Chapter 47: So Many Options

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 47: So Many Options

Year 19: Day 74: Split Time Zone | Day 2 of the 365 Days Part 3

(Glory City)

"So how are you going to do this? Destroy the entire city? Because I know I did my share of destroying cities, completely accidents by the way. So what are you going to do?" Yuri asks me, trying to play off her reckless actions from the past and not so much in the past about how she destroyed countless things.

"Well, I was planning to destroy the Glory City, but I change my mind." I deactivate the [Left Arm of Usage] and not use the [Gura Gura no Mi], which is easy enough to destroy this city with this power to generate massive shockwaves.

"Now?" Yuri looks at me, wonder what I would do instead of destroying the Glory City.

"Now, I'll cut a passage to allow our fellow outsiders to come into this dimension." I will the [Blade of Tathagata] to appear in my right hand.

"Don't you have something that allows you to create a portal or something to connect between dimensions, though? Why not use that?" Yuri asks her husband, as she could have sworn that her husband has three [National Treasures] for being the [Jade Emperor]. One is the [Robe of the Sage] and the second one her husband currently using, the [Blade of Tathagata]. While there should be a third one.

"You're thinking about the [Cane of the Sage], and yes, it does create a portal between dimensions. But, the thing is, I'm trying to create a passage from this dimension towards the multiverse. There is a big difference. Because if it's the former, then I'm not completely sure if there are other already in this universe. So, better to do this instead." I explained to Yuri about how the [Cane of the Sage] may give us the options to connect between dimensions, but there are many downsides of doing this. One of them is allowing both sides to use it, if they can survive coming through the passage while I aim to kill them, that is.

"Oh." Yuri blinks her eyes, then glance at the [Blade of Tathagata] before noticing it's covered in a thick layer of red mist that becoming denser by the seconds as she felt the heavy presence of the [Sword Intent] her husband is releasing.

"Right, let's hope my LUCK stat won't flip to misfortune over this." I said to Yuri, who pale instantly when remembering all those lucky moments in the past when it was just her, Esdeath, Ryun and their husband, along with training Baam at the time. But, that included all those unlucky events as well, that caused them many griefs before.

I glare at the sky while continuing pouring more [Sword Qi] into the [Blade of Tathagata] as the [Katana] and scabbard become blood red together.

Drawing out the [Katana] out of its scabbard. The build-up [Sword Qi] was close to erupting the very moment I start pulling out the [Katana], then with a quick upper slash towards the sky. Forming a red line in the sky that spread with no limit on how far it goes.

Not a second later, the entire sky turned into blood red as the red line spread out, making it look like the sky had a just wound and bleeding out lots of blood.

Using the [Omega Sword Dao: Spacetime Dao] and control the [Sword Qi] in the sky to rip open a passage from this dimension to the multiverse and the blood red sky release a loud boom sound before the blood red sky slowly gather in one spot, to form an unstable giant crimson gate, where a vortex appear behind the gate upon opening.

Numerous screams of a different kind, some that sound like animals, the other sounds like humans, and others just unnatural that would make one's head hurt from just hearing it.


You have created an unstable passage to multiple universes into this dimension and cause numerous entities to be summoned.


The laws of this dimension have become unstable and have slowly being corrupted by the foreign laws of other universes.


You have made multiple enemies from the [Hero Faction] and the [Neutral Faction]. The [Evil Faction] are happy with the Player's action and is willing to work with the Player if the time calls for it.


You are no longer part of the [Neutral Faction] and have entered the [Evil faction].


The Title: [The Broken Player]'s unknown effects has activated and caused the Player to return back to the [Neutral Faction].


The [Neutral Faction] is very wary of the Player. But, is willing to stay neutral with the Player unless face in person, then it will be depending on the situation that the [Neutral Faction] would take action. But, beware, the [Neutral Faction] is not an ally to the Player.


The [Evil Faction] finds this interesting, and still willing to be an ally with the Player.


The [Hero Faction] is furious of the Player's action and have placed a bounty on the Player's head.


The core of the Tales of Demons and Gods felt mixed emotions about the Player's action, but is willing to let this side as the Player have given it the opportunity to gain a new resource from these outsiders.


The [Hero Faction] is now on the hunt for the Player.

"Huh." I look at the multiple notifications popping up and I send a copy to Yuri, who just speed read all of it and didn't care about this one bit.

"So, are we going to fight these entities?" Yuri point at all the beings coming through the unstable gate, I formed with the help of the [Omega Sword Dao: Spacetime Dao].

Of course, I could have made a stable gate if I were to use the [Omega Sword Dao] with other [Skills] under the effect of the [Chain Combo Magic].

"Give me a second to check on the stats on all of them." I said to Yuri, as I still have the [Heartforce Scan] activated the entire time. So the moment these entities came into this dimension, I have already started scanning them with the help of the [Archive] and [Chain Combo Magic], along with [Rejection] to stop anything from letting me scan them and preventing them from knowing I'm scanning them in the first place.

"I don't know if it's because they, not Gamers, but most of their stats are under [Tier 1 - Stats] while a few rare ones having a single stat that enters the [Tier 1 - Stats]. But, this shows me the end result of whatever they're using to increase their stats. So, actually, what I am scanning so far is their peak and the best stats in their history, also including [Forbidden Skills] that boost one's fighting power at the cost of something that's deadly to them." I explain to Yuri about what I got so far.

"However, this just shows that those true monsters haven't treated this dimension as something worth coming to. Only these entities dare come to search for treasure to increase their own power." I continue explaining further, as I noticed how most of these entities belong to the [Neutral Faction] and [Hero Faction]. With barely any of them being from the [Evil Faction]. Make one wonder if somehow the [Hero Faction] and [Neutral Faction] did something to prevent those from the [Evil Faction] to come into this dimension with the same numbers as the other two factions.

"Nevertheless, do you wish to fight them now or should I grab them for their memories?" I ask Yuri since my main goal was to grab all the memories from the people from the three factions. As the family and myself are technically still blind in the multiverse and no clue what's going on around us besides, there will always be someone stronger than the last one out in the multiverse.

"Fighting of course!" Yuri shouts as she leaps towards a crowd of entities that made up of multiple humanoid shape being. Some of them actually look human while the rest look like a mixed form of monsters and animals, but larger in size.

I blankly stare at Yuri rushing into a fight without a care for her safety.

Looking up at the giant gate that seems to look like an illusion, that close to being real then back to an illusion and back to close to being real. This repeatedly occurs, showing the sign of how unstable the gate is and the only reason it still exists instead of breaking down as it should. Is due to my [Sword Qi] supporting it.

Once I see a good amount of entities coming into this dimension. I cut off the supply of [Sword Qi] to the unstable gate and watch it disappear instantly. Leaving these entities in this dimension trap. Something that most of these entities noticed right away. As some tried to rush back into the giant gate but was too late. For those unlucky ones, they had their bodies tore to pieces while they were in the gate midway back to the other side before the gate already disappeared. Taking along whatever was inside the giant gate upon disappearing.

I crack my neck, then put away the [Blade of Tathagata] since I rather not let anyone but my family knows I have the [National Treasures] of the [Jade Emperor] yet.

Therefore, I activate the [Wave Sword Domain: Juxtaposition], creating a domain that covers this entire dimension. With the effect of all enemies inside the domain to be suppressed from all sides and greatly have their strength reduced.

This drains my [Sword Qi] like crazy, but using [Rejection] to make it so that using the [Wave Sword Domain: Juxtaposition] don't use my [Sword Qi] to support the domain, but using the [Qi] of this dimension to support it for now as I use [Rejection] twice instantly. With the second being able to 'reject' that I don't have control over this dimension's [Qi] and make it so I do have control over it.

Nonetheless, this also drains a large amount of [Mana] to make it so the [Rejection] can do such a thing. But, this was something I can handle for a couple of minutes, which is all I needed.

I made sure to leave the ones that Yuri fighting with and charge towards others, with a red glow coming out of my left eye. As I activate the [Mystic Eye of Death Perception] that is filled with my killing intent.

It hasn't even been a month since I left the Harry Potter universe and my battle intention wasn't even buried that long. Even when sparring with my wives. I barely felt the battle would cause my killing intent to truly appear like as of right now.

As the entire dimension turn blood red, filled with my killing intent and only the area around Yuri hasn't changed and not affected. Since I knew Yuri wouldn't want me to affect in any way in her battle, so I made sure to not allow my killing intent to affect that little area.

Deactivating before reactivating the [Chain Combo Magic] once more, with the [Mystic Eye of Death Perception] as the main core [Skill] to use its effects this time.

[Heaven Extinction Spell] linked first, causing a black fog to cover my body before expanding until it read to the size of a large cloud.

Next, the [Call the Wind], control the wind around me and merge with the black cloud that continues to grow in size while charging towards all the entities trying to figure a way to exit this dimension and some that didn't care as they attack everything around them. Soon, a gigantic black dragon formed from the black cloud, releasing an earthshaking roar.

After the [Call the Wind], it's the [Left Arm of Usage] as I merge the [Gura Gura no Mi] with the black dragon, making the air around it crack and sending massive shockwave everywhere the black dragon's body touches. Including the air itself as multiple shockwave being generated endlessly.

Second to last, the [Skill: Rejection] to prevent these entities' souls from reincarnating as I absorb their memories upon their deaths. And finally, the last, the [Skill: Heartforce Cultivation] to allow me to search through their memories instantly and store them for me to use later while at the same time tracking down everything within my domain.

As the sound of miserable screams came from these entities before their bodies collapse the very moment they were touched or devoured by the black dragon.

It didn't even take a few seconds before I killed all the entities without hesitation and not even the entities' bodies existed anymore as my black dragon devours the bodies as well, to help me recover. While the ones that Yuri are facing are what left from the batch of unknown entities coming into this dimension.

I knew that I was overpowered, but I didn't think I could easily slaughter all these powerful entities that are over level 100s. Something that makes me very confused since my Gamer reset me back to level 1 upon reaching level 100 and entering the [The Gamer - Tier 1]. Nevertheless, I kill them all quickly, then figure out this later from searching through all these memories I have gained from this whole event.

This was mostly a big gamble and I hoped no true powerhouse would enter the temporary passage I created into this dimension. Because if so, I would have to grab Yuri and return the [Ark] and severe whatever link created from the Tales of Demons and Gods that could lead to where the [Ark] is, which is near the core of the Harry Potter universe.

I narrow my eyes, then snap my head to the west where my [Heartforce Scan] detected an entity that just continues to fade out of reality and back in rapidly. Each time it does, its appearance would change. Something I wouldn't have noticed if there were countless beings around me to force me to lower how much I can scan. Therefore, when almost all entities are killed. This single entity that escapes me so far is a bit of a surprise, but not something I didn't uncounted for.

Activating the [Call the Wind]'s 4th Effect, to form a weapon of my choice that contains the might of all the black dragons formed and merge into one. But, since I only have one and is enough alone with all the linked [Skills] put into it. As I create a pitch black claymore, then with a quick swing, I chop down the single entity I've missed.

A red line appears on the entity and before it could even realize it was already been killed as it continues to move for a couple of seconds before the red line consume the entire body of the entity, then break down into nothingness. As I got another notification that I killed something and gained EXP. But, all up to now is enough to rise to 1% EXP. So much gain other than the memories I'm aiming for.

I deactivate the [Wave Sword Domain: Juxtaposition], but kept the black claymore and stare at Yuri fighting the crowd of entities with a cold eye. The red glow coming from my left eye continues to grow and shrink every second.

I felt more [Karma Threads] forming so fast that I was almost surprised by this, but with a couple of swings of my black claymore and these newly formed [Karma Threads] are severed before they completely finish forming. Preventing whatever entities trying to make some sort of connection with me. I even did the same to Yuri, again, but unlike last time. The number of [Karma Threads] forming with Yuri is a hundred times more than before. Nevertheless, a couple of swings and they are gone. Same with whatever [Karma Threads] trying to form with the others in the [Ark].

I remove my glance from Yuri and look into the sky, then into the void of in between dimensions before outside this universe. Where I can 'see' numerous entities that even larger than the one I faced. Thousand times larger was the minimum and the other is massive that would make me think they could even take place to hold an entire dimension or even a universe with ease.

However, this didn't make me panic. Because I know for sure size doesn't matter. After all, I contain multiple universes inside myself as well, even if they're mostly as [Universe of Knowledge]. They are still universe nevertheless and I have access to them other than importing [Skills] from them. Something I learned just in the last decade into my 99+ years training.

Therefore, I didn't focus on all of those gigantic beings since I can literally create a universe size [Ancient Sword God/Demon/Devil/Order] if I desire so. Instead, I focused on those entities that seem to contain multiple universes or something similar to one.


You have been noticed.

I smirk at this since I wasn't aiming to hide forever. But, that didn't mean I was 100% ready on facing all there is in the multiverse by myself, even if my family support me.

The red glow from my left eye grew a bit, as I wanted to battle stronger opponents in order to increase my [Volition Sword Dao] further. Since I discovered early on in my 99+ years of training that through a battle of life and death. The [Volition Sword Dao] would provide me more insight as the fight goes on. Taking the meaning of growing stronger each time you live through a fight that could kill you to a whole new meaning.

Due to the fact that the [Volition Sword Dao] continue to evolve and adapt each second. Going through battles just make it go even faster and even faster than before, where this is a permanent effect as well. So long as I'm alive and in battle, I'll continue to grow stronger by the second.

Of course, this battle can't be something that's not life-threatening to me or else the [Volition Sword Dao] won't speed up into evolution. Of course, using [Touki] would change that fact, but I wasn't such a fool to do such a thing against unknown entities that may have some [Skills] to instant kill me at a certain range in HP.

Therefore, I dare to look straight at these powerful entities that didn't put this dimension in their eyes, but the very moment someone looks at them. Well, they look back and check who dare look at them without their permission. And sure enough, I got notifications that they can see me as well, even when they not in this dimension or even in the universe and sense me.

Looking away and found Yuri killing off the last entity, which took on the appearance of a humanoid male lion or in other words, a lionman that could be an animal or Demon Beasts that cultivate and have reached to the point of transforming into a human form or from the beastmen race and was born as a lionman.

Either way, Yuri killed it and finally notice that there are no more entities from the outside.

"It looks like I may need to train harder if I can't even kill off so many powerful beings in so little time." Yuri said dryly, as she gives me a glare for taking out 99% of the enemies while only leaving her just 1%.

"Hey, I thought they would give me more of a challenge. Not to mention, I would expect them to have some kind of [Life Saving Techniques] to protect themselves before they could be killed and use that chance to escape or follow up with a fatal counterattack. I actually already expected a few of them to escape from me by now." I explained to Yuri, while also informing her about that last entity I killed that go undetected from my [Heartforce Scan] until I got rid of almost all the entities before detecting it.

This made Yuri relax a little, but that didn't mean she happy about the end result. Since she barely got to fight many powerful opponents. Even the crowd she just took on only require her using almost half her best.

"Whatever." Yuri pout, then glances at the black claymore I'm resting on my right shoulder and shiver at how she could feel death coming from it. "Why do you still have that out? Whatever that is."

"I'm going to keep it just in case and will dismiss it the moment we know the next dimension won't require us to slaughter our way through for safety. As for what it is. It's a weapon created through one of my [Skill] linked with other [Skills]." I replied.

"What with the whole death aura I'm continuing to feel from it then? Is it because one of the [Skills] linked?" Yuri wasn't unfamiliar with death itself.

"Yup, and it's the main [Skill] acting as the core. [Mystic Eye of Death Perception]." I said to Yuri, "If you haven't noticed yet." I point at my left eye, that still releasing a red glow. Something I was surprised back in the Harry Potter universe, but got over it.

"Oh." Yuri didn't know what else to say, because even the [Skill: Mystic Eye of Death Perception] is something she still can't wrap her mind around with. Such a thing shouldn't even be possible to exist at all.

"Anything you wish for us to take from this dimension before we leave for another?" I ask Yuri, since most cases, we won't come back here. After all, I got the only thing that matter in this universe; well, this dimension at the very least. As for the other dimension in this universe.

Who knows if it still the dimension very close to the core universe or near the edge to the outside of the universe that just touch with another universe's outer dimensions and form a crossover.

This is something I learned upon returning back to the [Ark] from the 99+ years away and did a large scale scan and discovered how these crossovers formed. Most just formed naturally and some were man-made formed.

"Nah, we can leave. But, this time. We'll do it my way. I want to have fun before going into serious stuff. We still haven't even passed the first-month mark yet. I want to use all the time I can enjoy things before we go into war." Yuri knew that her family is about to go to war with the three factions, or at least the [Hero Faction] at the very least.

"Alright." With a wave of my left hand, a wooden cane appears in front of me. This is the [Cane of the Sage].

[Cane of the Sage] - Rank: N/a - Durability: 1000/1000 - ATK: N/A

Description: Despite its rather ordinary appearance of a wooden staff, the cane can be used as a portal to another dimension without the need of sacred ground. It can also pinpoint its target. It can be used to summon an entire realm from another dimension. Like all [National Treasure], it can only be wielded by those who it recognizes as its true owner.

1st Effect: [Dimension Passage] - Create a pathway to another entirely different dimension and connect it to the current dimension the user is in.

Activating the [Archive] and make a list of what dimensions to go to with the help of the [Cane of the Sage], then create a copy of the list for Yuri to pick.

"I got what we needed. So you can pick where we can go." I said to Yuri and just hope it isn't one of those dangerous crossovers between wuxia/xianxia/xuanhuan. Because those dimensions are filled with powerful old monsters. Maybe even pass the [Tier 1 - Stats] and have already made it to the peak.

Killing intent flicker through my left eye, causing it to glow a bit brighter, but Yuri didn't notice it at all.

'Fight. I need to fight stronger opponents. Only will then can I grow even stronger and rise to the top.' I thought with lust for battle, to grow stronger or die for being too weak and lose all I care for.

"Oh, yeah, Ragna. What are we going to do with the people that survived the whole thing in this city?" Yuri points out that some surviving people in the Glory City, or what's left of the Glory City after some entities destroyed most of the city upon entering this dimension.

"Not our problem." I was no hero or saint, maybe why I wasn't in the [Hero Faction] in the first place. Furthermore, I wasn't someone who goes out of my way to help stranger unless it benefits me. Something I learn the hard way during the war in my home universe. Nevertheless, I'm willing to help when I'm in the mood and give the benefit of the doubt, but if it comes up with the result of ending badly for me. I'll get my revenge a hundredfold in return.

"Plus, mankind has faced countless trials and survive through them. I'm sure these people in this dimension will be fine. Not the first time I have seen people rising for a common goal." By that, I meant the time in the Harry Potter universe, where everyone forming one big alliance to face me. Too bad they were still out of their league and require some external powerful help to make things better for them. Sadly, no such thing happens.

"Wait, are you speaking from experience or this is a saying from your home universe or something you and others have read about?" Yuri narrows her eyes at me with curious eyes.

"Mostly all three, but mostly the second, then the first one kind of being kind of yes and no. Since I did kind of destroy that one dimension in the Harry Potter universe. So that may be a bad example, but still, something that mankind will ally up with others to face a common enemy." I replied to Yuri's question. "Anyway, did you find anything you want us to go to?"

"Nope. So you got to wait for a while. Just make sure no one disturbs me while I'm looking. Also, this is a long ass list you gave me. You can't just expect me to find one so easily among them all. Plus, with the crossover as well, making it even more difficult for me to pick." Yuri didn't sound mad about this, in fact, she excited because she got more options to pick later on and right now she just overwhelmed with numerous of dimensions she could pick. Even if some of them are kind of multiple copies with barely any difference besides a few factors that have the potential to turn the copy to a full new dimension.

"Hey, is it possible for us to create one ourselves? I mean, sure there this list. But, not many of them, I want to go into right now. And with the three factions and the whole [Cultivation System] going on with our family. I kind of dread the whole overpowered beings in certain places. Plus, who knows if the one I may pick would lead us to an enemy that too much for us to take on?" Yuri asks me, as she knows when to use her brain when the situation calls for it, or whenever Yuri's brain decided to wake up for a chat or two before sleeping and Yuri return to her reckless self.

"Anything possible with [Bypass Restrictions]." I look at Yuri with a blank stare, causing her to giggle at forgetting about that. Then, return back to the list to search for the dimension to visit and have fun.