Chapter 61: The Search Go On

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 61: The Search Go On

Year 23: Day 112: The Meeting part 2

(Furinkan Town)

Rubbing the back of my head as I watch Ranma chasing after a small granny, who is good at moving very quick for her old age and body.

I shouldn't be talking, since I'm over 10,000 years old, but my body hasn't aged at all and continue to grow to pass my limit each time I increase my stats.

Letting out a tired sigh, as I disappear from my current position and appear next to Ranma and the small granny, which on top of a shrine entrance. At the very moment, I appeared, where I get to see the small granny poke part of Ranma's body with her long walking stick, which is twice or thrice taller than her.

"In two or three days... You'll be begging me for the chance to be Shampoo's groom!" The small granny shout at Ranma.

"Is that it, grandma? A few little pokes?" Ranma smirks at the small granny, "Because if so, then I don't even need to beg you for anything."

"I think you'll, kid. Because you're under the effect of the [Full Body Cat's Tongue], that make even lukewarm water feel scorching." I said to Ranma, and also removing the effect of [Ninjutsu] to hide my presence and appearance, causing both Ranma and the small granny, which I did a quick scan to learn her name is Cologne. To almost fall off, but manage to stable themselves. With Ranma shivering like crazy while looking at me with eyes full of fear.

"Oh? You know about the [Full Body Cat's Tongue]?" Cologne asks with a hint of surprise, "Interesting, to have someone in this random place to know about it. Something only the Chinese Amazons should know."

I can easily see that Cologne has her guard up around me, where she was more relaxed with Ranma. Now, with me here. Things just made it more complex and me knowing about the [Full Body Cat's Tongue], which shouldn't be known by many other than the Chinese Amazons.

I snort at Cologne's comment, "Honestly, this isn't something only known by the Chinese Amazons. Some of your personal [Techniques] came from those husbands you dragged into your Village to be married. I wouldn't be surprised those husbands decided to just teach all their [Techniques] to their offsprings instead of keeping it to themselves by the time they die."

Cologne slowly nods her head, "That's very true. I'm called Cologne, one of the elders of Chinese Amazons."

"I'm Ragna D. Mercer, the Master of many styles." I introduce myself, and gave myself a title as well, even if not a real one since my broken Gamer's ability give me such a title. "I don't know why an elder from the Chinese Amazons came here and I won't ask since I can roughly guess why." I glance at the still scared Ranma, as he tries his best to not make any sudden movement. "Anyway, I won't interfere. So you don't have to worry, and no before you ask." I point at Ranma." He is not my student and I just came here due to the noise."

Cologne let out a sigh of relief, knowing that if this man before her is the teacher of her future son-in-law, then she knew right away. Being an elder of the Chinese Amazons wouldn't matter to this powerful man. She can easily sense how strong he is without feeling that familiar powerful presence many martial artists and other beings she met in the past.

If Cologne were to place this man in any category, then it would be the warrior of the shadow due to the lack of presence and not being able to detect him until he reveals himself. Something all those shadow warriors gained from training over the years. Also, the very people she very wary of and rather not get on their bad side if possible. Especially, the ones with the ability to disappear in plain sight with ease.

"Anyway, seeing how I found out what the noise all about. I'm going to leave." I was about to leave before looking directly into Cologne's eyes, "I'll have to warn you this. Break anything that belongs to me or my wife, then you'll either pay from your own pockets or I'll take something important as an equal exchange of all the things you and someone on your side break." With that said, I disappear with the use of [Ninjutsu] to disappear before Ranma and Cologne's eyes, where I head back home.

(Furinkan Town: Mercer Dojo/Household)

Picking up the manga book off my bed and lay back down, to resume where I left off. But, that didn't last that long when Alice enters, with a bag full of donuts.

"Hey, Ragna. I just saw you coming back. Where did you go?" Alice asks me, as she takes out one of the donuts inside the bag to eat.

"Well, if you haven't heard a few minutes ago. Ranma was shouting at the top of his lungs and it was disturbing my reading time. So, I checked on what with the screaming all about, where I found him chasing after a small granny, who over 300 years old, by the way, and her name is Cologne. An elder of the Chinese Amazons." I started explaining to Alice about these Chinese Amazons after I scanned Cologne, where I gained the info on these Chinese Amazons.

Alice sits on the same bed as her husband, listening to him while continuing to eat her donuts and she would gladly offer to share, but knows her husband doesn't like eating donuts that much. So she didn't bother.

"So, do we have to worry about these Chinese Amazons coming after us?" Alice asks me, as she put away the bag of leftover donuts into her [Inventory] for her to snack on later on since she doesn't feel like eating them anymore.

"Oh. Knowing my LUCK stat, it should bring some if not, the strongest potential Chinese Amazons before me to see if she worth taking as a student or not." I answered, then bend the corner of the page I'm on, to keep track of where I left off before tossing the manga book into the [Gate of Babylon].

"Do you think these Chinese Amazons would even agree to be your students?" Alice asks me, sure she all up for it, since there Ingui Yoon and Daniela. Along with a small army of female students back in Ingui Yoon's home universe.

"Honestly, we'll have to see. Depend on what their personality is and if they're hardworking and have a decent attitude. I'm willing to ignore the part where they have close to zero potential in combat-related things." I said to my wife, as she lay next to me and get in a comfortable position before laying her head next to me, with me hugging her with my right arm.

"And what if you find no one in this universe to become your student?" Alice asks me, "I mean, yeah, there should be a few or more that can become your students, but as you said, personality. If you don't like their personality, then you won't take them as students. Even if we stay here until Esdeath and the other calls. Just staying here would be a waste of our time without anything to gain from here."

I thought about what Alice just said, and yes, this could be a waste of our time staying here if we don't get a student here. Sure, there are lots of potential students, but if their personality is just bad and if they not hardworking, then it's pointless to get them to become my student. Furthermore, the problem of getting to become my students could become a major problem as well. If I didn't have [Skills] to solve that problem for me, even though this is technically forcing to agree to become my students against their will, method, but this is just a last resort if I really want them to be my students.

"Well, I'll give us half a year in this Town before we start traveling. If by the end of the year I don't find any. I'm going to do a full scan of this universe, to decide to take over it or not, then we'll go to another universe to do the same." I finally responded.

"Sure, we do whatever you say." Alice replied, "But, right now, I want you to do something for me right now." Alice grin at me before kissing me on the lip.

And like that, I can see Alice loves the benefit of having me all to herself. Since in the past, Esdeath would take a majority of my attention whenever she can, making the other wives somewhat unsatisfied with this, but knew they couldn't do anything about it as they lack the strength to do so.

In a way, I can say that when we get back with the other; Yuri will do whatever she can to get me to spend more time with her alone in the future. Since our time was cut short, not even close to being a few minutes, and just a few days after the first month, let alone an entire year.

The next day*

Year 23: Day 113: Hmm... Maybe?

(Furinkan Town: Mercer Dojo/Household)

"I'm not even going to ask how you find where I live." I said dryly, to Cologne, with her great-granddaughter, Shampoo, sitting in front of me. "So what ya want?" Seriously, I would gladly lie and say I'm very business, but even I'm not that shameless enough to do such a thing. Plus, there are some time and someplace, to be shameless. Or in many situations in the past, it would be Esdeath, who is shameless and doesn't care about her image for the most part outside the family. With that silver tongue of her's.

"I wish to know the requirements and the conditions to allow my great-granddaughter here." Cologne point at Shampoo, who looking at me with doubt for some reasons. "To learn under you."

I blink once, then twice, and finally thrice before closing my left eye for a few seconds. Then, slowly open it as I activate [Mystic Eye of Death Perception], causing both Cologne and Shampoo to freeze in their spot.

Cold sweat started to cover their bodies as their bodies trembling with terror. They felt like they're being stared at by death itself. To make it even worse for them; their visions started to darken as if all the light around them are being absorbed by the darkness.

Neither Cologne and Shampoo could even think about anything. As if their brains lost the ability to think about anything else, where the only thing on their minds is how the feeling of death drawing closer to them by the second, with absolutely no escape.

Just as their visions being swallowed up by the darkness.

"Wake up."

This snaps the two out of whatever trance they were in. Where both Cologne and Shampoo blinks rapidly until their brains fully regained back all functions.

Sadly, this didn't stop both Cologne and Shampoo from not forgetting what they just experienced and their bodies are completely soaked in cold sweats.

"I'm a bit disappointed. More of you, elder. Since I expected you to be able to break free from my illusion." I lied about the illusion part and as the [Mystic Eye of Death Perception] have long mutated with all the time I use it with [Chain Combo Magic], that it started having side-effects. Side-effects I deem benefits than a burden.

I can tell that both Cologne and Shampoo look at me with even more fear now than before. Cologne is fearing me more than Shampoo, as she, who live for a long time and have experienced many things. Couldn't break out this 'illusion' of mine.

"Anyway, the requirements alone would hard for many to complete before quitting, let alone finding out what my conditions to fully learn under me after meeting the requirements." I lied through my teeth while trying my best to ignore Alice, who is currently watching this from her Music Store via [Archive].

"I see." Cologne looks troubled, but she couldn't hide the worry and concern for Shampoo's safety after finding out about how many failed to meet my requirements.

Of course, this is just a big lie on my part. Since I don't like how many people try to use me for their own personal benefits. Unless they are in my family, then maybe, depending on who it is in my family. If it is my wives; well, again, depend on what they want.

"Great-grandmother, why do you wish for me to train under this shadow warrior?" Shampoo finally decide to speak up, "Isn't what you told me in the past, that these shadow warriors don't have any honor at all and an insult to all martial artists?"

I sweatdrop at this, 'Since when I was a shadow warrior?' I wonder what did I do, to make these Chinese Amazons think I'm such a thing. Sure, I didn't use any [Sword Techniques] yet in this world, but that doesn't change the fact I'm a swordmaster first and among others. But, I got the feeling their definition of a shadow warrior may be different from mine.

"Honor? Does it help you survive in a death battle?" I ask Shampoo, cutting her off of her ranting. "Tell me, little girl." I stand before her, towering her with my height being higher than her's and in a speed that both couldn't see how I moved. "Can honor help you survive as I crush your head?" I already have my left hand placed on top of Shampoo's head while placing multiple [Restrictions] to prevent her from moving a single muscle.

"Stop!" Cologne shouts in a panic, but before she could even more to save her great-granddaughter. She discovered herself not being able to move from her spot, much to her horror.

I stare directly into Shampoo's eyes with my left cold eye, letting her feel a hint of my killing intent, but this was enough to knock her out cold instantly and I reel back my killing intent quickly before affecting reality.

Due to the [Restrictions], I placed down; Shampoo is standing still while unconscious. So, with a simple snap of my finger. I remove the [Restrictions], allowing Shampoo's body to fall to the ground, with Cologne noticing whatever preventing from moving is gone. Move to catch Shampoo before looking at me with absolute fear in her eyes.

"Leave. Even if your great-granddaughter has potential, which I can easily see. Her attitude alone failed one of my requirements already." I lied once more, but at the same time, I'm speaking truthfully about Shampoo's attitude just now. Just like with Ramna, who has the highest potential I have seen so far, but his personality is just awful. Making me deem him not worth taking as a student.

Cologne didn't need to be told twice and quickly leave with Shampoo in her hands. As she escapes from this place and planning to rethink about many things.

I coldly stare at the retreating form of Cologne carrying her great-granddaughter before slouching a little. As I return to my lazy position like before. Something I do as in the concept of sheathing the sword when not being used for battle.

'So, another bust?' Alice said to me, by sending her thoughts to me via [Archive].

'Yup.' I replied. 'Can't wait until we leave this Town. Because this is just plain sad. I don't know if it was a mistake coming to this universe or not.' I walk over to the bed in the corner and decide to get ready for a nap.

A screen pops up in front of me, with Alice's face showing up and she rolls her eyes at me. 'Now, look who is a bit impatient.' Alice smirks at me.

'Can you blame me? I'm not used to sticking to one place for a while without some kind of action during the day.' I remarked, 'I'm a bit envious of you, for having music to help you out. Even outside of combat.'

'Why not continue finding a new hobby? I know you don't want to pick massage as one, even though I want you to.' Alice gives me a hoping look, but knew it wouldn't do much in this situation. 'Anyway, how about you walk in this Town, to see if anything interesting. I'll still be at my store for hours, where you can find me if you need me. Not that you can't track me down.' Alice smiles at me.

I rub my chin, 'Alright. If you need me, you can contact me.'

Alice blows me a kiss before the holographic screen close on me as Alice ends the call between us. Something that shouldn't be possible years ago.

30 minutes later*

(Furinkan Town: Tendo Dojo/Household)

"Thanks for helping me carry all these bags to my home, Mr. Mercer." Kasumi thanked me, who I decided to help her out when we met just around the corner, with Kasumi carrying too many bags for someone of her physical body able to carry, but somehow can. Not even an hour into my walk and I met Kasumi outside while she just finished doing her shopping and heading home.

"No problem. I got nothing to do, so I don't mind helping you out." I speak truthfully while wondering if this my LUCK stat influence. Maybe it's telling me that Kasumi could be my student, I mean, she not completely untalented in martial arts. Kasumi has 50% talent towards martial art-related [Skills]. Something she gained from her Father, who is a master of his own branch of martial arts.

Not to mention, Kasumi's personality is great and not awful like most people I have seen so far, with the potential to become my students.

"Would you like a drink before you head off?" Kasumi asks me, as she accepts the bags from me.

"Nah, it's fine. Plus, I don't think your family like me." I point to my left, where multiple people staring at us, with Ranma trying to turn himself invisible, but failing to, and did the next best thing. Hiding behind the giant panda, to block her from my view.

"Oh, they just curious why I bring my boss over." Kasumi smiled at me, completely ignore the fact that one of her little sisters is glaring at me, but was being held back by Ranma and have her mouth cover. If it wasn't for him, then she would have attacked me and shouting.

"Curious... Sure." I glance at Akane? A quick check, yup, it's Akane, the youngest sister of the Tendo family and Kasumi's little sister. Who looks like having a bit of an anger issue.

"Kasumi, this is your... boss, who hired you for that house cleaning job?" Soun Tendo, Kasumi's Father, asks his eldest Daughter in a confused and wary voice.

"Yes, Father." Kasumi replied, then came out from the kitchen with a cup of green tea. "Here you go, Mr. Mercer." Kasumi smiled at me she hand me the green tea.

I glance at Kasumi's family once more before taking the green tea, even when I declined already, but I may as well be polite about and accept it. So, I drink the entire cup in one gulp, then breath out, to let the heat out. Didn't even feel a burn in my throat thanks to my stats.

"Thanks for the drink. I should be leaving now. I'll see you tomorrow, Kasumi." I give her back the empty cup, much to the disappointment I see in her eyes, but Kasumi continues to smile.

"Let me walk you out." Kasumi said to me.

I didn't reject her offer just so I can leave this place already, with some of the people here seem a bit hostile to me. I glance at Akane, who still being held back by Ranma. Before exiting through the front doors and saying my farewell to Kasumi one more time, with Kasumi doing the same in return.

A few hours later*

(Furinkan Town)

So far, after meeting Kasumi outside of her cleaning job. I have yet to find anything else to catch my interests. And at this point, I'm very tempted to just ask Kasumi tomorrow if she wants to learn [Martial Art Skills] from me. At least, I would have something to do besides searching for a hobby to take on.

I look to my left, nothing of interest. To my right, again, nothing caught my interest. I frown before letting out a quiet disappointing sigh, then close my eyes and just walk forward without a care. Leaving it to my LUCK stat to take me, to wherever that's interesting or a potential student.


I open my left eye and blankly stare at a small black pig with a yellow and speckled bandanna wrapped around its neck, in front of me, not that too far from me. Where it noticed me the very moment I stare at it.

Both the small pig and I stare at each other for a solid minute before the small black pig started squealing and running away in fear.

"Well, that was random. But, ease my boredom a little." I mumble to myself, then close my eye once more and let the LUCK stat lead me.

"Shampoo!" I heard a male voice this time, but I didn't bother to open my eye and move to my left, where I feel a breeze and the sound of something broken.

"Come back, Shampoo! I'm your only groom!" The same male voice shouted, where I can feel him heading straight towards me.

I let out a sigh, using [Fundamental Force Manipulation: Velocity Manipulation] linked with [Elemental Sight] and lock on to the person shouting for Shampoo, and cancel their velocity, making them freeze where they are. Afterward, I switch to [Ninjutsu] and put the person to sleep.

All done in less than a few seconds and I didn't even open my left eye to see who the person in the first place or stop moving.

A few minutes later*


I open my left eye at the sound of my broken Gamer's ability telling me something new pop up, and see a holographic screen appear in front of me and it shows Alice's face, who looks annoyed by the frown on her face.

'Oh, hey, Alice. What's up?' I ask my wife, where I noticed Alice is looking at my background for some reasons.

'Just wanted to know why you haven't come home yet.' Alice replied.

I blink once, then realize it's getting dark soon, causing my mouth to twitch a little. Something that Alice noticed right away.

'Something wrong, Ragna?' Alice asks me, with a little concern.

'I just realize, I kind of pretty much almost wasted all my day just by walking with eye close.' I said dryly, 'Okay, I'm heading home.'

'Alright, you can tell me how your day went while walking with your eye closed.' Alice said to me, then end the call.

I look up to the sky and can already see the moon out on my right while there is still a bit of daylight. Then, start walking back home and completely ignoring the unconscious person, not too far behind me, after the guy thinking I was Shampoo, who is a girl. Last I check, I'm a male and Alice helped check this morning.

Therefore, I don't feel one bit of guilt leaving the guy out in the open area unconscious. Plus, the sleeping effect on the guy will disappear after the distance between us is 50 meters apart.

'Seriously, the guy must be blind or something.' I thought to myself, as this is one of the things I will tell Alice about among other things I did during my walk.