Chapter 66: Alrighty, Then

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 66: Alrighty, Then

Year 23: Day 308: Nothing Here... Part 3


I waited for some kind of response, but for the past few minutes. No one said a thing. Not even Shigure, whom I asked if she desires to become my disciple/student.

I may as well break the silence.

"If you become my disciple, I'm willing to give you this as a welcome gift." I raise the sheathed [Bong-Seon] in my left hand. "Also, whatever you were taught about using a sword have given you a great foundation, so for me to teach you about the next level in using the sword is a lot easier. Plus, you've already reached the stage of sensing [Sword Intent] and able to use it briefly is even better."

I blink when I found Shigure in front of me, holding my left wrist with her right hand and stare directly into my left eye.

"Is this... true?" Shigure asks me with absolute seriousness in her voice.

"True about what?" I ask back, not completely sure what Shigure is asking about.

"Everything." Shigure replied, not caring for her friends and mentor/Father figure, along with the kids staring at her.

"Now, Shigure-" Akisame was about to warn Shigure, but he was too late.

"Okay... I'll be... your disciple." Shigure agrees without hesitation on her part, shocking everyone, including myself, because I honestly thought I would need to persuade Shigure more to become my student.

"Alright. You're now the owner of the [Bong-Seon] now." I let go of the said weapon, where Shigure grabs it instantly the moment I let go of it and slowly draw the sword out of its sheath to check the quality, where her eyes light up.

Once Shigure's attention is on the [Bong-Seon]. I look at the others, where I see Akisame narrowing his eyes at me, with a few of the grandmasters looking a bit shocked that one of their own has decided to learn under another martial artist while Shigure herself is considered as a grandmaster-level martial artist already.

"Now, this is something. I must say, young man. To pouch one of my own to be your disciple, who happens to be at the level of a grandmaster too. You must be someone above grandmaster. Do you mind if I spar with you? I promise to hold back as best as I can without causing too much harm." Hayato said to me, causing those around to look at him with surprise. Even Shigure had to take her eyes off her newly acquired [Bong-Seon] to look at the elder.

"Sure, I don't mind taking on one of the legendary masters in the martial arts world." I didn't reject this invite for a spar against one of the characters that at the peak of this world.

I made a hand gesture for Shigure to go to the sideline with the others since I have a match with Hayato now and she would be in the way.

Hayato casual walk over, while passing Shigure on the way. Even he, who not a true expert in the art of weapons, can tell that the sword Shigure has in her hands is not normal at all. His instinct warned him that the sword held hidden secrets, that's not even with his years of experiences, could lead to a fatal injury to his death by the blade of this sword. And the previous owner just gave it away like nothing, making Hayato have this feeling his opponent isn't simple at all and must hold many secrets. He just wonders where in the world did he come from and how did he hide from the world up to now.

"So, young man. Do you wish for Shigure to lend her the sword you gifted her or would you like for Shigure over there to bring you a sword to use for our match?" Hayato asks me in a casual tone, filled with cheer like he not about to face off an unknown opponent with almost no information at all.

"Nah, like I said before. I'm the master of the [Moon Light Sword Style] and among other martial art styles. This includes hand-to-hand combat." I replied without giving away too much. As I wait for Hayato to get to his spot, which was the same distance as when Shigure and I were at before the match started.

Like always, I took no stance and already have a [Martial Art Skill] in mind to use against Hayato. Which was the [Black Leg Style] from One Piece series.

[Black Leg Style - One Piece's Version] - Passive/Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% - Cost: Varies

Description: The [Black Leg Style] was created by Sanji based on Zeff's unique fighting style with a complete emphasis on kicks, repurposing the use of hands into acrobatics such as handstands to augment the force and range of kicks and to prevent the hands from being damaged during a battle, something that is disastrous to a chef like Sanji. Thus, it boasts a wide of an impressive array of [Kicking Techniques] coupled with superior [Acrobatic Skills], making it an extremely versatile martial art, able to effectively weave continuous and powerful attacks upon adversaries and overpowered numerous enemies at once with incredible efficiency.

1st Effect: Gain access to all [Black Leg Style's skills and techniques] before the timeskip.

2nd Effect: Gain full mastery over to all [Black Leg Style's skills and techniques] of before the timeskip.

3rd Effect: Gain access to all [Black Leg Style's skills and techniques] after the timeskip.

4th Effect: Gain full mastery over to all [Black Leg Style's skills and techniques] after the timeskip.

Linking it with [Full Contact Karate] via [Chain Combo Magic]. Mainly using the [Full Contact Karate: 2nd Stance: Kick of the Red Phoenix]. A sets of [Techniques] to offset the balance of an opponent with shockwaves. Along with the [Skill: Ultimate Eye]. Among the very first [Broken Skills] I possess at the beginning of becoming a Gamer.

[Ultimate Eye] - Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% - MP cost: None

Description: This [Skill] grants the user extra-sensory vision of their general surroundings; however, this [Skill]'s true ability is [Precognition]; allowing the user to perfectly and efficiently anticipate all variables and their opponent's attacks and take action with absolute efficiency without any effort. This allows the user to adapt perfectly to all factors achieving maximum efficiency in offensive and defensive strategy, ensuring optimal results as long there is the slightest chance and depending on the means of the user disposal. A simple glance will detect the target's nature, strengths, weaknesses, etc.

1st Effect: Give the user information about the general surrounding by 3-meter x level.

2nd Effect: Give the user the instinct on how to combat the target.

3rd Effect: The ability to hide the mark within the right eye and make it normal looking.

4th Effect: Able to see high-speed movements above the speed of light.

Truly, this is a [Broke Skill] since it doesn't require anything to activate it and with [Chain Combo Magic]. I don't even need to remove my eyepatch to use it as my left eye will be used instead. Therefore, I won't be releasing all my killing intent if I keep my eyepatch on. Also, the [Ultimate Eye] will help me 'see' the right amount of strength and speed I need to use against Hayato without going above a certain level before I end up just killing Hayato in one hit.

Hayato narrows his eyes, as he took a fighting stance, even though his opponent hasn't taken on one. But, by relying on his instinct built over the years as a martial artist. He can tell his opponent doesn't even need a stance to use their martial arts' full strength. And he was right, as his opponent appears right in front of him, with a high kick to his throat, much to Hayato's surprise at the speed and power of the kick, pushing him a couple of feet from his spot.

After that one kick, the [Ultimate Eye] gave me the information I needed to adjust myself. As I did a backflip before rushing straight back in with a kick to Hayato's left thigh, which he just lifts his left leg to block with his shin without flinching.

Flipping over into a double-handed handstand, spinning around and kick Hayato's left side, who send a kick of his own to block this spinning kick of mine. Leading to a small shockwave upon our clash.

"I must say, young man. That's one mean kick you have there. Here, try mine." Hayato gave the only warning to his young opponent as he uses one of his [Legendary 108 Techniques: Korui Nuki]. A vertical kick aimed at the target's defense, even when they are attacking and defending at the same time.

I didn't feel any threat from this attack as I drop down onto my back, where I roll to the side, dodging the strong kick that would have broken or destroyed someone's torso. Someone, not me, that is, but no one needs to know that. Then, doing a flip to get on back on my feet, where I rush in with a snap kick to Hayato's head, which he blocked with his forearm.

Slowly, but quick, I deliver a barrage of kicks all over, which Hayato kindly returns with a mix of punches and kicks of his own, causing more and more shockwaves to be released to the surroundings.

Hayato didn't show it on his face, but he is having a difficult time dealing with the multiple shockwaves hitting him with each kick. Yes, his body is strong to deal with shockwaves, but that didn't mean he could withstand multiple shockwaves without allowing his body to rest. Furthermore, the shockwaves are becoming stronger than the previous ones. The first few ones he could handle with ease, but now it's just getting ridiculous. Honestly, He is thinking that maybe there is a level above the legendary master and the opponent, he is facing right maybe someone above that level.

Neither Hayato or I stop throwing attacks at each other before the ground crack under the pressure of the fast and heavy attacks being exchanged. The shockwaves weren't even helping as the ground continues to cave in.

"I got to say, you're very skilled for someone your age. I must ask, how old are you?" Hayato gives out a joyful chuckle, to hide the disbelief hidden in his eyes as he has already gone above 70% of his true strength. Something Hayato hasn't done in a long time and right now he is facing someone look like they still holding back like he is.

"I'm 42." I replied with a lie without hesitating, but technically true if I don't include the 10,000 years of training, causing almost everyone to be surprised at my age. Since I'm at the same age as Kensei Ma, who is the second oldest of the six masters of Ryozanpaku, with Hayato being the oldest.

But, unlike Kensei, I can face against Hayato for a while now while Kensei may not even last for a minute or two, even less than a minute if Hayato went all out at the start.

"It's getting close to lunch, how about we end this with one last move?" Hayato offers while we continue to attack each other with a barrage of rush attacks. "Also, I hope you join us for lunch since you are technically Shigure's new master and everyone else would like to get to know you more."

I tilt my head to the side, as Hayato tried to punch me in the face and I return the face with a kick to the face, which Hayato just pushes away with a quick palm thrust to the heel, to change the trajectory.

"Alright." I replied as both Hayato and I move away from each other as we distance ourselves and appear in the same length of distance like before the match begin.

Hayato builds up his [Ki], causing the ground to crack even further, then jumps into the air above his opponent and unleashes a powerful downward punch.

I meet Hayato midway in the air as I kick with one leg straight forward to attack while kicking the other one backward to provide the necessary momentum.

One punch. One kick.

A big shockwave unleashes upon clashing, causing nearby buildings and cars' windows to shatter.

As both of us land back on the ground. We didn't need to say anything as we knew who is the true winner is.

"Thanks for taking it easy on me." I said to Hayato, who just chuckle and walk back inside, with me following behind. While everyone just stood there speechless of what they just saw and experience.

I glance over at Honoka as I use [Chain Combo Magic: Rejection + Ninjutsu + Heartforce] on a town-size range to influence almost everyone without their notices.

A few hours later*

(Ryozanpaku: Dojo)

So after the whole sparring against the legendary master, Hayato. Almost everyone has looked at me with respect, awe, and among others.

Once lunch is over, all of us gather in the Dojo. Yet, no one spoke for a while now.

I glance to my left, where Shigure is sitting next to me, with [Bong-Seon] on her back next to her nodachi. Since she became my student, she has been sticking next to me like glue and would look at me with eyes of hope and respect, that so much. I almost thought I met another Ryun. Not that there anything wrong with Ryun. Okay, there lots of wrong with Ryun AND the rest of my wives.

But, Shigure seems a bit different compared to Ryun. Where she looked at me with worship, while Shigure is the same, but different reason. As in she worshipping my swordsmanship than myself.

If I was a sword, then I would believe Shigure would fall in love with me. No question about it. Nevertheless, I'm sure Esdeath wouldn't treat Shigure badly once she realizes that Shigure's love is for my [Sword Skills] only. Seriously, I found it on her character sheet saying exactly that. Shigure loves Ragna's [Sword Skills].

I did a bit of thinking and realize Shigure's love [Sword Skills] not [Moon Light Sword Style]. So yeah...

Anyway, I'm trying to think about if there anyone else in this world to take under as my students. I won't count the weapon users in Yami. Since Raven got that cover over there. I do wonder how she doing, and I really need to stop letting my thoughts go wandering off to nowhere and pay attention to what's going on right now.

Plus, there Honoka, I need to think of a way to deal with her. Since she already had this suspicion of who I am. If it wasn't for the illusion block I planted into her mind, to prevent her brain from recalling any memories that actually related to me and the three factions together.

"So, now what?" I ask everyone, seeing how I technically got the student I wanted from this world. Finding any other would depend on my LUCK stat.

"Now, we're going to find out if you're planning to take Shigure with you while training her or you're staying here." Akisame answered for every one of the Ryuzanpaku.

"Well, unless Shigure requires to do anything important here. Then, I'm hoping for us to leave by tonight as I have someone to meet up with." I rub the back of my head, as I give everyone a lazy smile.

Shigure upon hearing this didn't know what to do and feel complex feelings. Since she lived here for a long time, it makes her feel a bit uncomfortable leaving just because she gained a teacher, to help her gain the legendary [Sword Intent].

The rest of the Ryuzanpaku, beside Kenichi and Honoka, start worrying.

"Of course, Shigure doesn't really have to tag along with me on my journey. I can just teach her a few things, then return on a later date to check her progress and teach her further. Plus, with her already a grandmaster. She shouldn't require too much of my help and only needs a few tips or so." I knew this should help me gain a few points to get the Ryuzanpaku to form an alliance with me.

"If you don't mind me asking, but where do you need to go? And how often can you come to visit Shigure to teach her?" Akisame asks me while trying not to show he is a relief, that Shigure won't leave with a complete stranger, who may or may not do something harmful to someone he considers as his Daughter.

"I have no idea. I'm going to have to contact the person I'm meeting up with. As for how often I can come here to teach Shigure? Well, that depends on when and where I'm at the time." I pause for a moment, to go into my hoodie's pockets for a few seconds before pulling out a black flip-phone. "Here, you can contact me whenever you need my guidance. I will inform you how long it takes for me to come here from wherever I would be." I said to Shigure, who blinks as she accepts the cell phone and blankly stares at it.

"It already has my numbers on it. Also, no need to worry about the phone bill. You can use that phone for a lifetime without having to pay for anything. Also, it can be charged by solar energy. So make sure to leave it somewhere to absorb sunlight. The solar panel is on the back of the phone. You only need an hour to fully charge it. Any longer would just cause the phone to heat up and may damage it." I start explaining how the flip-phone work and along with other features it has, to Shigure and the everyone else in the room.

"Hmm. What else should I give you?" I rub my chin, thinking about anything else that Shigure may need, to make up for not training her too long compared to her fellow students. Then again, Shigure will be my first student in learning the art of swords.

Psst* "Shigure. Ask for money." Miu whisper, causing some of the adults to sweatdrop at this and feeling a bit ashamed since the Dojo lack money.

"Oh yeah, here a few gemstones, you can pawn off. I would give you something like a credit card, but with how these days are, where people can just steal credit card numbers and other things. I would rather carry valuable objects instead and only a small amount of local money when visiting the place to use them." I hand Shigure a couple of rare, valuable gems without caring that I'm giving away something worth millions or something.

"Can you... teach me... now?" Shigure asks me as she put away the flip-phone in between her breasts and hand the gemstones over to Miu, who look like Christmas or any holidays that involved gifting others came early this year.

I ignore where Shigure put away the phone and just nods my head at her, then got up and head outside before turning my head back to the other. "Sorry, but this is private. Can't let someone learn without my permission and not even a student of mine." I grab Shigure's left shoulder with my right hand as I cover her with my [Sword Qi] and use [Cleave Sword Intent: Short Cut], to teleport us to a random location on this planet before anyone could say anything about it.

(Unknown Rainforest)

Shigure looks around with widening eyes of bewilderment. As her brain trying to comprehend how one moment she was with her friends and next she in some forest.

"Sorry about that, and don't worry, I will return you back to your friends after I teach you a few things." I said to my new student and won't be the last.

Shigure looks at her new teacher/master and relaxes a bit, but she still has her guards up.

"Since I'm on a tight schedule. I'm going to implant you with the knowledge of the [Moon Light Sword Style] and my family's [Basic Movements of Sword Skills], with the latter helping you develop your own [Sword Intent]. You've already reached the point of touching it and only need a single step to reach it. And the [Basic Movements of Sword Skills] will help you in getting it. While the [Moon Light Sword Style] has a rather bloody history. In fact, there is a [Moon Light Sword Style]'s tradition of murder." I said in a cold tone of voice, causing Shigure to tense and slowly starting to rethink about the choices she made today.

"But, this is something to talk about on a later date. I'm just letting you know, that by learning the [Moon Light Sword Style] will give you the edge when the time where your future enemies won't stop until either they die or you. Also, I'm going to leave some knowledge on why I think you need to learn the [Moon Light Sword Style]. Nevertheless, I'm not telling to be a murderer at all. In fact, I'm trusting you to become stronger than you are right now when the time for me to ask you to watch over my family when I have to leave for something very important, that I may or may not return to." I tap Shigure's forehead, causing her eyes closed against her will as foreign memories not belong to her started appearing.

All this done in a second, but this was something Shigure never experienced in her entire life. So it was no surprise for her to lose consciousness.

I woke Shigure up right afterward with [Rejection] and making sure no hidden damage occurs when transferring the knowledge of many things all at once.

Shigure looks at me with eyes with mixed emotions going through them, but I can see that she no longer has doubts about taking my offer of becoming my student. Also, looking at her character sheet let me know that she made a vow to herself to return this favor to always protect my family when the time comes, where the war began.

"Thank you." Shigure said to me, as she gives me a small smile, knowing that she gained something very precious and will help improve herself even further from this point on. As she was a little stuck on what else to improve her [Martial Art Skills].

"No problem. Also, I have other students as well. Their numbers are in the cell phone I gave you. So if you have any other questions to ask when I'm not available or something you think I won't be able to answer. You can call my other students." I explain to Shigure about Ingui Yoon and Daniela, while even informing her about the girls from Ingui Yoon's home universe as well.

However, Ingui Yoon's fellow students in the [Renewal Taekwondo] are not available just yet. As I still haven't stolen the dimension of Ingui Yoon's home universe. Plus, only Ingui Yoon was the only that came from her home universe, same with Daniela, and the rest stay behind for the time being.

But, after Raven's idea and advice. I'm going to take the entire universe as well after Raven and I finish our business in this crossover universe.

"Okay, come on. I've given you the knowledge, but you don't have the experiences using the knowledge I gave you. So for an hour or two. I will help you with anything before returning you back." I said to Shigure, as I use [Gate of Babylon] to bring out a sword for me to use while Shigure choosing which sword to use. Her new sword, [Bong-Seon] or her trusty nodachi that's been with her for years.