Chapter 54: Overpower!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 54: Overpower!

Year 19: Day 74: Split Time Zone | Day 25 of the 365 Days Part 4

(Hell Arena: 251st Floor)

I stomp with my right foot and cause the Hell Arena start to break down after I open an [Ark's Gate] and send everyone to the [Ark]. While deactivating all linked [Skills] holding the Hell Area together before leaving. As the last 1% of the dimension is destroyed. Collapsing the entire dimension beyond repairable.

(Ark's City)

"Ragna?" Raven is the first one to see me, causing others to look in my direction, where they can see a group of three kids lying on the ground unconscious. Also, seeing both Ingui Yoon and Daniela was a shocking surprise. After all, everyone knew that there is a high chance they'll never meet again.

But, what really surprised them is their husband is holding a woman by her neck, and for the first time since they married their husband, they can see the rage in their husband's eyes.

Esdeath was the first one to notice the changes in her husband's appearance and right away knew that he must have placed an illusion over his appearance. But, still, to see so much rage made Esdeath wonder what the woman did to cause this.

"Ragna, what did that slut do to you, that make you so mad?" Yes, in Esdeath's eyes. Anyone who dares makes her husband mad will pay dearly. Not to mention, she doesn't care if the person is in wrong or not. For Esdeath, only her family has the ability to decide.

If other people heard this, they would call Esdeath arrogance and retard for thinking such a thing. But, there are other people are the type that not native to a world of Cultivators. Where this strength is right and weak is wrong. Not to mention, in some places. Corruption with status power is similar as well. Replacing strength with wealth and connections and for the weak, they barely have any money to their name and maybe their connections aren't worth mentioning compared to the former.

"This is a cousin of mine." I almost snarl and broke this damned cousin's neck of mine in rage, but my [Gamer's Mind] is working overtime and pushing me to calm down. This is also another reason why I haven't just kill this cousin of mine right there and then, instead of just grabbing her by the neck. In fact, breaking her neck just pop in my mind as a suggestion from the [Gamer's Mind] distracting me enough before going on a rampage.

"Wait, what?" Esdeath asks in shock, along with the other wives being shocked as well, not including Yuri herself as she learned not a few minutes ago.

Using [Miracle of Life] as the main core as I start linking other [Skills] to it with [Chain Combo Magic].

The first one to link is the [Skill: Rejection], [Left Arm of Usage: Ope Ope no Mi] and the second being [Knowledge of Respect and Harmony]. With the last [Skill] being [Mystic Eye of Death Perception]. A total of five [Skills] link together.

"One second." I said to my family, as I create a spherical spatial barrier around me and this cousin of mine. Then, using [Rejection: Rejected Death], which is my go-to [Technique] that literally prevent the target's death from happening. Something I used back in the Tales of Demons and Gods when Yuri was beating everyone left and right, to the point that if it wasn't for me. Those people would be dead instantly. In a way, I technically extended their suffering under Yuri's hands.

While using the [Mystic Eye of Death Perception] together with [Miracle of Life] to see what not to do, that would cause any fatal injury and of death. [Rejection: Rejected Death] is a backup just in case.

I remove all her limbs, without causing any blood to spill thanks to [Ope Ope no Mi: ROOM] preventing such a thing to happen. But, for those that never seen or heard such a thing. Are shocked at how easily I removed someone's four limbs without spilling any a single drop of blood. Furthermore, I didn't even use any sharp tool to do this and just rip it off with my bare hands.

"Esdeath." I call out to my first wife, who appears next to me the very second she heard her name.

"Yes, my love?" Esdeath asks with a hint of excitement, figuring out what her presence is required for this current situation.

"I don't trust myself not to kill this bitch. So, I'm going to let you do whatever you want with her. No need to worry about having her dying. Since I'm making sure she never does. I want her to beg for her death after you're done with her." I said coldly, causing Esdeath to shiver with excitement even further, but this time, with lust.

"No problem, Ragna. I may a bit rusty, but I should get back to my peak soon or later, with your cousin's help." Esdeath gives a devilish smirk, that's eager to do as she was requested.

I turn my head to the others, "The rest of you can go somewhere else. Also, make sure the kids don't come near here."

"You don't need to tell me twice." Yuri has never seen her husband so angry before and rather not have it aimed at her. So, Yuri quickly grabs her Daughter and run away far from here, to another section of the [Ark].

Ryun thought about it for a moment and did the same, following Yuri to ask a few questions what's going on.

Ingui Yoon and Daniela knew things may be bad if they weren't done as they told. So they grab Gon, Killua, and Alluka, chasing after Yuri and Ryun.

Leaving both Raven, Alice, and Repellista behind.

"Yeah, I think I'll help the others out with the kids." Repellista quickly chases after the others after seeing the murderous rage from her brother-in-law.

"Well, I guess I won't be napping any time soon." Raven casual walk after the others, not that much in a hurry.

While Alice didn't seem to pay that much attention to what's going on, or rather she didn't hear anything other than her music she listening to with her headphone, but seeing everyone, but her husband and Esdeath, along with that unknown woman. Alice decided just to follow everyone else and leave those three behind. She can ask either Raven or Yuri later on what she missed.


"Just to be on the safe side." Esdeath raises her left hand and gives a small wave before a dome made out of ice appear around us, trapping Esdeath and me, with this cousin of mine inside the ice dome with no escape. In fact, I can see that Esdeath's ice dome have the ability to freeze anything instantly the very moment anything touches it.

"Good thinking. Even if the kids far away. They have a chance to hear the scream." I nod in approval and placed down a thousand of [Restrictions] that prevent any sort of sound from leaving the ice dome.

Then think about it for a moment and place a few more [Restrictions] to create new oxygens to inside the ice dome. Since there no gaps for air to come inside and more for Esdeath than anyone else.

"Let's begin. You want to go first or should I?" Esdeath said to me, as she is eager to see how I would perform my own torture method.

"Hmm." After cooling down a bit, with [Gamer's Mind] kicking in even more now. Not to mention, the cold air generated by the ice dome Esdeath created has a bit of help too. "I think I will go first. After all, I got a bone to pick with my cousin for a long time." Not to mention that even all those years separated from my old family. This didn't stop me from forgetting about the past so easily.

Glancing at the floating limbs belong to my cousin before an idea pop in my head. With a single thought, I create a metal needle with a point at both ends, as in a senbon, which often serve a medical purpose, with [Wisdom of The Sage] and inject 1 [Sword Qi] and jab it into the left arm. While creating a few more metal needles and insert them a few other spots on the left arm until a dozen or so metal needles sticking out of the left arm.

Then I did the same to all the three limbs before reattaching them to my cousin's limbless body. Once that's done. I snap my fingers with my left hand, causing the limbs to fix in place with all the metal needles stabbed all over the four limbs.

Creating another metal needle and pierce her torso, near her heart, which lead to my cousin's eyes snap open as she let out a shriek of pain at the top of her lungs.

Thankfully, I thought ahead and some of the [Restrictions] absorb the sound of the painful shriek, to make it on the level of a whisper.

Watching with cold eyes, as I flick one of the metal needles near her left shoulder, which just made the pain even worse for my cousin with the way she tries to move any part of her body, but couldn't since I paralyze her and only her eyes and mouth can be move while everything else can't.

"Hello, Lu. I'm glad we meet again. I'm honestly surprised to see someone from my home universe after all these years apart." I said to Lu Mercer, one of my many cousins I left behind, but I knew that some must have gained some kind of ability to allow them to leave our home universe. After all, I gained the Gamer's ability, but that's just among the many abilities that can do universe travel.

"Who are you?!" Lu shouted in fear and pain, as tears flow down her face as her entire body is in so much pain, she can't believe she hasn't gone into shock yet.

But, to both Esdeath and me. Lu's shout just came up as some gibberish. Nevertheless, I can guess what Lu was shouting about.

"Ah! Silly me!" I playfully smack my forehead, remembering that I still have my appearance covered in illusion and still wearing the [Yongpyo] as well. Removing all these and my original appearance return. I lean a bit closer for Lu to see my real face. "Remember me now?" I give Lu a gentle smile, not even a hint of killing intent appears. I even use [Rejection] to stop Lu from feeling pain. For now.

All this done before Esdeath's eyes, and boy, she was not disappointed, but at the same time, very curious about this torture method her husband is using.

"Y-Y-You're alive?!" Lu stutters at the beginning before shouting in fear at the end, as she tries beyond her best to escape whatever is preventing her from moving, but it was futile. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" Lu cried out, hoping for someone to come from all the screaming she caused.

"Wow, what did you do back before I met you, to cause such fear into someone? And a family member at that?" Esdeath looks at me with respect, but she experiences the same thing as well. So nothing new to her.

"Well, let's just say that. I kind of destroyed a few of the Clan's branch bases and slaughter a few geniuses that were meant to be the future pillar of the Clan." I gave one example of why the people in my home universe feared me, even when I can't cultivate [Qi] and this includes my own family as well.

Esdeath blinks her eyes, "Oh." She honestly doesn't know what to say about learning this. Then look back at Lu, who is still screaming for help. "Should we tell her that no one is going to help her at all?"

"Nah, she won't even believe us." I said to Esdeath, then stop using [Rejection] on Lu, that prevents her from feeling pain and like a dam has broken. The pain rushes through Lu's entire body in seconds and continues to rise beyond what Lu can withstand, but not too much that would break her mind.

Lu let out a painful wail once more, but like before, the sound of her scream is reduced to a whispering level.

"I don't feel like asking questions yet. Do you want to ask her anything?" I ask Esdeath, who already coming up a few torture methods to use when it's her turn. "Also, you can begin just make sure the metal needles stay where they are. Other than that, you can do whatever."

"Hmm. I think I got something. But, I may need your help, though." Esdeath starts explaining what I needed to help with and that some of the torture methods she is planning to use. Was never tested before and may end up killing Lu; therefore, she wanted me to be ready to 'heal' Lu back to health. Along with a few other things.

"Hello, Lu was it? I'm Ragna's wife. It's nice to finally meet one of Ragna's family." Esdeath introduces herself as my wife after I use [Rejection] to only temporarily stop Lu from feeling any pain from the metal needles. However, if anything or anyone touches one of the metal needles. Then, Lu will feel pain once more and depending on which metal needles. The pain will vary on different levels.

"That psycho actually got someone to marry him?! GAH!" Lu cried out in shock, which just earned herself losing her right eye as Esdeath stab Lu's right eye socket with her left index finger. Where she slowly twists her left index finger, causing Lu to shriek in pain again.

What made it even worse for Lu is that Esdeath using her [Ice Devil Slayer Magic] and Teigu to slowly freeze a part of Lu's brain, then signal her husband to 'heal' Lu right back up after pulling out the ruin left eyeball.

Of course, the ruin left eyeball disappeared from Esdeath's hand as it returns back where it came from and back in good condition before Esdeath destroyed it. Along with Lu's brain went back to the previous state before Esdeath freeze some part of it.

"Now, how about we try this again. Hi, I'm Esdeath. Ragna's wife. It's nice to meet you." Esdeath gives Lu a cold smile, making Lu shake in fear at how ruthless Esdeath is and feel her stomach drop the very moment she knew right there and then. That she will be tortured without giving the mercy of death after the torture going too far. Now, that she can see again with her left eye, meaning that whatever torture inflicts on her. She will be healed back to good condition, ready for the next torture to be used on her.

Lu didn't say anything as she quietly sobs; well, it's more like Lu isn't trying to cry softly, but that the [Restrictions] continues to reduce any loud noise coming from Lu to a whisper.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?" Esdeath didn't even bother to lean over out of habit, with the previous prisoners in the past would try to take a bite out of some of the torturers that work under her end up losing a part of their face or an ear due to leaning over to hear what the prisoners' whispering about.

Lu didn't say anything for a few seconds. Too bad, Esdeath didn't like this as she covers her fingertips in ice, making it very sharp at the tip and stab straight into Lu's stomach and slowly move her fingers around inside while continues to have spread ice throughout inside Lu's stomach. Putting Lu in agony beyond what she has experienced so far up to now.

Esdeath didn't just stop there. She pulls what inside Lu's stomach slowly while frost already formed everywhere in Lu's stomach, and soon, a something broke down to a chunk of ice with the way Esdeath trying to pull out Lu's entire stomach out.

"Ragna." Esdeath called out to me as she shakes left hand. Flicking a bit of ice off her left hand as she watches Lu's open stomach turn back to the previous original appearance, Not even the big gap created by Esdeath is there. "Really, having you doing this for me makes my job so much easier." Esdeath said to me, as she didn't have to worry about torturing someone to death with someone preventing death from happening. Not to mention that the victim's state of mind will be kept intact as well.

A few hours later*


I started to calm a bit more down after watching Esdeath slowly torturing Lu without any mercy while I continue to 'heal' Lu back to full health, making this torture almost endless for Lu. In fact, I know for sure Lu's mind should have broken hours ago, but with [Rejection]. Such things will never happen, which is why Lu still has her original, somewhat intact, personality. But, as time goes on. Lu's fear of me switched to Esdeath.

And by now, Lu is singing a different tone as she spills all the information Esdeath ask her. I didn't even need to ask anything as I have already read through Lu's entire memory bank and can just bring Lu out of the [Slaughter Realm] to do tasks for me whenever I need her. As she the first cultivator inside the [Slaughter Realm] and won't be the only one later on.

So I know what Lu know since the day she was born and to the present. I even found out how Lu and among the others from our home universe manages to travel the multiverse.

Who would have thought that by the time I was gone, that someone managed to recreate a [Cultivation Technique] for universal travel? Because I sure didn't and not like it matter to me at the time with my cripple status of not being able to cultivate [Qi].

Nevertheless, this made things very hard for me and my own family. Because the Mercer Clan have sided with the [Evil Faction]. Then again, most cultivators are technically evil in many universes.

"So, how are we going to do this?" Yuri asks me, as we have regrouped to think about our next plan.

"I say we just sneak into one of the dimensions with a few members of the three factions and capture them for information. Hell, I don't mind just going around killing people from the shadow if needed." Raven said to everyone.

"You could, but not yet. None of us are even close to the people on a higher realm in power. For now, I think it's best for all of us to train." I said to everyone, this includes the kids, where I feel a bit irritated that Gon and Killua are being friendly with my Daughters, but let it slide. Since they haven't made any friends that last that long.

Also, because most of their friends are in Ingui Yoon's universe. So being outside of that universe make it even worse for my Daughters. Since this is just a whole new level of moving away. At least, if one is in the same universe. They can still contact one of another via social media of some kind.

"How are we going to do that? Travel around in some dimensions? Because I know for sure that many members of the three factions will be nearby and will come at us hard." Alice frown, knowing we're outnumbered and out match in raw power if we meet a very overpowering being. "Plus, with Ragna stealing the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] from the [Hero Faction] just make it so the enemy is more willing to hunt us down."

I will the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] out of the [Gate of Babylon], where Yuri's eyes lit up, along with Ingui Yoon and Daniela.

"With this. We have all the time we need." I start explaining what this modified [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] can do and why I aimed it in the first place. Also, the hidden benefits, where if one is a cultivator. They won't have to worry about tribulation, or anything similar to one when hitting a certain cultivation stage to enter the next one.

"My god, do you think this will still help us? I mean, inside the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book], would it have the [Energy Sources] that allows us to use?" Ryun asks me, very curious if such a thing has everything one needed to cultivate from different [Cultivation Systems].

"Technically, no. But, I have modified it enough that it will create any [Energy Sources] one needed, but at the cost of draining from me even further. As the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] trying its best to create the [Energy Source] you need. Of course, this is only happening if this [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] is used inside a universe with a fixed certain [Energy Source]. But, since we're outside all the universes and in the multiverse where all different [Energy Sources] for us to use. Therefore, I just need to connect the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] with the multiverse to drain the [Energy] only, but after removing any trace of the [Energy] being used by us. Wouldn't want us to be tracked down that for sure." I explain to everyone.

"Hey, Mister! What's the point of us being here?" Gon asks me, causing some of us to wonder why did I bring Gon, along with Killua and his sister into this meeting.

"Ask Ingui Yoon why." I replied back not caring if these kids are here. Since they won't be in the war, neither will my Daughters. As they don't have the ability to cultivate either. Unlucky for them since they got it from me, much to my hidden shame. But, that won't last much longer since I already have an idea to remove this hidden shame of mine soon. And who knows, maybe I will give my Daughters the ability to cultivate as well. After speaking with my wives later.

"Gon, please be quiet. I'll tell you later." Ingui Yoon pulls Gon over, which he still confused about everything so far.

"Ingui Yoon and Daniela. The two of you don't really have to join the main battle." I pause for a moment, "Actually, I don't think the main battle would be a big one at all and just a little group of people fighting each other to the death, that decided the fate of the multiverse." I shrug my shoulders, not really going into deep of who is who and what power level they are at. Including the other 9 true Gamers.

"Nevertheless, it will be me and my wives that will fight. As for the rest of everyone. I'm going to search for a universe or maybe just create one for people to stay until the war is over. If we win, then I will release everyone. If we lose, then I'll make sure that at the very least, that the universe will be hidden someone in the multiverse that no one should be able to find." I continue explaining that Ingui Yoon and Daniela, even the kids will most likely be in this universe, I'm going to search for, maybe take over or if neither is possible, create one myself.

"Now, it's time for us to train." I said to everyone and with just a thought.

1 year later*

Year 20: Day 74: The Return

(Ark's City)

"FREEDOM AT LAST!" Alice cried out in happiness, where tear of joy run down her cheeks after 10,000 years of never stopping training inside the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book].

"Sheesh, Alice. I get that all of us barely get any breaks, but you don't have to act like this." Raven said to Alice, where she let out a tired yawn, but the presence coming from Raven herself make many people feel like they are looking at the sky itself.

"Hey, I'll have you know that if it wasn't the fact that I'm cultivating the [Dao of Music] and wasn't something else. I would have gone mad since my willpower isn't the same as everyone else. If anything, I'm at the bottom with Ryun. No offense, Ryun." Alice said to Ryun.

"None taken." Ryun replied, as she currently wearing a red [Cultivator's Robe] that seem made out of fire itself. But, there is more than just being made out of flames as one can't even feel the heat coming from it. Making one feel very confused if the [Cultivator's Robe] just looks like flames. The flames itself are moving slow, fast, and stop at certain spots. Also, make one's head dizzy just looking at it for too long.

"Hey, at least you get to change things up every often unlike some of us." Yuri said to Alice with a teasing tone, "I just have to sit down and cultivate. Hell, I've already lost track of how many time my body has been refined under the effects of the [Great Way of the Buddha] that if it wasn't for the big war. I would have long snap out of boredom."

Nothing seemed to change about Yuri, but looks can be deceiving as Yuri's body itself is very powerful, that would make a certain bald man, who acts as a hero for a hobby look like a newborn.

"True." Alice nods at that point, "But still, if I was in your position. I would still snap in a few years of not moving until the last thousand years for us to gain control over ourselves." As this is true, where everyone has grown stronger, but some may not even have the control to use that raw strength without causing meaningless damage to the surrounding.

"Just be happy we became stronger, alright. Better being strong than being weak." Esdeath said to Alice in a calm tone of voice, but a hint of coldness. That just causes everyone that not near Esdeath's strength to freeze in terror or those that are immune to fear itself.

"Oh, lighten up Esdeath. You know how Alice is. After all, if I remember correctly, you were the one that couldn't take it much longer and force everyone to have a long session of sex whenever all of us take a break at the same time." I tease Esdeath, who just huff and look away, but one can see the smirk on Esdeath's face that she didn't feel any shame of doing such things and would do it again if in the same situation, which she did happily over the 10,000 years inside the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book].

"Honestly, out of all of us. You the one need to take a break often. Out of all of us. You're the only one crazy enough to do more than one [Cultivation System] and even willing to create a new one and modify the existing [Cutlivation System] as well." Esdeath said to me, with the rest agreeing, this even includes Ryun as well.

"But, the end result is much more rewarding. That I just can't help it. Plus, I'm sure all of you are enjoying personal alone with myself." I grin at my wives, causing all of them to blush, that yes, thanks to cultivating multiple [Cultivation Systems] and creating clones to cultivate these [Cultivation Systems] along with the ability to merge them back into myself, increasing my power beyond imagining. With a side benefit of having each clone per wife.

Status List:

Character Name:

Ragna D. Mercer



1st Profession:

[The Gamer {Tier 5: Lvl.1 - EXP: 0%/100%}]

2nd Profession:

[Immortal God Sun Wukong {Tier 5: Lvl.N/A} Limit Reach]

3rd Profession:

[Immortal Nine-Tails Guardian {Tier 3: Lvl.N/A} Limit Reach]

4th Profession:

[Kekkaishi {Tier 2: Lvl.N/A} Limit Reach]

5th Profession:

[The Sword Immortal (Cultivation System: Unknown Realm | Sword Qi) {Tier/Step 5: Lvl.N/A}]

6th Profession:

[The Sword Demon (Cultivation System: Unknown Realm | Dark Matter) {Tier/Step 5: Lvl.N/A}]

7th Profession:

[The Sword God (Cultivation System: Unknown Realm | Mana) {Tier/Step 5: Lvl.N/A}]

8th Profession:

[The Sword Devil (Cultivation System: Unknown Realm | Heartforce) {Tier/Step 5: Lvl.N/A}]

9th Profession:

[The Sword Ghost (Cultivation System: Unknown Realm | Vold Energy) {Tier/Step 5: Lvl.N/A}]

Equip Title:

[Death Bringer] - [Expand for info]

Unequip Title:

[Expand for Info]

HP: 100%/100% - Regens: 51% HP (+1% HP) per hour ([God Hand's 4th Passive Effect])

MP: 100%/100% - Regen: 45% MP per minute

DM Tier: N/A - 100%/100% - Regen: 50% per minute

Void Energy: 100%/100% - Regen: 50% per minute

Sword Qi: 100%/Unknown - Regen: 50.1% (+0.1% Sword Qi) per minute ([Three Purities Secret)] | Absorb Rate: 10% Sword Qi per hour from [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword]

Heartforce Reserve: 100%/100% - Regen: 50% per minute

STR: Tier 5 - 1 [Tier 6's Requirement: Tier 5 - 100,000]

END: Tier 5 - 1 [Tier 6's Requirement: Tier 5 - 100,000]

AGI: Tier 5 - 1 [Tier 6's Requirement: Tier 5 - 100,000]

INT: Tier 5 - 100 (Kekkaishi: +20) = 120 [Tier 6's Requirement: Tier 5 - 100,000]

WIS: Tier 5 - 100 [Tier 6's Requirement: Tier 5 - 100,000]

MAG: Tier 5 - 100 [Tier 6's Requirement: Tier 5 - 100,000]

LUCK: Tier 5 - 1 (Immortal God Sun Wukong: +500) | (Immortal Nine-Tails Guardian: +300) = 801 [Tier 6's Requirement: Tier 5 - 100,000]

RES: [Dark Matter - Tier 10: 100% (Can't add points into this stat)

Stats Point: 46503

Age: N/A

"By the way, I forget, but which [Cultivation Systems] did you pick? I can't remember which one is which that goes by the name of [The Sword Immortal], [The Sword Demon], [The Sword God], [The Sword Devil], and [The Sword Ghost]." Esdeath asks me.

"Well, for the [Profession: The Sword Demon] is a modified version of the end result of the main character of the I Shall Seal The Heavens. Where I use [Dark Matter] as the main [Energy Source] for this [Cultivation System] after modifying it. But, in a different approach as well instead of the way, the main character did it. Same with the other. All of them are created by the same author." I explain to my wives that I literally created 5 clones that became the end game characters with no limit. "If you want to know more about these five [Professions]. Then ask Repellista to look up the Unknown Realms from I Shall Seal The Heavens. That's where my modified [Cultivation Systems] came from. But, just know that all I only gained the [Cultivation Base]'s power without any [Techniques] besides one thing each of them."

"I do it later. Right now, we need to reunite with the others. I wonder how they're doing after a whole year apart from us." Esdeath replied, not really that eager to find out what is the [Cultivation Systems] her husband is using. While she has to focus on her's instead.

"Really don't care and just want to take a long break." Alice said to everyone, "I don't think I can handle another 10,000 years of training."

"Heh, you think 10,000 years is long? Some cultivators go a million years and still cultivating. What we have done is literally cheating and we lack experiences mostly. All that raw power wouldn't do us much good if we don't have the experience to use it to the fullest." Raven said to Alice, who pouts at her.

"Whatever. Let's just hurry up and meet with the other." Alice's mood went down a little, but wasn't completely ruin after finally leaving the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book].