Chapter 70: Questionable Events

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 70: Questionable Events

Year 24: Day 62: LUCK stat Coming Into Play Part 3

(Vale Kingdom: Beacon Academy)

"Yeah, another Erza, I guess." I sweatdrop, that we're already using Erza's name as a term for all future children that planning to reform the whole family, or part of it, to switch to the [Hero Faction].

"Anyway, we can avoid that? One Erza is enough for me. I don't want another one." My wife said to me, with a wry smile. "I love Erza as a Daughter and all, but her attitude is really annoying for me."

"Well, I could always seal away the newborn's past life memories and slowly release them when they get older after they have been raised by us. Who knows, maybe after we influence them to the point where they would just use their past life memories as a store of knowledge instead of using them as a way to define who they are in this new life." I offer my wife an option we could use to prevent all the future [Reincarnators] from trying to influence the entire family into something else due to the fact that they are [Reincarnators] and thinking themselves unique and better than others because of this.

"Didn't you try to do that before with Kaori, Chifuyu, and Erza for a day to see the result in the past, where everyone regretted this action near midnight as none of us could do anything as the babies started crying all the time?" My wife reminds me that we did this option already and it didn't end up so well at the end.

"Oh, yeah." I remember those bad moments, where I actually find having [Reincarnators] as my kids much better than those that don't possess any memories of their past lives since they would actually act as normal babies suppose to act. Crying, pooping, and more crying. "Anyway, I'm planning to prevent Pyrrha's death and maybe just adopt her into the family if possible. This way the [Karma Thread] would be complete and don't have to deal with a baby Pyrrha."

"Better than as a teenager than a baby I guess, but you do know she still is very emotional, even as a teenager, it could even be worse. After all, she is a Huntress-in-training and will fight us back if she thinks the situation calls for it." My wife points this out as a warning.

"We'll deal with that if that happens." I pause for a moment. "When it happens." I needed to rephrase it since I have to include the variable of the LUCK stat coming into play. "Now, leaving this topic aside. What are you planning to do with your counterpart, whom we have been ignoring for a while now?"

"I'll let you know in an hour from now." My wife said to me, "So, whatever you need to do. I hope you can do it without leaving my side if possible."

"Alright, and no. What I need to do won't require me to leave your side. Actually, I just need to stay in Beacon Academy for the time being. Other than that, I can follow you wherever you need to go." I replied, "We're way above the peak of power in this universe, let alone a single dimension. I'm just waiting here to prevent the fall of Beacon Academy. Better to stay in the main location when it happens, then afterward, I'm mostly done helping and leave it to everyone's fate for themselves."

After all, seeing how I'm the owner of this universe, I'm just doing whatever and making sure Pyrrha doesn't become a second Erza, because I know for sure Ryun won't stop with just Erza and later on would want more kids. Therefore, after making sure Pyrrha doesn't become the second Daughter between Ryun and me in the future via Ryun giving birth instead of being adopted. I'll try not to enter any of the dimensions in this universe if I can help it when there another chance of someone in the RWBY's main casts end up as my kids.

"I see. Okay, follow me." My wife said to me, as she picks up her counterpart and starts carrying her counterpart like a stack of potato over her left shoulder. Then, jump off to the side and this part is where my wife supposes to fall due to gravity, but she just creates a compressed air beneath her feet as a platform for her to walk on.

I did the same, but with [Koku Shundo] that barely use any [Mana] at this point and could be used 24/7 without having to worry about using up all my [Mana] to keep the [Skill: Shundo] active. Well, that's if I don't try to increase the distance and speed via [Chain Combo Magic].

A few hours later*

(Team RWBY's Bedroom)

I grab one of Blake's books to read and found that more than half of them are smut. 'Wow, I guess either the canon Blake is a major pervert or this dimension's Blake secretly wish for all the sexual activities done in these smut to happen to her.' I thought to myself after going through the collection of smut Blake tried to hide in her bookshelf by placing boring books around them as a cover or something. 'Pretty sure, that if Esdeath learns about Blake's taste in books. Then, Esdeath's sadist urge will come out and mostly take Blake as a sex slave.'

"Hey, Ragna." My wife calls for my attention as I bring up another smut to see what kind of plot or any plot at all in it.

"Yeah?" I replied before putting the smut back where it was. Due to finding out it just another BDSM and promise myself, that if Esdeath finds these books. I'm throwing Blake at her to do all those BDSM things, because I don't mind doing roleplay with Esdeath. Just without the tools and more in verbal response and a few actions.

"I'm a little curious, but when you were with Alice alone and enter the Monster Girl Quest. Did you have sex with our Alice and her counterpart at the same time?" My wife asks me, "Because if so, do you want to have sex with me and my counterpart at the same time? I'm sure she wouldn't mind. Once she gets a taste of your dick, she would be begging to have some more afterward."

"No. And no." I answered, still searching for any other books that not just smut only and barely any of these books have anything else, where 90% of the contexts are just smut. As for boring books. Not up to my taste as they actually the school textbooks.

"How come? I expect lots of guys would gladly have sex with a twin at the same time?" My wife asks me, clearly she thinks I would only think about sex more often since I have five wives.

"Esdeath." I answered as if saying my first wife's name would be the answer to my fifth wife's question.

"Oh... right." My wife said dully, knowing how Esdeath is now and in that 10,000 years together should have printed this into her mind, but then again, it's easy to forget a few things when one is training like without much rest. "Never mind, then."

"Am I going to expect the others to ask this same question? Because Alice asked this before. You're the second one to ask me this." I said to my wife, causing her to let out an awkward giggle. "Though, I'll be surprised if Esdeath would ask the same question herself." I give my wife a wry smile, that is this will be a common theme among my wives after meeting their counterparts and offer to have sex with my wife and their counterparts together. In the name of having a threesome with a twin.

"Heh, if Esdeath does ask this question. I bet you would accept it." My wife gives me the look of disdain, that I would cave in when it Esdeath related, but if it's the other wives, then it is a lot harder. Unfair treatment among the wives after Esdeath.

I roll my eye at my wife, "If you really want to, then I don't mind, but it would be considered rape for your counterpart and there is the consequence of Esdeath beating us up or more like you." I point this out to my wife with the way she acting right now, "Seriously, if you want a threesome. We could just invite the others over here for a day or two just for sex alone."

My wife dropped the look of disdain and replaced it with a pouty face, "You're no fun." She wasn't really that upset, but just wished her husband would treat her the same as Esdeath when it comes to certain things.

"Oh, don't be like that, Raven." I move away from the bookshelf and pull my wife into a hug, then give her a small kiss on the lip, where she didn't stop me from kissing her. "You know I would treat everyone the same when it comes to certain things related to you girls. After all, I would happily make all the things you want when you wanted to relax first before even Esdeath get to choose what she wanted. Another example is when we travel on foot. I would always be happy to carry you on my back while you take your nap, while I wouldn't do the same with the others."

"Hmm. I guess. Though, that last one is because the others stay awake longer than I do and have more stamina to do whatever they're doing at the time without getting too bored or tired of it so quick unlike me." My wife grins at me, "But, I guess you're right. You technically do treat each of us more than the others when it comes to things we like the most, even if some of us can tell that Esdeath is a bit jealous when that happens."

"By the way, why are we in team RWBY's bedroom?" I ask my wife, wanting to know why we're here and with her counterpart knocked out cold and resting on the floor. Not on one of those beds that dangerous could fall apart.

"You'll find out soon, in fact, give it a few minutes. Team RWBY should be here soon." My wife said to me, while happily press herself against me further with the hug.

A few minutes later*

"Man, that was some mission, huh guys?" Ruby said to her team as they enter their Bedroom, returning back from the breach and kind of finishing their original mission before the whole almost Grimm invasion, but was stopped before the Grimm could cause too much damages.

"Please don't remind me. Lots of things went wrong with that mission and I did not expect us to survive all that." Weiss said to Ruby, as she grabs her pajamas, to take a shower and go to bed afterward. Not noticing there were people in their room.

"Uh, why is Pyrrha's Dad here?" Yang was the first one to notice me before her eyes turn red when she saw my wife, standing next to me with a smirk on her face.

"What I want to know is how he got in our room, without having our scrolls to access the room. The windows not broken, so they shouldn't have used that way to enter." Blake said to her partner, but not really answering her question and more of wanting to know something else that's important in her opinion.

"By dismantling the door, then assemble them back into place." I lied, but team RWBY wouldn't know that for sure. Honestly, I didn't care if they believed it or not. They can't prove I didn't. Nonetheless, the actual truth is that I used [Rejection] to make it so the locked door became the unlocked door temporarily.

"Uh, why are you here?" Weiss didn't dare raise her voice and make it more polite. Afraid that using her normal tone of voice on her team would likely cause her to feel pain. Lots of it, with the way she noticed the look on Pyrrha's Father and remember what happened a few hours ago resurfaced back up, causing her to feel a bit sick in the stomach.

"Don't ask me. I have no idea why I'm here. I was just scouting the area out for Grimm." I replied, causing Weiss, Black, and Ruby's' attention switch to my wife. While Yang already has her attention onto my wife the entire time.

"Why I'm just here to meet my niece." My wife lied without a single change on her face. Technically, what she said is true, but at the same time not. "As for your Mother, Yang, she is right there. She was being a bit difficult to reason with and you should be happy, that I managed to get her to meet you."

Going by what my wife says, everything should be a happy moment, but with this world's Raven tied up and unconscious on the floor. Kind of made this supposed happy moment very forced and awkward.

"I'll leave the talking to you. I won't take any part of it." I said to my wife, before moving back to where Blake's questionable books are, which caused the girl to panic as I walk over to the bookshelf. But was too scared to move. "Man, whoever reads these must be a major pervert. Almost all these books are smut." I comment out loud, not caring that I'm embarrassing Blake. I'm bored again and wanted to see how Blake would react to my words.

However, no one comments on my words, making an attempt to lighten the mood useless and unwanted. Nevertheless, I'm still bored and the fall of Beacon won't happen for a while or I think it would soon, maybe next month, but I'm having a little doubt since with my wife and my presence. We just destroyed canon and with my wife kidnapping her counterpart just made it the whole timeline actually nonexistence instead of a few things changed and most of the major plots stick around. Too bad, that no longer possible.

'I do wonder how long this will take?' I thought to myself as I zone out and focus more on my thoughts. Then, quickly drop it since this time, I felt an uneasy feeling rising up in me the moment I almost became lost in my thoughts.

I narrow my eye and use [Dao of Karma] to see if anything caused this and found something weird. The [Karma Thread] that linked Pyrrha to me has become more solid than before and making me think why is this happening. So, I look deep into it and discovered that Pyrrha's lifespan is decreasing by the seconds. 'If my mental calculation isn't wrong. She would die next year?' I am now very confused and must have done something wrong in the calculation.

"Oh, my Oum!" The sound of Nora's screaming appears that's so loud it's almost like she in team RWBY's room.

Not even thinking twice, using [Heartforce Scan] and using [Cleave Sword Intent: Short Cut] to appear in team JNPR's room.

(Team JNPR's Bedroom)

"Someone help!" Jaune cried out, the moment I enter the room, where I can see a very pale Pyrrha, who on the ground unconscious.

But, that's not what my main focus on. Under the effect of [Dao of Karma]. I can see that Pyrrha is dying by a foreign soul trying to take over her body and that foreign soul happens to look like Cinder Fall, much to my confusion, and discovered the Pyrrha has already become half the Fall Maiden.

Where before coming back here, Pyrrha was kept by Ozpin for a while to perform the transfer. However, it looks like with the other half of the Fall Maiden with Cinder, who has it for a long time now compared to Pyrrha; therefore, giving Cinder somewhat an advantage and subconsciously drag the other half inside Pyrrha over to her, but failing to, so a takeover is the next option to take. No clue how that's happening, but it is.

Simple use of [Rejection] prevent this from happening, then I just realized something and surprised I haven't noticed it. That today is almost gone the exact same thing in the past. In the home universe of Alice and Raven's. This includes the giant Nevermore, James' robots trying and failing to capture me. But, for two different reasons why.

This has also reminded me of something I have in the [Gate of Babylon], that I forgot all these years.

Once I saved Pyrrha's life. I gave a mental command to the [Gate of Babylon] and a golden ripple appears, to spit out a small hourglass. Catching it before it falls onto the ground.

This is the [Relic: Time Return]; not one of the [Relics of Seasons Maidens], but just a [Relic] belong to the RWBY universe or a crossover universe of RWBY, I guess.

[Time Return] - Rank: A - Durability: 1/1 - ATK: N/A

Description: A [Relic] crafted by one of the best [Time Mages] in history, but is considered a failure due to its many flaws, even with the power of returning into the past to create an entirely new parallel dimension.

1st Effect: Return the user back into the past.

1st Effect's Requirement: Flipping the hourglass to fill one of the sides, then flip it again and once the last grain of sand goes down. The user crushes the hourglass to activate the [Relic].

'I wonder if there another one of these in this dimension?' I thought to myself, then toss it back into the [Gate of Babylon] just to be checked for curiosity at my end.

"So, want to tell me how my Daughter end up so close to death just now?" I ask the rest of team JNPR, with Pyrrha still out cold. "Never mind, I can guess why." I didn't bother to listen to team JNPR as I got an excuse to ease my boredom and use [Cleave Sword Intent: Short Cut] to appear in front of Ozpin.

(Beacon Tower: Ozpin's Office)

Along with Ozpin; there James, Glynda, and Qrow. All four looking at me with shock on their faces, to see me appear before them out of nowhere.

James' face lost all colors and frozen on the spot. Too scared to move and having a memory recall of that trauma.

Qrow deploys his weapon into [Scythe Form], ready to be used, even if he would end up dead. However, that didn't stop him from showing how scared he is as well with the way he shaking. Of course, this could be the case of him overdrinking again. Hard to tell sometimes.

Glynda glare at me, but I can see it deep in her eyes that she fears me.

It was Ozpin, who looking at me with a blank stare, not revealing anything behind his eyes. Neither does his body language gave him away. All Ozpin did upon seeing me was drinking from his coffee mug. As if he knew I would come here after finding out what happen to Pyrrha.

If it was anyone else, then no one would know what Ozpin thinking. However, thanks to the character sheet I gained from scanning Ozpin. I know exactly what he thinking right now and among other things, and boy am I not disappointed. As Ozpin thought he could use me as a chess piece in his battle with Salem. By using Pyrrha as a way to control me, but it looks like I wasn't a threat to him that much since he ignored my warning about trying anything with Pyrrha, even if she is not my Daughter yet.

I activate [Wonderland] and cover the entire room, trapping these four with me, where they no longer have the option to die.


You have activated the [Skill: Wonderland].


All deaths, damages, etc. of anything will be reset back to a default setting, which was set the moment [Wonderland] took in effect.

(Wonderland: Open Field)

Replacing the Beacon Tower's Ozpin's Office Room into an open grass field.

"Let's see if you're smart enough to survive this." I said in a cold voice, where Ozpin thinks he so smart. Then, we'll see how smart he is.

I point at the sky, as I activate [Magical Arsenal: Scholary Realm].


The entire place started shaking and above us is something that no one in Ozpin's group would ever forget.

Above us is like a mirror world of another world. Where the sky is replaced with another land, where Ozpin's group can see there an entirely different world. Everyone could see people as in humans going on their lives; however, there is something wrong with this picture.

Everyone possesses a book, even when they are eating and waiting for their transportation to pick them up. Talking with their friends and family, but not once have any of them have lower their books.

The [Scholary Realm] is created with [Mana] and any souls trapped in this realm would forget they are dead and whoever they were before being sent into this realm. As the only thing they know is that they are studying to improve their knowledge. The knowledge that is based off their memories before being killed by me and sent into this realm, where they need to figure a way to rediscover all their memories before entering the [Scholary Realm] and go beyond the knowledge of what they know as they have a deadline to reach.

The deadline is that if they don't make it in time. Their souls would be reincarnated into new flesh souls without their knowledge (memories) and will have to restart from scratch. Of course, other souls can grab the knowledge of others, to improve or merge with their present knowledge by three options. One: A trade between both parties. Two: Stealing the very moment one failed to meet the deadline for reaching a certain level of knowledge. Three: Each party battle with their knowledge placed on the line, where the winner takes a portion of how much knowledge is up for the grab.

The battle could be anything, be it physical combat or combat of wisdom. Anything could be used under the word: Battle.

Souls that failed to regain back access to their knowledge or any knowledge at all will be gain a new book to search for new knowledge. However, this is where one could bring in new knowledge, that could be better, same, or even worse than what they had before. It's all based on their luck.

Overall, the [Scholary Realm] main purpose is to create new [Skills/Techniques/Magic Spells/etc]. And I can use them if I wanted to or use all the souls to fight for me without them realizing how someone is controlling them.

"I think we may have bitten off more than we could chew." Qrow is the first place to speak among his side. "And I'm not drunk enough for this."

Before anyone could say anything else. I point at them and a blue light cover all four of them made out of [Mana] and teleport them directly into the [Scholary Realm]. They are very lucky, that all of them are still under the effects of [Wonderland]. Otherwise, if they so much as to lose one time in the [Scholary Realm]. Then, they will forever stay in the [Scholary Realm] instead of being teleported back here.

Also, they get to keep their memories, thanks to [Wonderland], but that doesn't mean their memories haven't been copied. Not that they will know about this since all these souls have many, many different knowledge to use for combat and non-combat.

3 minutes later*

My anger or just using an excuse to ease my boredom and wanting to show that Ozpin there are people he can't mess with. But, that disappeared when I found James the first one to be killed and revived in front of me.

Who clearly didn't know how he lost in the first place and the moment he saw me. I didn't bother to see what he would do next upon seeing me as I send him back into the [Scholarly Realm].

I look up, to see how Ozpin's group doing, besides having James' memories copied due to losing to a little girl, but actually a thousand-year-old entity, with an appearance of a little girl. Of course, Ozpin's group thinks the thousand-year-old entity just a very smart little girl instead of someone that way older than all of them combine.

Now to wait on how long it will take before the hidden effects of [Wonderland] start to appear.

10 minutes later*

(Beacon Tower: Ozpin's Office Room)

I look at the bodies of Ozpin, Glynda, Qrow, and James lying on the ground out cold. No signs of them are waking up or have any injuries anywhere on their bodies. All it took was 10 minutes before the signs of the hidden effects of [Wonderland] to occur, with all of their brains started being very confused as many times all four of them being killed in those 10 minutes. And most of their deaths weren't even related to battling as I command the souls in the [Scholarly Realm] to keep on killing them until the hidden effects of [Wonderland] happen.

With Glynda being the first to break down and lose consciousness at the 4-minute mark. Qrow at 7-minute mark. James at 8-minute mark. While Ozpin reached the 10-minute mark, but barely as he was being eaten alive by one of the souls.

Once I know for sure all four fainted. I recall back the [Scholary Realm] and deactivate [Wonderland]. Afterward, I destroy all the cameras and use [Rejection] to erase any hidden ones and the date inside Ozpin's computer and scroll.

I consider killing them, but I rather not kill my people due to me owning the universe and killing my people tends to make me an evil tyrant, not that I wasn't similar to or was one at some point. Then, decide not to and instead aim for the ones that belong to the [Hero Faction] if I come across one in the future.

Using [Cleave Sword Intent: Short Cut] to return back where my wife is.

(Team RWBY's Bedroom)

What greeted me was an interesting sight. Where Yang is knocked out and placed next to her birth Mother in the same bed. Blake tied up in a way of bondage, the same with Weiss as well, but with the latter being tied up by Ruby, who is panting and has a red face while she trying to finish tying the knots, causing Weiss to moan a bit when Ruby tighten the rope a little harder.

As for my wife, she is standing behind Ruby nodding her head like she watching her student doing something right and is proud of her work.

"How the hell did this happen when I wasn't even gone for half an hour?" I thought out loud, causing everyone that still awake to look, or try to, at me.