Chapter 60: I'm Not Used To This!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 60: I'm Not Used To This!

The next day*

Year 23: Day 90: Frustration

(Furinkan Town: Mercer Dojo/Household)

"Hmm. Maybe I should make a list of what day I should train in while picking out which days to be my relax day or just hang out with Alice in her Music Store." I thought out loud, completely ignoring Kasumi cleaning the place and ignoring Ranma, who is badly hiding from me by sticking to the ceiling via at the corner, to allow him to get a good grip. Watching me, to see if he could learn anything from me. As in any [Martial Art Skills], he could steal from me and add into his own fighting style.

Yup, from that one scan alone. I learn Ranma's history along with the fact that Ranma is someone who is willing to steal if needed to win due to it being a core part of his fighting style, and I find myself wondering if he was trained right, along with beating the arrogance out of him, then Ranma may be a monster in this world just from his [Martial Art Skills] alone.

But, I honestly don't feel like helping the kid work on his [Social Skills] just because I don't like his attitude. Not to mention, just potential alone won't be enough for me to take him as my students once I remember how back in my home universe. All those geniuses would have high chances of being killed off just by their talent alone or because of their big ego, where others are green with envy and willing to prevent a big future powerful enemy to appear. And those that just wanted to kill those that act like they're above others.

Furthermore, I know for a fact, that those that managed to survive would cause mayhem everywhere most of the time.

As the saying goes, the strong and powerful beings will attract many things, including danger itself.

I pause for a moment, as I realize that maybe this is why I keep ending up having the three factions hunting me down almost everywhere, just because my own LUCK stat must have drawn them to me.

Either to give me something, aka the memories to steal, or on the line of allowing me to reduce the enemies' numbers for a while until I gather my own forces.

Thinking about this for a few minutes before resuming back to making a list of what [Martial Art Skills] to work on which days.

"Ranma! Do you mind dusting while you're up there?!" Kasumi shout to Ranma, who panic a little that she revealing his hiding spot before sighed in relief when the person Ranma is spying on didn't look in his direction, then quickly help Kasumi clean the corner of the ceiling he is using before going to the other corners to do the same before returning back to his original corner and resume his watch.

A few minutes later*

I gave up on the idea of which [Martial Art Skills] to choose to work on certain days. Since by the time I return back to the [Full Contact Karate], I won't be surprised it would be a year or so on by then. As there is just too many [Martial Art Skills] that requires a long period of time just for practicing some of the moves while some don't require much time. An hour or two would be enough, something I'm planning to work on those early on first.

Luckily, I didn't include any [Martial Art Skills] that require using weapons in them. Since I have the [Martial Art Skill: Pumba] for all weapons usage. So have any other [Martial Art Skills] using weapons kind of useless. Besides the [Moon Light Sword Style], which I can't resist getting when I had the chance. Also, if it's just the [Weapon Techniques], then I can just recreate them with [Pumba] with ease.

"Come on already, do something." I heard Ranma's mumbling in frustration, something he started doing just a minute ago. Which I ignore since he did technically help Kasumi's cleaning, but I'm still not paying him since I never asked him to do so.

"Ranma! Come on, it's time for us to leave!" Kasumi shouts to Ranma, who scowls at me like I couldn't see it.

I did a quick glance to the calendar on the wall next to me, where I see it is Tuesday. Very curious on my part as to why Ranma not in school at the moment since I know it isn't time for school to release all their students. Then put this thought behind my head and focus onto what I should do for a hobby again. Seeing how my planning to make a list of what day to practice didn't go too well at all.

As I watch both Kasumi and Ranma left, after paying Kasumi for her cleaning service. I can tell that Ranma will try to spy on me again, but I don't think he smart enough to learn how to hide correctly unless it's part of a [Martial Art Skills]; however, right now, Ranma's [Stealth Skills] is just plain awful.

But, then again, he must have used this method to hide against normal people of this world, that barely have any [Detecting/Awareness Skills] to know if someone watching them from the shadow or not.

I glare to my right, where I notice a panda trying to sneak its way into my home. Not thinking about it for a moment, as I use [Fundamental Force Manipulation: Gravity Manipulation] and sends the panda, which is just a cursed form of Ranma's Father, crashing into the ground, making a panda-shaped print onto the ground.

Afterward, I manipulate the gravity to send the cursed panda man away from here. Like close to the nearby school.

Once that's out of the way, I resumed on thinking about what kind of hobby to take on or just train in one of my many [Martial Art Skills].

I blankly stare outside my front gate, then look at the bed near me.

"Nap time it is." I mumble to myself, seeing how both are just causing me to be more frustrated by the seconds from thinking about it too much. Therefore, nap time it is. May as well relax while I still can before crazy things happen.

The next day*

Year 23: Day 91: Ranma's Small Problem

(Furinkan Town: Mercer Dojo/Household)

"Seriously. Kid, you need to leave. Don't you have school or something?" I ask Ranma, who once again, skipped school. Something I find weird that no one is stopping the kid from ditching school like nothing.

"Not until you give me another rematch." Ranma demanded as he glares at me, where I'm currently lying on my bed as I was about to take a nap.

But, with Ranma glaring at me and I got this feeling he is willing to attack me when I'm asleep, making it a bit difficult for me to take my morning nap.

"Oh, that's right! Ranma, you need to go to school, you don't want your Father, to be mad at you, do you?" Kasumi just realizes that Ranma does have school and was too eager to have a helping hand, to remember. "It's very important to get your education."

"Yeah, don't be like those muscle-head people, who only know how to fight with their fist and not with their mouth or something." I said to Ranma, where I'm technically like those muscle-head people in some situations, but at the same time not in most cases.

"What you mean by that?" Ranma asks with confusion on his face, "Can people train their head like the rest of their body?"

Both Kasumi and I stare at Ranma for a couple of seconds, causing Ranma to be uncomfortable for a bit.

"What?! I'm being serious!" Ranma shouts at us.

"Oh, dear. I did not expect this." Kasumi seems a bit shocked, "Nope, I can't let you become like my Father." Unknowingly reveal what she secretly thinks about her Father, to both Ranma and me.

I raise an eyebrow at this, as I watch Kasumi drag a confused and frustrated Ranma out of the building.

I think about it for a second, then start locking the front door and gate, then head over to Alice's Music Store hang out with her for the rest of the day. Seeing how no one in this Town wanted to join my Dojo. Well, I would count Ranma, but I rather not let him steal my [Martial Art Skills] when I can teach him if he becomes my student that is; however, I don't think he will become my student with how things going so far. After meeting him.

On another note, it literally impossible for Ranma to copy/steal my [Martial Art Skills] by just using the [Skill: Rejection]. So, I have no problem, Ranma watching me train.

The next day*

Year 23: Day 92: Magical Hands

(Furinkan Town: Mercer Dojo/Household)

"Do I need to kick you out of here and call someone from the school to get you?" I ask Ranma, as I look at him with a bored gaze while giving Alice a back massage, as Alice decided to close the Music Store today.

"Hmm, right there..." Alice mumble as she moans in pleasure a little quietly, "I think I like this new hobby of yours, Ragna."

"We'll see if this will stick or not." I said to my wife, as I continue to softly send [Mana] into Alice's back with the help of [Miracle of Life], to make her feel with absolutely no pain at all. While at the same time, relieving Alice of build up stress as well.

Currently, I'm trying out using my [Skills] into a normal hobby to see if it catches my interests.

"Come now, don't bother Mr. Mercer while he giving his wife a back massage." Kasumi looks at Ranma with disapproval while continuing to force Ranma to learn how to clean along with her while giving a few bits of advice about what needed to know about. For example, it's very rude to demand things from others.

"Come on, Kasumi, you know how this is important for me. Martial arts is all I know and grow upon. And honor, don't forget honor. I was raised to be an honorable man." Ranma nods his head, not noticed the look on Alice and my face when he said that.

"Hey! Don't ignore me, fight me already!" Ranma shouts at me, causing Kasumi to let out a disappointed sigh and resume doing her cleaning job, she is being paid for. While thinking of a way to control Ranma, who is a trained martial artist while she just someone who do house chores instead, not even her own Father taught her above the basics of the family's martial arts.

"Kid, if you really want to fight me. Then get stronger, with a single punch from me and you were already on the doorstep of death itself if it wasn't for me to treat your wounds." I said to Ranma, who grits his teeth, knowing what I said is the truth.

"Wait, what?!" Kasumi looks at Ranma, with absolute horror, "Is that why you were covered in bandages when you came home a few days ago?!"

"Uh." Ranma took a step back, forgetting that it wasn't that long when he was badly injured, that on the very top of how bad he was injured during his entire life. Also, a reminder of the urge to find out how in the world he appeared at the Tendo's Dojo/Household that day as well.

"By the way, how come the kid isn't in school? Is the school on a weeklong break or something?" Alice asks Kasumi and Ranma, mostly towards Kasumi than Ranma, while trying not to moan too loudly as she enjoys the back massage her husband giving her. This is a hobby she truly wishes her husband keep and is willing to inform the other wives about how magical it is.

"There's no point of me going to school, if what they taught there is useless to me." Ranma declared, without a single hint of wanting to go back to school at all.

"Kasumi, you may want to smack some senses into the kid's head before he ends up having only one path in life instead of multiple and if he fails it. His entire life will be ruined." I said to Kasumi as a small advise for her and Ranma to take. I can easily predict the bad ending for Ranma.

Seeing how Ranma's personality and history are similar to many other people I know in my home universe, along with most being in the cultivator universes. Bad ending equal someone worthless and at the mercy of everyone, with a high chance of experience all horror things before being killed off. Even that may only be a short moment, as some cultivator gained some insight into the [Dao of Soul] or have a [Soul Manipulation Skill] and would trap the very souls they killed, to be tortured forever.

"I don't need any other paths! Martial art is the only path I shall take on!" Ranma shouts at me, glaring at me for daring to stray him off his life main goal of becoming the best.

"And it looks like you need to get your hearing checked, because I said you need other options to have just in case, not quit martial arts." I said dryly, as I start channeling a bit more [Mana] into my hands, causing Alice to let out a loud moan.

Making Kasumi blush at how loud Alice's moan is while Ranma didn't seem to be bothered, which seem normal to me. Seeing how Ranma's Father is the cause of putting Ranma's head of nothing but martial arts. Even the concept of lust is literally unknown to Ranma and he never even got the 'talk' about sex and all that.

"Um. I'm finished cleaning Mr. Mercer. Come now, Ranma. We need to leave." Kasumi said to Ranma, not even give the latter a chance to reply and was a little surprised to find himself dragged by Kasumi like nothing and exit the building quickly.

"Kasumi! Kasumi! Wait! Stop! My shoulder about to pop out! Kasumi!" I heard Ranma's cries of pleads being ignored until his voice disappear quickly after a couple of seconds.

"She forgot to grab her payment. Well, I guess I will pay double tomorrow for her cleaning service." I said mostly to myself. "Be honest with me, Alice. Did you moan out loud just to get Kasumi to take Ranma away or is my massage is that good?" I ask Alice, who starting to pant a little.

"A little bit of b-both!" Alice replied, "But, mostly you are tha-at good!"

I snort at this, "I'm guessing you're planning to get the other wives to be curious about this, then making it a permanent thing?"

"Of course!" Alice moan one last time as she felt her husband's hands left her back, much to her disappointment. "Unless this is something you don't like, then it's fine. But, I do hope you give the others a try before you stop doing it."

"I will do it sometime, but not too often." I said to Alice, as she tries to calm down her heart. "Besides, I'm sure you and the others will want sex more than a massage."

"Can't argue with that, but that doesn't mean the others and I won't try to find a way to get you to give us a massage, or a full body massage often. Pretty sure all of us would love that, including you." Alice grin at me, "Now, it's time for lunch."

"Don't you want to take a shower first, since you're covered in sweat." I said to Alice, who scoff at me.

"I don't mean that lunch, I meant you as my lunch." Alice smirk before pulling me into a kiss deeply, including tongue that lasts for an entire minute before Alice got up from the bed and walk upstairs while swaying her hips. "Make sure to lock the front before joining me in the bathroom, Ragna."

I blankly stare at Alice's figure going upstairs before quickly locking things up the front gate, door, along with the ground floor's windows and head upstairs to join my wife in the bathroom.

The next day*

Year 23: Day 93: Temporary Solution

(Furinkan Town: Mercer Dojo/Household)

"So, are you guys are going to repair the wall, which both of you two broke?" I ask the two kids stacked on top of one another underneath my right foot. There Ranma, but also Ryoga, who tags along for a fight with the former and end up breaking a wall in my home.

As a result, I just use [Rejection: Rejected Death] to prevent them from dying while I give them a beating they'll never forget in their entire life.

Now, these two have broken limbs and missing a few teeth. Nothing too hard for me to fix.

"Yeah, we promise, right Ryoga?" Ranma replied instantly with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Yup, we'll fix the wall in no time after we get treated." Ryoga said weakly, to the person he gained a large amount of fear, that literally just crippling him and may no longer be able to do martial arts ever again, much to his sadness.

"Good. As for treatment. Well, I'll have to knock the two of you out for me to treat you." I said to both Ranma and Ryoga, and before they could reject this, I knock them out cold and quickly treat all their wounds, including fixing their broken limbs with ease.

Afterward, wrap them in medical bandages, all done in a few seconds before I force them to wake up.

"Alright, get to work on fixing the wall. You're no longer that injured." I said to both Ranma and Ryoga, where both are completely shocked that they been treated already and not feeling hurt anywhere on their bodies.

However, this didn't make them any less afraid of the person that injure them. No, this made it even worse, because if the person on their minds is able to heal them back to health in no time, then that mean the person they fear can hurt them even more without any problem of outright killing them.

Therefore, both Ranma and Ryoga quickly get to work and fix the wall as soon as possible, so they can escape from this place and try their best to never come back if it the last thing they do.

I walk over to my bed and relax while keeping an eye on these two. As I'm happy for my LUCK stat comes into play as today, Kasumi decided to take this chance to go over to Alice's Music Store to clean the place.

Therefore, not giving Kasumi a chance to see how brutal I can be, but honestly, this is literally just me playing around and not taking them seriously at all. Even if this just me being overconfident, doesn't mean I lower the attention of my surroundings.

Nonetheless, this world or at least this Town, no one is able to force me to become serious in a fight at all.

Rubbing my chin as I thought about how I gave Alice a back massage yesterday and my reward of doing so afterward.

'Maybe I should open a side business of being a massage therapist? Seeing how no one, other Ranma and now maybe Ryoga as well, wants to become my students at all. Therefore, this whole Dojo is almost falling apart. I say almost, but it hasn't even been a month yet and I rather not give up too soon. Also, my LUCK stat will surely bring me a student, I will like to teach.' I thought to myself, ignoring both Ranma and Ryoga bickering about something I didn't want to know about.

I glare at them, causing them to cry out in fear and quickly pick up the pace on fixing the wall.

'I'll just talk about this with Alice later. Then again, she may decide at first it's a great idea, but later on, it becomes a bad idea due to me not giving her personal time often enough and will try to make me close this whole side business down.' I thought dryly, knowing how my wife reacted from the massage yesterday.

3 hours later*

After Ranma and Ryoga fixed the wall. Those two run out of the building like mad as if they just escape death itself barely. Not too far from the truth.

Afterward, Kasumi came back to inform me she done cleaning at Alice's Music Store just a few minutes after Ranma and Ryoga left.

Kasumi even mentions how Alice has already paid her. So no need for me to pay her and left to go home.

'Ugh, I'm so bored.' I thought to myself, wondering why my LUCK stat haven't sent any good students for me to teach. Of course, I can guess my LUCK stat influenced both Ranma and Ryoga to come here, as an option for me to take them as my students. But, that's just asking for headaches. Even both of them have the highest potential I have seen so far.

Looking up at the ceiling, thinking about what else I should do. Other than just lazy enough, something I'm not used to.

Alice won't be home for hours, making the whole idea of just giving her a back massage, then sex and maybe breakfast or lunch tomorrow, depending on how long we go at it. Not an option for me to take.

This made me sweatdrop, that other than sex, training, and fighting. I don't have anything to do.

"Of course!" I shout as I was struck with a great idea, "I shall read all the manga I purchased from Ingui Yoon's home universe." As I remember my original hobby before gaining the Gamer's ability, and just like that, I gained a temporary hobby to keep myself busy while waiting for my wife to come home from work.

5 days later*

Year 23: Day 98: Doing A Small Favor

(Furinkan Town: Mercer Dojo/Household)

With today being Wednesday, and being a school day, I expected Ranma and/or Ryoga to show up any moment with Kasumi. But, after a few days ago when I put the fear into them. They haven't shown up once afterward. Even yesterday, Ranma didn't show up, making me raise an eyebrow and learned from Kasumi, that Ranma finally got caught by his Father and forcing him to attend school by making sure he reaches school and don't leave it until school hours are over.

"Hmm, I really need to read these more. Some of these I think I'll recreate." I mumble my thoughts out loud, as I'm currently reading one of the manga I purchased years ago. Before something disturb my reading time as someone knocked on the front gate.

"Excuse me! Is anyone home?!" I heard someone outside, letting out an annoyed sigh. I got up and head out to see who it was and found it a male student, who has dark circles under his eyes and is skinny, like he hasn't eaten in days or slept for that manner.

"What you here for? Unless you here to join my Dojo." I look at him from top to bottom, "Then, I give you my respect for wanting to change."

"Uh, no Sir. I'm just here to ask if you know Ranma Saotome? Oh, I'm Gosunkugi Hikaru. Nice to meet you, Sir." Gosunkugi gives me a small bow before looking at me nervously.

"Yeah, I know the kid. I guess your his classmate or something?" I give Gosunkugi a bored gaze.

"Ah, yes, I'm his classmate, but I wish to ask if you know Ranma's weakness?" Gosunkugi asks me, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"And why should I tell you this?" I ask back, which just caused this kid to become a bit more excited for some reasons.

"You know his weakness?!" Gosunkugi asks with excitement and joy, "Can you tell me, please?!"

"I'll repeat myself. Why should I tell you this?" I look at Gosunkugi, who seems to be a bit out of it. As in he like mean, who may zone out and be in my own little world. "Never mind, don't bother asking me. Now leave." I use [Ninjutsu] on the kid to leave and after that, I head back inside to resume my reading time.

2 weeks later*

Year 23: Day 112: The Meeting

(Furinkan Town: Mercer Dojo/Household)

"HAHAHA! Are you for real?!" I look at Kasumi if she was being serious after explaining to me how Ranma act like a cat whenever his fear of cats reach its peak. I knew this already, but need to act like I didn't know about it at all.

"Yes, Mr. Mercer. I'm serious. Poor Ranma, to have such a tragedy trauma." Kasumi replied, "Anyway, I have to leave now. I'll come back tomorrow again." Kasumi gives me a small bow before exiting the building.

"Alright, have a safe trip Kasumi." I said to Kasumi as she politely waves me a farewell from outside the front gate and walks away.

"Welp, back to reading. I wonder what happens next?" I thought out loud, thinking about the current manga series I'm reading.

3 hours later*

"GET BACK HERE!" I heard the familiar voice of Ranma, shouting at someone.

"Now, what." I mumble to myself, leaving the manga book on the bed as I exit the front door and see Ranma chasing after a small granny, who I found out is quite old to the people of this world. As she 300+ years old.

I honestly don't know if I should interfere or not. On one hand, I would like to see the reaction on this small granny's face of meeting me and Alice. While on the other hand, I don't really feel like bringing any trouble into my life. But, I realize not a second later, that with Ranma here. Trouble will just be drawn to him like no tomorrow. Not to mention, my life is full of problems, why not just add another. Not that it makes much of a difference.