Chapter 59: Checking And Thinking

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 59: Checking And Thinking

Year 23: Day 87: Leaving It To Luck Once More! Part 2

A few hours later*

(Furinkan Town: Mercer Dojo/Household)

I blankly stare out the window, where I watch a display of a weird event. For one thing, asking someone to kill someone for a shampoo. This is a concept I did not believe would exist.

'What kind of fuck up world did I come into?' I thought to myself as I watch Ranma ran off to kill his female version, which is also his cursed form. Well, almost kill aka beat up if that's what I heard correctly.

Looking away from the window before I end up finding something weird again. As I focus on what I should do, other than waiting for Alice to come home or a potential student to join the Dojo.

'Should I go back to painting?' I thought to myself, before shaking my head at such a silly thought. After all, my [Volition Sword Dao] have long affected many things unrelated to the sword. By turning it something on the line of a sword.

Therefore, I need to think about something that won't be too much affected by my [Volition Sword Dao] or I have to use [Rejection] every time I need to do something else, just to prevent [Volition Sword Dao] from causing a problem for me.

'Not that I haven't done so in the past.' I remember how I tried to do some simple things like just writing out some idea on a piece of paper. But, end up creating some kind of weird [Sword Talisman] that could be just shown to some supernatural being or non-supernatural being, where they end up feeling they about to be cut and if come any closer to the paper written by me would actually get cut as if there was a real sword doing it.

I rub my chin and have this sudden thought of mine pop into my head. Wanting to test this out to see if it what I thought is true or not, so with a thought, I use [Gate of Babylon] to give me a blank paper and a pencil, then grabbing the pencil with my right hand.

It didn't even take a single second as I draw a picture of a hill filled with swords.

Placing the pencil on the table and wait.

I continue to stare at the picture of a hill filled with swords for another minute, but nothing changed. Not even a hint of [Sword Qi] coming from the picture. Which is something often happening whenever I draw anything.

So, either I have used [Rejection] so long, that I accidentally manage to somewhat improve my control over the [Volition Sword Dao] or I have unconsciously using [Rejection] right now to prevent the [Volition Sword Dao] from affecting things.

But, I think I'm leaning to the former as I did a quick check on how much [Mana] did I lose, which is none and that doesn't really help since I no longer be able to tell if I use how much [Mana] with [Rejection] if just for something so simple. But, just to be sure, I bring out another blank paper and draw another different picture. This one happens to be a rainforest.

Once again, not even a single second to draw this whole picture. Which isn't that unbelievable with my current stats.

I place the rainforest drawing next to my first drawing, then wait for anything to happen.


A few minutes later*

I stare at the two drawings for the past 10 minutes or so. But, nothing changed at all and I even checked if I was really using [Rejection] unconsciously and sure enough. I didn't use [Rejection] at all. Therefore, I must have gained enough control to do normal daily kinds of stuff again without having the [Volition Sword Dao] affecting it.

I smile at this before frowning, where I should be happy about this, but I realized just now, that the two drawings in front of me didn't seem... interesting.

'Wow, after all these years. Wanting to find a normal hobby to do and I got the chance of that now, but I just can't seem to find it that interesting to do now that I think about it.' I let out a sad sigh, that maybe having 'normal' hobby isn't something for me.

This is a little depressing in my opinion. As everyone in my family has some sort of hobby they like to do in their free/relaxing time. While I, on the other hand, don't have one at all.

If anything close to a hobby, that would be creating weapons of massive destruction. But, I only do that when I feel like doing it and more on the line of thinking about what type of weapons needed to be created later on, for the incoming big war too. So yeah, not much of a hobby, but as something needed to be done.

I let out a sad sigh once more before detecting someone entering the Dojo, then realize it's just Alice.

"Ragna! I'm home! Where are you?!" Alice called out to me, as I heard her footsteps around the Dojo, searching for me.

"I'm in our bedroom!" I shout to Alice, letting her know where I'm currently at. Then resume looking at the two drawings, hoping for some kind of hint to give me something to do as a hobby, an interesting one, that won't bore me to death. If that's possible.

Not a few seconds later; I hear Alice's footsteps coming closer and with the door open, revealing Alice, who has a smirk on her face as she enters the room after closing the door behind her.

"What you got there, Ragna?" Alice asks me, as she moves over to take the seat across from me. Where there are two seats and a single table, right next to a big window on the second floor of this building.

"Thinking about what kind of hobby I should take on. Also, found out I managed to finally gain enough control over my [Volition Sword Dao], to not have it affect things around me without the aid of the [Skill: Rejection]. As proof, these two drawings I made hasn't warp reality or contain a single hint of [Sword Qi] at all." I explain to my wife, who tenses up a little before relaxing near the end and give me a big smile.

"Nice, you have can do normal stuff without having to worry about if you're using up [Mana] too fast or not." Alice knew her husband's little problem due to the [Volition Sword Dao] being very powerful, but also come with a downside to it.

"Yup." I nod my head while continuing to stare at the two drawings with a blank stare, something Alice noticed.

"Something wrong?" Alice asks me, "Did you make a mistake in your drawings or something? I must say, the drawings are amazing in details. I would expect it was printed from the internet. So I can't tell if you made a mistake or not."

"No, it's not that. It just..." I let out another sad sigh, causing Alice to frown a little before getting up from her seat and walk to me, to wrap her arms around me from behind.

"Come on, tell me what's wrong my sweet honey." Alice said to her husband, as she rests her chin on top of her husband's head while using her special nickname for him as well, to show she here for him.

I smile at this, finding it a bit amusing how each of my wives has their own personal nickname for me. But, it seems like I can't give them one because from what they told me. I have a bad sense of naming, so it was better if I didn't come up with one unless I wanted to be mean to them or just make them cringe badly.

"You know how I have been trying to find any type of hobby to take on, but 99% of the time. My [Volition Sword Dao] got in the way?" I remind Alice about this.

"Yeah, everyone in the family about this, including the kids." Alice replied, not getting what her husband going on about, but try her best to listen.

"It's just, that after finally be able to do something normal. It just..." I let out another sigh again.

"Boring?" Alice can guess what her husband is feeling at the moment.

"Yeah." I turn my head slightly to Alice, letting her see my sad smile. "But, not all too bad. I just have to find something that will keep my interests for a long time, and with the [Volition Sword Dao] being less uncontrollable now. This means I have an easier time finding one from this point on."

"Enough of that. I have an itch you need to help me scratch." Alice whispers into my right ear softly. Before dragging me out of my seat and into the bed, where we spend the entire night without thinking about anything other than each other and have a sleepless night.

The next day*

Year 23: Day 88: Hiring

(Furinkan Town: Mercer Dojo/Household)

"Hello, my name's Kasumi Tendo. I'm here for the ads on hiring for a cleaner?" Kasumi asks me, who happen to be 19 years old and among the people, I saw 2 days ago upon entering this world, and the eldest Daughter of the Tendo Family. Along with having two younger sisters from the quick scan I got from her.

"That was quick, but alright. You do understand I've placed down the requirement and the salary of the job right?" I said to Kasumi as I pull a copy of the ads near me and raise it before Kasumi to see.

"Yes, I understand and willing to come here after 10 AM every day to clean the place." Kasumi replied with a cheerful look on her face as if she was excited to get this cleaning job.

I shrug my shoulders and put the ads back where it was before, "Alright then. Oh yeah, if you want extra money and have the time. I'm willing to pay more if you can clean my wife's Music Store as well. The one across the street." I point behind Kasumi, where Alice's store is, where it seems like there are more people today compared to yesterday.

"Oh! I didn't realize you were also married." Kasumi said with a bit of surprise, along with a hint of disappointment, but hid it easily from most people; however, I caught it and also because I can tell why she disappointed from the quick scan, that let me know she more interested in older male than younger men. As she finds them boring.

"Yup. My wife wanted to open a Music Store and there it is. So, if you wish for extra money. Then, you can go over there to clean after you're finished here. Just make sure to let my wife know I sent you." I said to Kasumi, "So, do you wish to start now or tomorrow?"

"Yes, I would like to begin right now if you don't mind. Also, do you have a cleaning supply somewhere?" Kasumi asks me, eager to start her job right away.

"Yeah, it is the closest over there." I point to my right, while mentally sighing in relief that I created all things related to cleaning beforehand. Since I have no idea the person that wanted to work for me would come in with their own cleaning supply or not. But, just to be on the safe side in case they don't, which it look like Kasumi didn't. I'm glad I created those cleaning products.

"Alright, I will get to it. Don't worry Mr. Mercer. I'll make this place spotless." Kasumi said to me, as she got up from her seat and head to the closet, to start cleaning.

I didn't bother to pay attention to Kasumi as I stare at Alice's Music Store, just in case trouble come her way. Not that I don't trust Alice on dealing with her own problem, which she can do with ease, but that doesn't mean I can't be worried for her. Therefore, I'm going to watch over her store until Kasumi has done cleaning, then I will distract myself by practicing all the katas of my [Martial Art Skills].

A few hours later*

"Done!" Kasumi said happily, as she finished cleaning the entire place, including upstairs and came back downstairs, to the ground floor, where she place back the cleaning supply she used. Talk about good quality! She never has seen such products and able to clean so many difficult stains like nothing compared to the cleaning products she used daily.

"Good job, Kasumi. Here your first payment." I casual grab my wallet, which I made last night and hand over the bills I owe her, the very same one I created as well, after getting a real bill beforehand and made a few modifications, to make the ones I have very hard to tell if it fake or not.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Mercer. By the way, if I may ask, where do you get your cleaning products? They're so amazing. I never have seen them before or their brands. Did you get them from overseas?" Kasumi accepted the money while asking for the origin of the cleaning products.

"Handmade." I simply replied, not daring to tell her that these are something made from the Tower of God, shockingly enough, as it was among the blueprints and many other random things I hijack before leaving that universe.

"Your wife made these?!" Kasumi looks at me with surprise and shock on her face, "She must be a great person to invent such high-quality cleaning product!" Now, in Kasumi's eyes, her client's wife has gained her respect and awe.

I speechlessly glance at Kasumi and wonder why she thinks Alice made them, then remember this world's technology and time period isn't that close to the modern-day or close to my home universe's time period before I left.

Also, I know for a fact that if the others heard about this. They will laugh their butt off like no tomorrow as Alice is someone who doesn't do cleaning and instead would end up making a mess if she tries. Something Raven explained to everyone at one point, just out of random topic to talk about.

So yeah, I think I may need to break what fantasy Kasumi has on Alice before it becomes a big misunderstanding later on.

"I made them." I said dryly, causing Kasumi to blink a few times before looking at me dumbfounded and wonder if I was joking around with her, but the look on my face made Kasumi understand what I said is the truth.

"Oh." Kasumi blushes in embarrassment, then look to her right, where there are a few windows, allowing to use this as an excuse to look outside to check the weather.

"If you wish, you can borrow some or buy them if you feel like it. Don't worry too much about the price. They not that expensive to make. So, I won't try to overprice them and rip you off." I said to Kasumi as I resumed my stretches before starting my training in my [Martial Art Skills].

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Mercer. But, I don't think it's polite to borrow something from you since we just met; however, I will make sure to save up to pay for them. I hope I won't cause any problem for you at that time. It's time for me to leave, my family is waiting for me to make lunch as it close to the time. I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Mercer and I will think about if I want to do the same to your wife's Music Store." Kasumi said to me, then bow at me before leaving the Dojo in a happy manner.

Leaving me alone in the Dojo, where I watch Kasumi's figure disappear from the hill, then I move my line of sight to Alice's store for a couple of seconds before deciding it's time for me to train.

I start slowly by going through the katas of each [Martial Art Skills] I possess, which there is more than before.

[Full Contact Karate] being the first one. [Moon Light Sword Style] second, where I just took out a [Empire Common Sword] to use for practice. Afterward, I switch to [Pumba], this one took the longest out of all my [Martial Art Skills] as it includes ALL usage in the concept of weapon, which would take longer than a few hours to do. Therefore, I just focus on using the sword like [Moon Light Sword Style] but used it in a different way.

Afterward, I put away the [Empire Common Sword], where it's almost night time. And all of this katas are basic ones or at least the one I can do for now. As some of the other [Martial Art Skills]' basic katas will require a long period of time and won't be enough time to do the others. Unless I use the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book].

"I'm home! Oh, did you just finish?" Alice asks me the very moment she walks through the front doors.

"Yeah, just doing the basic katas mostly." I replied. "Well, mostly the basic katas for the ones I can do with the amount of time I had."

"Well, it's time for dinner and I would say go take a shower because you stink with all the sweats from training, but honestly, when the last time you ever sweat?" Alice grin at her husband, then wrap her arms around his left arm and pull him along to upstairs.

"I honestly don't remember." I said truthfully and wonder if this just one of the benefits as a cultivator or maybe it's because of my broken Gamer's ability: [Gamer's Body], that make sweating a non-existing thing.

The next day*

Year 23: Day 89: Challenger? Not Even Close

(Furinkan Town: Mercer Dojo/Household)

"You want to say that again? Because I must have misheard you." I dig in my right ear before taking it out and blowing it, then turn my head, with my right ear pointing to the person, to hear better. As the person before me is Ranma, who came today after learning a bit from Kasumi about how I'm also a fellow martial artist and decided to test his [Martial Art Skills] against mine.

"As I said before, I want to see which one is best. My martial art against yours." Ranma said with pride, "Plus, you must be something if just you open this Dojo. So I want to see if you're that good or not."

"Uh huh, that's what I thought you said." I knew my sense of hearing wasn't wrong, but I just wanted to be sure, because I honestly don't know if this a common thing in this world, for a martial artist to come to a newly opened Dojo and challenge the master of it, where both will see who's martial arts is better than the other, then afterward... I have no idea. But, I guess I will find out soon.

"Alright, what's your name and the martial art you're using?" I ask Ranma, but I already know his name and what's his fighting style; however, he doesn't know that. Therefore, I got to ask him or some people would end up asking unwanted questions about how I know things that should be very private and only a selected group of people should know only.

"I'm Ranma Saotome and a practitioner in the ways of the [Saotome style of Anything Goes Martial Arts]." Ranma introduces himself and what his martial art is.

"I'm Ragna D. Mercer. As for the martial arts I use. I'm a master of many, but I'll just use one against you. So, you'll fight the master of the [Full Contact Karate]." I said to Ranma, as I got didn't take any stance at all.

Ranma narrows his eyes at me, then launch himself at me in high speed, throwing over hundreds of punches in a few seconds, making hundreds of afterimages of punches.

Using the right amount of strength to perform the [1st Stance: Fist of the Black Turtle], which is the first stance of the [Dance of Four Gods] set of [Technique]. A [Technique] that uses a powerful punch to interrupt the opponent's attack, where it can also create a shockwave that knockback surrounding enemies.

While I just use enough to stop Ranma from building up momentum and not allowing a single punch of his to land on me, while Ranma, himself is blown away with how much power behind my single straight punch.

With a single punch from me, I have caused Ranma to be heavily injured. As his shirt destroyed and his pants have multiple tears on them, where his body is covered in blood.

"Hmm. Maybe I should have held back even more." I thought out loud, causing Ranma, who is coughing blood to freeze up for a second before spitting out another mouthful of blood before losing consciousness.

I watch a small puddle of blood starting to form and let out a sigh, where I may need to adjust even more if using the [Full Contact Karate] is enough to literally put someone's life closer to death in a matter of seconds. As it hasn't even been an entire minute in this little match.

Walking up the injured Ranma, where I use [Rejection] and [Miracle of Life] to make it so Ranma is back in the same condition he was before he was injured by the [1st Stance: Fist of the Black Turtle]. As for his destroyed clothes. I left it as it is.

Of course, I made sure to wrap him up with newly created bandages via [Wisdom of The Sage]. Just on the safe side, then make him wear one of those hospital patient gowns. Afterward, I carry him over to the side and lay him near the window, where I have a spare bed to nap on whenever I feel like it during the day while waiting for potential students to arrive or when Kasumi cleaning the place.

After that is done. I left Ranma be and wait for him to wake up. At this point, I wonder if I should have to buy those old phones just in case, more of an appearance than anything. Since Alice and I can contact each other easily without those.

Shaking my head to stop thinking about useless things and decided to buy one for the Dojo/Household and for Alice's Music Store just for the sake of not dealing with people asking why neither Alice and I have one.

Once those thoughts left my mind. I resumed my basic training of the [Martial Art Skills] I haven't done yet while keeping an eye on Ranma until he wakes up.

A few hours later*

"So, want to tell me why there is a kid knocked out over there?" Alice asks me, as she enters the Dojo/Household after her business hours are done. "Is he one of your potential students, that you are looking for?" Alice made sure to not say certain words in case someone listening nearby.

"Well, he has the highest potential out of everyone I have seen so far." I said to Alice while telling her via [Archive], that Ranma here is a [Fated Soul], which is a big thing. Furthermore, I explained about how Ranma has been training since he was 2 years old. Something neither Alice or myself, even the other part of our family would start training our kids at such a young age.

"I see." Alice nods her head before walking over to Ranma on the side, then without any hesitation launch a punch towards Ranma's head, where Ranma's eyes snap open and quickly move out of the way by performing a back roll before switching to a backflip to create more distance away from Alice.

"What was that for?!" Ranma shouts at Alice, while not realizing he is moving without much trouble and would have caused others to question if he was really injured if it wasn't for all those bandages wrapped on his body.

"Oh, so I was expected to allow you to continue listening to our conversation?" Alice asks Ranma with eyes of disdain and loath, as this time is when dinner takes place, but is being delayed. Something Alice can barely tolerate.

"That doesn't give you the right to hit me out of nowhere!" Ranma continues to shout and wonder if pretending to be asleep was his best idea to do. But, can anyone blame him when he just wakes up in an unfamiliar place and his only experiences for this was the time him being kidnap in the past due to his Father's past deeds.

"Right?" Alice asks softly before giggle a little, causing a bad feeling to raise within Ranma. "I'm sure you have no idea how wrong you are."

Before Ranma realizes what happened. He found himself on the ground while looking at the ceiling of the building and having his left shoulder dislocated and having a bad headache. Ranma ignores the pain as he had to squint due to the bright light shining over his eyes. But, then someone leans over, blocking the light and allow Ranma to see who is blocking the light and found it the person that attacked him.

Alice smirks down at Ranma, where she easily throws him to the ground, but made sure to control her raw strength and not damage the wooden floor. Oh yeah, and not to end up killing the kid as well.

"Alright, Alice. Enough messing around with the kid. How about you set up dinner while I talk with the kid for a couple of minutes before I join you?" I stop Alice from following up with another attack and rather not have to deal with having to search for where he lives and drop him off, with a small chance of the people inside come out and see the injured Ranma.

Alice rolls her eyes at me, "Fine. But, don't take too long. You know how I hate having to wait to eat." With that said, Alice completely ignores Ranma on the ground and head upstairs to set up dinner. As tonight is will include pork chops, one her top thousand favorites to eat.

"So, still want to fight me? Because if so, mind doing it tomorrow or a month later, since I just finished treating you a few hours ago and rather not have to wait for you to wake up a few hours from now again." I look at Ranma with a blank gaze, that just causes Ranma to feel uncomfortable. As he slowly gets back on his feet while holding his left shoulder.

"Of course, I want to fight!" Ranma looks at me as if I asked such a stupid question just now. "Whatever you did before, I won't fall for it again!" Ranma took on a fighting stance, that's more on the line of rushing at me, but I can tell he was doing the opposite of that. But, due to his left shoulder dislocated, I can tell Ranma's fighting strength became a bit weakened.

However, I can tell by a glance that Ranma must have experienced having something on the line of having his body dislocated or badly injure and can still fight.

"Uh huh, yeah. Go home. It's already late and I need to have dinner with my wife. You're lucky my wife went very easy on you and martial art isn't even her strong point either. So, come back at another time." I said to Ranma as I appear next to him so fast, that by the time he could react. I have already replaced his left shoulder back into its right place.

Ranma swings his left arm unconsciously, not even feeling the pain of having his left shoulder pop back in.

I just took a step back before poking Ranma's forehead as I channel just a channel a bit of [Mana] to use [Ninjutsu] and place Ranma under an illusion, where the light in his eyes disappear.

Not even bother to say anything as Ranma starts walking out of the building and heading home, with his instinct guiding him while being semi-unconscious.

Afterward, I close the front gate, then the front doors and head up to join Alice for dinner. While thinking if Ranma worth being taken under as my first student of this world.

A few minutes later*

"So, planning to accept that kid as your student?" Alice asks me as she finished chewing a pork chop. "And if so, which [Martial Art Skills] you planning to teach him?"

"Honestly, there is a 90% chance of me accepting him, but the 9% rely on the kid while the 1% is due to an external source of influence." I said to Alice as I help myself with pork chops and mash potato. "As for which [Martial Art Skills]; well, I'm thinking about teaching him [Whoahyorakgeyok]. Since I checked on the kid's current martial art and the [Whoahyorakgeyok] would suit him without causing too much problem changing his fighting style."

[Whoahyorakgeyok] - Passive/Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100%

Description: Also known as [Hua]. A type of martial arts that [Mount Hwagwa Monkey] can use. It's unpredictable, aggressive, acrobatic, fast, and strong. There are unusual feral looking attacks. The footwork has the same traits. Using flips, spins, and jumps in its fighting style.

1st Effect: Gain access to [Whoahyorakgeyok's Skills and Techniques].

2nd Effect: Gain full mastery over the [Whoahyorakgeyok's Skills and Techniques].

3rd Effect: Able to use all [Skills and Techniques] in any environment.

4th Effect: Create your own move.

Alice raised an eyebrow before point her fork at me, "If I remember correctly, the [Whoahyorakgeyok] is something meant for [Mount Hwagwa Monkey] to use only, due to their unique physical body. And the only reason you have any knowledge and able to use the [Whoahyorakgeyok] is your 2nd profession. So how are you going to train the kid, who is a human and not a [Mount Hwagwa Monkey]?"

"Mostly just make the kid go through the training methods of the [Whoahyorakgeyok] and adjust a few things, so a human could use it. But, I may have to really customize it so the kid and maybe other humans can use it. Something almost impossible to do if it was someone else but me." I answered Alice's question, then start eating the mashed potato first.

"Heh, this kid is sure lucky if you're willing to make some modification to a [Martial Art Skill] not meant for human." Alice knew that this Ranma must be very someone special among the [Fated Soul]. "Think he the main character, as in this universe is named after him?"

"Should be, unless there another Ranma somewhere in this world, that either has a last name 1/2 or something on the line related to 1/2." I replied, not completely too sure if this Ranma is similar to Harry Potter. A powerful [Fated Soul] that is the main focus and someone with thick plot armor or something related to a plot armor for the main character to be a bit more different compared to the others.

"Hmm. I guess we'll have to see." Alice said to me, as she starts attacking the other foods on the table.

For the rest of the night, both Alice and I talk about other things. Mostly related to our 'jobs', with Alice checking what the latest music in this world while I just wait for potential students to come to me.