Chapter 52: The Difference

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 52: The Difference

Year 19: Day 74: Split Time Zone | Day 25 of the 365 Days Part 2

(Hell Arena: 251st Floor)

"Hey, does anyone want to try to climb the Hell Arena?" I ask my wife and two students, giving them a grin; however, all of them shiver instead of being excited or any positive emotions appear.

"Yeah, no way. I may be a thrill seeker, but I'm not stupid or suicidal... Well, more than suicidal in other ways. Nevertheless, I may not have seen all the floors, but the one we're on and the 200th Floor. But, just the 200th Floor alone would cause me to feel like a newcomer that just began climbing The Tower from my home universe and that is saying something." Yuri said to me in a dull tone.

"Sorry, I still can't move my body much right now. Going through the Hell Arena is just asking for my death." Daniela quickly responded back on how she can climb the tower of death.

"I still have [Nen] to work on." Ingui Yoon gave her own excuse, which is true, but anyone could tell by the sweat covering her forehead, that she is afraid of going through the Hell Arena as well.

"Alright." I roll my eyes at these three, but didn't fault them it. So I stop teasing them about it.

Looking back at the people trying their best to bypass the 5th Floor with almost no success. Making it seem like it's impossible to climb the Hell Arena at all.

"By the way, do you have any desire returning home. I mean the two of you, Ingui Yoon and Daniela. I can make a passage to your home if you want." I said to my two students. While ignoring the sound coming from the multiple [Holographic Projection Screens] around, that's filled with people dying screams via testing out the [Restrictions].

Ingui Yoon had a wry smile when she continues to hear the deaths of countless people, but wasn't that deeply disturb by this. Thanks to the training her teacher put her through. "Currently, I'm in no hurry to return home after knowing you can send me back easily. So for now, if possible, I would like to resume under your teaching, teacher."

"Same here. All my old friends are dead for years or dead by now. As for the next generation. I'm sure little Tsuna would be a fine Vongolo Boss, with the people he made friends with. Would support him in his time of needs with me gone. I'm willing to return back, but after the whole war is over with." Daniela replied after Ingui Yoon and she too wishes to continue with her training under her teacher.

"I see." I nod my head.

I glance at one of the screens and narrow my left eye, to see a group of people easily bypassing all the [Restrictions] I have placed down in the 5th Floor.

Then again, the [Restrictions] are [Rank: Earth], not that high in ranks and just more in quantity than quality. There's bound to be people to finally figure a way to bypass the [Restrictions]. I just didn't think there would be one so soon. Not even a month yet and people finally making progress into the 5th Floor.

I find myself wondering if this was in Sword Art Online. It would be even longer since the people don't have supernatural abilities. Nevertheless, this is good for me. As the Hell Arena is technically part training as well. Seeing how I'm allowing people going through this dangerous tower, to learn how they bypass these floors and even those that died would just become another cannon fodder for me to use via [Magic Arsenal].

Getting off of the chair I was sitting on for the last few hours, then stretch my stiff muscles before dismissing the [Holographic Projection Screens], but still have the [Skill: Archive] active. So it could notify me of anything interesting with the programs I have created for this task for me.

"You know, I find myself wondering how long it would take before the [Hero Faction] sends in the higher level members into this dimension. Seeing how I'm here and all." I thought out loud, causing the three ladies to look at me and giving me the look, that's just asking why I would think such a thing right now.

I raise an eyebrow at them, "What? This is a reasonable thing to think about sometime. In fact, I'm kind of disappointed in you, Ingui Yoon, for not thinking about all the unknown factors, including the enemy's stronger members, along with their aces hidden when they really needed to be used in battle, and figure a way to counter them."

Ingui Yoon looks down before bowing in my direction, "Sorry, teacher. I must have forgotten a few things while my time staying in this world. I promise to go through the training you assigned to me in the past and redo them again, to help me refresh my memory. I won't make the same mistakes again."

"Don't worry, I don't blame you. After all, you did spend like 3 years in the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] with Yuri and Daniela as well. You're bound to forget something during those 3 years." I wasn't that disappointed in Ingui Yoon, just a bit really. I just need to remind her that's all. "Anyway, I guess you ladies can do whatever here. I'm going to have fun being a Dungeon Master." I grin at the thought of being a Dungeon Master, as in a literally have a dungeon at my command.

Technically, the Hell Arena has become a dungeon while the Heaven Arena isn't, but upon the changes, where I include traps and monsters, along with other hidden things. I honestly made a dungeon.

"But, that will be kind of boring real quick, though." I stop myself from trying to level up a few mobs just for the heck when no one has even passed the 5th Floor yet.

I sat back down and lean back before slowly start to lose focus.

"Hey, Ragna!" Yuri appears in front of me, with panic in her eyes, "How about we do something interesting together?!"

"I almost blank out completely, didn't I?" I ask Yuri dryly, who nervously nod her head. Making me sigh with a bit of frustration. As things will end up badly when I blank out too much. Inner monologue is one thing, but blanking out without having anything on mind is just wishing for trouble with the current me. Since if I lose focus, almost all my [Skills] would deactivate as a result of me not focusing at all. Very dangerous.

"So, what do you want to do?" Yuri's back is already covered in cold sweats, this shows how scary her husband can be when he blanks out and sometimes don't even remember what he has done during that event. Most case her husband would search for anything to fight, but luckily, he still held back somewhat. But, the aftermath is just too much of a pain that Yuri doesn't want to risk it again.

"How about I help you out with the [Great Way of the Buddha]?" I look at Yuri, as I have an idea on how to allow Yuri to be able to finish the first stage and allow her body to born anew and have finally begun the real training of the [Great Way of the Buddha]. Then look at both Ingui Yoon and Daniela. "Do you manage to learn the [Renewal Taekwondo: Recoilless Concept], Ingui Yoon? And how about you, Daniela, did you figure a way to manipulate your [Sky Flame] without any medium and with just a thought? This includes using your emotions, hand gestures, or any type of body gestures. Therefore, using only thoughts without those to help you."

I allow a smirk to appear on my face as I release a bit of bloodlust, which has gotten stronger as time goes on with [Volition Sword Dao].

Yuri, Ingui Yoon, and Daniela felt a chill go down their backs and unconsciously took a step back.

"Why are you moving away?" I look at them, not suppressing my bloodlust. I slowly got up from my seat and start walking towards the ladies, causing them to take a step back each time I take a step towards them. As each of them is a bit pale in the face and sweat covering their foreheads.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Yuri said with her back cover in cold sweats even more, to the point the back of her shirt is soaking wet with her sweats and wondering if she should have left her husband to blank out or not. She pauses for a moment, then decided that if she was in the same situation. She'll still do it, making sure her husband won't blank out.

I pause when I felt a familiar presence entering the Hell Arena.

With a thought, I bring up a [Holographic Projection Screen] and zoom onto a target in the Hell Arena, where I see a group of three kids. All boys that haven't even entered their teenage years yet.

Of the two out of the three; I see Gon and Killua, both are among the group of the main characters in the Hunter x Hunter. However, the third one is what my focus is more onto.

"Well, now. This is interesting." I smile a little, causing the ladies to stop moving away, with Yuri being the first to move over to me to see what I'm looking at. While both Ingui Yoon and Daniela wish they could do the same, but don't have any way to share some of my features as the Gamer. Therefore, only Yuri here can see what I'm seeing since she is my wife.

"What's interesting? Oh, those two. I was wondering when they show up." Yuri looks at both Gon and Killua going through the 1st Floor of the Hell Arena. Then noticed the third kid, "Hey, who's that? Is he someone that Gon and Killua made friend with?"

Both Ingui Yoon and Daniela's eyes widen a little and quickly come over to me.

"Did you say Gon?" Ingui Yoon asks me with worry, with Daniela asking about Killua.

"Yeah, you know those two kids?" Yuri asked.

"Yeah, we met them in a Hunter Exam and kind of making them our little brothers in name." Daniela is the one that answered.

"Then, I guess you get to meet up with them early on. Since those two enter the Hell Arena just now. Also, do you know a brown-headed kid goes by the name Jake Snow?" I ask my two students, as I continue to look at the kid named Jake.

"Oh, him. Yeah, he is a friend with Gon and Killua; however, for some reasons, neither Ingui Yoon or I could feel comfortable near him. It's like he knows something about us when we don't know him at all. This caused us to feel more disturbed. Since neither the two of us are not native in this world. Also, he continues to talk to us like he knew our past, more with Ingui Yoon than mine. With the way, he looked at Ingui Yoon more than once when he thought we didn't notice or even try to hide it sometime." Daniela informs Yuri and me about she and Ingui Yoon met this Jake, along with Gon and Killua during the Hunter Exam and what happens during that time before splitting up, with both Ingui Yoon and Daniela going to the Heaven Arena to gain money after learning it among the researches they did upon coming to this world.

As well as a place to stay, which is why both Ingui Yoon and Daniela decided that the Heaven Arena is a good place for the both of them to stay until they figure a way to return back to their homeworlds. Not to mention, the Heaven Arena is the place where they managed to learn [Nen] after paying someone to help them gain it. Afterward, thanks to [Nen] and their own specialized [Skills]. Reaching the 251st Floor was plain easy for them.

"Well, seeing how this Jake came from a similar universe as mine and also a Gamer." I explained to both Ingui Yoon and Daniela about my status as The Gamer, along with a little information about it while mentioning about how I became a [Broken Player].

"So wait, does that mean he was trying to get into our pants?" Daniela looks at me with disgust on her face. "I'm pretty sure, I can be his grandma or even great grandma with my age. I ain't no pedophile."

Yuri coughs a little since technically she is one with her current age being the oldest among everyone here. However, Yuri knew she doesn't really count due to her race not being human and something else, with somewhat the same as a human, but not 100% as one.

Ingui Yoon looks a bit green in the face before it turns into a blank expression. "Does that mean he knows about a few things of my past and trying to manipulate me to like him by using this knowledge to his advantage?" Ingui Yoon asks in a deadly chill tone of voice.

"Maybe?" I shrug my shoulders while glad that Ingui Yoon and Daniela didn't seem to care that I know their past, then again, I didn't even aim for any romantic interest in them so I can guess why they didn't seem to care. Not to mention, I even helped them out at the time without any benefits in return. Well, until we meet again in this dimension and needs their help in the incoming war. But, that was before I became a [Broken Player] and pretty much declare war on the three factions, mostly the [Hero Faction].

"Just to be clear. Neither the two of you have any love interest with Ragna here, right?" Yuri smirks at the two, causing them to frown at her.

"I'm a widow and only have one person I love in my life. Doesn't matter if I can meet a parallel version of my deceased husband. I only have one husband and he is dead. I am no longer having any romance in my current life. Furthermore, with the war you mention, love would just make things more difficult. So I need to be more focus onto my training." Daniela said with absolute truth in her voice and look at Yuri with disdain for asking such a thing. "Also, I do remember Esdeath is also teacher's wife. Do you think I would want to be on her bad side, yeah no thanks."

Yuri giggles at this, "No kidding, and you should meet with Esdeath again. She changed a lot since you last saw her." What Yuri didn't mention was how Esdeath became even more ruthless than ever. Also, far worse when enemies try to face Esdeath in psychological warfare.

"Same here, with Daniela." Ingui Yoon calmly replied, "I rather not have my head split open by Mrs. Esdeath. Also, if what you told me about the whole multiverse and how teacher was supposed to be my love interest or something due to being his destiny girl or something. I rather pick someone I truly know I would know and not be affected by something that forced me to fall in love with someone just due to destiny."

"Good for you, Ingui Yoon." Yuri smile at Ingui Yoon, "Just be glad Esdeath isn't the same as before when I met or she would use her silver tongue to convince you otherwise."

Ingui Yoon and Daniela blinks, where they feel confused about Yuri meant by her words.

So, Yuri explained how she met Esdeath and her husband, then by the end, both Ingui Yoon and Daniela look at her and their teacher in disbelief.

"Yup, you two are lucky by the time you met Esdeath. We finally managed to prevent Esdeath from persuading other potential wife candidates." Yuri leans a bit closer, "But, I will be honest with the two of you. I don't regret Esdeath pushing me to love Ragna. So many benefits come with marrying him." Yuri winks at them.

"I'm right here." I said to Yuri dryly.

"You were meant to hear it. So, don't be like that. I'm complimenting you." Yuri grin before frowning as she looks back at the [Holographic Projection Screen] with narrow eyes as she watches Jake killing the hell hounds with a dagger that covered in a green glow and would easily cut the hell hounds like butter. "Now, we just need to find out if this... Jake part of the [Hero Faction] or not."

"Oh, he definitely part of the [Hero Faction]." I replied, as I bring up a copy of Jack's status for Yuri to see and even using a bit of [Ninjutsu] to allow both Ingui Yoon and Daniela to see as well. A bit of more drain on my [Mana], but not too much for my concern.

Status List:

Character Name: Jack Snow

Alignment: Neutral-Good

Lvl: 20 - EXP: 4%/100%

Profession: The Gamer

Title: [Assassin-in-training] - Gain an increase of 10% bonus effects towards [Assassin Type Skills]. (Require title to be equipped to have an effect.)

HP: 139/200 - Regen: 1 HP per hour

MP: 100/100 - Regen: 1 MP per minute

STR: Tier 0 - 10

END: Tier 0 - 20

AGI: Tier 0 - 30

INT: Tier 0 - 11

WIS: Tier 0 - 10

MAG: Tier 0 - 10

LUCK: Tier 0 - 10

Stats Point: 69

Age: 11

Faction: [Hero Faction] - Gain 20% more in favors with people in the [Hero Faction] and -20% less with people in the [Evil Faction].

"Huh, so that's why he using a dagger. But wait. Wouldn't it better to use a [Combat Knife] instead?" Yuri asks me, seeing how I have a [Skill] to be a master of all weapons and how to use them to their best of abilities. This includes using weapons for other professions. Like the assassin.

"Depend on the type of assassin you want to be. If you want to be the one that actually an assassin instead of the [Profession: Asssassin], then it doesn't matter what weapons you use. As long as your target doesn't know your location and you can deliver the killing blow in the first strike, otherwise, the target will know someone aiming for their life and will quickly strengthen up their defense, preventing you from trying to kill them after your first fail before the target will begin their own counter towards you and will hunt you down as well." I explain to Yuri as there are more than one type of assassin, but if going with the concept of an assassin, then it doesn't matter what you use as long your target is killed without knowing how and who's the true killer is without leaving any shreds of evidence behind.

"So, does this mean this kid is bad as an assassin or just due to lack of experiences and [Skills]?" Yuri asks me, with both Ingui Yoon and Daniela are watching their little brothers in name with concerns as they battling with hell hounds. They felt nothing more and just go down and help them out, but currently, due to the fact that Gon and Jack are part of the [Hero Faction], making it difficult on the two.

"More with the latter than the former. He even got the title to prove it; well, unless he got it by accident or just got it from being trained by Killua in [Assassination Skills], then who knows." I replied.

"Can you see his history?" Yuri asks me, as in using the same way I do with her and the wives before via [Sha Naqba Imuru] and if that's not enough, linked it with [Elemental Sight].

Neither Ingui Yoon or Daniela shows it on the outside, but inwards, they are both shocked that their teacher has the ability to see the history of people. Then calmed down a second later once they remember who their teacher is and how powerful he is. So this should be a given at this point.

"I can." I nod my head, as Yuri looks at me, waiting for me to continue, but for a couple of seconds of silence and she realizes I didn't continue with my response.

"Are you going to?" Yuri asks once more, but actually wanting her husband to check on Jack's history. Instead of just hinting what she wanted.

"Already did, but I know you won't bother to read the whole thing. So, I will just make it simple. He's a [Reincarnator] and his origin is from a branch off from my home universe, but ordinary without any supernatural in his world at all. But, still, have some knowledge from my dimension to his. As to how he became a Gamer. He died from a truck and met with a God, who is actually a false God and someone from the [Hero Faction]. Then, Jack was given the Gamer's ability, but not like mine, where it is heavily restricted, but very weak in my opinion. One: He doesn't have the [Skill: Fiction Adpation] to import powerful [Skills], even if they been downgraded under the [Leveling System] so it would be a lot harder for him to gain [Broken Skills] later in the future. Two: He doesn't have an [Inventory] with unlimited space. Unless he gained a [Skill] to increase the space of his [Inventory]. Then, he is very limited to what he can carry in his [Inventory]. Three: He doesn't have the feature to gain new professions, but can get something similar on the line of one via titles. As you can see he has the [Ttile: Assassin-in-training], his version of a profession aka a class, job, or whatever you call it." I pause for a moment, to let my words sink before continuing.

Yuri made a hand gesture for me to go on, telling me she understands my words, with both Ingui Yoon and Daniela nodding for me to continue as well.

"Now, what Jack got in exchange for these limitations. One: He gains a starter gears aka anything with the concept of a weapon in mind. In other words, Jack was given the choice of what he wanted, but within conditions. Say Jack wanted the [Excalibur] from the Nasuverse. But, this requires Jack to have a title related to the legend of King Arthur, to even have the ability to hold the [Excalibur] in the first place. Otherwise, it just stays in his [Inventory] just for look until he meets the conditions to wield it." I explain the first one, while at first I was a bit jealous before remember how I got [Fiction Adaption] and he doesn't. So that calmed my jealousy somewhat.

"Is it that dagger he picked? Seem a bit of a waste for not picking something powerful, but easily usable at the get-go." Daniela said with a disappointment on her face, even she could think of a better weapon to use instead of a simple dagger. Not counting her [Sky Flame].

"It isn't a simple dagger, but a [Growth Type Dagger], where it grows along with the user. But, not just a normal [Growth Type Dagger] just increases its attack damage and all the default. But, allow Jack to put an effect within reasons aka the resource to give the [Growth Type Dagger] the effect he desires. A good example is the green glow covering his dagger. That is the first effect he placed on his dagger, which increases sharpness with the element of wind." I replied to Daniela and even bring up a copy of the [Growth Type Dagger] for everyone to see.

[Growth Type Weapon: Dagger - Lvl: 2 - EXP: 5%] - Rank: D+ - Durability: 73/100 - ATK: 400 (+300)

Description: This is a [Growth Type Weapon] that grows along with its wielder and have unlimited potential to become something great. Along with the ability to gain new effects within the limitations.

Level 1's First Effect: [Weapon Repair] - Gain the ability to repair itself by allowing this weapon to 'absorb' materials to repair itself.

Level 1's First Effect's Requirement: Require physical contact to absorb materials, and the materials it has to be something that the weapon can absorb.

Level 1's Second Effect: [Weapon Evolution Effect] - The ability to gain new effects.

Level 1's Second Effect's Requirement: The weapon itself requires to absorb materials and will be given random options of effects to pick one out for the weapon to take.

Level 2 Effect: [Wind Enhancement] - By absorbing the wind around the area to give the weapon's blade an increase in sharpness at the cost reducing the weapon's durability.

Level 2 Effect's Requirement: The weapon's durability has to be above 1 in order to take in effect.

"Huh." Daniela blinks with surprise, "Okay, maybe this dagger isn't lame after all."

"Too bad it won't do him any good." I said with a hint of disappointment, but also pity.

"Why is that?" Yuri asks with curiosity.

"Because he is a false Gamer, not one of the 10 true Gamers. Like me and even if I became a [Broken Player]. My slot isn't available at all. Therefore, including my slot. There are another 9 slots, where others can become a true Gamer. Unless someone manages to keep a true Gamer dead. As in not able to revive somehow before a slot is open. Therefore, as a false Gamer. Jack will never be able to leave this universe. As in the Hunter x Hunter universe, this world's main universe setting. If he was in either Daniela or Ingui Yoon's worlds, then he can't leave that world at all either." I explain to Yuri on about the 10 true Gamers and the slots, which I got from the female hero's memory about this back in the Harry Potter universe.

"That's good to know." Daniela knew how important about things that are very limited in numbers. So having 9 other people like her teacher is a scary thought, but a bit of a relief that her teacher can face those other 9 true Gamers and she can just fight with other people that not a Gamer. Also, a relief that she won't have to face an army of Gamers due to finding out that false Gamers are stuck in the world they were put in. While true Gamers can leave the universe for another.

"Anyway, other than the starter gear of a [Growth Type Weapon] that is literally a basic for beginners, which the so-called God from the [Hero Faction] didn't inform Jack and just say it something that powerful. In a way, yes, it's powerful, but only near the end after countless resources and efforts will it become a powerful weapon, and even then, with the type of effects placed on the weapon itself may not be the best there is. As there will be a time, where Jack would have used all the resources he could get his hands and reach a dead end. This is why I say the [Growth Type Dagger] won't do him any good." I took a few deep breaths before continuing.

"Moving on. The next good thing he gained is the [Skill: Observe]. Able to scan and give him information on the observed target. However, this will only give him the basic until he levels it up more, to reveal more information." I let out a sigh of frustration, with Yuri giggle a little while both Ingui Yoon and Daniela look at Yuri with a confused look on why she laughing.

"Ragna here didn't have anything like the [Skill: Observe] and among all his [Skill]. The best thing he has is the [Elemental Sight], but that gives him a massive amount of information. This requires him having to 'read' all the information without having a searching feature. Unless he links his [Elemental Sight] with [Archive]." Yuri giggles once more when she notices her husband frowning at her, but she didn't care. "So yeah, you can see that Ragna may not have the [Skill: Observe] at the beginning like Jack, but Ragna got something better later on."

"I see." Ingui Yoon nods her head, "So what else did Jack get other than this [Growth Type Dagger] and the [Skill: Observe]?" Ingui Yoon made sure to pay extra attention to her teacher's words.

"He gets a random [Skill] as a part of the starter gears. However, in reality. The person from the [Hero Faction] was just randomly picking what kind of [Skills] to give to Jack that would help him until he is level 50 before becoming useless on its own unless Jack goes other [Skills] to use together with it. But, that won't be enough after he goes pass level 100 and faces enemies that's above level 100. No matter how much he tries." I shook my head with pity, for Jack, but not too much that I wanted to help the kid out. "As for the random [Skill], he got. Well, it is the [Spell: Firebolt] that was turned into a [Skill]." I bring up a copy of the [Skill] and at max level for everyone to see.

[Firebolt Manipulation] - Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% - MP cost: Varies

Description: You have gained the ability to cast [Firebolt], one of the many basic [Fire Elemental Spells] and can modify the [Spell: Firebolt] to your desire.

1st Effect: Gain access to the [Spell: Firebolt]. [Firebolt] - Deal 100 [Magical Damage] per hit.

1st Effect's Cost: 10 MP per default [Firebolt].

2nd Effect: Gain access to [Firebolt Modification]. [Firebolt Modification] - Increase [Firebolt]'s [Magical Damage] by (level)%.

2nd Effect's Cost: 10 MP x (second) MP.

"So... If my math is right, then the best he can do with this [Firebolt Manipulation] is 200 [Magical Damage]? Literally at max level is just doubling the damage of this [Firebolt]?" Daniela asks with confusion as she scratches her head, trying to see any other way to make this [Firebolt Manipulation] any better other than being able to modify the [Firebolt Spell].

"Yeah, the person that gave this [Skill] to Jack didn't have enough patience to choose the right one for Jack to have. What I meant before was that the person from the [Hero Faction] was searching for one, but from what I got from my scan at the time. The person didn't have many in that condition and instead just picked something that meets the bare minimum. If Jack pushes the [Firebolt Manipulation] to the fullest potential." I give Daniela a wry grin.

"Wow, talk about a letdown." Now, even Yuri pity this Jack, but not that much. "Anything else, that Jack gained?"

"Nope. That's pretty much it." I replied, "But, he was sent here, mostly to make allies with the [Fated Souls] in this dimension. Aka the main characters or powerful characters." I look at both Ingui Yoon and Daniela. "And when he saw the two of you. He got a [Quest] that would reward him some nice stuff he manages to either get one or the both of the two of you to be in a relationship with him. As in boyfriend and girlfriend(s)."

Ingui Yoon narrow her eyes and one can see the hatred in her eyes, "Does he even like us for who we are or just for our appearance alone?"

"Truth?" I ask Ingui Yoon, who nods her head, "The latter mostly. To him, this whole world is a game to him. In a way, his thinking process is right since he is a Gamer and would treat the world as his playground."

Ingui Yoon slowly nods her head before closing her eyes and open them, where they became cold and would have caused many people to flinch or worse, run away in fear.

Daniela snort with disdain, "Happen to me before in the past, where people just wanted to court me in order to gain influence over the Vongola. I just knew there was something that Jack made me feel off with him around me. Now, I know why."

"And suddenly, I no longer pity the kid." Yuri said in a cold tone, not caring that Esdeath technically did the same thing, but for different reasons. But, unlike with Esdeath and her husband.

Jack here gains something of a reward for himself and may not truly love Ingui Yoon and/or Daniela while Esdeath and her husband gain loyalty and love from herself. Not to mention, that Esdeath wanted for her strength, not for her appearance. While her husband truly loves her as well, making Yuri know the difference between Jack and her husband.

"Welp, I guess we got something to do, I guess." I secretly grin to myself as I didn't mention how this Jack has something in him that the [Hero Faction] wanted him to be reincarnated into the Hunter x Hunter, with the Gamer's ability.