Chapter 56: Onto The Search!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 56: Onto The Search!

Year 23: Day 75: Sending Others Off Part 2

(Ark's City)

"So, where are you heading, that make you need to leave the entire family?" Raven asks me, since we still haven't spent that long with the kids. Technically, 3 years were kind of long already, but at the same time very short compared to almost all the family. Since 3 years is nothing to me and the wives, where we spent 10,000 years inside the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book].

"I'm thinking about going into the universes that don't have very strict laws and planning to recruits new student to train. Of course, I won't be teaching any [Sword Cultivation Method] to them at the beginning. Not the one I have that is, anything else I can think of will be a chance for them to learn." I explain to my family, while the kids are almost clueless about what I'm saying. "You know how we need allies for the incoming war. I know there will be lots of cultivators in the [Evil Faction], with the way they live their life similar to Esdeath's motto. The strong is right and the weak is wrong."

Esdeath grin, still happy that her strongest to the fittest thing is sometimes the main theme in some universes. Something she will gladly go into sometime in the future.

"So, I'm going to recruit potential students." I pause for a moment, then bring out two [Cultivation Method] books and toss them to Ingui Yoon and Daniela. "Sorry, I honestly forgot about the two of you not having any [Cultivation Methods]." I give a sheepish smile at my two students, where they have already agreed to join the war and here I am, talking about new students and teaching how to cultivate when here are two of my own students.

"It's fine. I understand there are lots of important things going on. I'm more surprised that I have the chances to cultivate at all. Though, I will be honest. I'm not the type of person that will stay in one spot to meditate for years." Daniela said to me, as she read the book about the [Cultivation Method] she could use, then quickly shut it and rub her eyes in pain. "Okay, I stand corrected. I don't think I can do cultivate unless it is possible to personally teach me in person. Because I just read a small section, not even the entire page and somehow gave myself a headache."

I raise an eyebrow if there some kind of restrictions placed on Daniela. Since the [Cultivation Method] I gave her is a simple [Breathing Technique Method] to just sense [Qi] and absorb it into one's body, to allow them to get the feeling of what [Qi] is like before going into advanced [Cultivation Methods] later on.

"Alright, maybe in my standard. This book is just for the beginner, but maybe too high for some people." I accept the book back from Daniela, "And yes, I can teach you personally. But, if I'm being honest. You should have Ryun teach you since she is better at using fire than me at this point." I mention how Ryun has the ability similar to [Heartworld] and can summon her personal universe into the plain of existence around us and manipulate it any way she likes.

Daniela looks at Ryun, who was preventing Erza from leaving her grasp. Then, look back at her teacher. With a look, that says, "Really?"

"It's true, Daniela." Yuri said to Daniela, "Ryun here has already reached to the point of making flames that existed from the time the universe start to form."

"I honestly don't know what's that suppose to mean, but I can guess it's something very powerful and important." Daniela said with a wry smile, "But, alright. I will try my best to learn under Ryun, but is there anything you can teach me, besides not being able to help me improve my usage of [Dying Will Flame]?" Daniela looks at me. Eager to learn anything from me, that can make her stronger.

"How good are you at creating illusions?" I ask Daniela, who blinks her eyes at me.

"If you mean, trying to use [Mist Flame], then nope and I have even tried before. Have no talent in it whatsoever." Daniela wasn't ashamed about what she doesn't have talent in. She not perfect, but she is hard working, that's for sure.

"I see." I rub my chin, "How about Archery? I know you use a crossbow before, but can you with a bow or at least experience using it before switching over to the crossbow?" I thought about what I can teach Daniela, where my wives haven't trained in before.

"I practice in using a bow before, but I don't use it too much since it wasn't quick enough in my opinion. Why you ask?" Daniela asks me, where I just bring out my [Hrunting Bow] and toss it to her, causing her to look at me with surprise.

"Well, I'm going to teach you the [Hou Yi's Archery]. I have two versions of it. One that is more on the line of sacrificing yourself for short burst of incredible power and the other one is to gather momentum by building up the power for the next shot." I calmly explain to Daniela about the two versions of [Hou Yi's Archery], where the former is from the Desolate Era while the latter is from the Seeking the Flying Sword Path.

Daniela thought about it after I finished explaining to her, about the two versions of [Hou Yi's Archery] and what the [Hrunting Bow]'s effects are.

"I'll do the [Hou Yi's Archery] from the Seeking the Flying Sword Path. No way am I going to kill myself for extra power when I can just gather it slowly." Daniela knew the pros and cons of both versions and decided which one is must safer and long-term usage for herself.

"Alright, we'll be right back. I'm going to help Daniela learn the [Hou Yi's Archery]. Ingui Yoon, you should tag along as well. Since I have something to teach you related to cultivation as well." I said to my family, then near the end toward Ingui Yoon, who nods her head and got up and follow me and Daniela to the Training Building for us to use.

"Come back soon, Ragna! We still have to pick who will go with you!" Yuri shouts to me, where I roll my eyes at her.

"Alright, Yuri!" I shout back.

A few hours later*

(Ark's City: Training Building: Wonderland)

[Hou Yi's Archery - Seeking the Flying Sword Path's Version] - Passive/Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% - Cost: Varies

Description: Firing nine arrows, each stronger than the last before resetting back to default power. The ninth arrow will have the might of going beyond the user's maximum raw power.

1st Effect: Gain access to [Hou Yi's Archery].

1st Effect's Requirement: Require a strong bow to use.

2nd Effect: Increase the next arrow's attacking power by x (level).

2nd Effect's Limitation: Limit up to 9 arrows, with the first being the base power of the user. (Base Power: (Skill level) + (STR + END + AGI)).

3rd Effect: Allow the user to infuse extra [Energy Source] into the bow and arrow to increase attack power.

This is something I grabbed in the 10,000 years of training. Where at the beginning; I had a small problem where I may face an overpowered enemy that beyond my level and stats. Then, thought about using this [Skill], that allows me to go pass my own maximum raw power in damage.

Of course, later on, I no longer needed it since I gained the [Sword Immortal/Demon/God/Devil/Ghost Magic], but it's still something I may use sometime when I'm not using my main weapon.

After transferring a copy of this [Skill] into Daniela; I start helping her gain the muscle memory of using this [Skill] fast via [Wonderland] and having her experience what it feel like being attacked by it herself and afterward, have her practice using it.

"Now, remember. Daniela. Unlike me, you don't possess multiple different [Energy Sources]. Where you only have your [Dying Will Flame] and [Nen]. Nothing wrong with those two, but you need to figure a way to maximize the effectiveness of using them with [Hou Yi's Archery]'s 3rd Effect or you may end up wasting more than you should." I carefully explain the difference between her and me.

"I understand, teacher." Daniela gives me a smile, happy to have something that will help fix some of her weak points, but not all of them. Like her hand-to-hand combats, which can be solved easily by getting the help of others. Maybe from Ingui Yoon as well.

"Okay, you may want to return to the other. I still have to help Ingui Yoon a bit." I said to Daniela, where she gave me an okay and left the Training Building after creating a small rift in [Wonderland] for her to leave.

"Now, Ingui Yoon. I can see you using [Nen] together with [Renewal Taekwondo] and [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon]. So what's the problem of using [Touki]?" I ask my other student, seeing how I taught her [Touki], but after changing the [Energy Source] of HP/[Sword Qi] to stamina/[Nen].

[Touki - Gamer's Version] - Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% - HP/Sword Qi cost: Varies

Description: This is an ability that allowed one to create an aura of life force that they will wear around their body or external objects, to increase their attack, defense, and speed tremendously. Training one's body to the uttermost limits will increase the user's skills in manipulating their life force and can even allow the user to counter magic attacks by punching or otherwise striking them. Also, this skill was modified to include a few more effects.

1st Effect: Increase STR, END, and AGI by (level) per hour. Cost: (level/2)% HP per second.

1st Effect's Requirement: Require user to stay in motion the whole time.

2nd Effect: Increase STR, END, and AGI x (level). Cost: 1 [Sword Qi] per second.

3rd Effect: Increase object's attack, duration, and speed by (level)%. Cost: 100 [Sword Qi] per second.

4th Effect: Able to counter [Magic Attacks] by punching or otherwise striking them. Cost: 50 [Sword Qi] per second.

5th Effect: Fully control over one's physical body. Cost: 1 [Sword Qi] per second.

It's mainly the 4th and 5th Effects, that will help Ingui Yoon the most.

"I just can't seem to get the hang of fully controlling my body as I wanted." Ingui Yoon mentions her problem with [Touki] so far. Which is the only problem right now, as the rest is fine. Ingui Yoon even increased her own physical stats after a couple of hours and able to use [Touki] on her own clothes to increase her attacking power, duration, and give her the extra speed she may need.

Even destroying some of the medium-levels [Magical Attacks] I throw at her via [Ninjutsu] and [Rejection] linked together.

"Hmm." I rub my chin, to think about a way to help Ingui Yoon's problem before thinking that maybe Ingui Yoon hasn't truly used her entire body to the fullest in a fight.

"Alright, I got an idea that could help you somewhat." I start explaining to Ingui Yoon about how I will use [Restrictions] to prevent her from moving her body normally. Similar to the training underwater, where one will feel the pressure of the water going against them. Making it so the person training wouldn't be able to use their original full strength. But, with the reward of gaining more control over one's body and other benefits.

This is what my idea going to be. Placing a few [Restrictions] to make it so Yuri has to use everyone fiber muscles to move, then later into fighting where she will have a bit of a harder time attacking or even manage to hit the target at all. Since she won't be at the same level when she fights originally.

In a way, this is just an extra bonus training for Ingui Yoon to learn the [Renewal Taekwondo: Recoilless Concept] and uses it even better. Maybe including it into all her movements and attacks without having to think about it much, until it becomes all muscle memory.

A few minutes later*

(Ark's City)

"Hey, Ragna. Why are you carrying Ingui Yoon?" Esdeath asks me, with a hint of rage that no one but myself noticed. Esdeath's rage for what, I have no idea, but I can roughly guess what trigger Esdeath, but I have been wrong many times before. So I wouldn't be so sure on my guess without any backing to it.

So, I explain why I'm carrying Ingui Yoon in a bridal-carrying way and why she can't walk on her own. Therefore, require my help to carry her over here first.

"So, what you're saying, that Ingui Yoon currently can't move unless she releases the [Restrictions] on her body?" Raven asks me, as she watches Daniela help Ingui Yoon sit in her own chair while struggling to move even a finger.

"Pretty much. Anyway, I'm going to do the previous/original way before I had the ability to pick our own universe to go into. Therefore, I'm going to jump into a random universe and leave it to my LUCK stat to pick the universe with the potential to recruit a student or two." I said to my family, ignoring how the kids, Gon and Killua, trying to mess with Ingui Yoon.

"If that's the case. Then, Alice will be the one to tag along. Since she the one that's out of us with more versatile next to you, with her [Dao of Music]." Esdeath said to me, with the other wives agreeing with Esdeath's words.

"Alright, but I don't think all the food in the [Gate of Babylon] would be enough to feed Alice during the entire trip." I said to Esdeath, causing almost everyone to laugh. Since Alice the main person in the family, that eat more than everyone combine by a thousandfold.

Alice opens her mouth to say something in her defense, but thought about it for a moment. And she remembers that her husband never mentions how long they been gone for while everyone else will be in the KonoSuba universe for a year or two. Where that universe's time flow may be very different from other universes. A year in KonoSuba universe can be a thousand years in another.

"Yeah, Esdeath. I'm going to need to cash in that favor you owed me before. I don't think I can stand eating other food other than yours." Alice looks at Esdeath with a playful glare, since technically, this is Esdeath's fault for getting her addicted to her food. Furthermore, with Esdeath's [Title: Goddess of Food] wasn't helping at all. It just makes things worse.

Esdeath rolls her eyes, but got up to work on cooking that would last multiple generations' lifetimes.

"Ragna. I'm going to need access to the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book], since I won't have enough time to cook by the time you and Alice need to leave." Esdeath said to me, where I just bring out the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] and open it, where countless numbers of page started coming out of the book and fly over to Esdeath, surrounding her until she was no longer visible. Afterward, the pages return back to the book and Esdeath is nowhere in sight.

An hour later*

"Okay, that should be enough to last Alice for a while." Esdeath said to me, before glancing at Alice like she is our pet, but quickly Esdeath changes her look before anyone noticed. "Also, I made sure to make a portion for yourselves as well, Ragna. So be sure to eat well."

What Esdeath meant by eating well, as in don't even think about eating anyone else's food. Because she will know right away and she will not be happy one bit.

Message received.

"Now, I'm going to send everyone, but Alice and me to the KonoSuba universe. Make sure to message me via [Archive: Contact] if you need me." I said to Esdeath, as I have long figured out how to use [Archive] to message anyone I want from one universe to another. Thanks to [Chain Combo Magic], and by that, I mean I need to link up at least 10 [Skills] before I gain the hidden effects to do so.

With the secondary [Skills] needed to be linked and the other [Skills] doesn't matter. I just need [Elemental Sight], [Wisdom of The Sage], [Rejection], and [Innate Time Control: Timer Alter] link with [Archive] to work.

The [Elemental Sight] and [Rejection] are easily understandable. While the other two [Skills] make it possible and less hard onto myself. The [Wisdom of The Sage] will help me ease the headache from trying to locate and create a mental link with the target, to speak with. As for the [Innate Time Control], this is to make it so the time flow connects from where I am to the target as long the linked [Skills] are active. Afterward, the time flow changes back as nothing happens.

As for how Esdeath and the other able to call me instead of a one-sided call like before. Esdeath and the rest of my wives, including Repellista, Ingui Yoon, and Daniela have these touch screen phones made by me with the help of Repellista. Where the signal itself connect with Repellista's [Lighthouse] and my [Archive].

"Don't worry, I will." Esdeath gave me a kiss, where Yuri, Ryun, and Raven follow up with a kiss of their own as well. Before I send them and the others into the KonoSuba via [Bypass Restrictions].

Once Alice and I watch our family disappear before our eyes. Alice looked at me with curiosity in her eyes.

"So, how are we going to enter another universe?" Alice asks me, where I didn't reply with a verbal answer as move the [Ark] itself, leaving the Harry Potter universe behind as we search for a different universe to enter.

Not even a minute went by as we arrived at another universe, which I found via [Karma Thread] linked to me and wanted to see what is the other end from this [Karma Thread]. Well, it's the closest one nearby while I have too many [Karma Threads] connected with other universes and I can guess why. Seeing how I figure out I have counterparts in the previous universes I been to before. Then, I can roughly guess these [Karma Threads] attach themselves to me. Since technically, I'm the same person as my counterparts.

As to how I made the [Ark] move from Harry Potter universe to this one so fast. The answer: [Rejection: Rejected Space]. Literally rejecting the space around me and make the distance void. Cost me around 10% [Mana], but that's fine in my opinion. As I can recover that back easily in no time.

Now, if this was before I gained the [Profession: The Sword God] and with [Tier 5 - Stats], then it would be impossible and would take longer to travel in the multiverse, even with the [Ark] and [Rejection: Rejected Space]. As I will have to take multiple breaks to recover back enough [Mana] to shorten the distance again, and again until we reach the destination.

Not even waiting for permission to enter the universe. I will the [Ark] to forcibly enter the universe and into one of the many dimensions while using [Rejection] linked with many [Skills] to make it so the [Ark] won't be damaged or block from entering; furthermore, I made sure to include the same barrier like the one I made before with [Bypass Restrictions]. Something shouldn't be possible without [Bypass Restrictions], but I gained enough experience to use [Rejection] similar to the [Bypass Restrictions].


You have entered the universe Monster Girl Quest and enter one of the many dimensions!

"Well, shit." I thought out loud when I found out what universe the [Ark] just enter.

"What's wrong? Did we enter a dangerous universe?" Alice asks me multiple questions, where I just send her a copy of the last message I got from my Gamer's ability, making Alice quiet down instantly.

"Think we should leave and head for somewhere else?" I ask Alice, as this universe is literally filled with mostly just sex and more sex. Also, the main universe, where Alice should have born into instead of appearing in the RWBY universe. Then again, with Alice's presence. It changed lots of things for the people in the RWBY universe, or at least, the dimension where both Raven and Alice came from.

"No. We'll go into this universe. I want to check on something." Alice said with a serious tone of voice before a lewd smile appears on her face as she turns to look at me. "Plus, don't you want to have sex with a twin? I'm sure my counterpart is willing for a one night stand."

"I'm pretty sure Esdeath will find a way to know about this, then kick both of our asses and later kill your counterpart afterward." I said dryly, causing Alice to wince a little after realizing, that yes, Esdeath will definitely find out and come to beat us, or try to, and kill Alice's counterpart. "Anyway, I wonder if it is your counterpart that formed a [Karma Thread] with me."

"Why you say that?" Alice asks with curiosity in her voice, "If this the whole destiny girl thing. Then, I can guess why. Since you got me and maybe this includes all my counterparts." Alice gave her own input on who has a connection with her husband.

"Well, I can check right now or we can make it a surprise." I said to Alice, ready to check who has a connection with me in this universe.

"How about we just follow the trial and see who it is." Alice grin at me, as she hugs my left arm. Ready to be sent into the home universe she supposed to be in, but somehow not.

"Alright." I replied, and with a single thought, both Alice and I enter one of the dimensions within the Monster Girl Quest universe.

(Unknown City)

"I think I know where we at and maybe the timeline for canon." Alice said to me, as she quickly drags me away from open view and into an alley. "Quick, use [Ninjutsu] on me, to make it so not many people would pay any attention to me, other than a selected few people."

I raise an eyebrow, but did as Alice asked and use 10+ [Skills] linked with [Ninjutsu] to cast powerful illusions over Alice. Now, the only people that can 'see' Alice are those that she wanted to look at her and myself since I was the one that placed the illusions on her.

A few minutes later*

"So, we're near the very beginning of chapter 1 of the Monster Girl Quest." I said to Alice, as we watch a little purple-haired kid trying to fight or more like survive against a very strong monster, in this universe that is, Granberia, one of the Four Heavenly Knights.

"And I see my counterpart over there." Alice points to our left, where we can see this world's Alice in her human disguised form. "Did you check if she the one with a [Karma Thread] connected to you?"

I did a quick check, then triple checks before finding out if what I got was right, then look at my wife, "Nope. She is not the one. But, the [Karma Thread] connection between us is still there." I smirk at Alice, who just rolls her eyes, but I can see a bit of disappointment in her eyes and I can guess why.

"Oh, look. I think the battle is almost over." Alice said in a bored voice, seeing how this battle; well, not really a battle in the first place between Granberia and the little purple-haired kid aka the main character of this world. Luka.

We watch Luka jumping forward as he swings his ugly abnormal sword, [Angel Halo] an eerie-looking sword that can seal monsters rather than injuring or killing them, aiming for the monster's neck.

"What?! This [Technique]!" Granberia cried out in shock, but instead of letting her guard down due to the surprise familiar attack. She became more alert; dodging Luka's [Demon Decapitation], a [Monster Technique] taught by this world's Alice.

"No way..." Luka looks at Granberia with shock and fear, to see his only best attack missed like nothing.

Granberia stare at Luka, "Why do you know a [Monster Technique]?" As she stabs her sword into the ground and she begins to interrogate Luka.

"Eh?" Luka looks confused why Granberia hasn't tried to cripple him or rape him without care of public shame.

"Your swordplay is sloppy and you're still immature. There's no way you thought that up by yourself." Granberia said to Luka, who started sweating.

"Pretty sure, this is something basic. Not that hard to come up with. It's mostly the user themselves that make the move so powerful." I whisper to Alice, who thought the same and wonder if she lucked out on being born in a crossover dimension of the RWBY universe. With how weak the attacks Alice learned by playing the Monster Girl Quest herself in the past, to find more information about herself or at least what kind of background people would think upon meeting her in person later on. And boy she was not happy one bit.

"I want to know where you learned that move. Who taught it to you?" Granberia demand Luka, who kept his mouth shut for a moment to think.

"Wh... Why should I tell someone like you?!" Luka shouts at Granberia, causing both Alice and me to think Luka either brave or foolish. Maybe both.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you don't tell me or not. I think I already know who it is. In fact, I would like to have a match with that person." Granberia grin at Luka, "Is that person your master or something?"

"That is... I won't say." Luka said to Granberia.

"He could have just said, he watched a monster, performing the [Technique] and learn it on his own." I said to Alice, which is technically true in a way. If I remember correctly, that is how Luka learned. Watching this world's Alice performing the [Monster Technique] for Luka to learn how to do it on his own.

"Well, from the gameplay I did in the past. I don't think Luka is that bright in the head." Alice didn't know how her counterpart falls for this person, then again, different realities and different experiences.

Both Alice and I watch Granberia smack Luka with the flat side of her giant sword, sending Luka flying a few feet above the ground before crashing onto the ground in a painful manner.

"I held back my attack to make sure you didn't die." Granberia said to Luka, who is currently nearing death and can't move his body. "Well, are you going to talk now?"

"Even with that... I won't say..." Luka whispers painfully, too much pride to allow him to spill out what Granberia wanted and potentially save his life.

"Is that so?" Granberia looks down at Luka, then at her sword. "I don't like using my sword on the weak. But." She raises her sword, intention to bring it down on the dying Luka to deal the finishing blow.

"How long are you going to keep being an idiot?" Someone walks out, which is this world's Alice and in her disguise as a human. Looking at Granberia with a frown before looking at Luka with interests.

"A... Alice?!" Luka cried out in shock, to see her come out in the open.

"Y.. You?!" Granberia tense up to see who mocked her and to her astonished. Stare at this world's Alice, petrified for a couple of seconds. Then, she slowly gets on one knee.

"Ehh...? Ehhhh...?" Luka looks at the two with confusion, making my wife let out a sigh before grabbing me by my right hand and move to reveal ourselves.

Quickly, I use [Ninjutsu] onto this entire City, preventing unwanted people to see what's going on from this point on. Pretty sure, this just action of mine has placed a big target onto me. But, seeing how this dimension is very close to the Monster Girl Quest universe and also, surprisingly just a new dimension formed and ownerless. Therefore, I have no worry about the three factions appearing in this dimension.

The very moment, both my wife and I walk closer to the three, both this world's Alice and Granberia noticed us right away and look at my wife with shock and disbelief, letting me know Alice wanted those two to 'see' her while Luka himself just continue to look at the two with a confused look on his face. Not bother to look in our direction due to the [Ninjutsu] affecting him. Showing that Alice has no desire allowing Luka to 'see' her just yet.

"Master Ragna, you're alive?!" Granberia shouted in happiness and surprise, mostly the former than the latter, while this world's Alice looks at my wife with wary and is also surprised to see me as well, like she couldn't believe I was alive.