Chapter 45: Should Have Seen This Coming

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 45: Should Have Seen This Coming

Year 19: Day 74: Split Time Zone | Day 1 of the 365 Days Part 2

(Glory City)

"Excuse me." I ask the person working at the counter, "Is this an Inn?"

While I was asking. I use [Chain Combo Magic: Ninjutsu + Heartforce Cultivation + Rejection]. To manipulate everyone in this building, so that they won't ask unwanted questions and only speak the truth.

"Yes, this is an Inn. Would you like to rent a room?" The worker said in a relaxed voice, not noticing their mind is currently being manipulated along with everyone else.

"Do you want us to stay here, Yuri?" I ask my wife, who is the only one not affected by my linked [Skills].

"Hmm. Give me a second to think about it." Yuri looks around the area, completely ignoring the people around her. "Sure. May as well. If we find somewhere better. We can just switch out." Yuri shrugs her shoulders, pausing for a moment to look at the worker before her, then look back at her husband.

"Alright." I made sure to ask the worker to give us the best room and to make sure no one would notify anyone that owns this Inn about some rich people renting one of their best rooms.

Afterward, both Yuri and I checked the room out. To our disappointment; it wasn't that great. Then again, neither Yuri and I should have expected too much due to a universe like this one. Where modern-day technology isn't a thing here. This is the same as the best room available, we picked to rent for a single night, at the rate of 10000 demon spirit coins a night.

All there is a large single bed, with a table and a chair on the left side of the room.

"Well, the bed is somewhat decent, but still bad in my opinion." Yuri replied as she sat on the large bed and found it a bit harder than it should, and this is one of the best beds that is used to sleep in.

"We can just take out the one in my [Gate of Babylon] if you want." I said to my wife, "Or I can just create one. Either option can be done easily. Also, I don't know if the people here are that great at cleaning. Especially with the beds."

Yuri got off the bed like it was on fire, in fact, Yuri would find it be better if the bed was on fire.

With a disgusted look on her face; she quickly checked if there was anything on her butt and sighed in relief that no sign of anything that makes her feel even more disgusted than she already is.

"So... You want the bed?" I ask Yuri once, and this time, Yuri agreed to use the beds inside my [Gate of Babylon] and some of them aren't to her liking, then I can just create one to match the one she wanted.

"Alright, let explore this city. I want to see what else it has." Yuri opens the door and heads out, with me following behind. "Honestly, I think you should have picked some universes with more advanced in technology. Because it looks like I can't live without, all the comfort things we have in our daily life. Sure, I could force myself to. But, I know for sure that my temper would get out of control later due to being very stressed out."

A few minutes later*

"Hey, watch where you are going! You want me to beat you up?!" Yuri shouts at someone that dare bump into her and tried to get a feel, which led to Yuri kicking them in the stomach and sent them flying.

This literally happens right outside the Inn and I didn't bother to manipulate the people's minds around me. Since I may as well let Yuri return back to her original personality. A hothead and someone would make rash decisions without hesitation. Than have Yuri act the opposite of herself.

Also, seeing Yuri act so innocent and gentle is completely out of character of her. Well, the Yuri that is my second wife, I mean. No clue if she likes this as well in canon, but I got the feeling she most likely is somewhat the same as the Yuri I'm watching already stomping on the guy that bumped into her.

"Hey! I'm talking to you! What do you have to say?! Huh?! You wanted to make it look like you bumped into me accidentally, but wanted to get a feel, huh?!" Yuri yells at the injured guy, as she continues to inflict more wounds onto the poor fool.

Everyone nearby is looking at Yuri with a dumbfounded expression.

They would never expect someone who looks like someone who wouldn't hurt anything all her life and must be some kind of princess from a high-class family taking a walk.

But, reality hit all them like a kick in the face, as to see the very same princess-like woman to act like some thug. In fact, people starting to think that the person that acts as a bodyguard to this thug princess is just there to make sure no one triggers the thug princess or bribe other to prevent this from going out among the citizens of Glory City.

Quickly, the crowd starts mumbling to each other as they point at Yuri, who currently too much mad and still beating the life out of the guy, but had enough self-control not to outright kill the fellow.

Well, more like I was using the [Skill: Rejection] to prevent the poor fool from dying.

I'm literally rejecting the guy's death and making it like the guy is some expect in cultivating his body or just born with a strong body. Since Yuri hasn't killed him. But, I'm sure no one is thinking about that with the guy begging to spare his life or just end his life already, as he can't deal with the pain.

I would stop this but as her husband. There are some things I need to support her. One of them is allowing Yuri to take her revenge on the one that tried to get away from the thought of being able to molest someone and expected nothing bad to happen.

I open my mouth to say something before closing it when I notice the guards heading our way.

I sweatdrop at this and wonder how Yuri and I will deal with the trouble that's about to occur, that may or may not cause the influences people in this city to be involved.

By problem. I mean people will try to bring either Yuri and me under their control or just Yuri alone due to her appearance alone.

And looking at the guards' faces. I can tell they wanted Yuri for themselves as well.

Therefore, if these grunts already having lustful thoughts about my wife, then it would be expected from those higher-ups, including those young masters and all.

"STOP!" One of the guards shouted at Yuri, but was completely ignored as she broke another bone of the fool that dare touch her.

"I said stop!" The same guard shouted, but end up regretted it instantly when the guard got a glare from Yuri. Where Yuri happen to channel her [Storm God Slayer Magic] through her eyes, making them look like a storm had replaced her eyes and the killing intent Yuri is releasing that is also merged with her [Aura] had caused a large pressure onto all the guards being glared at.

The result is the guards starting to faint while blood coming out of their eyes, ears, mouth, and nose until all of the guards are unconscious. No one can tell if they were dead or not unless they check personally.

Of course, once more, I use [Rejection] to prevent anyone's death from happening. This is because I have no clue if one of them would be related to a major event in this universe. Making them a [Fated Soul] and I rather not allow someone from the [Hero Faction] to enter this dimension at the very least.

Thinking about it for a moment, then look at Yuri and next looking at the crowd.

I let out a soft sigh, but for everyone, including Yuri. This sigh alone was heard clearly and contain a mysterious feeling from it. Making one wonder this sigh is one of sadness, relief, depression, anything. As no one could tell which as this is beyond comprehension for everyone.

Even Yuri blank out a little the moment she heard the sigh before the light return to her eyes and knew right away she was causing too much attention towards herself. Quickly, Yuri composes herself and walk next to my side, looking at me with a wry smile, knowing this was her fault and hope for me to forgive her careless action.

What Yuri didn't know is that I use [Chain Combo Magic: Heartforce Cultivation + Ninjutsu] to affect one's mind and putting them in the state of confusion.

The only reason why Yuri 'woke up' was because I help wake her up using [Rejection] not a second after I let out that soft sigh.

"It's not time yet." I said to Yuri, "I know you don't care about facing the people from the [Hero Faction], but I rather us having some field advantage when they appear in this dimension. We don't know if they would outright attack us or anything; nevertheless, I want to make it something worth doing. Sure, we can spend together for an entire year, but I promise it won't be entirely in this universe or the dimension we're in currently. I'm planning to fight the [Hero Faction], [Evil Faction], and even the [Neutral Faction] if I have to just to find out if these three factions are abducting someone we know."

Yuri looks at the ground with a frown, mixed emotions and thoughts running through her.

"I guess that is why you wanted all of us to head to this dimension. Not because you didn't want to leave anyone out, but due to the fact that you wanted us to gain the experience of facing opponents that travel throughout the multiverse. Like we do." Yuri said to me after a couple of seconds of silence.

Then a grin appears on Yuri's face.

"Depending on the people coming from the [Hero Faction]. I want to see if my counterpart that somehow exit her home dimension belong to that faction." Yuri said with a hint of battle intent. Not knowing that she considers herself not part of the [Hero Faction] and deemed herself unfit to be someone called as a hero that helps everyone that is on the weak side.

I shook my head with a smile on my face. If I knew Yuri wanted to fight another version of herself. I would have taken her to the Fairy Tail universe where a new parallel dimension would form instantly the moment we enter that universe. This would allow Yuri to easily find her counterpart in Fairy Tail.

But for now, I will wait until I really need to go to the Fairy Tail universe as there is a high chance of facing a different version of myself in that universe.

For now, I use a bit of mind-controlling to make the crowd forget about all this, including the guards before Yuri and I leave to scout rest of the city.

Of course, I didn't forget to count in some [Demon Spirits] that have some kind of mental-type powers for Demon Spiritualist to use and may have a way to prevent me from controlling their minds. Which is why I even including using the [Skill: Rejection] to make it so those [Demon Spirits] aren't working.

Once more, the power of a [Broken Skill] is limitless.

The next day*

Year 19: Day 74: Split Time Zone Day 2 of the 365 Days

(Glory City)

"Okay, I honestly thought we needed a month or so before bringing in the people from the [Hero Faction], but I guess I was wrong. Which was weird, since my LUCK stat being so high. So things like this shouldn't happen." I said to Yuri, who had a wry smile on her face.

Right in front of us is the corpse of Nie Li.

In my right is a book, but not just any book. But, the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book], which I obtain through many methods. Okay, not many methods and just use [Ninjutsu] and [Rejection] to make it so the real deal and the complete version without any pages missing appeared before while using Nie Li as the medium to call for the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] to appear.

What I didn't account for was that upon summoning the complete version of the [Temporarl Demon Spirit Book], caused a chain reaction.

One of them is causing Nie Li to die and cause a backlash towards anyone near him, which there wasn't anyone but Yuri and me nearby. However, we were strong enough to withstand the backlash.

"I seriously did not think this would happen." I thought out loud, that I just killed the main character of this universe or at least in this dimension part of the universe.

All I wanted was the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] as a tool to help my family, since it has the ability to create a pocket dimension, with the time zone difference from the outside of the pocket dimension.

In fact, with the help of the [Temporarl Demon Spirit Book]. I will give my entire family all the time they need to improve themselves, along with the [Skill: Wonderland] included. Then, I will give everyone all the battle experience they may need and the time to gain the battle experience.

Well, I got it alright, but at the cost of killing a [Fated Soul].

"So, does this mean we're in the [Evil Faction] now?" Yuri asks me with confusion since yesterday she was told that upon killing someone from the [Hero Faction], then we would be kicked out of the [Neutral Faction] and into the [Evil Faction].

"I have no clue. I didn't get any notification upon the death of Nie Li." I replied, wondering if I could bring the dead back with [Rejection] or not.

"Did you expected this to happen?" Yuri asks me, "Because if so, I figure you would wait for a while before doing so."

"Nope. Never expected this to happen." I replied, then look at the book before looking at Nie Li. "This is going to be a problem. Now, anything is possible and what will happen like in canon won't happen at all. In fact, I bet the horde of millions of Demon Beasts will attack Glory City today or something."

Yuri raises an eyebrow and wonder if that was true, but then again, as her husband said is true. Anything is possible upon destroying something that's meant to be a key point in the canon's plotline. And killing the main character is the best way to destroy anything related to the timeline that is the plot of canon unless a replacement comes into play.

I toss the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] into the [Gate of Babylon] and start thinking of what to do with Nie Li since he dead now.

Thinking about it for a second, then decided I have already killed a [Fated Soul], who may or may not be part of the [Hero Faction] or [Neutral Faction], even maybe the [Evil Faction] depending on the type of person Nie Li is, and use the [Heaven Extinction Spell] to remove Nie Li's corpse from existence. Leaving no trace of him behind after the [Heaven Extinction Spell] devour the corpse.

Once that is done; I made sure to dismiss the black fog upon deactivating the [Skill].

"We may as well get ready." I said to Yuri, knowing that my LUCK stat has given me the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book], but at the cost of bringing misfortune along as a balance. It's a good thing I have the experience related things to this since I have created the [Karmic Sword Intent] to make me more in tune with karma or else I may find myself in bad situations very often.

However, it looks like today made me realize I need to train more into the [Dao of Karma], which I obtained from the [Omega Sword Dao] and with the [Karmic Sword Intent] as my foundation already. Sadly, it wasn't enough.

"Man, I thought we get to do fun stuff." Yuri pout that she won't get to mess around with me. Also, get to act like a spoiled princess. Not that she wasn't one before. But, Yuri like acting a spoiled princess in her opinion or just doing whatever she wanted in general.

"Well, you still can, but not that long." I said to my wife as I use [Heartforce Scan], along with other [Skills] linked with [Chain Combo Magic] to increase the effect of the [Heartforce Technique].

"Yeah, I'm not satisfied with just that." Yuri narrows her eyes at me, "I had many plans for us to do together as a married couple, depending on which universe you take us. Of course, there will be fights, but I wanted it to be a certain event instead of just a fight out of nowhere and unexpected."

"I don't know if it's completely unexpected, though." I raise an eyebrow at Yuri, who puff her cheeks out.

"Doesn't matter. So we are going to do what I have planned, even if most of them are ruined the moment I enter this universe with the lack of modern technology." Yuri grabs my left hand with her right and starts dragging me to somewhere, ignoring the fact that we may have to face the [Hero Faction] today or tomorrow, somewhere not too long into the future.

After they found out someone belongs to their faction, with the person in mind knowing about it or not, is dead and would send some of their people down into this universe to gain the ownership of this part of the universe.

A few minutes later*

(Glory City: Unknown Restaurant)

I mentally let out a sigh, as I stand behind Yuri while she eats many plates of Demon Beasts' meats, that cost over 50,000 demon spirit coins per plate and Yuri not even stopping after the 10th plates and still going at a fast rate, that other customers had already stopped eating their meal and watching Yuri eating hers.

While I, on the hand, have to act as Yuri's bodyguard as punishment for shortening the time for Yuri to have fun in this universe. Also, Yuri wanted to see if any of those arrogant young masters would take the bait and talk to Yuri, even trying to court her.

By bait, I mean Yuri drawing attention to herself via eating who know how much Demon Beast's meats like it's an everyday thing for her.

In a way, this is true. But at the same not. Since each of my wives can easily eat a large amount of food with ease but would have a stomach ache afterward, with only Alice having no trouble at all.

Therefore, I may need to either carry Yuri around or use [Rejection] to prevent Yuri from having a bad case of stomach ache due to overeating. Compared to Alice, anyone else would be lucky to stop or throw up what can't stay inside their stomach after eating too much.

So currently, Yuri and I are just waiting for some fools coming to cause trouble or until Yuri clean the whole Restaurant of its stock of Demon Beast's meat.

As I watch more workers bring in the next course of food. I notice someone that could be the manager of this Restaurant or owner with the way the workers looking at them with relief on their faces not knowing what to do with someone like Yuri eating so much that other customers won't get to eat.

"Excuse me, but do you have enough money to pay for all the food?" The maybe manager asked Yuri while completely ignoring me.

I can easily tell, that this person treated me as someone below them while Yuri is someone that must be spoken with respect, but right now, Yuri is being questioned if she even has the money, this show to everyone else that the manager is doubting the status of Yuri, if she someone powerful or just acting like one.

Yuri didn't even pause for a moment to reply to this manager, even if they are one, causing the person to frown at how Yuri didn't reply to their question and continue to eat without a care in the world.

I mentally sigh to myself and just throw a stack of one hundred demon crystal cards. With a grand total of one million demon spirit coins at the manager, who almost dropped at the sudden thrown.

Upon seeing this stack of demon crystal cards; the manager and everyone else nearby are shocked that I easily toss a stack of demon crystal cards like nothing.

Quickly and carefully, the manager counted the number of demon crystal cards before bowing to Yuri and look at me with a fearful gaze, finding out that I must be someone powerful to carry around a large amount of demon crystal cards without getting rob, but I can see the greed in the manager's eyes. As they quietly left the place.

Once the manager left, the workers and customers look at Yuri and me, mostly Yuri with the curiosity of thinking who Yuri is and what kind of background she has.

I knew right away, that there will be trouble coming soon.

But, for now, I just let Yuri have her fill and making me think about Alice, who is the big eater in our family. Seriously. Alice eats more than an entire family together. In fact, if possible, Alice would gladly eat an army worth of food by herself if given the chance.

50 minutes later*

I sweatdrop as multiple workers are kneeling on the ground, begging Yuri to stop eating as they ran out of Demon Beast's meats to service her. While everything else is still available, but anything required meat is out. This made some of the new customers disappointed, but at the same time looking at Yuri in disbelief that such a small body would eat so much and not end up fat.

While I don't see it with my own left eye. Using the [Heartforce Scan] was enough for me to see a few of the chefs in the back fainted from rushing things and some of the cooking tools are burnt due to how some of the meals Yuri ordered had to be rushed, but have to be the same taste or somewhat close in case there is a risk of something bad happen to them if what they cook isn't good enough for Yuri.

"Okay, I'm done." Yuri said, causing almost all the workers to sigh in relief, mostly the chefs that were listening to see if they would be forced to make something else and non-stop to feed Yuri.

Yuri got up and throw a stack of demon crystal cards, same as the amount I gave the manager before, to a worker nearby and left the Restaurant as I follow her behind in silence.

(Glory City)

I almost let out a sigh, but kept it down. As the needs to inform my family about karma once they begin cultivating. As karma goes together with cultivation. The bigger cultivation realm they reach, the bigger influence the karma would affect them.

Well, actually, the whole karma going together with cultivation may be different depending on the [Cultivation System]. So, the karma may not affect my wives, but just in case, I should check on them. Really wished I remembered about this and could have checked if my wives had negative karma instead of positive karma.

Not to mention in which universe is heavily on karma. Which mean, that my LUCK stat would also be affected as well, in a certain universe that is highly affected by luck. Therefore, I need to develop another [Technique] with karma in mind, to check if any universe, I may visit would have karma as a major law that affects everything.

"Hey! You in the white!" Both Yuri and I stop for a moment, because only Yuri is the one who wears completely white while everyone else don't.

Looking in the direction that called out on Yuri and sees it a group of men, with the cliche of one being handsome and having one fat and one skinny person next to this handsome man. So, either they are the arrogant young masters or just wanted to talk about something, like maybe asking which Clan Yuri belong to.

Looking at Yuri's face and felt my eye twitch, to find a blank expression, that would make her seem cold to others. Like those Ice Queen would look down on many people or just dismiss them not important to them.

Nevertheless, I think Yuri wanted this to happen and was only disappointed it didn't happen in the Restaurant, but still, someone showed up for Yuri to start her plans.

'I hope the other isn't like Yuri and wanted to do many face smacking or something.' I thought to myself as I watch the group of three young masters and their bodyguards heading in Yuri and my direction.


Omake: Ragna Searching For A Hobby Part 2

Hobby: Faking A Stand

Ragna stands before a mountain and with the [Ancient Sword God] shrinks into the same size as Ragna, floating just a couple of feet behind.

With a single thought from Ragna, the [Ancient Sword God] let out a roar as it grabs the floating golden phantom sword behind it and started striking the mountain in rapid speed.

"ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA!" The [Ancient Sword God] let out its war cry that its master demanded its use for some reasons why it attacks with rapid of sword strikes.

A few seconds later, there wasn't a mountain or ground or anything at all, but only a void of empty space.

"Oh..." Ragna sweatdrop, then glance at the [Ancient Sword God] that just took the pose of a crossing it arms and looking straight with a stern expression on its face. With the golden phantom sword floating behind it. "Maybe you should have held back a little." Ragna mumble to his [Ancient Sword God] as it looks like even as a small size compared to its gigantic size.

The [Ancient Sword God] still cause massive damage to the area, causing the landscape to become nothingness and only a void of space took place.

Then again, Ragna did use the [Volition Sword Intent] in mind when creating this [Ancient Sword God].

"Maybe I shouldn't use this on any of my wives during practice later today." Ragna mumble to himself, very worries that the [Volition Sword Intent] would bypass the effects of the [Skill: Wonderland] and could even give a permanent death.

Hobby: Performing Flashy Moves

"So, how you want us to do this? Going outright serious or just slowly build up?" Alice asks Ragna, as it is her turn to have a sparring match alone, to help her use her [Dao of Music] in combat if possible when alone.

"Mostly the latter, since I want to try something." Ragna replied to his wife, as he thought about maybe doing flashy attacks during a fight, maybe that would be something interesting to do.

"Why do I find myself very concern about this?" Alice looks at her husband with a sudden dread for some reasons.

"Who know." Ragna shrugs his shoulders before putting both hands in his pockets and takes a relaxed stance, causing Alice to narrow her eyes at him. As this is almost close to his normal fighting stance when not using his [Sword Techniques].

Slowly, Alice started singing a song that works best for an epic fight. However, what Alice got in return was a freaking Eastern fire dragon heading her way out of nowhere.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Alice jumps away, instantly using her [Transformation Semblance] for the extra speed as she uses her lower snake body to slide away while throwing multiple spheres made out of her [Aura] and her element of darkness.

However, this was a mistake on Alice's part. Instead of another dragon coming at her. Thousand of familiar spheres of destructed power raining down on her, where Alice required expanding her [Aura Shield] on a larger scale, to block all the deadly balls of what looks like covered in some kind of purple mist.

'Hmm. [Ninjutsu] and [Rejection] look like the perfect combination for flashy attacks, but I feel this a bit lacking.' Ragna thought to himself while ignoring the fact that Alice is trying her best to just survive this whole thing, even with [Wonderland] is in play. Nevertheless, survival instinct can't be turned off just by willing it.

Hobby: Archery

"That not a [Hrunting Bow] disguised as a regular wooden bow is it?" Yuri looks at the almost normal bow in her husband's left hand, with no arrows in sight. Which she knew easily that her husband can just create them with just a thought.

"Nope." Ragna replied, "You even watch me literally made it by hand just in case."

Yuri rubs her head sheepishly, "Right I forgot. Alright, let's do this!"

Yuri got into her fighting stance, which was a [Iaido Stance]. Ready to attack with her Teigu.

Too bad, Yuri forgot about how before her husband focus mainly on using the sword. He was also a powerful [Magic] user and a sniper, with the ability to shoot down multiple targets from a long distance with [Magic].

So, seeing multiple arrows made out of [Ice Sword Qi] already almost touching her. Yuri quickly releases a pulse of her [Aura] to prevent the ice arrows from hitting her.

Yuri's forehead covered in cold sweat when she remembers that not too long ago, where her husband mention about how he manages to somehow include another element into his [Sword Qi] and change its physical form.

To Yuri's dismay; she watches her husband already knocking an arrow made out of [Wind Sword Qi] and that was her only warning before her left shoulder was pierced if she didn't move on reflex to the side or she would end up with a very dangerous wind arrow to the neck.

Yuri starting to curse her husband for picking Archery of all thing to use against her. But, knowing that this was just something to teach her not to completely rely on the [Skills] she was given recently.

What Yuri didn't know was that Ragna didn't have this in mind at all and just wanted to see if Archery would be a good hobby to do, but decided to dismiss it after having to recreate the same bow multiple times in a row, just for a single arrow made out of [Sword Intent] infused with another element. Thanks to the [Omega Sword Dao] to give him access to other [Dao] beside the [Dao of Sword]. While channeling it into the arrow created with the help of the [Wisdom of The Sage].