Chapter 62: Intimacy

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 62: Intimacy

The next day*

Year 23: Day 114: An Interesting Day

(Furinkan Town: Mercer Dojo/Household)

"Thanks for the morning drink, my sweet honey." Alice licks off the leftover cum off her fingers as she finished giving me a blowjob. Again. Thrice to be exact, and if we weren't on limited of daylight time. Then, back in the 10,000 years training during our break. Alice would have gladly continued giving me blowjob often that would continue for who knows long unless one of my wives stop Alice to get their turns. As all my wives' sex drive skyrocketed like nothing. With Alice being the only one out of the rest of my wives, who love blowjobs more as a finisher than anything else.

"Your tongue is weird, Alice." I said dryly, as Alice even mention it once that my cum is the best taste she ever had in her entire life. Knowing about her origin and should have been born in, Monster Girl Quest, I'm not surprised. No, I would be more surprised if this wasn't the case with her.

"It may be weird, but that doesn't stop me from pleasuring you every day." Alice grin at me, "Plus, I don't hear you complaining once at all since I started giving you blowjobs."

I finish putting all putting on my clothes, "Because I don't have anything to complain about."

Alice giggles softly, "That's good to hear." Alice walks into the bathroom to clean herself, not caring about putting on her clothes just yet, and walk naked proudly until someone, other than her husband and/or her fellow sister-in-marriage, show up somewhere nearby. But, seeing how no one, other than herself and her husband in the morning. She will take her time and enjoy how she continues to cause her husband to be aroused by just looking at her naked body, which leads to more sex or a quickie when time is limited.

I shook my head with a smile on my face at the way Alice acts around me and in the 10,000 years of training in the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book], where most of my wives became nudists when it's just us alone, with no one nearby. And the only reasons I haven't become one was due to having to get used to fighting with or without equipping the [Yongpyo] and the [Robe of the Sage] during the last 1000 years.

Also, because all my wives' clothes are just plain weak and easily destroyed. So all the wives and I stop pausing in our sparring every time one has their clothes destroyed by either me or someone's stray attacks.

Honestly, it took my wives around hundreds of years just barely remember to control themselves, and to wear clothes at all time outside in public and any new houses we would stay, with the rest of the family. Wouldn't want to cause the kids to be mentally scarred. Even if half of them are [Reincarnators].

But, like always, habits are hard to break and my wives didn't want to break this habit one bit, but knew there was a line not to be crossed.

"Hey, Ragna. Are you planning to ask Kasumi to be your student after or before she starts cleaning the place?" Alice asks me from the bathroom.

"Honestly, I'm still deciding on picking her as my student or not. I can't really see her kill another living being." I answered, as I use [Archive] to clean up the mess Alice and I made in bed. And on the floor. And on the wall, pretty much the entire room.

All the mess we've done since last night to morning, no sleep at all. As usual now.

"Well, if you're not planning to ask Kasumi to be your student today. How about we go on a date? We haven't even got a chance to back in the Monster Girl Quest. So why not in this world?" Alice asks me before coming out with a towel drying her wet hair. "You know, Ragna. You should join me in the shower, I know you can just get rid of filth with a single thought, but the warm water feels very nice."

"Nah, I'm good. Maybe later." I replied, "As for the date. Sure, we can do that. I can ask Kasumi in the future or just drop it instead of wasting my time. As I mention just a few seconds about how I can't see her kill another living being, I meant she won't even think about it at all. Where I read her character sheet, that she rather die than kill another being, as in another fellow human."

Alice frown on this, then let out a sigh, "Well, I knew there were a few more downsides with that girl. I guess she one of those types of people who think all life is very important; well, with humans I mean." Alice knew there are lots of people with many upsides and downsides. As no one is perfect. Period.

"Anyway, what do you want us to go for a date?" I ask Alice, as I watch her put her clothes on, which is a purple dress shirt and black miniskirt. Something she started wearing whenever she not going to do any fighting at all or just for relaxing.

For me, I'm just wearing my default of a black dress shirt, dark blue pants, and gray hoodie with the face of a tiger on the back, along with the pair of black gloves. As in, this is my default outfits after the 10,000 years training.

And to be honest, after a few thousands of years, I even forgot what my original/previous default outfits were and even back before I gained the Gamer's ability as well. Other than these pair of black gloves, that's just ordinary. Nothing special about them other than they are unbreakable with the help of using [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] to enhance them before giving the [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] to Raven.

"Hmm." Alice thought about it for a minute or two as she tosses the wet towel into her [Inventory] before sitting next to me on the bed. "How about we just go wherever and see if anything amuses us."

"Amuse us?" I look at Alice with an eyebrow raise.

"Yeah, we can amuse ourselves during our date and see what the world has to offer us while just walking around this Town. I mean, we barely move a couple of blocks from here after moving in. I don't know about you, Ragna. But, I don't even know where the local Grocery Store is or any Restaurants." Alice answered with a dull tone. As she finds it laughable, to not know many things nearby, and Alice knows she doesn't have much [Detection Skills/Techniques] that outside of combats and certain situations. But, she should be able to know any nearby or the closest ones there in this Town in no time.

"That's because we don't bother with those two since Esdeath made us enough foods to last you for many years, not including my own share and the number of foods you gave to the people of the Monster Girl Quest's dimension I have stolen to last time a couple of generations without any problems." I smirk at my wife, who just snort in an unladylike manner.

"I didn't mean those places literally. I was making an example." Alice poke my cheek as she pouts. "Now, are you going to take me on a date or not?"

"Yes. I'm taking you on a date, even if completely random of you to ask such a thing." I pull Alice into a one-armed hug. "After Kasumi finish doing her job and you're working for a few hours, to waste some time as most of the things we could do for our date isn't open just yet. As it is a bit too early in the morning for some people."

A few hours later*

(Furinkan Town)

"Thanks, for your hard work, Kasumi." I said to Kasumi, who just put the last cleaning equipment back into the closet. While I sit on the bed, with two chairs near it and a table.

"There's no need for thanks since you're paying me." Kasumi smiled at me, then noticed Alice entering from the front doors. "Oh! It's nice to see you, Mrs. Mercer. But, isn't it still open hours for your store?" Kasumi looks a bit confused about why Alice came home so early.

"Oh, Kasumi! Glad to see you before you left." Alice greeted Kasumi back, "Stay for a few minutes. I'll make some tea for us and we chat a bit." Alice cut Kasumi off before she could decline, "And please, stay. I'm sure you can spare a few extra minutes." Then, Alice head upstairs to use the kitchen, leaving Kasumi and me alone in silence.

"Sorry, if my wife being pushy." I said to Kasumi, as I made a hand gesture for her to sit in one of the two chairs near me.

Kasumi gives me a wry smile. "I guess I can spare a few minutes." Kasumi said softly, as she walks over to me and sits on the chair across from the one that closest to me. Where Kasumi sees that it be rude to sit too close to a married man and should leave the seat closest to the husband for the wife to sit next to him.

10 minutes later*

"Sorry, for the wait. I didn't know if you like your tea, sweet or not. So, I bought some honey if you wish to make your tea a bit sweet." Alice set down the teapot, three teacups, teaspoons, and a bottle of honey in the shape of a bear on the table before sitting down. Then start pouring the tea in all three cups and move one over to Kasumi, where she gave her thanks and she pours a good amount of honey into the remaining teacups, then hand one to me after she finished stirring it for me. As Alice starts stirring her afterward.

"Oh! This smell is amazing!" Kasumu said in awe, as she just took a small sniff out of habit.

"Thank you." Alice grin at Kasumi before picking up her teacup to take a sip, then lower it a little, but didn't put the teacup back onto the table as Alice took a whiff of the tea herself. Something she enjoys doing after getting into drinking tea.

After Alice gave her thanks; everything became silent, making this a bit awkward for almost everyone. By almost everyone, I mean that I have no problem with silence for an hour or two, pushing it five hours if I have someone nearby and part of my family.

However, I can't say the same for Kasumi, with her character sheet display for me to see, where I read her current emotions on the line of someone being jealous and sad at the same time. I can guess it's because Alice is my wife and I'm not available anymore. Not that it didn't stop Esdeath from searching to hook me up with Yuri, Ryun, Alice, and Raven at the time before stopping.

"So, anything interesting happens to you, Kasumi? If I remember correctly, you've started teaching, that Ranma kid living with your family and his Father, right?" Alice asks Kasumi, who seem to get a bit more uncomfortable by the second and close to excusing herself to leave.

"Oh, poor Ranma. His Father didn't educate him many basic things related to school and found out he was mostly self-taught or managed to learn a few things during his temporary stay in many schools while he was on the travel with his Father. I'm more surprised, that Ranma is a bit above average compared to the rest of his classmates, when I asked for his latest test papers, to see what kind of things to start with. Let's just say, that Ranma has many strong subjects, but some subjects just holding him back from making the top of the school. More on the line, that he never learned about them." Kasumi started explaining to Alice, with me on the side, listening about how it took some time for her to teach things Ranma never learned after going through her old school textbooks and notes.

"Good for him. I'm glad he has someone like you to watch over him." Alice smiles at Kasumi, causing her to blush a little at the compliment she got. "Beside Ranma, anything else you experience to be interesting?"

Kasumi took a sip of her tea, to think for a few seconds, "Nope. Kind of the same these days for me. Nothing out of the ordinary."

I sweatdrop, as Kasumi's character sheet mention how she sometimes oblivious, but also highly perceptive as well. Therefore, I wouldn't always take whatever Kasumi say as the truth, or at least, not the full truth as she may be seeing or not seeing the full picture sometimes with her history result.

"Oh." Alice didn't comment further or even mention how boring that is, but kept that to herself. Something Alice learned the hard way in the past with her big mouth had caused her trouble; nevertheless, she finally learned how to control her mouth before speaking without thinking beforehand.

"Oh, dear! Look at the time! I must be going!" Kasumi cried out in shock when she checked the time on her wristwatch and noticed the time she spent talking with Alice over tea. "Thank you for the tea and the chat, but I must be going. I'm late on making lunch for my family." Kasumi stands up from her seat and bows toward Alice and me, then speed walk out the front doors with a worried look on her face, which wasn't fake and mean that Kasumi truly needs to go and not finding an excuse to leave. Also, her current emotions quickly changed as well. So there is that as well, to prove Kasumi not blowing Alice and me off.

"Okay, stay safe." Alice gives a wave to Kasumi until she closes the front doors behind her. Then, Alice looks at the empty teacup Kasumi drank from and send it into her [Inventory], where all dirty things will be instantly washed, thanks to her husband's [Archive] linked to her [inventory] and have a program to clean all the dirty items. Including removing waste like an empty, stained bag and erase it from existence.

"Now, that Kasumi is gone. You ready for our date, Alice?" I ask my wife, as I toss the empty teacup into the [Gate of Babylon], which I gave a mental command to transfer over to Alice's [Inventroy].

"Yup. I even bring out my own purse." Alice took out her purple color purse, she got from the Food Wars universe, then start walking to the front doors.

"Give me a minute to lock everything up." I said to Alice, as I bring up the household programs I made with [Archive] over the years.

"Alright, I will wait for you outside then." Alice replied as she closes the doors behind her and waits for me to be done.

Honestly, it didn't really take a minute and more a few seconds, but I need a minute to search for the right [Restrictions] to have activated, with millions of [Restrictions] already placed on this building. Which is a little overkill, but I rather not risk things, even if this universe is just a mid-ranked supernatural type universe. Therefore, I just activate around thousands or so of [Restrictions] while leaving a few important ones that trigger the rest of the millions of [Restrictions].

(Furinkan Town)

"So, are you leading or should I?" Alice asks me after I close the front gates.

"I'll let you since I'll trust you find anything that would catch your interest be better than what my LUCK stat would bring and I won't bother to think or say what my LUCK stat could bring, because chance is. They will happen either today or sometime in the future as long as we stay in this world." I said to my wife, who hums in agreement with my statement about how we shouldn't trust too much on my LUCK stat as it is unpredictable. Even with the help of the [Dao of Karma], it won't do me any good currently since I haven't studied it too deeply compared to my [Volition Sword Dao].

"Hmm." Alice hums to herself, as she thinks about where to go before and idea pop up in her head, causing Alice to smile and wrap her arms around her husband's left arm, "I know where we should go."

I raise an eyebrow at Alice, who started dragging me in a random direction. Completely ignoring the stares we're getting from the people around us. Mostly because I read a random person's character sheet and see what their current emotions, to get some kind of hint and instantly found out the reason right away.

Lust and envy.

It's mostly on the line of these two, that I can say that the reason why Alice and I are being watched by so many. I can't blame them since Alice's body and look is literally created from an eroge, as in a Japanese video game that features erotic content, usually in the form of anime-style artwork, and therefore, lots of men would find Alice close to the perfect woman they would ever find.

"Getting jealous, Ragna?" Alice whispers to me, as she too, noticed the stares and smirk at this.

"Depend." I calmly reply, "If these guys even have the courage to walk up to you and ask something outrageous. Then, forget jealous. I'll just outright erase something they deem important before mind-wipe of their memories afterward as we leave. Killing them depending on how mad I would be at that time."

Alice giggled at her husband, where she knew he is jealous since he wouldn't think about threating others in certain cases.

"Well, you don't have to worry about any men coming near me. I only need you in my life." Alice said to me, as she gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"What about Esdeath? Pretty sure you would need her in your life due to all her cooking you may miss out if she wasn't in your life." I grin at Alice for teasing me just a few minutes ago.

Alice rolls her eyes at me, "You know what I meant."

Alice's eyes lit up as something caught her attention, then quickly drag her husband in that direction.

"I see you found something interesting." I said to Alice, but she didn't say anything but grin at me. So, I look in the direction where my wife is dragging me to and I sweatdrop when I noticed it's a Karaoke Bar. And knew right away why Alice picked this place to start our date.

A few minutes*

(Furinkan Town: Furikan's Karaoke Bar)

After paying for a room, both Alice and I look around the place and noticed it decent in this world in our opinion, but neither Alice nor I say anything bad about. Seeing how this is the first one for us to come to this world. So, we have no idea how to compare this Karaoke Bar to the other ones in this world.

"I learned about this place from my customers talking about. So, let's see how good this is." Alice said to me, as she turns on everything before grabbing the microphone, then pause for a moment and look in my direction. "Hey, Ragna. Mind helping with something?"

"Sure, what you need help with?" I walk over to Alice to help her with whatever she wanted my help with.

2 minutes later*

Okay, what Alice needed my help was to make a few physical disc copies of songs she downloads/buy/etc. Back in Ingui Yoon's home universe, along with other songs she comes across in the Food Wars universe and the Pokemon universe. Along with inputting the lyrics into the machine to display it onto the screen for Alice to see. Even though she memorize all the words of the songs' lyrics by heart, but she wanted to do it anyway.

"Well, here goes the first test." Alice said to me, as she raises the microphone close to her mouth and presses the button on the remote to start the song she wanted to sing.

OST: Carole & Tuesday - Move Mountains by Angela

Soon the melody starts playing and Alice sing not a few seconds into the song has begun.

"Everything is hard to do the first time"

I quickly use [Rejection] and [Ninjutsu] as I felt Alice's [Dao of Music] is slowly affecting reality.

"But if I fall it'll make me stronger"

I feel being pull into Alice's singing as I find myself remembering my past before gaining the Gamer's ability.

"I'll get up and try again"

Remembering how my 'family' back then would look down at me due to my cripple state of not being able to cultivate [Qi]. But, never stop working on improving myself to prove that even without [Qi]. I can become strong.

"I will follow my dreams forever"

I look at Alice with a smile, to remind me of my old dreams to show that even without the Mercer Clan. I can become strong and I have with all the years being a Gamer.

"Long as we'll be together"

Soon I find myself remembering all the times together with my new family and spending time with my wives.

"Through the storms and bad weather"

I close my eye, to enjoy Alice's singing.

"You make me better"

"If I believe I can do anything"

"I can move mountains, I can move mountains"

"If I believe I can do anything"

"I can move mountains, I can move mountains"

"If you're in need, know I'll be your friend"

"I can move mountains, I can move mountains, yeah"

"Anything the world throws at us, I'll be by your side"

"Till we make it out and everything's alright"

"No matter what, I will fight till the end"

"I can move mountains, I can move mountains, yeah"

And after the last word; Alice stops singing as the song continue to play for a few seconds before ending.

Opening my left eye and see Alice already looking at me, waiting for my praise like always.

"I see what you've done there. But, yes, as always. Your singing is amazing." I said to Alice, as she gives me a smile of happiness before a smirk replaces that smile.

"Of course, my singing is amazing." Alice said with pride.

"Now, don't get a big head about it, even if it is true." I smirk at Alice, who just stick her tongue at me.

"Anyway, onto the next song and this time the full version!" Alice's face shows a happy expression, as she loves to sing as much she loves to eat.

2 hours later*

(Furinkan Town)

After 2 hours of Alice singing the entire time. We had a great time, mostly with Alice, who gets to sing herself and not just listen to other singing, as in listening to the songs with her headphones most of the time. If possible, Alice would gladly have stayed for the entire day and not be tired of it.

But, the date can't be just at the Karaoke Bar for the entire day; well, maybe in the future. Nevertheless, both of us left to search for another thing that interests us.

"We should go back there for our future dates." Alice said to me, as she looks back at the Karaoke Bar. "Maybe travel around the world to see the other ones, to find out which one the best." Alice looked at me with eyes filled with hope. "What do you think?" Alice asks me.

"Sure, why not. Besides, after half a year in this Town, then we can go to the local Karaoke Bar if there is one near we're at the time while searching for any potential and better personality students to take." I replied, causing my wife to kiss me on the lip with how happy she is with my answer.

"By the way, I do have a question for you. How come you don't take Ingui Yoon as your wife? I mean, yeah, Esdeath's unstable mind would have collapsed even further with each new girl added into your harem. But, if it wasn't for Esdeath's problem. Would you have taken Ingui Yoon as your 6th wife?" Alice asks me a question that very unexpected while everyone nearby in range would have heard this, but I can detect Alice's [Dao of Music] is blocking the sound around us from reaching the people.

"The truth?" I glance at Alice, who nods her head, "Mostly a yes and no if I haven't met Esdeath first."

Now, Alice looks at her husband with a confused look on her face by what he just said. "Mind explaining further?"

"You see. Back in my home universe. The only things on my mind were to survive, grow stronger to live the next day and my little sister. With my little sister being fine, with how much effort I put into her training as she can cultivate [Qi]. So I don't have to worry about her safety and she can escape from someone powerful, easily as well." I frown at the thought of Setsuna as it has been more than over 20 years since I last saw her after becoming a Gamer. As in 20 years outside of that 10,000 years training.

Letting out a sigh before continuing, "You have to know that my childhood wasn't that great and I barely know anything about the concept of love. And the funny part is?" I let out a bitter chuckle, causing Alice to frown now. "I had to learn about the concept of love from a deceased comrade of mine in the war. Through them, I learned about manga/anime/etc. Instead from my Clan."

"Huh, I honestly don't know if this is better or worse compared to how Raven and I learned about love." Alice mused on this subject just for a few seconds. "Anyway, continue."

"Skipping the whole war thing, which ended just a year before becoming the Gamer. I didn't bother to continue or return to the Clan, and instead, went into hiding and visit Setsuna weekly while staying mostly at home reading manga/novels and watching any animes and decent movies and so on." I continue off, as Alice and I took a corner on our left, where there are a bit more people around us now. "However, that didn't mean the enemies I gained over the years, be it from the Clan itself or from the war that was recently over, are gone. Seeing how they continue to hunt me down. Therefore, the whole forming a relationship with another was out of the question, which led to me becoming inexperience in finding love with a female or just talk with one in a romantic way."

"And this is where Esdeath came in your life." Alice cut in, causing me to chuckle in amusement and happiness.

"That's right, but honestly, even though I knew her from the Akame Ga Kill manga/anime. She is very different compared to her canon version, something I'm not complaining one bit." I remember the time Esdeath and I started having sex, and let's just say that I may have been missing out a lot in the past, where I had many women offering to have a one night stand with me. But, I rather not, as I wanted to find someone to be with for the rest of my life than someone to just remember about only and most likely to never meet again.

Alice snort, "No kidding."

"Don't know if Esdeath told you before, but she really didn't like the idea of having other girls in my life and made me more focus on her by having sex with me. Of course, at that time before Esdeath and I got married. She won't allow any vagina sex, but any other type of sex is allowed." I grin at Alice, who had a dumbfounded look on her face. "Yup, with Esdeath. Instead of trying to force me to all herself, which she would have gladly done if I wasn't a Gamer and have the ability to travel the multiverse, also with the whole destiny girls going on as well. So, you can see how she different from her canon version. Then again, I accepted Esdeath's love compared to how Esdeath's canon's love wasn't accepted by the person she fell in love with."

"Huh, I'll have to speak with Esdeath about this later, if I remember that is since this is a bit an interesting topic." Alice said mostly to herself, while I wonder if Esdeath would really talk about this topic, but knowing Esdeath, she will tell this story with pride if I was being honest with myself.

"Now, the part, where if I haven't met Esdeath first and someone else. Two cases would have occurred. One: I would have completely rejected other girls and stay with that one girl only. Depending on who that girl is and if this whole destiny girl wasn't a thing." I said to Alice, ignoring how she sighed in relief that this didn't happen and a bit worries at the same time if this case did happen. "Two: I would have got more girls due to my awaken lust to have sex and more sex after finally experiencing it."

Alice looked at me with a deadpan expression, "Ragna. You have five wives already and we mostly have sex almost every single night."

"Yes, but what I meant was that I would be consumed with lust and would quickly get all kinds of random [Skills] to make myself stronger and overpower all foes I would face. But, only at the peak of the average middle-ranked supernatural universe. Then aim to gather an army of girls to either be my wife, slave, pet, servant and so on. Then start destroying lots of universes just for my amusement and at the result of drawing the three factions at me before I was ready and would be killed, not to mention those random [Skills] I got may not even be [Broken Skills] or I just think I have [Broken Skills] when they're really not." I explain to Alice about how I would mainly focused on sex, then carefully thinking about what [Skills] I should grab while at the same time, a high chance of me not making my own [Skill Books], that most of them being [Broken Skills] themselves.

"I see, so this is what you meant. On one hand, I'm curious how you turn up with a mind filled with sex mainly. While on the other hand, I'm already living the life with being the wife of a man, who have four other women as wives and all of us having sex already." Alice thought out loud, "And why do you think you would die under the hands of the three factions when you have many [Skills], even if they are random and not really [Broken Skills]?"

"Well, back in Ingui Yoon's home universe. I've already started getting many random [Skills] to suit my fighting style at that time. Until I remember one important lesson I forgot at the time. That it's better to have a good foundation and to focus on one thing, then expand it out by grabbing other [Skills] to support the main [Skills Set]. And also, because I trained with the sword at an early age was a major factor in this decision of mine." I answered Alice's question. "Now, going back to our original topic. If it wasn't for Esdeath's unstable mind at the time and how she was forcing you and other girls into my life. I would have fallen into either of those two cases I mention. With you and Raven being the last ones. Since we both know how Esdeath is now."

Alice slowly nods her head. "Hmm. I see. Okay, enough about this topic. Let's resume our date. Oh! I see something that may be fun to do!"

I let a wry smile appear on my face at how random Alice is being, with her being a bit serious, just a few seconds ago, to someone who just wants to have fun. Once again, I find myself wondering if I had married any women that are normal in some way.

Thinking about it for a moment, then realize I did not. But, that doesn't mean I regret it at all, in fact, if I was given the choice to change my past on who to marry. I will still pick the same one that I've married right now.