Chapter 58: Trickery

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 58: Trickery

Year 23: Day 79: Really Alice? Really?! Part 2


"Wait, what?" Alice looked at me with shock and before she can say anything else. I send her into the [Ark] while entering the [Ark] as well.

(Ark's City)

Using [Sword God Magic: Right Arm of Thievery] to literally steal this dimension of the Monster Girl Quest universe and send it into my [Gate of Babylon]. This is beyond what my [Right Arm of Thievery] should be able to do, but this is how such a cheat the [Sword God Magic] is along with the others.

Once that's done. I teleport myself outside the [Ark] while sending it off after messaging Alice via [Archive] to locate a new place for us. As I deal with these people from the [Hero Faction].

(Multiverse: Unknown | Near Monster Girl Quest Universe)

Appearing in the vast space of the multiverse and I knew right away. If someone doesn't have a strong physical like mine or Yuri, then they will be crushed instantly. Of course, if someone got a [Skill] to allow one to stay in the multiverse, but outside the universes. Then, I can understand, but I wonder how long can they stay outside a universe before their body explode.

Looking at the group of 20 members of the [Hero Faction] madly charge at me, hoping to capture or kill me. Where they are very far away from me. Not even close to coming where I'm currently at.

If I calculate the rate of how long they need to reach me. I will say around a thousand years or so. Making me feel a bit stupid that I made Alice search for another universe in a hurry.

In fact, I don't think I even need to deal with them since they are so slow. So, to find out why, I 'look' a bit closer and found out these people are using some kind of spaceship and from my scan. It's something commonly used by people in the three factions to travel the multiverse as a luxury appearance than anything else. Not one of those special spaceships that can allow one to travel from one universe to another, no matter the distance between the two.

Then realize what type of people is hunting me down. This group of 20 are actually similar to those people in wuxia/xianxia/xuanhuan novels of upper/stronger people, that formed a small personal group for their own benefits than help others.

Also, the very same group of people that prey on weak and become afraid before the strong, then quickly request backup from their family/friend/teacher when they can't fight the strong and battle to the death. Therefore, using one's reputation as threats and promise of vengeance due to their defeat.

Sadly, for these people. I don't have any mercy of leaving them alive. Nor care about the threats of the so-called all powerful families that will hunt me down.

I didn't even bother to bring out a sword and just use pure [Sword Qi].

'[Volition Sword Intent: Anoymous].' With a simple thrust of my right hand; revealing nothing. Not even a hint of killing intent or the familiar red mist whenever I use my [Sword Qi] or [Sword Intent Techniques]. This is an attack without leaving a trace behind or even anything to give anyone to detect before it's too late, killing the target without them knowing how. An invisible sword attack.

As in a truly invisible sword attack that can't be detected. Unless is stronger than me or have a special [Detecting Skill] to 'see' my [Sword Qi] under the effect of [Volition Sword Intent: Anoymous].

1% [Sword Qi].

That is how much I used for the [Volition Sword Intent: Anoymous] as the path between me and the group from the [Hero Faction] mean nothing at all. As I eliminated them without giving them a chance to find out how they die or a way to defend themselves.

Also, seeing how I used [Sword Qi] instead of [Heartforce]. I wasn't able to grab their souls and put them directly into the [Slaughter Realm]. Furthermore, I didn't even create a realm for [Sword Qi].


The [Hero Faction] has increased the bounty on the Player for killing important members from powerful families/clans/sects.


The [Evil Faction] is happy with the Player's action.


The [Neutral Faction] is annoyed for not being able to kick the Player out of the faction.

I smirk at the last message, knowing that even if I'm in the [Neutral Faction]. I'm technically an enemy of them as well.

Then glare to my left with a cold eye, releasing a brief killing intent and my [Volition Sword Dao], causing some of the weaker dimensions nearby to form cracks. But, not to the point of breaking. All these small cracks needs are time to heal.

While I use [Volition Sword Intent: Anonymous] once more when I found a new group, but bigger in numbers, appearing not too far away from the group I killed not too long ago. Killing this group and bring up another set of notification of how my bounty increased once more again.

Not caring that I just made a bigger target on my back. But, just to be a bit cautious, even with my current ability. I use [Omega Sword Dao: Shadowless Dao] and disappear from the surroundings and return back to the [Ark].

(Ark's City)

Watching the multiple universes passing by. I walk over to Alice, who is correctly trying her best to find the best universe to enter while ignoring some of them that would just drive her crazy or just didn't want to be involved at all.

As to how others are able to drive the [Ark] beside me and Repellista. By using the [Lighthouse] Repellista left behind as the controller for one of the family members to use as a way to pilot the [Ark].

"Oh, your back. Who was chasing after us? I'm kind of pissed off since we were in the middle of eating. So, if you can, bring them out of your [Slaughter Realm] for me to beat up for a bit." Alice noticed my arrival, then quickly went back to paying attention to where she driving the [Ark].

"Sorry, I erased their own souls. Removing them from being able to reincarnate." I said to wife, not caring to give these people the chance for a new life. Also, I remember in some novels, where these cultivators can enter the reincarnation cycle for another chance and able to regain back their former life's memories. Therefore, not taking any chances with the people of the multiverse.

"Well, shit. There goes my option of having some kind of revenge." Alice didn't show it on her face, but she is livid that the culprits are dead, as in forever dead, without having a chance to deal some payback for disturbing her meal time. "Anyway, you sense any [Karma Threads] nearby linked to you, for us to go? Because if you just leave it to me. I don't know when we'll find a universe to enter. I would happily return to the Monster Girl Quest universe and take over it, but there are so many problems with that universe, I can't even begin to list them out without taking me a long time to do so."

"Give me a second to check." I close my eyes, channeling the [Dao of karma] to locate the nearest [Karma Thread] and to my surprise. After the Monster Girl Quest; the next one is literally further away than I actually thought.

But, what caught my attention that some of the [Karam Threads] are being cut off. However, this didn't worry me since I can tell that it's not being cut off forcibly, but naturally. I can guess that either my counterparts are finishing whatever ties with these [Karma Threads] or some of the people or thing I have linked with have died, naturally or kill/destroyed by an external source.

After checking on the amount of [Karma Threads] I have lost. I found out, that I have millions of them still and only lost a few thousand, making me a bit dreaded that I have so many connections.

"Actually, Ragna." Alice's voice broke me out of my trance of searching for a nearby [Karma Thread].

"Hmm?" I let Alice know that I heard her and she got my attention.

"Mind picking a place that allows us to stay longer than just a few days? Because now I understand how Yuri felt at the time when she was with you alone, before Ingui Yoon and Daniela came in, that is." Alice explains to me that she doesn't want to visit a universe just for a couple of days, more than a few months even and a year if possible.

"Huh, well, if that's what you want. Then just pick a random universe then. I'll make sure if there any [Karma Threads] among the universes you pick out." I said to Alice, as I thought about what Alice wanted and decided to leave it to my LUCK stat once more.

A week later*

Year 23: Day 86: Dang It...

(Ark's City)

Going through multiple universes, for an entire week now. Yet, none of them would be chosen by either me or Alice. As 80% of them would contain some of [Karma Threads] linked to me. While those that don't; well, they are under the control of the three factions. Therefore, we skipped them and try to find another copy of the universes.

Something Alice and I learned that there is more than one main universe. We actually found 5 Harry Potter universes that are almost the same. But, scatter in a different section of the multiverse.

Some were close to magical related universes nearby and others are more in tune with science-related universes. Some are just bizarre in my opinion. Either way, we skipped those for the time being. Also, because there were nearby members of the three factions station there.

Nonetheless, both Alice and I could take them on, but we're still not ready yet. Something the three factions should have a guess on why we haven't continued our attack on them. Like I did with Yuri in the Tales of Demons and Gods and in the Hunter x Hunter. Even if it just a dimension size scale attack, with the latter was an accident.

Of course, if we see any small group of the [Hero Faction]. I would eliminate them with a single thought, using the [Sword Devil Magic: Heartforce Eradicator] and send them into the [Slaughter Realm]. Trap for all eternity until someone powerful enough can take them away from me or the [Slaughter Realm] destroyed. But, until then, none of these souls trapped in my [Slaughter Realm] will be free.

Even now, as we come across any random stray groups from either of the three factions. I would kill them, this includes the [Neutral Faction] and [Evil Faction]. The former is furious that I'm still in the [Neutral Faction] while the latter, just doesn't seem to care as the [Evil Faction] take on the law of the jungle. So if I have the power to do so, then that's fine, but if I'm weak. The people of the [Evil Faction] would have long chased me down as well. Not that some of them haven't during this week to test their luck on gaining some kind of fortune by killing me. But, ended up killed by me instead.

As we continue to travel the multiverse; I would also place down any [Restrictions] come to mind onto the [Ark]. Making it so whenever they are needed, they will be there to be used.

The numbers of [Restrictions] on the [Ark] have already surpassed trillions already. Making one have a major headache when the time they face all the [Restrictions] on the [Ark] is activated.

"Hey, Ragna. How about this universe?" Alice asks me, as I placed another million of [Restrictions] onto the [Ark]. While already preparing to face a small army from both the [Hero Faction] and the [Neutral Faction] coming straight for us.

"Hmm?" I look at the universe, that Alice picked and found that I don't have a single [Karma Thread] link to it. Of course, that doesn't mean I can't form one, but that for something to think about later. Right now, I am checking which universe this is and found it considered as a mid-ranked supernatural universe.

Going further into the universe and find out that, that there are some magical items and abilities. Along the line of using [Ki Energy] and fighters, martial artists mostly, and this universe has multiple dimensions in different time periods. Some are way ahead of another while some are way behind. Also, with many of the souls in those dimensions seemed to be the same and exist in different time periods as well.

And after multiple checks, I still haven't found a [Karma Thread] among all these dimensions belong to the universe.

"I guess if you want." I didn't really care if coming to this universe or not since my focus is to search for a universe to take over, but I didn't want a brand new universe or a mid-ranked universe that would take too long to grow into a powerful peak-ranked universe.

I frown when I felt a stronger presence among the small army coming towards us and had this small feeling of danger if I were to use [Sword Devil Magic] and the other four. Making this weird for me, but at the same bringing up my cautious on a higher level.

Therefore, I'm going to use something else and would require me using one of my hidden cards, which will be known by the three factions.

"Right then. Do you know what universe this is though?" Alice asks me, seeing how she can't figure out what type of universe this is and rather not go in blind.

"Honestly, I don't have an idea either. But, it's filled with mostly action and other things. So you don't have to worry about being too bored if you wanted to mess around with some small fry." I replied to my wife as I think about which [Skills] to deal with this small army and the being that caused me to feel a hint of danger.

"Well, I guess we'll have to find out then. Come on, send us down." Alice said to me, as she didn't hide the excitement coming off her body.

"Alright, but I got to do something real quick. I'll meet you on the way down." I smile at Alice, then send her down into the universe while sending the [Ark] into the [Gate of Babylon], then command the [Gate of Babylon] to send out what I needed to deal with the small army.

(Multiverse: Unknown)

An ancient aura appears in the surrounding, as I bring out a black longbow and white arrow. Both are something I created with [Wisdom of The Sage] and using the [Dao of Time] to give it the finishing touch.

[Sorrowful Longbow] - Rank: A+ - Durability: 1/1 - ATK: Depend on the arrow

Description: This [Longbow] is created within the mind of someone who only has one desire to use it once before breaking.

1st Effect: [Sorrowful] - Only able to fire off one arrow in its lifetime.

[Forlon Arrow] - Rank: A+ - Durability: 1/1 - ATK: N/A

Description: An [Arrow] that created to match the [Sorrowful Longbow] and is meant to be used once before breaking.

1st Effect: [Forlon] - Give the presence of being lonely upon its travel.

Of course, these two are similar to the line of being of those life-saving items or something powerful to be used once. Which is what it is in the first place. Also, something I made to give off a false appearance that I only have one such thing like these and very hard to gain.

Grabbing the [Sorrowful Longbow] with my left hand and the [Forlon Arrow] with my right hand. As I choose to use the [Hou Yi's Archery - Desolate Era's Version]. Aka the suicidal version instead of the build-up momentum version.

[Hou Yi's Archery - Desolate Era's Version] - Passive/Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100%/100% - Cost: Varies

Description: This [Skill] isn't purely on [Archery]; it also included a very complicated way of activating and transforming [Energy] into powerful attacks. However, the creator of this [Skill] has made most of the [Technique] on the borderline suicidal for extra power, making one described as a desperation attack in order to kill the target.

1st Effect: Gain access to [Hou Yi's Archery].

1st Effect's Requirement: Require a strong bow to use.

2nd Effect: Exchange HP for increase attack. 1% HP = (level)% increase attack damage per arrow.

2nd Effect's Cooldown: Will go into a cooldown phase of (level) seconds.

3rd Effect: Allow the user to infuse extra [Energy Source] into the bow and arrow to increase attack power.

Now, usually, I wouldn't want this [Sucidial Skill] when I have the other version, that powerful and doesn't end up killing me at all. While this will if I don't watch myself.

The reason why I picked this [Skill] and to use it on the small army. Is just another false appearance, that I 'fear' the small army or the being in it that cause me a hint of danger and require to use a powerful [Skill] that should only be meant to use when my life is truly in danger. Along with the fact that I require using my own life force (HP) to use such a powerful attack.

Placing the [Forlon Arrow] on the [Sorrowful Longbow] and pull the bowstring as I activate the [Hou Yi's Archery - Desolate Era's Version]'s 2nd Effect and pour 1% of my HP, causing the surrounding to shake at the might of both the [Sorrowful Longbow] and [Forlon Arrow] being used.

If I didn't have enough control over these two, then the presence alone would have destroyed multiple nearby universes instantly the very moment I pull the bowstring.

A second went by as 1% of my HP went inside the [Sorrowful Longbow], then into the [Forlon Arrow], causing the surrounding to shake, even more, making it so that some universes had to move away from me forcibly or risk being destroyed.

My right hand loosened and a buzz echoed across the entire multiverse. The bowstring suddenly retracted and sent a powerful force into the [Forlon Arrow].

This howling sound was loud enough to shatter countless dimensions within multiple universes nearby. The power of the [Sorrowful Longbow] caused multiple universes to tremble. The space before the [Forlon Arrow] collapsed and fragmented as the [Forlon Arrow] shot forward.

As it heads straight for the small army like a falling meteor, but the target is with a stronger presence compared to the others in the small army; however, the [Forlon Arrow] wasn't so simple for one to think. As it expands in size to a thousand miles before arriving at the small army.

Not a single person in the small army survived. All have been killed by the [Forlon Arrow]'s shockwave upon arrival. Also, affecting nearby universes as well, causing thousand of universes to be destroyed as well and causing further universes away to have cracks formed on them, with the furthest having a chance to repair the cracks while the closest will be beyond repairs and will be close to breaking with enough time go by or just enough damage to be destroyed completely.


Your bounty has been increased by a thousand fold.


The [Hero Faction] is fury at your action for killing one of their important heirs to a powerful Clan, along with millions of elite soldiers. Along with countless of universes' destructions.


The [Neutral Faction] is happy to see the Player using up a powerful weapon and is planning to hunt down the Player, but with more cautious upon seeing such destruction.


The [Evil Faction] is curious about how to create the [Sorrowful Longbow] and [Forlon Arrow]. Willing to make a few deals to gain the recipe on how to make them.

I put on a false grim look on my face as I watch the [Sorrowful Longbow] break down in my left hand, to show that I put a lot of resources and effort into creating these two. Along with a tired face, to show that using the [Sorrowful Longbow] and [Forlon Arrow] took a lot out of me.

Then, with a wave of my left hand, using a powerful illusion barrier on this universe and using [Rejection] to prevent others from remembering the location of this universe I'm entering, with Alice already in it. Also, making it so the people of the three factions can't detect us.

A mistake I should have learned ages of ago.


You have entered the universe Ranma 1/2 and enter one of the many dimensions!

(Unknown Town)

Looking around to locate Alice, but see her anywhere, causing me to frown a little. Then, use [Heartforce Scan] to find and found her not too far away and just a few blocks away.

Using pure speed alone to head to Alice's current location, where I found Alice is watching a fight between a black-haired pigtail boy against a waist-length blue/purple-haired girl. Well, more like the boy is dodging around before kicks the end of the girl's weapon, a chui (mace with a large spherical head made out of solid iron or bronze, as such, they are extremely heavy and cannot be used by most people), while the pigtail boy shouting, "No playing ball in the house!"

The end of the chui flies off and hits the girl on the head, knocking her out cold.

This is where I noticed there are more people around and finally found out that this happens inside a house. With Alice just watching not too far away while standing on top of the wall.

Looking back at Alice, ignoring the cries of outrage back inside the house and wanted to check on Alice, if anything happens to her while I wasn't with her for a few minutes.

Sighing in relief, that's Alice is completely fine and has no injury at all while I'm not with her, not that she can't take care of herself, but that doesn't stop me for worrying.

Alice let out a yawn before disappearing from where she at and appearing right next to me on the roof from across the street.

"So, finished with whatever you needed to do outside the universe?" Alice asks me as she seems a bit bored, but not too bored that she wanted to leave this universe for another.

"Yup. Now, what should we do with this guy trying to listening to us?" I ask Alice, pointing at a different boy from the other one, but was among the people in the house. Who has a yellow and black speckled bandana around his head.

A quick scan to find out his name is Ryoga Hibiki and found a little interesting thing. Like he has no sense of direction whatsoever, but still somehow manage to find the place he wanted to go. After who knows how long, and by then, it would be too late.

"Ignore him. We need to find a place to live. Plus, I got an idea about what we can do here this Town." Alice said to me, as she uses a bit of her [Dao of Music] to cause Ryoga to be a bit confused and suddenly lose his latest memories. In this case, Alice limited to a couple of minutes before we both left.

Just right when the boy before landed on the same roof, we were just a second ago.

The next day*

Year 23: Day 87: Leaving It To Luck Once More!

(Furinkan Town: Alice's Wonderland of Music Store)

"You know when you asked me to help you open a store. I did not expect you to open a Music Store. I expected a food-related store instead, with what you have done in the Monster Girl Quest. I was ready for you to turn this dimension into another Monster Girl Quest dimension, that worship Esdeath's food." I said to my wife after watching a customer exit the store upon buying a few CDs.

"Honestly, I was thinking about that, but after rethinking about it a couple of times before giving up on it. Unlike the Monster Girl Quest, this world isn't that backward in the food department and would require me having to use a few tasty foods Esdeath; however, those are something I'm not willing to give up. As they are very limited in numbers and with how long it takes for Esdeath to call us. I have to be very careful about which food I eat. If I'm not careful by then, I would be miserable for a long time since I ate all the one I liked the best instead of saving it for special events, to make it worth eating." Alice explains to her husband about why she chose something different, instead of taking over this world with Esdeath's food. Then, Alice glance at her husband, "What I didn't expect was for you to open a Dojo again. Are you aiming for all-female students again?" Alice smirk at the memory of her husband having literally 100% of female students in Ingui Yoon's home universe.

"No, because there are lots of martial artists in this world." I replied to my wife's question if I'm planning to recruit females only like last time. "Also, Ingui Yoon's home universe just filled with more female that way stronger than the males. No clue why, but I'm going to see if this world has any males, martial artists."

"Any other reason why you want to open a Dojo?" Alice asks me, not caring much about my reason but out of curiosity than anything else. As she waits for another customer to come in.

"Well, I tried to look upon what this Ranma 1/2 universe is about, but it looks like maybe we didn't pack anything related to it. So, we're kind of going blind in the timeline while the people I can just do a scan to find out who they are. This means we may end up facing something we wouldn't know about unless we have experienced it beforehand." I said to Alice, "Therefore, I want to see what kind of martial arts these people use compared to mine. Also, maybe find a good student or two. Not hoping an entire school worth of students though. Ingui Yoon's home universe was plain luck." I knew my LUCK stat played majorly in Ingui Yoon's home universe.

"No kidding, you got an army of female students, that could easily take over the entire world and this is just due to the martial art you taught them." Alice knew this was possible since she has seen her husband's students in action before in the past and was very wary if she could even take them all on at once while she maybe can take on one or two with her [Aura] and [Transformation Semblance], but without those two, then it mostly impossible for her to win. Something wound her pride as a former Monster Lord.

"What can I say. The [Renewal Taekwondo] isn't something to be underestimated." I replied with a shrug of my shoulders, "Alright. I'm going to go back to the Dojo. Remember after your store's closing time. Come over to the Dojo since it is also part of our home as well."

"Got it. Maybe there a new student in waiting, just outside the Dojo waiting to see if they can become your student." Alice grin at me, as she gives me a small wave before placing her favorite headphones to listen to music.

A few minutes later*

(Furinkan Town: Mercer Dojo/Household)

It's a good thing I 'found' two buildings not too far apart from each other on 'sale'. Just across the street is how far apart they are. Not to mention this area isn't too far away from the local school here too. Making it the best place for future students to join or at the very least, bring some lights to the public.

Of course, this is for Alice's store than my Dojo. As I am no hurry to find one of those martial artists to become my students. After all, who knows what type of person they are.

I'm just glad this universe seems to be ownerless for some reasons, but I think I may find out the reason why later, because I checked the history of how long this universe existed and it's not too new or old. A good universe worth taking over, but none of the members belong to the three factions took ownership over it.

I'll give myself a year or two, maybe less, to find out why or maybe it's because this universe's power level just mid-ranked compared to other universes or has some kind of fixed laws/rules/restrictions. Wouldn't be a surprise if this was the case.

As this is the same with Ingui Yoon's home universe, where that universe prevents anything near on the certain level of supernatural to appear for the native.

I look to my right, where I watch the same kid with the pigtail from yesterday, Ranma is his name if I remember, is carrying a girl while roof hopping while shouting out, "Shampoo! Where are you?! Shampoo!"

Shaking my head at this, wondering if people in this world or maybe just this Town find this normal or something.

As I head inside the Dojo/Home and wait for someone to come to check out my Dojo while deciding on what other things I could take as a hobby as I wait.