Chapter 55: Small Rest

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 55: Small Rest

Year 20: Day 74: The Return Part 2

(Ark's City)

"Hey, Repellista!" Yuri shouts to her sister, who is currently teaching a few things to Alluka along with both Gon and Killua. With Kaori, Erza, and Chifuyu listening along to refresh their memories.

"Yuri?! Sheesh! An entire year has passed already? Talk about time going by fast." Repellista smile at Yuri, giving her sister a hug, with Yuri doing the same in return.

I look at the kids, noticed a few changes about them. Then again, a year passed by, so they just a year older since I last saw them. What I didn't think would happen is the way my Daughters looking at me. It's as if I was their savior or something, and their next actions just throw me off big time.

Kaori, Erza, and Chifuyu rush towards me and hug my legs while trying to get my attention to focus onto them.

"Okay, am I missing something?" I ask Repellista, where my wives are also confused by our Daughters' actions. Because a year ago, our Daughters wasn't so... clingy.

"Well, I guess it's because they just miss their Father." Repellista shrugs her shoulders, with an amusing smirk on her face like she knew the reason behind this, but won't say a thing. Also, she knows that none of us would force her to spill. After all, she is part of our family and also because she is the family's info broker and rather not get her mad at us. Since she knows a bit more information about all of us and the one that read more about manga/anime/novel/etc. Even more than myself, who like to do the same thing as a side hobby before I became a Gamer.

"Uh huh." I said dryly, giving Repellista a dull look before looking down at my Daughters, where they continue to call for my attention. "So, what's with the hugging? I'm pretty sure the three of you would find some kind of excuse to not get hugged by your old man."

"It's because we miss you, that's all." Erza said to me, with a big smile on her face, with her two half-sisters nodding their heads in agreement with Erza's words.

"See this face." I point at my tired, but relax and lazy face. "This is the face of who will wait patiently to hear the entire truth of the manner before doing anything. So, if I don't hear the entire truth and only the truth. None of the three of you getting anything out of me beside training."

At these words spoken. All three Daughters of mine move away with a pout on their faces. Proving to me that they were trying to get something out of me by showing such affection that is very unusual with them when it related to me. Sure, they show love and all that, but not that much compared to their Mothers.

"Anyway, what you guys-one moment, please." I was about to ask what everyone has been doing so far in the year me and the wives been gone when I noticed something poking my barriers I have surrounded the [Ark]. This includes the detecting barriers I created with [Heartforce], which now became even stronger thanks to my [Profession/Cultivate Base: The Sword Devil] affecting my [Heartforce].

Right now, I can 'see' multiple beings looking at the [Ark] from afar, but not far enough as they entered my range of detection. With just a single thought. I use [Sword Devil Magic], which is what I gained upon entering the [Tier/Step 5 - The Sword Devil]. Same with the other four as well.

[Sword Devil Magic] - Passive/Active -

Description: Mysteriously and making one unable to think straight upon feeling the presence of [Heartforce] merged with [Devil Qi]. As well as the presence being ancient, rife with death. Making it so that many will feel the presence of death close to them.

I scan the minds of all these beings with [Sword Devil Magic: Heartforce Scan] and ruthlessly uses [Sword Devil Magic: Heartforce Eradicator]. Where it allows me to silently attack the soul and extinguishing the soul completely if the target is weak or perhaps stunning them if they're strong enough to resist. Sadly, the [Heartforce Eradicator] is back up with [Devil Qi] as well, making it must more powerful than normal with [Heartforce] alone.

Therefore, all these beings are killed and send into my [Slaughter Realm].

Unlike most of my [Skills] that would show a list of effects. The one I get from my [Cultivation Systems] doesn't come with one as they are just an add-on, that is like mods or attachment to my other [Skills]. Similar to [Chain Combo Magic], but very limited to what can be linked alone and much more powerful. However, this was no problem since I can use [Chain Combo Magic] with it. Making the downside null and void.

Once that was done, I return my focus back onto my family, where no one noticed anything wrong or anything happens.

Secretly, I sighed in relief as my wives mention how I affect the surroundings if I ever use any of the [Sword Immortal Magic], [Sword Demon Magic], [Sword God Magic], [Sword Devil Magic], and [Sword Ghost Magic]. But, it looks like my control is enough to not release a hint of aura of the [Sword Devil Magic] just now.

However, if I were to ever summon my clones, then that is a totally different story.

"Now, as I was saying. What have you guys done since the year we were gone?" I ask everyone, but my wives, about what they did so far.

"Well, not much we can do while stuck in the [Ark]. If anything, even if we had the ability to exit the [Ark] to a universe. There is a chance someone entering the [Ark] uninvited via to the [Ark's Gate] we left behind to get back here. Which just brings a butt load of unwanted problems. So yeah, nothing much to do besides making it my job to teach these kids about things they should know by now at their age." Repellista explained to me of all the things she did with the help of Ingui Yoon and Daniela while taking care of the kids.

"I see. Must be hard on you." I slowly nod my head, causing Repellista to rub her left arm with her right hand, with a nervous smirk on her face. Something I noticed instantly, but I rather not push if I can help it. "You know, as for helping out the kids. I think I should do something for you. After all, you have been working hard for the family for years now. Do you want anything? As long I have the ability to do so and within reasons."

Repellista tilts her head, showing that she is a bit confused while Yuri giggles at her sister's confusion, but is understandable why.

"You can tell me later if you need to think about it." I said to Repellista, then look at everyone else and something caught my attention. "So, is someone going to tell me why there is a panda here?" I point at the sleeping adult panda, that Alluka is seating on top of its back without a care in the world.

"Oh, well, Alluka was nice enough to make stuff for us." Erza answered me, where I still feel a bit confused before scanning the panda and realize it's not alive and just a real life like size stuffed panda that acts like a bean bag chair. Not that weird honestly.

"I see." I glance at Alluka, who seem a bit afraid of me for some reasons, this includes Killua as well. While Gon seems fine with my presence.

Then look at Kaori, Erza, and Chifuyu. "The three of you wouldn't happen to be trying to persuade me to bring you to your home universe or at least a parallel dimension right?" I said to my Daughters, as the not so much secret of their origins was already revealed before me and the wives head into the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] for training.

Either way, not much changes other than my own Daughters are too embarrassed by me hugging them or picking them up, kissing them on the cheeks. While it's fine if their Mothers did it.

Then again, I'm a male and their female, where they are technically an adult trap in a child, still growing, body. So it is kind of weird for them, even if they are my flesh and blood. Nevertheless, I didn't mind this little changes as I continue to treat them the same. Since I knew there will be a time when they reveal it or more by the time I trick them into revealing it.

All three Daughters of mine look away; well, Erza and Chifuyu did in a way they weren't trying to trick me or trying to manipulate in some way while Kaori just looks at her feet with a bit of shame.

"I know I haven't been the best Father of the year or any year. But, all you need is to ask." I said to my Daughters, as they ease up a little.

"So, that means you'll take us with you to a parallel dimension similar to our home universe?" Erza asks me with hope in her eyes. Same with Chifuyu and Kaori.

"Sure, I don't see any problem with that. But, you must remember the people you meet won't be the same as the one in your past lives." I said to my Daughters, causing them to have a bitter smile on their face. Knowing what I said is true.

"Do you still want to go?" I ask my Daughters while thinking about going to my wives' home universe to check for a few things.

"Yup." Erza is the first one to agree, showing that she is eager to reunite some of her old friends, even if they technically the same people she knows as they long been dead by now.

I look at Kaori and Chifuyu, both are thinking about if they really wanted to.

"I'm willing to wait, because I'm not going to meet up with a parallel version of my little brother and end up as the little sister, just because my current body hasn't grown into an adult yet." Chifuyu knew that there is time and when to do things, but she literally still 8 years old and not even in the double-digit yet. Physically wise that is.

Kaori tilts her head, thinking really hard if she really wanted to meet familiar faces, but are actually strangers that just have the same appearance, personality, and maybe same background, but without her or at least the current her.

"Same." Kaori decided to take Chifuyu's example, since she still a kid physically and rather not end up causing a problem for her current family. Unlike Erza, who still have this idea that she can change their family's nature of being the good guys and helping others.

Honestly, both Kaori and Chifuyu knew that what Erza wanted is just going to bite her in the butt in the future, but she just too stubborn to see otherwise.

"Okay, then." I grin at my Daughters, "Seeing how only Erza wish to go now, then I guess we can visit the Fairy Tail universe." I see Erza's eyes light up. "But later in the future, we got other places to go first before heading there. Also, right now, we're going to do a bit of a spar. This includes Gon and Killua. I want to see the progress everyone made in a year." My grin took a turn into something more devilish, causing both Gon and Killua to fill a shiver go down their backs.

While Erza pouts at me, for getting her hope up for nothing. Of course, I wasn't really being mean since I'm planning to go to the Fairy Tail universe, but have to think about what timeline to head to. As there are a few things I wanted to grab from there and rather not cause Erza to be sad, that we enter up in a timeline, where all her former family and friends not even born or alive at the time.

"I really hope everyone has been training for the entire year." I smile at the way all the kids, but Alluka gulp in fear. "Alluka, you can just go with Repellista. I know you're not the type for fighting." Of course, I know Alluka don't even need to fight with her special ability

One-sided Victory later*

"So what we learn from this?" I grin down at all the children, but Alluka lying on the ground tired. Not in sort of pain, but tired. As I literally just made all of them perform wasteful and exhausting moves without even having to touch them once the entire time. In fact, I didn't even use any [Skills] other than just moving around the place with the least amount of movement to get out the way of the attacks.

"That you're stronger?" Killua replied with a huff, trying to catch his breath as he was among the one that has lasted the longest, "Because that's all I have learned from this. Other than that I need to work on my timing even more."

"I think what my Father is trying to say. Don't get a big ego." Chifuyu said to Killua while continue trying to calm her fast beating heart.

I just smile, but sweatdrop when I realize that I have no idea what this whole thing can be turned into a lesson other than the fact that I wanted to see the progress the kids have made in a single year.

While the wives and Repellista knew I just wanted to spar aka check on their fighting abilities, causing some of my wives to giggle at how awkward I feel right now.

"Now, seeing how much progress I've seen. I decided that I'll bring everyone to visit a fun place as a vacation." I said to the kids, causing almost all of them to be curious where I'm taking everyone while some are excited to finally come out of the [Ark]. "So, go clean up and we'll leave."

The kids didn't need to be told twice as they rush to the building, that contains mostly their own clothes and personal bathroom. Even my Daughters, where they are adults in mind are excited as well.

"Hey, Ragna. I thought the first thing we're going to do after meeting with the kids was to take over a universe or a dimension from the enemies' controls?" Raven asks me, after watching all the kids, including Alluka, who went after her older brother and Gon.

"Oh, we are. But, I just think that we should spend a bit more time with the kids first while we still have the chance. I don't know about the kids. But, unlike them, we're used to sticking to one location for years. However, I can easily tell they are getting frustrated being stuck in the [Ark] for an entire year already." I answered to Raven's question, then look at Repellista. "Anything you need to add about this or anything we need to know?"

"Nope." Repellista didn't even think about it. "By the way, where are we going?"

I grin at Repellista with silence, not revealing anything. Even my wives got the silent treatment and the threats of not having sex didn't even work on me since they are the one that wanted it the most than myself. Something I learned years ago, as in during our 10,000 years in the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book].

1 year later*

Year 21: Day 74: Food Travel

(Food Wars Universe)

Everyone went around the world to eat all kinds of foods made by the best chefs; well, former best when Esdeath joined in a big cooking contest against all the best of the best, with the prize, where I was the one that was into making the best cooking tools beyond what mankind, in this dimension of the Food Wars universe, have ever made as the prize.

Not surprisingly, Esdeath won, but the second prize was somewhat the most people came for. And that is the book of recipes and training methods to make one a master chef. Something proved true with a few worldwide known chefs after having a sample of the book's effect by doing it themselves.

All in all, the kids have a blast in this universe.

Of course, there were a few members of the [Hero Faction] trying to get us, but I made sure to place heavy limitations upon entering this dimension, to prevent a certain power level beings from entering, making those few members to be very weak.

Since one of those limitations is to prevent any supernatural power from working. This includes myself and the family, but I can break it with [Rejection] and/or [Bypass Restrictions], but choose not to. As all of our physical bodies are already above the human realm. Something I had to do something about and made it so it at the peak of the human realm.

Of course, that didn't stop those people from the [Hero Faction] from causing us problems, but thanks to Repellista, Ingui Yoon, and Daniela. Instead of causing us problems, they are the one that ends up with those problems.

Overall, Esdeath gains the title in this dimension as the [Goddess of Food]. Also, thanks to the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] which I used to give my own Gamer's ability a new feature, where all my wives have their own titles with effects.

Taking Esdeath's [Goddess of Food] title as an example, where it gives her the effects of making any foods that would make any deities drool at the sight of it. Let alone mortals. In fact, all the foods Esdeath made have surpassed the quality of the food I can make via [Gate of Babylon]. Along with the ability to recreate anything related to food and improve it.

After a year went by; we left the Food Wars universe after making sure no one can trace our steps. Also, because after Esdeath gained her new title. Made all the food in this dimension garbage. Therefore, we left even if countless people wanted to learn under Esdeath.

It was for the best we left since more people from the [Hero Faction] started appearing, with of them being at the very peak of the human realm as well, aiming to fight us head on. Too bad, we left before they could.

2 years later*

Year 23: Day 74: Got To Catch Them All!

(Pokemon Universe)

Honestly, at first, I didn't even realize two years have passed in this universe or a dimension near the main ones, and boy, that made me feel stupid at the time. When I noticed everyone. EVERYONE in this universe age very slowly, where I found to my shock that the time flow in this universe, close to the main ones, would have a weird time flow that stable, but at the same time, weirdly unstable as sometimes some of the people here would age quickly before slowing back down at the same rate before when reaching a certain age.

This made me think about in the past, why the Pokemon continues so long and why the main character, Ash Ketchum, continue to be 10 the entire series. Then, coming to this dimension of the Pokemon universe kind of answer my question.

No wonder I find my kids, including Gon, Killua, and Alluka didn't even change one bit after 2 years in this dimension. Talk about weird and creep out. Since I realize that after using the [Dao of Spacetime] on this dimension had actually caused me to gain unwanted attention, leading to having all of us leaving this dimension.

As I sensed that someone was about to make this dimension into a dead zone aka a dimension that's forever sealed away unless someone unseal it. Either by the very same person that sealed the dimension or having something to unseal it.

Too bad for whatever trying this didn't work on my family; well, on me mostly and Esdeath. As we left right away, after sending our goodbyes to all the pokemon we captured and the people we met, after making sure none of them will be in danger after we left.

There was a lot of crying, but we still left.

Though, I did wonder what the native people in Pokemon would say about our disappearance as most of us are champions in certain leagues. Nevertheless, we left behind a legend and I was kind of surprise this dimension didn't belong to a member of the [Hero Faction], but from the [Neutral Faction].

I did find out it wasn't a human, but a Pokemon. Not completely surprised about this, but I did send my unpleased feeling about trying to trap my family in this dimension by locking them in the dimension. To give them a taste of what it felt like.

No clue when that pokemon will be able to free that lock up the dimension of the Pokemon universe we visited, but I made sure to leave behind a mark in case I ever want to take over it.

The next day*

Year 23: Day 75: Sending Others Off

(Ark's City)

After a good rest yesterday from our trip to the Pokemon universe. All of us had a great time in the Pokemon world, but I did find myself in the needs of finding a hobby badly. Since I have gotten very bored lately and irritate when something annoys me, where usually I can just kill it off, but seeing how I wanted my entire family to relax, without any killing or anything combat related with ourselves.

We decided to let our pokemon do it in our place, even if it isn't the same. At least we get to see some actions at the very least. Much to my envy during those times, when I really wished I could fight personally.

Even some of my wives didn't like this as well, but deal with it since it's a family thing. Though, to make ourselves feel a bit better. As we made others do the same as well. This made both Gon and Killua frustrated like no tomorrow. Since they are used to doing the fighting themselves instead of order others doing the fighting for them.

Currently, the entire family, yes, we decided to adopt Gon, Killua, and Alluka into the family, thinking about the next universe to go to. But, without too many deaths involved.

"How about KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World?" Raven thought up of a world to go into, but mostly because she really, really, really wanted to smack that Aqua person in the face.

"Why there?" Esdeath asks out of curiosity than anything else instead of just rejecting this world.

"Because the danger level of this world is enough for the kids to go adventuring as long they don't leave the Town: Axel, where most of the story takes place, too far away. They should be fine. While the rest of us can relax and maybe go out to fight if we want to or at least kill something." Raven answered and explain her reason why she picked this world.

"Alright, but I'm not allowing my little gift and the kids go out alone. Someone got to watch over them." Ryun agreed, but she will not allow Erza and the other kids to go out alone. No matter how powerful they are in their ages. Doesn't mean much if someone more powerful can kill them, along with the kids' lack of experiences in a different reality.

"I can protect myself, Mother." Erza pout at Ryun, who just bring Erza up closer and rub her cheek against Erza's. "Stop that! You're embarrassing me in front of the others!" Erza cried out as she blushes at the way everyone looking at her now.

"You say that because you're an adult in a child's body. But, the thing is you're still a child. Mental age or not. As my little gift, you need to listen to my words, or do I need to take away your snack time?" Ryun grin at Erza, who pale instantly and quickly shake her little cute head.

"No! Don't do that! I'll listen! I promise!" Erza feels like crying, also mentally cursing her child emotions affecting her more than it should. But, she just can't help it. Not to mention, the strawberry shortcake made by Mother Esdeath is soooo good, that she can't help herself. And to find out, that her own birth Mother is willing to stop her having her daily snack time is just like the end of the world for her!

"It's a good thing no one other than our own family could manipulate Erza somewhat with the same method. Pretty sure no one will be able to cook on the same level as Mother Esdeath." Chifuyu mumble to Kaori, who quietly nodded her head, trying her best not to cause any embarrassment to her birth Mother.

"You know Gon. I can understand what Erza is going through." Killua said to his best friend/adopted brother.

Gon look at Killua with a confused look on his face, "What do you mean?"

Killua sweatdrop at this and wonder if Gon forgot his addiction towards chocolate in the same way Erza is with strawberry shortcake.

"Okay, since we've picked a place to go. I'll have everyone here go into that KonoSuba universe. After maybe a year or two. One of you can message me via [Archive]. Since I still need to find a universe as a safe haven." I said to everyone, causing almost all my wives to look at me the exact same time with a blank stare.

"I hope you're not going alone." Esdeath said in a cold voice, causing all the kids to shiver. Even Repellista felt the sudden change of the temperature.

"Yeah, Ragna. I don't mind not being the one to go with you, since I had my turn, even if it is short." Yuri said to me in a monotone, where almost everyone can detect the hint of frustration about how her time is so short. "Plus, didn't you say, you'll take Ryun and me to our home universe for a visit."

"You mean, take you to your home universe or a parallel dimension, so you can kill Zahard at least once." I said dryly, but Yuri didn't change her facial expression.

"Damn right I am. The guy is a bastard for trying to kill others just because he was rejected." Yuri didn't deny one bit that her main goal is to kill Zahard, or at least, one of the many to calm her rage a bit.

"Right." I replied dully, as Yuri didn't realize that Zahard isn't the only one like that and there are many like him.

"Wait, do I really need to come with?" Ryun asks with a frown on her face, letting everyone know she has no desire to return to that place if she can help it.

"Not really." I shrug my shoulders, "I just told Yuri in the past, we can go back to the Tower of God universe later, while taking you along since it's your home universe and it is unfair if we just went there without you." I explain to Ryun why I included her.

"Thank you, my god, for thinking about me, but I have to sadly, regretfully, reject on returning to that place." Ryun has no desire going back there at all and not going to explain further why she doesn't want to. And no one wanted to ask why, since everyone has their own reasons and we're willing to wait for one of us to reveal why.

"Alright. Also, if you deem the dimension I'm about to send you good enough. You can bring it into your personal universe. But, make sure it stays away from your core universe. Rather not end up destroying the entire dimension by burning it." I said to Ryun, who nodded her head at me.

"I understand, my god." Ryun replied, as she the one that can literally drag dimension into her own personal universe, which is she gained by reaching the [Cultivation Stage: Universe Creator] from the Coiling Dragon's modified [Cultivation System].

But, compared to the other [Universe Creator]. Ryun's personal universe is mainly made of the [Dao of Fire], which branch up into other [Dao]. Nevertheless, Ryun right now is among our group with the massive explosion power. Along with being the one, other than myself, to be able to forcibly steal dimensions from others. By literally burning the connection between the dimension and the owner.

"Now, back to the original topic. Who will you bring with you, because remember? We can't have you alone again. The last time was when we let you go into the Harry Potter universe and we saw how that ended up. We rather not deal with that whole thing again." Esdeath narrows her eyes at me, causing me to sweatdrop and figure I may have overreacted that time.

"I'm not going to bother picking who. But, I'll tell you where I'm heading, though. So you girls can decide among yourselves. I rather not be the one to pick." I said to my wives, not one bit felt hurt about the way my wives won't trust me enough to be alone. Then again, I did cause so many bizarre actions that would make even an insane person question me.


Author Note: For those that wonder why I'm just doing a short summary of what the mc doing in those two worlds: Food Wars and Pokemon. Just think of them unwanted filters, but also something important for the characters to go through. Also, because I just can't seem to think of a good way to describe all the 'events' will take place in those worlds.

Mostly the Pokemon world than the Food Wars. Hope everyone understands, if not, welp, you're happy to create your own fanfic in your own point of view instead of pointing out so many of my polt holes. No matter how many I have. I'm not perfect. Also, bored. Very bored easily to come up with small plots as filters.