Chapter 64: Is This Good Enough?

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 64: Is This Good Enough?

2 months later*

Year 23: Day 308: Nothing Here...


It didn't take even half a year before Alice and I visited all the Karaoke Bars in the world, be it the one that's just a cover for illegal activities to just great ones that are actually Karaoke Bars, where Alice is willing to visit it twice if we had the time.

We did meet a few interesting people. Some are the one that would have formed a [Karma Thread] between me and them, but since I cut them before meeting them. This meeting didn't cause a big impact for both sides and we just continue onto our own life.

Now, we've visited all the Karaoke Bars. We're planning what universe to head to while I continue to study this universe on why it ownerless and discovered last week, where I learned this universe used to be owned by an unknown expert from the [Evil Faction], but somehow failed in some kind of experiments and end up reborn in the countless of dimensions within this universe with a small to no chance of awakening their memories of past life when they were an all-powerful being from the [Evil Faction].

To my amusement, I discovered that this expert used to be someone who possesses special luck, where many great rewards would come to them, but with the downside of dangers tagging along as a balance. Not to mention, I found out that this unknown expert is among the very rare cultivators that gained insight of [Dao of Soul and Karma]. With the [Dao of Soul] being the main focus and [Dao of Karma] as secondary.

Too bad, this unknown expert made a mistake somewhere in their experiment as they continue to live in this universe until it's destroyed, taken over, or awaken their memories as the unknown expert. But, what made it so amusing is that this unknown expert continues to reborn in many dimensions as the same person, and that person happens to be Ranma, the very same kid I deemed unworthy to become my student.

Of course, I could have helped this unknown expert out for a favor or two, but I didn't feel like it and also the Ranma of this dimension wasn't the one contain the soul of that unknown expert. Therefore, no point of me having to help this unknown expert out. As neither Alice or I feel like traveling all these dimensions to find the Ranma that is the one carrying the soul of this universe's previous owner.

Onto back the previous topic of which universe to go to, which just took Alice and me over a month to decide while traveling the world. To just let my LUCK stat take us wherever while going in a random direction without stopping until we reach a universe to enter. Even if the universe is under the ownership of one of the three factions.

Sure, there will be traps waiting for us the very moment we are discovered upon being found in that universe. However, that won't stop Alice and me from entering as rewards come with risks. If you want something, you have to earn it. Well, certain things. Since the whole students in this universe didn't go the way I wished it.

Therefore, Alice and I would gladly enter a universe that belongs to one of the three factions if my LUCK stat takes us to one. As there may be more, and better, potential students to grab under the three factions' watches before they realize what happened.

Well, that was the plan between Alice and me before Esdeath calling us this very moment via [Archive].

"Hey, Ragna and Alice. I see it has almost been over 7 months already for the two of you. While on my side, it's only been a week." Esdeath said to us, causing me and Alice to be a bit surprised at the time zone difference.

"That's a little weird since we've been to only two universes so far. Is it because of the universe you're in?" I ask Esdeath, who just shrugged her shoulders.

"No clue. I just found out the time different from the program you created, Ragna, to keep track of the time of which universes, all of us are in and tell how much time we spent in that universe." Esdeath said to me, "But, if you're really that curious. I can use the [Dao of Time] to check the time flow in this universe."

"Not really. So what the call for? I'm sure it's not because you wanted to check on us." I look at Esdeath with an eyebrow raise.

"Did something happen at your end, Esdeath?" Alice asks Esdeath, wonder if a problem occurred during that one week in KonoSuba.

"Yeah, we shouldn't have let Alice go with you, Ragna. Because without her." Esdeath pause for a moment and move the camera view on her side to her left, revealing a giant crater. "So, we're going to need to have Alice with us as without her. We're... having a bit of problem." Esdeath gives both Alice and me a wry smile, ignoring that Yuri is nearby whistling like she innocent and not the main culprit for this.

"Does that mean I travel on my own?" I raise an eyebrow at Esdeath, who scowls at me instantly.

"Like hell, you will." Esdeath snaps at me before letting out a tired sigh. "No, someone else will replace Alice's place and tag along with you to search for new students or allies. Whatever you are doing. I just need someone to be with you and not allow you to be alone too long. Who knows what you would do with enough time by yourself."

"And who would that be?" I ask Esdeath, who just reach from the right and pull Raven over, who seem bored and a bit annoyed at the same time. I'm willing to guess that Yuri must have disturbed Raven's nap or something. I wouldn't put it pass Raven to use her [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] in some way to create a temporary mobile bed while following everyone else to do whatever they needed to do.

"Raven will be the one that will be replacing Alice for the time being." Esdeath replied to my question.

"Alright." I didn't really care who tag along with me. "Do you want me to do the transfer now or later?" I glance behind Esdeath and noticed Ryun trying to lecture Yuri about almost hurting the kids. Mostly her little gift, Erza than the other kids from what I can tell by the tone Ryun is using whenever she mentions Erza's name.

"Do it now, so I don't have to deal with the noise." Raven said to me, before Esdeath could reply, "I'm already missing my afternoon nap." This caused the rest of to deadpan at Raven. Since Raven's sleeping schedule is literally 14 hours of sleep instead of the standard 7 to 9 hours. Then again, this is the standard for humans that are mostly civilians.

"Fine. At least, I got to spend over half a year with Ragna compared to the others before me." Alice smirk at this little victory, causing some to twitch at this.

"Then, let's see how much difference between the time zone when I'm with Ragna for a while. I'm sure it would be at least the same time as yours, Alice, or more." Raven grin at her fellow former Monster Lord.

I roll my eye at this and send both Alice and me up to the [Ark], to do the whole switch since there no point of bringing Raven into this universe.

(Ark's City)

"Well, it was fun speaking time with you all to myself, my sweet honey." Alice gives me a kiss on the lip before stepping on the [Ark's Gate], that I just created upon entering the [Ark] and send Alice into the KonoSuba's dimension of where the rest of the family are while the next seconds, Raven appear in Alice's place.

"Ragna, my hero!" Raven walks over to me and give me a big hug, giving me a good feeling of her lovely breasts, but I twitch a little when she called me a hero. Well, her hero instead of just a hero in general. Something everyone in the family knows I rather not be called a hero at all; however, with how many facts Raven pointed out.

The entire family, this included the adopted ones: Gon, Killua, and Alluka, even I couldn't argue with Raven once she done, and by then, all of us just gave in and just included another word with the word hero.

My hero, mainly used by Raven and sometimes the kids and by the other wives whenever one feels like teasing me.

Their hero, another way to use to define, that I'm neither evil nor good, but someone who would risk their own life to protect their family. Which is a given, as I'm willing to make sure my family survives before and after the war.

"Seriously, I will never get used to being called a hero with the number of lives I have killed." I let out a tired sigh, but didn't refuse Raven's little pet name for me. Even if it makes me uncomfortable for a few seconds. Something Raven knew and continues to use this pet name she picked for me.

The only reason I allowed to continue was the main reason why she picked this pet name out of everything.

It's because I technically have stolen Alice from her, and along with stealing Raven's heart as well, so she kind of using this as a way to punish me for this when the whole thing was out of my control. Kind of.

"So, do I want to know what caused Yuri to punch the ground instead of toward the sky?" I ask Raven this, because most of the time Yuri would just punch the sky to release her build-up rage and won't cause too much damage to the surroundings. Sometime.

"Do you?" Raven asked back, with an eyebrow raise.

I open my mouth for a second before closing it. "Never mind." I did not want to know the reason behind this. So I changed the topic, "You want to pick a universe to go to, like maybe your and Alice's home universe or a parallel dimension of it? Or somewhere else?" I wanted Raven's opinion on this since my LUCK stat could take us to anywhere and most cases. I may not like it too much and would find it a bit a letdown. Like with the Ranma 1/2 universe, Alice and I were just in a couple of minutes ago.

Raven releases me from her hug and snaps her fingers, where a small dense cloud form behind her. Then, Raven lay on top of this cloud, where dense enough for it to carry her weight easily and also can be used as a chair or even a bed like she using it right now, but not too dense enough that it would only look like a cloud and more on the line of something else. Therefore, the whole saying of people wanting to sleep on clouds. Well, Raven made it possible.

"You can pick, Ragna. I honestly don't care really. Of course, I would like us to visit the RWBY universe, along the time we are together alone. I'm very curious about seeing my canon version or at the very least, close to the canon. I do have a few words I wish to say to my counterpart one time after watching a few volumes of RWBY." Raven said to me, where I can definitely say that she has more than just a few words with her counterpart that's close to canon as possible.

"Alright, we'll leave it to my LUCK stat then." I said to Raven, who just waves her right hand that she heard as she already beginning her afternoon nap that was interrupted by Yuri.

I close my left eye, then activate the [Archive]'s programs to auto-pilot the [Ark] to a nearby universe after traveling away from the Ranma 1/2 universe for 3 hours.

The ground started shaking for a couple of seconds before it no longer shaking as the [Ark] has begun moving and at a steady speed.

After that was done. I decided to think about what I should do to recruit others since the whole waiting thing didn't work so well. But, then again, I did get many candidates. Just that I don't like the candidates I was given.

3 hours later*

"Hey, Raven. Wake up. We're here." I said to Raven, who has already been asleep for the entire trip.

Raven groan from her cloud bed and didn't even move, causing me to let out a sigh as this is a common thing with Raven, where either myself or other would sometime have to force Raven to get up, which is more trouble than many would realize.

Something we're surprised at how strong Raven with her whole sleeping problem. Along with being lazy most of the time when awake.

"If you don't wake up. I'm going to destroy your cloud bed." I made a threat to Raven, who continue to groan for a few more seconds before opening her eyes and glare at me, knowing I would follow up with my threats.

"Can't I just sleep for 10 more minutes?" Raven asks me in a tired tone of voice and gave me a cute pout, hoping this would get me to give her that extra time to sleep.

"No. Well, maybe." I glance at the holographic screen created by my [Skill: Archive], with the information of the universe we're about to enter and wonder how I should feel about it.

"Why maybe?" Raven woke up completely since if there a chance for her to sleep even more, then she will do her absolute best to complete whatever tasks are required so she can take her sweet dream to sleep, where she can wake up when she feels like it.

"Well, we've arrived at a universe that filled with martial artists, but compared to the previous one that Alice and I were in before you had to take her place. I would honestly say this universe is must better and you should know this universe as well. Since you mentioned it years ago, where you would be delighted to take over the bad guys' organization and have minions do all your bidding while you lazy around." I pause for a moment to glance at Raven before looking back at the holographic screen.

"Oh? Let me see this." Raven said to me, where I move the holographic screen with my mind over for Raven to see and noticed the way her eyes light up as she continues reading the information about this universe before furrowing her eyebrows when she reached a part where she didn't like at all. "This universe already have a person from the three factions in it." Raven look at me with a questioning look on her face. "You did a search for a random universe, right?"

"Yup, and I rely on my LUCK stat to get us here." I stop for a moment to bring up the information on the person in this universe, who is part of the three factions and know about their status as part of it as well. Making it a big thing as there a difference between knowing one's status and those that don't. As the former would be a lot stronger while the latter is strong, but would require more time to reach even close or surpass the former.

"Would this person cause us problems?" Raven frown, as she knew to never underestimate anyone from the three factions at all. Be it they know it or not, it will still be the same for her. "Because, if so, it's better for us to search for another universe then enter this one. After all, you did say you wanted to gather allies and having the war begin so soon and without us finding a universe to take over would cause what advantages we have left become smaller while our disadvantage becomes bigger." Raven points this out as she learns many things in the past, to help her in countless bad situations or potential ones. Furthermore, including the 10,000 years training, that included field-experience via [Wonderland] has expanded her horizon even more than it's possible if she hasn't left her own universe with Alice.

"Let me get back to you on this." I said to Raven before disappearing before her eyes and appear outside the [Ark].

(Multiverse: Near Unknown Universe)

With a snap of my fingers; I create numerous of [Restrictions] that beyond millions and millions. All [Restrictions] are [Rank: Heaven], where all of them are covering the very universe before me.

Of course, this was barely enough to go against the powerful experts of the three factions, but will give enough time to escape and be far away from here.

Once the number of [Restrictions] went passed the 21 digits. I stop, then use [Chain Combo Magic] on these [Restrictions] to link with [Heaven Extinction Spell] to change the [Restrictions]' form into a black fog while also gaining the effects of the [Heaven Extinction Spell], where any unwanted enemies try to force their way into this universe. Will have their flesh and soul devoured, where it will power the [Restrictions] even further, and this includes the [Restrictions] will trap these unwanted enemies from leaving upon entering.

I wipe the small sweatdrops on my forehead, where I did all this within a minute, and going passed 20 digits of [Restrictions] isn't something I would normally do as millions would be fine for me in most situations, but this time, I rather not take my chance if possible.

Linking the [Ninjutsu] next to form a universe-size illusion while making sure to link the multiverse's [Energy Source] to power the illusion over the universe along with the black fog of [Restrictions]. Before pointing in front of me, where three large gigantic bodies appear behind me.

The one on the left has two horns on their head, green skin and clawed hands, and a glowing green phantom sword floating behind it. A heaven presence of blood and destruction coming from it. This is the [Ancient Sword Demon Avatar - 1 Phantom Sword Stage].

On the right side of me, where this being has one horn on their head and wearing a pitch-black armor and a phantom sword that seem to absorb the light around it, floating behind this [Ancient Sword Devil Avatar - 1 Phantom Sword Stage].

In the middle between these two avatars is the [Ancient Sword God Avatar - 1 Phantom Sword Stage].

With a single command; all three head at the very corner of the universe in a triangle formation, where they stand guard as another line of defense. Afterward, I link the [FOF Changes - Alter System] and create three [FOF Circles] for all three avatars, where I made them absorb the [Qi] belong to the multiverse while using the [FOF Circles] to altering the [Qi] into [Sword Qi] that they're required to absorb to stay summoned. Instead of going back into my [Ancient Clan Cultivation System - Sword Cultivator's Version Skill] when not being used.

Once that's done. I cut the [Sword Qi] supporting these three avatars, where they seem to dim a little. But, continue to stay where they are due to the [Sword Qi] supplying them from the [FOF Circles]. However, experts or someone specializes in [Avatar Creation Skills] can tell these three avatars are used to being powered by very high quality and quantity [Sword Qi], but now having to deal with using a lower quality of [Sword Qi]. The quantity didn't change, though.

I look at everything to see if there anything needed to add or change before deeming everything good enough.

I had this feeling that this wasn't enough and may require me having to use another trump card of mine; well, as long I can hide the full usage of the trump cards I'm planning to use.

Not hesitating any further. I begin my last preparation.

Raising my left hand, a [White Magic Circle] appears and raising my right hand, where a [Black Magic Circle] appear next. Moving both hands in a clockwise motion, with the [Black Magic Cirlce] floating towards the bottom of the universe while the [White Magic Circle] head to the top of the universe, then merge them with the black fog of [Restrictions] via [Chain Combo Magic].

The [Black Magic Circle] is created by the [Black Arts - Fairy Tail's Version].

[Black Arts - Fairy Tail's Version] - Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% - MP Cost: Varies

Description: The [Black Arts] are forms of [Magic] that have the capacity to manipulate life. Not much is known about them, but it is said that a wizard using the [Black Arts] can bring forth calamity.

1st Effect: Gain access to [Black Arts Creation Magic]. (Level)% control over using the [Black Arts].

2nd Effect: Able to counter another user of using the [Black Arts].

2nd Effect's Requirement: The user is required to be equal or stronger than the target to be able to take control of the target's [Black Arts].

I created the [Black Arts: Curse of Misfortune], the effects are to bring misfortune towards all those that enter the black fog or into the universe without my permission. And will continue to have the [Curse of Misfortune] until one of these options are met to stop the curse from having any effect. One: the target die or two: someone powerful enough to dispel it or three: they have some way to be immune to all curse-type effects.

Yup, after doing lots of work on my [Voltion Sword Dao] and among others. I decided to go back to using [Magic] again. But, didn't feel like grabbing a [Slayer Magic] and went for something else.

As for the [White Magic Circle], this is created by the [White Arts - Fairy Tail's Version].

[White Arts - Fairy Tail's Version] - Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% - MP Cost: Varies

Description: The [White Arts] are forms of [Magic] that have various uses akin to the [Black Arts]. One notable use of the [White Arts] is to restrict the [Magic Power] of others.

1st Effect: Gain access to [White Arts Creation Magic]. (Level)% control over using the [White Arts].

2nd Effect: Able to counter another user of using the [White Arts].

2nd Effect's Requirement: The user is required to be equal or stronger than the target to be able to take control of the target's [White Arts].

Where the effects are more on the same line as [Restrictions], but instead of creating the [White Arts: Power of Restriction] of which gives the user the ability to restrict the [Magic]. I created the [White Arts: Lower Quality], which instead of restriction one's [Magic]. It's lower one's [Magic Quality] or more in general due to having [Chain Combo Magic] increasing it beyond its abilities.

The [White Arts: Lower Quality] is to literally lower anything of its quality to the point a powerful [Artifact] that can rip the fabric of space and time or bend it to the wielder's will, to the point the [Artifact] would become something onto the case of just knowing the time and awareness of one's area. This includes affects living beings as well.

So, with the [White Arts: Lower Quality] and the [Black Arts: Curse of Misfortune] merged with the black fog of [Restrictions], as well as using the multiverse's [Mana] to power these two [Magic Circles]. I think I create enough defensives. So I head back to the [Ark] to reunite with Raven.

(Ark's City)

"You've been gone for 2 minutes. I must say, you must have put lots of work into whatever you were doing outside the [Ark]." Raven said dryly, as she already figured out what I was doing and know right away, that if I do anything above a minute. Then, it must be something on a large scale size or just something very potent to the point of surpassing the former by a bit or more. Depending on the length of time setting things up.

Something Raven and the other wives knew to never allow their husband to have any time to build up anythings during their sparring matches. As after a minute or two; Raven and the others will be defeated unless they haven't already used all their [Life-Saving Techniques] early on in the match. Otherwise, it's a 100% lost for Raven and the rest.

"Well, we haven't checked who this person is from the three factions. I just want to be sure that no one from the three factions would figure out about this person's death too soon if the situation comes to it." I said to Raven as I explain how if this person is like another important person of a Clan/Sect/etc. Like the ones, I killed in the past.

"Uh-huh, are you planning to enter the dimension, where this person currently in?" Raven really didn't care if this person killed by her husband or not. Since neither of them will stay in this universe that long if recruiting students or making allies fails or just take too long for comfort.

"Yeah, since the dimension this person is in must be special compared to the other dimensions within this universe." I replied, as I resumed reading the information about this universe and discovered it a special universe where it formed by scattered dimensions that are further away than their main universes and soon split from it. Allowing these dimensions to grow into a universe within a given time or merge with other separated dimensions to form an entirely new universe, where I remember from the knowledge I have stolen, that this universe is a crossover universe.

Where the crossover universe contains dimensions of all different kinds compared to the rest and even other dimensions would influence another dimension in some way. While a normal universe on the hand, would have 90% the same characters and/or settings and the 10% being some dimensions connecting with other nearby universe's corner dimensions to form a crossover dimension.

A single dimension growing into a universe will take a long time in the process of becoming one while crossover universe will take a longer time to gather enough dimensions that have been split from their main universes. With the first method, this will allow the former main universe to gain an extra vessel in case that main universe is destroyed. Therefore, the souls and anything else from that main universe will be transferred over to the newly formed universe created by that separate dimension that floats across the multiverse.

As for these crossover universes. They don't possess this feature, but instead gain the ability to give the souls extra abilities, where some would be beyond more powerful than their counterparts and may even gain the ability to travel to other dimensions in that crossover universe.

And just like that. I have found out why Alice was in the RWBY universe as that universe was a crossover universe from a Monster Girl Quest's dimension merged among the many dimensions, where Alice just ends up in the dimension of RWBY. Where that dimension is the main core for that crossover universe. So most of the dimensions in that crossover universe would likely to have different settings and characters. Among other things as well.

"Hey, Ragna. Quick question." Raven looks at me while I continue to read the information.

"Hm?" I let Raven know she got my attention, even though my eye is still on the holographic screen.

"Why not take this crossover universe as our personal one or just a candidate to be one? I'm pretty sure we'll find a good one on the way, but if not, why not have backups just in case?" Raven advises me, "After all, we have no idea when the three factions will begin the war, seeing how the [Evil Faction] is the main reason why the war hasn't started yet. Once the [Evil Faction] side with the [Neutral Faction] and the [Hero Faction]. Then it will be us against the entire three factions. Who knows how long this war will take and it would mostly on a multiverse scale war too."