cooking, because I may like eating, but I don't want it to be the main theme when we enter that universe. No, Alice, we won't go to one like that. If we do, Esdeath would mostly kill everyone there just because someone is better than her in cooking."

Alice opens her mouth to argue, but close her mouth, knowing the truth, that Esdeath has the intention to kill others if she find out someone better than her at cooking, which she took as her secondary hobby and want to be the best in the family, if she finds out one of us ate something not made by Esdeath or through the [Gate of Babylon, then most likely Esdeath would kill the chef who cooked the meal.

Everyone learned that Esdeath is extremely unstable, but with the enhanced focus, she became less extreme and just on the borderline of beyond unstable and stable. So yeah, no one wants Esdeath's jealous side to come up or any type of negative emotions since her mind didn't tone down at all, but increase it instead, but everyone loves her anyway.

Esdeath knew this as well, hell, she knows due to the effect of her mind became more controlled in somewhat in a good and bad way. All she needs is her family's love, but mostly her husband's love. That is the only thing that helps her stay somewhat sane all the time.

"Well, I honestly don't know if my guesses are true or not, but I think it's the Harry Potter universe." Repellista replied to Raven's question.

"Why you say that?" Ryun ask Repellista as she teases her Daughter a little by tickling her in the stomach, causing Erza to giggle at this, bringing a smile on Ryun face.

"Well, for one. This universe's appearance for us to see before entering is a round-rimmed glasses with a small lightning bolt on the upper left, that makes me think of Harry Potter." Repellista replied to Ryun's question as she brings up the screen for everyone to see.

And true enough, everyone can see literally a round-rimmed glasses with a small lightning bolt on the upper left, but that's literally it. No face, nothing, not even ahead. Just a floating glasses with a lightning bolt just floating next to it.

"Do we get to pick which era to go into or something? How about the requirements to enter this universe? In fact, how do we enter it?" Yuri ask everyone, as she looks at the floating glasses with a wry grin, wondering what her home universe would look like.

"Hmm. Let me try something out." I said to Yuri, as I bring up my [Archive], then tried to connect with the Harry Potter universe in front of the [Ark].


Player: Ragna D. Mercer

Request: Access to the Harry Potter universe.

H.P.U's Response: You are given two available options to allow temporary entrance and only the Player can enter for the time being.

Option 1: [Evil Faction] - Either destroy the wizarding world, also referred to as the magical community or rule over it.

Time Zone: 1 year in the Harry Potter universe = 1 day outside

Time Limit: 100 years (Harry Potter's time)

Reward: Allow the Player to bring anyone inside the Harry Potter universe and/or take out anyone in the universe with the Player upon leaving the Harry Potter universe.

Failure: Kick out of the Harry Potter universe.

Reward's Condition: Kill all wizards and witches, including Squib a non-magical person who is born to at least one magical parent or gain the title of ruling the wizarding world.

Failure's Condition: Time Limit reaches to 0.

Option 2: [Neutral Faction] - Either help the chosen one(s), to fulfill their destiny early on or protect them from being killed until they fulfill their destiny at some point.

Time Zone: 1 month in the Harry Potter universe = 1 day outside

Time Limit: Until the chosen one(s) is either killed or fulfill their destiny.

Reward: Allow the Player to bring anyone inside the Harry Potter universe and/or take out anyone in the universe with the Player upon leaving the Harry Potter universe.

Failure: Kick out of the Harry Potter universe.

Reward's Condition: Allowing the chosen one(s) fulfill their destiny.

Failure's condition: The chosen one(s) killed before fulfilling their destiny.

[Not available] - Option 3: [Hero Faction] - Team up with Harry Potter and defeat the force of evil.

Time Zone: In the Harry Potter universe time flow and outside time are stopped.

Reward: Increase all stats by 100 permanently.

Failure: Death.

Reward's Condition: Destroy all [Horcrux] and kill Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Failure's Condition: Not completing the Reward's Condition.

"Okay, but why?" I thought out loud when I saw the last part, option 3.

"I guess we're not that hero material?" Esdeath ask in amusement, because she knows she no hero at all, unless you count all those conquests she did back at her as General of the Empire. Maybe she could be counted as a war hero at some point, in some people twisted view.

"Don't care, as my god's wishes, I will follow." Ryun didn't care if she be a hero or become an evil tyrant as long it's the order of her god/husband.

"Honestly, neither Raven or I could be a hero at all, with our previous profession." Alice said with amusement like Esdeath. As she finds it a bit funny, to be a hero.

"No kidding." Raven comment as she rolls her eyes before she changes her sitting position to a more comfortable one.

"As we get to find, I don't care." Yuri gave her own input on this.

"I do wonder if it's going to be canon era or what." Repellista thinking out loud, causing some of us to raise an eyebrow at this.

"Give me a second." I said to everyone.


Question: Why option 3: [Hero Faction] unavailable and why show it?

H.P.U's Response: Because you don't belong to the [Hero Faction] and because the people from the [Hero Faction] will also enter the Harry Potter universe, together with the Player.

I and the rest, look confused at this.

"Well, this proved one of our theories about how other universe travelers beside us, will enter the same universe as us, but from the look of it. The previous ones, was because Ragna's Gamer's ability had someone controlling it in the background before. So, they must have sent all us into a separate parallel dimension inside that universe. I wouldn't be surprised if we find someone outside of that universe to be there." Repellista said to everyone, "Furthermore, I got the feeling the person behind the Gamer's ability must have belonged to this [Hero Faction]."

"Huh, but then how come we got the option for [Evil Faction] and [Neutral Faction]? Wouldn't these two also be the one behind controlling the Gamer's ability before Ragna took control over it?" Raven ask this, since she didn't feel like it just the [Hero Faction] is the one behind controlling their husband's Gamer's ability at the time.

"Honestly? I don't know the answer to that one. I'm just trying to guess with all the facts before me." Repellista replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

"By the way, it looks like our husband here is going to have to deal with other people outside the native in the universe. No clue if they will attack us for being on the [Neutral Faction] at the time in the universe." Yuri said to everyone, while she doesn't have to tell everyone about how being in the [Evil Faction] will make the [Hero Faction] attack us most likely.

"Yeah, I don't think I want to enter the Harry Potter universe." I said dryly, because honestly, I can't deal with the people in that universe, mostly the adults that's just too corrupted in their own little way.

"Why, are they powerful enough to threaten you?" Esdeath ask me, with a confused look on her face.

"No. I just feel like I may end up doing something I may regret while in there." I replied, because with [Omega Sword Dao] and my personal [Void Weapon] is enough to kill anything in that universe. No clue about the God/Goddess of Death in that universe would do to me the moment I started a slaughter, with one of the deaths could be the Master of Death. No clue who will be it, maybe Harry Potter, but there are countless unknown variables in that universe the moment I enter it.

"Like?" Alice looks with curiosity on what her husband may do that he would regret.

"Pretty sure I may end destroying everything around due someone's unwanted comments towards me. Then, what's the point of having everyone come to the Harry Potter universe if I destroyed it?" I replied with an example of what I could have done, that I'll regret.

"Well, after you destroy everything. Can't you just enter another dimension? Pretty sure that is a thing and we can do that after you finished the condition for us to enter." Alice points this out like it simple.

"True." I nod at this, "But, do we even have an option to enter a parallel dimension after I destroyed the previous one I entered?"

"How should we know? You're the one entering the Harry Potter universe. Not us." Esdeath smirk at this, causing me to twitch a little.

"I guess." I let out a tired sigh, then started typing on the [Archive: Keyboard].


Question: What era am I entering?

H.P.U's Response: You will decide upon picking which options before entering.

Question: Where will I appear in the Harry Potter universe the moment I enter?

H.P.U's Response: If you pick [Evil Faction], it will be in a random location, but within the area of the series. If you pick [Neutral Faction], you will be given a choice of locations to pick.

"So when are you entering the Harry Potter universe?" Yuri ask me, wondering how long it takes for me to finishes the conditions to allow the rest of the family in the [Ark] to enter the Harry Potter universe as well.

"Well, do you girls actually want to enter the Harry Potter universe? I don't think we get much out of it. Sure, the whole reality warping [Magic], but none of us could use [Wand Magic], neither can we try to learn the [Spells] belong to the [Wand Magic]. Unless you girls want me to use [Bypass Restrictions] to give everyone the ability to use [Wand Magic]." I replied to Yuri's question and looking at everyone else.

"In my opinion, I just want to experience what the Harry Potter's world is like after reading the series." Repellista said to me, causing me to raise an eyebrow at this.

"Alright. Anyone else got anything else to say about this?" I ask everyone.

"Not really, I'm with Repellista about wanting to experience that world; well, a parallel version of it at least. Plus, I want to taste the food there and compared to the previous ones I have eaten." Alice grin at everyone as she adds the last part.

"How long do you think it will take you to complete the conditions for the rest of us to enter the Harry Potter universe?" Raven ask me.

"I can just go into the [Evil Faction] and easily destroy the wizarding world within a single day or so. Maybe less if I wanted to do things quickly." I said to everyone since nothing in the Harry Potter universe, at least, the ones near canon as in the main universe of Harry Potter wouldn't be able to do a thing to me. While those in the crossover section have the chance to.

"How about the [Hero Faction]. Won't they be able to stop you?" Alice ask me, where she needs to remind me about the people entering the universe as well, other than myself.

"If they above my stats in [Tiers] and possess [Skills] that's just beyond broken like mine and could overwhelm me with them, then yeah, I would worry, but other than that. I won't have to worry about the [Hero Faction]. Plus, I can use this time to increase all my stats to [Tier 1] while in the Harry Potter universe and I think it is time for me to raise my [Profession: The Gamer]'s level. Since I hold it off for too long now." I answered while letting my family know, I'm about to find out what my Gamer's ability would do upon raising my level to 100 for the [Profession: The Gamer].

"How long would it take you to do so?" Esdeath ask with curiosity, "Unless you're planning to eat those [Geno Beasts' Meat] to gain the EXP to level, then that solves your problem of dealing the needs to gain EXP. But, what about your stats? I know you gain stat points, but those are too little to reach [Tier 1]. If you're planning to you use those [Skills] you got, to raise the stats manually. Do you have enough [Mana] and HP to survive the training?"

"Well, I could use [Bypass Restrictions] to give myself a [Skill] that either increase my [Mana Regeneration] or take it away from others." I answered my first wife's question.

"I guess you could do that, but I feel like the latter would cause harm to you, for taking foreign [Mana]. Won't that affect you in some way?" Esdeath wanted to point this out, after all, with the time she was in Girl The Wild's universe and read many books over the years, with the being fiction and non-fiction.

"Maybe, so I guess I could just create a [Skill] to increase my [Mana Regeneration]." I shrug my shoulders since so far, I have built up an all attack set, with little for recovery. Hell, I barely have any [Skills] other than [God Hand] as my only [Life-Saving Skill] and it also increases my rate of [Health Renegration] as well. Actually, not a [Life-Saving Skill], but more of an [Extra-Life Skill]. But, it still as one due to increasing my RES stat towards what attacked me if I survive.

"Actually..." Yuri draws the other's attention to her, "Instead of making it too boring and quick. How about, if you join the [Evil Faction]. You can only use a limited amount of [Skills]. You get to pick and only use those to face the entire wizarding world by yourself. Plus, if things get difficult, just go all out."

"I guess." I shrugged my shoulders, not caring if I handicap myself. I can still train myself while using a certain selected [Skills] to take over the wizarding world.

"How about you girls, decide it for me. But, make sure it doesn't use any [Mana]. Because, I'm going to need that to train." I said to my wives, causing some to nods in understanding. As I bring my [Skills List] for my wives to pick for me.

"Why do you need [Mana], Dad? Do you practice your [Magic]?" Erza ask me as she tilts her little cute head to the side.

"Well, my little gift. It's because due to my natural [Mana Regeneration]. I'm very limited in how much I could train my body. So, I can't use anything else that requires [Mana]." I answered my Daughter's question.

"Oh." Erza nods her little head, then started whispering to Kaori and Chifuyu, too bad for them, everyone can still hear them no matter how quiet they whisper to each other. Not to mention, the kids are literally sitting on their Mothers' laps. So, whispering to each other while sitting in their Mothers' laps defeat the purpose of whispering.

"Okay, I say Ragna here can use his [Omega Sword Dao] only three times while he handicaps himself." Alice grin at me, showing me she cares for my safety by saying this.

The other wives roll their eyes at Alice, knowing her intention, but feel happy that she still picked that broken ass [Skill], even if it is limited to three times. Plus, this agreement is just by words, doesn't mean anything.

"If Ragna is going to enter the [Evil Faction], then I say he uses his [Ultimate Eye] at all time." Raven smirk at this, with Esdeath's eyes, lit up and nods her head in agreement, "After all, if he removes his eyepatch, then his killing intent won't be suppressed or hidden. Unless you can do it with [Ninjutsu]?" Raven looks at me.

"Not really. Using [Ninjutsu] would only suppress the killing intent for a few minutes before I run out of [Mana]. You have no idea how much killing intent I have the moment I remove my eyepatch. It has been years since then and is bound to grow." I gave everyone a wry grin. "And that was years ago too, so if I do it now, I wouldn't be surprised if I can only suppress it for a few seconds, maybe a second at best."

"Wouldn't that make things easier for Ragna, though?" Yuri points this out, wanting to know why Raven wanted to pick this [Skill] out of the others.

"Because, even if this help him, but with the killing intent, he's bound to draw in lots of unwanted attention. Be it, normal people to supernatural beings." Raven's grin widens at this.

"I agree with Raven, but I think Ragna's killing intent may be too much and could lead to hundreds, if not, thousands of being to die from heart attacks due to the heavy killing intent. Who knows, the moment he removes his eyepatch, it could affect the entire planet and kill everything." Esdeath said, then blinks a few times before looking at me, "Never mind, don't use the [Ultimate Eye] unless you figure a way to counter the killing intent you release. Knowing you, Ragna, you are bound to kill every single living beings on the planet."

Raven lost her grin and forgot about to include how her husband's killing intent isn't a mortal realm and beyond what she considers the range of moral could comprehend.

"I see, then never mind on using the [Ultimate Eye] then. How about [Pumba]?" Raven look at the description of the [Skill: Pumba].

"That could work, but Ragna shouldn't be able to use his [Sword Qi] or his [Sword Intents]. After all, his [Sword Intents] came from the [Skill: Pumba] in the first place." Esdeath inputs her own opinion as she explained to the rest of the wives on how the [Sword Intents] came to be, for their husband.

"Good enough for me." Raven didn't care about that as the [Skill: Pumba] didn't use any [Mana] at all.

"I say no on [Renewal Taekwondo]. That martial art can literally destroy a mountain." Yuri said dryly, because she knows for a fact that the [Renewal Taekwondo] can destroy a mountain with ease.

"And the [Skill: Pumba] doesn't?" Raven ask with confusion in her voice.

"Well, Ragna just don't have to use any of his [Sword Intents] while he can use anything he could grab his hands on as a weapon. While the [Renewal Taekwondo] already possesses the destruction factor to destroy many things." Yuri gave the facts on why their husband shouldn't use the [Renewal Taekwondo], along with the [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon].

"How about the [Moon Light Sword Style] and [Full Contact Karate]?" Raven brings those two [Skills] up.

"Nah, because they're technically in the same rank as the [Renewal Taekwondo] and son." Yuri, again, point out that those two [Skills] belong to the same universe as the [Renewal Taekwondo], which have the same potential to be overpowered in other universes, this includes the Harry Potter universe.

"I say, Ragna should use the [Mystic Eye of Death Perception], after all, I haven't seen him use it much since he got the [Skill]." Esdeath said to everyone, "Well, technically I can't see him using it because it looks like he using his [Sword Intents] most of the time."

"I find the [Mystic Eye of Death Perception] to be beyond broken, but with limitation. I'll say yes, to use it." Raven voted yes for using that [Skill].

"I would like to say no, because makes things too easy, but at the same time interesting. I guess I will vote yes for that [Skill]." Yuri actually wanted to say no, but like Esdeath said, their husband most likely not use that [Skill] for a long time so may as well take this chance to do so.

"How about you, Ryun? Got a [Skill] for our husband to use?" Esdeath asks Ryun, who is busy rubbing Erza's head.

"Hm? Oh! Uh..." Ryun looks at the [Skills List] to pick a [Skill] for her god to use, that don't use any [Mana] at all. "How about [Fundamental Force Manipulation]?"

All the wives look at Ryun like she picked the worse [Skill] to choose from.

"Well, technically it doesn't use any [Mana]." Ryun tried to explain to herself when she notices everyone staring at her.

"Ryun, you forgot that the [Fundamental Force Manipulation] requires the [Wisdon of The Sage] to be activated first before Ragna could use the [Fundamental Force Manipulation] and the [Wisdon of The Sage] do use [Mana] too." Yuri calmly explained to Ryun why everyone, the wives and their husband, looks at Ryun for picking the wrong [Skill].

"Oh." Ryun looks down and pushes her face onto Erza's hair, to hide her red face, for forgetting about that little fact.

"The [Heaven Extinction Spell] is a must-have for Ragna to use, plus it doesn't require any [Mana] to use." Esdeath said to everyone, with most of us nodding our heads.

"How about [Dark Matter], does Ragna have any [Skills] that could use [Dark Matter]?" Ryun asks everyone, once her face is no longer red.

"Yeah, he can use his [Yami Yami no Mi], right, Ragna? You can use that [Devil Fruit] without having to use your [Left Arm of Usage]." Alice looks at me, with interest.

"Yup, by using [Dark Matter] as a replacement for the [Left Arm of Usage]. I can use the [Yami Yami no Mi]. But, only for a limited of usage before I need to rest to recover my [Dark Matter]." I explained how with my [Dark Matter] can be used as a power source to use the [Yami Yami no Mi] for a dozen times, maybe more if I use the right amount, and if it's something big, then I could only use the [Yami Yami no Mi] maybe around three times before having to recharge.

"Alright, the [Yami Yami no Mi] is in then. What else do we have left?" Alice asks everyone, as she starts to look for another [Skill] that can be used.

"That's kind of it unless we want Ragna to use the [Jade Emperor's Physical Power]. Because that's the only last [Skill] out of the rest we picked out so far to use." Esdeath answered.

"Ragna already powerful enough with his current physical stats. Including that, then he can just crush things with brute force the entire time." Yuri said to Esdeath, "Even though, it doesn't require any [Mana]. I say he can use the [Jade Emperor's Physical Power] three times only."

"I guess that's okay." Alice didn't seem to care if there is a limited usage of the [Jade Emperor's Physical Power]. It's the same with the [Omega Sword Dao].

"How about his [Profession: Contractor]? He can still use them, but for a limited time before he needs to use [Mana to extend the duration." Raven brings up the [Skills] under the other professions than the [Profession: The Gamer].

"Be a bit boring, but I guess that's okay." Esdeath said in a bored voice now, since we're almost done picking out the [Skills] that are allowed to be used.

"Wait, what about the [Hade Emperor's Gears]? The [Robe of the Sage] and [Blade of Tathagata]? Those don't require any [Mana] at all to use." Yuri said to everyone, once she looks at the gears their husband can use.

"Honestly, I don't really care at this point, but sure, let our husband use those two." Esdeath said in the same tone. "But, he can't use his [Void Weapons], though." Esdeath sends a small grin in my direction.

"Why not?" I ask Esdeath while giving my lovely wife a playful glare.

"Because, you need us, as in Yuri and I in person, to use our [Void Weapons]. As for your own, no can do. It has the [Volition Sword Dao]. Something I wish I can have; nonetheless, don't use it if you can help it. After all, that [Void Weapon] alone could match the destructive power of your [Omega Sword Dao] within reasons." Esdeath calmly replied. Then give me a smirk, that she knew that the [Volition Sword Dao] inside my [Void Weapon] has the potential to surpass the [Omega Sword Dao] by literally devouring it if possible.

"Well, I'll go into the Harry Potter universe tomorrow. For now, I will use this time to get used to using the set of [Skills] I'm going to use for a while inside the Harry Potter universe." I said to my family, then head to the building for training, with Esdeath and Raven tagging along to help out. While the rest did their own things.


Omake: Operation - Get Family To Be The Good Guys-Child

-Children's POV-

"Okay, I'll say it now. I think our entire family is a bit evil." Erza said to her fellow sisters. "Because joining the [Evil Faction] is kind of weird for me and concerning. I honestly don't think I could meet up with the counterparts of my old family and friends without any shame due to the fact that I'm being raised by an evil family; well, almost all of them are evil."

"In my opinion. There no evil or good. Well, in other people's point of views, there are two sides. For me, there are the winner and the loser. The loser is evil while the winner is the good guys. So, for me, I don't care if our family is considered evil for others. As we live through our second life to the fullest." Kaori replied.

"Is it because of your Mother, Kaori?" Chifuyu ask Kaori, who look calm, but anyone could tell she deadly afraid of her Mother.

"Nope. Not at all." Kaori's body betrays her words as she looks around in case of seeing her Mother nearby. "I follow what I said, no influence on my part."

"Right." Chifuyu didn't believe her sister one bit, but even she too afraid of Kaori's Mother. Say what you want, but Kaori's Mother could easily kill anyone back in her universe with ease, even if she can't fly herself. That didn't stop Kaori's Mother from finding a way to bring the enemy to her when the situation calls for it.

"I'll say we try our best to bring our family to the good side. I'm sure they be great heroes." Erza said to her two sisters, clearly want their entire family to be great heroes like her friends and family back in her previous life.

What none of them realize was that all the adults was listening to their conversation, with most of them are amused by Erza's goal of reforming the entire family to be the good guys.