Chapter 67: Steal or Destroy

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 67: Steal or Destroy

The next day*

Year 23: Day 309: Defensive Going Up

(Multiverse: Outside | Near Crossover Universe: Main Dimension: History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi)

After sending Shigure back to the Ryuzanpaku. I exit the dimension and pour more defensive over this crossover universe before using the [Sword God Magic: Right Arm of Thievery] to take ownership over it like nothing. But, didn't put it into my [Gate of Babylon] yet. As I still need to place down more [Restrictions] and among other things, to increase the defensive of the crossover universe.

It took me until the next day to have the right certain amount of defensive placed down. Though, I may have overdone it, seeing how the black fog of [Restrictions] has expanded to the point of being able to cover a dozen universe-size all at once.

Once that's done. I use [Archive] to check on Raven and sweatdrop as I watch my wife trashing all the members of Yami like nothing. She not even using her sword or [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic]. Let alone using [Heartforce]. All Raven is using her personal unarmed combat style, where there no forms, stance, or even [Techniques]. A simple punches and kicks in precise timing and targets the pressure points or the joints. Before backing off when things get too heated and going back in.

If anything, Raven's unarmed fighting style is the exact opposite of Yang Xiao-Long's fighting style, the Daughter of her counterparts, where she tank the attacks and deal heavy fast damages.

Currently, Raven just took down an entire base by herself without getting hit once at all. This includes projectiles like bullets as well. Something that not many could dodge in this world, but Raven isn't from this world and she doesn't even need to go above her max speed and just rely on absolute awareness.

All Raven need is to 'feel' the position of the attackers about to launch their attacks, as in shooting her, Raven would calculate the time and distance instantly and move the bare minimum to dodge out of the way.

After making sure Raven is doing fine, which she is, I thought about if I should reunite with her now and help her take over Yami or check on the other dimensions.

On one hand, this would really cause problems with all my wives. Since they really don't like me doing things by myself too long. Even Raven is pushing her luck by letting me alone right now.

Rubbing my chin, I decided to wait for Raven to take over Yami, either the entire organization or a division. Therefore, I will stay outside this crossover universe and watch Raven while checking on Shigure time from time.

In fact, I should even take this chance to take care of Honoka before her influence may cause a problem for Raven and me in the future. Better get rid of the early before it becomes a bigger problem later on.

Therefore, for the time being. I'll take action until Raven takes over Yami or contact me for something.

1 week later*

Year 23: Day 316: Total Takeover

(Yami's Headquarter: Meeting Room)

"So... want to tell me why everyone here looking at you with worship?" I ask Raven, who is currently using my lap as a seat while resting her head on my shoulder. While I ignore the look I'm getting from both the Hand-to-Hand Combat Division and the Weapons Divisions' members. Well, except for a few that were killed off by either Raven personally or by someone else that took this chance for revenge or something on that line.

The reason why I asked this was that I got bored a little and didn't want to cause Raven any problem and slept a little, then next thing I knew it. I see all the members of higher-up of Yami looking at Raven like she a goddess or something.

Glancing at Raven's character sheet, to see she gained a new title and it is the [Goddess of Combat]. Where it increases all combat-related [Skills/Techniques] and the ability to influence people that more into combats aka a battel manic with weak willpower, to either fight her or become her follower, even both. Since I can tell by the bruises and blood on the Yami's members, that they have fought Raven and lost. But, still looking at Raven with absolute respect.

"Too lazy to explain." Raven replied, "Ask one of them. They will explain. Now, stop moving and let me take my nap. I haven't slept for a week now."

I look at Raven with a deadpan, knowing that I won't get anything out of her when she likes this for a while. So, I look at the group of martial artists that are at the peak of this world. One of them stand up and spoke for everyone else.

A tall and slim blond hair man, wearing a striped suit with a tassel around the middle. He is slim in frame with an incredibly well-muscled and defined build. His hairstyle is somewhat reminiscent of Akisame Koetsuji's.

This is Saiga Furinji, the son of the [Invincible Superhuman] Hayato Furinji, the husband of the late Shizuha Furinji, as well as the Father of Miu Furinji. He is the last/lost hero of Ryuzanpaku.

"Mrs. Raven has claimed that you'll allow all of us to join in the war of the three factions, even if it is mostly against weaker beings compared to ones at Mrs. Raven and your level. As well as giving us the options to fight all the battles your family may face in weaker worlds that similar to this world. Also, Mrs. Raven informs all of us, that we may have the chance to improve ourselves by gaining these [Cultivation Methods] from you, who is Raven's husband, and the leader of the family, we've vowed to watch over." Saiga began explaining to me all the benefits Raven willing to give to the Yami in exchange for their services and loyalty.

"Did she now." I look at the sleeping face of my wife, then back at everyone else and snap my fingers, where everyone's injuries and ruin clothes are gone due to [Rejection].

"Well, I had some doubt, but now... I guess I'm a believer." Said by a tall man with long purple hair down his waist with a muscular build and a calm face. "I'm Isshinsai Ogata. It would be an honor if you can teach me these [Cultivation Methods]." Ogata introduces himself while looking at his now restored cloths and lack of injuries in awe.

"Hey, is it true, that there is a world that is centered around martial artists?" A tall man with incredible muscular, with his muscles being visible through his clothing. The leader of the Weapons Division. Oganosuke Yogi, who is one of the few fighters in the martial arts world that is considered to be on par with the elder of Ryozanpaku.

"Yup." I knew a few martial arts worlds, that these people would love to live in. But, may also not like it due to the lack of modern technology.

"Alright, I have no problem with the Yami following your family." Yogi replied as he closes his eyes, not caring about the people around him.

"Even if someone has a problem. I'm sure you can defeat us easily, if what your wife told us about you." Said by a curvaceous and very well-endowed woman who appears to be in her mid 20's. Going by the name of Mikumo Kushinada and someone older than she actually looks. "Also, is what Raven said is true? That becoming a cultivator means eternal life and youth?"

This caught the attention almost everyone, as not everyone wishes for everything they work up to go to waste upon their death.

"Depending on the [Cultivation System]. Of course, there are some pros and cons for each one. In fact, some of them have higher raw power, but can only gain eternal life at reaching the peak while there are some [Cultivation Systems] that reach to the point of gaining eternal life without reaching the peak, but will be very limited in some way. Furthermore, even if you do cultivate to the stage to gain eternal life and youth. You can still be killed." I explain to everyone in the room how some [Cultivation System] aim for immortality while other one aims for cultivating on something on the line of [Dao], with eternal life as a side bonus.

Upon hearing my explanation and further answering some of their questions. I just gained the loyalty of all the Yami's higher members, with the ones that doesn't. Are already killed off by the time I arrived. Leaving only behind the ones that could be reasonable or just not foolish enough to fight someone that way beyond their level. As in a mortal just became a cultivator start fighting someone that at the peak cultivation stage.

End results: Instant death to that early stage cultivator.

If this was before Raven gained [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic], [Heartsword Art - Creation Stage], and [Heartforce Cultivation]. Then, even if she had her [Transformation Semblance] and her normal [Semblance]. She would still be defeated by the people of Yami, if they all ganged up on her.

"Okay, I'm going to head off. You can contact me or Raven with the phones I gave all of you. I think everyone needs to do their own things and reorganization everything. Also, do try to fix the damage Raven done to Yami. Since I or my family may need your service. As payment, I will teach you and if you want to go to the desire worlds. Then, you have to complete many tasks and among other things, before I send you off and never have to hear from me or my family ever again." With that said, I pick the sleeping Raven and head to the [Ark] as our business in this world is done.

(Ark's City)

I bring out Raven's bed via [Gate of Babylon] and place her on it, where she unconsciously remove all her clothes while she is still asleep. A habit all my wives shared among other things.

Ignoring my soon to be naked wife, as I bring up my [Archive] to check all the dimensions in this crossover universe, to see if there any among them have a potential student to take under my wing or an organization like Yami to take over.

My family needs all the main power available, even if I could technically just mind-controlling everyone in this crossover universe, but that would lower the fighting abilities of everyone. It's better to have free will, people, to ally with that could be useful for certain things before sending away once they are no longer needed.

After all, there always a chance of betrayal, no matter what.

The only people I know for sure that absolutely no chance of betrayal at all. Are my wives and Repellista. With the latter having so many chances to do so, but never took it and I know exactly why.

Sadly, I don't trust the kids, including my Daughters. It's exactly because they are [Reincarnators] and knowing about the multiverse just have a potential of betraying me. Honestly, there are many reasons why I still keep them around.

"Stop that." Raven mumble to me, as she slaps the back of my head while I was close to going into the deep end once again. "Seriously, Ragna. It's at this point, where the others and I have developed an instinct, where we know if you close to snapping."

"Can't help it. Blame my [Voltion Sword Dao]. It's one of those double-edged [Dao], where a high chance of bringing doom to many that dare cultivates it." I smile at my wife, for knocking sense back into me before I try to 'convince' myself almost doing something that I would regret for the rest of my life.

"Ugh, Ragna. You lasted a week without me. How did this happen?" Raven rolls off her bed and making me catch her, where she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Seriously, do something to keep your mind business."

"That's what I did." I said dryly, as I explain to Raven what happens just a few minutes ago, causing Raven to let out a frustrated sigh.

"Alright, let me help you search for a place, then. Afterward, you're going to sleep with me. No complaining. It's for your own good." Raven said to me, causing my mouth to twitch that Raven just finding an excuse to sleep whenever she can, even though right now she deserves it. After all, she has been awake for an entire week now.

3 weeks later*

Year 23: Day 337: Total Takeover

(Ark's City)

During the three weeks, Raven did everything she thinks is needed to run Yami and even manage to prevent a war with the Ryuzanpaku. Instead, both sides agreed to put their side different seeing how both sides have reached their goals. Somewhat, with some of the grandmasters in the Ryuzanpaku still didn't like how things ended with barely any actions at the end.

Of course, things would have been more difficult if it wasn't for Saiga bought along with Raven when meeting up with the Ryuzanpaku and my presence. Though, I did have to mind wipe Honoka's past life memories related to the three factions and only left behind a few things.

On another note, the main character Kenichi is having a difficult time gaining Miu's affection due to her Father in the picture now. I wish him luck.

"So, did you find any dimension to go to?" Raven asks me as she just finished her nap after returning visiting Yami to check on everything. "Or do you still have some problems with most of them?"

"Well, due to the crossover universe's main dimension being a martial arts theme. Barely any supernatural other than a very limited usage in [Ki] and limited to a certain strength level due to the [Laws] in this crossover universe. I must say, I need to study more about the crossover universe and the normal universe more." I started explaining to Raven about how the fact that History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi as the main dimension of this crossover universe has placed a level cap on what people can reach.

"If the native people in this crossover universe are limited to a certain strength. What if they use multiple or mixed different [Energy Sources] together?" Raven asks me.

"I have no idea. We can try, but there is a chance they may explode from having two different [Energy Sources] in their body." I point this out to my wife, "I mean, sure, if they find out the right method, then they may be able to use two or more [Energy Sources], increasing their fighting abilities beyond what this crossover universe's [Laws] allow them to."

"Ragna. You have control over this crossover universe, right?" Raven looking at me with a deadpan.

"Yeah?" I wonder what thoughts popped into Raven's head to cause her to look at me like I'm an idiot.

"The people in this crossover universe are bound to the [Laws], right?" Raven follows up with another question.

"That's right. Unless they leave the universe. Then, they will be bound to other universe's [Laws]. Depending on if they have the strength to either resist it somewhat to adapt in time or instantly bypass them for some reasons. Or in Ingui Yoon and Daniela's cases. I just bound them to my broken Gamer's ability via [Karma Threads]." I answered. Still not getting what Raven trying to tell me.

Raven blankly stares at her husband, wonder if he was messing with her or he truly didn't get it at all. But remember who her husband is and got her answer.

"Ragna. You have control over the crossover universe." Raven repeated, "Just change the [Laws] yourself. Unless it's not possible?" There. Raven went straight to the point of what she was trying to hint the whole time.

I was about to say no, but then I register Raven's words that, yes, yes I can. And Raven smirks at me when she can tell her words got through to me finally.

"Right... Let me get right to it." I said to Raven, "It may take a while for everything to finish, though." I point this out to Raven the moment I bring up a different holographic screen, that contains a large number of words, symbols, and numbers in many columns and multiple windows in different sizes.

Raven glance at the new holographic screen and look at it for one second before looking away as all that caused her a small headache from just glancing at it.

"Yeah, you ahead and do whatever you need to do. I'm going to take a nap." Raven paused for a moment, "Oh, and if I find myself having to wake up and smack some sense into you just because you about to have an episode. I will do something we both would regret. So control yourself. Kay, night, my hero." Raven kiss me on the lip, then jump onto her bed and cover herself with her precious blanket, then close her eyes to sleep. Even though it hadn't even been half an hour since she just woke up from her nap. It didn't matter to Raven, she will take all the chances she could get to have a joyful sleep.

2 months later*

Year 24: Day 32: Not The Culprit!

(Ark's City)

"Mmm! That was a good sleep. Hey, Ragna. You still working on those [Laws] for the crossover universe still?" Raven asks her husband, who has been for the past 2 months trying to raise the cap level of the crossover universe without causing everything to fall apart and the only reason why it hasn't. Is due to the [Broken Skill: Rejection]. If it wasn't for that, many things over the years would have fallen apart by now. Let alone something big as changing the very [Laws] born into the crossover universe.

"Oh, almost done. I just need a few samples from the other universes, be it the normal or crossover version. But, mostly the latter than the former. Then, I should have everything done. But, for now, the crossover universe we have right now have to stick with its current [Laws] for the time being." I explained to Raven as I took a sip of my green tea and use [Sword God Magic: Right Arm of Thievery] to send the crossover universe into the [Gate of Babylon].

While deactivating all the defensive placed on the crossover universe. At the moment it enters the [Gate of Babylon], then it will drain all the [Energy Sources] to power it. In this case, it would drain me when the [Gate of Babylon] is connected to me.

"Okay, did you pick out the next universe for us to head to or do you want my LUCK stat to decide for us again?" I ask my wife, who completely naked and the only thing covering her is the bedsheet. "Because the last time we did that, we came across a crossover universe."

"I guess. I have no idea what universe, I want to visit at the moment. Also, mind sending me into the crossover dimension of the History Strongest Disciple's Kenichi. I promise to spar against a few martial artists from the Ryuzanpaku and Yami. Mostly the latter than former, but you know how they are." Raven replied as she equips her clothes with just a single thought her [Inventory].

"Alright." I agreed, even though the crossover universe is inside the [Gate of Babylon]. We still have access to it. Same with the dimension of the Monster Girl Quest. But, only if I leave a pathway to connect the multiverse to the [Gate of Babylon] and for a limited time. Of course, this only applies if I go in as well.

So, I made an [Ark's Gate] and send Raven into the crossover universe's main dimension. "Let Shigure know I will be checking on her on a later date, to check on her progress." I said to Raven while start moving the [Ark] in a random direction.

"Will do, Ragna." Raven said to me as she put away her bed via [Inventory]. "Also, I will call at a random time. Just to check on you, Ragna." Raven narrowed her eyes at me before giving me a lazy smile.

"Kay." I replied as I deploy [Heartforce Scan] to detect any nearby enemies from the three factions. So I can steal their knowledge and memories.

I activate the new program installed in the [Ark], now to zone in the closest universe and warp there, with the help of my [Dao of Spacetime] making the jump by creating a warp-hole around the [Ark]. After the [Ark] locates the universe, which didn't take that long.

I wait for a few minutes to calculate the distance and how much [Energy] needed to make the jump. Then, activate [Omega Sword Dao: Dao of Spactime] and lost 40% [Sword Qi] at that one jump. A minute to recover that 40% [Sword Qi], something I wouldn't do if I was on a battlefield, but for now. I'll allow myself to do so since I can afford to lower just a bit of my guard. While continuing to have the [Ark]'s [Restrictions] preventing all detection from working.

My mouth twitches when I found out what type of universe this is or more like I discovered this universe already has an owner and belong to the [Hero Faction] too. There are many approaches I could take at this very moment. Most of them would lead to a large number of heroes coming after my behind the very moment I'm discovered. However, the upside is worth the risk.

What's more interesting is that this is one of the many universes where the [Hero Faction] spawn new heroes or candidates that have knowledge about the three factions and going through a test, where they get the chance to become an actual member of the [Hero Faction] instead of just in name only.

If that wasn't enough for me, to take a big risk. The next thing I learned about this universe is that it's a crossover universe as well, where many of the members of the [Hero Faction] are sent to each of these dimensions from different universes. Therefore, compared to the crossover universe, I have in my [Gate of Babylon], where there is only one member of the [Neutral Faction]. While in this crossover universe. There hundreds or so of these candidates in this crossover universe right now.

Then again, the one from the [Neutral Faction] is an actual member of the [Neutral Faction] and had the mission to take over the crossover universe while the candidates of the [Hero Faction] are trying to become 'heroes' instead of taking over the crossover universe. Seeing how the crossover universe has already been taken over by the [Hero Faction] for a long time now.

Rubbing my chin, to check what ranked this crossover universe is and find it is a mid-ranked fantasy type universe. An average one and not that important for the [Hero Faction], but still important enough to be noticed the very moment this crossover universe disappear from their radar.

"Ah... So many choices..." I mumble to myself, not that eager to steal the crossover universe. However, that doesn't mean I'm not above destroying it instead. Save me lots of trouble. But, after I get the samples I needed to be able to change the [Laws] of the one in my [Gate of Babylon].

10 minutes later*

(Ark's City)

"Hey, Ragna. Just wanted to call in to check on if you've arrived in another universe yet and to see if you're okay." Raven said to me, as she just called.

"Not really, but I did find one; however, it's owned by the [Hero Faction]." I explain to Raven about what I found and learned, along with getting the samples I wanted, but just missing a few things before finishing changing the crossover universe we possess. Maybe a normal universe would do.

"I see. So, no problem on your-" Raven was about to say something, but was caught off when a loud explosion occurs at her husband's side. "Okay, what have you done this time?" Raven look at her husband with a deadpan.

flashback 10 minutes ago*

(Multiverse: Unknown | Near Crossover Universe: Belong to [Hero Faction])

Putting away the [Ark] into the [Gate of Babylon] and appear in the multiverse, just outside the crossover universe. Then, pour a massive amount of [Restrictions] all over the crossover universe until it covers entirely. Afterward, I use [Ninjutsu] to hide the [Restrictions] and continues to place down [Restrictions] until it was 10 minutes.

The very last few seconds; I bring out the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] and flip a couple of pages before finding the one I wanted, then took action, where I arrange the [Restrictions] into the forms of patterns, transforming all these [Restrictions] into an [Array]. A large and complex [Inscription Patterns] that are used for powerful [Technique] and affect an area.

In this case, the [Array] is boosting the effects of the [Restrictions] and only need a single thought to trigger everything.

Once that's done. I bring out the [Ark] and make my escape via another jump with [Dao of Spacetime].

flashback over*

"Just getting ridding future problems." I grin at Raven, who just rolls her eyes at me.

"Would this cause us problems in the present, though?" Raven asks me, knowing that I said future problems, but not the ones we're about to have sooner than later.

"Other than there an army arrived the moment I left the area. Nope. Also, I made it so no one in the three factions knows it was me, who destroyed the crossover universe owned by the [Hero Faction]." I replied in a casual voice, not caring that I was close to fighting an army of experts from the [Hero Faction] just now. "Anyway, I'll let you know when I found a universe for us to enter. If not, then, mostly I would just destroy if it belongs to the [Hero Faction] and steals from the [Neutral Faction]. As for the [Evil Faction], maybe later on. Who knows."

"Fine, but don't think I won't check on you and in a few hours. Send me back into the [Ark]." Raven said to me, "See ya later, Ragna."

I nod at Raven, then once more wait for my [Sword Qi] to fully recover before making another jump.