Chapter 46: The Cause and Effect

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 46: The Cause and Effect

Year 19: Day 74: Split Time Zone | Day 2 of the 365 Days Part 2

(Glory City)

I didn't say anything, neither did Yuri as I stand in front of Yuri, causing the group of young masters to sneer at me. Mostly the handsome young master to glare at me for daring to block Yuri from his view.

I rack my brain to find out who these three are and discover I have no clue who they are and even after a full scan. I still didn't know what part of the Tales of Demons and Gods play in before realizing they must be extras, as in free characters to use for anything. Be it for good or bad.

Both Yuri and I are tuning out what these extras are saying. Nevertheless, we can tell that I was someone of the lower class and need to move away while Yuri should be happy to be an honor of being noticed by the handsome young master, with the fat young master and skinny young master praising the handsome young master and bootlicking him as well.

Okay, we're not really tuning out everything these extras are saying. I'm tuning it out mostly while only picking up some bits and it is Yuri, who mainly acting like she tuning it out, but paying lots of attention to each word being said and already forming a response she would return back.

The reason why I'm tuning them out is that I'm doing my best to form a plan for many unknown variables that would come into this whole thing, with these three young masters.

Once more, I realize my INT and WIS stat may be high, but it lacks many things when it not related to combat after hitting a certain point. Nowadays, it would require only a simple solution for some problems unrelated to combat and I end up messing it up as my mind has completely changed since then.

Then again, being a broken player of this Gamer's ability may have caused a big portion of this problem. Nevertheless, this didn't stop me from being distracted about some of the hidden parties in the area, watching Yuri and my move, mostly Yuri as people here think she very important while I'm just a simple bodyguard for hire.

I wanted to sigh, but I rather not. As this would draw more attention to me when there is enough of it for my taste while Yuri basks in the attention she gets, but for different reasons than what most would think.

Thinking for a moment if I should really cause more problem by drawing out the people from the three factions into the light. I have no idea if there were any people from the [Evil Faction] or the [Neutral Faction] here already.

But, I know that the [Hero Faction] isn't here yet if what I got as a warning from before upon entering this part of the universe and entering the [Neutral Faction].

Then again, there may be someone here already that belong to the [Hero Faction] before coming here. I wouldn't be that surprising if all three factions are here, but hiding in the shadow or just don't know they're part of the three factions.

Before I could even start with one of my roughly made plans I thought on the spot and something I made sure to keep in mind it would include combat, to make my INT and WIS stats work like it suppose to instead of being just nice looking high numbers that don't do anything.

Yuri walks in front of me and throws the first punch.


Yuri flick of her finger caused a large explosion in the direction, where the three young masters are, as the explosion created a big hole in the area.

I wave my right hand, to clear the area of the smoke and found that the three young masters are dead. Along with their bodyguards and nearby people.

Well, I think those limbs and body parts are the former living young masters, bodyguards, and nearby people.

Sweatdropping at this crazy damage and slaughter. Thinking that maybe I should have paid more attention to what is going on because Yuri still has her cold facial expression. So someone must have said something to trigger her rage.

Furthermore, I just remember after being away from Yuri for a long time while having my training in the Harry Potter universe. That I forgot the fact that Yuri easily lashes out when someone causes her temper to burst.

But, looking at the damage. I'm kind of relief that the whole Glory City haven't disappeared. As I have seen Yuri destroyed a city size place before when she really angry.

So, I guess my LUCK stat still working after all.

'I think.' I look around and found maybe it's not on a city size destruction, but she did destroy a good chunk of the area.

"Tch, they are lucky I had to hold back or else nothing of them would remain." Yuri sneers at the corpses, or what left of it, in front of her with cold eyes, causing those that survive to run away in terror while that is too hurt to move, just close their eyes and hope Yuri won't notice them. Which was unnecessary, since Yuri didn't put them in her eyes at all.

I lean over to Yuri to whisper into her right ear, "You were holding back?"

Yuri lost her cold facial expression and a smirk appear on her face, "Why, of course, love, because I didn't even enhance my attack with [Aura]. That's all raw strength right there." Yuri looks at the big hole she made, bigger than what her canon version could do before with a flick of her finger. And Yuri doesn't know if her canon version used [Shinsoo] to cause that much damage or just raw strength. Either way, Yuri is proud of how much damage she has done to the area, but knew that there is a difference between the area from the two by the materials only.

"Right." I dryly replied, "Let's leave. Who knows if any bigger-I spoke too soon." Under my [Heartforce Scan] that could easily cover this entire dimension, even the universe if I wanted to be a bit wasteful.

Therefore, I can always keep a check on everyone's movements and know right away if they have any intention towards Yuri and me. Of course, for those that are looking for us have to use their own eyes to locate us since, otherwise, it is impossible to find us at all.

"Is it the native people of this dimension or someone from the three factions?" Yuri puts up her guards up instantly, the moment she heard her husband cut in the middle of his warning.

"Pretty sure it's mostly the native, but I won't say it is impossible for some of the people being from the three factions, even if they know it or not." I said to Yuri, as in a matter of seconds, more people surrounding Yuri and me.

I didn't show it on my face, but inside I was very confused. Because there are countless of these people from canon, but most of them are extras; however, that what didn't catch my attention.

Thinking about it for a moment if I should let Yuri fight the group around us or not.

I glance at Yuri, then found my answer right away. I don't even have a choice to stop her other than taking it physically, but then I would get a moody, angry, Yuri that wanted to fight.

So between the option of preventing Yuri from destroying the Glory City or just wing it and make all the bad things happen so far as if nothing happened in the first place. Something I can do easily with [Chain Combo Magic] helping me out by literally breaking the very limit of my other [Skills]' effects than it supposes to.

Therefore, I just stand back and give Yuri support whenever she needs it. Something found out instantly when I gave her a nod, causing Yuri to have a grin of excitement.

"Who are the two of you? What right do you have to cause senseless damage and deaths?!" One of the people in the group roar at Yuri and me, which would have made someone deaf if they were in the area and mortal without a hint of some kind of [Energy] to protect themselves a bit from the loudness.

"Ha! What right do we have?!" Yuri sneers at the one who questions her and her husband with such disrespectful voice, "Our right is because we are stronger!" Yuri forms a fist with her right hand and throws it at the person that dare speak in such a disrespectful tone to this princess.

Creating a shockwave that destroyed almost countless buildings within a couple of miles and even killed those that couldn't protect themselves or run away in time. While the group surrounding us was blasted from their spots as some of them are killed instantly while the lucky ones survive, but will need a miracle to heal back to their peaks. As for those that barely strong enough to use their [Demon Spirits] to protect themselves, but are still badly injured, covering in their own blood.

I sweatdrop and wonder if Yuri had this mindset before I met her or Esdeath have influenced her more than I thought.

Looking around the destroyed area, with pretty much the entire group easily taken down with a single punch from Yuri, who is currently talking down on all of them about how weak, they are if they couldn't even take a simple punch without even aiming the rest and the blast radius is what caused them to be injured while the target of Yuri's simple punch was literally gone. Not even a remnant is left behind, then again, neither Yuri or others could tell.

But, for me, with [Heartforce Scan] still active. I can definitely say the person that Yuri aimed to kill is pretty much non-existent in a physical mean. As for the guy's soul. Well, I can sense karma forming between Yuri and him, which I can't have. So, I use [Rejection] and [Karmic Sword Intent: Karma Severing] to prevent it.

After all, there no telling on what being in this universe and in this exact dimension would be able to deal damage to Yuri via [Karma Threads] as a medium and strike Yuri without her being able to defend herself.

For now, time to focus on the battle and suddenly, I find myself wondering if I have developed to the point I can fight without paying attention to my surroundings because I seem to be fighting a group of 5 men and Demon Spiritualist that have survived Yuri's attack.

All I have been doing so far was dodging and sending their attacks to someone else nearby, with the target mostly being their own teammate.

"Come on! He's only one person! Not even a Demon Spiritualist!" One of the 5 shouted at all of them start to transform by merging with their Demon Spirits, making them take on the form of a hybrid with part of their Demon Spirits or some have completely changed into their Demon Spirits while keeping their clothes on.

I noticed nearby, that Yuri is facing more people than me. Some of them didn't merge with their Demon Spirits, and instead, summon their Demon Spirits out of their Soul Realm and attack at their command, kind of like a familiar/minion to fight in their place. Also, I can detect reinforcement coming in, but I got the feeling that it won't matter as Yuri easily killing dozens every second. By then, the Glory City may not last even a couple of days after this event today.

Getting a bit of annoyed at how these people continue to monologue while in the fight; in fact, some had stopped fighting for a moment to explain their attacks' effects after unleashing them, bragging about it to raise their reputation in front of everyone that in the battle against Yuri and me. In other words, they are making an advertisement to bring more people into their faction.

Currently, all I'm using are [Renewal Taekwondo] at the basic level, along with [Shundo] whenever I need to move in the air. Even then, with just these two [Skills] that not even linked together with [Chain Combo Magic] was enough for me to take on this group of 5 Demon Spiritualists with no trouble at all. Not to mention, that even at the basic level of the [Renewal Taekwondo] seem too overpowered with my current stats against the people in this universe that mainly focused on their Demon Spirits and raw power.

I wanted to use some kind of lines to make this situation a bit more exciting, but with how things are going and I'm still winning against five men, where all of them are [5 Star - Gold Rank], with one of them already a half-step into raising to the [1 Star - Black God Rank].

Too bad that person would never get the chance to rank up, because I got bored and killed all five them by raising my speed just a bit more, faster than what they could detect, and this is me still holding myself back by controlling how much raw strength of my physical stats release. Something impossible if my mental stats weren't equal or higher than my physical stats.

Therefore, I can make myself 'weaker' by making it so it looks like my stats are back before they entered into the [Tier 1 - Stats]. Furthermore, with the help of [Archive]; I can disguise my stats in case a fellow Gamer scan me of what stats I have.

In a way, I can make myself act and look like I'm weaker than I should. Something I worked on a bit during my time in the Harry Potter universe just in case when the time I meet a fellow Gamer. I can make them underestimate me.

"Sorry, what was that?" I ask Yuri when I heard Yuri calling my name. Then, move a couple of steps to my left when something went passed where I was before and found it was a body of some type of lion, that is mostly white and have frost like furs.

I'm guessing maybe wind or ice typed lion, then use a scan to find out what it is and discovered it is a [Blizzard Lion] and it's a [5 Star - Gold Rank] too. Nevertheless, it's badly injured to the point it can die at any moment now if nothing is done in time.

In my point of view and from the scan; the [Blizzard Lion] has less than 1% HP and a single hit is enough to kill it.

"I said, that we should just get rid of everyone around here. There's no point of us staying here." Yuri growl, as her [Aura] cover her body and slowly, Yuri releases a heavy amount of killing intent.

"Wow, what got you so mad." I ask in surprise and shock, because it wasn't even a few minutes ago. Yuri was still calm and just a bit pissed off, but now she furious for some reasons.

Then sweatdrop as I watch Yuri stomp on the corpse of what should be the City Lord of Glory City.

"Let's just say that someone said something that pissed me off real bad." Yuri growl as she did one final stomp, but this time, a bit more force behind it as she caused a crater to form under the corpse of the former City Lord while the body itself finally break down.

'I don't know if Yuri held back enough to stomp on the corpse a few times to satisfy her rage a bit before destroying it or the body of a [Legend Rank] Demon Spiritualist is a lot tougher than I thought. Maybe the former than the latter.' I thought to myself, as I watch Yuri move around the place to pick up any [Black Keys] she can find that was used in battle after she destroyed the corpse of the former City Lord.

"Okay, then." I shrugged my shoulders, "But, why do you wish to get rid of everyone? Or do you mean nearby people?" I look around, lots of corpses everywhere and some are just a bloody mess on the broken down walls or buildings. "Because I'm pretty sure within a mile or so, there no living beings other than the two of us."

"Well, I know how you tune out things that not interesting to you at the time." Yuri stop covering herself with her [Aura] and the heavy killing intent disappears not a few seconds later. "Don't deny it." Yuri cut her husband off the moment he opens his mouth. "Anyway, as I was saying. I mean everyone in general in this city. Because there no point of us even making friends with these people or even learn from them. Since we can literally gain them easily in certain universes after we get the book or some kind of physical form for you to absorb, then afterward, you can pass it onto the rest of us if we wanted them."

"I guess." I rub the back of my neck, "Then, do you wish for us to leave this universe or something? Because if so, I would like to delay that for a while since I want some of the people from the three factions to come to us. This way we can capture some, for me to search through their memories. Wanted to make sure no one we met and friend with would be abducted due to our influences from the previous universes we've been to."

Yuri let out one last growl of rage as she stomps the ground, causing a huge crater of the size of a mile or larger in the middle the Glory City. In other words, Yuri announced to the entire Glory City someone powerful has arrived or they about to go on a rampage again.

"Was that necessary?" I look at Yuri while creating an [Kekkai] at the last second to keep myself in place. Not because I would be pushed away, something now almost impossible due to my current stats. But, mostly to prevent myself from covered in dirt and being hit by stray rocks or so.

"Yup, unless you didn't detect those people underground?" Yuri looks at me, that show she knew I have been keeping an 'eye' on everything around us, as in the entire Glory City.

"I detected them, but I wanted to know why you kill them. Don't you think they may be someone important as in [Fated Souls] important." I replied, with an eyebrow raise as I drop the [Kekkai] and walk over to Yuri, then snap my fingers to clean Yuri from the dirt covering her.

"Are they [Fated Souls] among the deaths I caused?" Yuri places a hand on her hip and glance at me, curious if she did kill one of the [Fated Souls] and which of the three factions they belong to.

"Give me a second to check." I bring up the [Skill: Archive] and [Chain Combo Magic] to link with [Heartforce Cultivation] before using [Omega Sword Dao: Spacetime Dao] to check on the past with who I have scanned with [Heartforce Scan] and check if they were [Fated Souls] among the people Yuri killed along with finding out if any of them part of the three factions.


[Program]: Modified Scanner

Target: [Fated Souls]

Result: 35 [Fated Souls] was kill.

Target: [Fated Souls] + Three Factions ([Hero Faction], [Neutral Faction], [Evil Faction])

Result: [Hero Faction]: 4 | [Neutral Faction]: 27 | [Evil Faction]: 4

"Yeah, you killed 35 [Fated Souls]. Most of them belong to the [Neutral Faction] while both the [Hero Faction] and the [Evil Faction] are equal in numbers." I said to Yuri, who blinks a few times before frowning a little.

"Is that bad?" Yuri honestly doesn't know if killing the [Fated Souls] from both of the three factions would lead to a bad outcome.

"Well, I just asked this universe if we enter the [Evil Faction] upon killing those four [Fated Souls] belong to the [Hero Faction], but it looks like you killed too many of the [Neutral Faction] and an equal amount between the [Hero Faction] and the [Evil Faction]. So right now, we are still in the [Neutral Faction]." I replied to Yuri's question as I continue asking the universe questions while we move away from the destroyed area and the huge crater Yuri created.

A few minutes later*

"So, besides those [Fated Souls]. Will there be anyone from the outside of the three factions entering this universe or at least this dimension we're in?" Yuri asks me, curious about when she may face her counterpart in the future, or at least outside of their own home universe like she did, either with someone's help or some kind of accidents to send her counterpart to a different universe.

"I have no idea. Because I still got nothing in a response from the universe upon finding out if the three factions outside entering this universe. Then again, I have no control over this universe and the whole relationship I have with it is a casual talk. Some of the questions could be answered with limited information while those with a great relationship or in other words, karma, with this universe could gain more information out of it compared to me." I frown at this, then let out a sigh, figuring that this is should be expected as some things are not meant to be, even with high LUCK stat.

"Sooo... do we try to hide, because that's not my style." Yuri said to me, causing me to look at her with a wry smile. "I know you can do that easily; nevertheless, if we are going to face those people from the outside of this universe. I rather do it out in the open. Way more straightforward and fun."

"Seeing how everything is screwed up. May as well take things further." I raise my left arm, activating the [Left Arm of Usage] to use the stolen powers I have taken with the [Right Arm of Thievery].

"Wait, are you going to destroy the entire city?" Yuri looks at her husband with eyes, because she knew her husband would rather plan things out and see how the situation goes before going into battle or at least he tries to until the situation went too far away from whatever plans her husband made become useless.

"That's the idea. Maybe those higher beings in this universe would come here. We literally got what is the most valuable thing for us to take from this universe. There's no point of us staying here other than just sightseeing and you having fun with people. So, before I draw in more attention towards us than we already have, thanks to you creating a huge crater in the city." I said to Yuri, who pause for a moment and being cool head by now, to think if she got anything else to do in this universe or not.

"Will it be just the two of us still if we leave this universe for another?" Yuri asks me, because the deal with the other was that each wife gets to be alone with me upon entering the next universe.

"Technically, yes." I was about to explain or make an excuse for Yuri to stay with me but was still cut off.

"Then never mind. Don't destroy the entire city." Yuri let out a tired sigh, "Just send us somewhere in this universe, even if it has to be another dimension. Since we'll technically still be in the same universe."

"Alright. I can just send us into a dimension that almost like another universe with [Bypass Restrictions], but you do know that if I do this. I have to allow the other the same benefit, right?" I said to Yuri, who pauses for a moment.

"Will this be the same time zone? As in when we return to the [Ark]. It's only been a day for the rest while it could be who knows how long for us?" Yuri slowly forms a grin on her face at this thought.

"Should be. As long I make sure keep an anchor onto this universe before we enter another universe. Although, this could create a trace for people to track us down, only us. The others will still be safe in the [Ark]." I replied to Yuri's question, causing her to fist pump in the air.

"Sweet!" Yuri shouted in joy and accidentally cause a large shockwave with her fist and cause the clouds in the sky to scatter instantly. "Oops." Yuri looks up the clear sky, then look back at her husband. "Just to be on the safe with the others and not cause Esdeath to be on my case. Keep the time zone as the same and the days spent here isn't removed. I'm willing to stick around for an entire year at the cost of allowing us to go to another universe by ourselves. Of course, there are some universes we shouldn't go to since those are the ones the others wishes to go to with you, Ragna." Yuri knew there are lines she should cross and one of them is going into universes that others have picked to go to beforehand.

"Alright, so do you want to spend a few more days in this universe or should we leave after we draw in more people from the three factions, mostly the [Hero Faction]? To fight with." I ask Yuri since we could just have fun for a couple of days before the big battle and afterward, to another universe to do the same again. As a way to allow Yuri to train herself against lots of unexpected enemies.

"Fight first, then we leave. I want to see what type of people from these three factions would appear." Yuri did a quick change of her outfit back before she enters this world and has her Teigu on her back waist, ready to be used at any moment.

"Alright then." I also changed as well, ready to face the incoming big battle, that mostly the three factions against just Yuri and me.