Chapter 57: Alice Loves Food

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 57: Alice Loves Food

Year 23: Day 75: Sending Others Off Part 3

(Unknown City)

"Nope. I'm a ghost." I said dryly, causing my wife to raise an eyebrow at me due to my response. Technically, what I said is true as I have the [Profession: The Sword Ghost]. "Anyway, do I know you?" I ask Granberia, where her happiness did a 180-degree turn and she became sad.

While secretly, I was a little surprised to find out my counterpart taught Granberia the [Basic Movements of Sword Skills] and help her master it to the same level as I was at before gaining the Gamer's ability. Meaning, that is a high chance of Granberia gaining a [Sword Intent] from the [Basic Movements of Sword Skills]. Something I haven't managed to do.

"How are you alive and who is she?" This world's Alice demanded, showing no fear in my presence. Something I knew right away, that my counterpart either kept his original strength and never able to improve himself further or he still less powerful compared to the like of this world's Alice.

"Why, I am you." My wife, Alice, grins at her counterpart, with the eyes of a predator, which just send a chill down this world's Alice. "But, I must say. You're weaker than I expect for someone close to our home universe." Alice didn't care if she reveals the whole multiverse concept when technically this world's Alice is a stranger.

"Even for a lookalike, that doesn't mean I will allow someone to speak in such a disrespectful manner to me." This world's Alice said in a cold tone of voice as she was about to make a move. Also, showing that some subjects just don't matter to her, even if it means finding out that the world she lives in isn't that big.

I quickly took action as I send all the humans in this City to sleep, then use [Rejection: Rejected Space] along with wrapping my wife, this world's Alice, Granberia, and Luka with [Heartforce]. As I teleport us further away, with me just having to take a single step and drag everyone with me against their wills without the ability to fight back and was too quick for anyone, but my wife, to react.

(Unknown Forest)

I made sure to drag the barrier I created with [Ninjutsu] and place it around a small section of the forest.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you." I said to my wife, then disappear before everyone's sight and appear next to Luka and pick him up and disappear again, reappearing not that far away from the three. As I use [Rejection] to instantly heal Luka.

Reason for doing this?

I felt like it, and it is not because Luka is the one have a [Karma Thread] link to me, which he doesn't. If I wasn't in the mood; well, guess Luka died from fatal wound injury.

Also, I noticed the [Karma Thread] linked to me wasn't even connected with Granberia. In fact, shockingly, it connects with the [Angel Halo]!

This is also another excuse for helping Luka while getting closer to the [Angel Halo] at the same time. Where I find myself a bit weird out, not disturb, but just weird out in general with this [Angel Halo]. Since none of the 666 melted angels have any [Karma Threads] link to me.

Before realizing, that it was the maker of this [Angel Halo] aka Lucifina, the Mother of Luka of the Monster Girl Quest.

While ignoring my wife, this world's Alice, and Granberia talking among themselves, with this world's Alice sometimes throw a [Magical Attack] at my wife, who easily dispel it with ease with a simple use of her [Dao of Music].

And Luka, who fully healed, is watching in disbelief near me. Continue to lay on the ground, even when he can get up himself.

Anyway, going deeper into the [Karma Thread] and learn that my counterpart is Luka's Father's older brother, who helped train Marcellus, Luka's Father, in getting ready for his journey while my counterpart had other goals instead of teaming up with Marcellus and his party to slay the Monster Lord, this world's Alice's Mother.

Sadly, there wasn't much for me to 'see' as this [Karma Thread] is only this strong due to my counterpart had once wielded the [Angel Halo] for a short period of time before handing it over to Tamamo. One of the Four Heavenly Knights like Granberia and afterward die from the wounds he didn't recover from escaping an ambush by a group of angels.

Now, I can see why this world's Alice is wary of me. Since she was there when I 'died' as I passed the [Angel Halo] over when it's time for Luka to wield it. Talk about irony, that my counterpart has better fighting experiences and the [Angel Halo] to damage angels themselves, but still end up dying from having heavy wounds that were too late to be healed.

But then again, my counterpart hasn't even managed to locate and form a contract with the [Four Spirits: Sylph, Gnome, Undine, and Salamander] or have any resistance towards [Holy Energy] that literally killing my counterpart within a day after the ambush, but had somehow been lucky enough to meet with Tamamo and this world's Alice just before his death.

Looking at the three, where I found this world's Alice took on her monster form while my wife just looks at her counterpart with amusement. Not even worry about this and have the confidence enough of dealing with this world's Alice without the needs of her [Transformation Semablance].

I look down at Luka and the [Angel Halo] before deciding to leave the [Angel Halo] to Luka after figure out that this weapon is the only that have some sort of connection with me. Anything else in this dimension has nothing linked to me. Unless I count this world's Alice, who is also my own wife from another entirely different universe.

I tilt my head when I felt multiple beings just enter the barrier I just placed down. Of course, this barrier was never meant to prevent someone from entering and more of preventing people from 'seeing' inside it through supernatural methods or using military types of equipment to see at a long distance.

What I didn't expect was it to be a group of Angel Soldiers. Where I counted four of them, being identical angels.

"Hey, hey, hey! Look what we found! There two Monster Lords!" Angel #1 said in a cheerful voice.

"Shouldn't we retreat and inform Goddess Ilias about this? I mean, I don't think the four of us can be possibly enough to face two Monster Lords." Angel #2 said with fear, not wanting to stick around here any longer as she can just sense her death coming very soon and want to leave as soon as possible.

"Oh, stop being a baby! There are four of us! Plus, they got that delicious kid over there, who seemed to be injured. I say we capture him and be used as a hostage against everyone else. I say we can take them!" Angel #3 mock Angel #2 at the beginning and explain her so-called perfect plan. "It's not like we haven't faced odd battles against us before. As long there are four of us are together. Anything is possible."

"Honestly, that ego of yours is what caused us to never be able to raise up in ranks. We need to think about this carefully." Angel #4 said in a calm tone of voice, but everyone can see her panting a little as she stares at Luka.

"Bye." I wave at the four Angel Soldiers, causing them to blink at the same time, as they try to comprehend what I meant by my word as I use [Sword Devil Magic: Heartforce Eradicator]. Killing them before they even figure out how they died and send into my [Slaughter Realm].

'I do wonder how these Angel Soldiers along with other beings in the Monster Girl Quest turn into after a good amount of time in the [Slaughter Realm].' I thought to myself, as I noticed the look on this world's Alice and Granberia's face at the sight of seeing angels appearing and disappearing afterward. The former was already worth concerning about, but the latter just made the two feel weird out and make them more alert of their surroundings more than ever. Wondering if the angels have somehow developed an invisible ability.

"Anyway, as I was saying. Ragna, who is my husband, and I, also a completely different version of you, Alice, are here searching for allies. But, mostly a universe to take over." My wife said to this world's Alice, causing the latter to have a twitchy eye.

Granberia, on the other hand, don't know what to do. On one hand, she meets her old master, who supposed to be dead, and can resume her training under him. Seeing how from the look of it. He has gotten stronger than she last saw him. While on the other hand, she has her honor to help Alice of this world, not sure if what the other Alice is speaking the truth or not. But, like her master once said. "Just because you haven't seen it with your own eyes doesn't mean it doesn't exist." So yeah, Granberia is willing to give the benefit of the doubt until she was proven wrong.

"And I still say stand by what I said before. How do I know you're not some kind of clone of mine created by that bitch in the sky? For all I know, you are here to kill me, take over my position as Monster Lord and send all the monsters under my commands to their deaths." This world's Alice said to my wife, not trusting her words so far or proving some backing facts as support to what my wife's claims.

"Who is Alice talking to?" Luka asks mostly to himself, as he got up from the ground and his eyes still only focus onto this world's Alice and Granberia.

"My wife, and you're welcome, kid." I said to Luka, who for some reason ignored my existence for some time now and I know for sure I didn't place any barriers or illusions over myself as I did with my wife.

Before remembering that maybe Luka is may in shock and his brain still haven't counted in everything that happened to him so far. Not to mention, that his brain must be very confused about how his body is healed so fast and in perfect health.

"AH! Sorry, Sir! Thank you for helping me!" Luka quickly apology for ignoring me and thanked me, but I can easily tell Luka didn't even know what he is thanking me for.

"Uh huh." I said dryly, then finally dismiss the idea of taking Luka under my teaching. Because I rather not have to deal with the human-angel hybrid trying to use what I teach him against me and my family upon finding out what the type of person I am.

Also, I'm not that surprised this Luka is part of the [Hero Faction]. More of an excuse on my part to not train Luka. Also, because Luka doesn't have much muscle mass and may not even be able to use the [Basic Movements of Sword Skills] without the help of the [Four Spirits].

Then there Granberia. Someone I'm surprised that I don't even have a [Karma Thread] link with her. But, that won't stop me from wanting to see how much she can do under my teaching. Maybe having her as my student wouldn't be too bad and chances are, that this ownerless dimension will fall under my control or maybe handing it over to my wife, Alice, instead.

No idea on this world's Alice. Honestly, having two Alices just make me a few mixed emotions, but not too much, since I can tell the two apart easily.

"Hey, Alice." I call out my wife, but this caused the other Alice to look in my direction as well, causing me to sweatdrop. "My wife, I mean." I said to this world's Alice before looking back at my wife, "Why not just bribe your counterpart? Pretty sure if she a glutton like you, then if you give her a small sample of Esdeath's foods. I'm sure she will do anything you'll ask her."

Granberia raises an eyebrow at me, with Luka looking at me the same, but more of confusion and a bit of concern.

"Oh? Bribe me, the Monster Lord? And will be at the command of others just because of something small like being bribed? HA! Laughable!" This world's Alice laughs with a bit of rage as she glares at me as she releases an aura of murderous rage.

Too bad, not a second later, my wife brings out a small plate, aka a snack in my wife's own words, where I said earlier of a small sample. It was supposed to be in a small cup for people to sample the food before thinking about buying it. However, my wife didn't have any sort of thing like that or doesn't feel like doing such a tiring thing like grabbing a small plastic cup and pour in a small amount of the food in it for other to eat out of it.

What my wife took out is ravioli and the smell alone draw almost everyone's attention to it.

Even someone like Granberia looking at the ravioli with a hint of hunger, like she hasn't eaten in days, maybe weeks with the way she drooling.

I can see Luka is captured by Esdeath's ravioli as well from the way he looking at it in my wife's hands.

It's this world's Alice that has the biggest reaction upon seeing this ravioli, frozen in time and stay fresh as it was made in Alice's [Inventory] and ready to be eaten whenever it is taken out.

She straight up rushes at the ravioli, where she didn't care for a fork or anything to help her eat it, but instead, this world's Alice just grabs it with her bare hands and shove them into her mouth, not caring for her appearance. As she finished all the ravioli in seconds before sucking on the sauce off her fingers, then take the plate from my wife, to her surprise, and lick the leftover sauce on it as well.

Afterward, this world's Alice let out a moan with a blissful facial expression and everyone could see this world's Alice actually had a food orgasm with the way her body shaking.

"There are more of those and I have many, many, many different types of dishes that way better than what you just ate." My wife snaps out of her surprise and started the little plan she just came up with not that long ago after coming to this universe. "You can have some more. If..." She stops here, wanting to see if she got her counterpart's attention or not.

"Anything!" This world's Alice grabs the front collar of the purple dress shirt my wife currently wearing. With an expression on this world's Alice that similar to an addicted drug person that just finally tasted the real good stuff before realizing they ran out and needed more to get the same rushing feeling upon taking the drug for the first time.

Yup, this is one of the side-effects Esdeath's foods cause towards people that haven't built up some kind of resistance or something on the line as one, where these people didn't eat many rich in taste of foods daily for years.

Of course, this only occurs after Esdeath gained her title as the [Goddess of Food]. And luckily, all the kids in the family and the adults have already eaten the food Esdeath made for years and having her [Goddess of Food]'s effects just bring out the flavors even further, but not to the point becoming like those other people. In this case, this world's Alice became a slave to Esdeath's foods 100% completely without a single doubt.

"Anything?" My wife asks softly, not caring that her counterpart is almost tearing her purple dress shirt.

"Yes! Anything!" This world's Alice cried out with hunger, "I'll even let your husband fuck me in any way he wants! Just let me have more of the delicious food! I'll beg if that want you!"

"Wow, this... this is unbelievable." Granberia whispers in disbelief, finding what's going on before her eyes, something she would never expect to happen at all. Not to mention how low one can get just for food. "Is the food that's delicious?"

This world's Alice glare at Granberia like she just said something so awful, that would make one think Granberia killed this world's Alice's Mother, then forced her to watch as Granberia burn everything down that is important to her.

"If anything. Just eating that amazing small food made me see the real Heaven, not the one that bitch in the sky lives in. So, you can bet your very life that it is beyond delicious. It's divine!" This world's Alice shouts at Granberia before licking her lip as if she can still taste the leftover ravioli. Then back to begging my wife for another. Even for a small piece.

"Alright, I think I have an idea on how to make this whole thing work." My wife's smirk widens a little as she bares her teeth a little.

The next day*

Year 23: Day 76: First Day of Alice's World Conquest!

(Monster Lord's Castle: Front Entrance)

"Is everyone here or do we have to wait any longer?" My wife asks her counterpart, who didn't seem like the original arrogance as yesterday and just more eager to please my wife instead. Plus, my wife is currently holding an apple pie. As in the whole thing, not a slice of the pie. This just made my wife's counterpart more determine to do as my wife's command.

"I'm sorry, Mistress, but some of the powerful monsters and weaker monsters still haven't gotten my words while some are still heading here as we speak." This world's Alice reported, with sweat covering her forehead. Fearing that she won't be rewarded for her work and instead be punished.

Which is just literally my wife eating the food while her counterpart watches her eat it and not allowing her to eat. To make it even worse, for this world's Alice, she couldn't even look away with the [Restrictions] I placed on her.

And this just happened today in the morning when this world's Alice thought she could fight for the food from my wife, but was ruthlessly defeated with ease.

"Hmm." My wife didn't seem pleased at all, causing this world's Alice to panic.

"B-But! I made sure to get some of the monsters with teleportation-related abilities to speed up the progress!" This world's Alice quickly explains she is doing her best to bring the entire world's monster popular here.

"I see. Well, it doesn't matter about the weaker monsters. I don't mind if they come late. It's those stronger monsters I want here quick." My wife said with a blank face. "Nonetheless, we have a good amount of monsters here in the castle. We'll begin the feast tonight for all those that arrive in time. For those that are coming later. We'll deal with them later."

Upon hearing the word: Feast, just made this world's Alice's eyes lit up with joy. Knowing that there will be lots of food tonight for all to eat.

'Honestly, I would not expect Alice would actually share her a small portion of her stocked up foods.' I thought to myself, but can sure of guess what Alice is trying, with the way her counterpart is reacting.

A few hours later*

"Now, as everyone that came today. I will like to have everyone taste these foods. Yes, I understand raping humans are way better than eating human foods. But, trust me on this. What everyone is going to eat. Will never be able to forget for the rest of their life." This world's Alice said to all the monsters that were able to come here on short notice. "So I won't waste my breath any longer. I will let everyone understand yourselves and I shall be the first one to eat."

Not bother about her image as a Monster lord; this world's Alice quickly grabs a drumstick chicken with her left hand and reach for a bowl of egg drop soup with her right hand.

As all the monsters watch in disbelief on how excited their Monster Lord eating and completely ignore everyone else. Some started looking around, wonder if this was some sort of joke or if the foods are poison.

Some monster hesitates while for those that without fear of being poisoned ate the nearest food within reach.

Upon the first bites among those that didn't hesitate, pause for a moment. Making those that watched to have some doubts and rage before turning into shock as they watch their fellow monsters quickly devour all the food within reach or in their line of sight with eyes of hunger.

Soon the rest follow as their curiosity win over and afterward, became the same as the others.

As all the monsters enjoying the feast. None of them noticed that someone in the Monster Lord's Castle is looking at them with delight and with a dark smile.

3 days later*

Year 23: Day 79: Really Alice? Really?!


"Hail to the [Goddess of Food] Esdeath!"

"Hail to the [Goddess of Food] Esdeath!"

"Hail to the [Goddess of Food] Esdeath!"

A large number of people shouted at the top of their lungs, as they pray to the [Goddess of Food] Esdeath aka the very same one as my first wife.

Among the people; there are monster girls, humans, angels, even artificial monsters are there. Praying to Esdeath as if she just brings salvation to the entire world.

Technically, Esdeath's foods... kind of did. As now monster girls no longer have any desire to feed on semen. Again, why is that a thing?

Anyway, due to Esdeath's foods. Monsters, humans, and angels only focus are on Esdeath's foods and only on the foods.

In a matter of days. My wife, Alice, has managed to use this world's Alice to bring all the monsters under her control to her castle for a special feast, that all monsters must eat or die.

Yeah, this world's Alice kind of became an almost mindless puppet with only solely focus onto foods and the orders of her masters aka my wives, Alice and Esdeath, with the latter having more control and Esdeath doesn't even know it yet.

Either way, the first plan my wife was to have all the monsters under the influence of Esdeath's foods and become slaves to it. Where they will do anything as long they are able to eat a small piece of the tastier foods. While the previous delicious foods no longer have much interest besides maybe eating them when they got nothing else to eat.

After having 99% of the monsters under the influence of Esdeath's foods. My wife ordered all the monsters to force feed all the humans of Esdeath's foods, lower tier ones and have them change their entire religion from Goddess Ilias to Goddess Esdeath.

Fun fact: Esdeath's [Title: Goddess of Food]'s effects will grow stronger with how much people love her food and worship her.

Therefore, this is Alice way of making sure that each time she eats a new set of meal from Esdeath. It will always be better than the previous. Always.

Anyway, after having almost all humans, fallen under the influence of Esdeath's foods. The next step was the angels themselves, which was kind of hard in my opinion. Since most of the monsters aren't strong enough to force these angels to eat the food.

Also, entering this world's Heaven wasn't something I or my wife would like to do. Because one known method between us via the gameplay is the Heaven's Gate aka an angel in the Navel of the World. Originally a Cherubim, a member of the Second Order in the Hierarchy of Angels, this angel was ordered by Goddess Ilias to assimilate into the gate to Heaven in order to prevent intruders from accessing the gate from either side.

Therefore, I just use Heaven's Gate as the medium and [Sword God Magic: Rejection].

[Sword God Magic] - Passive/Active -

Description: Give off the feeling of something beyond comprehension and overflowing with murderous aura with merciless of striking down all opposite the user with the power of [Mana] merged with [God Qi]. Also, giving others the feeling the user is a giant so large, that the user seemed capable of propping up the Heavens and looking down on all those that dare opposite the user.

Honestly, [Rejection] itself already overpowered as hell just using it without any other [Skills] or linked via [Chain Combo Magic]. Nevertheless, I discovered that [Sword God Magic] and [Rejection] go together great and give me the same effects as if I linked [Rejection] with 100 [Skills] at once. Of course, if I'm not using too much [Mana] at all. Therefore, [Sword God Magic: Rejection] is considered as one of my biggest trump cards.

Also, the reason why I'm using such a powerful trump card for something so little. Well, I didn't want to risk sending Alice and me into a different dimension instead and I can only gain access to [God Qi] whenever I use [Sword God Magic]. Same as the other ones.

On the bright side, for me, 50% of the angels were killed when I forcibly enter Heaven. With the Goddess Ilias badly injured for trying to prevent me from coming to Heaven.

Short story, I shove a large hot dog into her mouth to eat. It's the only one I can think up on the spot to use as a replacement for what most of the females in the world wanted.

On the hindsight.

I did not expect her to die with a blissful look on her face after taking one bite from the hot dog. I guess I shoved it too hard in her throat, that I must have dealt the finishing blow with all the injury she had at the time.

Either way, with the Goddess Ilias' death. The remaining angels were in a panic as they no longer have a leader to command them, causing chaos among them before I send all the angels out the Heaven after making sure I deal enough damage to them, to prevent them from fighting back after being force-fed of Esdeath's foods by the monsters and humans waiting near the Heaven's Gate at the time.

Of course, there was still some resistance among everyone. Be it an angel, monster, and human. They just didn't try the tastier food, making their last, but small, resistance disappears instantly.

Now, after my wife gave this world's Alice a picture of what Esdeath look like.

Everyone quickly got to work making lots of things related to Esdeath. This includes a statue of Esdeath to be used to pray to.

Secretly, I can't wait to see the look on Esdeath's face when Alice presents this dimension of the Monster Girl Quest for her as a souvenir. Also, I knew right away why Alice did something crazy like this when we first come here. Not because of increasing Esdeath's title of being the [Goddess of Food], but also as a to earn more portion of foods Esdeath to make for her to eat.

I look up at the night sky, knowing that Esdeath must of have figured out a reason why she picked Alice back then, along with Raven years ago, or at least had this gut feeling that Alice would bring her lots of benefits. Nonetheless, I think Esdeath will still be surprised upon reuniting with us after 2-3 years passed by in the KonoSuba universe. Since I can guess Esdeath didn't figure Alice would go this far as no one would find out about Esdeath gaining such a powerful title.

And all this happen was because a single [Karma Thread] link to the [Angel Halo], to bring me and Alice into this Monster Girl Quest. Seriously, that's the only thing that has any connection with me to this world. If it wasn't for that, who knows how long until we find this universe.

On another note; Luka kind of happy with his new life of worshiping Esdeath as well after having a taste of her food and now his new goal is to learn under Esdeath to be a better chef than a hero. Since this world no longer needs a hero. Switching his faction to [Neutral Faction]. Something I didn't think would happen, but it did.

Also, I may have saved Granberia's warrior pride by accident. Since I just put her through extreme training that's close to [External Cultivation Methods]; therefore, giving Esdeath someone who can fight against maybe low-tier enemies. No clue about if she can do any better against stronger opponents. Definitely no way with someone on the same level as Yuri that for sure.

"Hey, Ragna. You got to try this one. I think Esdeath was in a good mood at the time and made this." My wife said to me, as she tries to feed me while I was recalling what happened in the last few days during our stay in this world.

"Alright." I didn't pay too much attention to what I'm eating, not worry that my wife may poison me since Alice would instead kill anyone that dare poison anything food related and if it is food made by Esdeath herself. Well, Alice will go on a hunt on the culprit and maim the person with absolute rage.


Someone has noticed your presence from the [Hero Faction] nearby!

It's a good thing I'm not drinking or I would have done a spit-take, but that didn't stop me from almost choking on what Alice feeds me.

Alice quickly helps me after seeing my reaction. Before handing me a glass of water to drink.

"Something wrong, Ragna?" Alice asks me, as she figures something must have surprised me while I was chewing my food.

"Well, it looks like we're going to have to hide better, because somehow with all my barriers to hide. Our enemies still found us." I pause for a moment to let my words sink into my wife's head, "Then again, maybe it's because I made it so the barrier hiding us is only included in the dimension we reside. While those with the ability to locate other outside the dimension can bypass this barrier of mine."