Chapter 63: Prove Your Worth

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 63: Prove Your Worth

2 weeks later*

Year 23: Day 128: A Trial

(Furinkan Town: Mercer Dojo/Household)

During the 2 weeks; Alice and I went on a few dates and even went to the local fair, which allows me to get to see Alice in a dark purple with white flower pattern kimono.

During the fair, we met up with Kasumi for a few minutes before splitting. Seeing how most of her family are too scared of me to enjoy the fair.

After the fair and the days after it. Alice and I just spent most of our time as usual. With Alice runs her Music Store and me waiting for a potential student to take under my teaching.

I did offer Kasumi to become my student after the fair. Sadly, she declines as her family's honor would be shamed if she were to learn from other martial arts that not from her family.

I wasn't that eager to take Kasumi as a student and just wanted to see if my LUCK stat really picked Kasumi as my future student, but it was just a chance after all. Unless I'm willing to use a few [Skills] that influence Kasumi to accept me as her martial art teacher. Something I guess that my LUCK stat must have included multiple options for me to decide on if I wanted to take on that person as my student.

Therefore, I gave up on the idea of taking Kasumi as my student as a result of getting rejected by her. No need to force her to learn under me, with one of the major reasons Kasumi not taking another life.

So, nothing much interesting happens beside Kasumi mentioning a few things related to Ranma. By a few things, Kasumi would talk about Ranma often if I ever asked anything interesting or just how her days were.

Honestly, I would if Ranma has been the only thing on Kasumi's mind lately, but at least she didn't fail in her cleaning duty. If anything, Kasumi got even better at it, to the point she wanted to finish cleaning fast so she can return home as soon as possible.

Alice finds this amusing when I told her about it a few days ago. Well, it was amusing for both of us for a couple of days before we lost interest afterward. After all, we don't care about what other people in their own private time and completely unrelated to us.

As my search for a hobby continues; well, more like placed on temporary hold until I finished reading all the stored up manga and novels, along with watching the anime and anything else I grabbed worth watching at the time.

Currently, I'm reading the last volume of Fullmetal Alchemist. An interesting manga and if I recall, there should be an anime version of it. Like two different versions of the Fullmetal Alchemist. Somewhere lying in my [Gate of Babylon], waiting for me to watch them. But, that's enough for me. As I finished reading the last chapter and the ending of Fullmetal Alchemist, which took me over a week to finish the series.

Closing the manga book and send it into my [Gate of Babylon], then place both of my hands behind my head and look at the ceiling. As now I have to think about another series to read for the next couple of days.

Honestly, I would have gladly watched anime, but I rather not just yet. I want to watch them after I finish all the manga I have available first.

"I'm done, Mr. Mercer." Kasumi said to me, "Also, I have a favor to ask of you. If you don't mind that is."

"Depending on what that favor is. So, tell me it first and I will think about if I will do it or not." I said to Kasumi, sitting up as I give Kasumi my undivided attention.

"I wish for you to train Ranma, please." Kasumi gives me a small bow, hoping this would persuade me into saying yes.

"Okay. First off, why are you asking this, and two, why isn't the kid asking me instead of having you ask for him?" I ask with a frown on my face, not that eager to train that kid with all the things I have seen so far. Even if he wasn't purposely raised right in a 'normal' way.

Kasumi raises her head, knowing this wouldn't help her much after noticing the tone of voice of her boss using, causing her to feel a bit nervous. So, she took a deep breath before start answering his questions.

"Ranma is about to leave Town for a training journey with his Father and my little sister, Akane, where my little sister would be the one taking care of cooking as a way to be good for her when she gets married." Kasumi said to me, where I noticed she look a bit sad, "And I'm kind of worry that Ranma would forget about many things I taught him when he returns."

I sweatdrop and wonder if the kid really has such bad memory to even forget weeks worth of studying or Kasumi just overreacting this whole thing, but continues to listen to what Kasumi is saying.

"Not to mention, I really don't want Ranma to continue learning under his Father right now, even though Ranma is free from school due it being summer break now." Kasumi continues off.

While I just realized it summer already in this world, giving me the idea of taking Alice to the beach or something. Maybe the beach since I do like seeing Alice in a bikini.

"And I've already planned out my schedule to help Ranma catch up in some of the subjects before school starts again." Kasumi finished, then look at me with hopeful eyes.

I blink once I noticed Kasumi is done talking.

"So, let me get this straight." I try to wrap my mind around this request of Kasumi. "You want me to train the kid, so he doesn't have to leave Town and allowing you to continue tutoring him, in whatever you want to tutor him every day. Is that right?" I look a little confused about this and wonder if Kasumi really wants to help Ranma that badly or maybe for other reason.

"Yes. So... could you...?" Kasumi continues to look at me with hopeful eyes.

"You do know, that unless you can change Ranma's personality from being so prideful. I would teach him a trick or two." I said to Kasumi, who grimaced as she knew how much pride Ranma possess and me asking him to lower it or something on that line would be a difficult thing to do.

"Come back later today and let me know. Otherwise, you're just wasting your and my time. Mostly yours than mine, though." I stop Kasumi from trying to persuade me any further as I have already spoken and won't change my mind. Not to mention, I'm doing the kid a favor by trying to change himself before his pride gets the better of him. I know for sure it did for me in the past.

Kasumi stares at me for a couple of seconds before saying her farewell as she bow to me and left, to either convince Ranma to change or just giving up this little idea of her's.

"Hmm. Now, what to do now?" I ask myself out loud, with a few ideas already popping up in my head. One of them being is to read another series to waste some time.

My right eyebrow twitches a little when I 'see' a familiar panda trying to enter the back of my Dojo/Household without my permission. So, with the use of [Archive: Program: Mind Reader], to find out this guy, who is Ranma's Father, Genma, is trying to steal from me. As in any books contains my [Martial Art Skills].

Too bad, for the fool, that I don't bother writing them down in a book unless I really need to. Like I did with the [Basic Movements of Sword Skills] for my Daughters to learn and the [Cultivation Method] books I kept in my [Gate of Babylon] I have written over the years, where I'm planning to hand most of them over to Ingui Yoon and Daniela to study.

Of course, that was until I realized Daniela can't even read the [Cultivation Method] books I have written. While Ingui Yoon, on the other hand, can and most likely to be the person to gain most of my Clan's [Cultivation Methods] I have remembers in the past and the new [Cultivation Methods] I've modified. Unless one of my wives gives birth to a child that's not a [Reincarnator] and have the right type of personality.

Anyway, I just use [Ninjutsu] to put Genma to sleep and use [Rejection: Rejected Space] to send him back to the Tendo's Dojo/Household.

Honestly, if Genma or even Ranma had just been nice about it. I would have taught the latter, while the former would just have to eat my dust since I just don't like him in general with how he raised Ranma. If anything, Genma should have made sure to teach literally ANYTHING come to mind out and in combat, that should help Ranma survive the real world after becoming independent and be an adult, who would be responsible for his own actions.

Technically, I don't have to worry about my Daughters, but they are [Reincarnator]s], but that doesn't mean they know everything. Seeing how they literally out of their home universe and entering the multiverse, where anything is possible. Therefore, none of the adults in the family are even willing to allow the kids into the big war. Even if they grow up into adult themselves; well, adult bodies. As they already have the mind of an adult already from their past lives' experiences backing them up. But, that doesn't include the experience of traveling other universes.

"Well, I guess I'll take a nap again." I mumble to myself before closing my eye and maybe when I wake up. I should be able to pick out a new series to read by then.

My left eye snaps open not after a few seconds closing them, as I felt multiple [Karma Threads] being formed, with me being part of this new [Karma Threads] slowly being created; however, this wasn't what caught my attention. No. What caught my attention is that these [Karma Threads] is being formed in this very world, where there are many linking with different individuals, Some I have met already and some that I haven't yet. Nevertheless, with my current insight into the [Dao of Karma]. I can easily find out the history of these unknown individuals.

One of these new [Karma Threads] is already forming fast as possible, where this one belongs to Ranma. The same kid I deemed not worth taking under my teaching until he changes his personality or at least be less prideful around me and my wife, along the rest of my family if he lasts long enough to meet them.

Now, usually I would be okay with this, but this [Karma Thread] is being formed in a way, that between teacher-student, with the cause of Kasumi and the effect of Ranma learning one, if not, many of my [Martial Art Skills]. However, what made me pay more attention to this is that I would have to 'help' Ranma with his future problems when he needs it with little to absolutely nothing in return for my 'help'.

I reach out with my right hand, where I channel the [Dao of Karma] and grasp the still forming [Karma Thread], where I forcibly change it the cause and effect in a way, that I like before it could fully become a complete [Karma Thread].

A few minutes later*

Looking at the [Karma Thread] in my right hand struggling to finish forming, but under my control. I prevent this from happening until I deemed everything within this [Karma Thread] I have changed is what I wanted. If not, I can just cut it and use [Rejection] to make it reform once more and redo everything again until I got everything perfect.

After doing a thorough check before releasing the [Karma Thread] in my right hand as it quickly finishes forming under my left eye and forms a link between me and Ranma, while I have already started working on the other [Karma Threads]; however, these ones are slow to form compared to Ranma's. Something I'm willing to take advantage of. As it took less time for me to do than the previous one and finished within a minute.

What I find a bit interesting is that Ranma's [Karma Thread] is slowly connecting with the other [Karma Threads] that still forming between me and these individuals. And that, Ranma's [Karma Thread] is linking with these [Karma Threads] much faster than linking with me.

"Mr. Mercer! I'm back and I have Ranma with me!" Kasumi yelled as she enters the Dojo while dragging Ranma by the arm, who looks like he wanted to be anyway but here and the only reasons he hasn't break free from Kasumi's grip.

One: Ranma knows that by doing so, he would potential hurt Kasumi as a result of trying to break free without controlling his strength.

Two: Kasumi has put the effort of doing this favor for him, making it a bit harder for Ranma to escape as his instinct screaming him to.

Three: In Ranma's honest opinion. He actually wants to learn under this guy, who called himself the Master of many styles. Something that may be similar to the [Anything Goes Martial Arts]. But, must be more refined and includes many martial arts, beyond what he could ever imagine.

"So, did you manage to get rid of his big ego or something on that line? Because, if not, he can leave right now." I said to Kasumi, staring directly into Ranma's eyes, causing him to flinch and quickly look down at the ground. Too afraid to look back.

Kasumi looks a bit unsure as she glances at Ranma before looking back at me with eyes of determination.

"Mr. Mercer. I'm hoping that if you would allow me to stick around, so I would speak on the behalf of Ranma as he willing to promise to not speak around your presence. During in or out of training." Kasumi said to me, where Ranma quickly nods in silence, but continues to stare at the floor.

"Okay, I'll bite." I'm a little curious about what Kasumi's idea, to help Ranma learn something from me. "How does speaking on his behalf would help his case of being prideful? I'm pretty sure if I'm not around, he would return back to his arrogant self." I point this out, that even if Ranma doesn't act like he has a big ego around me. Doesn't mean he doesn't have one.

Kasumi smiles weakly, "Well, he won't speak in an impolite way due to not being able to talk in the first place. And with me doing the talking, I would be able to prevent Ranma from saying something that would get you mad at him. Therefore, I need to be present outside and inside the training."

"Uh-huh." I look at both Kasumi and Ranma with a deadpan. "There are so many problems with that little idea of yours, Kasumi, but I guess this is the best I can get. So, let's see if this work." I grin at Ranma, causing the kid to shiver at the way I'm staring at him like a punching bag I needed to use during my training in my [Martial Art Skills].

"Isn't that great, Ranma?! Mr. Mercer is willing to train you!" Kasumi yells in excitement, while Ranma is stuck between happiness and horror about this whole thing.

Ranma opens his mouth to response, but ends up having his mouth covered by Kasumi's hands, causing Ranma to sweat a little. As he almost broke the promise of being silenced so soon and would have if it wasn't for Kasumi's quick action. Something he grateful for.

"Oh, I didn't completely agree with training Ranma just yet." I cut in the joy between Kasumi and Ranma, completely breaking the good mood going on with these two. "He still has to fulfill a few requirements and conditions if he wants to learn under me. Of course, the whole mouth shut kind of fulfilling one of the requirements, but not completely."

"Uh, mind telling us what the requirement Ranma managed to almost complete?" Kasumi knew right there and then, that her boss isn't someone easy to agree with others so easily and would require lots of effort and time.

"Sure. Even if you were the one that helping Ranma meet one of them. And that's to never underestimate others and always have the mindset to always to expect the unexpected. Something I'm sure Ranma would fail to do most of the time." I said dryly, causing Ranma to want to argue about this, but only made muffle sound due to Kasumi still having her hands cover Ranma's mouth.

"Therefore, not talking would just show a false appearance that the kid is not looking down on someone. Well, that would be the case if his opponent doesn't have any [Skills] in body reading. Otherwise, Ranma would completely fail to meet this requirement, even if his mouth is shut tight. I'm just including different situations." I explained further, mostly for Kasumi to understand than Ranma honestly.

"I'm sure Ranma understand, right?" Kasumi looks at Ranma with a sweet smile, but I can see there was something hidden in that sweet smile. Sadly, for Ranma, he couldn't see it from the look in his eyes.

As Ranma opens his mouth once more, forgetting his promise again. Leading to Kasumi taking out a duct tape out of nowhere, tearing a piece and stuck it onto Ranma's mouth, preventing him from talking unless he takes the duct tape off. Something he wouldn't dare to do with the way Kasumi looking at him.

"You know what. I'll leave this requirement on the side. Let's go on with the other ones, that Ranma must do." I said dryly, as I'm starting to think I should have gone for a different universe instead of this one, where the main theme is martial arts and supernatural as secondary. Where I should have gone with the reverse, where the supernatural is primary and martial arts are secondary.

Hell, I would still gladly do it if there barely any martial arts in it. At least, I may get a bit of a challenge by facing enemies that could move things with minds or something.

"Another requirement is to have great stamina, to be able to fight in a long term fight or able to outlast everyone else in a fast pace fight, that is filled with powerful opponents, where it only require a second to kill or be killed by one or multiple opponents at once." I said to the two, causing Ranma's eyes to light up at the challenge while Kasumi starting to look unsure right about now.

"And how long does Ranma has to last in a fight, even if the odds not against him?" Kasumi asks with a hint of concern.

"Well, he should at least be able to fight for a few days, like maybe 3 or 4 days without food, water, and sleep. Including not being able to rest at all." I thought up on the spot, where this actually happens with me and my wives whenever we deemed it's time for us to spar against each other to see how much progress we made. Also, sometimes one of us is just being stubborn and wanted to win. Therefore, fighting for 3 days straight without a single rest is a common thing nowadays with my wives and me.

In fact, all my wives and I could stay awake for weeks, months even, without having to sleep. Eating and drinking, on the other hand, vary among my wives while I don't even need to eat or drink in the first place, thanks to my broken and overpowered [Gamer's Body].

"How is that possible?!" Kasumi cried out in shock, to find out the duration that needed to be able to last in a fight of endurance, and this was at the minimum as well, making it more difficult for Kasumi to comprehend. As such a thing isn't humanly possible.

"Through special training and lots of efforts as well." I replied without hesitation.

"I'm pretty sure training wouldn't allow someone to fight for 3 days straight, Mr. Mercer." Kasumi said to me with a voice of disbelief, not believing my words at all.

"That's why I said special training, not normal training that not everyone could do without a teacher to help them to do it without causing any harm from learning it." I answered with a smirk, causing Kasumi to frown at me. 'Of course, neither my wives or I possess normal physical bodies in the first place. Well, I still did until I gained the Gamer's ability.' I thought to myself, not bother to speak these thoughts of mine out loud.

Rubbing my chin, "So, to make things easier for everyone. I'm going to teach Ranma a special [Breathing Technique] that will show me how long he can last and as a small bonus of increasing his stamina as a small side-effect of using this [Breathing Technique] alone." By that, I mean I'm willing to see if my [Breathing Technique] would be able to be copied by someone like Ranma once I stop him from copying via [Rejection] without having me to use the [Skill: Divine Protection of Training Mastery]. As for the [Breathing Technique]; well, it's something I created with a [Skill] that was modified the same as my [FOF Changes - Alter System].

[Breath Style - Augment System] - Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% - Cost: Varies

Description: This is a system called the [Self-Enhancements], alternatively just a way for the user to breathe differently in special ways to increase one's abilities.

1st Effect: Gain access to [Breathing Enhancement Technique Creation].

1st Effect's Requirement: Require (100 - level) seconds to activate.

2nd Effect: Able to include the elemental into the 1st Effect.

Honestly, I wasn't even planning to get the original version of [Breath Styles] and disamiss it entirely since it's a [Swordsmanship Style Skill] that use swords with a special type of swords and using a special breathing method, to allow the users to increase specific human's abilities to equal a demon's. Original from the manga/anime Kimetsu no Yaiba.

But, I see good use of it, even if it technically requires using a special sword to use this [Skill], but after modifying it. I made it so, instead of requiring the use of swords, I made it so it would increase one's abilities. As in, be it physically and/or mentally would be enhanced and with other [Breathing Techniques], I can recreate as well after analyzing it. Including the 2nd Effect, I'm able to channel the [Dao of Elements] by using [Chain Combo Magic]. Giving me the similar to even better effects like the original [Breath Styles].

"[Breathing Technique]?" Kasumi looks even more unsure by now and wonders if it was a good idea to get Ranma to train here at all.

"Yup, what I'm going to teach the kid here is the [Breath of Stamina]. Where it will determine how long you can use the [Breath of Stamina] and how much benefit you get from it after using it." I start explaining how the [Breath of Stamina] work.

[Breath Style - Augment System]:

[Breath Enhancement Technique]: [Breath of Stamina]

Main Effect: Determine how much one's stamina has and how long it will last similar to how one is in a constant fast movement without resting.

Secondary Effect: Increase stamina capacity by 10% of how long the user can use the [Breath of Stamina] in a similar way of one's training to gain that amount of increase through training that requires weeks, months, even years to attain.

Side-Effect: After using the [Breath of Stamina] to the very limit, the user's body will be physically tired, as if the user has been training for hours and hours nonstop, and upon reusing the [Breath of Stamina] again before resting will lead to causing harm to one's body. Even the potential of causing fatal injury.

This is something I created among the first [Breath Enhancement Techniques] to help my wives improve their physical abilities, along with a few rare ones that help improve one's mind as well.

"Uh." Kasumi looks at Ranma, silently asking if he really wants to do this, even though she was the one that wanted him to come here to learn in the first place.

"Plus, the kid should be happy to learn this [Breathing Technique] as it can be used forever without losing any of its benefits at all." I grin at the two of them, where I noticed the look on Ranma's face, to know that he can see how much the [Breath of Stamina] would help him in the long run, and this is just a small freebie for him to see if he can make the cut to learn even better [Techniques].

4 months later*

Year 23: Day 248: Disappointment

(Furinkan Town: Mercer Dojo/Household)

Honestly, nothing much interesting happened other than the crazy things occurred around Ranma. It like he is a magnet for troubles, wherever he goes to.

On another note, Ranma failed the third requirements, which is also the last one as I was too lazy to come up with more requirements and was just planning to take Ranma as my student. If he had passed the last requirement.

To my surprise, the last requirement he couldn't fulfill at all. Then again, I did scare the kid too much, that it was literally impossible to withstand my killing intent, even when I barely put any effort into it. Well, more like it's already impossible, even if Ranma wasn't scared of me in the first place.

Of course, with my killing intent continues to increase and with over 10,000 years worth of time for my killing intent to grow. I'm more impressed that neither Ranma or that Shampoo girl didn't die from a heart attack upon feeling a small hint of my killing intent. Nevertheless, both fainted and failed the last requirement. Plus, I've already taught the [Breath of Stamina] to Ranma, ending the [Karma Thread] between us. Also, doing Kasumi that favor as it took Ranma multiple tries to learn the [Breath of Stamina] without me having to use a [Skill] or two, to allow Ranma to learn it instantly.

So yeah, no students for me to take in this Town. Therefore, neither Alice or I feel like staying in this Town any longer and rather not just wait for another month before it's time for us to travel the rest of this world. With most of the places would be the local Karaoke Bars while traveling.

"Well, thanks for cleaning the place and since neither Alice or I have any relative that could take over the buildings we own. We decided to give it to you." I hand the folder with the deeds to both buildings and the keys over to the speechless Kasumi, who just found out both Alice and I are leaving. Not even giving her or anyone we talk to daily about the time we're leaving Town.

"Bye, Kasumi. And don't worry. We paid for the buildings for 10 years already. So you don't have to worry about the bills for 10 years from now on." Alice grin at Kasumi, while hugging her husband's left arm and feel a bit amused that her husband managed to do a few bribes and blackmailing to make it so 10 years worth of bills won't require to be paid at all. All this is done within a single day.

With that said, both Alice and I got into a car and drive off, with Alice the one driving. Not giving Kasumi the chance to say anything. As she could only watch us leaving for good. Since after half a year later or finish visiting all the Karaoke Bars that are available, then afterward we would leave for another universe.