Chapter 71: Life-Changing Decision

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 71: Life-Changing Decision

Year 24: Day 62: LUCK stat Coming Into Play Part 4

(Team RWBY's Bedroom)

Since I came back here and saw something I wasn't supposed to. The entire room set in complete silence before I broke it first. Not by saying anything, but through action as I disappear from the room via the door out of here. Then, quickly head inside team JNPR's Bedroom. Leaving behind the sexual activities behind me. Not wanting to know how this happens, nor do I want to know why Raven wants this to happen.

(Team JNPR's Bedroom)

The moment I entered the room; I've noticed that Pyrrha is awake and shaken from the experience from of dying by body takeover or having her soul ripped from her body along with the half of Fall Maiden for the ride. Both would be very painful if I didn't do anything about it. What made it worse was that Pyrrha had no idea how she was dying, just that she felt her very soul being crushed. Something I would say many would not like to be in Pyrrha's shoes when that happens.

Jaune is standing next to Pyrrha, with the latter sitting in a chair instead of lying in bed, trying his best to help with Pyrrha of anything, to make sure she well after the whole dying experience thing. Though, I know there are many fans that wish for the pairing between Jaune and Pyrrha to happen. But, as Pyrrha's Father, real or not, I won't allow it. Unless Jaune can survive a single attack from me, where I will hold back 99% and only use 1%.

But, I may need to think about something else to give Jaune a test if he wants to be together with Pyrrha. Since 1% would still kill Jaune depending on what I use.

Ren making some sort of liquid medicine from what he learned online and Nora is a little jumpy, not that I can blame her as she continues to ask multiple times if Pyrrha was alright and if she needs anything. As the entire team is shaken due to one of them almost died.

Team JNPR look at me with surprise, to think I would come back here, with Pyrrha actually looking at me with happiness and mixed with emotions, but mostly happy, since I 'care' for her enough to save her from dying. This is what I got from her character sheet and wonder how much pain my life would be if I couldn't tell what everyone's emotions and much more. 'Pretty sure my life would be filled with more drama.' I thought to myself, knowing how messed up my wives are and thanks to the character sheets. I know what the problems straight away and quickly solve them.

I didn't say anything as I walk up to Pyrrha, causing everyone to be a bit nervous and lower my head a bit, for me to look in Pyrrha's eyes, which she instantly lowers her gaze, not daring to meet my eye. This just made me think of having a teenager Daughter would be more troublesome than I thought. Since I have zero experience, wait, I do have some kind of experience raising teenage girls. Barely.

My thoughts went back to Ingui Yoon's home universe and quickly plan ahead to grab that dimension, maybe the entire universe as well while I'm at it, then return back to what's going on in front of me.

I raise my right hand, making everyone tense up, including Pyrrha, where I poke Pyrrha's forehead with my index finger as I activate [Miracle of Life] and send the smallest amount of [Mana] to heal Pyrrha's entire body. Since I did leave before finishing the job of healing Pyrrha after preventing her from dying and got distracted, which was a bad excuse and luckily. Team JNPR won't complain and won't ask me why I didn't heal Pyrrha completely half an hour ago.

It only took a second or two before Pyrrha is completely healed. Quickly, I remove the [Mana] inside Pyrrha's body before it could cause any harm, even if it's been converted into [Healing Energy]. It is still [Mana].

"I hope Ozpin explained to you everything about what he did to you and the consequences as well." I said to Pyrrha.

Pyrrha opens her mouth to reply yes, but pause for a moment to think if she was truly informed about everything upon becoming the other half of the Fall Maiden.

"What did Ozpin need from you anyway, Pyrrha?" Ren asks Pyrrha as this been on his mind for a bit to help him ignore what happen a few hours ago, but with Pyrrha's Father here. Ren has a hard time keeping his emotions in check and only due to his [Semblance] is the main reason why he didn't just jump out of the window to escape the very moment Pyrrha's Father came into the room out of thin air and disappear, then reappear again, but this time through the door this time.

"Um." Pyrrha didn't know if she reveals what information she learned from the Headmaster and her new status.

"Better tell them now than allow them to learn from someone else or from you by accident, which would lead to a strain onto the team relationship and that's just a disaster waiting to erupt." I gave Pyrrha this little advice since she not really losing anything by telling her own team about the whole seasonal maidens, with her being one of them, half of one, and have placed a big target onto her back. As the enemy, Cinder, is after the half of the Fall Maiden inside Pyrrha.

In fact, Cinder technically did take an attempt to grab the other half already without knowing about it, but thanks to me, Cinder won't be able to grab the other half easily or even have the chance to get it at all.

So after hearing my advice, Pyrrha started explaining to her team about how Ozpin approached her a few weeks ago about being a candidate to host the remaining half of a dying Fall Maiden, and sadly, the previous host died upon the finished transfer. In a way, Ozpin has forced Pyrrha to take another person's life.

Furthermore, Pyrrha mentions how when she asked for more information anything bad would happen to her after the transfer process. But, the only response Pyrrha got was how she just needed to rest and wait until she stabilizes, which may take a couple of days maybe weeks. However, things went completely wrong and not even the night has passed after the transfer between Pyrrha and the previous dying Fall Maiden.

"So, are you going to introduce me to your friends/teammates?" I ask Pyrrha, who was looking down for a while now and decided to change the topic. "Unless you want me to find out everything about through legal and illegal means." I raise an eyebrow at Pyrrha, who stares at me with wide eyes, with her team following her example. Before they even have the chance to say something. "Never mind. I got what I wanted." I prove this by pulling out the old scroll I purchased back in Alice and Raven's home universe and surprise it still work in this dimension.

"Wait!" Pyrrha shouts, but I cut her off before she could say another word, and I don't even have to worry about someone stopping me physically. No one in team JNPR has a death wish and doing such a thing is just courting death.

However, before I could. I took a step to the side, where the door open and reveal my wife.

"So this is her?" My wife asks me while walking up to Pyrrha, "I must say, I'm surprised you're his kid. Tell me, do you use a sword?"

I frown a little, that my wife came in right now since I wanted to scare team JNPR a little by revealing information that shouldn't be known at all.

"Um. I use a double-edged short sword." Pyrrha replied, very unsure who this woman before her, but look like she knows her Father? She still has a hard time wrapping her head that her Father is alive.

"Hey, Ragna. How good are you at using a short sword?" My wife asks me without turning her head to look at me.

"Well, last I checked. I'm technically a master of anything that could be counted as a weapon." I replied dryly, wondering if Raven forgot about my [Skill: Pumba], then remember a second later that I barely use it most of the time since I've been using [Martial Art Skills] or [Skills] that don't require close range combat using melee weapons.

So, of course, Raven wouldn't remember and I can tell by Raven's character sheet, that she remembers it just now.

"Did you hear that, Ren?! Pyrrha's Dad is a master of all weapons! Do you think we should ask for some training tips? I bet he broke lots of legs!" Nora said to her childhood friend, while trying her best to be cheerful for everyone to get rid of the awkwardness in the room.

"I like this one, Ragna. Not afraid to break some legs." Raven grins at me, causing Nora to giggle with happily, much to the frighten look on Ren's face upon hearing Nora's giggles.

Ren stands in front of Nora, making her look at Ren with confusion, "Please do not encourage her. I've already prevented her from causing mayhem everywhere for years and I would not like to have all my works destroyed."

Raven smirk at this, "Alright. Since you asked so nicely."

"Really?" Ren asks with a voice filled with surprise and hope.

"No. Come on, I know a thing or two on how to break someone's legs and keep them awake for a couple of minutes." Raven said to Ren, who looks like the world about the end, then walk out of the room while giving Nora a wave, for her to follow.

Nora didn't hesitate and quickly follow at the nice lady, who will teach her the way of breaking people's legs.

Ren stood where he is for a few more seconds before snapping out of his trance, then realized Nora is missing once he checked if his childhood friend is still in the room. However, she was nowhere in sight and ran out of the room shouting, "NORA!"

"You may want to go help him out." I said to Jaune, hinting him that I wanted to speak with Pyrrha alone. Luckily, the kid got the hint and quickly rush after Ren to help him out while giving Pyrrha an apologized smile that he leaving her behind.

Once Jaune left, I close the door, then look at Pyrrha, who still didn't dare to look me in the eye.

"I'll be brute with you." I begin as I wasn't going to hide it from Pyrrha, "You're dying right now and the only reason you're alive is that I'm making it so you won't. I'm not going to tell you how I'm doing it for only I can do it. Therefore, no point of me telling you." I stop to let my words sink in before continuing.

Pyrrha didn't say anything or show how she felt other than her forehead is covered in cold sweat. Nonetheless, Pyrrha is deeply afraid of dying and knew right away what is the causes and other than being afraid. She is mad, no, not just mad. Pyrrha is beyond furious with the headmaster. She thought that by being the host of the other half of the Fall Maiden would give her the power to help others, but all she got from this whole thing is to be able to arrive at her team's Bedroom for a few seconds before she dies. It's only because of her Father, whom she still can't believe is alive, saved her from dying. But, she smart enough to know why her Father mentions this as he can't keep her alive all the time and at some point. She will drop dead.

I watch Pyrrha in silence while reading her character sheet on her thoughts. Of course, if others knew I could read minds, literally reading one's thoughts, then they'll be mad at me for private invasion or something like that. But, I would like to have something to help me remove some doubts I continue to have daily.

"I'll have to let you know, that I won't stay here for that long." I said to Pyrrha, letting her know that I will leave soon, and by that, I mean after making sure Pyrrha live through the event where she died. But, seeing how she almost died not that long ago. I think that the goal of mine became useless since it looks like my LUCK stat must have influenced on Pyrrha's life and she almost died, then afterward, become my second Daughter between Ryun and me.


An explosion appears right behind Pyrrha and she would have been badly hurt or worse, die. But, a bluish box-shaped barrier formed around her and Pyrrha discovered, that the entire room is destroyed, even the floor of the room is gone.

"What just happen?!" Pyrrha cried out in shock, quickly standing up and end up banging her head against the top part of the barrier. Wincing at the brief pain before looking around and see the rooms next to her team's are missing a good chuck, but completely destroyed like her's.

"Sorry!" A shout from afar, letting everyone this was an accident and wonder who would use explosion out in public. Then, remember this is an academy for training supernatural people; therefore, there should a few accidents that may be on a small to large-size damage. Not to mention, the person who apologized just now, proved that people would survive from an explosion, but the building; well, it's only the team JNPR's Bedroom and nearby Bedrooms are affected. The entire building itself is still standing.

Plus, there were only a few people panicking while other people, students or staff members seem unaffected by this and take this as normal. Though, there are some staff members already here to fix the damage from the way they carry a bunch of construction tools and materials. Like they were trained to repair any damages in the campus at the very moment it happens.

'I do hope nothing important was destroyed.' I thought about how sad it would be for team JNPR to lose their important things, like something that precious and it got destroyed in that explosion. Thinking about this, I was a little curious to see Jaune, Nora, and Ren's reactions to finding their room destroyed along with their stuff before deciding not to. 'As much as I like drama, I rather not have it now.' I snap my fingers while using [Rejection] to fix everything. Like it never got destroyed by an explosion that was caused by something [Dust] related.

"Okay, I'll add another thing about you dying thing. You're also covered with bad luck, that I wouldn't find it unbelievable that you died or close to dying by getting run by a truck, that appears out of nowhere." I said dryly, while a little curious if Pyrrha would end up being sent into another world if she dies via ran over by a truck. But, I'm going to make sure she doesn't.

"I won't really get run over by a truck, right?" Pyrrha asked in a trembling voice, that shows she became a bit scared for her life and if what she heard is true, then becoming the half Fall maiden was the worst decision of her life.

"Well... there was that explosion, which could have caused major injury to you if I wasn't here to protect you. So, you tell me." I answered Pyrrha's question. "I do have something to solve your bad luck, but honestly, I have no idea what would happen after the process is done with. Could make thing worse or better." I already have an idea to deal with my LUCK stat and still wondering what is making my LUCK stat act like this. Wanting Pyrrha as my Daughter, better than as a wife in my honest opinion due to the fact that Pyrrha, or close to canon Pyrrha, wouldn't get along with the other wives. Not to mention, Pyrrha's personality isn't something I'm used to and having her as a wife makes me feel a bit disturbing.

Not because of the age range, since if that was a thing, I wouldn't have married to Yuri and Ryun, both are way older than me. Nope, it's just that after spending a long time with my five wives, where almost all their personalities are very questionable for many people and wonder why I married them in the first place. Therefore, if I marry Pyrrha, she would be eaten alive by the other wives, not literally, but more like torture before death without my knowledge if someone was distracting me enough for the rest to do the deed.

In a way, I guess the LUCK stat knew this little problem and switch Pyrrha's potential status of being my wife to my Daughter to prevent her from being killed by the other wives. In fact, I wonder if this is why my current three kids are all females. Since among the three, I would never marry Erza Scarlet at all. Since she would mostly cause all my wives to be very annoyed by her attitude before their anger reach the point of wanting blood.

"Is there a chance of me dying from what you're about to do to me, to solve my recently gained bad luck?" Pyrrha asks with a hint of fear, and many would rethink about agreeing with this whole thing, but for Pyrrha, this whole day is a mess and she not even sure what is true or false anymore. However, Pyrrha knows that if nothing is done soon, then she will have an early death before she could even finish the first year of Beacon Academy.

"Depend on the methods I'm willing to do and how it would affect reality itself." I spoke truthfully as this will be the first time I'm going to remove someone's bad luck and mostly affect this dimension's karmic cycle. "However, I can definitely say you'll live, maybe after being dead for a couple of seconds, but you'll come back alive." I do have the means to revive people other than using the [Skill: Rejection]. Just that it would have a lower chance compared to using the [Broken Skill: Rejection] that have a 100% success.

"Dead?!" Pyrrha shouts in horror, not that many could blame her since she was told she has to die first before being brought back to life again. Honestly, Pyrrha doesn't know if she even considers the idea in the first place.

"Don't worry. Being dead for a few seconds wouldn't mean much. I died many times before in the past and look at me. I'm fine." I said with a smile, not telling her that I'm physically fine. My mental state, on the other hand, is very questionable and many would say no. My family would say it depends on the where and what trigger me.

Pyrrha look at the person, that claim as her Father with disbelief, where he actually said he did die before, more than once at that, making it much unbelievable for her.

"Remember, there is the whole seasonal maidens going on. So, for me to revive from multiple deaths shouldn't be something too hard to believe." I follow up when I noticed what Pyrrha is thinking.


I sweatdrop when another explosion occurs once more, and hitting team JNPR's Bedroom. Again. So after using the [Skill: Rejection] on the room, again, then grab Pyrrha, who is shaken by this and knew what I said about her having bad luck, really bad luck, believe me now and didn't say anything as I drag her away.

20 minutes later*

(Vale Kingdom: Beacon Academy)

"Uh, is it safe being out in the open?" Pyrrha asks me, as she tries her best to stick closer to me while looking around with eyes filled with fear for her life, as she searches for anything. Anything at all, that would cause her any harm.

"I would say yes, but honestly, no." I replied, not trying to sugar coat it. "Nevertheless, I can still use this experimental method I came up with, to help you." I look back at Pyrrha, to see a dozen of small Nevermores almost surrounding Pyrrha, who was deeply shocked to see Grimm, even if they are in small sizes, coming straight at her with the intention to kill or at least peck an eye out. From out of nowhere.

A few quick uses of [Finger Jab], to erase all the dozen of small Nevermores instantly. Making anyone seeing this, to think the Grimm was an illusion the entire time and someone with an [Illusion Semblance] was pranking people or many hasn't slept for a long time, causing them to see things that are not real.

"I'll give you a moment to think." I said to Pyrrha, and my boredom slowly disappearing due to the fact that many random events aim to harm and/or kill Pyrrha. This is pretty cruel of me using my own 'Daughter' as a way to ease my boredom by just wanting to see what the world has to offer to take away Pyrrha's life.

"Uh, do you mind us going back. It's kind of late right now and getting really dark." Pyrrha looks around, where she could barely see anything beyond 15 feet away from her.

"We could, but then we may end up having the building collapse on us due to some unknown reasons. Not to mention, there the chance of another explosion to happen, but this time, it would be big and we would be sitting ducks." I said to Pyrrha, but not telling her that all that wouldn't be a problem for me one bit. In fact, with me around, Pyrrha's life will be protected for sure. Well, unless I get distracted long enough for whatever causes for Pyrrha's death to happen before I could revive her in time. As in, I need Pyrrha's body or anything belong to her body for me to use as the medium for [Rejection] to take into effect.

"Alright... But, why are we just standing here out in the open?" Pyrrha asks me with concern for her safety since even inside a building, she knows what to expect, kind of, while out in the open area. Anything could happen and she couldn't figure out what happens by the time it is over.

"Why you ask?" I give Pyrrha a smile, but from what her point of view, it looks like a smile belongs to a killer, who claim countless lives. 'Wow, she kind of got it right.' I thought to myself, as I read Pyrhra's accuracy thoughts about my smile. "If you must know, it's because out here. I don't have to worry about limiting my movement."

Truthfully, I really don't, but I'm just too used to open space that being in a small space just disturb me a bit before using one of my [Skill] to turn the small space into a big one.

"Oh." Pyrrha had the look of someone that understands, but inside, she has more questions than answers. Whether it was before and now, Pyrrha will honestly say her life became a big mess that she questioning everything her entire life choices. Even to the point, where Pyrrha wanted to think if she had the chance to pick between becoming a Huntress again or stay as a civilian. She would have picked Huntress right away if it was before today, but now, she has no idea.

"I'll let you in a secret." I may as well tell this to her, since either way, she will join my family and after a period of time. If Pyrrha willing to stay with the family or not would be fine with me. After all, I've already got used to Erza and having another won't make much a difference besides the extra mouth, trying to persuade the family to change for the better.

Pyrrha peak up, but still kept her guards up and continue to be alert for any hostiles aimed at her.

"What you have face is due to fate itself wanting you to die in order to be reborn." I slowly explain to Pyrrha how that her death is just for her to begin her next adventure; well, adventure would be the wrong word, but it is close enough to the idea situation Pyrrha about to enter.

15 minutes later*

It took a while, but I finished explaining while mixing a few lies, that will soon to become true, to Pyrrha about how she will become my Daughter the moment she died and depending on when my wife, Ryun, want another child. No one would know if the time between Pyrrha's death and the time Pyrrha's rebirth occur or if there is any time in between and it just one moment of death to the next moment of coming back to life as a newborn.

"So. Do you wish to live for another month or do you wish to get this over with and have a painless death, where you will be reborn? If you pick the latter, I'll promise that you'll be able to meet up the people you know." I said to Pyrrha, giving her the choice to pick how she dies. Painful or painless. Either way, Pyrrha dying within a month's worth of time or less.