Chapter 44: Testing Things Out

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 44: Testing Things Out

Three days later*

Year 19: Day 74: Split Time Zone

(Ark's City: Training Building: Wonderland)

With a simple slash using the [Empire Common Sword], breaking it down before even finishing a slash as the shards scattered around the front of me. Not being able to withstand my raw strength, even when I held back by a large amount.

Nevertheless, using the bare minimum of [Sword Qi] on these scattered sword shards as sharp projections and send them toward Raven.

Instead of parrying them as most would do; Raven stabs her sword directly into the ground before clapping her hands, to cause a blast of gale to form around her in the circle. Of course, this wasn't just it. Raven even uses [Heartforce] into the wind, causing the gale to become even stronger, but also have this dangerous feeling like one would be cut down the moment they are touched by these fierce winds around Raven.

Sadly, this only stopped the sword shards from coming near her, but the [Sword Qi] itself continues to move forward even when it lost physical vessel to hold it. As even space and time will be used instead to hold the [Sword Qi].

Allowing the [Sword Qi] to continue flying through the gale like it wasn't even there.

This forced Raven to grab her sword and create a swirling portal behind her and jump into it to escape. Not even a second went by another swirling red portal appear above me, with Raven coming down on me with a downward slash of her red sword, but was broken and with Raven sending off course by a giant fist punching her out of nowhere.

The giant fist belongs to a gigantic being, that has scarlet cracks covering its skin and 10 gigantic golden phantom swords floating behind it.

This gigantic being is my first [Ancient Sword God Avatar - 10 Phantom Swords Stage] I made on the first day I gained the [Ancient Clan Cultivation System - Sword Cultivator's Version].

If one were to look at this [Ancient Sword God Avatar] and don't have a strong will. Then, they would either have their mind destroyed due to daring to look at this great being. While those with enough will to withstand the presence of the [Ancient Sword God Avatar] would only freeze on the spot instead, but for those with abnormal willpower would be able to face it while only feels uncomfortable for a few seconds.

Those with monstrous will power and great mental state. Will able to face the [Ancient Sword God Avatar] without flinching at all.

So it wasn't a surprise to find another swirling red portal to appear in front of the [Ancient Sword God Avatar]'s face, with a blast of sharp gale force infused with [Heartforce] and [Sword Qi] coming out of the swirling red portal. Striking the [Ancient Sword God Avatar]'s face, to force it to lean its head, where there are a couple of sword wounds on the face, but was healed instantly.

"You are going to need to do better than that." I said to Raven, who appeared just a couple meters across from me. Who has a frown on her face.

"If this was a [Ancient Sword God Avatar - 1 Phantom Sword Stage]. I bet I can kill it." Raven said to me, knowing that she is technically facing a modified version of the original [Ancient God] and surpass the 9 stars stage. Which mean, that Raven manage to deal any damage to it, would mean she could potentially cause a fatal wound to a [Ancient God] at the peak stage.

"True. Which is why I made sure to create them at the [10 Phantom Swords Stage] at the get-go. But, I could create one just to see how much it a difference." I said to Raven, as I dismiss the [Ancient Sword God Avatar] behind me before creating a new one, but weaker than the previous one.

As this new one only had a single golden phantom sword floating behind it.

Not a second it appeared. Raven slice its head off by using a large scale size version of the [Killsword Stance] of the [Heartsword Art - Creation Stage] by using her [Skydragon Slayer Magic] to form a compressed shape wind and infused it with [Heartforce], with the [Killsword Stance] to make it possesses the power of dominating and sword attack to cut down everything its path.

I let a wry smile appear on my face when I got a notification that the [Ancient Sword God - 1 Phantom Stage] is killed and can no longer be summoned. This meant, that if my [Ancient Sword God/Demon/Devil Avatar] were killed in some way, then I would lose it and require to make a new one.

"Well, I just wasted 5000 [Sword Qi] just so you can prove a fact." I look at my wife, with a deadpan.

Raven snort at me, as she pulls the trigger on the sword hilt to eject the broken blade out of the sword hilt, making it a swordless hilt and allowing Raven to insert the swordless hilt into the scabbard contains a rotating chamber filled with various different types of blade created to surpass the original [Dust Blades] before she joined this family.

Now, Raven carries around powerful blades inside her scabbard to use. Furthermore, the scabbard is also linked to Raven's [Inventory]. Giving her something like an infinite amount of blades to use.

Of course, she can only use one at a time, unless she willing to use a large amount of [Sword Qi] to wield multiple flying swords around her to fight with. Something Raven took a note from Ryun's fighting style. But, for Raven, she would only do something like this on a large scale instead of just using a couple of flying swords. When she can get the job done faster by wielding a single sword.

"Hey, at least I prove that if we were to face an [Ancien Clan] member from the novel: Renegade Immortal. Then, I can one shot a [1 Star Ancient Being] with ease. I don't know about 9 stars, but I have the ability to at least be able to kill it." Raven said to me, then toss her scabbard into her [Inventory] and the surrounding started to fade as shown that the [Skill: Wonderland] is ending.

(Ark's City: Training Building)

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Praise the great Raven, who can one-shot a gigantic being that only at the start of the [Cultivation Realm] of its [Cultivation System]." I said with sarcasm, which earned me a smack on the shoulder by Raven, who scowls at me before a smirk appears on her face.

"Oh quiet you." Raven replied before raise both her arms to stretch, causing her lovely breasts to be pushed out for me to see. Something that Raven knew instantly that my eyes would zone onto her breasts.

"Hey, don't just stare at them. You should touch them if you have the urge." Raven tease at me, something she picks up from Esdeath or already have it before and just bringing it out after spending quality time with me instead of putting up her guards around me early on.

I stare at Raven with a blank expression before raising my left hand and grab her right breast and give it a good squeeze, causing Raven to moan and push herself against me with her cheeks redden at the pleasure she just felt.

"I don't know why you girls continue to provoke me."I said dryly, not wanting to have sex with Raven right here and now, when it's better to enter one of the buildings that not the Training Building for sex. Since they have a nice bed or something to have sex on.

Also, thanks to 'curing' Esdeath. Now the others can be alone with me, including sex than before, since Esdeath could get other things out of the others if she gives permission for this.

"Well, can you blame us?" Raven whispers into my ear, "After Esdeath changed. We finally get to feel what it is like to be alone with you. And I don't think all of us would be able to stop ourselves to have you all to ourselves."

"Uh huh, but too bad we can't do it now since Yuri and I need to leave soon, like a couple of minutes after we just finished sparring." I said to Raven, who frown a little before a smirk replaces it.

"Well, we could continue to 'spar' with each if you know what I mean. They gave us enough time to have a match. So why not, make it last a bit longer while changing it to a special match. Who can make the other climate first." Raven looked at me with eyes of eager.

"We both know if we're going for that. It wouldn't last even a minute, maybe even less if I don't hold back." I said dryly, knowing that due to my current stats and [Skills]. I, shamefully enough, have figured a way to cause my wives to feel pleasure beyond belief. And it only due to the [Skill: Rejection] that prevents my wives from becoming women with only sex on their mind and nothing else, even the concept of food would become lost to them and would require people to feed them while they having sex to keep them alive.

"You're lucky I'm not like Ryun, who would gladly take you on without holding back and want it to last longer instead." Raven knew her plot was ruined from the start after picking who climate first and felt a bit stupid about it, then again, her lust got the better of her sometime.

"Fine, go with Yuri. But, you can bet yourself that when it's my turn. I'm going to make sure we keep going at it until I feel like I had enough." Raven said to me as she pushes herself off of me and crosses her arms under her breasts.

"So never?" I smile at Raven, causing her to smirk.

"Who knows." Raven turn around and head out of the Training Building, with me following behind her.

(Ark's City)

"Well, I see the two of you are done." Esdeath said to both of us the moment Raven and I exit the Training Building, with the rest of the family waiting for us; well, other than Repellista and the kids.

With Repellista watching over the kids while the kids themselves are taking a nap after brutal training today.

"I don't see you complaining when it was us two not that long ago." I said to Esdeath, who didn't seem to care.

"Because I don't have a reason to complain. But, I do wish I could tag along with you and Yuri. Since it would be a lot harder for me to cultivate the [Undying Live Forever Everlasting Technique] without your help." Esdeath explained, "But, I should be glad I may only need to wait a day out here than having to wait for over a hundred years or something."

Esdeath knew she should be happy to only have to wait for a day at the least.

"Either way, you wanted this, Esdeath, so may as well stick to it." Yuri said to Esdeath, "Plus, everyone else got to help raise the kids while we are gone even if it only for a day."

"I have been meaning to ask, but how come I feel like all your [Sword Techniques] powered by your [Sword Qi] and [Omega Sword Dao] feel like it's not that powerful compared to the original?" Alice asks me since she is a bit confused after reading a couple of cultivation novels with powerful [Sword Immortals] or [Sword Cultivators].

This includes the Desolate Era novel and Alice remembers the main character being able to destroy the multiverse or something similar to one with ease and can create one at the thought as well.

"That's because I don't possess the same [Cultivation System] that belong to the [Omega Sword Dao] that was formed. Also, the [Omega Sword Dao]'s core is from the [Desolute Era Universe of Knowledge] while out here. The laws or [Dao] are completely different. Making it so that it affects the [Omega Sword Dao] on a certain degree. Also, I don't possess an endless amount of [Sword Qi] to bring out the full might of the [Omega Sword Dao] even if I wanted to." I said dryly near the end at how limited I am with such a powerful [Skill].

"Can't you just use [Bypass Restrictions] to give yourself an endless amount of [Sword Qi]?" Raven asks me since she too has [Sword Qi] upon gaining access to the [Skill: Heartsword Art - Creation Stage], but she can easily regenerate them just by breathing unlike me.

"It is because of my [Voiltion Sword Dao] changing my [Sword Qi] very often, and by often, I mean every second. Where I did try to give myself an infinite [Sword Qi] before, backfired on me." I shiver a little at remembering that awful event.

"What happen?" Ryun asks with concern.

"The new [Sword Qi] started attacking the old [Sword Qi], so when a new batch of [Sword Qi] is generated. The old and the new would attack each other, in order to see which one side would survive and convert the losing side into the winning side. It's mostly the old [Sword Qi] that continue to win due to quantity while sometimes there a rare moment the new batch would win. So, as I said. Every second is my [Sword Qi] changing due to my [Volition Sword Dao]. Of course, this doesn't hurt me until I gave myself an infinite amount of [Sword Qi], where instead of changing at a small amount. It feels like the size of a multiverse or even bigger fighting inside my very being. To the point, I can only stand it for a couple of seconds before having to use [Rejection] to remove my new gained infinite [Sword Qi]." I said to my wives dryly, with no hint of kidding around.

"Huh, I guess there are certain powerful thing has a price to everything." Raven winces a little, knowing how sharp a [Sword Qi] is and to have an infinite amount fighting each other for the top, and all of this fighting is one being would cause people to have a major breakdown. Even death is highly possible as well, so to find out only her husband lasted only a few seconds is really saying something.

Esdeath nods her head, understanding the feeling. Since she was cursed before by her own very Teigu.

Plus, the [Undying Live Forever Everlasting Technique] requires a large number of resources and better in quality and quantity as well, compared to the original, making Esdeath feel a bit of headache from it. And she has yet to find something to be the best resource to use other than the help of her husband's [Sword Qi] and [Mana].

Both help her by a lot than she realizes and was something Esdeath just thought of out of random. To think Esdeath would find herself need [Sword Qi] to cultivate her [Undying Live Forever Everlasting Technique].

"Now, that is out of the way. Shall we go, Yuri?" I look at my second wife, who currently has a set of [Black Keys] attach to her belt, that mostly just swordless hilts, and the same one I gave her all those years ago, along with many more at her disposal. On the back of her waist is the Teigu: [Life Stealer: Korosu], ready to be drawn at any moment.

From the look of it. Yuri looks like she prepares for a fight at any moment since she would keep them in her [Inventory].

For me, I can easily bring out two of my strongest swords. The [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] and the [Blade of Tathagata]. Not to mention, with the help of the [Archive] and [Bypass Restrictions]. I can also pull out the [Void Weapons] from my wives without being in the same universe as them. But, only as long as the duration of the [Bypass Restrictions] before I need to return the [Void Weapons] back to them or risk harmful side-effects due to not having their [Void Weapons] inside them for a long period of time.

Then, there Yuri with me. I can grab her [Red Vanquishing Flying Sword] if needed.

"Yup." Yuri replied as she grabs my left hand with her right as she waits for me to take her to a different universe than the Harry Potter universe.

With a single thought; I activate the [Bypass Restrictions] first, then the [Archive] to activate one of the programs I just finished creating yesterday as both Yuri and I disappeared from the rest of my wives' views in a flash of bright light, causing everyone to close their eyes.


Welcome to the universe of Tales of Demons and Gods. Player: Ragna D. Mercer and Player's wife: Yuri Ha Mercer now belong to the [Neutral Faction], with the time zone: 365:1, and may stay in the [Neutral Faction] as long the [Fated Souls]' death isn't caused by either the Player and the Player's wife.

Note: If the Player kill a [Fated Soul] belong to the [Hero Faction] or the [Evil Faction]. The Player and the Player's wife will fall into the [Evil Faction] if killed a [Fated Soul] in the [Hero Faction] while killing an [Evil Faction]'s [Fated Soul] would allow a being outside the universe of Tales of Demons and Gods that belong to the [Hero Faction] to enter the same dimension as the Player and the Player's wife.


T.D.G.U's Response: Your location has been selected. It's Glory City. The timeline has been selected, where the [Fated Soul: Nie Li] is reborn in his 13-year-old body with memories of his previous life.


[Program]: Count Down in local time.

Duration: 365 Days

Day 1 of the 365 Days before time ups.

(Glory City: Unknown Forest)

I blink my left eye a couple of times when I notice we're in some sort of forest and luckily it's still daytime.

I shook my head slightly, as I resumed focus and continue using the [Bypass Restrictions] along with [Archive] under the effects of the [Skill: Chain Combo Magic] to place an invisible barrier around Yuri and myself, to prevent all those powerful beings to detect us. Along with a few other defensives to secure ourselves just in case.

Therefore, I used the very last second to place everything in mind and the many ifs situations to protect Yuri mostly until the duration of the [Skill: Bypass Restrictions] ended.

Afterward, I use [Wisdom of The Sage] to create the local's clothes for us to change into. With mine being mostly black in color and a bit of dark blue at the edge. While Yuri is purely white and something Yuri asked after seeing hers and had me change it.

"So, why do you want to look like you're some sort of saint or someone who look very innocent and pure." I ask Yuri, due to the fact that this white robe alone. Made Yuri like she gentle and one of those nice girls you meet in class or an older sister type girl from those anime/manga, and so on.

Yuri even puts her Teigu away while hiding the [Black Keys] in her sleeves.

As for me, I can just fire off a weapon via [Gate of Babylon] with ease. So there no point of me carrying a weapon unless I need to for some reasons.

"Just to put up a front. I'm sure people in this universe will be in a shock the moment they try to face me." Yuri grins at me, knowing that there would be some misunderstanding due to Yuri's appearance. "Now, create an umbrella or something and act like my bodyguard."

I roll my eye at Yuri, but did as she told me. Creating a white umbrella to match Yuri's outfit and move a bit closer to Yuri while holding the white umbrella over Yuri's head.

"It's a good thing your personality mostly the silent one. So be a good husband and let me have my fun. We can spend together for... Actually, how long do we have? You never told me." Yuri glance at me as we walk quietly and calmly through the forest.

"Well, the time zone is 365:1. This means that a day outside with the other is a year here for us." I said to Yuri, who frown a little.

"Isn't that a bit too little? When it was you alone. You had a hundred year to a single day in the Harry Potter universe." Yuri look like she wanted the time together to be longer.

"Honestly, I thought with a year would give us the chance to experience what we can in this universe before calling quit. Would you rather have us exit this universe while it hasn't even been a whole day on the [Ark]? When we can just experience this universe in a year before deciding to extend the time zone or not. Which is easy can be done due to the [Skill: Bypass Restrictions]." I explained to Yuri how I felt that we're spending together alone in this universe, then we may as well check if it's a universe we wanted to stay longer than a year.

Because in my case with the Harry Potter universe was just to use the time available for me to train. Otherwise, I would have already finished the [Quest] to open the passage for my family to enter the Harry Potter universe, which was a big waste in my opinion, even with the time for my solo training.

"I guess. Then, let's see what this universe has to offer to us." Yuri regains back her grin before slowly changing her grin into a gentle smile, to give her the appearance of what she wanted.

A few hours later*

"Hey, I think I know where we are." Yuri whispers to me as we watch a group of three kids killing what looks like a sheep with a horn on its head.

I look at Yuri, then look back at the kids, where I have scanned them already. Along with the horned sheep.

Funny enough. I guessed the name of the Horned Sheep just by its appearance and turn up as the name of the Demon Beast.

The three kids are Nie Li, the main character of this universe, with his two friends, Du Ze and Lu Piao. The latter two I don't have much interest, but Nie Li is someone I need to watch out for. Since I don't know if he is part of the [Hero Faction] or not.

But, I wouldn't be surprised if he was. Since most of the main characters lean to [Hero Faction]. However, in wuxia/xianxia/xuanhuan novels. The main characters are a bit hard to tell at the beginning.

So for now, I just have to be careful not to end up killing this Nie Li. Just in case in this parallel dimension, the main character actually belongs to the [Hero Faction].

I do wish I could find out who is who in which factions. But, unless I use [Bypass Restrictions]. I can't find that out due to something preventing me from checking unless they are fools that reveal which factions they belong to, out in the open.

Like that Hero Girl back in the Harry Potter universe, with that clone Ingui Yoon.

"Come on. We need to leave. This area isn't a place we should be in. It's a good thing I placed many protection types barriers onto us and one of them include blocking all detections, but the natural person's sight." I said to Yuri, who was eager to meet the main character of this universe, something she knew right away when I told her we're in the Tales of Demons and Gods universe.

One of the xuanhuan novels Yuri has read before. Also, something Yuri almost picked as a [Cultivation System] before thinking otherwise after seeing how limited it is outside of that universe.

"Alright." Yuri knew when to do something and when not to.

So quietly, both Yuri and I exit this area, where it looks like a Training Area for the students here like for Nie Li and his friends to use.

(Glory City: Unknown Street)

After we found the exit. Yuri and I walked around to find an Inn to stay in while I use [Elemental Sight] to gather everything around me. This includes how to create the currency of this universe, or at least the ones in this city.

Which was easily on my part with the help of the [Skill: Wisdom of The Sage] to create this currency call as demon spirit coins.

From what I could recall; two to three thousand demon spirit coins would be sufficient for a commoner family's annual expenses.

What I created were the demon crystal cards. A single demon crystal card represents ten thousand demon spirit coins and easy for me to carry around on me without having to put them in my [Gate of Babylon] if I had to carry around a large amount of demon spirit coins.

I made sure to give a stack to Yuri as well, just in case. But, unlike me, Yuri didn't have enough space to carry such a stack, and so, she put them in her [Inventory] when she needs them and just need to reach into her sleeves to look like she pulled them out from there while she actually pulling it out of her [Inventory].

Looking around, there are a bunch of people trying to sell their goods while buyers just trying to check what they wanted.

However, as I expected. Due to Yuri's appearance and how beautiful she already. Lots of people are staring at Yuri with admiring, envy, and lust. Mostly these three are what I see among the crowd the most.

Of course, I can easily tell many wanted to court Yuri just for her looks alone, but due to my presence is what's stopping them from daring to come near us. In fact, some have already mumble about how I may be a Fighter or Demon Spiritualist.

But many aren't so sure since they don't have a way to find out. Many claims I'm a Fighter while other claims I'm a Demon Spiritualist.

I can't remember if people in this universe can tell what rank each other is by just using their senses to detect others beside using external equipment to find out what other people's [Cultivation's Ranks].

"I can see there are other girls looking at you, Ragna." Yuri whispers to me, not caring if someone listening.

"I think many would pay more attention to you, Mrs. Yuri." I smirk a little when Yuri almost trips, but quickly caught herself before embarrassing herself in front of countless people.

"Oh, is that how it's going to be." Yuri kept her innocent, gentle smile on her face while vowing to get back at her husband for almost embarrassing her.

I ignore the people looking at Yuri and me as I continue to search for an Inn for us to stay. At one point, I was close to just calling it quits and create a home for Yuri and me to stay. Shouldn't be hard since I did create a log house for Esdeath and me to stay before back when it was just the two of us in D. Gray-Man universe.

"Hey, I think I found one." Yuri broke me out of my trance of thoughts as she leads me to a building, that looks like a bar for adults to come and enjoy themselves. Not to mention the building is a three-story building, with two more floors that may be the guest floors to rent.

"Alright, let's go in." I said to Yuri, as both of us enter the building, trying our luck to see if we can get a room. Not that we have to worry due to my [Tier 1 Stat: Luck] being very abnormal in certain universes. So, in the Tales of Demons and Gods. My luck may affect reality into my favor.


Omake: Ragna Searching For A Hobby

Hobby: Painting

Ragna just finished painting what looks like is a hill filled with bladed weapons, mostly filled are swords and very powerful due to their history and origin. To others, this may cause some to question this, but for a certain red-headed faker and his counterparts. This is his inner world.

As the painting even have giant gears floating in the sky. While all the swords make one feel like they are about to be cut down, some are more lean towards certain types of target.

However, due to Ragna painting this. The surroundings around the painting are being converted into the world in the painting.

"Hm. Nah." Ragna thought about doing painting would be interesting, but all he got is a painting with an inner world that is trying to consume the world around it. This is due to the [Sword Qi] merged into the painting while being painted.

The [Sword Qi] that happen to contain the [Volition Sword Dao]. Making the painting completely different than the original.

Hobby: Sculptor

Ragna looks at the wooden statue of a western knight and for some reasons. This wooden knight gives Ragna the feeling of a dark knight instead of those shining heroic knights. Furthermore, this wooden knight gives out a presence of someone willing to attack anything with its wooden sword that comes near it.

Another fault of Ragna's [Voiltion Sword Dao] affecting the process of making this wooden knight.

"I wonder..." Ragna thought about a different hobby to try out.

Hobby: Piano

Ragna nods his head after finishing playing one of the basic piano songs for beginning and surprisingly find himself being able to play it correctly without a single mistake on the first try.

Pausing for a moment; Ragna looks around and found countless dead bodies around him. With most of them carrying what look like multiple cold weapons: swords, axes, spears, and etc.

"Maybe I shouldn't have used [Sword Intent] while playing the piano." Ragna mumble to himself and curious what happen when doing something while channeling his [Sword Intent]. Well, he got his answer. Sound attack.

Also, Ragna got the feeling these dead bodies were people that were trying to attack him. It's a good thing Ragna placed multiple defensives around the building that prevent people from using [Magic] and hot weapons.

Hobby: Raising The Dead

Ragna looks at the cut up corpses of many wizards and discovers that trying to revive the dead is almost impossible for him unless he gets a [Skill] that allow him to reanimate the dead. Sadly, trying to manually to do it without the help of his Gamer's ability just end up with destroying the corpses instead.

On another note; maybe it best not to revive the dead and use it as an army to fight. Of course, Ragna still likes the idea of having an army at his control. So that is a thought to think about for a while.

But, for now, Ragna going to search for other hobbies to do while taking his time destroying this dimension of the Harry Potter universe.