Chapter 53: This Is Very Unexpected

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 53: This Is Very Unexpected

Year 19: Day 74: Split Time Zone | Day 25 of the 365 Days Part 3

(Hell Arena: 251st Floor)

"So what should we do?" Yuri asks everyone, "I mean, do we go down and meet up with those three or what?" What Yuri didn't say out loud is how to deal with Jack. Seeing how Jack must be using his background knowledge to manipulate Gon and Killua in some way to like him and do stuff for him.

"Can't we just grab both Gon and Killua, then bring them up to this floor?" Daniela asks calmly, not including Jack at all. "I'm sure they would be happy to see their older sisters."

Ingui Yoon nods her head in agreement, want to reunite with her little brother, also having a small thought of seeing if she could bring Gon or her real little brother over to introduce each other.

"Pretty sure, that people will arm to the teeth and go to war with me if I appear in person." I said to the girls, causing them to pause for a moment to think about it really hard. "But, if you really them to be here. I can literally just teleport them here, right now."

"Why didn't you mention that first?" Yuri asks me with dull eyes, knowing that I did this on purpose.

"Well, I got nothing much to do right now. Seeing how the Hell Arena can run on its own due to my linked [Skills] and with a little bit of attention onto it. Therefore, I'm kind of free after fixing all the bugs I have found in the Hell Arena's upper floors above the 5th Floor. Didn't take that long honestly." I smirk at Yuri, causing her left eye to twitch, "Plus, I'm just seeing if it's fun messing with people as a hobby to do when I need to take breaks from training."

Yuri pales instantly when she heard her husband trying to mess with people as a hobby. In other words, trolling. But, before Yuri could argue about having such a hobby. She was cut off by her husband.

"But, messing with people should be Esdeath kind of thing." I continue off not caring that searching the right hobby for me had caused some of my wives to be very scared whenever I was in the 'mood' to try out something to see if it is a good hobby. "Anyway, do you really want them here?"

"Go ahead. This saves us the trouble of having to go down and get them before having to go back up here." Daniela response, as she walks over to the bar in the room and grabs herself a drink. "If you're planning to bring in Jack as well. Then, give me the chance to get a drink or two."

Both Yuri and Ingui Yoon glance at Daniela before looking back at me, where I just give them a lazy gaze. In Yuri's point of view, this is a yes, to what Daniela said is true.

"You got a few minutes before I bring them here." I said to the girls, causing Daniela to chug an entire glass of drink of some kind in the color of red in one gulp before banging the glass onto the counter before filling the glass up for another.

Ingui Yoon quickly heads over to Daniela to stop her from drinking herself to a mess while Yuri stares at her husband with a twitchy eye. Knowing that this was kind of his fault for making Daniela drinking to get wasted due to learning about Jack that is going to come here in a few minutes after the big reveal not so long ago. Literally, a couple of minutes passed by and now everyone has to deal with the person we, me, talked about aka Jack Snow. Will appear soon.

I rub my chin, then look at Yuri. This lead to Yuri looking back at me with a wry look on her face. As if her instinct sensed something about to go wrong in the next few seconds.

"Should I cosplay?" I ask Yuri in a completely serious tone of voice, then the whole room became silent, with only the sound of breathing remain.

"I'm sorry. I must have got my head bash at some point and blank out just now. Can you repeat that, Ragna?" Yuri rubs her forehead as if she actually had a headache or something before digging in her left ear for a few seconds to be on the safe side, to make sure she hearing thing right.

"You heard me." I got up from my seat as I already have a costume in mind to use already. With a bit of more [Mana] to use [Ninjutsu] to cover my entire body, including the aura I release unconsciously. As my appearance soon takes on the appearance of Sosuke Aizen from Bleach, but before his departure from Soul Society.

As in I'm taking on Aizen appearance as a mild-featured man with brown scholarly hair enhanced by square glasses, along with soft brown eyes. But, instead of the standard Shinigami uniform with a captain's haori. I switched out for a modern-day black business suit with a brown tie and white dress shirt. While bringing out a [Empire Common Sword], where I placed millions of [Restrictions] onto it instantly it appears before changing its appearance similar to Aizen's [Zanpakuto] and held it with my left hand.

"Okay. One: Why him? Two: What's my role in this roleplay of yours? Three: How long are you going to stick with that appearance for?" Yuri fired off three questions within a single breath.

"I need a reason to make Jack be wary of me and try to cause a problem for everyone by revealing some information that he has withdrawn from everyone they should know about and where it came from." I calmly said to Yuri, who shiver a little at how my voice is the exact same as Aizen. "As on why Aizen. Well, I'm going to use him as someone who begins planning for who knows how long and maybe Jack would think Aizen is the one behind the Hell Arena." I pause for a moment, then summon a soul from the [Slaughter Realm] and toss it the false [Zanpakuto] and with a wave of my right hand.

My image started to blur and it merges with the soul I grabbed and took on the form of Aizen while I return back to my original appearance.

Afterward, I send more [Restrictions] into the soul of the Aizen look alike until I made it so that if Jack uses [Observe] on this Aizen lookalike. It would almost be the same as if it was the real Aizen, but actually, I just made it so Jack can't see the fake Aizen's status other than his name and all his stats with question marks next to them instead of number value. This includes his levels as well.

"Okay, now what are you doing? You don't feel like roleplaying anymore?" Yuri let out a tired sigh, but secretly relief at the same time as she rather not give any lip services with Aizen, who she didn't like at all.

"Well, I just had this sudden thought and why not include it in my plans. I'll make it look like Aizen somehow transfer into this world and if those people from the [Hero Faction] are actually looking through Jack's eyes and see Aizen. I'm sure they will be in a panic due to his appearance. While I, on the other hand, will be some nobody. As they would mainly focus onto the fake Aizen." I explain to Yuri of my plans, with Ingui Yoon and Daniela listening. Then, a few seconds later Yuri made me stop as all the complex parts of the plans have caused her to get a small headache and shut me up with a kiss on the lip.

"Okay, you don't have to explain EVERYTHING about your plan. Just tell me where and when I should fight. Oh, my aching head and I thought Esdeath would be the one that would mainly cause me a headache with her silver tongue." Yuri mumbles the last part to herself, but everyone heard her and Yuri didn't care at this point.

"Now, you see why I don't explain most of my plans often. Well, unless it's something out war/combat related, then maybe I can make a few things in simple words." I said to Yuri, who gives me a smile at the thoughts of including her in the needs to know about the plans. Even if she didn't really care much about planning things and just charge right into the fight instead.

"I would honestly like to know everything, but I'm trying to get myself drunk. However, I still can't seem to get a buzz yet." Daniela pause to stare a bit closer to the bottle of the drink she had been taking this entire time and discovered it had two words on the label. Health Potion.

"The heck is a health potion?" Daniela asks with confusion, with Ingui Yoon next to her, who has been trying to take the bottle away from her and also look at the bottle with confusion.

"Oh yeah, neither the two of you have played any video games that much or haven't deal with all the random things related to Ragna for decades yet." Yuri replied, "That's just something that Ragna make whenever he felt like it or just something in case the family needs to use it for any kind of medical needs. Just a small cup of from that bottle would instantly heal any physical injuries, from a minor injury to instantly and major injury in a minute or so. But, it doesn't do much for fatal injuries, though. Neither does it regrowth back lost limbs." Yuri explains to both Ingui Yoon and Daniela about what the latter has been drinking this whole time while secretly amused that Daniela been trying to get drunk by drinking a [HP Recovery Item].

"So wait, the whole time I was trying to get drunk. All I have been literally wasting a precious resource that could heal injured men and even save their life?!" Daniela shout near the end, showing that she knows how precious this Health Potion is and not someone who wishes to waste such a thing if it can save her men. If she had them with her in this dimension, that is.

"Not really precious in my opinion. If this was like before I became a Gamer. Then, it would be something precious. But, since I have [Skills] to make those in a matter of seconds or even less. Had made it less precious. Plus, Raven in the family, who has [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] and can heal others easily and way better than that bottle of Health Potion. If she isn't busy killing people at the moment." I mumble near the end since I got the feeling, Raven isn't much of a healing person at all. "Anyway, since we got this fake Aizen here. I will just make it look like he the leader. While the three of you would follow his orders, but honestly, I would just be speaking through him via linked [Magic Arsenal] with other [Skills] and all that."

"Forgot you can control souls with [Magic Arsenal]." Yuri mumbles to herself, but anyone can see she forgot about that little fact and just trying to look like she knew all along. No one wanted to say anything about this to Yuri and just let her do her things.

A bit more [Mana] as I soon change my appearance to the God form of Jin Mo-Ri aka the [Legendary God Sun Wukong], where I even equip the [Yongpyo], the Monkey King's mystical garments and function as a supernatural armor. Along with activating [The Monkey King Mode].


You have equipped the [Yongpyo] and gain all of its effects as long as you wear it.


You have activated [The Monkey King Mode].

Increase all stats by time level(70) while this [Skill] is still active.

[Yongpyo] - Rank: N/A - Durability: N/A - ATK: N/A

Description: The Monkey King's [Yongpyo] are his mystical garments which function as a supernatural armor. It has the appearance of a black jacket with yellow fur covering the blue pants and a red belt. The black jacket has the image of a green dragon on the back. It enhances all the wielder's physical capabilities, including the wielder's durability, strength, and speed. It can be dispelled and make it manifest onto others. When not equipped, it takes the form of a mass of red and black energy which can solidify into razor-sharp spikes capable of tearing apart buildings.

1st Effect: [Sentient] - The armor is partially sentient and is capable of protecting its owner by its own volition.

2nd Effect: [Form Alteration] - [Yongpyo] can change forms and mode by giving commands or hand gestures.

3rd Effect: [Poison Resistance] - By wearing the armor, the wielder will gain a 80% resistance towards all poisons.

4th Effect: [Physical Enhancement] - Increase all physical capabilities, including durability, strength, and speed by 50%.

Of course, I had to level up the [Profession: Inheritance of the Legendary God Sun Wukong] to level 70 to unlock almost everything I can get, with only a few things still locked away until I max out this profession. While I had to raise my [Profession: The Gamer]'s level to 90 before leveling up the [Inheritance of the Legendary God Sun Wukong]. I just left it at 90 for [Profession: The Gamer] since I'm not ready to enter the [Tier 2] for the [Profession: The Gamer] just yet.

Therefore, with my current appearance. I look exactly as the God form of Jin Mo-Ri, even willing to bring out the [Ruyi Jingu] when I need to use it. So, at the moment. I look like Jin Mo-Ri during the Second Great War Arc. But, I made sure to change my status to before Jin Mo-Ri became who he is and still the [Legendary God Sun Wukong]. Therefore, I have to switch out [Renewal Taekwondo] to his original fighting style, which is the [Whoahyorakgeyok].

[Whoahyorakgeyok] - Passive -

Description: Also referred to as [Hua], and is a form of martial arts that was created by the Monkey King, and originally only available to him and his subordinates. It was specifically designed for the monkeys of the [Sage Realm] and thus can only be utilized by them. It uses a monkey's specific attributes (speed, strength, unpredictability, etc.) and expands on a large attack variety. There are unusual feral looking attacks. The footwork has the same traits.

1st Effect: Gain access to [Whoahyorakgeyok's Techniques].

Wasn't much, but then again, this is the same fighting style that the Monkey King was using before becoming Jin Mo-Ri.

"Isn't this a bit of an overkill?" Yuri asks with concern as she sweats a little, with the presence her husband is releasing in this form, where she had read about it from the original source back in Ingui Yoon's homeworld. "You do know, Jake is literally at level 20 and not don't even have any stats in the three digit range right?"

"I know, but this is also a way to hold myself back, even though my raw power has increased even further than it already is." What I didn't mention is that my stats are 70 times higher than normal under the effect of [The Monkey King Mode], which I can use without a single cost at all. A very [Broken Skill] and can be used whenever I wanted to.

"You do remember One Punch Man, right?" Yuri asks me in a slow and calm tone of voice, "Now, think about him and increase his fighting power by a million fold and we have you."

What Yuri is trying to say, why do all this work for when we can do anything we wanted with Jack once he appears on this floor? Also, for someone against such a small fry like Jack when Yuri herself can easily kill with a finger of her fingers.

"Well, there is the [Hero Faction] watching over Jack. So, there may be a chance of someone bursting into this floor. While taking on this appearance would cause people to question my identity." I explain to Yuri, along with Ingui Yoon and Daniela, both listening into our conversation while I use a bit more [Mana], again, to change my status list. So it won't reveal my true status. Even my name is changed as well.

"Okay, enough. No more explaining." Yuri raises her left hand up, with her palm facing my direction. "I seriously need to stop asking questions for answers I know for sure would cause my head to hurt."

I just grin and shrug my shoulders, but made sure to think about my words more carefully so I can make it very simple for Yuri to understand; well, words that not used often in combat-related things very hard to understand what those words mean from the look on Yuri's face.

"Okay, now that everything should be ready." I did a double check on the fake Aizen via a new [Holographic Projection Screen] in front of me before I awaken the fake Aizen, which the soul hasn't been awake or aware the entire time, thanks to the [Skill: Magic Arsenal]'s effects. Then dismiss the [Holographic Projection Screen] afterward.

Fake Aizen blinks his eyes before glancing around the room before looking at me, then bow to me like he some kind of butler, and with that outfit, he is wearing would have cause misunderstanding for some people, and straight his back after a couple of seconds bowing to me.

"I'm glad to be in service at your command, Mercer-sama." Fake Aizen said to me in a polite and gentle tone of voice. "At your command, I shall do my best of my ability to make sure nothing goes wrong." Fake Aizen then greets everyone else in the room, completely out of character of the original Aizen, then again, I made it so the soul, I used from the [Slaughter Realm] have their personality wipe and memory replace with Aizen from Bleach.

"Now, this is a surprise beyond belief. I did not expect this." Yuri said in her most speechless voice, with only Ingui Yoon and Daniela seem to be confused why Yuri so speechless while the fake Aizen just kept that polite, gentle smile, like nothing happen at all.

"If you desire, Yuri-sama. Mercer-sama can change my appearance for someone else if that's what you want." Fake Aizen gives Yuri a smile, that just send a chill down her back. While both Ingui Yoon and Daniela still haven't found anything wrong that make Yuri so speechless; well, Daniela did feel her instinct trying to tell her something wrong with the fake Aizen quietly, but wasn't that strong right now.

"Well, I could bring in Madara if you want?" I grin at Yuri, who glare at me for even thinking about using him of all people.

"Don't you dare." Yuri growl at me before her attention went back to the fake Aizen with Yuri narrowing her eyes, which made the fake Aizen flinch and took a step back with his forehead covered in sweat, with the way Yuri glaring at him, but she didn't even release any killing intent and just the glare alone have caused the fake Aizen to move on instinct.

"So other than him, do you have any other ideas on who to use?" I ask my wife, while the fake Aizen didn't seem to care about having his personality and appearance change on the whim.

"Hmm." Yuri looks at the ceiling, seeing if anything would give her an idea or two.

"Okay, it's been like almost half an hour now since I should have teleport those three kids here. So, do the two of you got anything to say?" I glance at the fake Aizen while placing more [Restrictions - Rank: Heaven] just in case while making sure the soul I'm using doesn't have any idea on this. Not to mention, I will always be on the guard for some [Skills] that uses souls in any way. Therefore, [Magic Arsenal] is something I will have to be extra cautious in using.

I'm just glad the first realm is the [Slaughter Realm] and with endless generated killing intent to prevent the souls from escaping from the [Slaughter Realm]. I'm not even surprised at some point my killing intent can destroy an entire dimension just by its presence alone.

Last time I checked; the dimension I was in the Harry Potter universe. The planet Earth was at the borderline on exploding due to my killing intent when I had my eyepatch removed for an entire year.

So yeah, if I include my [Volition Sword Dao] into my killing intent. Pretty sure, this crossover dimension of the Hunter x Hunter universe will be destroyed for sure.

I pause for a moment when I literally just remember something very important during that one entire year without my eyepatch on. Unconsciously, I touch my right eye, where I can feel the skin on my eyelid, but I knew this was just fake as this is due to the effects of my [Ninjutsu]. If I wanted to, I can just rip the invisible eyepatch without having to stop the [Skill: Ninjutsu] from affecting it.

"Hey, teacher. Mind if I ask you a question?" Daniela asks me while I was debating on if I should tell Yuri about what I found so important about the time I removed my eyepatch in the Harry Potter universe or wait until we return back with the rest of the family in the [Ark] to tell everyone at once.

"Go ahead." I replied while letting a quiet sigh as I drop my right hand away from my right eye.

"How come I feel something dangerous coming from that guy you summoned." Daniela point at the fake Aizen, who hasn't move a single step, other than that one time when Yuri glare at him and caused him to be fearful of Yuri for a second before calmly return back to normal.

"Oh, that's because this guy has been in my [Magic Arsenal: Slaughter Realm] for 2 weeks now. Being in a realm filled with my killing intent would drive almost anyone into madness and lose their sanity. As they become beings filled with the only bloodlust and killing intent to kill everything they set their eyes on." I explain to Daniela and the rest, "Was a surprise on the first day when seeing those souls started fighting each other the very moment they enter the [Slaughter Realm]. As each time they kill, the more killing intent increase within them and at the same time they become mindless beings where they no longer who they are before. Also, all souls would revive and resume this endless of slaughter."

Honestly, this just made me realize the [Slaughter Realm] seem like a fake reincarnation cycle after all. But, just a massive battle royale that lasts forever, with respawn.

"Then, how come this one isn't trying to attack us right now?" Daniela asks me, as she finally gave up on stopping Ingui Yoon from preventing her to get drunk, which wasn't that hard since there no alcohol for her to drink. All the bottles that look like any close to one are just another potion of some kind, some even have a weird name that she wasn't willing to risk it at all, even for a buzz.

"Because the [Magic Arsenal] gives me the ability to control all the souls inside my [Slaughter Realm]. Therefore, I can make it so this soul won't act like a mindless killing machine, that its only goal to kill forever." I replied to Daniela's question, "Anyway, I'm going to summon them now."

With that said, all the ladies got ready, mostly with Ingui Yoon and Daniela. While Yuri put her guard up for any incoming enemy from the [Hero Faction] coming, if Jake appears here.

A single snap of my fingers. Gon appeared first, then Killua next after him a second later, and finally, Jack Snow himself appears last, where he looked around with an unsettling look on his face before his look at the fake Aizen, causing Jake's body to shake in terror.

The fake Aizen calmly turns around and stare at Jake with a gentle smile.

"Hey, Killua! Glad to see you finally coming here." Daniela calls out to her little brother from the bar, causing Killua, who was on high alert and would attack anything that shows hostile intent towards him before dropping his guard instantly when he heard Daniela's calling out to him.

"Sis?!" Killua cried out in shock, to see his older sister in a place like this, wherever this place is.

"It's good to see you again, Gon." Ingui Yoon smile at Gon, who let out a shout of joy and quickly run over to her, not caring about his surroundings, this includes Killua as he too rushes over to the two.

While Jack, on the other hand, was beyond terrified. As he ignores everything around him and only stares at the fake Aizen with absolute fear. Not knowing that someone was behind him and died not a second later, without knowing how he died. As Jake's vision became dark as his last sight was looking at the smiling fake Aizen.


You have gained the lowest-rank of a [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] and will soon disappear in 24 hours if not find a new host.

Looking at the small white cube settling on the palm of my right hand, where I literally just use [Right Arm of Thievery] to steal Jack's Gamer's ability and I was not expecting him to die at the cost of removing it. This kind of made me think that whenever I steal some kind of powerful abilities from anyone. The most result would be their deaths. After all, this is the second time someone died from having something within them forcibly rip out of them.

The first one was with the main character of the Tales of Demons and Gods where I stole the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book].

Nevertheless, I got something that may help my family out.

I quickly put this [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] in my [Gate of Babylon] after using [Rejection] to remove the last part, where it will disappear in 24 hours if I don't find a new host for it.


The [Hero Faction] are on the hunt for your blood as you have stolen from them once more. But, with your identity hidden. No one knows it truly you who have stolen from them. However, some highly suspicious that you are the culprit.


Warning! Warning! Warning! Someone forcibly bypassing all the floors of the Hell Arena and soon entering the 251st Floor soon!


The [Neutral Faction] is completely on the guard around the Player.


The [Evil Faction] is willing to trade something for the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core].

Not after I finished reading the last message. The entire room started to shake.

Bursting from the door. A shadow figure rushes towards the fake Aizen and a flash of silver, the fake Aizen turned into dust. But, what made me speechless is the soul that I was using for the fake Aizen disappear, as in didn't return back to my [Slaughter Realm]. But, the [Restrictions] I placed on it had exploded, but I just don't know where it happens. I just know it triggers the [Restrictions] and causes a major explosion.

Honestly, I'm just glad I used the weakest soul, I had available in the [Slaughter realm]. If it had been a strong soul, then I may feel a bit of grief, but not so much.

However, the next moment. My vision turn red as I see who the shadow figure is and I release a massive killing intent release. As the entire dimension started shaking, even the Hell Arena is close to breaking if it wasn't already infused with some of my killing intent already. While everything else is slowly breaking down or being infused with my own killing intent.

Gon was the first one to faint. With Killua going out next, then later both Ingui Yoon and Daniela as well. With only Yuri barely staying awake and already on her hands and knees, having a hard time breathing at all.

While the shadow figure, on the hand, has their neck held by me. As I glare at them, with my focus of killing intent aiming at. They are already out cold, defenseless. Only just a bit more pressure and I can snap the person's neck, killing them instantly, even my killing intent alone should have killed the person instantly with the main focal point of my killing intent.

But, I didn't due to a massive amount of messages from the [Hero Faction] demanding me to release this person in my hand or risk an all-out war with them. As in they will no longer hold back and come straight towards with endless of soldiers until either I kill all of the people in the [Hero Faction] or I die.

However, I wasn't completely ready yet and need more time and I still haven't seen the peak of the people in this multiverse yet. Not to mention, I only reached the [Tier 1 - The Gamer]. I barely started my journey.

Luckily, almost all the [Hero Faction] didn't know if I was the real Monkey King or not. While the barrier I created with the [Bypass Restrictions] was almost broken, but most of the features of it still intact.

"Ra-gna." Yuri whispers in pain before fainting, causing me to snap out of my murderous rage and snap my head in Yuri's direction. With a single thought, I use [Rejection] on everyone, but the fake Aizen's soul that I personally made sure no one got their hands on it after turning it into a bomb and remove any remaining [Soul Fragments] from existence while sending Jack's soul into the [Slaughter Realm]. Since I can think an idea or two by using him.

For now, Jack's soul will just have to deal with staying in the [Slaughter Realm].

As for Gon and Killua. I left them unconscious as I wake Yuri, Ingui Yoon, and Daniela up while healing any damages I may have caused with my killing intent.

While the person I'm holding by their neck. I removed whatever abilities they can escape from this dimension or preventing anyone from the outside of this dimension to rescue this person.

Using [Heartforce Scan] on this entire dimension and found out its 99% destroyed due to the killing intent I released. In fact, the only thing remaining is the barely standing Hell Arena, with only Gon and Killua that is native of this dimension remain. Everyone else is dead. Not to mention, that in a couple of minutes. The entire dimension will soon collapse as well. Therefore, I didn't need to do the finishing blow or just see if anyone in the [Hero Faction] can repair this dimension at the last minute somehow.

All beings with souls have already been sent into my [Slaughter realm]. Filling it up with numerous of souls now. I literally have an army of a dimensional size at my command.

Knowing about the future problem, I use [Rejection] to bring out Killua's little sister, Alluka Zoldyck out of my [Slaughter Realm]. This includes the mysterious [Dark Continent Creature] that possessed her, which Killua's family named Nanika. The two currently share Alluka's body. Then drop her next to Killua. As she too is unconscious and unaffected by the [Slaughter Realm].

I stare at the three kids, then look back at Yuri. "Are you alright?" I ask with concern and worry, but the hint of killing intent is still there as I held the person's neck. The very same person that trigger my rage and have almost completely destroy this dimension. One more push and the entire dimension will collapse instantly.

Cough!* "Fine, but what was all that about, and who is that?" Yuri point at the person I'm still holding by their neck.

I almost leak a bit more killing intent, but held myself back before causing the entire dimension to collapse right away.

I may not have experienced what a dimension's destruction is like and while still inside it. But, I rather not test my luck if I can help it. Even having a few [Life-Saving Skills] may become useless. Also, with Yuri here make it even worse for me.

"This is someone from my home universe." I growl, causing Yuri to freeze up. Including both Ingui Yoon and Daniela.

For the first time in their life. They have never seen their husband/teacher filled with such rage or even show any rage at all. Other emotions, such as happiness, sadness, even irritation has been shown before. But, rage? Anger? Hatred? These are something that they never have seen in their husband/teacher.

"Yuri. I'm sorry, but we have to cut our travel together without the other alone short." I was very tempted to just crush this person's neck, even cutting them to countless into little pieces, to the point of nothing remain.

The person in question is female and look like in her early 20s. Having long brown hair and a slender figure and wearing a purple robe. Similar to cultivators would wear.

"Yuri. Meet a cousin of mine. Someone that forced me to join the army in my home universe." I said to Yuri, causing her eyes to widen in disbelief that someone from my home universe appearance before us. Before me.