Chapter 37: More New Info

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 37: More New Info

The next day*

Year 19: Day 62: Split Time Zone

(Ark's City)

It wasn't until last night that I remember I had a xianxia novels, that would help me on a long run and should have gotten it years ago; well, since I first read about it at the time, but I guess something distracted me at the time and forgot about it.

[Three Purities Secret - Sword Cultivation's Version] - Passive/Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% -

Description: The [Three Purities Secrets] can refine killing intent into [Sword Qi]. Turning one [Sword Qi] into three different types of [Sword Intents, only, it could raise [Sword Qi, and not pure [Qi].

1st Effect: Passive Effect - Able to convert killing intent into [Sword Qi] at the rate of (level) [Sword Qi] per minute. Active Effect - Able to convert killing intent into [Sword Qi] at the rate of (level) [Sword Qi] per second.

1st Effect's Restrictions: Active Effect - Require user to stand still.

2nd Effect: Passive Effect - Able to learn three types of [Sword Intents] at once. Active Effect - Able to turn one [Sword Qi] into three different types of [Sword Intents] at the same time for the user's usage.

2nd Effect's Restriction: Active Effect - Limit the user towards those three [Sword Intents] as long this effect is active.

Yup, I finally got another method to generate [Sword Qi] other than absorbing it from my [Void Weapon]. This [Skill] actually gave me a passive version to generate my own [Sword Qi] as long I have killing intent to be refined into [Sword Qi].

Honestly, the [Three Purities Secret]'s generating speed is a bit slower compared to absorbing the [Sword Qi] from my [Void Weapon]. With the amount being around 166 [Sword Qi] per minute while the [Three Purities Secret] is 100 per minute, then again, I have to manually absorb it while the [Three Purities Secret] generate 100 [Sword Qi] automatically by itself.

Also, I can absorb the [Sword Qi] from my [Void Weapon] while at the same time using the 1st Effect's Active Effect version of the [Three Purities Secret] together to increase the amount of [Sword Qi] I gain. So, it's a win-win for me.

Of course, the original version of the [Three Purities Secret] would have different effects, so I had to change it to suit my needs with the help of [Archive] and [Bypass Restrictions].

Nevertheless, this helps me a lot. But, at the same time, I feel disappointed when the [Three Purities Secret] wasn't fast enough to refine my killing intent generated by my right eye, where the [Ultimate Eye] is.

Not to mention, that it seems like my right eye is generating an infinite amount of killing intent and increasing in quality and quantity somehow.

Talk about bad luck, but at the same great, because due to this. I will continue to generate [Sword Qi] even during a battle instead of having to retreat or use a different [Skill] during the battle, then afterward I have to go behind doors or somewhere quiet to absorb the [Sword Qi] from my [Void Weapon] to regain back all the [Sword Qi] I used up during the fight.

Nevertheless, I won't be using this [Skill] while I'm in the Harry Potter universe, but that doesn't mean I won't be aiming for more [Skills] to get.

Which is why I pick another [Skill] to grab just in case something may happen in a rare case of it happening in the future after reading it and should have grabbed it earlier on as well.

[Independent Manifestation] - Passive - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% -

Description: This is a special [Skill] that permits unsupported manifestation into reality, without the necessity of energy cost or of summoning by a Master, Summoner, etc.; effectively, the [Skill] serves as an enhanced version of [Independent Action]. Being that the [Skill] holder is signified as a [Confirmed Existence, the bearer gains a resistance towards instant-death effect attacks and attacks affected by [Time Manipulation].

1st Effect: Gain resistance towards instant death attacks by (level)%.

2nd Effect: Gain resistance toward time-related attacks by (level)%.

3rd Effect: Gain an enhanced version of [Independent Action].

Yup, this way I won't be killed off by some deities or some overpowered beings like myself from out of nowhere.

And because of this, I made sure to make copies to pass over to my wives and kids the moment I read this [Skill].

Pretty sure all my wives are a bit weird out a little, because they never thought about the fact of powerful people, who could cause instant death from afar until I explained to about [Curse]. As in actual [Curse] and not those from the Fairy Tail universe, but the one from horror, supernatural, and ghost related universe that could easily kill many beings from just the [Curse] alone.

If the [Curse] were to occur in a universe that boosts the [Curse]'s effect, then the targets may be doomed unless they had some kind of plot-armor to protect them, otherwise, they could die any second.

I even told my family, that with the [Sword Qi]. I can technically use it similar to a [Curse] by planting a [Sword Qi] of mine, belong to any [Sword Intents] I possess into a target and just with the will alone, to kill the target whenever I feel like it.

As long the [Sword Qi] stay in that person without having it destroyed or stolen, then the target's life will be under my control unquestionable.

"You ready, Ragna?" Esdeath ask me as we're currently gathered to see me off, to either destroy or rule over one of the dimensions within the Harry Potter universe. Be it solely Harry Potter or a crossover.

"Give me a sec to check if I have everything ready." I said to my first wife, then look at what I got to use at the get-go.

I look at my left hand, carrying the [Blade of Tathagata]. The [National Treasure] belongs to the [Jade Emperor, which is me.

"Yup, I got everything I need." I said to Esdeath, as I point at my magical katana.

Esdeath and the others roll their eyes at me, for making such a lame attempt to joke around.

"By the way, the girls and I have been talking." Esdeath sends a small glare at her fellow sister in marriage, causing all of them to look away while some even did that innocent whistling.

"And I want you to get two more wives." Esdeath notices the look on her husband's face, "Hear me out. I know... I'm not stable in the head." Yuri and Raven snort before both of them started whistling again when Esdeath looks in their direction.

"But, I think you need two more girls. Since it looks like all of us carry one of the seven sins. Don't think I didn't notice the way you kept looking at me over the years. So the girls and I had a theory that I'm technically passing over one of the sins to the new addition to the family. Where I gave away my wrath to Yuri, which is why I don't act on my rage too often compared to years ago. Giving Ryun my pride, sloth for Raven, and gluttony for Alice. Currently, I have lust, greed, and envy still. So, getting two other wives would take two of three sins I carry at the moment would or may not help fix my mind somewhat." Esdeath finished explaining to me in the weirdest and random idea to get me, to marry two other girls.

"Uh huh. Alright, the honest truth?" I am not believing this one second at all.

"Actually, Esdeath is speaking the truth and this theory have been technically been true. Out of all of us, only Esdeath continues to show three of the seven sins daily. While the rest of us, not that we were like that before, but with Ryun and me, we've been with Esdeath the longest other than you, to see the difference in her. Once Alice and Raven appeared. We usually see Esdeath acting less and less than gluttony and sloth. Which I think was the least sins that are part of her and maybe the reasons those two are so easy to give away." Yuri said to me as she pointed out a few examples in the past, that Esdeath did act more like a glutton and a sloth at one point.

Example One: Esdeath would sometimes eat more than others when it's their husband cooked for them. In fact, if she had the chance, she will eat everything before anyone else can.

Example Two: Back in Yuri and Ryun's universe; sometime Esdeath got too lazy in some of her lessons and just decide to do a hand on approach by beating the Baam, the main character in Yuri and Ryun's universe, during those years of training instead of teaching Baam how to plan his fight.

"Therefore, you girls think that if I marry two girls, those will take greed and envy out of Esdeath?" I ask with confusion and a bit of dread because that means I would have to deal with seven wives instead of five.

"Maybe?" Yuri shrugs her shoulders, "Maybe Esdeath doesn't really give it away and more of just link with the others' main sins in order to be more stable and act less on it. Neither the rest of us feel any different other than Esdeath changing more often with each wives joining our family."

"Fine. But, I'm not going to search for them. I'll just let them come to me." I knew how much [Karma Threads] are linked to me and I have been trying to cut them many times now, but I made sure to limit it to amount of days, because the amount of [Stat Points] would be gone by then and I may need them to use my [Karmic Sword Intent] at some point when I really need to use it.

"That's all I ask." Esdeath gives me a kiss on the lip, then the other wives follow as well, with Yuri going for a french kiss with Alice doing the same.

"Okay, here I go." I said to my family, as I enter the Harry Potter universe.


Player: Ragna D. Mercer

Request: Access to the Harry Potter universe. Using Option 1 joining the [Evil Faction]. 4th Year of Harry Potter series, the Goblet of Fire.

H.P.U's Response: Welcome to the Harry Potter universe. You will be the only belong to the [Evil Faction] that outside the Harry Potter universe you're entering. There is already a person from the [Hero Faction] inside the same one you're entering now.


H.P.U's Response: Your location has been selected. It's the Quidditch World Cup Campsite. Your time starts now.

(Quidditch World Cup Campsite)


[Program]: Count Down in local time.

Duration: 100 Days

Day 1 of the 100 Days before the deadline.

'Look like it works.' I thought to myself, to keep track of the time period in this universe.

Frowning a little that I can't really use my [Archive] other than keeping track of time and have to do it the old fashion way to scout the area.

Gripping my [National Treasure] and carefully walk around the place while making sure to stick to the background without making these wizards and witches notice me. If needed, I will just more at the maximum of pure physical speed briefly to get out of the spotlight as quickly as possible.

Of course, there is a chance I cause a sonic boom, affecting the surrounding, but I will get to that later when it happens.

Nevertheless, going back before gaining the Gamer's ability will do me good. Since I can fix some of the flaws I created over the years due to relying on the Gamer's ability.

Narrowing my eyes as I use my enhanced senses, I gained over the years to detect everything around while at the same time, adjusting the way I move and when to move.

Slowly, but quickly, I'm returning back to the same mindset I had years ago.

A few minutes later*

I blankly stare down at the area, where I can see a group of masked wizards, Death Eater, that's moving around to attack the campsite.

A quick use of the [Gate of Babylon] to bring out a set of throwing knives, something I made for Ryun to use whenever she needs them, and now, I need them and with a flick of my wrist, I nail each throwing knives into the masked wizards' hearts.

This caused a panic among the leftover that's alive, as they started sending out multiple [Wand Magic: Spells] around the area to lure me out, but I was too far away from their range.

No sooner after they started throwing all those [Spells]. The campsite filled with wizards and witches, even non-magical humans are thrown into a panic.

I was about to finish these Death Eaters when I sense someone behind me, causing my eyes to widen a little at how close they have gotten to me without me detecting them, even with my enhanced senses with my high stats.

Then sidestep right away when the person tried to attack me from behind, then notice the person is wearing a brown cloak, but I can see their black pants.

However, what caught my attention while I dodging their attacks was the way they're attacking.

I narrow my eyes before it widen in shock when the person spoke out a few words that I would never expect to hear in this universe.

"[Renewal Taekwondo: Dragon Sign Hwechook]." I heard the person before me, as they bury their right foot into the ground, but before they can. I reacted instantly.

I appear in front of the person, then plant my left foot onto their right and push their foot deeper into the ground, sending what power they gather scatter into the ground, causing cracks below us.

Not waiting for a second, as I tear their cloak off and upon seeing the person, I was shocked beyond belief.

"Ingui?" I ask in a calm voice, as my [Gamer's Mind] is currently in effect due to being in combat still.

Yeah, the person before me is literally Ingui Yoon, who should be in the Girl of the Wild's universe and the very same one I met, because unless there are other Ingui Yoon that could use the [Renewal Taekwondo, then damn.

"It's good to see you again, teacher." Ingui Yoon greet me in a blank tone, and out of habit, I use the [Sha Naqba Imuru] on her, which made me want to question why she so happy to see me and sad at the same time, then switched into rage. All done with a blank face.

"Why are you here? How are you even here in the first place?" I ask these questions after I remove my foot from Ingui Yoon's. Since I rather not hurt my former student if I can help it.

"To protect the chosen ones in this universe and I was sent here by the [Hero Faction] after I manage to catch their interests and was invited after a few weeks after you left, teacher." Ingui Yoon answered, then frown a little. "How come you didn't take me with you? You know I had nothing back there, even my family doesn't want me, only my little brother, but he's fine without me. I pretty much have nothing worth staying in that universe other than live there with a few people I'm close with. So, why couldn't you take me with you, teacher? At least, with you, I would have a reason to live my life instead of wasting it away in such a dull life."

"What?" That was all I could say right now and wanted to know if these people from the [Hero Faction] have been visiting the universes I have visited in the past.

"I. Love. You." Ingui Yoon made sure to speak each word slowly as she moves closer to me, almost just a few inches away from kissing me.

"I'm married?" I tried a weak approach to answer Ingui Yoon's confession.

"Uh huh, I would accept that, if I haven't found out you're married to multiple women. So what's your excuse for not accepting me? You have other wives, why not have me in it too?" Ingui Yoon pokes me in the chest, as we ignore the battle going around us, with the Death Eaters trying to harm everyone around them, be it their fellow wizards, witches, and even non-magical beings. Those Death Eaters still throwing [Spells] with harmful intention at everyone.

"I'm too old for you?" I tried another weak response. But, that just made Ingui Yoon frown even more.

"Try again." Ingui Yoon sound even more emotionless, causing me to feel a little dangerous, like those times with my wives.

"We barely know each other?" I'm starting to run out of any response, even if it's lame and weak.

"Teacher, we've known each other for five long years. I've been trying my best to catch your attention more than once whenever your wives aren't nearby." Ingui Yoon confessed that she did try to catch my interests, causing Ingui Yoon to blush upon revealing one of her secrets without realizing.

"Uh, my wives would kill us?" This was my last line of defense and really wished that Esdeath and the rest didn't talk about me having to get two more girls to be my wives, and now, Ingui Yoon here, like she knew about this and show up out of nowhere.

"I'll take that risk." Ingui Yoon said with determination.

"You'll have to be the one to convince Esdeath then." I'm starting to think it was better if I just cut the [Karma Thread] between Ingui Yoon and me like I did with the others. Because look at Nana Sawada from Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Many years and she didn't appear in front of me in any other universe. But, when I didn't cut the one belong to Ingui Yoon. I guess this would give her the ability (plot armor) to find me.

"Wait, is it just you or there other from your universe?" I ask Ingui Yoon, because if there are others from her universe that have [Karma Threads] connected with me like her, then I'm going to have to worry.

"No. Just me. The others didn't have the requirements to even be invited into the [Hero Faction]." Ingui Yoon replied as the sound of the fight around us finally became silence.

"You two! Don't move!" A wizard, not a Death Eaters and should be an Auror, those are with a job to hunt down and capture dark wizards and witches, along with becoming a guard for high profile targets.

Sadly, neither Ingui Yoon or I acknowledge these Aurors surroundings us.

With a quick blast of killing intent from myself; they all fainted and some were close to dying from a heart attack from feeling my killing intent.

"Ah." Ingui Yoon didn't seem to care about these Aurors, "Please. No. Don't kill them." She said in a blank tone with little to no amount of care.

After that, neither Ingui Yoon and I spoke for a few minutes.

"So... [Hero Faction]." I broke the silence.

"Yup, they mention about you joining the [Evil Faction] and since I needed a way to find you when you and the rest left my universe. I took the offer and made sure to reveal less information as possible as you taught me before. Never trust everyone just because of their covers." Ingui Yoon said to me, reminding me that she didn't completely trust every single thing the people from the [Hero Faction] told her.

"Weird. I didn't even join the [Evil Faction] until today, though." I rub my chin, then start walking away while Ingui Yoon follows right beside me.

"That just means they expected you to join the [Evil Faction]." Ingui Yoon shrugs her shoulders without a care if her teacher joined the [Evil Faction] or not. Like her teacher taught her over the years under his teaching.

Good or evil. In life, the winner is good and the loser is evil. The history is written by the victor.

"Right... Why me?" I kind of know the reason, but I want to hear what reason for Ingui Yoon to come after me, because other than that [Karma Thread, there shouldn't be anything else besides maybe our relationship as teacher and student.

"Well, you helped me break that engagement I didn't want, that my family placed on me. Another was that you made your successor in the [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon] when it could have been Lee Na instead of me." Ingui Yoon started giving many examples or reasons to pick me as her love interests.

For the next few minutes; Ingui Yoon had a long list of examples why she picked me and maybe I shouldn't have taken her as my student in the past, because over 5 years is long enough for her to gather countless memories and facts to use on me, to prove why she loves me.

'Okay, which one will Ingui Yoon would be if I accept her? Would it be lust, greed, envy? Which one would it be?' I question myself, already considering the idea of taking Ingui Yoon as my sixth wife and hope that Esdeath wouldn't turn out for the worse upon me taking a seventh and last wife.

"So, what's your mission here as part of the [Evil Faction, teacher?" Ingui Yoon continues to call me her teacher, and now, I'm starting to think if she has a fetish for a teacher-student relationship or something. Because at this point, I'm no longer her teacher.

"Destroy the wizardly world or gain a title of ruling over it." I replied honestly since there no point of me hiding it from Ingui Yoon. She bound to find out later on, so may as well reveal it now instead of letting her figure it out herself and with a chance of her becoming too nosy for her own good.

"Huh, then I can just make sure the chosen ones help you rule over the wizardly world." Ingui Yoon smile at me, not caring that she literally helping the force of evil, kind of.

"So how long you been in this universe and how do you travel between universes? Did the [Hero Faction] give you something that helps you travel the multiverse?" I ask these questions to Ingui Yoon, because if so, why doesn't the [Evil Faction] have a method to travel in the multiverse? Well, technically I have the [Ark] as my transportation between universes, but that takes a long time.

"They actually have these gates that send other people from the [Hero Faction] to other universes. I got this wristwatch that keeps track of my location and I could call for reinforcement along with calling in a beacon to send me back to the [Hero Faction]'s universe whenever I'm done with my mission or need to escape." Ingui Yoon answered my questions as she explained a little more near the end.

"So, I'm guessing there are others with you from the [Hero Faction]. I don't think they would let newcomers go into another universe by themselves without a mentor to guide them on how to do things." I said to Ingui Yoon as she starts leading us to somewhere since I have no idea where to go at the moment. Well, not that I had any idea how to go to the locations I wanted to go, like Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"You guessed correctly. I have another person from the [Hero Faction] came with me into this Harry Potter universe. So, if possible, try your best to prevent someone from finding out you're part of the [Evil Faction]." Ingui Yoon said to me with concern.

"I think I got an idea what to do." I know I may be technically breaking part of my promise with my wives, but if the person that came with Ingui Yoon as a mentor, they must be powerful and I need to gain as much information as possible before facing them.


Omake: Bets

-Back In The Ark: Adults's POV-

"Okay, who wants to bet on how many days and years before Ragna cave in and start using other [Skills] besides the ones we pick?" Esdeath asks everyone and knew the others are thinking the same thing as her.

"Why would you ask that, Esdeath? Don't you trust our husband?" Ryun is the first one to question Esdeath with a frown on her face, as she is the one that trusted their husband the most out of the rest.

"Well, knowing Ragna. He's bound to use his other [Skills] and maybe new ones as well. Because Ragna isn't that great for long-term stealth. He can do it for a short time, but a long one? Yeah, he can't do that without the help of his other [Skills] against the supernatural beings. Trust me, even Ragna explained to me in the first years of our marriage. He has lots of weaknesses to be used against if he doesn't have his Gamer's ability." Esdeath explained to Ryun, along with the rest that's curious. "So, I'll bet on a month's worth of time or less before he starts using other [Skills] than the ones we picked for him."

"Fine, I'll bet a year before he caves." Yuri decided to get into this bet. "By the way, what the winner would get and the loser gets?"

"Winner gets to spend an entire day with Ragna, even at night. I'll even promise to not interfere if one of you girls wins." Esdeath said with an edge that says she will win this.

The rest of the wives' eyes lit up at this and knew Esdeath will keep her promise, and if not, the rest will stop her if needed for a few hours is long enough.

"10 years. I trust my god to last that long." Ryun wanted all her god's attention solely onto her and if this bet can help her experience something like that, then she will do it.

"Three months for me." Alice wasn't too sure about their husband and decided to just be a bit higher than Esdeath's. Maybe she will win? A girl can hope.

"Less than six months for me then. No way am I risking it too high." Raven wasn't stupid enough to realize that Esdeath may have the highest chance of winning this bet. As she said before, she knows their husband the most out of the rest. With a few years ahead of them. She would have picked two months, but she didn't feel winning over Alice just because she picked one month less than her.

"Okay, I've written it down. Now, we just have to ask how long it has been the moment he returns." Esdeath said to everyone as she just finishes writing down the bet, along with who picked which date for the bet.

"Now, how about we bet if he finds another girl to join us upon returning." Esdeath grin at everyone, causing some to look at each other and wonder if this was one part of Esdeath that love to bet.