Chapter 69: Slipping Control

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 69: Slipping Control

Year 24: Day 62: LUCK stat Coming Into Play Part 2

(Vale Kingdom: City of Vale)

I just blankly stare at them in silence, causing them to feel a bit disturb of my lack of response when Ruby's exploded that she learned I'm not a Huntsman or trying to think up an excuse of why I have a food cart. From what I can tell with her character sheet that continues to update on her thoughts.

I didn't bother about the damage of the area and some of the buildings that been knocked down via the crashing train. As I continue to stand here, wonder if someone brave enough to pay me to see what they get.

I glance up, where there is a fleet coming from the Atlesian Military, consisting of dropships deploying [Atlesian Knight-200] units and the flagship of James Ironwood. Then, more people drop down and looking around for Grimm, but found none at all. Other than my food cart and team RWBY.

Of course, I was not surprised to see these robots aiming their guns at me. Like I was a threat to the kingdom. 'Maybe...' I thought to myself, where I can see that I would be a threat to the entire planet, let alone a kingdom. Since technically I own the universe that holds this dimension. Pretty sure, mankind will try their best to fight back against people with the goal of world domination or something on that line, but bigger.

I didn't move nor care about the guns pointing at me and wait until everyone supposes to be here in canon. Once they are.

I move.

Too fast for the robots to track me down, as I destroy all the robots with just a single jab of the finger. Using the [Finger Jab Skill] from the novel: Pursuit of the Truth.

[Finger Jab - Pursuit of the Truth's Version] - Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% - Cost: Varies

Description: The [Finger Jab] is Su Ming's third [Self-Created Technique]. This killing move is very simple. It is a tap. However, that one tap contained the speed of lightning, the power of wind, the mysteriousness within the movement of pressing down and seizing air, the source behind lightness and heaviness, the [Laws] behind swiftness and slowness, and Su Ming's life and soul.

1st Effect: Gain access to [Su Ming's Third Self-Created Technique: Finger Jab] and able to use (level)% of its power as the original user.

Even though this is [Finger Jab] can go up to the same strength as the original user, which is already considered endgame in many worlds, including cultivation worlds, but that's fine. I can make it go beyond its limited capacity with the help of [Chain Combo Magic].

However, for the people in this world, I don't even need to use 1% of its true power and no one can even see me using a single tap to destroy a robot without causing any damage to the surroundings.

In just 10 seconds; all the robots are destroyed before I appear next to the giant hole, where there is more Grimm coming.

I lift my left foot, then stomp the ground as I use [Wisdom of The Sage] to repair the giant hole. Afterward, I disappear once more before reappearing next to my food cart. Exactly where I was before I destroy the robots and fixing the giant hole in the middle of the City like nothing.

"Men! Capture him! He has resisted arrest and destroying the military's property!" James shouts to his soldiers, the moment he exits his Airship and glare at the person that caused him to lose a massive amount of resources and times into those robots. All gone in seconds by a single man!

I tilt my head, then before anyone could do anything. I stand before James, where on his character sheet reveal his thoughts to me. As to how in the world did I appear before him and who the hell am I.

Activating the [Left Arm of Usage: Ope Ope no Mi] and use [ROOM], creating a small spherical space around me, with James inside it as well and preventing him from moving under the [ROOM]'s effects, then using [Chain Combo Magic] to link [Rejection] and allowing me to use another power in the [Left Arm of Usage] being the [Ito Ito no Mi] in a way that's not supposed to be possible.

Touching James' chest area on the left with my left hand, where his heart is as I use [Ito Ito no Mi] to literally convert his clothes and flesh, even nearby metal parts, into strings, causing everyone to look at this horrifying display while I drag James' heart for everyone to see, including its owner, who is still awake and alive. Besides being absolutely terrified, everyone is confused on how the world is James, this includes himself, is still alive with his heart just floating out of his chest and only being held by the strings made from his clothes, flesh, and few metal parts.

If this just to give them nightmares for years. Then, the next thing that will happen will forever mentally scar them for life and will remember this very moment, to the last detail no matter what.

As I didn't stop at the heart, but using James' clothes, metals, and fleshes to be turned into strings, revealing all his organs, where the only thing remaining is the very bones that connected by the numerous of strings and James' head. The very same head that has a scared facial expression and almost has his mind broken from seeing this happening to him, including everyone else watching. The only thing that's stopping this is me, with the [Skill: Rejection] making it so their minds won't break at all. Close, yet not close enough to break down.

No one could say anything. No. More like everyone is too scared that they would become the next victim if they so much as to make a noise to draw attention to them. The only sound everyone can hear. Is the sound of their own heart beating, and this made it even worse for everyone due to seeing the appearance of James' heart out in the open.

I had a small grin when on James' character sheet, that he thinking this is an illusion and all this is not real.

To prove that this is real for my victim. I gave the heart a small squeeze with my left hand.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" James releases a screech of pain at the top of his lungs, where this broke the silence completely. Now, everyone started screaming. For those that are cowards. Ran. For those that too scared to even move. Stay. For those that wanted to help James. Can't.

I let go of James' heart and with a thought, everything returns back to normal. It only took a split second before James return to normal, as if he wasn't just a normal head with a skeleton body attached with countless strings, that's holding all the important organs inside the human body.

Once the last string returned back to its original property. James lost consciousness and fell to the ground, causing many to worry about his health, but no one wanted to go near that monster in human form.

I raise an eyebrow when I feel a [Karma Thread] forming with me to another person. I glance at the [Karma Thread] before my eye and follow it, where I find it connected to Pyrrha Nikos, causing me to narrow my eye at her, who was among the ones that stayed.

Reading the [Karma Thread], then start sweating a little because she has a 5% chance of being reborn as my Daughter between Ryun and me if I dare kill her. Knowing my LUCK stat, that 5% may as well be 100% no matter what, as the next baby girl that Ryun would give birth will definitely be Pyrrha or at least this dimension I'm in, instead of the other ones.

To make it worse for me. It is a 70% increase chance if Pyrrha is killed similarly in canon. Talk about unfair when I just came into this dimension and this happens. Nevertheless, I will try to find out the reason behind this when I got the time and if I remember about it.

I did not want another Erza into the family, that's trying her best to reform us into the [Hero Faction], and becoming goody two shoe pushovers and expect to save the world. Yeah, no. I'm not willing to sacrifice myself for mankind or whatever. No. I'm only willing to sacrifice my family instead. Where they would do the same for me. At the very least my wives would.

So in this case. I can just help Pyrrha live to pass that event where she dies or severe the [Karma Thread] like always. But, this option kind of not possible if my wives, especially Ryun, learn about this. I have no idea what they would do.

Yes, all my wives and I didn't like how Erza is acting, but she still our little girl.


A holographic screen appears before me, with a phone icon and Raven trying to call me. Answering it, where Raven's face appears and she giving me a deadpan expression.

"Snap out of it." Raven said to me before ending the call, causing me to sweatdrop.

Slowly shaking my head, I walk over to Pyrrha, who look at me with a pale face, not knowing what to do. Even her own team and friends, classmates, teachers, etc. Don't have the courage to stop me from walking up to Pyrrha.

"Hello, Daughter." I may as well just grab her while she a teenager already than having her as a baby. Plus, I can use this as a way to prevent Pyrrha's [Karma Thread] becoming true if I claim her as mine and Ryun's Daughter by adopting her into the family, then if things don't work out. Well, Pyrrha can just stay in this dimension after I save her from being killed off like in canon. Afterward, I don't need to worry about her becoming the actual 2nd child between Ryun and me.

"Huh?" Pyrrha's build-up fears collapse into confusion, along with everyone else.

Also, from this Pyrrha's character sheet. She actually an orphan, where her parents are killed during a mission for the Mistral Kingdom when Pyrrha was a young age. While she was taken care of by a friend, who is also her manager.

Luckily, the Father of this Pyrrha has black hair and the same shade of color as my eyes. While Pyrrha's deceased Mother is similar to Ryun, but with different eye color as Pyrrha's. So this will be a bit complex, but I think I could come up with an excuse for Pyrrha to accept that I'm her Father and Ryun her Mother.

"Pyrrha...?" Jaune looks at Pyrrha in disbelief, causing the poor girl to twitch that her partner/leader would actually believe this without any proof or giving her the chance to defend herself before being judged.

"This should prove it." I reach into my pocket and pull out a folded picture and hand it over to Pyrrha to open, which she did after making sure I didn't attack her when she least expects it. While secretly using [Ninjutsu] to adjust a few memories of Pyrrha. Mostly the appearance of her parents to be the same as mine and Ryun's.

Pyrrha let out a grasp, where she had seen this picture before. A picture of her parents holding her when she was a baby. But, this made Pyrrha narrows her eyes and focuses a little onto the picture before looking back at the monster, who claims to be her Father.

"Oh, right." I turn my head to glance at Ozpin, "Try to use my Daughter for your chess game and you'll see what I did to that person over there seem tame. Death will be mercy once I get my hands on you." I release a brief moment of my killing intent focused onto Ozpin, causing him to pass out instantly. Leading to panic to those around him.

Pyrrha looks at me with even more confused than before and why I would say such a thing to Ozpin before a panic replaces that upon seeing Ozpin passing out.

All those that are trained or is training Huntsmen and Huntresses looking at me with absolute fear while Pyrrha does fear me after experiencing the entire horrifying event, but she also confuses as well.

Ignoring everyone's gazes on me, I move my own gaze to Jaune, who went stiff and the colors drain from his face as he now has my attention solely onto him.

Then, I look away and walk over to my food cart and stand there, waiting to see if anyone brave enough to buy anything from me. I really, really want to see their reactions upon seeing the food they purchase.

"There is pancake." I said in a monotone, then the next thing I know it. Nora is in front of me, with a serious expression, causing others around to panic once more at the sight of Nora so close to me.

"How do I know for sure, I would get pancake? For all I know, you could give me something nasty or even worse! You poison the pancake, knowing I would still eat it!" Nora shouts at me, not one bit afraid like before and from her character sheet. She is doing this on purpose as a way to get everyone to relax and trust her gut that I won't kill her in the process. Pretty much a huge gamble on her side. But, mostly because her reflex triggered by hearing the magical word.

I can see Ren next to his team look like he about to pass out or ready to sacrifice his life to save Nora's.

"Pay and you'll see. Of course, I'll promise you, that once you eat something I made. You'll never be able to enjoy any other foods besides mine or someone better than me." I said with confidence, that just causes people to feel this whole situation mess up. At one moment it became serious, the next awkward, then the terror and next surprise before going back into terror and so on.

"How much?" Nora asks me, continues to put up a brave front, as her forehead cover in cold sweats.

"How much you have?" I ask back, because I have no idea if she has pockets in that short skirt of her's.

"Uh." Nora quickly searches for any [Lien], any at all as she let a sigh of relief, but that didn't calm her heart down as she only found a few [Lien]. Barely enough to buy a bag of chips, causing Nora to sweat a little if this was enough or not.

"Barely enough to get you something." I grab the [Lien] straight out of Nora's hand and open the lid to the foot cart and reach inside, where I use [Gate of Babylon] and [Wisdom of The Sage] together with [Chain Combo Magic] to create the food I wanted without requiring the ingredients and recipes. Also, giving me the ability to pick the shape, taste, and ingredients of the food.

I've already made the food to give to Nora, but to keep up the appearance sake. I extend the search for a couple of seconds before pulling it out. Where everyone can see me holding a hot pancake shape of a stick.

"Here you go." I pass the pancake stick over to Nora, who knew by instinct this is a pancake, but at the same time, it doesn't look like one.

Nora looks at the pancake stick with a frown, sweating even more if she has the gut to eat this stick that feels like a pancake, but is it really pancake or maybe something else entirely? Therefore, Nora gamble once more and took a bite of this weirdly shaped pancake, much to the panic of others, as they shout at Nora to not eat it, but Nora rather do this to save her friends by making sure to keep the monster's attention solely onto her while the rest come up with a plan to deal with this monster. Who may or may not be Pyrrha's Father.

"Hmm?" Nora paused as she tastes something familiar and much better than anything she has tasted in her life! Without wasting any time, Nora devours the whole thing, not leaving a single crumble behind as she sucks on her sticky fingers. Since inside the pancake stick, there was syrup inside it.

Weirdly enough, some of the males watching this. Blush and cover their crouch and bend forward a little, the very moment syrup drip down Nora's mouth. While some females look at the males with eyes of disdain.

It really didn't help that Nora moans with pleasure while devouring the pancake stick at the time.

I had a chill go down my back as if Esdeath looking at me with cold eyes, even when she really, really far away in Konosuba universe and realize that maybe the food business is a big no, even when I'm giving away the food I made with my [Skills], but I guess Esdeath didn't like this at all, even if it isn't her own food being eaten by others.

Also, my sense of danger against BSDM raised up again. Therefore, without any hesitation. I walk to the other side of the food cart, where Nora and gentle move her to the side before returning back to the other side and gave the food cart a good kick, sending it flying to the sky without any sign of it coming down any time soon or even coming back to this planet with how much strength I put behind that kick.

Or that what it's supposed to go, but instead smash into one of the Airships in the sky, sending it down crashing, making it worse for everyone as I just caused another major damage to the City. And just made people fear me even more and shock sinceI just destroyed a huge military Airship with a food cart of all things.

"Sorry, the food business look like a failure to me." I said to everyone, as if they cared about the food cart business I was running for just a few minutes like all of them had a taste of the food I made during those few minutes, but only Nora did, who was brave and a bit naive to do such a thing. But, almost everyone was too busy looking at the smoke rising from the east of the City with a dumbfounded look on their faces.

"Aww... cookie..." I ignore Ruby's sad mumbling as she lost her chance to get something cookie-related in some kind of shape and would taste amazing. Yup, Ruby got her priorities in order. Not even the destruction of a good portion of the City was Ruby's number one focus.

"Anyway, it looks like things are okay for now. I'm going to head off." I start walking away before pausing right next to Pyrrha, who is too confused and frighten, that she no longer in the right mind to think about her next action. So, I just resume walking away, not once looking back at my 'Daughter', but I know she will search for me soon after she calms down and have control over herself. Somewhat.

No one dares to stop me, not even the strongest Hunters here, which was Ozpin, but he already been defeated by me with just a glance.

Upon disappearing from everyone's sights, I destroy any cameras nearby before using [Heartforce Scan] on this entire kingdom and know everything about this kingdom. To the public areas to the hidden areas that are only known by certain people.

Once I got the mental map finished. I use [Ninjutsu] to hide, then use [Cleave Sword Intent: Short Cut] to teleport.

(Vale Kingdom: Beacon Academy)

Appearing on top of Beacon Tower and at this height. I can see almost the entire Beacon Academy.

Looking at how the Beacon Academy, but last time, I didn't bother to look at the place that much and just heads off with the wives to open a Restaurant. Now, that I see Beacon Academy much more clear. I must say this place is the size of a small town. While at the same time, disappointed at how this place is run. After all, I look at the history of this place and figure out one of the reasons why Beacon Academy falls during the invasion in canon or at least in this dimension, that's almost close to canon, but not completely like canon due to my appearance and my Raven's exists in this world.

So, honestly, canon will forever stay as canon and what worlds me and my wives, among other people in the three factions want to change in these worlds. All we're doing is creating an entirely new dimension of that canon world for those that wanted to change something.

I knew that all these universes in this multiverse are just a copy of the main canons. Including my own home universe. Such depressing thoughts, but will always be true.


A holographic screen appears before me, with Raven's face appearing on it.

"Really, Ragna?" Raven looked at me with a deadpan, "It hasn't even been 20 minutes since I called. Is your episode getting worse without me or one of the others with you? Should I come to you? I don't mind holding off what I want to do."

"No. No. No. It's fine." I smile at Raven, as I hide the small grief, I have about how messed up my life is and on a thin line of becoming something that very dangerous. Only a small trigger of anything is enough to make me lose all controls. "Just do what you need to do, Raven. I'll just go around visiting places to relax."

"You sure?" Raven asks me with concern, as she could sense something wrong with me.

"Yeah, you can just check on me often. No need to worry. Do your thing. I'll wait." I replied, already got used to bringing my broken sanity back with the help of the [Skill: Rejection]. 'Using [Sword Qi] to counter the [Gamer's Mind] over the years has already shown signs of the end resulting from doing such a reckless and dangerous thing.' I thought to myself, knowing that I did this to myself and knew that I could have done many things instead of hurting myself just so I don't end up in a fixed calm emotion. Not even [Rejection] can fix this at all or more like, I can't bring myself to do such a thing as I feel like this is something I may need in the future.

Just based on a gut feeling, that I'm mentally torturing myself for no reason when I could just cure myself instantly. Even Esdeath was cured of her curse and changed, be it for the better or worst. At least she changed, but for me, it's hard to tell.

"I don't know, Ragna. My instinct is screaming at me even more by the second. I think it best I come over to you right now." Raven didn't let her own personal goal affect what really matters. "And don't try to stop me. You may not show it, but I can feel it and I bet you that the others would feel it soon if I don't do something."

I smile weakly, knowing how much stubborn most of my wives are when it comes to my mental health.

A red swirling portal appears behind me and my wife appear, along with her counterpart tied with a blueish white rope, but I can tell it just compressed wind and given a physical form. Something Raven could do by using [Heartforce] together with her [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic]. With the [Heartforce] preventing this world's Raven from using her [Maiden Power], [Aura], and [Semblance].

"Why she here?" I point at my wife's counterpart, who also has her mouth sealed with duct tape.

"Oh, I just wanted to show that there is a difference between being the strong and a coward." My wife bares her teeth like she wants nothing more than to devour her counterpart to erase how much a disappointment she is.

"Right." I sweatdrop, "So you pretty much bought your personal business with you?"

"Kind of?" My wife looks a bit unsure and did this on impulse. "Anyway, it looks like I was right. You need me or one of the others' presence near you." My wife gives me a look before sighing in relief.

"I wasn't that bad, right?" I ask my wife, completely ignoring this world's Raven, who is glaring at me and my wife.

"I and the others beg to differ." My wife said dryly, then look around with a hint disdain and rage. As Beacon Academy give her nothing but bad memories.

"What are you going to do with her?" I ask my wife, changing the topic since continues it would just cause both parties headaches.

"Her?" My wife grins down at her counterpart, that's filled with hidden objectives. "Oh, believe me. You'll enjoy something amazing soon."

"Does she have any idea who you are and why the two of you have the same appearance?" I ask my wife, seeing how Raven since years ago hasn't changed her default outfit at all, even after going through the 10,000 years, then again, only Ryun changed her default outfits.

"Oh, I'm sure she has a few ideas on why I have the same appearance as her's. But, I kidnap her before she could even fight back." My wife replied, not caring how she treats her counterpart. After all, they are two different people, with just different past and everything up to now.

"I keep forgetting you were a former bandit." I said to my wife, as I really did forget that the canon Raven is also bandit, raised in a bandit tribe, and became the leader of the said bandit tribe. Well, my wife is kind of the same, but much more and has a better status than a simple bandit leader. Also, including a [Transformation Semblance] that canon Raven doesn't have, but instead of having the [Spring Maiden Power].

"I don't know why, but being called a former bandit kind of making me feel a bit... annoyed?" My wife seems a bit confused near the end as she can't point her finger on the word she wanted to say, to express how she felt being called a former bandit by her own husband.

"How about one of the former Two Monster Lords, that lead a tribe filled with bandits that can transform into hybrid animals. Where some even have the ability to control an element." I give my wife a deadpan look.

This world's Raven looks very confused as my wife and I continue to talk to each other, that if this world's Raven didn't have her mouth duct-taped, then she would have already been demanding answers by now.

"Anyway, why are you at Beacon Academy?" My wife asks me, finally had enough with the few topics we've talked for the past few minutes.

"To be a hero." I said with a serious face, causing my wife to take a step back at this. But, waiting for me to continue before she asks anything, "I found that I have potential, or more like a for sure, Daughter in this world, where Ryun would give birth to my second Daughter." I start explaining to my wife about what I found about this world's Pyrrha due to the [Karma Thread] formed between us.

"So another Erza?" My wife asks me, after listening to all this while this world's Raven had the look she needs a drink after this as today been a very weird day.